Where's Wally (2020) s01e17 Episode Script

Chilling Out in Antarctica

# Oh, ah, oh
# Oh, ah, oh
# Where do you go
where do you go Wally?
# Oh, ah, oh
I search the world for you
# Take a trip around the world
Catch a ride to the moon
# Take a trip around the world
Catch a ride to the moon
# Ride the waves at the beach
jump in discover something new
# Oh, ah, oh
Anywhere you go I'll find you
# Oh, ah, oh
Anywhere you go I'll find you
# Oh, oh, oh
Where do you go where do you go?
# Where's Wally? #
Start the timer.
You're a bird. No, a-a plane!
You're asparagus! Ah, no.
Lima beans!
You're asparagus! Ah, no.
Lima beans!
Asparagus? Lima beans?
What? I haven't had lunch yet.
You're pretending to be
a ham sandwich!
Paper airplane!
Avocado on toast?
Those chocolate thingies
on ice cream!
Those chocolate thingies
on ice cream!
The Wally Tri Hanglider-anator!
Ha! That's it Wenda!
I was so close!
Ah wonders!
A WanderPost!
Who's it from, Wizard Whitebeard?
Who's it from, Wizard Whitebeard?
It's from-
Wait! It is your turn,
Wizard Whitebeard.
Why don't you act out
the WanderPost?
And we'll guess it. More charades!
And we'll guess it. More charades!
That's a great idea, Wally!
(CHUCKLING) What fun!
Challenge accepted.
You're a frog?
A green frog! A tree frog!
A bullfrog!
Frog in your throat?
Frog with a cold! Cold with a frog!
Frog in your throat?
Frog with a cold! Cold with a frog!
Ah. Good guesses, young Wanderers!
Don't know what's not to get.
I was a penguin.
I was a penguin.
That was more of a wiggle than
a waddle, Wizard Whitebeard.
Oh, okay. I see what you mean, now.
Wow. Now that's a really good
penguin impression, Wally.
Wow. Now that's a really good
penguin impression, Wally.
I've been working on it.
But what do penguins have to do
with the WanderPost?
Oh, right. Forgot. Yes.
The WanderPost!
Oh, right. Forgot. Yes.
The WanderPost!
It's from Hillary and Edmund,
two expert Wanderer scientists
observing the march of
the emperor penguins.
observing the march of
the emperor penguins.
Why are they marching like that?
I know.
Penguin mums walk all the way
to the ocean to get food,
then walk the food back
to their chicks.
Correct, Wenda! It's one of
nature's most incredible events.
And you two have been invited to see
the penguin march up close!
And you two have been invited to see
the penguin march up close!
Sounds like fun. But where
does this march take place?
For that, let us ask
The WanderGlobe?
Ah, yes! Excellent guessing,
Wanderers. On the nosey.
Ah, yes! Excellent guessing,
Wanderers. On the nosey.
To the WanderGlobe!
By striped staff and white of beard,
I summon magic, wild and weird.
By striped staff and white of beard,
I summon magic, wild and weird.
Spin, O magic globe, to show where
these Wanderers will go!
TOGETHER: Antarctica!
Antarctica's the coldest place
in the entire world.
It's so cold that no one
lives there.
It's so cold that no one
lives there.
Except for when scientists visit
to study the wildlife!
Right, Wizard Whitebeard.
But there aren't any
cities or towns.
Just snow and ice.
But the penguins sure do love it!
Just snow and ice.
But the penguins sure do love it!
Arf's right!
You two will need plenty of
warm gear for your trip.
Long underwear, snow boots,
those little hand warmerS,
Long underwear, snow boots,
those little hand warmerS,
binoculars, wetsuit, flippers,
tuxedo for formal occasions, kazoo.
I think that should cover it.
Happy marching, young Wanderers!
Thanks, Wizard Whitebeard! Now
Wenda, welcome to Antarctica.
Wenda, welcome to Antarctica.
And not a person in sight.
This is where we were supposed
to meet Edmund and Hillary.
This is where we were supposed
to meet Edmund and Hillary.
Huh. What's that sound?
It's not a penguin.
And it's definitely not a whale.
Well, whatever it is,
it's headed right for us!
Well, whatever it is,
it's headed right for us!
Whoa Ah. Okay. Whoa
Uh, are you okay?
Thanks. Uh. Whoa! Uh.
