Transformers: Earthspark (2022) s01e17 Episode Script


[intense music]
- [grunts]
- [grunts]
[crowd cheering]
[crowd cheering]
[crowd cheering]
Ugh! Ugh!
[tires squealing]
[tires squealing]
Augh! [crowd cheering]
[crowd cheers, horn blares]
Ahh! Ahh!
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
- Yes!
- Yeah! Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!
[intense music]
[intense music]
[footsteps thud]
[crowd cheering]
[crowd cheering]
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music]
[electricity crackling]
[electricity crackling]
[gentle music]
[gentle music]
[car horns honking]
[funky music]
- I know Mom and Dad don't
want to risk anybody seeing us,
but it's the middle
of the night.
But it's the middle
of the night.
So we'll be in and out
before they even wake up.
- We can be ourselves
among humans?
- We can be ourselves
among humans?
- Oh! Our first big road
trip, and we came to Philly.
- Yeah.
- [beatboxing]
- Yeah.
- [beatboxing]
- OK, check it.
You love this.
[percussive music]
[percussive music]
- [laughs]
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
[all gasping]
[all gasping]
- Hm?
[percussive music]
- Is this what
freedom tastes like?
- Is this what
freedom tastes like?
- There's so much more
of it than I imagined.
[upbeat music]
[upbeat music]
- Ah-ha-ha!
I'm so happy I could just
I'm so happy I could just
- Well, that person doesn't
seem happy to see us.
- Well, that person doesn't
seem happy to see us.
- [scoffs] Transformers.
- He probably thought
we were causing trouble.
- He probably thought
we were causing trouble.
- But we were just
standing there.
- Don't worry about it, OK?
- Don't worry about it, OK?
Philly is the City
of Brotherly Love.
Let's go explore it.
- Ah, yeah, baby.
These tires need
some city mileage.
These tires need
some city mileage.
- Oh! I'm going to hit
all the top photo ops,
and I'm going to
use all my filters.
And I'm going to
use all my filters.
[camera clicking]
- Nightshade's
getting a head start.
- Well, let's go.
- Well, let's go.
- Wait.
We have to stick together.
- Everyone, grab a buddy.
- Meet back here in
two hours, please.
- Meet back here in
two hours, please.
- [laughs] Whoo!
- [laughs] Whoo!
[engine revving]
[ominous music]
[ominous music]
[sirens wailing]
- [whimpering]
- Keep it down.
Hand over your bag, and
things won't get ugly.
Hand over your bag, and
things won't get ugly.
[dramatic music]
- [screams]
- Look over here.
[funky music]
This is one of my
favorite things to do.
This is one of my
favorite things to do.
The subway's down there.
So just wait till
the train goes by,
and yell into the wind!
And yell into the wind!
- Ooh! Ha-ha-ha-ha!
- Whoo!
- I'm on the subway!
- I'm on the subway!
What else can we try tonight?
- Hey, youse guys are
Transformers, right?
[imitating transformers]
- Yeah, uh, you don't
have to do that.
- Yeah, uh, you don't
have to do that.
- Hey, no disrespect.
You guys want to see
a wrestling match?
You guys want to see
a wrestling match?
- Did you say wrestling?
- I'm on my way to the
biggest Bot Brawl in town.
I'm just saying, it'd
be perfect for you guys.
I'm just saying, it'd
be perfect for you guys.
[funky percussive music]
I hear they got another
Autobot in the ring tonight.
I hear they got another
Autobot in the ring tonight.
- Hey, lady, wait for us.
- Shouldn't we
- Shouldn't we
- Whoa.
[crowd cheering]
- Oh, hear that? The
match is already on.
- Oh, hear that? The
match is already on.
- I wonder what league this
is and who the champ is
and what their special
move is, and what
And what their special
move is, and what
- Ahh!
[ominous music]
[both gasp]
- Main event's about to start.
- Main event's about to start.
[electricity crackling]
- [whimpers]
[upbeat music]
- Whoa.
- Welcome to FDR.
- Welcome to FDR.
- Robby?
- Stevie?
- Stevie?
- Yo, are you serious right now?
- Are you serious
with that front three?
I remember you ripping, but wow.
I remember you ripping, but wow.
- A lot's changed
since you moved, man.
You'd know if you ever texted.
- Sorry.
- Sorry.
