Delicious in Dungeon (2024) s01e18 Episode Script


[theme music playing]
Finding a way back up was rough,
so of course, when we try to go back down,
we run into something like this.
[Chilchuck breathes deeply]
I don't like it at all.
This blood hasn't dried yet.
Falin must have passed through recently
to head to the lower floors.
I bet she was cramped in here.
[narrator] The sixth floor.
Underground waterways that utilize tunnels
dug by ancient dwarves.
They appear to stretch out endlessly,
laying themselves under the town
like the roots of a tree.
Besides the water,
many things likely flowed through here.
Humans and animals,
conspiracies, and rumors.
Money and blood.
[Marcille] It's so cold.
Yeah, it's weird since I'm pretty sure
this floor is supposed to be humid.
[Laios exhales softly]
Maybe we ended up somewhere else?
I think I remember this route from before.
Yeah, this is definitely the floor
where the Red Dragon attacked us
and almost wiped out our party.
I mean, it is a dungeon
where walls and roads move around.
The temperature changing
isn't that strange.
I prefer it being cold over it being hot.
But the snow and water washing away
the bloodstains is a big problem.
[Chilchuck] Since we're here,
do we wanna head back to the place
where we almost got wiped?
If the Dungeon Cleaners
haven't gotten to it yet,
we might be able to salvage our stuff.
I wonder if Falin is doing okay.
I'd imagine this cold is pretty tough
on Red Dragons.
Wait, is that why she had feathers?
So, Laios, since you got in Shuro's face
and blurted out
we were gonna defeat the mad mage,
surely you must have
some kind of plan, right?
Yeah, about that
[Laios] Falin said she was looking
for someone named Delgal.
I imagine the mad mage had given
the Red Dragon that same order.
That's also the reason the Red Dragon
came up to a different floor
and wandered around without resting.
[Senshi] Who's Delgal?
[Chilchuck] The name sounds familiar,
but I'm drawing a blank.
[Marcille] It's the king.
[both] Hmm?
When the Golden Country fell
1,000 years ago,
he was their last ruler.
[Marcille] You can find engravings
in various spots of this dungeon
that sing his praises.
[Chilchuck] Oh, that's right!
His name is on artifacts
that have been dug up.
Hang on.
But didn't I hear that he
[Laios] When this dungeon
was initially discovered,
he briefly appeared on the surface,
became dust, and vanished.
So, the mad mage has been working
the Red Dragon to the bone
and completely changing
the dungeon's structure,
all to find a king
who disappeared ages ago?
[Laios] Ever since the mad mage witnessed
the previous king get killed
right in front of him,
he's worried
that his son will meet the same fate.
That's why he must have assumed
we were assassins
-and started attacking us.
Really? Where'd you hear that from?
A dream?
Oh, uh Well, you see
[Laios] I first met the mad mage
inside of the Living Paintings.
And that's where I learned about it.
[Laios] Remember I told you
that I tried to eat some food in there
and he was so pissed at me?
-[Marcille] What?
Why didn't you mention that sooner?
I only put the pieces together just now!
Huh, I see.
So you are reliving the past.
[Chilchuck] To be absolutely sure,
you said that the mad mage
was an elf, right?
Do elves really live up to 1,000 years?
There were records of it a long time ago,
but currently,
our typical lifespan is about 500 at best.
[Chilchuck] At best, huh?
Well, I mean, you're able to mess
with other people's lives,
so I'd imagine it simple enough
for you to extend your own.
That's not true!
It's impossible to prolong your life
with your own magic.
That'll be like someone trying
to eat their own flesh to live longer.
Anyway, if he attacked us
because he thought
that we were enemies of the king
maybe we can clear things up with him?
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
[worried groan]
[wind gusting heavily]
-[Marcille quivering]
-The wind's gotten way stronger.
Why is it so cold?
[Laios] I can't see ahead.
Hey, you guys!
Are you still following me?
[Chilchuck] Laios, where did you go?
[Senshi] I can't see anything!
[Laios] It'd be bad if we got separated!
Grab on to someone's hand!
[Senshi grunts, quivers]
[Laios] We can't go on like this.
[Laios] A tunnel!
Let's take shelter!
[Laios panting]
You guys okay?
[Chilchuck] I'm here.
No issues.
[Marcille] Present.
I'm over here.
[Senshi] Yeah.
All good.
Oh, thank goodness.
[Senshi] Hmm?
-Hey, Marcille.
-[Chilchuck] Wait a sec
Could you give us some light, please?
[soft groan]
[Laios] This place
It kinda looks like an old prison.
For a while there, I thought we
[all] Huh?
[all] No way!
[all] Huh?
[all] This is
-[Laios] We've multiplied!
