All That Glitters (2023) s01e18 Episode Script

Episode 18

I'm a little bird
I want to soar but I can't fly
Jintiao, help me thread a needle.
Why are you mending clothes?
There's a tear in it.
Liu Mu and I give you an allowance.
Why don't you buy yourself new clothes?
An old woman doesn't need new clothes.
Nobody would notice
if I wore the same clothes every day.
Old clothes are more comfortable
than new ones.
-It's good to be young.
I'm not young!
Why did you yell at me
for calling you "young"?
I'm not young, so stop calling me "young."
I got yelled at for calling you "young."
He wants to be a mature man.
Mature man?
A man who's sophisticated and charming.
He doesn't make himself useful.
He had no news of his dad's whereabouts
after staying in Thailand for six months.
Now that he's back, he's up to no good.
Mature man, my foot.
Why are you laughing?
Grandma, tell me what this is.
-Gray hair.
-That's right, I have gray hair.
You're so happy that you have gray hair.
-Are you crazy?
-I love gray hair.
Look, I also have wrinkles.
Is there a hex on him?
I must hire a priest to break the hex.
Wait, Granny. No priest can help him.
He had a love spell cast on him.
A love spell?
Sometimes, he laughs.
Other times, he cries.
He goes from happy to sad.
-Would anyone like him?
Look, I don't know if the woman likes him,
but for sure he likes her.
Your grandson has fallen in love.
-It stinks!
-Let's go.
What are you doing here, Grandma?
If you can be here, I can be here too.
Liu Mu has told me everything.
You like a girl
who makes coffee here, right?
Is that her?
She's young and pretty.
No way she'd fall for you.
Is that you, Jintiao?
Yes, it's me, Zhenyu.
Your name is Zhenyu?
-You are?
-She's my grandma.
Hello, Granny Thunder.
You knew my name?
Of course. Can I make you a drink?
-Kopi-o gao.
She's blind?
Not so loud, Grandma.
I'm not talking loudly.
Granny, tell me if you like
this kopi-o gao.
Okay. Thank you.
It's nice and aromatic.
I'll make you a cup whenever you visit.
What a pity.
She's young and pretty
Grandma! You do realize
she's standing right here.
Granny, are you talking about
the fact that I'm blind?
Jintiao told me.
She's such a lovely girl.
Why did heaven take away her sight?
I'm used to it.
No wonder you accept my grandson
for who he is.
After you marry him,
I'll dote on you
as if you were my granddaughter.
Stop talking nonsense, Grandma.
Zhenyu, my grandson
may not be the brightest,
but fortune favors fools.
Zhenyu is dating Liu Mu.
She's dating Liu Mu?
Why didn't you say so?
Musen calls you "Granny" too?
He says you take care of him. Thank you.
He takes care of me too.
Why did Liu Mu say you like someone
who makes coffee here?
Isn't she the one?
I'll tell you when we get home. Let's go.
-My coffee!
-Come on.
Two kopi-o for Uncle Bee Hoon
and Auntie Bee Hoon.
Drink your coffee.
Hi, Huang Jintiao.
-She is?
I'm his grandma.
Are you Zhenyu's mother?
You must be at least 40.
I don't suppose
you'll have any more babies.
-Let's go, Grandma
She's old. She can't give you children.
We haven't left the coffee shop, you know.
You heard that?
What? I heard nothing.
Stop pretending.
I heard it. You must have too.
He had some nerve.
He brought his grandma here to insult me.
Mom, you're mistaken.
Jintiao's grandma came here on her own.
I regret being too soft with him.
That's asking for trouble.
I, Pan Xiaomei, swear that,
even if this fool threatens
to kill himself,
I won't pay him any attention.
I feel so full.
I should've asked if you were a good cook
before we became housemates.
So what if I am a good cook?
I'd then ask for extra payment.
Extra payment for what?
For a slimming package.
I've piled on the pounds, thanks to you.
I need to lose weight.
I must make sure you're well-fed.
You spend long hours at work,
and you don't eat regularly.
You know those people?
The person you told me about
is that man?
Jiahui, what did he do to you
that you now avoid him
for fear of recalling the past?
I get it.
I won't ask you again.
What are you looking at?
I thought I saw Jiahui.
That wouldn't be surprising.
Our office is nearby.
I haven't seen her in ages.
When we were in school,
we were inseparable BFFs.
I haven't congratulated you yet.
There's no wine, but there's tea.
A toast to our future lawyer.
Thank you.
My future brother-in-law says
Jiahui is a star performer at work.
