Theodosia (2022) s01e17 Episode Script

The Nightmare at the Museum

Previously on Theodosia
This is a whole
other level of magic.
It's Grandad's
journal. What's it say?
Henry, I can't read
cuneiform. Hardly anyone can.
Let's try a wisdom spell.
"Two feathers were
sold to the merchant."
I can read cuneiform! Wonderful!
Have you heard of something
called The Magic Circle?
It's my dream to join.
Well, keep practising.
Well, this is awkward.
Your grandmother's going
to turn up any minute.
You were That old
lady was you! How did?
I can explain everything, I
promise. Just not here. OK, come on.
And then I sealed the portal to
the Duat with the Staff of Osiris.
And that's it.
Now you know all of my secrets.
Nigella, please say
something, you're scaring me.
Sorry, I'm fine.
This is just
Completely and utterly crazy?
Yeah. Tell me about it.
Nigella, it's really important
that I can trust you with this.
Of course. I won't tell a soul.
Thank you.
You know, it actually feels
good to have told you.
Sometimes I feels like I'm just
carrying so much stuff around,
and I know I have to keep
going, but it's a lot.
Well, I'm here now,
and a problem shared
is a problem halved.
I'm here to help,
whatever you need.
Thank you.
But you were lying when you
said I know all your secrets.
That handsome boy. Will, is it?
I want to know everything.
Start talking.
I can't believe I
missed old lady Theo.
Please tell me you had cute little
glasses and a whiskery chin.
That's wild that you had
to tell Nigella the truth.
Are you sure she can be trusted?
She's right. Nigella is cool.
When we were little I used to
steal jam tarts from their larder
and she would
always cover for me
and just say it was
really greedy mice.
And did you find out anything new
while you were in granny mode?
Or were you too busy
..crocheting tea cosies?
I need to work out this
code. If I can do that,
I think it'll unlock the
secrets of the Pyramidion.
Good morning, class.
Now, I know you'd all rather
be doing something else,
but I am here to
expand those brains,
and that's what I'm going to do.
So, if you open up
your exercise books
Could I please
be excused? Why?
I just really don't
want to be here.
Nice try. Let's get started.
Let's see how well
you know your zoology.
I'm sure there must be something
in the whole animal kingdom
to keep you focused
on your lessons.
Right, are you ready?
Ready. All right, cool.
"Your good looks and charm dazzle
everyone you meet." So true.
It's fixed. Nice one, Will.
How would I manage without
my number-one employee?
I don't know, but you
might have to find out.
They're taking people
on at the laundry.
It's decent pay
and it's full-time.
But what about your magic? I thought
you wanted to be a real magician?
Look, I could make a
million watches disappear,
but I still wouldn't be
able to do real magic.
Real magic is something special.
Yeah, well, you shouldn't
give up on your dreams.
If I'd done that, I wouldn't own
the best arcade on this road.
It's the only arcade on this
road. Yeah, my point still stands.
And remember what that
magician guy said -
you've got the potential
to be really good.
I've got an idea.
Why not put on a show here? Hmm?
Picture it - Will the Wondrous, live
at the Arcade, for one night only.
Eh? What do you say?
They have more than
300 razor-sharp teeth
and they can detect a single drop
of blood in 20 gallons of sea water.
And that's why great white
sharks are apex predators
..and on occasion
will even eat humans.
Any questions?
If I got eaten by a shark,
could I be excused from lessons?
Any other questions?
Do you think I'd suit a fringe?
Any questions
related to zoology?
Why don't we take a break?
Then we can come back refreshed
for everyone's favourite
Remind me why we're
doing this on our break,
when we could be eating cake?
I told you, I need you to lift
the Pyramidion so I can
examine the underface.
I only came here to
talk about Artie's idea.
But I guess I'm doing this now.
Guys, focus. OK, have you
all got your amulets on?
This thing's full of magic.
We must stay protected.
On three.
OK, one
..and three. OK, lift.
Bring it over to the
light here. THEY STRAIN
This is really heavy,
and my wrists weren't
designed for manual labour.
OK, nice.
Oh, there ARE
hieroglyphs under here.
That doesn't make any sense.
OK, I need a book to check
something real quick.
No pressure,
but it would be great if you
could be really quick.
Just so you know, my
wrists are going to snap.
