Undead Unluck (2023) s01e17 Episode Script


Right after the new quests are announced,
Billy suggests the use of nuclear weapons
for the neutralization of UMAs although
it would end up involving many other people.
While the other members hesitate,
Billy continues his words that deny Juiz.
No matter how many times she repeats it,
Juiz will never be able to kill God.
With those words,
Billy fires his gun at the members of the Roundtable.
The Roundtable room is thrown into confusion
at Billy's sudden act of violence.
Just then, a flame engulfs the Roundtable.
UMA Burn appears from underground.
Atop its head were Rip and Latla,
who introduced themselves as Under.
Rip calls Billy "Boss."
That's right Billy, the Third Seat
of the Roundtable, was the leader of Under.
Under was aiming to plunder
the Roundtable and Apocalypse.
As Billy once saved Tatiana from the depths of despair,
she is severely hurt by his betrayal.
Turning their backs against the sorrow,
Fuko and Andy chase after Billy as he tries to escape.
What gives?
This is pretty much a cakewalk.
I expected more from this so-called secret society.
It won't be that easy.
We simply caught them off guard.
It won't be long before they come to halt our momentum.
Don't underestimate them.
Didn't think our boss would be
the Third Seat in the organization.
This is pretty much our first time meeting, yeah?
We'll cooperate with you.
But let me make something clear first.
Killing God isn't our final objective.
We want what comes next.
We're here because you said you'd give us that.
Don't forget that.
You won't be betraying us now, will you
Mr. Billy?
That's all fine. We don't operate under
some vague motive like justice.
There only is trust derived
from our mutual interests.
It's fairer that way,
don't you think?
Okay, that makes things much easier.
Swat them away, Burn!
I need your ability.
I saved your life.
Now return the favor.
You want to return to a normal body,
don't you?
Then you, too, are my enemy Untouchable.
Let's go.
We must not let him escape!
If we don't settle this here,
it's all over!
Attention, all Union members!
Billy has betrayed us and seized the Roundtable!
We're mounting an operation centered
on Undead and Unluck!
We must retrieve the Roundtable at all costs!
Top priority is disabling Burn!
As long as we stop Burn,
they can't walk off with the Roundtable!
I want you to focus on treating Isshin and Top.
Grant the lab members control
of the facility to stop Burn in its tracks!
No choice, then.
Mico, it's up to you.
Handle this.
Wait, really, Pappy-
I mean, roger, Dr. Nico!
There is a chance they'll steal Artifacts along the way.
Shen, Phil, get to the depository.
You have my permission to use any Artifact
you deem fit to pull off this operation!
Chikara, I hate to ask, but I'd like you
to use your power to stop my bleeding.
Can you do that?
Yes! I'll give it my best shot!
And, Tatiana.
As for you
Stand by.
Don't worry.
Just leave it to me, Tatiana.
I'm sure there's some reason behind this.
Mr. Billy is a kind, wonderful person.
You know that better than anyone, right?
Please go save Mr. Billy.
I will.
Well, Tatiana
I'm off!
Begin the operation!
All personnel, provide full support
for Undead and Unluck!
- Roger!
- Roger!
Emergency relocation of all giant UMA
cryo-storage units above Burn's current location!
We can only use them for ten minutes!
Designation B understood!
Any longer and the other UMA will wake up!
Plan for usage over the ten-minute mark!
Initiate emergency deployment
of anesthetic gas as a backup!
Add in the electromagnetic cables, too!
They can buy us some time!
But Pappy, they're heat-sensitive.
Even in pre-launch, the terminals-
Weren't you listening to what was just said?
Listen up! We need to make this look like
a capture while we gather seeds of unluck!
Just focus on building a dangerous assortment!
Undead and Unluck will handle the rest!
For now, let's stop Burn
and try to talk this out.
Talk it out?
Didn't ya just shoot at Billy with no warning?
That was, um, in the moment!
Well, I do have some questions for him.
Rip and Billy don't seem to have the same goal.
If his heart's set on God-slaying,
then it'd be more efficient to work with us.
Hard to believe he'd form
a whole new organization over a difference in policies.
But there's one thing that's clear as day.
What's that?
He made Tatiana cry.
Let's give him a knuckle sandwich!
We can talk after that!
I can see Burn!
Hey, Juiz! Are the seeds prepared?
All complete!
Take it away!
Copy that!
So you've come undeterred, have you?
Undead? Unluck?
Unjustice, activate!
Here it comes, Andy!
The same as Juiz?
Does Unluck plan to kill herself?
You moron.
Not on my watch!
This is sick!
Wicked sick!
Can't say I've ever gotten
a smooch while bein' beheaded-till now!
Look! They're kissing again!
Which I'm pretty sure means
Parts Bullet! Head!
There's going to be a huge stroke
of unluck heading his way?
