Thunderbirds (1965) s01e17 Episode Script

The Man from M.I.5

'Thunderbirds are go! ' International Rescue! So! Now your members seek further glory in the hunting of ancient treasures.
But this time this time you will fail! The treasure that International Rescue seeks will be MINE! They and their expedition will be buried at the bottom of Lake Anasta.
And you, Kyrano, my half-brother, you will help me! KYRAN0! AAH AARGH KYRAN0! Kyrano, it is useless to resist my power.
The secret of the lake must be mine! SPEAK! Kyrano! SPEAK! ANSWER ME! When does the International Rescue expedition set off? (Kyrano moans) 'They are leaving tomorrow 'to make a survey of the temple ' (Scott) Don't forget to save me a gem, Tin Tin.
Everyone's giving them as presents this year! What about you, John? A bright little diamond? I'd rather have a dirty old bar of gold! Do you really expect to find treasure, Brains? I think so, Mr Tracy.
I'm sure it's on the bottom of the lake.
And it's a good excuse for a vacation! I saw all those new swimsuits, Tin Tin.
You both deserve a break.
Ah, Kyrano! - All set? - Yes, Mr Tracy, everything is ready.
(Bleeps) Virgil is ready to go.
Make your way to the passenger elevator.
Your father and I will see you off.
Only 10 days until she's back.
That is what I keep telling myself, Mr Tracy, but I can't shake off these fears.
Don't worry.
A beautiful lake miles from anywhere - what could be safer? Sand, sand nothing but sand.
How much further before I get to the lake? At last! Look, Brains! The pyramids.
- We're nearly there.
- 0n time, too.
In a few hours we'll be down there.
I wonder what Professor Blakeley is like.
F-from what I've heard h-he's quite a character.
He's the best man in his field.
When we get there you must move fast.
The professor mustn't know you're with International Rescue.
No, Virgil.
If he asks, we came by charter flight.
- All set, Brains? - FAB.
Going in to land.
- 0K, Scott, I'm heading home again.
- 'Right, Virgil.
Keep in touch.
' Well, I h-hope our sort of secret landing passed off sort of secretly.
And now to meet up with Professor Blakeley.
He should be at the next crossroads.
He's coming down the other highway.
(Engine misfires) - By Jingo! What was that? - Nothing, master.
Have no fears, master, I am exquisite driver.
Only half mile to go.
I hope we make it.
I have an appointment.
- It's beautifully cool in here.
- Yeah.
Well, Tin Tin, it's g-got to be.
It's 112 in the shade.
(Engine misfires) - What's that? - Must be the professor.
- Hello, there! Brains, isn't it? - Yes, Professor Blakeley.
- That's right.
- Glad to meet you, old boy.
I'm s-sure glad to meet you, too old boy.
May I introduce you to Miss Tin Tin Kyrano? Delighted, I'm sure! Today is the day of reckoning and all that.
What? 0h yeah Well, now, w-what would you like to do first, Professor Blakeley? We could pop down to the lake for a recce.
Let me just pay off this cabbie.
What's the damage, old boy? Six Ackers, master.
Thank you, master.
Good safari! 0h, yes.
Perhaps you would c-care to have a cooling drink before we set off.
Yes, the treasure can wait.
No one will steal it from under our noses.
Look! It's the Anasta pipeline.
The lake must be near.
We can see the temple before dark.
Yes, certainly, P-Professor.
We'll do just that.
There it is - Lake Anasta.
Excellent! My friends are just in time in fact, DEAD on time! We're just going to take a look at the temple.
Jolly good luck! We are the first people to see it for 100 years.
the stone so be careful.
(Brains) We will.
Bring me back something interesting.
There it is! It's the temple.
Now, be very careful, Tin Tin.
Professor Blakeley was right.
It doesn't look too solid.
Good! They're leading me straight to the treasure.
Now, the problem is which column contains the treasure? Let's try that one.
You know, Tin Tin, you may be right.
This could be the one.
Let's take a sample.
Professor? I'm bringing you a sample from the central column.
Jolly good show! We'll have a look at it tonight.
So! They have found something.
They have found the treasure! But where? I think I can persuade them to tell me! Say, look there, Professor! What's that? Well, Professor? What about it? Brains, Miss Kyrano, I'm glad to say the Anasta expedition is a success.
