365: Repeat the Year (2020) s01e18 Episode Script

Hyeong Ju Decide to Tell Everything About the Reset to Sun Ho

He took photos and left evidence.
And then, he left them at Bae Jung Tae's house?
Why would the killer do that?
Where's the USB?
I reported it to the chief.
What did he say?
What do you think? He said the same thing I said.
How could you assume that this is a serial killing
merely with those six photos?
That's why we should investigate.
Hyeong Ju, have you ever seen a serial killing like this
during the past seven years on our team?
The victims' genders, age group, occupations,
places of residence, or the MO.
What kind of serial killing has no similarities?
Perhaps, the killer feels pleasure
in how his disguises are good
and in how he fools the police well.
Based on the voice recording, the killer is a detective.
You should call the Seoul Metropolitan
- Police Agency - First,
focus on summoning Ko Seok Gyu's son.
Ko Jae Young sent this?
Are you talking about Ko Seok Gyu's son?
- Yes. - But how?
Did he wiretap the house? Or is he the killer?
I don't think he's the killer. I think he's a witness.
The witness?
Is this related to how you stole the forensic report?
- I didn't - He didn't steal it.
He wanted to make up for his mistake
and catch the killer first.
- What? - I had spotted someone suspicious,
but I let him go.
Thankfully, I found his footprint.
So I wanted to see if his footprint matched
the one at the crime scene. I wanted to arrest him first.
And it turned out to be Ko Jae Young, not the killer?
- Yes. - If his footprint matched,
doesn't that mean he's the killer?
If that's the case, why would he send the voice recording?
I think he sent that, thinking I was the killer.
How ridiculous is that, right?
What are these looks you're giving me?
Don't Are you
Don't tell me you think I'm the killer.
Aren't we colleagues?
You are a key suspect.
I denied it.
I I didn't I wasn't part of this.
How could you
Hyeong Ju, come out for a second.
I'm taking you off of this case.
Captain Heo.
I received orders from the higher-ups.
Since you're a key suspect, all the evidence you've gathered
will be invalidated.
If that happens, we'll have to let go of the killer
even if we catch him.
We'll focus on finding Bae Jung Tae's killer.
You can investigate other cases
or dig into Kim Se Rin's case. Do whatever you like.
If there's a serial killer, like you said,
you'll catch him either way.
What is this?
Mr. Bae Jung Tae sent this to me before he was murdered.
What is this photo?
Let's just say that it's Ms. Lee Shin's
sole weakness.
It turns out she's a human just like us, after all.
We're not the only ones trembling in fear,
wondering when we'll die.
I'm sending you this since I owe you one.
Come meet me before I change my mind.
I'll be waiting.
A weakness?
Yes. What do you think he meant?
Who is she?
She's a psychiatrist at Sejin Hospital.
When I had previously asked her about Ms. Lee Shin,
she said she neither met nor contacted her
for the past three years.
This is fishy.
Do you think this is related to this woman?
Who knows?
The one who was about to tell me was murdered.
But I'm certain that it's a weakness of hers.
All that I did was show her this photo,
and she allowed me access to Zian Clinic's CCTV footage.
(Choi Kyung Man: Heart attack, Seo Yeon Soo: Fell)
(Samo Business Center)
I think this is it.
(April, 2019)
"Medi Forum"?
Ko Seok Gyu, the nominee for Minister of Education,
will carry out his hearing tomorrow.
Which part of the hearing
- is the most important to you? - I'll be honest with my answers.
Please say a few words.
- Are you prepared? - Please answer us.
- How did you prepare for it? - Please comment.
I can't say for sure about other things,
but he wants to hide the crimes his son committed
and hurt others as collateral damage.
That kind of person can't be the Minister of Education.
Why did it have to be today?
If it bothers you too much,
we can push back his summons a few days.
What would you like to do?
the dead guy was an ex-convict?
- Actually, I - It's fine.
In the worst-case scenario, we can say that it was self-defense.
Did It happen at his house?
I think we could make it look like your son was abducted by him.
I'll let you decide, Attorney Han.
There should be as little commotion as possible.
Do you actually think
I killed someone?
It doesn't matter what I think.
Whether you actually did it or not,
there is no murderer in this household.
Get ready and come out.