Whoa! Steady.
Stripes! Edmund!
Whoa! Ow.
Oh, Edmund.
And you must be Hillary.
Wally! Wenda! I see you already
met my brother, Edmund.
Wally! Wenda! I see you already
met my brother, Edmund.
Welcome to Antarctica!
Aah! Ha ha ha!
Yes. Thank you for inviting us.
It's our pleasure!
We wander all over the world
studying animals.
The march of the penguins is
one of nature's
most incredible adventures.
most incredible adventures.
We knew you would wanna see it.
I-I just wish I had, uh,
remembered to pack some snow boots.
You know, I might just have some
extra snow boots in here somewhere.
You know, I might just have some
extra snow boots in here somewhere.
Uh, they might be a little big.
No worries. Thanks, Wally!
No worries. Thanks, Wally!
They'll work. Definitely
better than those trainers.
Well, this climate must be a shock
to your thermo-regulatory systems.
Well, this climate must be a shock
to your thermo-regulatory systems.
Sorry! Sometimes I slip into
science-y talk.
What I meant to say was,
"You two must be really cold!"
What I meant to say was,
"You two must be really cold!"
(SHIVERING) I'll say!
So, why don't we head inside
and warm up a little?
Um, Edmund? Inside where?
Inside our research station,
that's where. Come on!
Inside our research station,
that's where. Come on!
Whoa! I'm good. I'm great.
Whoa! I'm good. I'm great.
We're here, Fritz! Antarctica.
Nothing but wide open space.
We're here, Fritz! Antarctica.
Nothing but wide open space.
No cities, no traffic,
and no Wanderers.
The perfect spot for the
world's coolest clubhouse.
And thanks to the Ice Castle Key,
making it will be a snap.
And thanks to the Ice Castle Key,
making it will be a snap.
Huh? Odlulu! (SCREAMING) Wahoo!
Huh? Odlulu! (SCREAMING) Wahoo!
Fish! Aah! Huh? Aah!
Odlulu! Ah
Odlulu! Ah
Welcome to Castle Odlulu, Fritzy.
And I'm just getting started.
Where did you get this stuff?
Edmund builds all of our
equipment himself.
And we use the gadgets he builds
to collect information
And we use the gadgets he builds
to collect information
on the animals we study.
Now, where did my map of
the Aptenodytes forsteri go?
Right. Science-y talk again.
What I meant to say was,
"Where did my map
of the emperor penguin march go?"
I used it to help program
the new penguin tracker I built.
I used it to help program
the new penguin tracker I built.
He he he.
The penguin dads are waiting
at the nesting grounds here,
The penguin dads are waiting
at the nesting grounds here,
keeping their eggs warm.
While the mums bring back
food from the ocean.
Wow, Wenda! You know your penguins.
It's a long journey,
but the penguins are almost home.
It's a long journey,
but the penguins are almost home.
Just in time to see
their chicks hatch.
So, what do you say?
How 'bout we go see the march?
Okay, buckle up, everyone.
Next stop: the penguin march!
Uh, Hillary, I'm picking up
a signal. The penguins are close.
Look at that!
Oh, they're almost to their
nesting grounds now.
Just over that ridge and
they're home!
Something's wrong.
Something's wrong.
The penguins have stopped marching.
There's something blocking
their path.
We better take a closer look.
We better take a closer look.
Whoa! Whoa!
An ice castle?
My cartographic surveys
of the terrain confirm that such
an ice structure is
a geological anomaly.
an ice structure is
a geological anomaly.
What I meant to say is,
"That ice castle is definitely not
supposed to be here."
How can the penguins keep
marching now?
How can the penguins keep
marching now?
Maybe they can swim around?
Good thinking, Wenda.
And we can show them the way.
Edmund, did you bring
any fish treats?
Edmund, did you bring
any fish treats?
You mean anchovies? Sure did.
tennis racket scarf uh
Is that my favourite jumper?
Is that my favourite jumper?
Maybe. Anchovies! Here you go.
Come on. This way, penguins!
Here, penguins.
Over here!
Here, penguins.
Over here!
Follow the delicious fish
Over here! Oh, wait!
Hydrurga leptonyx.
Hydrurga leptonyx.
A leopard seal!
Penguins and leopard
seals don't mix.
We definitely need another plan.