Just need to change
my grip a bit.
Theo! Sh!
You might want to
take a look at this!
What is this?
Hen Henry?
Wake up. Henry!
Safiya, wake
Will, come on. Come on, now.
Will, this isn't funny. Wake up!
What's happening?
"Only those worthy of the Golden
Ship of Ra shall be rewarded.
"Those who conspire
with darkness shall
"shall never wake up."
Will, wake up!
Sometimes I think you break
on purpose, just to annoy me.
There is another way.
You don't have to
be fixing machines
and washing dishes for
the rest of your life.
You could achieve a lot
with a little bit of help.
You could have some real power.
Why don't you take it?
See what it feels
like to do real magic.
I can't.
Do you want it or not?
Safiya? Please,
what's happening?
I'd drop the hem slightly,
but otherwise, incredible.
You You're right,
I do look incredible.
Take it. Take anything you
want. You're a princess.
The world deserve to see
you at your fabulous best.
Hey, wake up!
It's Saffy, but super-powered.
Saffy, no!
Why are you always
trying to break stuff?
A classroom without pupils
is like a hat without
an ostrich feather -
a sorry sight indeed.
They're on a break.
They'll be back shortly.
I'm glad to hear it.
I'll go and find out
what's keeping them. Hmm.
Hear me, Ancients. Tutu, guide
these mortals out of sleep.
Awake, arise. Awake, arise.
Why is nothing working?
Are they? They're asleep.
But I can't wake them.
I don't understand. They
had their amulets on.
They were supposed to be safe.
What's this? No.
Don't touch that!
The Pyramidion did this.
Its magic was too powerful.
This is really,
really bad, Nigella.
Feels good, doesn't it?
What will you do
with your new power?
Well, first I need to fetch
the food for table five.
Remember who you are
now. You have power.
Use it.
Hello, everyone, I have
a special trick for you.
Now, watch this.
- GASPS - My God!
What else can you do?
I hate to say it,
but I'm adorable.
Oh, who am I kidding?
I love to say it.
Well, this was fun, but I have
to get back to my friends.
But I'm keeping this dress.
You You can't leave yet. I
can make you even more adorable.
A more luxurious gown,
more dazzling eyes,
an even wider
smile? Just name it.
Don't you want to be
the perfect princess?
Actually, I I don't.
I mean, sure, I'll
always be fabulous,
but I realised I want to
be more than just that.
See ya.
Er, Theo. I could maybe
do with some help here.
Hello, Henry.
What's happening to him?
This reminds me of
when you were little.
You used to call out like that
when you were having a bad dream.
Well, maybe that's
what's happening.
Maybe they're having bad dreams.
If I can adapt a seeing spell,
I might be able to
see into their dreams.
OK. I'm going to
need a bowl of water.
I'll get one. OK.
We want more magic.
Only if you say so.
Are you ready for it?
Three, two
Get off!
Let go of me. Argh,
you're hurting me! Will!
When did you get so tragic?
You used to be the
perfect princess.
You do know everyone is
going to laugh at you
in your new Swiss school?
You're really not
getting this, are you?
I'm not going to Switzerland,
I don't want to be
the perfect princess.
I want to see the world
and learn new stuff.
I want to thrash Henry at pinball
and watch Theo try to be cool.
I want to be me.
This mean we're
not BFFs any more?
There you are!
Have lessons not resumed?
Did you find the children?
I did. But I'm afraid
I'm playing nursemaid.
A cooling compress is
needed for a bad headache.
Cooling compress?
Pah! There's only one way
to deal with illness -
a large spoonful of cod liver
oil and a freezing cold bath.
I don't think Safiya
would thank me for that.
Oh. Well, don't just stand there,
my dear, your patient awaits!
I found a spell I
think might work.
Hear me, Ancients. Push
back the veil of darkness.
Give me sight into
the secrets of sleep.
OK. This bowl of water should
show us what they're seeing.
It's working. It's incredible!
Watch this.
And down!
Amazing. Unbelievable.
Amazing. Thanks. Thank you.
OK, OK, what's your next trick?
OK, this next one's
going to blow your minds!
Wait, where's Artie?
He'll love this one.
OK, let me just find him.
ALL: No! We want more.
But you'll get it.
Just after I find him.
ALL: No! Come
on, Will, please.
