Cafe Minamdang (2022) s01e18 Episode Script

Episode 18

Mr. Nam,
you have such a hard grip on life.
Prosecutor Cha.
I knew you were the killer.
Why are you only catching on now?
I'm so disappointed in you.
I just want to know one thing.
Did you kill him with your own hands?
Han Jae-jeong?
I have my principles,
so I didn't mean to kill him myself.
But it just ended up that way.
Why did you do it? Because he found
the evidence that could bring you in?
If I had to put a reason to it,
-I guess it was because of you, Mr. Nam.
If you hadn't been so arrogant,
running around everywhere,
saying that you'd catch me,
Prosecutor Han, Dr. Jung, Auntie Im,
none of them would have died like that.
You coward…
Does saying it's my fault,
help you justify the delusional
judgment game you're playing?
Does that make you feel
all powerful and righteous?
The power to decide when your life ends.
That sort of thing does
make me feel alive.
"The shaman who was killed
by a serial killer while trying
to rescue a kidnapped detective."
Do you like that as your ending?
You're going to kill me and make
Cha Seung-won the murderer?
I'm sorry,
but I'm not that easy to kill.
What happened to your face?
It was those assholes.
You little…
How dare you lay a finger
on my colleague? Damn it.
-Come here.
Jeez. It's so freaking hard
to get kidnapped.
-Let's go and catch Cha Do-won.
-Yes, ma'am.
-Stop crying!
Could you untie me?
Mr. Nam.
You don't seem
to realize what's happening here.
Sorry, you were being serious.
You're killing me.
You're the one who doesn't realize
what's happening here.
Now's not the time to threaten me.
You should be on your knees
and apologizing, you asshole.
I'm such a great actor, aren't I?
You're surprised, aren't you?
That confession you made,
about your crimes,
we got it all on camera over there.
-Are you okay?
His head.
I'm fine. I just hate mosquitoes.
Prosecutor Cha.
No, Cha Do-won.
Enough is enough.
Just come with us
to the police station quietly.
That wasn't a part of the plan.
Is that a real gun?
Put the gun down.
We're recording everything right now.
-Don't do anything stupid.
-Shut up.
This way, sir.
Get rid of Nam Han-jun first.
Over there.
-No, damn it.
I'm fine. You can't let Cha escape.
Go get him.
Hurry up and call 911.
Jae-hui, are you okay?
I'm fine.
Don't do anything taxing today.
It's just a light graze,
they say it'll heal in no time.
But it still hurts.
I let Cha Do-won get away
and you got hurt too.
I knew Gu Tae-su was a hunter,
so why didn't I think
of his hunting rifle?
It just makes me so upset.
Mr. Nam.
-Look at me.
Do you need something? Does it hurt?
Should I get the doctor again?
I'm in the Major Crimes
Investigation Division.
I know and that's why
I'm trying very hard not to ask you
why you put yourself at risk
and why you chased Cha
when the gun was plainly visible.
Even though I want to.
Thank you for understanding.
We have to hurry,
We don't have the time to…
Gosh. You can't move yet.
It might be a graze,
but it's still a gunshot wound.
I won't ask you to stay at the hospital,
so trust your team and rest for a day.
I do have faith in them.
It's not that I don't trust my team.
It's just that I feel like such an idiot,
which is why I want
to catch him right now.
My brother's killer was right next to me,
and I didn't even know that
and relied on him.
I was such an idiot.
I didn't know he was lying to me,
and I actually felt grateful.
When I think about how much
he must have been laughing at me,
it makes me so mad,
and Jae-jeong must have watched
the whole thing.
It makes me feel so bad.
It's not your fault,
so don't torment yourself.
Whatever his intentions were,
he was still there for you
in those hard times.
Of course you feel confused.
It's my fault.
I let you suffer alone.
I'm sorry.
You look pretty when you smile.
But don't ever do that again.
You're so fragile.
You're so pretty.
It's okay.
Where the heck is he?
Du-jin, I found the white truck.
That's it, 5949.
