ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e17 Episode Script


[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
[wind howling]
We sail this ship
Across the sea ♪
- For gold ♪
- For gold ♪
For gold ♪
Half robot and half pirate
We be, for gold ♪
- For gold ♪
- For gold ♪
We sail the sea
Beside the land ♪
Under the watch
Of Hammerhand ♪
It's not too hard
To understand ♪
'Cause we just
Explained it to ye ♪
[all laugh]
Who dares board my ship
without permission?
Calm yourself,
Captain Hammerhand.
It is I, Mumm-Ra!
Yar, What do ye want
with the Berserkers?
To hire you, of course.
[all] Gold! Gold!
And there's more
where that came from,
much more.
Once you destroy
the ThunderCats!
[laughs evilly]
[Hammerhand] Okay
Who are the ThunderCats?
[thunder crashes]
No. I've been surrounded
by the enemy!
[Wilykit and Wilykat laughing]
Give up while you still can.
I won't let you take
Cat's Lair, Robo-Jerks.
- Tygra, we're under attack by robots.
- [grunting]
[both in robot voice]
Exterminate all ThunderCats.
Pew pew pew. Pew pew.
[both laughing]
Take this. [laughs]
Do you three even care
that it's chore day?
- Um
- No?
Have you looked
at the chore wheel?
What? Nah, I think you mean
my fuel gauge.
Give me that.
Let's see,
what's everybody up to today?
Panthro is cleaning
the Thundertank.
And good ol' Cheetara
is doing the laundry.
How nice.
And, of course, Snarf is
polishing the Sword of Omens.
Lion-O, Wilykit, and Wilykat.
Oh, you guys have a fun one.
- Oh man.
- Awesome
[both] We love fun.
You get to clean
the Waste Disposal Unit.
I'm a little jealous.
Hey, Tygra, there's something
very wrong with you.
Aw, come on. It's important.
This is where all our machine's
byproducts end up.
Our machines
are very efficient.
Their waste is nothing more
than clean, sanitary minerals.
So our chore is to haul rocks?
Can't you do it, Tygra?
- Please?
- You love chores.
Oh, I could do all the chores.
But alas, my chore
is the hardest one of all,
to teach you responsibility.
Well, have fun.
Ugh, let's get this done fast,
at least.
[Hammerhand] Have at thee,
land lubbers.
[lasers shooting]
Yar har har,
ye mangy Thunder-curs.
Prepare to be boarded.
- Pirates?
- Robo-pirates.
Lemme at 'em.
Hang on, we can't fight
a boat from the land.
What should we do, Lion-O?
Don't worry, Panthro's been
working on something cool.
The Catamaran.
Panthro's not gonna like us
using his new boat, Lion-O.
But those pirates are gonna
wreck everything
unless we stop them.
You're right.
Hit the gas!
Eh, one of these
ought to do something.
[automated voice] Overload.
Captain, they gooped us.
Hey, what do you want?
Surrender to me,
Captain Hammerhand,
or face the wrath
of my Berserkers.
Captain Hammerhand, huh?
Well, I'm Captain Lion-O.
And I'm Captain Wilykat.
And Captain Wilykit.
Ye can't have three captains.
Yeah-huh, having three captains
makes us three times as good.
Cap'n, maybe we could try
all of us being cap'ns,
- just for a change?
- Ridiculous, Ram Bam.
You couldn't handle
the responsibility.
Hey, now, Top Spinner
is great at multitasking.
And Cruncher's group hugs
are important part
of being captain, too.
Yarrr, that's besides
the point.
Quick. While they're hugging.
[recorded voice]
I forgive you, sonny boy.
I'm just sayin',
we never had a vote.
Okay, we'll take turns.
I get Mondays,
Ram Bam gets Tuesdays
[Hammerhand] What in the
Yarrr, we've been vortexed.
[Lion-O] Whoo hoo hoo.
[WilyKat] Yeah, all right.
[WilyKit] Oh, yeah, we did it.
[music playing]
[all laughing]
Nice work, everyone.
[Tygra] You guys
get over here right now!
Aw, man, it's Tygra.