She works extremely hard.
Does it feel awkward that
you see each other so often?
I take back my question.
Not really.
We're still friends.
And now we're also colleagues.
She joined the company before I did
and knows more than I do.
She looks out for me.
I was completely floored
by Jiahui's change.
It never occurred to me
that she'd be this ambitious.
She even got herself a Thai boyfriend.
She used to just go with the flow
and seek my opinion all the time.
I guess her family background
had something to do with it.
She told me her mom
was very strict with her,
on top of favoring her brother.
She always wanted to be her own person
but never found the courage to do so.
People can change.
We are changing.
For the better.
That's right.
Just look at yourself.
Who would have thought
you used to sell satay at a hawker center?
-Bro Jianzhi.
Have you eaten?
-Coffee for you?
-I saw you guys.
Zhenting and you.
Oh, Zhenting was working
at a law firm previously.
I asked her to refer clients to me.
Is that all?
You guys were chatting away
and seemed close.
You used to be self-conscious around her.
I have you to thank.
The first lesson you taught me
was to not be self-conscious
and to be sure of myself.
Also, eloquence can be learned.
Who could have foreseen a satay hawker
selling financial products
for a company like this?
When did you start dating?
We're not dating.
Don't lie. A woman's intuition is spot-on.
You're good friends with Zhenting.
Surely you know she has
impossibly high dating standards?
No way she'd consider me.
I know she wants to marry into money.
Money as in vast riches.
Do I even meet her standards?
She and I are just friends.
Have you slept with her?
She and I are really just friends.
So what if she's only a friend?
I'm your kid sister.
I call you "Bro Jianzhi."
Yet you still preyed on me.
Scared that others might hear us?
Let's go somewhere to talk.
What happened was my fault.
I'm sorry.
But I seduced you, is that it?
You're right!
I'm a loose woman. I'm promiscuous.
But if you were a gentleman,
a good man,
would you have preyed on me
while I was drunk?
You may have forgotten what happened.
I was about to leave
after helping you into the room,
but you wouldn't stop provoking me.
You also said,
if I took off, I would be a wimp.
The look on your face now.
It says "I'm a wimp."
Bro Jianzhi.
You wouldn't admit your wrongdoing.
You even tried to put the blame on me.
If that doesn't make you a wimp,
what does?
I recall you telling me
that you were tired of being a good girl.
You wanted to do what your heart told you.
Why? You regret it now?
I don't.
But I feel disgusted.
I feel disgusted with myself.
I feel disgusted with you.
I keep telling myself
that all is good.
I was drunk at the time.
These things happen. It's no big deal.
I looked you up afterwards.
I wanted to prove nothing had changed,
that all was well and good.
You'd still dote on me like before,
care about me like before,
remind me to be careful.
You'd still treat me like your kid sister.
But I was wrong.
Though I still joked around with you,
as if nothing ever happened,
I felt sick to my stomach.
That's why I avoided you.
If I didn't see you,
I wouldn't have to
dredge up those memories.
But who knew you'd join this company?
When Bro Musen asked me to mentor you,
I told myself this.
Lin Jiahui, you can do it.
You've moved on. You can do it.
But, again, I was wrong.
As I have to see you almost every day,
the sick feeling has returned.
In fact, it's back with a vengeance.
I feel so disgusted.
I feel sick!
What do you want me to do?
-Leave the company?
I want you to leave the company.
Lin Jiahui.
You've changed.
You've become scheming.
And calculating.
You feel sick to your stomach.
But it's not because of what happened.
Let's tell it like it is.
It was a one-night stand, wasn't it?
And I bet it wasn't your first or last!
You're not actually bothered by it.
You're upset
because I've outperformed you.
The team that you lead
had always been number one.
Who knew a rookie like me
would trounce you this easily?
My dear Jiahui.
You're still as willful as ever.
Now, get this clear.
Whether you're number one or I am,
we're helping Liu Mu.
Liu Mu is my buddy.
He cares for me.
He asked me to join this company
so that I might make something of myself.
I will cherish the opportunity he gave me.
should learn to let go.
Stop being so bitter.
Who knows, I might get beaten by you.
When it comes to sales targets,
competition will improve performance.
Hello? Jennifer.
I'm He Jianzhi from
MYCPlus Investment Group.
Have you made up your mind?
I'm calling you to
Come in.
Is something the matter?
Bro Musen.
There's something I must tell you.
Sure, of course.
See you tonight. Bye.
What are you going to do about Jiahui?
What is it?
Don't you have anything to say?
