Uyanis: Buyuk Selcuklu (2020) s01e17 Episode Script

Episode 17
You're wounded, Arslantas!
Who ambushed you?
The Crusaders.
A warrior from the
tribe brought word to me.
I just got here! Who did this?
-The Christian warriors.
Where is my mother Arslantas?
Bashulu mother!
-Bashulu Mother!
Mother, hang in there!
Hang in there, mother!
Hang in there!
We're here, Bashulu mother, open your eyes!
-Open your eyes, mother!
You called us son and hugged
us, hug us again, Bashulu mother.
Open your eyes, mother.
Don't leave me, mother.
Bashulu mother.
She's moving.
She's breathing.
My son
Mother, don't tire yourself.
Empty the cart!
We must get to the tribe quickly!
I tried to protect Bashulu mother.
But Markus, the leader of the
Christian warriors, did this to her.
There are crawl marks over there.
Someone must have
crawled away into the forest.
It must be one of the attackers.
He must be wounded.
He cannot have gotten far.
I'll be fine. Leave me.
Avenge our dead.
We have emptied the carts, Hadhrat Melik.
Take my mother and the
martyrs back to the tribe.
We'll go after the dog that escaped.
Be strong, mother!
Don't give up!
You leave the book out in the
open, thinking no one can get in.
But, Sabbah can get in from
the back, and he takes the book.
Once more, I have
defeated you, Nizamulmulk.
Don't be so sure, Sabbah.
Now, your true face has been revealed.
Finally, the game of
chess between us is over.
The pieces have been
toppled, and everything is clear.
You defeated yourself, Sabbah.
You did not realize it's
not over until I say it's over.
I see, now.
It was a trick that you defended
me in the Sultah's presence.
We cannot decipher the book
until tomorrow morning, Hace.
We cannot wait that long.
We will make a new plan to trick Sabbah.
What is it?
-You will empty the room.
And he will come to take the book.
The end has come for you and the Sayyiduna
demon you were taking the book to.
Since everything has been revealed
hear me well.
I am Sayyiduna.
To be Batini is to see the unseen.
I've infiltrated you deep, for years.
You did not see it.
Do you see, now, old wolf?
Do you see how strong
we are compared to you?
Groundless beliefs can never achieve
victory against Haqq (The Absolute Truth).
You will be defeated.
You have misinterpreted the
Quran, and poisoned people's minds.
But our swords will
draw out that poison.
Our cause has burned
deep into people's minds.
Even if we die
others will come to further the cause
and as long as your state
exists, they will try to destroy it.
You will be destroyed, and all
minds will carry the light of our cause.
This is such a state that
its foundation is Haqq.
No superstitious cause
can take down this state.
The world of Islam will
not be drawned by evil.
Not today, and not centuries later!
Detain Hasan Sabbah.
For the love of Great Imam, my fidais.
Do you understand now, old wolf?
Our dagger has been in the
back of this state for forty years.
You have been defeated.
Kill him.
The charlatan known as
Sayyiduna is Hasan Sabbah!
Let the Sultan know immediately!
Secure the palace!
Your mask is off, Sabbah!
You cannot escape!
Capture him! Don't let him go!
Victory is mine, and defeat is yours, Hace!
He's going that way! Let's move, quickly!
So, Sabbah was the Chief Da'i!
We were right in our suspicions!
How did he get away?
My Sultan, two of the soldiers who
came to capture him were Batini.
They infiltrated our palace, the traitors.
Lock down the palace!
That traitor will not leave!
Root out and kill all
the Batini in the palace!
Beyond that door lies my freedom
and your ultimate defeat, Hace.
Hace is after us.
His guards will be here soon.
Come on, let's leave.
Allah-u Akbar!
Send word!
Sabbah has left the palace!
Hold all the roads of Isfahan!
Mobilize the army!
Hadhrat Chief Envoy.
Are you alright?
What happened to your arm?
Who did it?
Some madman.
It's alright.
Forget about me, get the
madman before he escapes.
Where is he?
-Over there.
Faster, Sadik, faster, lucky
they didn't receive word.
We must leave Isfahan
as soon as possible!
Hadrat Hace!
Have you seen Hasan Sabbah?
- We did.
He said a madman
attacked him.
He's the real madman! Where did he go?
That way, Hadhrat Hace.
We must capture him! Move!
Hasan Sabbah is a traitor!
Leave no stone unturned in Isfahan!
All the soldiers heard the news by now.
They will be crawling all
over the place, like ants.
An earthquake can clear the
ants no matter their number.
What will we do?
We will give them hell.
Our fida'i will see our sign, soon.
Let them sow chaos all over Isfahan.
Let's move.
What is going on?
Sayyiduna's cover has been blown!
Now is the time for chaos!
Take to the streets!
Raze the city into the gound.
Do not stop until Isfahan
is nothing but a ruin.
For the love of the Great Imam!
For the love of Sayyiduna!
Go, my Efendi.
I'll waste their time.
I can't leave you and go, Sadik.
I can sacrifice my body and soul for you.
I will elude them and join you.
All people will go into their houses!
How could Sabbah escape from the palace?
Make a blockade in Isfahan!
Don't come back before you find him!
Yes my Sultan.
My Sultan, what's happening?
The Head Traitor has
escaped from the palace.
We will turn Isfahan into
a trap and corner him.
My Sultan
Batinis made a mess in Isfahan.
They are in the streets.
Now my sword is out of it's sheathe!
I am going to Isfahan!
The palace's safety is
now your responsibility.
Don't worry, my Sultan.
My Sultan, if something happens
to you, the trouble will get bigger.
Traitors have raided our throne city.
My folks will see
me fighting up front.
Soldiers for the state
or food for the vultures!
Hatunsgo back to your rooms and
don't go out until I order you otherwise.