I give you the best,
funnest chore,
and what do you do instead?
Wait, Tygra, there was
a whole ship of robo-pirates.
And, and they had laser cannons
and swords and
Oh, there's no such thing
as robo-pirates.
No, really, they're called
the Berserkers and
I'm serious.
No more games or
Or you can forget about dessert
for a week.
[music playing]
Ah, how does Tygra
not believe us?
The important thing is,
Tygra can't actually take
my dessert away,
because I'm king.
Oh, right, your desserts.
Well, we can do our chores
now that we've dealt
with those robo-pirates.
- [rumbling]
- Uh, I don't think we're done dealing with them.
They can fly?
Curse ye, scallywags.
I'll pick my teeth
with yer bones.
Whoa. Uh-oh.
Ya can't run forever,
ya dirt walkers!
Betcha you can't catch us
in your ugly ol' ship.
My ship is beautiful
in her own way!
What do I do?
What do I do?
Oh, uh, I'm just gonna
borrow this, 'kay?
Thanks, Panthro.
- Wow.
- Look out, Lion-O.
Get down here
and fight us like robots,
you stinky pirates.
Ram Bam, ready?
That's Captain Ram Bam.
It's Tuesday.
Aah. Release.
[engine revving]
All right.
Is that Panthro's
Gravity Mangler?
Sure is.
I think he got the idea from
Vultureman's Gravity Pincer.
[Tygra] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Not only do you continue
to goof off,
but you're stealing inventions?
[breathing heavily]
Cleaning out the trash
is not a proper use
for the Gravity Mangler.
It's a simple chore.
Give me that.
Now clean out that silo
or no dessert for a year.
But, Tygra
No buts, Lion-O.
- [rotors whirring]
- What the
Say your good-byes,
Not without a fight.
Aye, as ya wish.
[laughs evilly]
Oh, you're that guy
that likes hugs, right?
[bone cracks]
[tires screeching]
Ow, let go of me.
Ha-ha, not yet.
This is the end of you.
[gasps and screams]
Lion-O, get up.
[music playing]
[screaming in background]
- [chuckles]
- Hey, thanks, whoa.
- [laughs]
- Yarrr.
So you ThunderCats
wanna play games, eh?
I've got one for ya,
it's called "Whack-a-Kitty".
Aw, great, I love that game
[all grunting]
[laughs] Har har har.
Time to walk the plank,
[Lion-O] Um, we'll just
be getting wet,
what's the big deal?
Of course, ye haven't met
the last member of our crew.
Go on now, keep goin'.
A little bit further.
[laughs] Har har har har.
[Tygra] What is happening here?
Because I'll tell you
what isn't happening here.
But Pirates don't clean.
Excuse me?
We're the Berserkers.
The nastiest band of scoundrels
on Third Earth,
and no one tells us
what to do except
All I know about you is that
you're not on the chore wheel,
but that's no excuse.
The silo needs
to be cleaned out.
So get to it,
or nobody here gets dessert.
Ever. I mean it!
[stammering] I Well, I
One, two,
two and a half
[nervous stammering]
Shiver me timbers,
that guy was really mad.
Yeah, he gets like that.
I guess we should
clean the silo?
Oh, what about Mumm-Ra's gold?
Now he won't pay us.
Hang on, you guys
are working for Mumm-Ra?
Aye. He promised us gold
if we destroyed you,
but he didn't warn us
about your ferocious leader.
I am pretty intimidating.
Why do you care so much
about a dumb rock?
A rock. A rock?
It's gold.
[all] Gold. Gold.
Gold. Gold. Gold.
Just take some of ours, sheesh.
Uh, what's that now?
Yeah, our machines
just poop this stuff out.
We can have gold?
[zombie-like] Gold.
Sure, you can have our gold
as long as you do one
tiny, little job in return.
[Mumm-Ra laughing evilly]
Those greedy pirates will do
anything for a bit of gold.
This is my best
evil scheme, yet. [laughs]
- [rumbling]
- Eh? What's that noise?
What's all that racket?
Avast ye, mangy mummy.
[laser shots]
[screaming continues]
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