You have located the treasure.
We must radio Mr Tracy right away and tell him! Oh beautiful! Just beautiful! I always knew my theory was correct.
And tomorrow 0h, boy! Tomorrow I can collect lots more evidence.
(Knocking) Uh? Hey, what was that? Who are you? What do you want? Who are you? Great news! Brains radioed in.
They've traced the lost treasure.
That IS good news.
He and Tin Tin went to the temple as soon as they got there.
They will be putting in their next call soon.
I shall congratulate them.
What's the matter, Grandma? You look like you swallowed a spoon! I don't know why Tin Tin wanted to go there.
She's got enough jewellery already.
But they're not going to rob the temple.
It's for scientific research.
Any treasure goes back to the Museum of Archaeology.
I'm going to the lounge to wait for the next call from Brains.
They must be pleased with themselves.
Tin Tin? Tin Tin what happened? Tin Tin? Professor? Where are you? What happened? Oh that stranger Those eyes those staring eyes What happened? 0oh I feel thirsty I gotta get some water Tin Tin! Professor! (Brains) Tin Tin Professor Ooh it's no use He must have got them, too.
If only I could get to the radio What would you do then, my friend? Inform your friends at International Rescue? No, that is out of the question I'm afraid.
Where are the others? What have you done with the others? I shall deal with them later.
But first I want some information.
Where is the treasure concealed in the temple? Water I gotta have some water.
Answer me! I saw you with some of the treasure.
Where is the rest of it? I don't know who you are, but please let me have some water.
Tell me where it is, and I shall let you and your friends go.
It is a simple choice to make.
I don't get it.
Brains has never been late before.
Let's try again.
Brains? Are you receiving me? (Radio static) Nothing on auto-transmission, either.
Go and fetch Scott, will you, Kyrano? Yes, Mr Tracy.
Anasta base from International Rescue headquarters.
Do you read me? 'Come in, Anasta.
Do you read me? ' Nothing! Not a whisper.
What's up? - Is something wrong at the lake? - I don't understand it.
Brains hasn't checked in yet.
He's 14 minutes late.
Was everything 0K when he called? He was in great spirits.
He said he was about to turn in for the night.
What about the other channel? Maybe they're just busy.
There's nothing on it.
It's not like Brains to lose contact completely.
(Bleeps) - Father! It's the emergency signal! Right! That settles it.
You'd better get out there - fast! Right, Scott.
Virgil will follow you.
Proceed at top speed.
Oh Uh International Rescue from Anasta b-base Uh w-water.
In nine more minutes, I'll see if my friend from International Rescue has changed his mind.
No man can stay in the burning sun without having his tongue loosened.
- Approaching the danger zone.
- (Jeff) 'FAB.
' International Rescue! What is happening? I've been over the danger zone, Father.
It all looks very quiet.
Too quiet.
Is there no sign of life? 'The caravans are there,' but I can't see Brains or Tin Tin.
Right, hear this! Thunderbirds 1 and 2 from International Rescue.
I want tri-circuit contact maintained.
Yes, Father.
- Virgil, what's your ETA? - '2.
5 minutes, Father.
' - I can see Brains below in the sand.
- 'So? ' He's BURIED up to his neck! I'm going down now.
And Tin Tin! What about Tin Tin? So! They have found my victim in the sand.
But I can turn this setback to my advantage.
I now have the chance to destroy International Rescue, utterly after they have led me to the treasure.
This is Thunderbird 2.
ETA - one minute.
Oh Uh Water please give me water Brains! Who on earth did this to you? Scott Scott Thank heavens! Where's Tin Tin? I don't know.
We'll soon find her.
First I'm gonna get you out of here.
Good! A veritable swarm of Thunderbirds.
Now for the first part of my plan.
(Bleeping) Tin Tin! How do you feel, Brains? I'm all right, but Tin Tin She's gonna be 0K, but the Professor's not so good.
Try again.
There was this stranger, you said.
Yes that's right.
He had terrible eyes that I couldn't look away from.
And as he spoke I felt I was slipping away all the time.
- It was horrible! - Who was it, Tin Tin? - Did you know him? - No I've never seen him before.
And yet I felt I knew him in some way Virgil, I'm so sleepy still Take it easy.