Yes, that's the one.
Just a second.
Han, how're you feeling?
Is that Inspector Han?
Ma'am, are you okay?
It was only a graze, so I'm fine.
I'm leaving the hospital now.
What happened with Cha Do-won?
We put him on the wanted list,
and we just found
the truck from the tip we got.
Someone reported Cha Do-won's location.
What did they say?
They drove a man with an injured leg
to downtown Jakdu-dong.
They got suspicious
when he refused to go to the hospital.
I'm close to Jakdu-dong,
so I'll go check it out.
Send us his last known location.
Okay, he was last seen
at 141-5, Jakdu-dong.
That's where he got off.
He knows he's wanted.
He wouldn't have gone to a big hospital.
Let's search
the smaller clinics and pharmacies.
Has this man been here?
I'm not sure.
He's dangerous,
so if you see him, please call us.
The news that a prosecutor
was behind a string of serial murders,
including the recent murder
of a shaman named Ms. Lim,
has sent shockwaves across the country.
It's shocking enough that a prosecutor
was actually a serial killer,
but stoking the controversy
even further is
the fact that he executed criminals
who had committed heinous crimes,
yet they evaded harsh punishment
and were set free.
Not to mention he's a prosecutor.
A prosecutor seeking personal revenge,
that's just wrong.
He's not a hero,
he's just a crazy psychopath.
Personal revenge is against the law.
This is all because
the sentences are so light.
-The law needs to put the victims first,
but it has failed
to keep up with the times.
-that's why these things are happening.
-Still, you can't defend a murderer.
Is anyone here?
The door's open.
He must have been here. I'm sure of it.
Look at it from the victims' perspective.
But if acts of vigilantism were allowed,
our society would descend
into lawless chaos.
-No, what I meant was…
-Okay, that's all we have time for today.
We also have our viewers' opinions ready.
Let's take a look.
No matter what the situation is,
how can they defend a murderer?
-Is everyone out of their mind?
-But I kind of get it.
Come on, to be honest,
the rich and powerful
don't really get properly punished.
The weight of the crime changes
based on who commits it,
which pisses people off.
Wow, there are way more comments
in support of him.
-There's even a meme of him as a hero.
-I bet Cha Do-won is elated right now.
To put it bluntly,
it's not like he only killed criminals.
But this is more provocative.
Damn it.
We have to catch that bastard
before copycat crimes begin.
We're searching Cha's office,
and we found password-encrypted
files on his hard disk drive.
It'll take too long to decrypt them
through the official channels,
so I was wondering if Ms. Nam could help.
Of course, we'll be waiting.
Okay, I'll be there soon.
-Detective Na.
-Could you carry out this computer?
Please take this.
Han, I think we've got something here.
Okay, I'll take a look.
There's something here.
What's this?
It looks like Jung Hye-yoon's diary.
We're going to play
a guessing game with photos.
Now, what does the first photo look like?
Now I see why he was so obsessed
with executing criminals.
His father manipulated his memories
and brainwashed him.
He made Cha Do-won believe that
it was his brother who was nuts
and brainwashed him into thinking
that evildoers who break the law
must be eliminated.
With psychopaths,
it's more effective to brainwash them
than to teach him what's right and wrong.
Then he really must have thought
Cha Seung-won killed Oh Hyeon-u?
He must have realized
something was wrong at the crime scene
and went to see Jung Hye-yoon
who told him the truth.
-He must have murdered her then.
-Wait, so…
Prosecutor Cha is also a victim in a way?
Instead of having his memory manipulated,
if he had been properly punished
when he was young,
he might not have become a serial killer.
This sound.
I heard it at the crime scene
where Jae-jeong died.
Then maybe…
I found this in Prosecutor Cha's office.
So Jung Hye-yoon
told him to use that thing
to restrain his urge to kill,
but Prosecutor Cha used it to calm
himself down after killing people instead?
Before he killed Jae-jeong, he must have
used the clicker to control his urges
and told Gu Tae-su
to carry out the murders.