Well, if we can't go around the
castle, maybe we can go through it?
Well, if we can't go around the
castle, maybe we can go through it?
What was that, Wally? Wally? Wait.
Where's Wally?
Over here, everyone!
I think I found a way inside.
Over here, everyone!
I think I found a way inside.
And I also think I know who
built this place.
I know a lot of scientific names,
but I have never heard of an Odlulu.
I know a lot of scientific names,
but I have never heard of an Odlulu.
These penguins need to get
to their eggs soon.
So, it looks like we're going
through Castle Odlulu.
So, it looks like we're going
through Castle Odlulu.
This way, penguiwhoop! Ah. Up.
Odlulu's been busy.
This place is like a maze.
Edmund, can your tracker
show us where to go?
I'm having a really hard time
getting a signal in here.
I'm having a really hard time
getting a signal in here.
Huh. The ice walls are too thick.
(GASPING) Well, we might not have
a tracker,
(GASPING) Well, we might not have
a tracker,
but we do have anchovies.
We can leave a trail
of fish behind us.
That way we'll never get lost.
Great idea, Wally.
Come on, penguins. This way!
Great idea, Wally.
Come on, penguins. This way!
Sorry, Fritz.
You have to fish somewhere else.
I'm turning this room into
an ice bowling alley.
I'm turning this room into
an ice bowling alley.
(GASPING) Anchovy!
(GASPING) Anchovy!
Odlulu! I got a fish!
Fritz, did you call me?
I caught a fish, see?
I don't have time for games,
Fritz. Sti-rike! Woo!
I don't have time for games,
Fritz. Sti-rike! Woo!
Oh Huh?
Where are we supposed to go now?
My egg timer says the penguin eggs
are hatching very soon.
We need to keep moving. This way!
I think I'm getting the hang of
this Ice Castle Key, Fritzy.
I think I'm getting the hang of
this Ice Castle Key, Fritzy.
Ah ha! Ah ha!
Huh? Aah!
Hallways that lead to nowhere.
This place doesn't make any sense.
Neither does Odlulu.
Neither does Odlulu.
We better turn back and retrace our
steps. Follow the anchovy trail!
Huh? What happened to the trail?
I know I left them here.
Huh? What happened to the trail?
I know I left them here.
We're completely lost.
Ah. If only I could get
a signal. Uh. Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Ah. If only I could get
a signal. Uh. Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Look out!
Quick! Round up those penguins!
Quick! Round up those penguins!
Oh, we're still missing one penguin.
And one Wanderer. Where's Wally?
Oh, we're still missing one penguin.
And one Wanderer. Where's Wally?
Right here. And I found
our missing penguin!
Right here. And I found
our missing penguin!
Great! That's all of
them. Now, back to-
Mustela putorius furo, how strange.
Mustela putorius furo, how strange.
There aren't any ferrets in
He's not a ferret, he's a- wait.
Yeah, he is a ferret.
It appears to be trying to
What unusual animal behaviour!
Weird. What is it trying to say?
I'm not sure.
Weird. What is it trying to say?
I'm not sure.
Wait! Wally, what if we tried-
Okay, Fritz.
What's going on?
Okay. Odlulu
has a magic key.
Waa hee!
So that's how she built this place!
So that's how she built this place!
Fishing? You were fishing,
and you caught a fish?
But something took your fish.
What took your fish, Fritz?
Anchovy, anchovy, bark,
bark, bark, bark, bark!
A dog! A-a-a dancing dog!
A dog! A-a-a dancing dog!
Is it frying bacon?
I know! A leopard seal!
Leopard seal!
Look out!
Seal ahead!
I can't see anything!
I can't see anything!
Can you keep it down, Fritz?
I'm trying to concentrate.
(GASPING) Wanderers?
Look out!
Look out!
Uh, what is this place?
As long as it doesn't have any
leopard seals, I'm all for it.
As long as it doesn't have any
leopard seals, I'm all for it.
What's going on here, Wanderers?
And what's with all the penguins?
These penguins are trying to get
home to their hatching eggs.
These penguins are trying to get
home to their hatching eggs.
And you built your castle
in their way.
Well, I didn't mean to.
I was just trying to build the
world's coolest clubhouse!
I was just trying to build the
world's coolest clubhouse!
Do you like it?
Yeah, this probably isn't
the time for that.