Everyone will go into their
rooms and close their doors.
No one will wander around the
palace except for the guardians!
What happened to you?
I got hurt in the fight.
They might be after me!
Let's leave this place!
You' can't go before we
take our revenge, you dogs.
Where is Marcos dog?
Tell me!
He must be enjoying the blood he shed.
I won't kill you and I
will make you suffer!
Tell me! What do you know about Marcos?
I don't know where Marcos is.
They will build a bigger
army, that's all I know.
Where will they come from and
where will they meet, you dog?
I don't know where they'll meet.
But they will come from Byzantine,
that's the knowledge I have.
Marcos will make you throw up blood.
We shed everyone's blood in the caravan.
You will die in pain as well.
We have to learn where the
hired soldiers will come from.
Bozkus! Ayaz!
Learn where those soldie'rs will
ome from and inform me.
We have martyrs.
We have to be with our people.
I also have to see my mother.
Let's go.
Split up! Find where Sabbah is!
Sabbah I caught you
Which one is your advantage, catching
me or not catching me, TaculMulk?
What do you mean?
I can slit your throat here if I want
but I don't want to do that,
because we have a common enemy.
The old wolf.
Now I will let you go.
If you tell them that you saw
me, it will give you nothing.
But if I leave Isfahan safe
and sound you will win.
Batinis will be supporting you when
you want to destroy NizarriulMulk.
Hadrath Sayyiduna.
Kill and die, my Fida'is.
Today is the day
of heaven for you.
I will pray to the Great Imam and
open the doors of heaven for you.
Every exit in Isfahan is guarded, what
are you going to do Hadrath Sayyduna?
If they are guarding doors
overground, underground doors are ours.
Go. Kill and die!
Take him to the dungeon!
We will make him tell us everything he
knows when we go back to the palace.
Hadrath Hace.
Batinis are defeated
Peace is provided,y Efendi.
-Did you catch Hasan Sabbah?
-Not yet, my Efendi.
Go! Go!
Where are the assistant girls?
Where have you been?
Is the mess in Isfahan over?
No, and it won't.
Sayyiduna will turn this city
and palace into hell for you.
What are you saying?
Let me go.
I am pregnant.
Don't hurt my child.
We will cause your extinction.
I will kill you and your child!
I beg you, don't.
Don't hurt my child!
I beg you
You traitor..
Take her dead body away!
Zubeyde Hatun If it wasn't for
you, she was going to kill my child
You are alright, my daughter.
That's what matters.
Go to your room and, don't
leave until everything is over.
Take Gevher Hatun to her room.
My Sultan Traitors are
defeated Isfahan is safe.
And the traitors we caught are
waiting for your orders at the yard.
What about Sabbah?
He hasn't been seen at any
doors of Isfahan, including all 17.
Sabbah knew the secret passages we opened.
He might use those passages.
But he doesn't know one thing,
we opened secret ways for
water to flow in case of a danger.
Open the covers of the
water and let it flow in!
That traitor will be dragged
to the exit of that passage!
Soldiers will catch him alive or dead.
Yes, my Sultan.
Are we going to question
ones that we caught, my Sultan?
There is no questioning for betrayal.
They can only be executed.
Open the cover.
What is that?
They are sending water here!
You recovered from death,
Bashulu Hatun!
You will heal with Allah's
consent soon.
My son.
My dear mother Thanks
to Allah, you are alright.
If something happened to
you, I would die, my mother.
Melik Tapar.
Haven't you left?
How could I go after what they did
to you and to the people of your tribe?
Besides, I couldn't have
left before seeing you healthy.
Korkut Bey
Many valiants
They killed all of them.
They turned our
days into dark nights.
We will not lose our hope, mother.
We will not let enemies laugh.
We will stand tall until
we take our revenge.
Don't worry.
We will take their revenge.
We were going to see
your and Turna's marriage.
Those traitors have also
prevented your happiness.
Don't worry, mother.
Happiness is haram (sin) to me
until we take our revenge
I am with Sencer on this way.
We won't come back before we
take our revenge from our enemies.!
Then you and the tribe's
people will be relieved.
And my Sencer brother will
reach his happiness InshaAllah.
May Allah keep you on the way
in companionship
in your da'wah
and in your brotherhood.
May your hearts be strong
and may your swords be sharp.
Amen mother.
The servant told me that
you haven't eaten your meal.
If you think you can make me change
my mind by not eating, you are wrong.
You will marry Faysal!
Why don't you understand, father?
I don't love that trader.
I would prefer dying than marrying him!
Christian warriors
attacked Kinik's caravan.
Sencer's mother was
also in the caravan.
How can Sencer protect you while
he can't even protect his own mother?
Take that bandit out of your heart.
That caravan was going to Toy (meeting).
Bashulu mother?
-Did anyone die? Do you know anything?
-How can I know?
I have to Be with them on this day
-It will heal them
-You can't leave.
You will not see that bandit.
-Father, I am a healer!
We have to help them on this day!
I can not bow down
to you this time!
You will do as I say, is it
your duty to help them?
You will not step out of this
room until you marry Faysal!
Father! Father!
Father, oper the door!
I have to help them!
My Sultan We sent water in.
Our soldiers will look
for Sabbah at the exit.
Our state is based on Allah's da'wah.
Attacking the state means
attacking the da'wah of Allah.
And the sentence for that is death.
Take their dead bodies to the square!
It will be a warning for all traitors!
My Sultan
The Christian warriors attacked a
wedding convoy of the Kinik tribe.
We have martyrs, including Korkut Bey.
Sencer and Tapar?
-They are well.
However, Sencer's
mother was wounded.
We have so much to take revenge for.
Send word to Sencer, he shall
come back here with Tapar.
The Christian warriors and the
Batini are both coming after us.