Dress as neatly as possible.
When I was Choi Min Ho, I was too scared.
But this time, I'm going to muster up the courage.
Look forward to tomorrow.
I'm going to meet up with Detective Ji Hyeong Ju.
I'll go to the hospital as soon as I'm done.
- What are you doing? - Where's Bae Jung Tae's call log?
Captain Heo said you shouldn't
I just need to check one thing.
(Incoming, Outgoing)
What's wrong?
In the voice recording, he was speaking
with his sister.
I'll go to the hospital as soon as I'm done.
That was his last call.
What? The phone that we found at the crime scene showed
that you were the last one he talked with.
That means he had two phones.
The killer took it.
Then why did he leave one of them behind?
Because they must've talked
You better not be deceiving me.
(Jung Tae)
Okay. Thank you.
I received a call when I got out of the hospital.
They wanted me to confirm his body.
He's always been like that.
He'd visit out of the blue and surprise me.
Then he'd vanish.
We hadn't been in touch for over a decade.
Then he suddenly visited me in January.
Let go.
What's this? You just show up here and shove me this? What is this?
With that much money,
you'll be okay
even if you break up with that jerk.
If that jerk doesn't want to divorce you,
call this number.
He didn't even come to my wedding.
He came to me and told me to divorce my husband.
And he handed over a lot of money I could never make in my life.
And he came to me several months later
and took me to a hospital.
(Sejin Hospital)
I didn't even get to thank him.
Now, he's gone forever.
Mr. Bae Jung Tae
went on a very long and difficult journey
to save you.
I'm sure he'll be happy
as long as you know what he did for you.
(Bae Jung Tae, 010-648-0308)
This evidence proves that you were
at the scene on the day of the victim's death.
And we have more evidence that you were.
The recording file you turned in yourself.
Did you kill
- Bae Jung Tae? - It wasn't me.
Then, how do you have the recording file?
Bae Jung Tae blackmailed me with a video.
I thought he might try to extort money out of me with the video.
I wanted to find it and get rid of it.
How are you feeling?
Darn it.
Darn it.
Ms. Lee Shin?
Why do you need her number all of a sudden?
My gosh, we don't need to thank her.
I'll take care of it.
You just focus on getting better.
Ms. Lee Shin?
(Voice Recording)
I'm going to meet up with Detective Ji Hyeong Ju.
I'll go to the hospital as soon as I'm done.
He's early.
He sure came early.
Jung Tae.
I didn't kill him.
Someone else killed him.
That means you know who the culprit is.
saw with my own eyes.
Ko Jae Young is extremely anxious right now.
He heard Bae Jung Tae say
he was going to meet up with Hyeong Ju on the phone.
And after hearing the word, "detective",
if he connected the killer with Hyeong Ju
because he's easily associated with the word,
his statement of what he saw could be wrong.
Some witnesses switched the genders of the culprits.
And a witness testified it was a child,
but the culprit was actually an old man.
So what?
Let's proceed with hypnosis.
It's certain that Ko Jae Young was at the scene.
It is true that he did witness something.
Once we remove his distorted memories,
we'll find a lead.
Let's send him back for today
and request hypnosis for the next interrogation.
Yes, sir. Okay.
Sun Ho, is it over?
- Yes. - What is it? How did he record it?
Does he remember anything about the culprit?
Aren't you dying to find out?
Same here.
It's about time that I knew
what on earth is happening to you.
- What do you mean? - You said
whoever killed Bae Jung Tae will try to kill Ga Hyeon.
You don't even know who the culprit is,
but how did you make that conclusion that he'll go after Ga Hyeon?
Sun Ho, Bae Jung Tae has a lot of burner phones.
No. Don't change the subject.
It's driving me crazy.
This has been going on for months.
Hyeong Ju.
(White Czerny, Seo Yeon Soo, Naeilro Junkyard)
(White Czerny, Seo Yeon Soo, Naeilro Junkyard)
(Investigate Kim Dae Sung, Now Clinic)
(Park Young Gil, dead, car accident)
(Seo Yeon Soo, Bae Jung Tae, Kim Se Rin, Ko Jae Young)
The names you wrote down in your notebook.
You made these notes in January.
Then, you must have known this since January.
And half of these people died.
What's going on? Is this Death Note?
