Craig of the Creek (2017) s01e18 Episode Script

Vulture's Nest

Who's gonna help
when the danger overwhelms ♪
And the mysteries
are piled high? ♪
Who's gonna be around,
never gonna let you down ♪
When you're on a wild ride?
Your friends are
always by your side ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek
"'You cannot stop me!
My power comes
from another dimension!'"
[ Cackles ]
"Hurthok cackled, and
he took out his quantum-axe,
and he sliced, and he sliced,
and he sliced!"
[ Muffled rock music playing ]Man! You're good
at tellin' stories.
I mean, I never hear
a soundtrack in my head
when I'm readin'.
I can hear it, too.
[ Music continues ]
This way.
[ Music volume increases ]
What's wrong, Craig?
Is it this terrifying
abandoned barn?
Oh, wait!
The bird incident.
Sorry we forgot.
Let's just go around.
When you listen close enough
You're not asking
why it hurts ♪
You're wondering
if it hurts too much ♪
Well, come on
[ Instrumental break ]
Give it a shot
if you stand it alone ♪
Give it a shot
You can make it
on your ooooown ♪
If all you want
is a license to go ♪
Give it a shot
You won't suffer
through no moooore ♪
Aah! Aah! Aah!
Give it a shot
if you stand it alone ♪
Give it a shot,
you can make it on your ♪
Give it a shot
if you stand it alone ♪
Give it a shot,
you can make it on your own ♪
[ Cheers and applause ]
-All right!
-That was awesome!
Uh, thanks.
We're David, Emma, Katie,
and Daoud.
We're Bad Moves!
We're Craig, JP, and Kelsey,
and we're good kids.
Well, thanks
for watching, kids.
Is this a club?
Did we run all the way
to the city?
Nah, this is just
our house.
We call it
the Pizza Crust Collective.
We live here -- with,
like, 15 other people.
It's cool, 'cause we all like
music and pizza.
Oh, so it's like
a forever sleepover,
but nobody tells you to
shut your mouth and go to sleep.
that happens.
But, yeah,
it's pretty cool.
We all help out
and share everything,
although the peanut butter
belongs to Michelle.
I mean, we could eat it,
but, you know
[ Bass-guitar note plays ]
It's cool.
Why don't you give it a try?
Go ahead.
[ Bass-guitar note plays ]
But it must be impossible
to play a whole song.
You have to do that
a million times.
Yeah. I mean, did you guys
go to college
for, like, 20 years
to learn all that?
Nah. I actually picked it up
from my brother.
He played bass, and I thought
it was very cool.
Now I play guitar,
and Iam very cool.
Yeah, I was
in high-school orchestra,
but I didn't like being told
what notes to play,
so I joined a band.
I'll play a "G"
whenever I want.
[ Guitar riff ]You hear that,
Mr. Samson?!
I used to carry around
a pair of drumsticks.
Everyone called me
So I was, like, a drummer
before I was a drummer.
Anyone can play.
Can we play?!
Sure. What instrument
you want to try?
[ Drums playing ]Druuuuums!
Hitting stuff,
that is what I am about.
[ Chuckles ] Okay.
Let's start with some basics.
This big one down here
is the kick.
Hy-aye![ Boom! ]
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Don't actually kick it.
Just step
on that pedal.[ Drum plays ]
All right,
now tap the snare
like you're tapping
a pencil.[ Snare plays ]
Kick, snare.
Kick, kick, snare.[ Drums playing steadily ]
Put your finger here,
and with your other hand,
pretend like your fingers
are walking on the string.
[ Bass guitar plays ]
There. You're gonna
play a power chord.
Heh. You get me.
Now strum!
[ Guitar chord plays ]
Now put
your fingers here.
[ Rock music playing ]
Together: Whoa!
You're playing a song.
[ Music continues ]
That's it?
Yeah. A song doesn't
have to be complicated.
It can be 18 chords
or it could be 2.
You guys,
all we need is lyrics,
and then we got
a hit single for sure!
How do you
write lyrics?
Well, you don't
but if there's something
you want to express,
whether you totally
understand why or not,
it's a way you can keep it
from feeling bottled up.
Lyrics are like this
thing you want to say,
but maybe you're shy
or unsure of yourself.
But by writing those
thoughts in a song,
you can be
in control.
Yeah, sometimes your song
knows how you feel
about something
before you do.
[ Badum-tish plays on drums ]
I'm sorry.
I thought that was a setup.
Hey! You kids play another note,
and I call the cops!
I guess that's it
for the day.
[ Lights flick off ]
Oh, hey, we're actually
playing a show here on Friday.
If you come up with some lyrics,
you could play your song.
That'd be so awesome!
Just need some lyrics.