Odlulu, we need the magic key
to reverse the magic
Odlulu, we need the magic key
to reverse the magic
and let them through.
They need to get back to
their babies.
Goodbye, clubhouse.
The key!
Hey! Who drilled a hole
in my bedroom?
Hey! Who drilled a hole
in my bedroom?
This isn't good.
Without the key, we have no way to
bring down the ice castle!
We might not know how to get through
this ice maze,
but we do know someone who does.
Yes, we do.
The person that built it!
The person that built it!
Odlulu will lead us.
I will? I mean, of course I will.
This way, Wanderers and penguins.
This way, Wanderers and penguins.
Odlulu will get you
through the castle.
Ugh. Uh, I mean this way!
Uh, do you think this is
going to work, Wally?
What other choice do we have?
I meant this way!
The exit is
right through my game room.
Huh? This isn't the game room?
Huh? This isn't the game room?
You don't know where you're
going, do you?
What? Of course I do. Maybe I do.
Okay, I have no idea.
Okay, I have no idea.
Did you hear that?
I did!
Uh, let me just turn up the
sound on my microphone.
Leopard seals.
Leopard seals.
Maybe it's the seal with the key!
Fritz, your drill?
What's in there, Wally?
Do you see a leopard seal?
Uh, not exactly.
More like six leopard seals.
And the Ice Castle Key.
The key! That's our ticket
outta here!
I told you I'd lead you
to the right place.
Odlulu does it again.
Odlulu does it again.
But how are we going to get it
back from those seals?
We'll need a distraction.
Right, Wally?
We'll need a distraction.
Right, Wally?
Wally? Where's Wally?
Over here, everyone. Presenting
the Wally Penguin Disguise-anator!
Over here, everyone. Presenting
the Wally Penguin Disguise-anator!
This should lure those seals away.
Then we can grab the key.
Leave that to me.
Edmund, Odlulu, the ferret, and I
will keep the penguins together.
Edmund, Odlulu, the ferret, and I
will keep the penguins together.
Let's do it!
Go team! Whoa!
Go team! Whoa!
Gotta waddle!
The coast is clear.
Now, to get that key.
How 'bout a bridge
to get me out of here?
Nice work, Wenda.
Okay, now that we have the key,
can we get out of here before
those leopard seals come back?
Good point. Let's reverse the magic,
and march these penguins to-
Good point. Let's reverse the magic,
and march these penguins to-
Aah! Whoa!
I did it! I got a signal!
This way! Ah! Sorry.
I did it! I got a signal!
This way! Ah! Sorry.
Oh, Edmund.
No, Edmund, that's it!
TOGETHER: What's it?
Everyone, slide like penguins! Woo!
Everyone, slide like penguins! Woo!
Wellah! Finally, a move I can do!
Wellah! Finally, a move I can do!
Follow that penguin!
Wally, look out ahead!
Got it!
My penguin suit!
Over here you'll see
the merry-go-round.
Over here you'll see
the merry-go-round.
Then the movie theatre,
with the stadium seating.
Ahead you'll find the unfinished
part that drops into the ocean.
Oh, yeah. I probably should've
told you about that.
Oh, yeah. I probably should've
told you about that.
We're gonna land in the ocean!
And there are more
leopard seals in there!
Everyone, form a chain.
Everyone, form a chain.
Fritz, I need you to hook a big one.
You want him to catch a fish?
Not exactly. I want him
to reel in a castle.
Not exactly. I want him
to reel in a castle.
Now, Fritz! Cast that line!
Hold on, everyone!
We made it!
It's vocalizations from the
newest members of the colony!
It's vocalizations from the
newest members of the colony!
Ha. Sorry. I meant
the chicks have hatched!
The chicks have hatched!
And the nesting grounds are
right over that ridge!
Wow. I never thought
I'd see this up close.
I can't wait to tell
Whitebeard about it!
I can't wait to tell
Whitebeard about it!
Thank you, Wally and Wenda,
for helping bring
these penguin families together.
You're welcome! Where are you
wandering to next?
You're welcome! Where are you
wandering to next?
Hawaii, to study the migration
of humpback whales.
And don't worry, I already
packed everything we need.
Wetsuit, scuba gear, sunglasses-
Wetsuit, scuba gear, sunglasses-
Ah! Sunscreen!
I knew I forgot something!
TOGETHER: Oh, Edmund.
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