We will strive for greater moves
and be the storm upon them.
We will not sit and
wait in mourning.
We will not make
their souls restless!
They have fought, heathens
and they were martyred, and
reached the greatest honour
they have achieved martyrdom!
Our task is to honour their deaths.
Only way for that, is vengeance.
The earth and sky shall be my witness
they spilled our blood,
we will spill theirs!
We will!
They hurt us
we will have their heads!
We will.
The heathens blodied our day of
celebration, but we will celebrate truly
when we take vengeance.
Vengence! Vengence!
Vengence! Vengence!
If we fail to avenge their deaths.
may the swords our
hands turn against us
and strike us down!
May our own weapons strike us down!
May our own weapon's strike us down!
May our own weapon's strike us down!
May our own weapon's strike us down!
May our own weapon's strike us down!
My Eynel brother.
We spilled Sencer's mother's blood.
The blood on my sword
is the blood of revenge.
I bless your grave with it.
Sir, we found a few
of our dead in the forest.
One of them were with
us during the attack.
So, he reached the forest without dying.
And they followed him.
We strike, he strikes back, huh?
He's getting closer.
I've lost a lot of men.
Where are our mercenaries?
commander Markus,
the mercenaries will be here tomorrow.
Their leader sent me
here to give you the word.
Their leader?
I don't get it.
Who is their leader?
They always have a leader.
They are loyal to him.
I'll show them who the real leader is.
Go and tell the mercenaries
they should take the Cinarli Forest way.
So that they don't get
caught by the Seljuks.
Their "leader".
we will give the gold we got
from MelikShah to the mercenaries.
But we cannot give it to them as
it is, MelikShah would be after us.
We will turn it into gold ingots.
We hold the gold and steel
mines in Daru'l Hijra, Shalamzar.
If you go to them with this letter
our man there will help
you melt down the gold.
The chests of gold we buried, you will
take them to the mines in Shalamzar.
Give this letter to the man waiting there.
He'll know what to do.
You're not going to give all the
gold to the mercenaries, are you?
Yes, I am.
I will buy soldiers and grow in power.
I took that gold to get soldiers,
not to throw lavish feasts.
We fought for that gold.
You should have given us our pay.
I like the dead far better than
the living. Do you know why?
Because the dead are not greedy.
If you lost an eye, maybe
your greed would go with it?
What do you think?
Would you like me to takeout your eye?
I wouldn't.
You wouldn't, would you?
None of us would want that.
Take someone with you, and go to Shalamzar.
Turn th gold into ingots.
Then meet me in the forest.
We have found Hasan Sabbah!
He's not breathing.
His lungs must be filled with water.
Hace said dead or alive.
Get the book.
We'll take them to Isfahan.
Father! Father!
It was obvious they were
looking for him around
here since the soldiers
were all around the stream.
The demons drowned him.
His lungs are filled with water!
He'll die if we don't help him!
Hang on, father! Hang on!
Come back to us, father.
Expel the water in your lungs!
Come,on, father!
Our cause awaits you!
He's finally breathing.
He is, but his life is still in danger.
We must leave before more solldiers arrive.
We must heal him.
Take the book.
I'll make sure you recover, father.
May Allah give them all peace.
I must go to the palace.
I will inform our Sultan
about the situation.
He will do whatever is
necessary to find Markus.
Hadhrat Melik!
Our Sultan has sent word.
Hasan Sabbah is the
Chief Da'i of the Batini.
It was obvious that dog was
a traitor in one way or another.
Has he been caught?
-Not yet
The Sultan summons Sencer to
the palace regarding the Batini threat.
Return to the tribe.
Aydogdu! Balaban!
You will come to
the palace with me.
Those heathens martyred my father.
I must avenge him.
I want to come with you.
Let me join you.
Let's go.
What is it, Arslantas son?
Is something wrong?
Our Sultan took my swords.
I have been dismissed from
my duty as his private soldier.
Then, now you have one
of the most important tasks.
How so, Korkut Ata?
The greatest of fighters keep fighting,
evern when their help is no longer wanted.
You will keep fighting
you will not give up
so that you can prove
yourself once again.
Look, son
The Oghuz tribes had
a fighter named Eyrek.
This fighter would enter the
Khan's tent and sit anywhere he would like.
One day, they told him
"Only the worthy can
take a seat in the Khan's tent,
did you kill our enemies,
did you fight in wars"
that you think you can
sit wherever you like?"
After hearing that
Eyrek went to battle.
But, a lord's soldiers captured
him and imprisoned him in the castle.
Long years passed.
When Seyrek found out that his
brother Eyrek was imprisoned
he marched towards the lord's castle.
When the lord realized
he could not fight Seyrek
he sent Eyrek after him.
They did not know each other.
But when they came face
to face in battle, they talked
and they realized they were brothers.
They joined forces, defeated the
enemy, and returned to their tribe.
The Oghuz Khan rewarded
them, as they deserved.
And Eyre'k finally got the position
he wanted all those year ago.
You see, Arslantas, son.
When you were imprisoned
by the, poison or traitors
your brother came and saved you.
You were both brave, and
you won against the traitors.
Even though MelikShah may
be angry with you right now
you will think of this as a
test, and you will not give up.
If you keep fighting
when the time comes he will reward you.
Keep your wrist more stiff,
Mahmelek daughter.
Swords are not held gently.
The palace is in chaos,
and we're practicing here.
What was the hurry for this,
Zubeyde Hatun?
If the palace is in chaos
I will handle the matters
regarding the hatuns.
The last incident in the
palace has once again proven
why the hatuns of the palace
must know how to fight.
Once cannot know from which
shadow the enemy will strike.
I am the daughter of Tamgach Khan.
I was four when I
learned how to fight.
I can use a sword if I have to,
Zubeyde Hatun.
Don't worry.
