Earth: Final Conflict s01e18 Episode Script

Law And Order

The announcement in Rho'ha case is expected momentarily.
This is the alleged murder that has caused such an uproar in the Unites States and around the world.
This scene occurred in a hospital room of Army Capt.
Lucas Johnson.
This is the security camera footage that apparently shows Rho'ha, a Taelon scientist, causing the death of Major MacIntire, Johnson's commanding officer.
Even the most trident Companion supporters are demanding that Rho'ha be tried in human court of law.
President Thompson has been working around the clock to reach an acceptable compromise with the Taelon Synod.
Ladies and gentlemen, the American Companion Da'an and president of the United States Mr.
I speak for the Taelon Synod.
We have had lately discussions with President Thompson.
Rho'ha will stand trial in human court.
What is the charge against Rho'ha? Rho'ha has been charged with murder.
Three years ago they came, forever altering the future of humanity.
William Boone's life has been destroyed.
A man caught between two worlds.
Assigned protector to the Companions; undercover agent for the Liberation.
An alien implanted cyber-virus expands his mind.
Controlling a bio-engineered weapon of unprecedented power.
William Boone searches for the truth.
Who will defend Rho'ha? The Companions have appointed Agent Ronald Sandoval and Cmdr.
William Boone to act as Rho'ha legal representatives.
But they're not lawyers.
Agent Sandoval is attorney.
And Cmdr.
Boone has been granted special dispensation by the state bar of New York to try this case with Agent Sandoval.
President, how will Rho'ha plead? Agent Sandoval? That determination has not yet been made.
Who will hear Rho'ha's case? This is obviously an unprecedented situation.
With the approval of Congress I have appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Evelyn Hill, to preside over the trial court proceedings.
President, who will prosecute? New York District Attorney Joshua Doors.
Doors, will you be seeking the death penalty if Rho'ha is convicted? Absolutely.
And in a surprise for President Thompson announced today that the prosecutor for the Rho'ha case will be Joshua Doors, son of Liberation leader Jonathan Doors.
Age 31, Joshua Doors became the youngest District Attorney in the history of New York City.
All right, let's just go over your testimony one more time here.
We've discussed this already.
If something's bothering you, why don't you just lay it on the table? The judge threw out the security camera footage, because we cannot authenticate it.
Now your testimony is the key to convicting Rho'ha.
Obviously, the Companions won't be too favorable upon you for helping to convict one of their own.
Are you suggesting that I might alter my testimony to help Rho'ha? Hey! You raise the issue, at least, have the guts to follow through with your accusation.
Actually, I'm not suggesting anything.
I'm just asking.
If you have any doubts whatsoever, just don't put me on the stand.
When did you practice law? Never.
I joined FBI right out of the law school.
Then Rho'ha will not receive a legitimate defense.
What's your point? You've never practiced law, I only have a Master in criminal law.
We need help.
The Companions would never trust the defense of this case to non-implants.
There's too much sensitive information at stake.
That's my point! Our duty is to our client, not the Companions.
Our duty is always to the Companions! Rho'ha will not receive an adequate defense, is we are prohibited from introducing evidence which could prove his innocence.
I am the lead attorney in this case.
Don't forget it.
You argued that our refusal to allow Rho'ha to be tried in a human court would damage our relations with the people of Earth.
However, once we agree to let the trial proceed, we are obligated to abide by the result.
We cannot risk having Rho'ha incarcerated in a human prison.
No Taelon has ever been so confined.
It is unclear what Rho'ha might divulge in such a circumstance.
This discussion is premature.
It was the Synod which called for injecting Rho'ha with the human gene for aggression.
Rho'ha should not bear the consequences of this ill-conceived act.
Rho'ha welcomed the opportunity to participate in this experiment.
He is ready to make whatever sacrifices necessary.
Our defense will be that you acted in self-defense, because Major MacIntire threatened to kill you.
Will the human jury believe that a Taelon was truly in fear for his life from a human? It is the only defense open to us, Rho'ha.
Not necessarily.
If Rho'ha was not in complete control of his action, because he was implanted with human DNA, then we should consider a plea of temporary insanity, or a similar diminished capacity defense.
Impossible! That is the true account of what happened.
The only way we can introduce such a defense is to admit to the Taelon experiments in human violence.
But I could never have committed such a violent act without being under the influence of Capt.