How am I suppose to understand this?
Sun Ho.
Will you believe me no matter what I tell you?
Yes. I'll believe whatever you say.
Will you believe me if I say I came from the future?
There's this person who can repeat a year.
That person made an offer,
so I came from the future.
From January 11, 2020
to January 11, 2019.
We call that reset among ourselves.
What on earth are you saying right now?
Do you think I'm in the mood for jokes?
Are you kidding me?
You said you'd believe me.
This is Ms. Lee Shin's weak spot?
I looked into this.
It was a symposium held by Samo Pharmaceuticals
to present a new product.
They introduced a new drug which is being developed
by a German company called Ratshe.
It was a drug that treats
an incurable disease called Helgransis.
What? Helgransis?
My goodness. You're here, Young.
- Have you been well? - Yes.
Let's see how much prettier you got.
- Have you been well? - Yes.
The immune system attacks its own body.
It's a type of autoimmune disease.
Kidney, stomach, and lungs.
The internal organs begin to solidify in this order.
When the pulmonary alveoli harden,
patients die because they are unable to breathe.
Do you think this means that Ms. Lee Shin is suffering
from Helgransis?
It's a possibility.
The symptoms of this disease can't be seen externally.
If you're right,
it means that she continues to undergo the reset
because of the incurable disease.
why is this her weak spot?
If she keeps repeating her life, she can continue to live.
That means
if she can't undergo the reset,
she will die.
I'm sure you remember Oh Myung Chul's case.
My goodness.
You're under arrest for attempted murder.
You know that you're acting really strange today.
Ahn Gyeong Nam. Oh Myung Chul.
How did you know he would go to the judge?
I knew because that already happened once in my life.
I knew that Soon Woo would be able to catch Jo Doo Pal.
Soon Woo will catch Jo Doo Pal, so don't worry about it.
I arrested Jo Doo Pal. Operation complete.
This was Nam Soon Woo, over.
That's how I knew that too.
Okay. Reset.
Okay. Then, does Ms. Shin Ga Hyeon believe you too?
Can she believe you because she's an artist and is very imaginative?
Is that why you guys have been working together?
She went through the reset with me.
And the names you saw in my notes
They all underwent the reset.
Even the people who died?
Someone out there is killing us.
I thought whoever killed Bae Jung Tae would kill Ga Hyeon
because of our connection.
Koo Seung Min isn't the culprit.
But there's still a murderer who's trying to kill us.
Can you pull over?
(Choi Young Woong isn't the only one that must be silenced.)
(Unless you want this to go viral, contact me.)
- Let go of the sneakers. - Throw it.
- Does it hurt? Does it? - Get up.
- Min Ho, does it hurt? - Hey.
- Go ahead. Do it. - Does it hurt?
Hook your leg.
Who on earth are you?
You told Detective Park about the reset?
What did he say?
It's the same reaction we had when we heard about the reset.
he said he'll just believe me.
He said a lot of the cases were solved when he did.
He'll just believe you.
That's nice.
Of course.
As someone who's been suspected, I'm the most grateful to hear that.
You know what?
I still don't regret that I did the reset.
It's like a nightmare. And it's still tough.
Even if I have to go through the same thing,
as long as I get to save someone who will believe me unconditionally,
I'll make the same decision.
You might want to undergo the reset,
but it's only possible if you survive.
Of course, we'll survive
because I'll catch the culprit.
What a surprise. You played along today.
Darn it.
Where is it?
(Young Woong and Se Rin, our 1st day together)
This is
Look at him smiling.
Don't they look familiar?
Detective Park.
Did you think I was Hyeong Ju?
Darn it.
I didn't kill him. Someone else killed him.
That means you know who the culprit is.
saw with my own eyes.
You finally found out who it was.
But you won't have a chance to talk.
Darn it.
(365: Repeat the Year)
How long have you been deceiving me?
I'll go. It's more useful than you'd think.
If you just kill him, that's too merciful.
She underwent a reset after saving all the people first?
I'm sorry for putting you in pain again.
Does it mean you witnessed the act?
Making him suffer in pain until his last breath
Ms. Lee Shin. She was the only one who knew about me in advance.
I really hope I'm next.
I'll catch the culprit, so it doesn't come to that.
That's true revenge.
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