I teach my daughter too.
My mother is right, Zubeyde Hatun. I
received all the training I need from her.
This was unnecessary.
Raise your sword.
Raise your sword.
Your hand is shaking.
This is the training your received?
Go on, make your move.
Enough, Zubeyde Hatun!
Stand back.
I'm here.
Even if you're her mother,
It's not your place.
If only your hand was as
skilled as your tongue!
From now on, don't say
things that you can't back up.
So that you don't make a fool of yourself.
As for you, Terken hatun
I know you are the
daughter of a Khan.
Your father, Tamgach Khan, gave
you to us just to make peace with us.
Your father who was so
afraid of the Seijuk's sword
how could he have
taught you how to fight?
My Sultan.
We are investigating the area near the
stream where five of our soldiers were killed.
It seems Sabbah was
washed away with the stream
and got on land around there.
the Batini seem to have
rescued him from our soldiers.
What incompetence is this?
How can they let him get away?
I know how to make his dog squeal.
Did he tell us where Sabbah is?
You were escaping with him.
Tell me, where were you going to go?
To our paradise.
If you don't tell me
where that traitor is
I wil make your life a living hell.
Tell me where he is!
In our hearts.
Rip him apart.
If you refuse to speak,
you will die in horrid pain!
Tell me where he is!
The vault!
The vault!
Where is the vault?
I don't know.
I only know the whereabouts of the tunnel.
It goes through somewhere near Kalunduk
between Shalamzar and Shahdiz.
Don't lie.
Tell me where it is, exactly!
That's all I know!
What's in the vault?
Documents about the state
that he's been collecting for years.
We only know about the
tunnel that leads to the vault.
To search for the vault
itself would be futile.
Blockade the roads between
Shalamzar and Shahdiz.
That traitor should not
find a way back to his den.
Hang this one in the square!
If anything happens to my father
I will destroy the Seijuk state
and wipe out Nizamulmulk's family!
Your anger has taken over you.
The Great Sayyiduna
will be fine you'll see.
He's had worse and survived.
Great Sayyiduna.
Are you alright?
I'm fine, son.
The Great Imam gave me
his hand under the water.
How did you find me?
When the Seljuk soldiers started
lookinq for you along the stream,
we knew you'd be around here.
We saved you from them, father.
The book! Where is the book?
That old wolf!
He destroyed all our secrets!
I promise, I will destroy you.
But you will see.
I'll establish this cause
again in such a way that
even if you burn all the world, you
won't be able to erase even a bit of it.
It will be their nightmare
until the doomsday.
They are holding everywhere, and
searching for me everywhere.
I need to go to the vault.
The informations that I managed to
take secretly from the sate are there.
Using them I am going to
make a move against the Seljuk.
But the Road between there
and Selemzar is under blockage
Then let's send news to the Dais, we are going
to break through the blockage by fighting.
Meliksah ordered all Batinis to
be hanged without any questions.
And the servants are in their
secret locations for some time.
It's not possible for us
to take servants with us.
Damn Seljuk!
They made all the moves ahead of us!
But there is one last move
they don't know about.
I will ask for men from Markus.
No matter what, I will
reach those informations.
Then let us come with you too, father.
Just Behram is enough.
You will go to Selemzar quickly Faysal.
Your duty there is to
work for our order there.
Selemzar is now more important than ever.
No matter what happens, you will
marry to Emir llteber's daughter Turna.
This is important for us.
I will marry to Turna Hatun quickly.
I'm not just going to make her my hatun.
She will also be one of the
most loyal servants of our cause.
Since I heard about the catastrophe
that occurred, my heart is on fire.
Not being with you, and not
sharing your pain burns my heart.
My father imprisoned me in my room.
That's why I cannot come
to mend your wounds.
To soothe the pain in your heart, and
to give you strength in your revenge
I'm praying to Allah
I will wait for the day ?
when we got united again.
Take this to Sencer.
Be careful, send it at night.
And don't get caught
by my father.
Don't worry, my lady.
We are all sorry for the
martyrs from your tribe.
Their vengeance, is also our vengeance.
Thank you, my Sultan.
And your mother got wounded while
fighting bravely against the enemy.
Visiting such a brave hatun
at the most suitable time
is now very important for me.
My Sultan.
Markus will bring Christian mercenaries.
They will use our gold.
I tasked my soldiers to learn where
the mercenaries will come from.
By following them, we will reach Markus.
That way, we will also
capture Hasan Sabbah.
Markus and Hasan
Sabbah are in an alliance.
While we were bringing
The Book of Secrets,
It appears that Hasan Sabbah
informed them beforehand.
Also you put blockage on
the Karatepe road where
Hasan Sabbah's vault is
located in, and other cities.
The only place he can go is to
Markus, he will ask help from him.
So if we reach Markus, we
will reach Hasan Sabbah.
I informed our spies regarding the
gold they have taken from us, my Sultan.
If they attempt to use that gold in
somewhere, we will follow them.
In conclusion, we are tracing
Markus with everything we have.
My Sultan, we got news from Selemzar.
2 suspicious men looking like
Crusaders have been seen.
And they were carrying 2 boxes.
They looked like gold boxes. They
went towards the mines with their horses.
We are suspecting that they will
take what they have to the mines.
How can that be? didn't I say that
all the mines are going to stay closed?
How can they take the gold to the mines?
The mines in the Selemzar
are not closed, my Sultan.
They are still working.
Who did this?
The merchant called Faysal of Baghdad.
He has the mines of Selemzar.
It looks like he is disobeying
your orders, my Sultan.
Give me the order, and I
will do what's necessary.
The boxes Byzantine men were carrying
might contain the gold belonged to us.
We can find a trace leading
to Markus through them.
So they are doing things in secret.
From now on, we won't tolerate even
the smallest disrespect done to the state!