Witwicky's kind of a dead
zone in a lot of ways.
Stevie, meet my sisters,
Twitch and Hashtag.
Stevie, meet my sisters,
Twitch and Hashtag.
[gentle music]
- Hey.
- It's super great to meet you.
- It's super great to meet you.
- Hiya.
- Cool.
Well, I'd invite you to ride,
but I don't have
a board your size.
But I don't have
a board your size.
- That's OK.
I don't need wheels.
- Whoa, oh!
- Whoa, oh!
- [laughs]
- Ha. Your
Transformers ain't like
other ones I've read about.
- They're not my Transformers.
- They're not my Transformers.
- Oh, I didn't
mean it like that.
- Good, because
they're my family.
- Good, because
they're my family.
- But, like, not human.
They aren't us.
- Ahh!
- Ahh!
- [laughs]
- You good?
[gentle music]
[gentle music]
Keep up if you can.
- Need a ride?
[energetic music]
[energetic music]
- Yeah!
Ha-ha! Oh.
- My turn!
- My turn!
Uh! Oh!
[metal crunching]
[metal crunching]
[somber music]
[somber music]
"Transformers go home"?
"Transformers go home"?
But we were born here.
This is our home.
- Don't let it get
under your skin.
- Don't let it get
under your skin.
Whoever wrote that trash
probably meant Decepticons,
so it's not like
it's even about you.
- But it doesn't
say Decepticons.
- But it doesn't
say Decepticons.
It says Transformers.
- Decepticons,
Autobots, Terrians
We're all Cybertronian people.
We're all Cybertronian people.
- Whoa, don't freak out.
- We're not freaking out.
This just isn't OK.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Well, my dad says invading
the Earth wasn't OK either.
- Stevie, you know that's wrong.
- Relax, Robby.
- Relax, Robby.
You know I'm not like that.
Can we forget it and
- Nah, we're done here.
[somber music]
[somber music]
- What?
That's it?
That's it?
[owl hooting]
- Whoa.
- Whoa.
- Ohh! Put me down.
Put me down.
Put me down.
[tense music]
- Ooh.
I like your pins.
I like your pins.
I am Nightshade.
My pronouns are they/them.
- Thanks.
I'm Sam.
I'm she/they.
I'm she/they.
But you already know that.
[gentle music]
- Wow.
What an amazing city.
What an amazing city.
- I'm sorry for how I reacted.
- I'm sorry for how I reacted.
It's just sometimes the
world can be a scary place.
It's just sometimes the
world can be a scary place.
It's hard to know
who's dangerous or not.
- Hmm. That's true,
though disappointing.
- Hmm. That's true,
though disappointing.
- Hey, it's OK.
- Hey, it's OK.
I know I'm safe when
I'm with my friends
or other non-binary people.
- Non-binary?
- Non-binary?
- People who aren't
female or male.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have assumed.
- I always knew my
pronouns felt right,
but what a wonderful word
for a wonderful experience.
But what a wonderful word
for a wonderful experience.
- How can wrestling
betray me like this?
- How can wrestling
betray me like this?
[crowd cheering]
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music]
[crowd cheering]
- Yeah!
All right!
All right!
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
- Whoo-hoo!
- Okay!
- Next up, we got newcomer
- [whispers] Jawbreaker.
- [whispers] Jawbreaker.
- Jawbreaker.
- You tricked us.
- You tricked us.
- Eh, it's a living.
- Well, what are the rules?
- Rules?
- Rules?
This is a Cybertronian smack
down where bots duke it out.
No stingers, no blasters.
And the winner goes home
with a supply of Energon.
And the winner goes home
with a supply of Energon.
- And the loser's
scrapped for parts.
[ominous music]
[ominous music]
- [grunts, spits]
- And in the other corner,
from parts unknown,
- And in the other corner,
from parts unknown,
the big bot basher,
four-wheeled dasher,
two-horned grappler.
Two-horned grappler.
- [whimpering]
- Bumblebee!
- Bumblebee!
- Jawbreaker?
What are you doing here?
What are you doing here?
- We just wanted
to see wrestling.
- That doesn't answer
Never mind.
Listen, JB.
Listen, JB.
I'm here on a secret mission,
and you can't blow my cover.
- Now, that's enough yapping.
Let the brawling begin.
Let the brawling begin.
[rock guitar riff]
- Yeah!