Scott is telling base that you're safe.
Thanks, Scott.
We're very relieved.
I want all International Rescue members to return as soon as the professor has been taken care of.
- And the Anasta expedition? - 'Listen, Scott,' International Rescue was not set up to go on treasure trails.
At the moment, it's not even functional.
Is that clear? Yes, Father.
Oh, gee! I feel a lot better now.
- How's the professor? - He's still unconscious, but I guess he'll be 0K.
Hi, Scott! Hi! How are the invalids? Much better.
What's the news from base? Transport is arranged for the professor, then we have to hotfoot it back to base.
I g-guess Mr Tracy is right.
We do seem to have caused a lot of trouble.
- 0ne thing puzzles me.
- What? I noticed that the photo-alert had been operating.
Impossible! Who could be taking photographs of Thunderbird in this area? There's no one for miles.
Oh of course! That's it! Why didn't I think of this before? Think of what? I regret to say that the expedition has been used by our enemies as a means of drawing International Rescue to a lonely spot.
We have walked straight into a trap.
- 0h! - Shh! Tin Tin, it's only me.
Why are you still up? - I can't sleep for worrying.
- What about? You heard what Mr Tracy said about causing International Rescue a lot of trouble? We didn't do it deliberately.
No, but I feel guilty about it.
And to cap it all, someone's spying on us.
The man who hypnotised us yesterday.
And there's only one place he could be observing us from - the centre of the lake.
I must make amends for the trouble I've caused.
- You're not going there tonight? - I am.
I'm gonna see what's down there.
Here's what I want Y0U to do - keep in touch with me on talkback.
All right, Brains, but I don't like it.
I'm a-approaching the temple now.
- 'I'm gonna take a look in there.
' - Careful, Brains, please! Professor Blakeley was right, Tin Tin.
'We HAD found the right column.
' Brains, is there anyone down there? 'No, Tin Tin.
' There appears to be no one around.
So! I have visitors.
My little alarm system works.
- What's the matter, Brains? - 'Tin Tin, I'm on to something.
' There's a cable attached to the column.
Hey! Here's another one! I don't like it.
I'll wake Scott and the others.
'No! There's no need for that yet.
' Oh those eyes those eyes 'Those scary eyes ' Brains! I tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen.
Come on! Now to get the treasure before his friends find him.
- Stand by for launch, Gordon.
- 'FAB, Virgil.
' Thunderbird 4 to Thunderbird 2 and base control.
Commencing launch.
Thunderbird 4 to Anasta base.
Submersion now.
- Let me know if you need help.
- 'FAB.
' The temple is in ruins, Scott.
'Brains couldn't have survived.
' If he did, he's got seven minutes of oxygen left.
Not a sign, Scott.
I'll try again but it doesn't look too good.
Five minutes left.
Scott! I can see some air bubbles.
Bring the aerostatic lifting kit.
- 'It might be Brains! ' - It's on its way, Gordon.
Virgil, I'm gonna start clearing.
So! At last! Now to destroy International Rescue and then collect the treasure.
I'm being attacked! There's someone down here! 'Keep Scott clear till I call him.
' My motors! They're flooding! He-e-y! - Virgil, what happened? - Gordon! What happened? - Do you read me? - 'I'll explain later.
' Get Scott down here! I'm going after Brains.
Better go and make the professor comfortable - the helicopter's due.
How are things? 'The treasure's here.
' In fact, we're swimming in it! We're releasing the lifting gear.
- I hope the professor understands.
- How do you mean? It looks a bit heartless sending him off like this, just so he doesn't realise that we belong to International Rescue.
Hospital is the best place for him.
He'll get a surprise when he wakes.
- Jolly nice of you to look me up.
- We're all glad you're better now.
Now everyone knows of the treasure, how does it feel to be a celebrity? Pretty fair, m'dear! How are you two fixed over the next few months? Well, er we do have one or two commitments Why, Professor? I'm reading about some treasure in the Caribbean.
Thought you might want to see it.
Are you off? Visiting hours are over, Professor.
I'm afraid we've got to go.
Yeah, we m-must dash.
Well, so long, Professor.
What an odd pair.
The excitement's too much for them, I suppose.
You know, Brains, what we need is a nice quiet rescue to soothe our nerves.
Come on, let's get back to base.

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