Go and show that merchant his place!
If he acts obstinate towards you
...then remove his head!
I went crazy after I heard
what happened to you.
I'm okay now, Tapar. But I was so scared.
When I felt that dagger
on my belly, for a moment
I thought we would lose our child
Oh, Gevher
What if Zubeyde Hatun
didn't make it in time?
What if that womgn took you and
my child from me? What would I do?
Allah spared us for you. Now, our life
our love and our family's
value is more evident.
I upset you, I know.
Forgive me.
I've long forgotten about it.
Long forgotten it, Gevher.
As long as you're okay
Gevher, how have you been?
How is your child?
I'm okay, my Sultan.
The physicians examined me.
Our child is also okay.
If Zubeyde Hatun didn't make
it in time to get that traitor
maybe I would have died.
-Thank you, Zubey'de Hatun.
Born or unborn
everyone in this royalty is my child.
Thank you.
They are everywhere like poison.
My Sultan, if you'll excuse me,
I would like to say something.
Things are very chaotic
right now. Batinis in one side
Crusaders in another,
always attacking us.
You and Tapar are always after the enemy.
When the situation is evident,
I think we need to fortify
our throne city and
your environment better.
What are you thinking?
I think it is time to
bring Berkyaruk in.
He will provide the power we
desperately need in this tough times.
That won't be necessary for now.
But send the word anyway.
-Tell him to be prepared at all times.
-As you wish, my Sultan.
We need to let Hace
know about the location.
Were you blinded by night
that you can't see the
enemy in front of you?
Die, Meliksah!
You work for the Seljuks.
-What is he doing with you?
-He doesn't work for the Seljuks.
He is our Seyduna, Hasan Sabbah.
Hasan Sabbah is the Seyduna?
You revealed yourself
with a weird mask at first
then shot me in my back, and
you're telling my you are Seyduna?
I don't understand Batinis at all.
I cut the knot which I can't untie.
I had to save Meliksah.
Taculmulk brought me there with
him. What else should I have done?
You threw the first arrow at me, Seyduna.
If you didn't do that I
would've killed Meliksah.
How could I tell who was who in that chaos?
If I was your enemy would
I kill these Seljuk soldiers?
If I didn't come here they would
tell Nizamulmulk where you are
and he would bury
you next to your friend.
I escaped the palace.
I'm here to ask for your help.
And you'll get something
in return for this.
I raided the caravan of
Sencer's tribe, Hasan Sabbah.
I cut his mother with my sword.
There was a bloodbath.
Soon my paid-soldiers will be here.
What can you do for me?
You escaped the palace too.
You did a great job.
But do you think that those
paid-soldiers will be enough?
Sencer will eventually kill the soldiers
you bought for two chests of gold.
I will give you such a thing
in return for your help that
you'll have a much bigger
army compared to this one.
Let's talk about our big offer now.
After we make an agreement
you will be able to use this sword
harder on the neck of Sencer and the Seljuks.
Nobody saw you, right?
I'm in trouble with the Seljuks.
If they see the gold,
I'll be in more trouble.
Don't worry, nobody saw us.
When will the gold bullions be ready?
It won't take a long
time. Stay in Selemzar.
Try to keep your identities hidden.
Bring them.
We can't waste all the trophy
for Markus' whims, right?
Now it's time to have some fun.
They're looking for me everywhere.
The only place I can be safe is my vault.
But the Seljuk blockaded that area.
I came to ask you to give me men
so that I can thwart that blockade.
I understood what you want.
But what will I get
in return for this?
Half of the gold that are mined
by man in my mine will be yours.
Think about the army you'll establish and the
warriors you'll gather together with that gold.
Half of it. Not bad.
So we'll establish an army that will ruin
the Seljuks with the gold of Suljuk lands.
It's a deal.
But don't want my soldiers from me now.
I can't give them to you. I already lost many.
We'll talk again when I
agree with the paid-soldiers.
When will they be here?
I'll make a deal with them after your
man melts the gold and make bullions.
Then I'll give you some of my soldiers.
Apparently, the warriors
and gold are our hope.
Let's hope there will be
no trouble or problems.
We'll come with you tomorrow. After
you make the deal I'll take my men and go.
Do you want it?
-What is it?
-Snake meat.
Snakes' eyes see very well.
Maybe if you eat some of
this, your eyes will start to see.
Where have you been, innkeeper?
I want all the food in this inn.
You haven't eaten most of what you ordered.
Obviously, you're enjoying the night but
your check will be very
expensive. You should know that.
Take this. Now, bring us whatever we want.
We have enough gold to buy anything.
Mark the horseshoes of
their horses with signs. Okay?
Do you want anything?
No, thanks.
Come on. The gold should be melted by now.
We must be where we'll meet
in the forest in the morning.
If we are late, we will
suffer the wrath of Markus.
Have you marked the horseshoes?
Take this gold to Hace Hadrath immediately.
Obviously, they are the
men of the crusaders.
And I will take some spies
with me and follow them.
My Sultan. Melik Tapar wants to see you.
Can I come, father?
Come, son.
I want to talk about my brother, BerkYaruk.
What is the matter?
Do you think I am insufficient that
you make my brother ready father?
What do you mean, Tapar?
It's not about your sufficiency.
If you were in your brother's place
if you were outside palace,
I'd make you ready to call.
It's about strength. It is
a strength reinforcement.
Yet, you have never thought
about reinforcement before.
The first thing that comes
to Zubeyde Hatun's mind
was calling my brother somehow.
What do you mean?
Zubeyde Hatun naturally favors my brother.
After all, he is her own son.
Yet, I don't have anyone,
who looks after me.
Is that why I am always ignored?
Do you hear what you say son?
You are a great Melik.
Who can ignore you?