But he broke the rule
after killing Jae-jeong himself.
He probably won't be able
to satisfy himself vicariously anymore
after being exposed to murder…
We need to hurry and catch him
before he kills again.
He's going to kill more people
instead of running away?
He'll either show his true self
and run rampant
or kill again in order to prove
that he's a man of principle
and not some crazy murderer.
Either way, he won't be able
to stop himself from killing again.
Can I help you find anything?
Wait, he went missing
after he was acquitted?
Who went missing exactly?
Okay. You saw him
at a convenience store in Chinatown?
Hello, this is Division Seven.
I'm on Sinmyeong Electronics
Market's second store
-He bought a ship ticket?
Wait, but isn't it weird
that he's going to Jeju-do and not trying
to smuggle himself somewhere far away?
Cha Do-won was seen at the Sinmyeong
Electronics Market five minutes ago.
Sinmyeong Electronics Market…
He's going all sorts of places
when there's an APB out on him.
Isn't he being way too careless?
It's like he has a plan.
I decrypted the files!
The names written on the Gopuri fabric
in those pictures on Gu Tae-su's laptop
and the people in Cha Do-won's files
are the same.
So it'll prove that Cha Do-won made
the list of people to execute.
So this is like a "Death-Note."
But we have a lot of new names here too.
They could be his next target.
Find out who they are.
Hi. Did you find where Cha Do-won is?
Yes, but he's been spotted
in multiple places.
What do you mean?
He's been spotted all around Sinmyeong.
At a shop in Chinatown,
the passenger terminal,
and the Sinmyeong Electronics Market.
We've confirmed he's been
to those three places.
I'm sure he has a plan…
That window just now.
Show me the addresses
of people on the list again.
The addresses of people on this list
and the places Cha Do-won
has been seen in are the same.
We found a list of people to be executed
on his flash drive.
I think he's chasing after the people
on that list to kill them
There are three people left. Woo Am-cheol,
Cho Bok-cheon, and Oh Sin-pyeong.
I'll send you the file now.
Oh Sin-pyeong?
That's the name of the guy who called
-saying he saw Cha Do-won.
Yes, Cho Bok-cheon has a truck
that he uses to transport marine products.
Then Cho Bok-cheon must be
at the passenger terminal.
This means he has no intention
of stopping his murder spree.
And it also means that we'd have
a chance at catching him
if we keep an eye on those three.
We don't know who's next,
so let's split up the places
and start looking.
Sinmyeong Electronics Market is close by,
so we'll go there.
Okay, we'll leave right away too.
-Let's go get that bastard, Cha Do-won.
-Let's go.
Let's go.
Woo Am-cheol, real name Lin Cheng.
He's a smuggler and killer.
He's a Chinese citizen and he escaped
while being repatriated.
He must have snuck back in
despite being barred from reentry.
Damn it.
His name is Cho Bok-cheon.
He's 37 years old
and was charged with child abuse.
He picked out real garbage.
Let's just focus on stopping him
before there are any more victims.
Wow, what a crazy scumbag.
-His girlfriend broke up with him,
so he stalked, blackmailed,
kidnapped, then threatened to kill her.
She was so stressed
that she tried to take her own life,
-and do you know what this scumbag said?
-What did he say?
"It's not a crime to love."
-That fucking…
-Goddamn son of a bitch.
So where is that son of a bitch right now?
The son of a bitch is still at
Sinmyeong Electronics Market.
Let's hurry there before he moves.
Yes, okay.
Start from here and comb the place.
That's Cha Do-won, right?
It is. That's him.
Cha Do-won.
Cha Do-won.
Excuse me. Sorry.
-Excuse me.
-Excuse me.
-Damn it.
Where did he go?
Hurry up and find him.
Cha Do-won.
-Goodness, what the hell?
-Who are you?
-I'm sorry.
Over there. Cha Do-won, you scumbag.
-Cha Do-won!
How is he so fast?
Hey, Cha Do-won.
What do you want?
I'm sorry.