Johnson's unrestrained rage.
I am truly ashamed for having caused the death of this human being.
I want humanity to understand that.
The Synod will decide the strategy for this trial.
Rho'ha, we may have to put you on the witness stand to show your remorse.
And the prosecution's gonna try and provoke you.
So, are you in complete control of your actions? I have undergone extensive procedures to remove the human DNA from my system.
I believe I can now control my rage.
From every corner of the world people are descending onto Washington, D.
You'd have to go back to O.
Simpson trial of 1995 to find a case that has captivated the entire world as this one has.
Jonathan, why have you never told me that you had a son? Too busy building an empire to concentrate on being a father? I'm certainly not proud of it.
How does he feel about the Companions? He's supportive or, at least, he was the last time we've spoken.
Then why to take on a case where he's prosecuting a Taelon? You should've let me bring you in from the back.
I can't protect you here.
How many years have you been telling me that? Does the defense have a problem with the jury selection? We'll soon find out.
It is a circus atmosphere here today on day one of the Rho'ha trial.
The voir dire process has been completed and a jury has been selected.
We are told that the jury will consist of seven women and five men.
However, the defense has filed a motion concerning the makeup of the jury.
I must be on that jury.
Do not fail.
You want to control Rho'ha's fate.
I understand.
All rise.
The court is in session.
Chief Justice Evelyn Hill presiding.
We have agreed on a jury.
What is the purpose of your motion? Although we have agreed on the human component of the jury, the defense believes that there must be a representative number of Taelons on the jury.
I've read your brief.
But I'm not inclined to agree with your conclusions.
Your Honor, the Constitution guarantees a trial by jury of your peers.
Certainly a jury comprised solely of humans could not be considered the defendant's peers.
Your Honor, when this crime was committed, the defendant was living and working here on Earth.
So, when the defendant killed Major MacIntire his peers were human.
Furthermore, I exercise my preemptory challenges to reject potential Taelon jurors at question.
I am loath to upset the complex procedures involved in selecting a jury.
However, the issues in this trial are unprecedented.
I will not agree to place an equal number of Taelons on the jury, but fairness dictates that the jury shall include one Taelon.
The defense has resubmitted Zo'or for consideration.
Will you accept this selection or reopen the voir dire process? No, Your Honor.
We accept Zo'or.
Yeah, but this is different.
You've never let yourself be this exposed before.
You know, you said that on my first day of high school.
And college.
You always say it.
Yeah, and I'm right.
I'd say the same thing to my own son, but he's not a target for some lunatic looking to make a name for himself.
Hey, I'm not arguing, but you've always been there to protect me.
Yeah, that's why your dad hired me.
You know, you have got to learn how to relax.
Yeah, I'll relax.
When this trial is over.
And you're safe and sound.
All right, all ready.
- Hi! - Hey.
Listen, thanks for meeting me here.
Needless to say, I've been working around the clock at this point.
I hope you don't mind the Chinese takeout food.
No, not at all.
But if you do win this case, I expect a real meal.
No problem.
As a matter of fact, dinner is on the go as a result.
So, you're conceding that you have some doubts as to whether you can win this case.
Well, humility sells well to the jury.
Nah, you pretend you're in it for the glory, but that's not what it's all about, is it? What do you think it's about? I think you really care about the law.
And you wanted a case that would prove to the whole world that nobody's above the law, not even a Taelon.
That is, exactly why I took this case.
And why I can't lose it.
I know you had an opportunity to, uh spend some time with my father, while you were shuttling him around for the Companions.
Yeah, I did.
Did you get to know him at all? We, uh, we had a few conversations.
Well, I'd be interested to know your observations about him.
We didn't get a chance to know each other very well.
He's very intelligent, extremely focused.
And uh, not the warmest man I've ever met in my life.
Did he ever mention me? No.
I'm sorry to say he didn't.
Well, I'm not surprised.
Zo'or will be sequestered with the rest of the jury until a verdict is reached.
You will not be able to communicate with him.
If Zo'or is included on the jury, it could hurt Taelon credibility.
Please explain.
If all the human members of the jury are in favor of a conviction and only Zo'or wants to hold out for an acquittal, the public will not be satisfied.
I can assure you that the Synod has instructed Zo'or to exercise his judgment in accordance with human principles.