And that woman saved your Hatun
and your child today. How could
you accuse her with such a thing?
I don't accuse Zubeyde Hatun, father.
She is not the matter.
The matter is I
The matter is that I have
no one to look after me.
You are my son.
You are my flesh and blood.
Who do you need to look after you?
We take decisions for
the state above everything.
You are being selfish. Don't do it.
And am I selfish now, father?
I was unprotected among
the dynasty for years.
If my mother was alive
maybe she would look after me.
Didn't I become both
mother and father to you?
Did I let you be wronged
even once among the dynasty?
Was I unjust to you
even for a day? Tell me.
The matter is not about you.
All the matter is about the state, son.
We take our decisions
for the future of the state.
Now, you do what you must do for the state.
Wait for your duty.
don't talk about your
mother in such matters.
Don't you know it's a deep
wound inside both of us?
Don't let it make us hurt.
Melik Tapar.
Haven't you still left?
How could I leave after the things
done to you and the people of the tribe?
And I wouldn't ease myself
without seeing you are okay.
How could have I lived
without you for all those years?
Since the fate brought us together
it became harder for
me to stay away from you.
My mother heart
misses you more.
My son.
Finish your job quickly.
Seljuk don't know we opened here.
We need to leave before they realize.
These golds are so important.
Our ally will give us new soldiers.
And those soldiers might be
useful for Seyduna to enter the vault.
Therefore, these need to
be taken to Markus immediately.
Seljuk soldiers. They
are in front of the door.
-What do they want?
-They've come to close the mine.
They are lead by the
warrior, called Sencer.
You've become too much, Sencer.
What do you think you do?
I should ask what you are doing?
There is an order of our Sultan.
All the mines are going to be closed.
How dare you to open it?
We had some business, so, we had to open.
-Emir llteber informed me about-
-You'll obey me
and Emir llteber obeys Sultan Meliksah.
There are golds taken by our enemies.
Our Sultan ordered that
all the mines would be
closed to prevent them
from melting the golds.
We can meddle everything in such a matter.
If the enemies of the
state brought gold to me,
I would be the first person
reporting it to our Sultan.
You are a fool, who even couldn't
realize the enemy infiltrated your caravan.
You don't realize it, even if
they melt gold in your mine.
And two suspect were seen
under the disguise of crusaders.
And they said they were carrying
chests similar to gold chests.
They were seen while going around the mine.
Now, I'm going to search inside.
Let's see if the golds
are the ones reported.
And see if they were melted in this mine.
You can't enter my mine.
No one brought gold to my mine.
Now, I'll close it. So,
you can leave me alone.
It's the order of our Sultan.
If you resist, I'll take your head.
You draw your blade
and crossed the line, but
my sword is in its sheath.
And if it is drawn from
its sheath, know that
it won't be put back
without taking your head.
I'm lowering my weapon
not because, I'm afraid.
It's because the respect I
have towards the Sultan.
It'd better be good for
you, if you start to be afraid.
If you use your head like this, it obviously
won't stay on your body for too long.
There is nothing as you see.
You search in vain.
Search the chests.
When did these golds turn into ingots?
It's been a while.
Do we explain for every job we did?
You will.
They look like high carats.
We need to be sure that they are
not the golds come from Byzantium.
I've seized these golds for a few days.
We'll analyze them in the palace
and learn what they are. Take them.
What do you think you are
doing? You can't take them.
What is it? Do you have a rush?
There are owners of them.
What will I say to them?
You'll say the state I has seized them.
The ones, who are in a rush,
can come and take them from us.
You can't touch these golds!
-Whose hand are you pushing?
-Have you become bandits now?
My tribe was raided.
Many people fell as martyrs!
I take every clue to take
my revenge from them.
And if you stand before me, I'll kill you.
Take them.
Take the chests to the palace.
Let Hace analyze them.
If these are the golds
we took from Kuvel
it means we will
take Faysal's head, too.
Sencer is taking the chests.
Obviously, he's seized our golds, too.
Damn it!
Markus was waiting for the golds.
-What do we do now?
-They are so crowded.
We need to report the situation
to Markus as soon as possible.
We learned you called us to Selemzar.
We've come as soon as possible.
Did you learn, from where
the mercenaries are coming?
We learned. They are
coming from Cinarliorman.
So, they chose that road
not to be recognized.
Let's see if they can
escape from our claws.
We'll follow the soldiers and find Markus.
It's time for revenge, warriors. Let's go.
Come on.
Those golds were important for us.
Now Markus won't be able
to bring the mercenaries.
And maybe, my father won't
be able to reach the vault.
What will we do?
Let's pray that they don't
understand what those golds are.
You put an obstacle in
front of anything I did, Sencer.
Think as if you won for now.
 But when I get the woman you love
from you, you will feel the biggest defeat.
One of you is the Hace of the
state, and the other is an Emir!
How can you not notice
the traitor among us!
This state bring you to a
position, and gave you duties,
so that you could be our eyes and hands!
You met Hasan Sabbah the
most, didn't you suspect at all?
He met with me, but he didn't
work under my command.
And since he was an ambassador,
he was in touch with Hace Hadrath.
The backbone of the state,
the protector of the order, Hace.
Even before me, even before
everyone, you should have noticed it.
How could you not?
My Sultan, I have always
had suspicions about Sabbah.
Especially the things he has done after he
has become an ambassador drew my attention.
And I made the necessary
warning to him regarding that matter.
But to reveal his true colours,
we needed enough evidence.
How could we not notice?
If it wasn't for that book of secrets,
that traitor would still be among us!
Now we are after him.
I will find him.
When this is over, the state
officials will answer to me!
My Sultan, we got news from our spies.
They spent the gold we took from
Kuvel at a tavern near Selemzar.
Our spies are following them.
Let's go after them quickly, Hace.