-[unsettling music playing]
Hey, the hell is all this?
Illusion magic?
Let's see.
My guess is
it's the work of a Shapeshifter.
[Laios] Never heard of them?
Where I'm from,
they're monsters that appear sometimes.
[Laios] On days when the fog is thick
or there's a heavy snowstorm,
walk through the hills
and you'll suddenly have extra companions.
That's when the Shapeshifter
copies your appearance
and blends themselves
with the rest of your group.
Wherever you're from sounds scary.
[Marcille A] Is it some type of fairy?
[Chilchuck A]
Are they prone to causing trouble?
If they go unnoticed,
they'll kill and eat the real one
and take their place.
-What the hell?
-We have to hurry and find the fake ones!
-[panicked groan]
-[scared breath]
[panicked exclaim]
I must eat.
Well, this isn't good.
Hey, those Laioses over there
I think it's pretty safe
to say they're fake.
[Senshi A] Sounds about right.
Yeah, they don't look like
they know much about monsters.
Shapeshifters will read
the minds of living creatures,
mimicking the appearance
of those around them.
So the three other me's over there
reflect how the real Senshi, Marcille,
and Chilchuck remember me.
That makes sense.
[Marcille A] If you look closely,
you can see each version looks
somewhat different than the rest.
[Marcille B] Can we hurry
and do something about this one then?
[Marcille B] She's clearly a fake.
Sure is.
How dare you!
Gaze upon my visage and see that I am
Ugh, so annoying.
Whose memory did she come from?
This Senshi and Chilchuck
are clearly fakes as well.
[both] Hmm?
How so?
-[Chilchuck C and Chilchuck D] Huh?
-[Chilchuck C] Just look at him!
My neck wrap isn't a scarf, but his is.
[Chilchuck A]
And Senshi's helmet's missing holes.
[soft grunt]
Now that you mention it
[Chilchuck A]
I don't think there's any doubt
that they're from Laios' memory.
[Senshi A] He's not great with details.
-[gate thuds]
-[fakes sobbing, grumbling]
Is it fine to leave them like that?
They don't really have
the same intelligence a human does.
But if you do try to attack them,
they're sure to fight back.
Let's avoid fighting unknown monsters
under these circumstances.
We'll reveal the fakes peacefully
and then deal with them all!
[gong strikes]
His enthusiasm is great, but
Will he really be able
to tell the difference
between the real one and the fakes?
[Senshi A] Not likely.
The number of fakes remaining is six.
When they're side by side,
you can see lots of differences.
But while we're figuring this out,
our fuzzy memories are being influenced.
I need to hurry and settle this or else
[Senshi A] When it comes to the Marcilles,
they have different hairstyles.
I honestly don't remember
what her hair looked like
-when I last saw her.
-[Marcilles] You're kidding?
This hairstyle's unique,
so you remember it, don't you?
Just look at it!
The blizzard made me cold,
so I took my hair down.
First of all,
my hair quality is way better.
Hair is a magic-user's life, you know?
They're all saying
things the real one would say.
Well, they are acting
the way we see Marcille in our heads.
[all sigh]
Oh! Here's an idea!
How about we decide based on information
that only I would know?
I hope you don't mean stuff
like guessing your mom's maiden name.
-[Marcille A] Not that.
[Marcille A] Look at my spellbook!
-[worried gasp]
-You see?
[boys exclaim]
Yeah, one of those books
is obviously fake.
Hard to tell with the other two,
they both look legitimate.
[Marcille B] What? No way!
The spells in her book are all messed up!
Hey, that's my line!
[both grunt angrily]
Our personal belongings
might help reveal more fakes.
-Senshi, mind showing your stuff?
Lock 'em up with the others!
-[gate thuds]
-[sad groaning]
We've narrowed it down to two each, but
we're at a standstill.
The number of fakes remaining three.
Okay. Let's make food.
[all] Wait, at a time like this?
I can't tell you apart based on looks.
So now,
I've got to check for usual behavior.
I'll have all of you cook
and observe how you do things.
That will tell me
which are fake and which are real.
[Marcille A] He didn't know
he encountered the mad mage
or notice Shuro's feelings
[Chilchuck A]
He didn't pick up on the fact
that he'd already met
that Kabru guy either.
[Senshi A] And we're gonna rely
on his observational skills?
[Laios' party] This is bad.
[Laios] Who are my party members
and who are the imposters?
It's my chance
to regain the trust that I lost.
I really don't want
to disappoint them again.
I have to pick up
on the subtle differences no matter what!
[Senshi A] We're dealing with Laios.
There's a possibility
he might find the fakes more interesting
because they're monsters.
[Marcille A and Chilchuck A] That's true.
