Thundercats (2011) s01e17 Episode Script

Native Son

So much for scouting ahead to find a shortcut.
We're lost.
I don't get lost.
There's a pass through these mountains, and I'm going to find it.
You never admit when you're wrong.
You never act your age.
Avalanche! You still think we're going to find that shortcut? We found something.
Look! Welcome.
My brother and I mean no harm.
We're lost, and we are not lost.
Not the time, Tygra.
Your name is Tygra? You ask as if you know me.
I am Caspin of the tiger clan.
We have long waited for this day, Tygra.
Welcome home.
Your father will be eager to see you.
Look who it is, lord Javan! Tygra.
Is that you? I can't believe it.
All this time, I thought I was alone, and here you are.
It's quite a surprise to see you.
Forgive your father.
Your return is nothing short of miraculous.
We always suspected Tygra had to come from a lost clan.
But where did you come from? In ancient times, the tiger clan was the pride of mumm-ra's elite fighting force.
During the great mutiny, we stayed loyal.
And because of it, the tigers were treated as outcasts by the other cat clans.
Our people settled in these mountains.
Even under such harsh conditions, we prospered for generations, until enough of our banal history.
We want to hear about you, Tygra.
Tell us how you came to be a prince among lions.
It wasn't until I was older that I was told the story of my arrival.
I fear the problem lies within me.
Nonsense, my queen.
One cannot force nature.
Sire! Who sent him? Hmm.
Just a name, nothing more.
Where did you come from, little Tygra? It seems the gods have delivered us a son.
A tiger? Not just a tiger, Claudus a prince.
Come out, come out, wherever you are.
You are my handsome little prince.
We have some exciting news, Tygra.
The gods have blessed us a second time.
You are going to be a big brother.
You are my handsome little pr darling.
The birth there were complications.
The gods have called your mother home.
But not before she was able to give us the future king.
You have a brother, Tygra.
His name is Lion-O.
I'm sorry, Tygra.
One day, you will understand.
That night, I lost the two things I cherished most my mother, and my kingdom.
But today, you become heir of a land of your own.
If I'm part of this royal line, then why did you give me away? I did not give you away.
It was for your protection.
Now, look.
Darkness is falling.
You need to leave, for your own safety.
Not until I get an explanation.
This village has long been haunted by an unspeakable evil.
I only wish to keep you safe from it, my son.
I'm a thundercat.
I don't run from a fight something my father taught me.
And am I supposed to believe you sent me away because of bogeymen? If you cherish your life, you will go now.
I wish I never found this place.
Tygra, he's your father! Claudus was my father.
He's just a cat who abandoned his child.
Give him a chance.
Don't let your pride get in the way of forgiveness.
What was that? I think it's the bogeymen.
What are they? Whatever they are, they're not going down.
But we will, if we don't get to safety fast.
Guess your father was telling the truth.
We have been given a second chance, Javan.
Do you realize what you're asking? And it is because of you we are in this position.
We all made that pact, Caspin.
If you cannot do it, we will.
Am I interrupting? Unimportant matters.
We'll discuss this later.
I'm sure you two want your privacy.
I always imagined giving this to you one day.
I have a whip.
So you do.
I did what I had to do to protect you.
That doesn't mean I haven't missed you every day since.
We have a lot of catching up to do.
I had a long talk with Javan, my father.
Maybe this can be a home for me after all.
Take a look at this, Tygra.
Those creatures that attacked us last night I searched for their tracks leaving the village.
I couldn't find any.
Snow covers things Like tracks, for instance.
What's your point? Haven't you noticed no one ever leaves the village? Not to hunt or forge anything.
I haven't even seen them eat.
You saw those monsters.
I'd stay close to the village, too.
They don't even attempt to fight back.
There's something strange about this place.
I've spent my whole life never quite belonging.
Now, I find my home, and you can't even be happy for me.
Guess I shouldn't be surprised.
There's something I'm not seeing.
Sword of omens, give me sight beyond sight.
It can't be.
He must not know the truth, Lion-O.
You don't understand how it is for a father.
He may be your son, but he's my brother.
Very well.
It began shortly after the time Tygra was born.
Everything changed.
Disease swept through our village.
More are dying every day.
We must seek help or risk extinction.
I propose sending an envoy to thundera.
They turned their backs on us.
We will not go crawling to them now.
You would instead sacrifice our people for the sake of our pride? Pride is all we have! - Well? - Yes, exactly! Why turn to the lions when we can turn to the ancient spirits who protected our ancestors? Ancient spirits, we seek your help in our most desperate hour.
Give us a sign of your presence.
Your plea has been heard, and we will grant your desire, on one condition.
You must sacrifice the heir to the tiger clan, the child you call Tygra.
My own son! Why? He will grow to be an enemy to the ancient spirits.
He must be destroyed.
One life for many.
The spirits have spoken, Javan.
One life for many.
Then it is done.
Tomorrow, bring the child to the highest peak.
There, you will fulfill your part of the bargain.
I'm sorry, Tygra.
When the ancient spirits discovered my betrayal, they put a curse on us.
Only by taking Tygra's life will the curse be broken.
The real curse for the tigers has been pride.
We've never been able to overcome it.
Take your brother and leave before sunset.
For my sake, he must never learn the truth.
Javan's emotions betrayed us once before.
We must break the curse ourselves before the sun sets.
I've been thinking, father.
I want to stay here.
This is where I belong.
What? You've already forsaken your pride by living under the rule of that child you call a brother.
Living amongst their kind has clouded your judgment, made you soft.
You're no longer a tiger.
I could never let you lead.
And I'm not sure I can call you a son.
And to think I ever considered forgiving you.
- What happened? - We're leaving.
I've a message from your father.
I heard his message.
Oh, I don't think you've heard this one.
It didn't have to be this way.
It was the only way.
You betrayed your own clan.
You alone brought the curse down upon us.
And your son will still die.
Then they'll have to go through me first.
They won't have to.
You two are in grave danger.
These creatures have no conscience, no remorse.
What's going on, father? What are you hiding? Tell him, Javan, or I will.
My actions have turned me into a monster.
I pray you can forgive me.
Father! Kill them.
Kill them.
Tygra, watch out! I know unh you did what you did out of love.
I forgive you.
It cannot be! You did it.
You broke a curse born of pride through an act of humility.
Perhaps if I'd been able to do the same, we'd still be together.
We're together now.
That's all that matters.
I'm afraid it is not to be.
I don't understand.
It's how they survive without food or water.
When the ancient spirits cursed you, they must have allowed the disease back into the village.
My guess is there were no survivors.
What are you saying? You're all dead? Not dead but not alive.
Some place in between.
That was the real curse.
But you have released us, Tygra.
We can go home now.
Always rember, son you are a tiger.
I will be watching you with pride.
Tell me something, Lion-O.
Is it my destiny to always lose the things I care most about? You aren't going to lose me, brother.
Now, let's find that shortcut.

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