Bro Jianzhi.
What's done by night appears by day.
You can't sweep something like this
under the carpet.
Liu Mu.
About that
What do you think?
How should it be settled?
You want my opinion?
Only a scumbag would do a thing like that.
I feel let down.
He seems a respectful chap,
but it's all an act.
He's your team member.
I'm sure you know how to deal with it.
-I'll speak to him.
-Speak to him?
What's there to say?
I know Albert's sales figures
have been good.
But I've stressed time and again that
we work as a team here,
supporting each other
I won't tolerate infighting
or backstabbing.
No matter how good his sales figures are,
don't defend him. Understand?
Yes. I'll settle it.
When he comes back,
tell him to pack up and leave.
"Lin Jiahui, I hear
you will sleep with any client
who invests S$5,000.
Do you have to cheapen yourself?"
Did Albert send this?
Why didn't you speak to me
before taking this up with Liu Mu?
-I didn't tell you?
-You didn't.
You misled Liu Mu into thinking
that I had knowledge of it,
and I was defending Albert.
I thought I'd already told you.
I guess I was just too upset.
Then again, I didn't expect
Bro Musen to be so irate.
Albert has always been a top performer
despite being somewhat petty.
It's common to have friction
among co-workers, though.
I thought Bro Musen would
just give him a verbal warning.
Who knew he'd give Albert the sack?
Then again, I'm pleased to know that
Bro Musen still cares a lot about me.
Bro Jianzhi.
If Bro Musen found out about
what happened between us,
how would he react?
Well, it's the truth.
I'm delighted to be able to dine with
an attractive woman like you.
I'm buying this meal.
No ifs, ands, or buts.
Oh, I get drunk easily.
Besides, I'm driving.
you see me home?
I'd be honored to.
We're here.
You okay?
I'll get it.
I kept my word and saw you home safely.
I'm heading off. Good night.
I will invest.
One million dollars.
Come with me.
I'll write you a check.
I feel disgusted with myself.
I feel disgusted with you.
What do you want me to do?
-Leave the company?
I want you to leave the company.
Liu Mu is my buddy. He cares for me.
He asked me to join this company
so that I might make something of myself.
I will cherish the opportunity he gave me.
Jianzhi, I was set up by that evil woman!
-Calm down, Albert.
-It's true, Jianzhi.
Lin Jiahui provoked me
and even dared me to
write down what I'd said
and send it to her if I were a man.
You've got to believe me, Jianzhi.
Lin Jiahui is really nasty.
She was absolutely clueless
when she first joined the company.
She was shy and bashful,
like a little girl.
If I hadn't looked out for her,
she wouldn't be where she is today.
Yet she's biting the hand that feeds her.
Jiahui is a girl.
You ought to show her some respect.
Everything I've said is the truth.
She did sleep with clients.
Do you have evidence?
I heard about it from a client.
You can't trust everything
a client tells you.
Maybe Jiahui rejected his advances,
so he's slandering her.
Why do you keep defending her?
I'm not defending her, Albert.
You foolishly let her get a hold over you.
Look, Jiahui said she wanted to
take you to court.
Thunder and I did our darnedest
to talk her out of suing you.
I'm your team member.
I helped you to come out on top
in sales figures.
I'm being framed by Lin Jiahui.
If you won't help me, fine.
But don't make it worse.
Albert, I don't have a choice.
So that's what it is.
What? What do you mean by that?
Have you also slept with Lin Jiahui?
Watch your mouth!
No wonder she calls you "Bro Jianzhi"
so affectionately.
You're more than just colleagues.
Lin Jiahui!
Lin Jiahui.
You're even more trashy than I thought!
You sleep with every man you meet,
clients and even He Jianzhi
Sorry, Jiahui.
It's the truth! She's trashy.
Albert Lum, I dare you to repeat
what you just said.
My pleasure. You are trashy!
That's enough, Albert.
I'm going to have to call Security
if you won't stop.
Fine. This isn't over yet.
Just spit out what you're dying to say.
You're trashy.
You sleep with every man you meet,
including clients and He Jianzhi.
You knew I'd slept with He Jianzhi.
what does it have to do with you?
That'll teach you not to question
whom a woman sleeps with.
You slapped me? You'll pay for this!
Let go!
My hand!
Let go of his hand, Bro Jianzhi.
Let go.
I'd like to see what he's capable of.
Albert Lum, if you so much as
lay a finger on me,
I'll sue you.
Don't you forget that
I have evidence of the libelous remarks
you made about me.
