Three-Body (2023) s01e17 Episode Script

Episode 17

I don't know who I am ♪
And I don't know where I am ♪
Fly and fly ♪
Never reached the sky ♪
I'm lost in the forest ♪
When I just can't leave my land ♪
On my way ♪
To endless darkness ♪
Waiting for your boat ♪
Can you take me from the old world ♪
But now we cannot stop ♪
All my life feels me sailing ♪
We'll stop in time ♪
The falling stars are still alive every night ♪
Moon is full of sorrow ♪
=Episode 17=
Haven't you been suspicious
of Ye Wenjie all along?
What's so strange about her
having dealings with Shen Yufei?
Declassified file.
The declassified file of Ye Wenjie.
You've been dawdling
for quite some time.
Are you constipated or something?
It's just a declassified file.
I'll give it to you tomorrow.
I need to go to Hai City tomorrow.
Hai City?
Ye Wenjie and Shen Yufei
are both going to Hai City tomorrow,
which is very abnormal.
Tomorrow I'll have Wang Miao go there
with me to investigate.
Is Hai City where I get off the bus
if my destination is Qijiatun?
Qijiatun is where we're going.
Do you know what's in Qijiatun?
Shen Yufei has
a red ginseng factory there.
Red Coast Base.
- Where are you going?
- The declassified file.
You just won't think of water
until your house is on fire.
Do we really have to catch the flight early
tomorrow morning to the Northeast
and then catch a train to Hai City?
Yeah. If we fail to catch the same train
as theirs,
they'll get to Qijiatun
way before we do.
Don't worry.
I've contacted
our associate department there.
They'll meet us at the airport and then
drive us straight to the train station.
Police escort.
Hop in.
A guy wanting to kill you
is outside the door.
Push the flush button after hanging up,
and then do nothing.
After you hear someone knock three times
on the door, open it and leave.
Repeat what I just said.
Hang up.
Leave after hearing someone
knock three times.
Go to car No. 1.
What is wrong with you?
Watch where you're going, okay?
I'm carrying a bowl of instant noodles!
Why did you bump into me?
How unbelievably rash you are!
They're making their move.
Just now, were it not for Chen Xue
You don't love me anymore?
What will I do?
It's okay now.
Let Chen Xue get you back home.
Some professionals
will handle the equipment,
and I'll keep watch on it personally.
A few days ago,
Headhunter Qi's son told me
a foreigner had come to the village
to be a volunteer teacher.
He taught the kids to protect spruce
and skylark, and he loves planting trees.
It's him.
He's been in the village
for several days.
Will he find out about our system?
What does it matter
if he finds out or not?
The next stop is Shanhai Pass.
We'll get off there.
We can't stay on this train anymore.
Their target is me.
The Adventists have all gone crazy.
It's impossible for humans
to repress their madness unaided.
Commander, I have a question.
You want to verify
if I'm in favor of the Redemptionists.
In the beginning,
there were no such factions
as Adventists, Redemptionists,
or Survivors.
When they made me Commander,
I didn't know
there would be so many disagreements.
Why did humans
fail to finish the Tower of Babel?
God saw that humans might be able
to finish the Tower of Babel,
so he gave humans different languages,
rendering them unable to communicate
with or understand each other.
It was Lord
who caused our disagreements.
Humans choose the side in line
with their intentions.
Does Lord do the same?
Does Lord want destruction
or redemption?
Let's get off the train
and listen to Lord's voice.
Then we'll know
what we should do next.
It's been two years.
Lord has never given us any messages.
Silence is also a message.
You got back at something after ten,
and you're leaving at five.
How can you go on a business trip
on such short notice?
Keep your voice down.
You might wake Doudou up.
I don't have a choice. It's work.
Where are you going?
Hai City.
There's a
nanotech red ginseng processing plant.
I'm going there for a field trip.
That's over 30 hours' train ride.
You'll be away
for three or four days, right?
I'll get back as soon as I can.
- Take this. You may eat it during the ride.
- Alright. Shove it in.
Okay. I'll bring you back some goodies.
I've got to go.
What's wrong?
Why do you look a bit down?
Got up too early?
You woke up on the wrong side
of the bed?
Or was it your wife?
Your wife got up too early as well?
You didn't sleep well last night, right?
You look a bit overexcited.
I can get excited whenever I want.
I looked it up yesterday.
There's no plane bound for
the Northeast at this hour.
