Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (2019) s01e18 Episode Script

A Forged Bond

Were you acquainted with any of them?
There don't seem to be
any survivors around here.
We were advised that several rookie
Mizunoto had joined the battle,
but they might be dead by now,
don't you think?
Let's go.
Isn't the Moon lovely?
Since we've been given this
joint mission, let's try to get along.
I'm only here to slay some demons.
How callous of you!
All right, then, let's split up here.
I shall proceed from the west.
Don't come near my family!
Stay away!
Water Breathing, Second Form!
Water Wheel!
It's no good!
The blade won't go through!
So hard!
I can't slash him even if I use an attack!
What should I do?
What should I do?
Don't come near my family!
Stay away!
What are you looking at?
I'm over here!
Curse you!
All that force
with just one swipe of its arm!
It's no good! I'm not at full power!
Not to mention,
the bleeding's making me stumble!
Water Breathing, Second Form
Improved, Lateral Water Wheel!
What was that?
What's going on?
Inosuke! You okay?
He did that?
That was some move, dammit!
All right!
I should be able to chop off
that tough neck now!
Water Breathing
The final and most powerful form!
He's got a different air about him now.
He's about to do
something totally mind-blowing!
Now I'll finish him off!
Total Concentration
Water Breathing
Tenth Form!
L-Look out!
Don't die until I get back!
That's one of the Twelve Kizuki!
Don't die!
Don't die!
Whatever you do, don't die!
Oh, crap!
It's getting really hard to breathe now.
I have no feeling
in my arms and legs anymore.
I'm sorry.
Don't give up!
Don't give up!
Don't give up!
give up!
Who are you?
Are you all right?
Water Breathing, Second Form!
Water Wheel!
I managed to land somehow!
I beg of you! Please stop!
What are you looking at?
This isn't some show, you know.
Wh-What are you doing?
Aren't you two allies?
Don't put us in the same category
as something that flimsy.
We're family.
We're joined by a powerful bond.
And besides,
this is between me and my sister.
So don't interfere.
Or I'll carve you up.
You're wrong!
Whether it's your family or an ally,
if you have a strong bond between you,
then either one should be just as precious!
Calling it flimsy
if you're not related by blood
That's not true at all!
Not only that, but those who have
a strong bond give off the scent of trust!
But all I'm picking up from you two
is the scent of terror, hatred and repulsion!
That's not what you call a bond!
It's counterfeit!
It's forged!
Hey! Look at that,
a demon that's just the right size.
Even I can take down
a kid demon like this one.
Hold up a second please!
You can just back off!
I want to take the safe route
up the ladder.
Since once you move up,
you get more money from the top guys.
My unit's practically been wiped out,
but I'll slay myself a decent-sized demon
and head down the mountain.
Take this!
Don't do it! Stop!
Shattered to pieces in an instant!
But how did he
Hey, what did you say?
Look, you
What was it that you just said?
Just look at that intimidation factor!
The air just got heavy
and denser!
I'm sorry!
Hang in there, okay?
Just a little longer!
I'll be there
as soon as I defeat this demon!
I'll come save you no matter what!
Hey, you
What you said just now
Let's hear you say it again.
Come on.
Say it, will you?
I'll repeat it as many times as you want!
Your bond is forged!
O-Oh, crap!
Hiding myself in a place like this
How pathetic is that?
Still, I gotta come up with a way.
How do you slash someone
who's sword-proof?
What should I do?
What should I do?
Just how do I slash it?
Think! Think! Think! Think—
This is bad! This is really bad!
Until he gets back,
I gotta somehow
What the hell kind of attitude is that?
Don't mess around, dammit!
Curse you!
Looks like I got infected
by Tontaro's germs!
Messing around like that
That was way too close a call!
Using my head? That's so not me!
All right!
Slashed you!
It's really simple.
If you can't slash something
with one sword,
all you gotta do is pound it
with another sword!
I mean, look!
I have two swords!
I'm the almighty!
Are you running away on me?
Hey you!
Come back here, dammit!
I just want to let you know
I won't kill you in one blow.
After ripping you to shreds,
I'll carve you up.
If you take back
what you said just now,
I'll do you a favor
and kill you at once.
I won't take it back!
What I said was the truth!
You know who's not making any sense?
It's you!
You're the one who's mistaken!
Damn! That bastard
Where the hell did he go, dammit?
I'm telling ya,
this doesn't hurt!
What doesn't hurt doesn't hurt!
Now that it's come to this,
I'll sniff it out for sure!
So, there you are!
You idiot piece of crap!
How high did you climb up?
Damn you!
So, you're plotting to make me
use my head again, huh?
In your dreams!
What the
Oh, I get it!
He's trembling with fear and dread
at the sight of me, huh?
Well, it's a little too late for that!
What the
Now what?
D-Did it just shed its skin?
Come on, that's bulking up way too much!
This is looking really bad for me!
I've never sensed this much force
from an opponent before!
I'll get crushed just by his force!
It's no good.
I can't win.
I'm gonna die.
I'm gonna be killed.
Don't die!
Don't die until I get back!
Always live your lives with great pride.
I wish you luck in battle!
I'm not gonna lose!
No way am I gonna lose!
I'm Inosuke Hashibira
of the Demon Slayer Corps!
Just bring it on, you dirtbag!
So fast!
I can't see it!
Beast Breathing
Fang Three, Devour!
It snapped!
Oh, crap!
I failed to go on the defensive
with my breath attack!
Don't come near my family! Stay away!
I'm not gonna die!
Beast Breathing Fang One
Take this!
They're in!
They're in, but
what the hell?
This thing isn't even flinching!
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Inosuke.
I want at least you to survive,
Wh-Who are you?
Wh-What was that?
Did he slash it?
That guy?
Wh-Who is that?
Who on earth
That's fast!
Water Breathing,
Fourth Form
Striking Tide!
H-Holy crap!
I-I've never seen anyone
as incredible as this guy!
Got it!
The acrid odor's starting to fade,
so now I can detect
the scent of the threads!
I can take him on now!
He's smarter than I thought.
He doesn't flinch back in fear.
Well, not that it matters anyway.
Water Breathing,
First Form
Water Surface Slash!
Wow! Damned if you didn't take out
that demon in a flash! Who are you?
I saw you using the same technique
as Monjiro! You his friend?
What, you don't see me here?
Look at me, dammit!
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
What do you say to that?
Okay, then, I'll let you in on a secret!
I hear that Tanjiro's favorite
rice ball flavor is plum seaweed,
and Zenitsu really digs salmon!
Next, Episode 19, "Hinokami."
Hey, so you can talk!
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