Then why was it so important to have a Taelon on the jury? Why do you continue to question my strategy in this case? Because I don't agree with it.
My direction is clear.
Is the Synod satisfied with my performance? We are.
Then I would ask Cmdr.
Boone be removed from the defense table.
His ruminations are unproductive and distracting.
Boone's opposing point of view will only strengthen you.
He will remain.
Please recount for the court the events of August 20th.
I was at Veteran's Memorial Hospital, searching for Rho'ha.
As I was running down the corridor, I could see through a glass wall into the room of Capt.
Lucas Johnson.
And what exactly did you see? Rho'ha was clutching the head of Major Raymond MacIntire.
After a moment, the Major slumped to the floor.
And what did you do next? I ran to the room to help Major MacIntire.
But by that time Rho'ha had already disappeared.
And did you attend to the Major? Yes, I did.
But he was already dead.
Thank you, Captain.
This is my solemn promise no one shall sit in judgment over you.
Captain, did you see what motivated Rho'ha to attack Major MacIntire? When I first saw Rho'ha, he was already clutching the head of Major MacIntire.
So it is possible then, that Major MacIntire threatened Rho'ha prior to the attack? I wouldn't know.
That'll be all.
Thank you.
You may step down.
What kind of cross-examination was that? Precisely the kind I believed was appropriate.
Your Honor, I have some additional questions for this witness.
Thank you, Your Honor.
Captain, were you aware that Major MacIntire and Capt.
Johnson were involved in the kidnapping of Da'an? Objection! Relevance Your Honor, I'm trying to establish that the relationship between Major MacIntire and Capt.
Johnson led Major MacIntire to attack the defendant, Rho'ha.
As an officer who has commanded troops in combat, Capt.
Marquette is qualified to testify to this kind of relationship.
I'll allow it.
You may answer the question.
Yes, Major MacIntire was Capt.
Johnson's commanding officer.
Did Major MacIntire feel responsible for Capt.
Johnson's medical condition? Objection! The witness cannot testify to the victim's state of mind! I'll rephrase.
If you were to put yourself in Major MacIntire's shoes, would you feel responsible for Capt.
Johnson? It is my understanding that Major MacIntire volunteered some of his best soldiers, including Capt.
Johnson, for this assignment which resulted in Capt.
Johnson's illness.
So, if I had done the same, then yes, I would be responsible.
Captain, how would you react to the endangerment of one of your soldiers? I would do anything in my power to protect them.
Would that include killing anyone who you considered a threat? Yes, it would.
So, in your expert opinion, did Major MacIntire consider the Taelons a threat to the safety of Capt.
Lucas Johnson? Yes, he did.
Thank you, Captain.
And the most solid defense arguments today were made not by lead counsel Ronald Sandoval, but surprisingly by Second Sheriff William Boone.
Boone elicited testimony suggesting that the defendant may well have acted in self-defense, in the killing on Major MacIntire.
We have tangible evidence of Taelon experimentation on humans.
We just can't waste this opportunity to let the world know about it.
Boone's walking a fine line here.
- I hope he's up to it.
- Yeah.
If he tries to get the really sensitive information out in court, the Taelons will know he's being compromised.
Joshua likes to win.
Like me.
Trust me, he'll jump at the chance to discredit the Taelons if it helps him win.
This is our chance to show the world what the Taelons are doing.
It's all right here.
Well, then we'll just have to make sure that Joshua gets this disc, won't we? My boy! Hey Are you ready to make the ultimate sacrifice? Are you? You're my hero.
Please sit down.
Did you cause the death of Major Raymond MacIntire? Yes.
Apparently I did.
Why? The Major burst into Capt.
Johnson's room, with his weapon aimed at me, ready to fire.
Was Major MacIntire yelling? Yes.
Get away from him! He was telling me to get away from Capt.
Did you believe that Major MacIntire was about to discharge his weapon? Yes.
What happened next? I knocked the weapon from Major MacIntire and instinctively applied pressure to his head as a defensive measure.
Did you intend to kill Major MacIntire? No.
Thank you.
Your witness.
So, it's your testimony that your "defensive measure" of applying pressure to Major MacIntire's head was purely a reaction of self-defense? Yes.
Yet, you did not intend to kill him? No.
In the heat of the moment, I reacted violently.
Well, were there any other factors which would've caused you to react so violently? I'm sorry, I don't understand the question.