Which airline did you take?
Which airline is SA?
SA341 is a gunship.
- What do you mean by "Huh"?
- It's too short notice.
Chang was supposed
to swing us a J-10 Fighter,
but SA341 is acceptable, I guess.
Anyway, we'll get
to the Northeast in two hours.
There's plenty of time.
We'll even have time for breakfast.
Is it safe?
Don't worry. It won't fall. I got this.
This is the breakfast you talked about?
Just make do with it.
We'll be cooped up on this train
for over 20 hours.
It'll be such a long ride.
Why didn't you buy us
some decent tickets?
Chang can handle military departments,
but not the Ministry of Railways.
We've walked from end to end several times,
but there's been no trace of them.
Eat faster.
We'll search again after breakfast.
Grid search.
Your ticket and ID card, please.
How about we get some help
from your associate department?
your tickets and ID cards, please.
They got on board at the last stop.
Is everything okay?
What's wrong?
Something happened, right?
Looking for suspects?
The body
was removed a few stops from here.
He'd been dead
for over three hours when found.
This door was locked all along,
and at that time all the passengers
were asleep.
Nobody noticed.
The next morning,
the door was still locked.
A train conductor knocked for quite
some time but there was no response.
She opened the door with the key
only to find him dead.
Did you just say
his neck was snapped?
The murderer's a good fighter,
and very professional.
All the victim's identifying information
has been disposed of.
We searched this train several times
but found no trace
of Shen Yufei or Ye Wenjie.
- Did anybody get off the train early?
- There's no way to know.
I see. Thank you, bro.
I'll call you if I need your help.
- Okay, okay.
- Alright.
Someone died on this train,
and they're not on board.
Something's not right.
What do you mean?
Call her.
Call Professor Ye.
She didn't answer your call
yesterday, right? Try again.
Do it.
Go inside first.
Ms. Ye, I'd like to
consult you about something in person.
I'm not in Beijing right now.
Where are you?
I'm on my way back to Qijiatun
to visit some old friends.
Going there by train
takes over 30 hours, right?
That's really tiring.
Originally, I wanted to take the train,
but it'd take 30-odd hours.
My friends were afraid I'd be exhausted,
so they arranged a car for me.
- It'll be faster.
- She's not on the train.
And I can get out of the car
for a break whenever I want.
Ms. Ye, the Red Coast Base is
in Qijiatun, right?
I'd like to see it.
Is that okay?
I'll wait for you in Qijiatun.
Okay, Ms. Ye, bye.
You're letting Wang Miao
come to Red Coast?
There are some things
he'll need to know sooner or later.
Right now we can only find out
if they bought tickets or not.
There's no way
to verify any of the subsequent events.
I need to have someone look into it.
You think they got something
to do with the murder?
We can't rule out that possibility.
Well, the cop says that guy's taller
and heavier than me,
and he had his neck snapped.
Do you think Professor Ye
can do something like that?
Or do you think Shen Yufei can do it?
You have a point, but I still feel
it's a hell of a coincidence.
The problem is we're trapped on a train.
We can't look into anything.
There are over ten hours to go.
Even Professor Ye knows traveling by car
is faster than traveling by train.
Can't you just have them
fly us to Qijiatun
with that SA361 thing?
Everybody says scientists are rational.
Why are you such an exception?
10-odd hours aren't exactly a long time.
We can use the time
to think about problems.
You may think about that nano-Flying-Knife
thing or whatever its name is.
I didn't bring any materials.
Then have some sleep.
There are many couchettes available now.
I don't want to sleep here.
- Commander.
- Commander. - Commander.
Resume your work.
We've maximized the reception
of all frequencies
from the direction of Centauri,
but there's still no message whatsoever.
Keep monitoring.
Time to go.
We're going back?
I mean it's time for the machines
and devices to go.
Commander, we've only just
built this reception system.
Dismantle it.
Are you doing this
because you've accepted the fact
that the Adventists
are in contact with Lord?
I admit Lord exists.
If we had received messages from Lord,
it would've meant Lord can contact us
and is willing to contact us,
and we
would be able to change many things.
But now
we've received no message whatsoever.
If Lord is unwilling to contact us
and has chosen the Adventists,
then everything we did was pointless.
If they can't receive any messages
from Lord either,
then maybe we need to change them.
I get it now.
Don't be dismayed.
This is not a bad thing.
Commander, it's settled.