- They want us to fight?
- They want us to fight?
- How about we give them
a wrestling match instead?
[rock music]
Ahh ahh!
Ahh ahh!
- Oh!
- Oh!
[crowd cheers]
Ahh! Ahh!
- Oh, oh, oh!
- Ahh!
- Oh, oh, oh!
- Ahh!
- Ow. That ow.
Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow.
- Ha-ha! Yes. Uh-huh.
- Ha-ha! Yes. Uh-huh.
Ah gah!
[together] One, two, three.
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
- Well, put that down as
the fastest round on record.
- And he's still in one piece.
- And he's still in one piece.
The boss ain't
going to like this.
- You three need to
go home right now.
- You three need to
go home right now.
I won't be far behind.
- Hold onto your hubcaps, y'all.
It's time for Bumblebee
to match metal
It's time for Bumblebee
to match metal
with our reigning champion.
With our reigning champion.
- Yeah!
- Good luck.
- You're going to need it.
- You're going to need it.
[dramatic music]
[crowd cheering]
[crowd cheering]
- Yeah!
- [cackling]
[dramatic music]
[footsteps thudding]
[footsteps thudding]
- Grimlock!
- [roars]
[dramatic music]
- [growls]
- [growls]
- [gulps]
- Grimlock?
Yes! Ha-ha!
Yes! Ha-ha!
You'd think king of the Dinobots
might be easier to
track down, but
- [roars]
- [roars]
- Eh, doesn't look like
he wants to be found.
- Scatter and stay small, kids.
- Scatter and stay small, kids.
Grimlock, it's me,
your old pal Bumblebee.
Grimlock, it's me,
your old pal Bumblebee.
- He's an Autobot in the comics,
so why is he trying
to eat Bumblebee?
- He's been working undercover.
We lost track of him months ago.
We lost track of him months ago.
Optimus got a tip, and
that's why I'm here.
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music]
- [giggles]
It looks like someone's
going extinct.
- And it ain't the dino.
[laughs] No, seriously,
he's in trouble.
[laughs] No, seriously,
he's in trouble.
- Oh! Ugh!
- [growls]
- I've been looking
for you, pal.
We're friends, remember?
- [roars]
Get back!
Get back!
- Yeah!
- Ooh, that's got to hurt.
- Ooh, that's got to hurt.
[dramatic music]
- [roars]
- [roars]
- OK, time-out.
- [roars]
- [roars]
- Uh, can they do that?
- Uh, can they do that?
- Well, Frenzy, I
believe they can.
Wait, oh, I actually
don't know the answer.
Let me check the
rule book real quick.
Let me check the
rule book real quick.
- Grimlock's feral.
I can't stop till I help
him remember who he is.
- Get in there, Bumblebutt.
There's no quitting
in Bot Brawl.
There's no quitting
in Bot Brawl.
- Tag-team rules.
Now it's our turn.
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music]
- [grunting]
- [grunting]
- Ready to tag out.
- Ready to tag out.
Tagging out.
- Ha-ha-ha!
- Ha-ha-ha!
Not sure who ordered
the rodeo clowns,
but this is hi-larious.
- [laughs] Yeah, too
bad it won't last long.
- [laughs] Yeah, too
bad it won't last long.
- I got ya.
I got ya.
- What's that?
[ominous music]
[ominous music]
- Finally, a weapon
worthy of me.
- Finally, a weapon
worthy of me.
When all your pickings
are from the losers,
it's hard to be choosy.
It's hard to be choosy.
Still, I'd say aligning with
this Bot Brawl business has
Still, I'd say aligning with
this Bot Brawl business has
been a success ever since
I turned that dino-problem
into my dino-advantage.
Into my dino-advantage.
[dramatic music]
- We got to get rid of that
thing on Grimlock's chin.
- We got to get rid of that
thing on Grimlock's chin.
- Ahh!
Uh, fetch?
- [roaring]
- Ahh!
- Ahh!
- Get the popcorn.
- Buh-bye.
- Here's the finishing move.
- Here's the finishing move.
Both: Ahh!
- [grunts]
- [grunts]
- Huh?
- I'm riding the subway!
- I'm riding the subway!
[tires squealing]
[tires squealing]
- Nice Dinobot.
- Nice Dinobot.
Please don't eat me.
- What?