If we go to court,
there's going to be a great show.
You win.
What are you laughing about?
Was it that funny?
So this is what it feels like
to be a bad girl.
It feels so satisfying.
You've finally realized
women are the most complicated
creatures on earth.
Aren't you worried?
Why should I be?
Growing up, Jiahui was shy and meek.
She'd keep quiet
rather than call out her bullies,
so I had to protect her.
Now, she not only knows
how to protect herself,
but also fights back.
This shows she's become stronger.
But she said
being a bad girl could be addictive.
Did she really say that?
I taught her that.
I told her good-natured people
are often bullied,
while tame horses are often ridden.
If someone is a scumbag,
be a bigger scumbag than them.
If they're ruthless,
be more ruthless than them.
Say chap, why are you putting
nonsense in her head?
I didn't want her to be bullied.
But I told her this a long time ago.
That she only just figured it out
means she's slow on the uptake.
That silly girl.
Wipe that smug look off your face.
What you told her
will get her into trouble.
You exaggerate.
It's only Albert that she offended.
"It's only Albert" now.
What if one day she offends someone
who retaliates?
She'll get herself into trouble
sooner or later.
I feel so ashamed.
Over what?
I'm her cousin, yet I don't care about her
as much as you do.
That makes me feel ashamed.
I feel assured that
she has you watching over her
I've known her since she was little.
You were right.
I should remind her that
evil will not triumph over good.
It's okay to use a little cunning.
But if she takes things too far,
she'll land in hot water.
Yes, talk to her.
Don't you guys worry about me.
I've learned a few things
about human nature.
Those who are genuinely good to me
will receive the same kindness from me.
Like you, Sis Zhenyu,
and my darling.
Hey! What are you doing?
A scene with adult content
is playing out before us.
Join them if we can't beat them.
Nonsense! The adult content is you.
You're holding her tightly
and getting handsy. Eek!
I'm not a pervert!
Eat up.
Susakong loves the tau suan I make.
Susakong, Jiahui tells me
you cook tasty and authentic Thai dishes.
I'm always cooking the same dishes.
You dropped by for a spot check today,
so I didn't have time to cook.
I'll cook for you next time.
Yeah, I didn't expect you
to do a spot check.
It's the only way to make sure this chap
doesn't overstep the boundary.
No, overstepping the boundary
of your own room.
Susakong isn't the sort.
Of all the men I've met,
he's the most respectful, the kindest
and the most caring.
Other men are like
wolves in sheep's clothing.
Is that why you became a bad girl?
Yeah, love and hate are distinct emotions.
If people treat me with kindness,
I'll reciprocate their kindness.
People who are nasty to me
or are disingenuous,
I'll make their lives miserable.
Scumbags must be given
a taste of their own medicine.
-Sis Zhenyu.
I agree.
Then again, if you think about it,
something's not quite right.
How so?
How so, You're-so-Pretty?
Jiahui, it's dangerous to
fight violence with violence,
and to return hate for hate.
There will be people more sinister
and evil than you.
The most evil people in the world
are empty of humanity.
Can you be more evil than them?
That's right.
People who are empty of humanity
turn their backs on their kin
and betray their friend.
Nobody can be more evil than them.
There will always be
someone better than you,
something your darling should know well.
That's why we have to keep training
to stay in tip-top condition
because we never know
if our next opponent is better than us.
All right, I know what to do.
I will keep training
so that my bad girl skills
reach the peak of perfection
and invincibility.
Peak of perfection?
Invincibility? What else, huh?
Stop eating and protect me!
I should keep quiet
when a brother disciplines his kid sister.
Hear that?
Fine, I'll mend my ways.
-I'll mend my ways, okay?
-You'd better.
Did Jiahui have a bad experience
or suffer a trauma,
causing her to have such extreme views?
It's all because of Albert.
He poached Jiahui's clients
yet had the audacity to accuse her.
What girl could stomach
an accusation like that?
Of course she'd be upset.
Maybe it's not just Albert.
Maybe someone hurt her,
someone whom she'd always trusted.
No, if there was someone like that,
she'd have told me for sure,
and I wouldn't have let that person off.
Really? Tomorrow morning?
Great, thanks.
You're-so-Pretty, I'll take you
to the doctor's at 10 a.m. tomorrow.
The doctor's?
I told you before that
one of my clients is a doctor.
He recommended an ophthalmologist to me,
whom he said is one of the best
in the region.
I've made an appointment for you.
What are you doing?
I'm praying.
I pray to heaven that
the doctor will have good news for us.