Hasan Sabbah.
So you have infiltrated the state without
showing your true colours for years.
We always needed each
other in this palace.
When the time comes, we
may need each other again.
Who knows?
What makes you come
here at this hour like this?
I came for the matter of my
marriage with Turna Hatun.
I promised you that you
will marry as soon as possible.
I want it tomorrow.
Why is the hurry?
They are pushing us around Emir llteber.
Sencer came just now, and
took the gold from my mines.
He said that they
are going to be investigated.
What is the connection
between that and the marriage?
They can push around
however they want, but
if we unite our power,
they cannot do that.
After all, you rule over Selemzar
and I have the money.
When we become relatives, they
will realize that we will work together.
Then they won't be able to push us around.
Still, isn't this a little quick?
Do you want to wait so
they can crush us more?
If we don't result this
immediately, it will be over for us.
And I'm bringing the gold I
will give to you from Baghdad.
Those golds will be very useful to you.
Now, if you accept, I want to
marry to Turna Hatun tomorrow.
I made this bracers
specially for your hand.
-You'll have a better grip on your sword.
-Thank you, Zubeyde.
You don't sleep af night,
you don't stand still at day.
And I will wait for you sleepless
and standing until you return.
The palace is yours. I know there will be
a mountain behind me with a huge shadow.
The lord of my heart, may your
arm be strong and your sword sharp.
The mother of a paladin
of mine is in Kinik Tribe.
She was injured fighting the infidels.
They need to feel the shadow
of our state in days like these.
You'll go to Kinik Tribe tomorrow and pay
a visit to Sencer's mother for our state.
Send my greetings.
Don't worry, I'll do it.
May you have a safe journey.
your heart is in flames
and I'm not with you.
My heart is in pain and you're not with me.
I can feel you when I put
my hand on my heart
but I really need you to be with me.
-Did you get my letter?
-I did.
I saw your tears on the letter.
-They must be from the pain of your heart.
-You don't know how much it hurts.
We were supposed to be together,
but now they are tearing us apart.
Nobody will set us apart. Rest assured.
They dug cliffs between us.
We've overcome many obstacles,
Turna. We will overcome them again.
-Don't worry.
-How is that going to be, Sencer?
How will we get out of this?
Didn't I tell you our hearts are unified?
Now, I'm here to unify our hands.
Did you think I would
let grief take over you?
Give me your hand.
Let's go to our home, our tent.
What is going on? Why
are you here at this hour?
-What's that supposed mean?
-Don't even say a word.
Didn't I tell you to not see
that peasant, that bandit man?
And you're writing letters to him?
There's your letter.
There's your Sencer.
You will tear him apart
like this and forget about him!
You will tear him apart like
. this and forget about him!
You cruel man! It's like you're talking
to an enemy and not your daughter!
You are nothing to me
if you don't listen to me.
You will get married to Faysal. Tomorrow.
What are you saying, father?
How can you do this to me?
I would rather die -k than marry him. 11
I said what I said. The promises are given.
You need to get prepared.
The wedding is tomorrow.
You will be Faysal's wife.
If you force me into
marrying him tomorrow
I will leave this place with my
burial robe, not my wedding dress.
This is your last night in this
mansion. There is no turning back.
Get ready to marry Faysal in the morning.
Forgive me, my lady. I couldn't do it.
I would rather die than be
someone's wife other than Sencer.
Dear Allah..
you granted us to carry the
banner of the world and Islam.
Allow us to carry the Sultanate position
for your sake.
Keep the dignity that will
resist the oppressors
 and the mercy that will
protect the oppressed
in our hearts.
The infidels are attacking us as one.
There are traitors among us.
Grant us the insight to see
the traps inside and outside of us.
Make our hearts made of bronze
and our wrists of steel.
Let us destroy the infidels
with our own hands
who are cruel in everyway.
and who are waiting for
opportunities to harm innocent people.
Don't let the infidels set their
malignant feet on these lands
that carry the essence of Islam.
Without a doubt, you are
the one who knows everything.
You are the one who has
judgment and wisdom.
Don't let us be
embarrassed and defeated
on this path we set out for
..the unity and safety of
the world of Islam, my Allah.
We shot these arrows along the way.
Hace will understand and follow them.
Let them go wherever they are
going. Well see where they are hiding.
Hace will come here until then.
We'll follow them until they meet Markus.
They can realize even
the slightest move.
Be careful. Let's go.
What happened, Terken Hatun?
You bought fabric and jewelry.
What are you preparing for?
We are going to visit Sencer's mother.
I prepared gifts for her
on behalf of our state.
Our Sultan personally ordered me.
I will go there alone as the Head Hatun.
There is no need for anything else.
And you can't give these gifts
to a wounded hatun of a tribe.
You forgot our traditions by
staying at the palace all the time.
You want to show how refulgent you are.
But it's enough for your
unnecessary expenses.
Zubeyde Hatun.
I only answer to our Sultan.
That's in the past, Terken Hatun.
You are going to answer to me,
even for a single needle you have bought.
From now on, the amount I see fit
will be your limit to spending
Take these away.
You are doing all these
out of your grudge for me.
Who do you think you are that I
would hold a grudge against you?
Who do you think you are that I
would hold a grudge against you?
You get involved in every thing,
and something wrong comes out of them.
Don't trust in Meliksah's love.
For him, the peace of the palace and the
state is more important than everything.
I'am the one that has
been with Meliksah for years.
Not you.
That's right.
For years, I have been with
my son, who is heir to the throne.
And what are you trusting
in, when standing in front of me?
First of all, give a male
heir to the dynasty
then you can find the
reputation to stand against me.
Until I'm back, don't leave the
place separated for the hatuns.
I have no patience left!
I have no patience left!
I have no patience left!
Mother stop.