[crowd cheering]
[crowd cheering]
- [groaning]
[ominous music]
- [whirring]
- [whirring]
- Whoo-hoo!
- Oh!
[all screaming]
- Whoo-hoo! Ahh!
- Whoo-hoo! Ahh!
[all screaming]
- Whoa!
- We'll reason with
Grim once he calms down.
- We'll reason with
Grim once he calms down.
[somber music]
[somber music]
- They aren't like I remember.
- They aren't like I remember.
Nothing is.
Nothing is.
- [sighs] It's 'cause
of us, isn't it?
Us Terrains, we changed you.
- You didn't ruin anything.
- You didn't ruin anything.
I don't want you to
ever feel like that's
what happened today.
- But what about Stevie?
- If that's how Stevie's
going to behave,
- If that's how Stevie's
going to behave,
he doesn't get me as a friend.
It's his loss.
[gentle music]
[gentle music]
- [cawing]
- [cawing]
Ah-ha-ha, my family!
I have so much to tell you.
But I see we are incomplete.
But I see we are incomplete.
Where are the others?
- They're with Bee.
- Robby.
- Hey, guys.
- There you are.
- There you are.
- I came here to find Grimlock.
I don't have time
to call for backup,
and I have a team
I trust right here.
And I have a team
I trust right here.
You're ready for a
real Autobot mission.
[uplifting music]
[uplifting music]
- Over there.
- All right, team.
- All right, team.
First real mission.
- Let's go find Grimlock.
[water dripping]
[water dripping]
- OK, team.
It should be right up here.
One, two, three.
- I thought you
guys said this place
was packed with Decepticons.
Was packed with Decepticons.
- It was before.
Humans were watching
them fight over Energon.
Humans were watching
them fight over Energon.
- Humans did this?
[somber music]
But how could they?
But how could they?
- So what happened to Grimlock?
- He started tearing
the whole place apart.
- He started tearing
the whole place apart.
- Right after we
knocked this off him.
- It's some sort of
cognitive inhibitor,
a mind control chip.
A mind control chip.
- So when bots
don't want to fight,
humans can just
make them anyway?
- But where'd these people
get this kind of tech?
- But where'd these people
get this kind of tech?
- Excellent
questions, Maltobots.
Now let's fan out
and look for clues.
- Does that count?
- Does that count?
[ominous music]
- Kids, get back.
Twitch, get him down.
- On it.
- On it.
- [gasps] Brawl, are you
[somber music]
[somber music]
He's been drained of Energon.
He's been drained of Energon.
I fought him in
the ring, but I
I didn't think
- Is this what they do to every
Decepticon who loses a fight?
- Is this what they do to every
Decepticon who loses a fight?
- Who could treat a
living being this way?
- Someone who thinks
bots aren't people.
- Someone who thinks
bots aren't people.
- [sighs]
- [sighs]
Huh? Everyone, get down.
[loud explosion]
- Ugh!
- Ugh!
- Ugh! Ahh!
- Ugh! - Ugh!
- Ugh! - Ugh!
- [groaning]
- [groaning]
[ominous music]
- Mandroid?
- Maltos.
- Maltos.
- Wh how are you
even alive still?
- Isn't it obvious?
- Isn't it obvious?
I have evolved.
Nothing can kill
my noble purpose,
not the loss of my resources,
not injury, not even death.
Not the loss of my resources,
not injury, not even death.
- Of course, you're
behind Bot Brawl.
- It'd be comforting if
that were true, wouldn't it?
- It'd be comforting if
that were true, wouldn't it?
However, the Bot
Brawls were happening
long before I arrived,
and they'll continue
long after I leave.
And they'll continue
long after I leave.
Even if I were to vanish,
the desire for an Earth
free of alien scum
the desire for an Earth
free of alien scum
burns in the hearts
of humans everywhere.
- Some people might
think like you,
Mandroid, but not everyone.
And I want you to
know it's never too
And I want you to
know it's never too
late to do the right thing.
- [laughs]
Says the descendants
of warmongering aliens
who brought their violent
war to my planet.
War to my planet.
It's you and your kind who
make this world unsafe for me
and mine, so I'm
glad you're here
and mine, so I'm
glad you're here
to test my latest Cybertronian
annihilation tool.
[rope whipping]
- Hey!
- [grunts]
- [grunts]
- He's stealing Bee's Energon.
- He's stealing Bee's Energon.