[ Bird screeches ]
[ Gasps ]
Katie: We could play
at that indoor soccer place.
They have shows there
Nah. It's a car
dealership now.[ Strumming guitar ]
Oh. We could play
that bowling alley.
I've seen
shows there.
It's a diner now.
We could play in the parking lot
of that diner.
But then where would
we play kickball?
I'm boycotting
that diner.
They don't appreciate
my views on French fries.
Fries should
be bottomless.
Fries should
be bottomless!
Craig: Hey, guys!
[ Panting ]
We got some big news.
Check out my pants!
I chopped 'em so I got
that breezy-leg look
like you guys got.
Also, David, I thought about
what you said
about expressing
your feelings
and getting it out there
and how you can feel better,
and I wrote lyrics
for a song.
I put them on this temporary
tattoo that I won at a fair.
It's a basketball bunny.
We all want
to hear your lyrics,
but it looks like
we won't be able
to play music here
Emma: 'Cause our neighbor's
a "not-funster."
He keeps complaining
about the noise!
We're not even that loud.[ Cymbal plays quietly ]
[ Whispering ] Also, someone ate
Michelle's peanut butter,
and she is not happy.
She's not mad,
because it's everybody's,
but, you know
But -- But what about
the show?!
I feel
It's a real bummer.
This garage
has been a sanctuary
for the local music scene
and our bikes.
I don't know where else we could
play last minute like this.
We'd need an isolated spot
where we could play
and not bother
"Old Man Grumpty Dumpty."
Yeah, I kind of need a hard
surface to put my drums on.
With a roof to protect our
instruments from the elements
and a big opening
so people can see you.
Yeah, we basically need
a garage.
Is there a garage
in the creek?
JP: No, but there's a rock
with a buncha wizards under it.
I think I know a place.
Together: Whoa!
Holy French fries,
Bad Moves!
This is so great!
I have way more room
for my drums
and room
to jump around
and more room
to do this![ Warble ]
Doesn't seem like this
old boy's too moldy, either.
this place is awesome!
I think it could
really work!
Yeah! I figured it would
fit your specifications!
This is super cool,
but how are we gonna power
our instruments?
I'll take care
of you guys!
[ Upbeat rock music playing ]
I was backed against the traps
of my teenage plan ♪
I was stumblin' over gaps,
feeling beat up again ♪
I was staring down the corpse
of a lifelong dream ♪
I was willing it to get back
on its feet again ♪
I was walkin' through my life
and feeling sick, that's when ♪
I would find myself repeating
my old stories to friends ♪
Always strugglin' for a notion
that resembled a hope ♪
I was standing
on the verge ♪
Of something good,
I don't know ♪[ Electricity crackles ]
On the verge of something,
oh, oh, oh-oh, oh ♪
You know, you guys can go down
without me.
Don't let me
hold you back
if you want to, like, go down
and -- I don't know.
Hey, don't sweat it, Craig.
We're loyal.
Besides, look at those chumps,
all clumped together,
having a great time,
sharing youthful joy.
Who wants that?
Oh, oh, oh-oh, oh
Oh, oh-oh, ohhh
[ Cheers and applause ]
Thanks! And thanks for coming
to the show.
I want to remind everyone
that we've got some free zines
and merch for sale
on thatlog back there.
It's really cool
to see everyone here
supporting the woodland scene,
and we couldn't have done it
without the help of those kids
way over there!
Hey, Craig, why don't you
come down and play your song!
[ Cheers and applause ]
We don't have
to go down there, Craig.
Yeah, man.
I mean, we can stay here
in the bird-free zone.
[ Bird screeches ]
Aw, no!
[ Guitar plays ]
Um, hi.
W-We are the, uh
The Cut-Offs!
And The Quantum Axes!
1, 2, 3, 4!
I'm brave,
but I'm scared of you ♪
I saw what I thought I knew
You're so much bigger
I'm brave
I'm brave, I'm brave
But I'm scared of you
I saw
-I saw
Wow! They've really improved
since two days ago.
Yes!Craig: So much bigger
Don't look at me baaaad
Don't look at me baaaad
Don't look at me
bad, bad, bad, bad, bad ♪
Don't look at me, bird
[ Gasps ]
Craig, keep going!
You can do this.
[ Music continues ]
Don't look at me
bad, bad, bad, bad, bad ♪
Don't look at me, bird
[ Cheers and applause ]
Hey, Craig. What are we gonna
call this new place?
Pizza Crust Collective 2?
The Silent Barn?
The Not-So-Silent Barn?
The Vulture's Nest.
When it's time to go to bed
I know
I don't have to feel alone ♪
'Cause I'll see you tomorrow
At the creek
Just like I drew it.
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