We thought you were someone else.
-Who are you?
-When did we get them switched?
-We're screwed.
-We're screwed.
Mr. Oh.
I'm almost there.
Don't answer your phone.
It's for your own protection.
Hide in that place you told me about.
He still isn't picking up.
I'll go to the shop with Su-cheol.
Call me once you hack into the CCTV feed.
-That's the wrong way. It's this way.
Shoot. The fucking network.
Damn it, why is the signal gone again?
Maybe it's because the building's old.
So you can't hack into the CCTV feed?
We'll have to go in
and connect to it manually.
-Mr. Jang.
Over there.
Hello, we're from TK.
-You're here early.
-It's time for the routine inspection.
Routine inspection?
I thought you were here to fix things.
Of course we are.
We inspect things and fix things too.
You know how it is.
Come on in.
Why are they all like that?
What's wrong with them?
Turn the modem off and back on.
The LAN cables and the modem
are all tangled.
The janitor doesn't know
which is the modem for the CCTVs.
Hurry and find it
before Nam Han-jun pitches a fit.
Someone cut the LAN cable.
I think we have to reconnect it.
Who could have done this?
Do you have any spare LAN cables?
I'll go and get the cable.
-Could you wait here?
Boss, someone cut the internet cable here.
Hye-jun's not responding,
so I'm going up to her right now.
Na-dan, what did you say?
I can't hear you.
Did something happen?
This is building B, 15, 1st floor,
We're at the right place.
So where did he go
with the doors still open?
Damn it, why isn't he picking up?
-I'll go, you…
I'll go find them, you stay here
and wait for Oh Sin-pyeong.
-Call me right away if anything happens.
He was so scared
he asked for police protection,
so where could he have gone?
Mr. Oh.
Mr. Oh, this is the police.
You asked for police protection, right?
Mr. Oh.
What took you so long?
I thought you were that crazy
prosecutor and was so scared.
Please don't kill me.
Come on.
Damn it.
Come on, where are they?
-something's off here.
-Where are you?
I'm at the hardware store,
I think I should go in and check.
Mr. Oh.
Mr. Oh, are you okay?
Wake up. Who did this to you?
The prosecutor. He…
What? Prosecutor? Prosecutor Cha?
What are you doing, you bastard?
Unlock this right now.
-What? What happened?
-Are you kidding me?
Prosecutor Cha
stabbed Oh Sin-pyeong and ran.
What about Oh Sin-pyeong?
Is he okay? What about Prosecutor Cha?
I think he locked me in here
to go after you, so be careful.
I'll get there as fast as I can.
What did you do to those kids?
I didn't kill them.
They're all fine, so don't worry.
My target has always been…
you, Mr. Nam Han-jun.
It's so quiet in there.
-Let's go in on the count of three.
-Yes, okay.
One, two, three.
You're getting ready to open the shop.
Mr. Woo, we're the police.
We're not here on a bust,
we just want to check something.
Come on, damn it.
-The damn police. Come here.
-Come on.
I found Cha Do-won.
He's at Sinmyeong Electronics Market.
Mr. Shaman, I'm sorry.
I don't think we'll make it.
Wow, this actually works.
So you found the video.
But you don't really think I still
respond to that stupid clicker, do you?
That's what I'm saying.
You're not a kid
who responds to this stuff,
but I almost felt bad for you.
Jeez, I was watching the video,
and it was so sad.
It made me wonder
if I should free you from
that damn brainwashing.
So even you call my acts of judgment
a product of brainwashing?
A delusional monster who believes
himself to be the judge of humankind.
That's you.
Goddamn it, you're so pathetic.
My father looked at me like that too.
But he was the one
who actually broke the law.
He let me escape the law
when I killed a person.
So don't pretend like
you're so righteous with me.
You're just another hypocritical coward.
Do you think you wouldn't have
become the monster you are now
if you'd been scolded as a child?
Stop pretending to be a freaking victim.
You know the real reason
you're wallowing in self-pity?