I'm sorry, Ms. Li.
Your optic nerves have deteriorated.
There are no treatments available
using current technology.
Can we go for transplantation?
-I can donate an eye.
I want to have a check-up now.
If I'm a suitable donor,
let's have the surgery ASAP.
I'm very sorry.
Retinal transplant is not possible
given Ms. Li's current condition.
Can she go for stem cell therapy?
I'm sorry.
What a lousy doctor!
He said no to this and that.
That's okay. I'm used to it.
I don't believe it.
I don't believe
there are no options for you.
What's going on, Kopi Gah Dai?
It's all right.
I'm used to this already.
Don't be like this.
I'm sorry.
Why are you sorry?
It's me. It's my fault.
How is it your fault?
I've dashed whatever slim hope
you might have.
I was never hopeful to begin with.
No, you were. You never gave up.
You wouldn't see a doctor
because you wanted to hold on to the hope.
But now I've dashed the slim hope you had.
No, I'm still hopeful.
You've said medical science is advancing.
The doctor also said
there is currently no cure.
Although there's no cure now,
there may be in future.
There may be a medical breakthrough
in a couple of years.
I feel so useless.
Instead of consoling you,
I'm moaning and whining.
In fact, you have to console me.
Actually, I feel happy and glad.
You said you wanted
to donate an eye to me.
Not just an eye,
I'd give you my life too.
This is good enough for me, Kopi Gah Dai.
We shouldn't be too greedy.
I don't ask for much.
Living an ordinary life,
spending my days peacefully.
That's my idea of happiness
Still feeling unwell?
I'm fine.
You don't feel as hot.
Seeing the sinseh
and taking his "hongmaodan" powder
seem to have worked.
You holding up okay?
Of course. What are you trying to say?
Don't worry about me.
But I really need to pee.
Can we find a toilet somewhere
and buy a drink?
Oh no!
Stay calm.
Slow down.
Signal to turn left.
I said left.
Sometimes, I feel like a little bird
I want to soar but I can't fly high
I'm searching for
A warm embrace
Is this
Excuse me, where's the toilet?
How many times do you want to go on it?
Don't know. Many, many times.
Want me to carry you?
-Did you enjoy yourself?
Mom, what is your blood type?
-I'm type O.
-What about Dad?
Why do you want to know
what our blood type is?
Your blood type can say a lot
about your personality.
Is this some nonsense
you read on the Internet again?
Mom, there's a scientific basis for this.
What scientific basis?
A lot of info online is bogus.
Don't say it's bogus just yet.
It's spot-on, you know.
For example, people with type A blood
can never say no.
That's me.
When a classmate asks me to help,
even if I don't feel like helping,
I still will.
Classmates should help one another.
There's something you don't know.
Some of my classmates are selfish.
You help them,
but when you need their help,
they ignore you.
People like that have type C blood.
Are there people with blood type C?
Yes, lots.
C stands for "cold blood."
People with type O blood
have high expectations.
This is spot-on too.
You've always had
high expectations of me, Mom.
Now, do you realize
how smart your daughter is?
Yes. This is her way of protesting.
I demand too much of you?
All right, I will no longer
expect anything from you.
That won't happen. You have blood type O.
People with blood type O
are very practical.
You'll think,
"If I don't have high expectations,
she won't get good grades
and go to a good school.
She won't land a good job in future.
What will happen then?"
Do you still want to
talk about blood types?
You may have to forgo your playtime.
-Not anymore.
-Not anymore?
I'll help you.
You have to get up early
to go to the fish market.
You should go to bed.
It's still early.
Is she doing her homework?
Any more questions about blood types?
She's only eight
but already asking such questions.
What's going to happen next?
We'll cross that bridge
when we come to it.
She'll learn to accept and deal with it.
I don't want her to know.
There are facts about blood type
that are undeniable.
When she gets older, she'll learn that
it's impossible for two type O parents
to have a child with type A blood.
I'm sorry.
Don't say that.
You love Beibei with all your heart.
In fact, you chose not to have
your own child.
Beibei is my child.
Beibei and you are the only people
I want in my life.
Look When Beibei grows up
and finds out that
her birth father is a murderer,
will she be able to take it?
If you don't want her to find out,
we can tell her that
her birth father died before she was born.
Stop worrying.
From the moment Beibei was born,
I have held her, fed her,
changed her diapers,
and I've been there for her.
Nobody can take away
the bond she and I have built.
I am her father.
I'll always be her father.
I'll get your phone.
-Who is it?
Subtitle translation by: PK Chew
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