The reception system will be dismantled
with no trace left behind.
You may go back to Beijing without me.
Wang Miao will be here soon.
It's best if he doesn't see us together.
(Incoming call from Shen Yufei)
Pan Han, it's me.
Please tell Evans
it's time for us to meet.
I'm in Red Coast.
This is the village entrance. Is this where
you and Ye Wenjie agreed to meet?
Professor Ye said a villager
would come to pick me up,
that I might wait under the big cypress
outside the village.
I think it's that one.
It's almost time.
How about you wait here for her?
I'll pay a visit
to the village committee
to get some information
about Shen Yufei's factory.
When you see Ye Wenjie,
memorize what she says
and tell me when I get back.
I will.
Are you Wang Miao?
You're Wang Miao, right?
I am.
I'm Qi Jianguo. Hop on. Professor Ye
sent me here to pick you up.
Hop on. Hop on.
Take it easy. Be careful.
Hold on tight.
It's gonna be a bumpy ride.
Does Professor Ye come back often?
But she used to live in our village
when she was younger.
She boarded with us. We're very close.
I heard there's a red ginseng
factory in your village.
Yes, there is.
The owner's a foreigner.
He rented a large piece of land from us.
He said it'd help us get re-employed.
I think it's a great idea.
Those who don't want to be peasants
may work in the factory.
Work? What kind of work?
Cleaning ginseng, digging ginseng,
picking out ginseng,
and watching the factory for them.
Does Professor Ye have anything to do
with the factory?
I don't think so.
That's a foreigner's factory.
What could she have to do with it?
By the way, there's a flashlight
in there.
Professor Ye told me to give it to you.
Ms. Ye!
Ms. Ye, this is it?
This is Red Coast.
At that time, I thought I'd never be able
to leave this place,
but after getting out, I miss it a lot.
(Beware of Electricity)
Now this base is abandoned.
Maybe because demolishing it
would be too costly,
they only transferred the important
scientific research apparatus,
and the overall frame of Red Coast survived.
(Those on duty in the Transmission
Department, attention, please.)
(The computer magnetic core storage
in the Transmission Department)
(displays a failure code.)
(Maintenance personnel
are to go and fix it immediately.)
(The computer magnetic core storage
in the Transmission Department)
(displays a failure code.)
(Maintenance personnel
are to go and fix it immediately.)
So this is Red Coast.
On both sides
used to be machines and devices.
(At 5:00 PM,
there will be a sanitary check)
(on the mainframe cabinet
between transmitters and receivers.)
(Please prepare ahead of time.)
Here and there
used to be occupied by apparatus.
When I first joined Red Coast,
I was responsible for maintaining
and repairing those machines.
Here used to be Yang Weining's office.
Lei Zhicheng's was there.
(According to the latest
weather forecast,)
(from 8:00 AM today
to 8:00 PM tomorrow,)
(there will be heavy snow
or even a snowstorm)
(in some areas of the Northeast.)
(The high tomorrow
will be 2 degrees Celsius,)
(and the low will be minus 18.)
(Sunny. Level 6 southeast wind.)
This used to be an elevator.
Let's take the stairs.
Be careful.
Did this used to be
the Monitoring Department of Red Coast?
Ms. Ye, the other day you said you got
transferred out of the Transmission Department.
You were moved here, right?
At that time, I thought I'd never
get a core technical position again.
Afterward I discovered that
the core of Red Coast was actually here.
That concerned the real purpose
of Red Coast.
I know even to this day, that part
is still classified.
Now that you've already come here,
there's actually no harm in telling you.
It was in this room that I came to find out
the truth about Red Coast.
But how is she supposed to do her job
if you keep concealing things
from her like this?
I see it differently.
I think if you tell her too much,
- it'll definitely create
- Report!
- Anyway, remember where the limit is.
- I know what to say.
Wenjie, come in.
Wenjie, this is an official decision.
From this day onwards, you'll be working
in the Monitoring Department.
Now I'll explain the work
of the Monitoring Department to you.
Simply put,
the goal is to keep an eye
on all enemy activities in space,
including intercepting communications
between enemy space vessels and the ground,
and between the space vessels themselves,
track the orbits
of enemy space vessels,
collaborate with our telemetry
and tracking centers,
and provide data
for Red Coast's combat systems.
In other words,
the eyes of Red Coast are here.
Political Commissar Lei,
I think you should reconsider
whether it's necessary to tell her this.
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
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