Terken Hatun is breaking
stuff out of her anger for you.
These are the screams for revenge.
She is getting more and
more mad at me it appears.
But I will not allow her to take revenge.
Do you see the pain,
your mother suffers?
We have no one else but each other.
If we don't risk anything
they won't let us stay in this palace.
Will you do anything for me?
There isn't anything I wouldn't do
for you, mother. Just give the word.
My Sultan.
Our Spies have left a sign.
If we take a look at the arrow
points, they must have gone this way.
And the symbol put on the horseshoe
of the Crusaders prove that too.
We will go that way quickly then! Come on!
We are continuing!
I heard a sound behind those bushes.
It must be a rabbit, forget about it.
I don't let go of any sound.
We need to meet Markus right away.
We cannot waste our time with
sounds coming behind bushes.
Then we will do it without losing time.
Now whatever it's behind
those bushes, is dead.
Come on, let's continue!
I told you to be careful, that
they would hear any sound.
We almost got caught, and lose them.
Don't make such a mistake again.
My lady, you need to
wake up and eat something.
My lady?
Turna Hatun?
My lady?
Turna Hatun! Help!
Turna Hatun! My lady! Help! Anybody!
There's blood on Turna Hatun's mouth.
She's out!
Turna? My dear? Open your eyes.
Notify the physicians now!
 Turna, dear, what happened
to you? Open your eyes, dear.
Turna, please open your eyes.
How could you come back without
taking the gold from the mines?
I told you I was going
to buy soldiers with that.
Seljuks closed the mine just as we were
going to take it. They were led by Sencer.
Sencer? He stopped us once again.
You're right, Seyduna. We can't
catch a break unless we get rid of Sencer.
We can't get our way. We just can't.
Hasan Sabbah is also there. We
can't raid now. They will just run away.
We'll keep following
until the soldiers come.
So, what now, Markus?
Since the gold is not here, how
will you buy the mercenaries?
 If we don't have those soldiers,
I we'll both be in big trouble.
We'll meet them as ordinary.
I will do my best to convince
them. I'll buy us two days.
Meanwhile, we need to get
rid of this pest or things will be rough.
Let's keep following.
How did you know they were following us?
Because these idiots had
marks under their horseshoes.
We'll talk about how you gave yourselves
away later. Take out those marks.
We need to get out of here now.
There might be more.
My dear daughter, what happened to you?
What illness took you over?
So? What is the situation?
We gave some medicine. We are waiting
for her to regain her consciousness.
She had an ailment from before.
It got more violent because of grief.
 If this keeps on, there
might be no cure, Allah forbid.
It might turn into tuberculosis. It
would be very hard to apply cure then.
Emir Hadhrat, merchant Faysal is here.
What is going on, Emir llteber?
Even though this marriage saves us both
it will make my daughter's life a hell.
For this reason, I am
breaking the marriage agreement.
-I'm not letting you marry Turna.
-What do you think this agreement is?
A promise to merchants for your debts?
If it wasn't my daughter's
life on the line
nothing in the world would make
me break my word. But I have no choice.
This marriage is very important for me.
You can't change your mind like that.
Why is it important for you?
The die is cast. I made a lot of
preparations. It would humiliate me.
I don't care about anybody.
My daughter is lying sick
 because she was
grief-stricken for marrying you.
I can't let this happen when
she is fighting for her life.
My decision is final.
Sultan Meliksah will execute
you when I cash in the bills.
Look, stop
threatening me with
the bills every time.
Do whatever you want. I said what I said.
We won't go through with the marriage.
Now go, do whatever you want.
You will pay for this heavily.
Very heavily.
Let's go.
Why did Zubeyde Hatun come here?
-Welcome to our tribe, Zubeyde Hatun.
-Thank you.
Where is Sencer's tent?
It's there, Zubeyde Hatun.
Is his mother there?
-She is.
Let's go see her then.
-Welcome, Zubeyde Hatun.
-Welcome, Zubeyde Hatun.
Welcome Zubeyde Hatun!
May I come in, Hatun?
Come in.
They understood that they were followed.
How did they realise our spies?
Our soldiers wouldn't
reveal themselves, my Sultan.
They probably realised the signs we
put on the horseshoes.
Follow the traces.
Take our spies too.
 Apparently they didn't
meet the warriors yet.
Sencer was following
them from the other way.
We'll catch them.
The traces continue until a little
further then they disappear, my Sultan.
Like I thought
they realised the signs
on the horseshoes, my Sultan.
We'll follow the traces.
If we can't catch up with
them we'll miss them.
And Sencer will be in danger.
Let's go!
I'm not saying that I
won't give you the gold.
I just want two more days.
No, Markus. You promised us
and we came here trusting you.
If there is no gold, we won't help you.
All the dogs are gathered together.
We'll kill them all.
Get ready, soldiers.
Two days. Just two more days.
Are you going to go back
all the way you've come?
I promise you lots of
gold and Turkish blood.
Where else could you find this?
I understand you, Markus. But even
if I accept this, our leader wouldn't.
I am really curious about your leader.
I want to meet your leader
as soon as possible.
I can't tell you my leader's name.
You two will meet soon.
Okay then.
We'll attack them with my mark, soldiers.
They realised where we
are because of the horse.
Go that way Alps.
Check what that is.
Attack them, soldiers! Kill them all!
Let's go, soldiers!
Let's go.
It's Sencer.
Your death will be
by my weapon, Sabbah!
Don't get excited, old wolf!
I won't die before destroying you!
So, you are running, you ignoble!
I'm going after Markus!
So there isn't another way for both of us.
Other than death.
I kept my revenge in
my heart like a hot iron.
Now, your blood will cool it.
You have nowhere to run,
Hasan Sabbah.
I will never surrender to you, Sultan.
I only surrender
to the Great Imam
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