- [cackles]
- You are not getting away.
- You are not getting away.
- Wait.
Bee comes first.
- No.
Go get Optimus and Megatron now.
Go get Optimus and Megatron now.
- We're not leaving you, Bee.
They're just Arachnomechs.
We can take them.
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music]
- [roars]
- [roars]
- Good monster.
- Good monster.
We're cool, right?
- Not even close.
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music]
- Watch out.
- Kids.
- Kids.
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music]
[tires squealing]
[tires squealing]
- Over here, thousand eyes.
[tires squealing]
[tires squealing]
- Are you two OK?
- We never trained for a
mega boss fight like this.
- We never trained for a
mega boss fight like this.
- That thing's big, but
it wasn't always that way.
What comes together
can be torn apart.
Both: Whoa!
All: Ugh!
All: Ugh!
Wait, you can control
the subway cars?
Mo, Robby, get out of here now.
- Twitch.
- Twitch.
- Hey, over here, you
big, ugly arachnopede.
- Hey, over here, you
big, ugly arachnopede.
- Mo, run.
both: Ahh!
Both: Ahh!
If we survive this, you can be
the big sibling from now on.
If we survive this, you can be
the big sibling from now on.
- Don't worry.
We're coming.
- Thrash, now.
- You got it.
- You got it.
Oh, arachnopede, come bite this.
- Hashtag, full speed ahead.
[train horn honking]
- All aboard the
Hashtag Express.
- All aboard the
Hashtag Express.
[train horn honking]
[train horn honking]
- Now this we can manage.
[dramatic music]
[train horn honking]
- What?
[train horn honking]
[train horn honking]
- [growls]
Just a little more time.
- Argh.
Mandroid, I'm not going to let
you hurt my family ever again.
You hurt my family ever again.
- As if you could control me.
- Hashtag, are you OK?
- [groaning]
- [groaning]
- Ahh!
- Twitch.
- While, I wish I could
stay for this heartwarming
- While, I wish I could
stay for this heartwarming
family moment,
today's success means
my next project can
begin immediately.
Hashtag, your badge will
lead you back to me.
Hashtag, your badge will
lead you back to me.
Bring me your family
in pieces if necessary.
Bring me your family
in pieces if necessary.
[ominous music]
- Malto.
- I'm only getting
It's just static.
- I'm only getting
It's just static.
Why can't I feel it, Robby?
- Hashtag, it's us, your family.
- Everyone, regroup.
- Everyone, regroup.
We have to get that badge
off without hurting her.
- Right.
She can't take us all at
- I got you.
You got me. Ahh!
- Thrash, now.
- Thrash, now.
Ugh! Ahh!
Ugh! Ahh!
- Oh, no, you don't, sister.
- Oh, no, you don't, sister.
- Nightshade, Hashtag.
- Go.
They need you more
than I do right now.
- [grunting]
Ahh! Ahh! Ahh!
Ahh! Ahh! Ahh!
Ahh! Ugh!
I can't get close.
I can't get close.
The badge, it has some
kind of force field.
The badge, it has some
kind of force field.
- Huh? What happened?
- Huh? What happened?
Inside my head, connected
to the whole city?
Inside my head, connected
to the whole city?
What? Why can't I leave?
- [cackles]
- [cackles]
I'm afraid you're
not going anywhere.
- Mandroid, what
have you done
- Mandroid, what
have you done
- I'm more than
enough to control you.
- Augh!
What do you want?
- Only what all humans want,
a world without Cybertronians.
- Only what all humans want,
a world without Cybertronians.
- No, my family doesn't
feel that way back home.
- No, my family doesn't
feel that way back home.
- Home?
What home?
You don't belong here.
You don't belong here.
- You don't belong anywhere.
- No!
- No!
[engine revving]
[engine revving]
[tires squealing]
[tires squealing]
- Did the distance sever
Mandroid's control?
- Did the distance sever
Mandroid's control?
- Her eyes are still white.
- But she's not
trying to squish us.
[tires screeching]
[tires screeching]
- She's tapped into
the city Wi-Fi.
Get down.
Get down.
[dramatic music]
- Hmm? Ahh!
- Hmm? Ahh!
- It's dangerous here.
Get to safety, civilians.
- [grunting]
- [grunting]
- Oh!
- [grunting]
- Ahh!
- Ugh!