It's because you're going
to break down once you admit
you've been killing people for fun,
you asshole.
You know it just as well as I do.
You're just a crazy psychopath.
Come now.
Why don't you just admit it already?
You're just a lowlife murderer.
You're not some righteous grand judge
that you think you are.
All right.
I'm going to kill you today.
You know, I'm usually a pacifist.
But as someone older and wiser.
I'll teach you a lesson today.
Come at me, punk.
You don't know who I am, do you?
I'm Jang Du-jin, you punk.
-Hey, let go of me.
You know what?
People need me.
They don't want to get blood on their
hands, yet they despise criminals
walking freely among them.
You might think what I do is a crime,
but to me, it's justice.
Jeez, you crazy bastard.
You really think you're
doing society a favor?
Damn it.
I almost have it.
I've enjoyed myself for quite a while,
thanks to you.
I even got to understand
what people mean
when they talk about friends.
I thought I turned you down.
I told you then that you'd die if you did.
It's too bad.
You'll die without having seen
how my judgments change the world.
You think you're so freaking clever,
don't you?
But you're not.
You're just lucky.
I was always a step ahead of you,
I could've killed you like Han Jae-jeong,
but I let you live.
You crazy bastard…
-Let go of me.
-Stay still.
We got him.
-You don't have handcuffs?
I don't, either.
Good, you're here.
We're in a hurry,
could you arrest the whole lot?
Enough of this bullshit.
I'm not lucky.
I'm talented. You didn't let me live.
I caught you.
Don't say his name
with that filthy mouth of yours.
Han Jae-jeong?
Did I tell you?
That Han Jae-jeong begged me
before he died?
He groveled and begged me not to kill him.
I have to save them.
I stopped the bleeding,
so please take care of the rest.
Na-dan! Han-jun!
What? You can't kill me?
Are you afraid you'll be riddled
with guilt all your life? Or…
Are you afraid to find out
that you're no different from me?
What is it?
So you're scared to die?
Damn it.
You piece of trash…
I spent six years chasing you.
Do you know how I'm different from you?
I don't think I embody justice.
So I'm not going to kill you.
I'm going to hand you over to the police.
Who are you to execute people?
Who are you to believe
that you're on the side of justice?
It's because you're crazy. Damn it.
It's because you're crazy.
Na-dan, are you okay?
Hye-jun! Na-dan!
Oh, god. I was so worried.
I was almost scared to death.
I thought I was really going to die.
But where's Han-jun?
Where is he?
Mr. Nam.
Cha Do-won, you're under arrest
for the murder
and the solicitation of murder
of Han Jae-jeong, Jung Hye-yoon,
and Im Hui-suk.
You have the right to remain silent
and the right to an attorney.
You will also be given a chance
to explain yourself,
but this is the end for you,
you goddamn son of a bitch.
Wow. He beat me to a pulp,
but you knocked him out with a kick.
-What made you start executing criminals?
-Anything to say to the victims?
Some people are praising you as a hero,
how do you feel
now that you've been caught?
He's not a hero,
he's just a goddamn serial killer.
Yes, make way.
What was your secret
in catching the culprit?
How did you know where he was?
Did you get a tip-off?
I just used my abilities.
I deduced what the criminal was thinking
and analyzed the pattern
of their crimes as a criminal profiler.
How did you know the killer's next target?
-Oh, well…
-The spirits told him.
-The spirits?
-No, it's not that…
This is the famed shaman of Yonghae-dong.
The shaman supreme, Mr. Shaman.
This is so embarrassing.
Guys, can we talk?
So he exposed the ugly truth of Cha Do-won
using his strong ties with the spirits.
You know the Jakdu-dong
land development project, right?
Mr. Shaman uncovered the truth
about that too.
He's at Café Minamdang, 150 Yonghae-dong.
-Call us anytime.
-That's right.
Hurry up and smile. You still have
a big loan to pay off, you idiot.
I'm Shaman Nam Han-jun,
the wonder of Yonghae-dong.
Yes, he's a great shaman.