[Laios' party] We have to do
something about this ourselves!
I'll be watching from here.
So do your best, everyone.
Jeez, thanks.
What should we make?
[Senshi A]
There's what I found on the fifth floor
and the ingredients
Maizuru was kind enough to give to us.
With such good provisions on our hands,
I've got an idea of what to make.
Before you all start
pair up with your other self
and work as a team to prepare a dish.
[all] Huh?
By having you perform the same assignment,
I can watch for different behaviors.
[Laios] Senshi can teach you the recipe.
Now, that's settled,
is everyone ready?
-[gong strikes]
-Let the cooking begin!
[Laios] First, the Chilchuck team.
Cut the meat.
And then mix the eggs and seasonings.
Chilchuck A sat in the hallway,
Chilchuck B sat on top of a wooden box
and started prepping.
What are you even writing?
You're distracting!
[Chilchuck B grunting]
-[grunting continues]
It won't budge. Can you get it, Laios?
Hey! You see that?
B slipped up! He's the fake one!
[Marcille A]
Huh? What are you talking about?
[Chilchuck A] Oh, come on!
You guys know me!
I've got lots of conviction
and pride and all that.
[Senshi A] It's important
that people help each other, Chilchuck.
[Marcille A] A is a little cynical,
don't you think?
[Senshi A] If you look closely,
he's got some mean-looking eyes.
-Our Chilchuck is definitely much cuter.
-[Chilchuck B grunting]
Leave me alone!
Hey, Laios,
you know I'm the real one, right?
[Laios] Chilchuck A
He does have
a pretty suspicious-looking face.
-He might be the fake.
-[nervous groan]
We'll see.
Please continue cooking.
Insulted me in the common language.
[Laios] Next, the Marcille team.
I'm sorry,
but what is this egg that we're using?
[Senshi A] It's a Harpy egg.
[angry groan]
I've said this
plenty of times since the start
that humanoid monsters are off-limits!
Yes, I've started to compromise,
but it's still not okay!
[Laios] Marcille B is behaving normally,
but maybe to a fault.
Back to the recipe
Boil the diced Dryads.
What do you think, Marcille A?
I don't like it, but
I've already eaten
fish-man eggs and Dryads,
so why bother complaining now?
If it meant that I could save Falin,
then I'd do anything.
[all exclaim]
Hey! I
I would also do anything
to save Falin, you know!
B's determination is weak in comparison.
Do I have to eat these Harpy eggs
to make you believe me?
[Laios] When the eggs are soft enough
to pierce with a chopstick,
drain the water,
mix with the seasonings and mash.
Wait, this is actually tough.
They both said things
the real one would say.
Back to the Senshi team.
So, where did you get
those Harpy eggs from anyway?
[Senshi B] I came across a nest
inside of a collapsed house,
so I gathered everything that was there.
[Laios] Cut to one-centimeter thick.
As they say, eggs are the perfect
Source of nutrients.
[both chuckle]
Fry with rice on low heat and then season.
I'm pretty sure
rice is Shuro's favorite food.
[Senshi A] It's packed
with plenty of essential nutrients
adventurers need to explore.
We're real lucky to find
as much as we did.
[Laios] I'm only interested
in eating monsters we find,
but Senshi's different.
He's focused on deeper things.
Like taking flavor and nutrition
into account.
All the food looks so good.
-Guess I can't decide based on skill.
[Marcille B] Hmm
You know,
no one's really said anything about it,
so I thought I'd check.
[Marcille B] But doesn't Senshi B
looked a little more attractive
than he should?
[dramatic gasps]
Seems fine to me.
Yeah, Senshi's always looked handsome.
[Marcille B and Senshi A] Huh?
What even is this?
Prejudice against dwarves?
Yeah, come on.
Senshi doesn't look that dopey.
-[panicked groaning]
-[Laios] Senshi is handsome.
[Senshi B] Laios, the food's almost ready.
Have you made your final decision yet?
[Laios] Honestly
-I have no idea.
They all look like
they could be real or fake.
Besides, I think
it's kind of unfair to have me
try to distinguish a memory in my head
against the actual thing.
It would've been fun to look
for a monster disguised as a human,
but trying to see through an illusion is
Look for a monster, huh?
-[Senshi A] It's ready!
All right, listen up while you eat.
Those of you I think are real are
Chilchuck A!
[Laios] The one with the dour expression!
[Laios] Marcille B!
The one who won't eat Harpy eggs
even if it's for Falin.
Senshi A!
The dopey one!
That said,
will the imposters
promptly lock themselves in the cell?
[Marcilles and Chilchucks]
Now hold on a second!
What kind of proof do you have
that he's the real one?