- Ahh!
- Ugh!
[engine revving]
both: Ahh!
- We can't beat her.
I'm so scared.
- Imagine what
she's going through.
- Imagine what
she's going through.
[together] You have no home.
You're alone here.
Nobody loves you.
Nobody loves you.
- Stop.
Leave me alone.
- You are alone.
- What are we going to do?
- What can we do?
She's a tank.
- We got to go get Bee.
- We got to go get Bee.
- No.
We're not leaving Hashtag.
She's family.
She's family.
She needs us now more than ever.
Hashtag, I know you're in there.
I'm not going to run
away, not after everything
we've been through tonight.
We've been through tonight.
We're leaving together
or not at all.
- Together it is.
[uplifting music]
[uplifting music]
- Whoa.
- Whoa.
It's like that time we were
supercharged on cave water,
like, times a billion.
- This feels like a lot.
- Wait.
- Wait.
Somehow, I'm feeling Hashtag.
- I sense her too.
She needs our protection.
- She's hurt.
- She's hurt.
[energetic music]
- Argh!
- What? No.
- What? No.
- Listen to us.
We know you're scared and angry.
- But we're here for you.
- No matter what.
- No matter what.
- You'll always
have a home with us.
- No!
- Because home isn't a place.
- Because home isn't a place.
- It's the people who love you.
- Augh!
Don't listen.
They're lying to you.
They're lying to you.
- You're wrong.
I was never alone.
- No!
- No!
[uplifting music]
[gentle music]
- Sorry.
Sorry, I didn't mean
Mandroid was in my head.
He was telling me that people
hate us and I was alone.
He was telling me that people
hate us and I was alone.
- You did nothing wrong.
We're family, and
we'll always stick
We're family, and
we'll always stick
with you through anything.
And we love you.
- [laughs]
[footsteps tapping]
[footsteps tapping]
- [groaning]
- Hey, over here.
- Hey, over here.
- How about that freaky
power, though, right?
No idea what that was.
But whoo, what a rush.
But whoo, what a rush.
- I thought it
was kind of scary.
- Never thought I'd say this,
but I really miss Witwicky.
- Never thought I'd say this,
but I really miss Witwicky.
Can we go home now?
- But we never found Grimlock.
- But we never found Grimlock.
- Still no chatter about
a Dinobot in the city.
- Still no chatter about
a Dinobot in the city.
If he went through
what I just did,
he's definitely going to
look for somewhere safe.
- But what about all the
Decepticons on the run?
- But what about all the
Decepticons on the run?
They can't rest.
- Yeah.
Won't they just go
to another Bot Brawl?
- They might have to.
- They might have to.
It will be really difficult to
change things for the better
as long as hateful people
try to control what
as long as hateful people
try to control what
Cybertronians need to survive.
- But we're not giving up.
- But we're not giving up.
Right, Bee?
- OK, but Mom and Dad
will wake up soon,
and we don't need to get
ourselves in any more
and we don't need to get
ourselves in any more
trouble tonight.
- [sighs]
You all go.
I need to stay back and
lay low for a while.
I need to stay back and
lay low for a while.
[gentle music]
- [groans]
[creaks, thuds]
- Bee!
- Bumblebee!
- Bee!
- Bumblebee!
- [snoring]
- [snoring]
- He's OK, just tired.
- Maltobots, roll out.
- Maltobots, roll out.
[tires squealing]
- [gasps]
[ominous music]
[ominous music]
- Finally, face-to-face
after all this time.
- Finally, face-to-face
after all this time.
So glad to be working
with you again, Doctor.
So glad to be working
with you again, Doctor.
Let's aim for a better
ending this time around.
Let's aim for a better
ending this time around.
- I managed the Dinobot
problem and saved
your Bot Brawl enterprise
with just one of these.
Your Bot Brawl enterprise
with just one of these.
Imagine what could be
achieved with more.
Imagine what could be
achieved with more.
- Yes.
Well, I heard about
tonight's collapse.
Minor setback.
Minor setback.
How quickly can you engineer
more badge controllers?
- To continue, I need Energon.
- To continue, I need Energon.
Give it to me.
- One now, and one after
I see some progress.
- One now, and one after
I see some progress.
- [gasping]
I require test subjects.
- Take your pick.
- Take your pick.
They're all disposable.
- Show me where I'll be working.
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