Will, Will, Will
ALL CHANT: Will, Will, Will
How are you back?
Theo threw you into the Duat.
Still hiding behind your sister.
But Theodosia Throckmorton isn't
here to save you this time.
You're all alone.
I'm not scared of you.
Then your memory is short.
I defeated you before
and will do so now.
Want to bet?
What have you done to me?
The hieroglyphs.
"Only those worthy of the Golden
Ship of Ra shall be rewarded."
The Pyramidion is testing
them to see if they'll stand
with the Serpents
or stand with Ra.
Are your friends up to the task?
Theo Will they pass the test?
They're going to have to.
I didn't tell you the
second part of the message.
"Those who conspire in
darkness shall never wake."
Will! Will!
Help me.
Will, you've got to help me.
I'm trying, but I don't
know how to free you.
That's not quite true, is it?
Is it this?
Do I have to give it back?
That's a decision
only you can make.
CROWD MEMBER: Come on, Will.
No, no
Look at me.
Don't you want to be the most
perfect version of yourself?
Fixed to the spot with fear,
like the weakling that you are.
Don't you tire of being
scared all the time?
Join me and you will
never feel fear again.
No offence to Henry
and your friends,
but this isn't looking good.
I have to help them.
How, if they won't wake up?
I have to go in their dreams.
What? Is that safe? Do you
even know what you're doing?
No, I don't. But that's
never stopped me before.
OK, Henry's in the most danger.
I have to help him first.
Theodosia Throckmorton.
I knew you'd come.
Way to make a late entrance,
sis, but I've got this.
I'm going to deal with Yaret, just
as soon as I work out how to move.
Want a quick spell to
help you out with that?
I thought you'd never ask.
Hear me, Ancients
Why isn't it working?
I don't know!
ALL CHANT: We want
Will! We want Will!
Will Will
I'm sticking to stage magic.
Will. You're awake.
It's OK, you're safe.
What's up with Theo and Henry?
What's going on?
Look at me, princess!
STOP! Just leave me alone.
You know what you are?
You're just a sad reflection
of someone I used to be.
You have no power over me.
What happened?
I'm guessing I'm not the only
one who had a really weird dream.
Theo's gone into Henry's
dream to help him.
It doesn't look
like it's working.
No, Theo!
You were a fool to
enter the Pyramidion.
You have no power here.
This is your brother's test
..which he has failed.
Leave her alone!
And now I have you, Theodosia.
There's no-one to help you.
You are completely at my mercy.
Get away from my sister!
Theo. Henry. Thank goodness
you're back safely.
Does anyone have any idea
what just happened to us?
It all started when we
lifted the Pyramidion,
which is why I never
do manual labour.
I really hope I'm still dreaming
and that's not what I think it is.
Tell me those aren't serpents.
So, my dream wasn't just a dream?
The Serpents really are back?
Yes. Or at least,
that's what I think.
Which means there's only
one thing left to do.
Seal up this room and pretend
we never found it. Great idea.
No. OK, whatever secret the
Pyramidion is containing,
it really didn't want the
Serpents knowing about it.
So, maybe it's a weapon that
we can use against them?
That's why we have to find out
what's inside this Pyramidion.
I liked my idea better.
I hate to say it,
but Theo is right.
If these Serpents are as
dangerous as you say they are,
we have to be prepared.
And that's why I'm going to
decipher Harold's journal
and work out the secret
of the Pyramidion.
And nothing is going to stop me.
So good to be on land again.
Although my legs think
they're still on the boat.
Miss Krait? What a
coincidence to see you here.
Oh. What a surprise.
But I'm afraid I can't chat.
I'm here on behalf of
the Foreign Office,
overseeing the
British dig sites,
and we've got rather a
situation on our hands.
Sir Arthur Syme has been injured
during his dig at the Great Pyramid.
Oh, the poor man.
But it does leave the
dig without leadership.
You'll excuse me, I must get on.
Of course. Miss Krait
..we could help out.
Alistair's father worked
at the Great Pyramid.
Henrietta, I'm sure Miss Krait
has the situation in hand.
We've studied Sir Harold's plans
of the site. We know it intimately.
Well, I suppose you
could take over,
at least until I find
someone more suitable.
Oh, well, we would be honoured
to be given the opportunity.
It would mean leaving
with me immediately.
Lead the way.
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