Huh? He went inside.
It's on the way
Heading straight for Andy inside
of Burn's stomach
A stroke of unluck!
Electromagnetic cables misfiring?
This must be Unluck's doing.
And here's something else for good measure!
Time to freeze up!
A futile effort.
That might've worked on Burn's Core form,
but not against his fully developed body.
It only buys you some time.
That wasn't enough.
There's more on the way.
Courtesy of everyone
a huge stroke of unluck is on its way!
We're winging this?
Don't worry! It's fine!
We've got our girl Fuko's unluck on our side!
Unbreakable Pile Cannon!
Blast off!
See, I told you.
Unbreakable Pile Cannon!
We stopped Burn!
you ain't gettin' away, Billy!
- Yeah!
- We did it!
Hell yeah!
Suck on that, dimwit!
Wow, awesome!
Those two managed to stop Burn?
Guess so. They nailed him too good.
Must be a stroke of unluck.
Hey, old-timer,
I wanna go join them already!
I doubt you'll be able to withstand
any acceleration with your legs still recovering.
Stay here and heal up.
Isshin, stop bein' difficult,
ya big dummy!
What's the matter?
Where is Ms. Tatiana?
Now, then, this is your payback
for making Tatiana cry.
death for you!
I see.
It hurts.
From observing you,
I assumed your sense of pain got dull as well.
But you simply repaired yourself bit by bit.
I'm amazed how you forged it into
your current fighting style.
How admirable, Undead.
I knew it.
He's using my Undead powers.
Fuko, hand over the katana and the gun.
You might kill yourself.
What now? Do we help?
He doesn't need any, right?
Let's hang back and see whether
or not he's qualified to be our boss.
Th-That's Top's Unstoppable!
It's not as refined as Top's, though.
If you watch calmly,
you can tell where he's coming fro-
Even if you see it coming,
if you can't block it in time
Not bad.
However, I know your weakness.
And it's you, Unluck.
M-My legs are moving on their own.
If my vision of justice is to survive, then
the inverse would be
He's toyin' with us.
My body I can't control it!
I'm sorry, Andy!
No doubt about it.
His ability is copying!
And it applies to us Union members!
Now, that takes care of our nuisances.
Burn, how long do you plan on napping?
No way!
We couldn't pierce the Core?
The Unluck was directed at Mr. Andy, after all.
Damn! We're all out of traps
that'll work against Burn!
Boss! Burn is on the move!
We can't stop it anymore!
Five minutes until they break out of the base!
What should we do, Boss?
Remain calm!
What happened to Andy and Fuko?
Are they safe?
They're safe!
Is that you, Tatiana?
They came falling from above.
I have no idea what happened
but I've recovered them both!
Thank you, Tatiana!
Tatiana! Your orders were
to remain on standby!
I'm sorry, Boss. But
I need to talk to Mr. Billy!
Please take me with you!
You got it!
Tatiana I want you to be honest with me.
Do you still have feelings for Billy, even now?
The operation hinges on your answer.
Mr. Billy!
Why would you betray us?
So long as God and the Rules exist
this world will always be unfair.
But, Mr. Billy, I
Get over yourself.
You don't matter.
Tatiana, do you still
have feelings for Billy, even now?
I do!
Untouchable Area Compulsory Release!
Unjustice should be active!
If she's acting with justice on behalf of the Union,
then it should stop the attack
So why isn't it working?
So that's what it is, Tatiana.
I see They got me!
The target was Apocalypse!
You wanted to be a copycat Union or something.
Quests don't get started unless ya sit at the Roundtable.
without this li'l guy,
you can't accept any quests or their rewards.
Ain't that right, Billy?
You no-good morons!
What's the matter, Fuko?
I did it!
I've got more years of memories under
my belt than any other Artifact!
Enjoy going insane!
Now, while I have the chance
What? Who is that?
I'll just flood your mind, too-
Unfeel! Damn you!
Phil! Pick Fuko up while you're at it!
I'm gonna go after Billy!
Awfully sorry for the wait!
Shen? Is that the Kinto'un cloud?
Wait, you can ride this?
What are you implying by that?
I'll let you borrow Apocalypse.
All I need to do is retrieve
it before the deadline.
However, we will be securing Ark.
Tell Juiz that we won't let her have it.
Ark? Any idea what that is?
Afraid not.
Very nice.
Now things are getting fun!
Juiz, Billy's getting away!
Do we tail him?
No, it's fine.
That was enough.
There's an important matter
I must discuss with everyone.
I ask that you reconvene.
Roger that.
The flames of betrayal ran off.
What was that they believed back on that day?
God is looking down on those
at the mercy of an unmerciful destiny.
Next episode of Undead Unluck,
Episode 18-Cry For The Moon.
In search of the greatest death ever.
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