When is your connection to the spirits
the strongest?
It comes at all hours.
I don't know if I should be doing this,
but I thought you might regret it later.
Your mother's here.
It's Mom.
Why are you in there?
You shouldn't be in there.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry,
my baby.
I guess this is the end for us.
I wish you the best, Jae-hui.
I don't wish you the best.
I'll pray that every moment of your life
feels like hell.
I like that better than some nonsense like
"I've forgiven you for everything,
you should repent too."
You think it's nonsense to tell you
to repent for your crimes?
Didn't I tell you
that I only executed those
who deserved to be punished?
My brother didn't do anything wrong.
Shouldn't you at least admit
that you were wrong to kill my brother
and feel some regret or guilt about it?
To be honest, I never regretted it.
I did feel a bit guilty,
but not about Prosecutor Han,
about you.
Seeing you think that it was
your fault that your brother died,
I did feel kind of bad.
Within our relationship,
Han Jae-jeong was the bond
that linked us.
That's why I liked you.
You know it too. Wasn't that why
you saved me even though
you got hurt in the process?
I saved you because
I'm a police officer,
not because I felt a bond between us.
You felt guilty?
You liked me?
You were just watching my pain
and reliving the thrill you felt
when you killed.
That could be true.
Still, I was being sincere
when I told you I liked you.
You want to know what I sincerely regret?
If I'd recognized the devil in you
a little earlier,
I could have saved
some of the people you killed. That's it.
I'll live with that guilt forever.
You keep on living like
the beast that you are.
While I'll catch killers like you,
who are ordinary-looking
and hiding among us, even faster.
-Take a picture of me.
-When will he come out?
-It's my turn.
-Take a picture of me.
-Oh, my.
Come on.
Make sure my legs look long.
Hurry up, it's my turn.
We haven't paid off the loan yet,
and we lost a huge amount of money
while going after Prosecutor Cha.
But you want to take six months off?
I told you.
I need to find a way
to increase my happiness level.
Take care of Minamdang while I'm gone.
-You're really going to take time off?
-Jeez, stop acting cute.
If you stop me, I'm going to go
straight into retirement. Move.
Fine, we're going to do
just fine without you,
you better not regret this when you
find out you're not needed anymore.
Goodbye, everyone.
I'm going to shed
all worldly restraints and fetters
to go seek my happiness.
I hope you will all find happiness too.
-Yes, what is it?
-Don't do that.
-My gosh.
-Let me take a picture with you.
-Mr. Shaman.
-What is it?
What is it?
Where are you? There's something
I want to discuss with you.
Hey, please be careful. Come on.
Don't worry about it and have the baby.
Mr. Shaman, I do want to have the baby,
but now's not a good time.
You know I'm this close to
becoming the chairman.
It's good to have a goal.
But achieving it will only make you
happy for a short time.
Do you think it'll make you happy
to have the baby? Then have it.
Okay, consultation over.
What should its nickname be?
Call him "Minam" as in "Minamdang."
-That's good.
I'll be gone for a while, so don't look
for me or come to Minamdang.
Mr. Shaman, where are you going?
You heard? I won't be back.
-Don't go.
Damn it, that moron.
Hey, punk, stop right there.
Jae-hui. I'll be on a holiday for a while.
Let's go on a date.
I'm busy right now,
I'll call you back later.
Tell me when you get off work,
-I'll go pick…
-Stop right there!
-I said, stop! You idiot!
Kim Gi-yeong.
You're under arrest for your involvement
in a voice phishing crime organization.
If you come any closer,
I'll kill you. Got it?
Come on, put the knife away.
That's dangerous.
Jeez, come on.
Can you hurry up?
Long time no see.
Wow, you're sweating so much.
How have you been?
Shall we have a chat on our way?
May the law save you.
And may divine…
-Never mind. Just stay where you are.
-That's right. Good job.
I heard you caught the leader
of the voice phishing organization.
Major Crimes Investigation Division Seven,
good job. Well done.
Wow, we used to be
the dunce division, right?