That one's obviously the imposter!
What makes you think she's real?
Just a feeling.
I'll try to explain all of that later.
Let's deal with the fake ones first.
Just a feeling?
"Deal with"?
I knew it, this guy's a joke.
[Senshi B] It seems like
[Senshi A] We're just gonna
have to protect ourselves.
-[muffled groan]
-[Chilchuck A grunts]
[Laios' party grunting]
[Laios] This was inevitable
no matter who I picked.
Shapeshifter is a term
for monsters that mimic others.
There are kinds
that can mimic voices or possess
or physically change their appearance.
Which is this Shapeshifter capable of?
There's no way
that monsters are able to cook food.
It must be creating an illusion
like Marcille said.
Since it targets people,
it's either a carnivore or an omnivore.
It's too much of a coward
and lacks the strength to attack directly.
Visibility is low and it's cold here.
So it can withstand the cold
and relies on smell and hearing.
Downwind is that direction.
The enemy is waiting for us
to wear ourselves out.
I doubt I'll hit it
by recklessly swinging my sword around.
So what should I do?
Kensuke's gotten pretty quiet.
He might die from the cold.
Guess I'll have to take a page
from the enemy.
Time to turn the tables
and make the hunter feel like the hunted.
It's been a while, but I'll do that.
[Laios' party grunting]
[determined grunt]
[tense music playing]
[inhales deeply]
[music stops]
[all gasp]
-[Laios barking]
-[dramatic music playing]
[Senshi A] A dog?
[Senshi A] Wait, a hunting dog?
[Laios] For as long as I can remember,
dogs have always been by my side,
and I've learned a lot from them.
How to hunt,
how to engage
with a threat stronger than you are.
-And now, let me teach you!
-[dogs barking]
-[dogs howling]
He's good!
[Senshi A] Laios really is
A dog!
[Laios] You may think you're the hunter,
but you're actually the one being hunted!
Everyone, look! The illusions!
-[Senshi] Huh?
[Chilchuck] Huh?
[epic music playing]
[Laios] So, you've finally shown yourself.
Since you're a beast,
you should know full well.
In this fight
the one who flinches first
is the one who loses!
[both shout]
Laios! No!
[music swells]
[music stops]
[loud blast]
[Laios groans]
[blows air]
[Chilchuck] You all right, Laios?
All right in the head, that is?
There's a lot of things I wanna say,
but how come you didn't draw your weapon?
Honestly, I got too into character.
-[Senshi exclaims]
-[Chilchuck] Hmm?
[Senshi] Look what happened
to all the food we made.
Makes sense
since we cooked it with an illusion.
[Chilchuck] Let's remake it.
[Chilchuck] Man,
hard to believe that Laios' intuition
was actually on the nose.
[Marcille] So, how did you tell us apart?
By the lack of monster awareness?
[all] Hmm?
[Laios] Well, first,
Chilchuck sat on a wooden box.
Boxes are the perfect hiding spot
for Mimics and Tentacles.
For you to not even worry about that
kinda stuck out to me.
[Senshi B] I came across a nest
inside of a collapsed house,
so I gathered everything that was there.
[Laios] For someone who respects
the balance of an ecosystem,
that seemed a bit careless.
Do I have to eat these Harpy eggs
to make you believe me?
[Laios] Lastly, when Marcille dumped
the boiling water.
After how you were attacked
by that Undine,
doing something like that seemed reckless.
That's why it caught my attention.
[soft grunt]
[shocked gasp]
In this case, it was that absentmindedness
that made me think you were the real one.
[Senshi] That was some good work.
I'm real proud of you, Laios.
I think
his perspective is still a bit off.
Well still,
it's not easy
to see through an illusion spell.
It did keep the Shapeshifter fed
after all.
I thought you noticed then
I've already eaten
fish-man eggs and Dryads.
[Marcille] When she mentioned
the fish-man eggs in particular
It should have been obvious.
I mean, we've never eaten
those kinds of eggs before.
Right, guys?
[Marcille giggles]
-[Chilchuck grunts]
Could it have been that barley dish?
[Senshi] The dessert's ready now too.
-[Laios and Chilchuck] All right!
-[Marcille] Yippee!
It's been a while since we've had sweets.
[Senshi] Should I make some tea?
Pretty sure there were tea leaves
in the bag of provisions we got.
Did you put it somewhere else?
No, I definitely put it right here.
[Chilchuck] The rice
[Marcille] Huh?
[uneasy music playing]
[Chilchuck] Empty.
-[Marcille screams]
[scared gasp]
[Laios] Marcille!
[Asebi] Drop your weapon and freeze.
Do that and we can talk peacefully.
[tense sting]
[closing theme music playing]
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