No, you're not the dunce division.
Turns out you were the lucky seven.
The lucky seven!
What do you want to eat?
Let's have a team dinner, okay?
Get lost.
What do we have here?
Let's take a look. What is this?
The gang members' hospital bill is
ten… No, hundred, thousand…
-Ten million won?
-They deserved the beating.
My god. I can't take this.
As of today, you are all
taking a holiday.
No! We don't even have
all the gang members in custody yet!
Please, don't do anything
and just rest. Okay?
At this rate you'll end up
sealing our doom.
A compulsory holiday?
Great, we can go on a trip together.
This is nice. I can't remember
the last time we were this relaxed.
Isn't this place so nice and peaceful?
It's nice. It really is…
But are you sure you don't have
to go to Minamdang to work?
I am.
I'm more worried that they won't
take me back when I return.
By the way,
I love how you've dressed up today.
I made an effort
since we were going on a date.
This trio won't work. We're going
to go out of business at this rate.
Gosh, we're so busy,
so why are our sales down?
You really have to ask?
We have no boss, no barista,
and also a bad reputatio with moms
thanks to a certain someone.
Hey, how is that my fault?
It's because of that ridiculous woman.
So, what you're saying is
that you want me to make your daughter
the top student at her school?
Yes. Write me a talisman that will make
the other students mess up the tests.
Or this belongs
to the current top student,
you could…
Are you kidding me?
Lady, your daughter's grades
aren't the problem here!
-Why are you hitting me?
-What will your child learn from you?
She's not the problem in this family,
you are.
-Get out of here right now. Get out!
-Oh, goodness.
I can't believe she wrote about it online
instead of reflecting on herself.
This is all
because I had to step in for you.
Oh, well…
Come on, they kept tugging
at my heartstrings,
what was I supposed to do?
Oh, gosh.
I can't fix your adorable grandson's leg,
but you have to live
a long and healthy life
for your grandson here.
Stay strong.
That old woman's a crook.
She owns two buildings.
She really didn't look like one.
How could anyone do that?
I miss the boss.
This combination is all wrong.
Yes, I think I'd rather have
Han-jun nag me too.
But there's nothing we can do.
We talked up a big game,
we can't beg him to come back faster…
-Careful with the steps.
It's nice to relax
and spend time together,
but I actually liked
running around with you
to catch the killer too.
After all that time of misunderstanding
and agonizing over things on my own
and having such a hard time
with the investigation,
working with you felt like…
It wasn't easy,
but I could enjoy the process.
Not because we caught the killer,
but I was able to be with you,
the people at Minamdang, and my team.
That's what made me happy.
Why are you looking at me like that?
I'm so happy that this wonderful woman
is my girlfriend.
I'm a police officer. What's wrong?
Look at that sign.
It looks like it was marked after death.
The body found at the reservoir
five years ago was the same.
It's stereotypical of
what self-aggrandizing psychopahts do.
Leave this to us. You should go.
Thank you.
Could this be the same killer?
He hadn't been in a relationship,
was sexually impotent,
and was likely single.
That's what we thought then…
Wait. I'm on a holiday.
Oh, right. We're on a holiday.
Right, we can call the police about this,
and Mr. Jang, too.
Let's go.
Yes, right.
-You can depend on Detective Jang.
-Of course.
-The police will take care of it.
Let's catch him.
Of course we will.
Yes, Mr. Jo.
I'll put him on the phone.
-Yes, I was just…
-Come back, Han-jun.
Yes, nothing's going right without you.
Even though you pile work on us,
it's way better when you're here.
You idiots, unbelievable,
I can't even have a moment to relax.
-Nam Han-jun.
-We don't have time for this.
-There's a serial killer.
We need to find
where he left the body first.
What was the condition of the wrist?
It looked like it had been decomposing
for about three days.
Then I'll go 15 days back.
What about the fingerprints?
Do we know who the victim is?
Found it.
Subtitle translation by: Jung-in Park
Ripped and resynced by YoungJedi
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