Come on, isn't it true that you were injected with the DNA of Capt.
Johnson in a secret Taelon experiment? Objection! There is absolutely no foundation for this baseless accusation! Sustained.
And you didn't receive all of Captain Johnson's DNA.
You only received the genes linked to aggression and violence.
Objection! Supposition! weren't even in control of your own actions anymore! Counselor, you're out of line! I've sustained the objection! part of an experiment that failed.
Objection! Supposition! One more word and I will have you arrested! rage of Captain Johnson's overtaken you! I'll kill you! Well, all I'm thinking about right now is this case, and that after the trial we can go ahead and put everything in perspective.
Was it your goal from the outset to discredit the Companions? No, no.
I have one goal, and that is to prove to the world that we are a nation of laws.
And that true freedom can only exist where everyone, including the Taelons, are bound by those laws.
Do you think the judge is going to declare a mistrial? Well, I can't really comment on that right now, can I? Will you be introducing more evidence in regards to the experiments? We'll just have to wait and see.
And the stunning revelations in the Rho'ha trial today have reverberated throughout the world.
Concerned citizens are demanding to know if there's truth to the allegations of secret Taelon experiments.
Chief Justice Hill has ruled that no additional evidence on the alleged Taelon experimentation can be admitted.
The judge agreed with the defense contention that all of Mr.
Doors's evidence was uncorroborated.
And that Rho'ha's face blush was insufficient to justify further questioning on the issue of Taelon experiments.
Good call.
Joshua reacted exactly as I expected.
Let's remind ourselves what is not a dispute in this case.
That the defendant caused the death of Major Raymond MacIntire with his bare hands.
Now the defendant claims that he acted in self-defense.
Yet Major MacIntire, a decorated SI veteran, did not have time to fire even a single shot, even though according to the defendant's own testimony, the Major entered the room with his weapon drawn, ready to fire! Now the defendant stated that he knocked the gun away, and then applied a Taelon grip to the sides of Major MacIntire's head with sufficient pressure to kill him! An eyewitness has corroborated this testimony.
Now the defendant's use of deadly force can only be justified if he was in fear for his life.
Now this was clearly not the case here! Because, at the time that the defendant killed Major MacIntire, the Major was unarmed, and at the mercy of the defendant.
Therefore, as a matter of law, the defendant's actions cannot be self-defense.
And you have no choice but to find the defendant guilty of murder.
Thank you.
Doors presents a rather eloquent and compelling appeal.
There is only one problem.
The reasoning is incorrect.
Let's examine additional facts that are not in dispute.
Although Mr.
Doors continues to refer to Major MacIntire as a decorated war veteran, some of his recent activities are far less impressive.
Crime, in any galaxy.
A heavily armed MacIntire broke into a high security facility, and threatened to kill the defendant, in retaliation for what he considered unfair treatment of his friend, Capt.
Some of you might respect the Major for his loyalty.
Maybe you wish you had the courage to do the same thing.
But there is one incontrovertible fact.
His actions violated the law.
When Mr.
MacIntire pointed the gun at the defendant and threatened to kill him, the law allowed the defendant to protect himself by whatever means.
If an experienced soldier threatened to kill you with a loaded gun pointed directly at your chest.
What would you do? This major obviously had a vendetta against the Companions.
He kidnapped Da'an, for goodness's sake! All I know is that if anyone pointed a loaded gun at me, I'd do anything to defend myself.
I vote "not guilty.
" Guilty.
Please explain yourself.
Let me make sure I understand your system.
For us to acquit Rho'ha, we must believe he was acting in self-defense.
Is that correct? Yes.
To act in self-defense, one must believe one's life is in danger.
A Taelon would never have to kill a human in self-defense, because humans do not have the ability to kill Taelons.
And every Taelon knows that.
A nine-millimeter handgun can't kill a Taelon? Our physical form consists primarily of energy.
It is impervious to bullets.
Examine for yourself.
This is not a proud moment for me or any Taelon.
We honor and respect Earth's customs.
Rho'ha must pay for the violent act of murder that he has committed.
Order! Order! Has the jury reached the verdict? We have, Your Honor.
How do you find? We find the defendant, Rho'ha guilty of murder.
Order! Order! I said order! And we sentence the defendant to the maximum penalty: death.
Order! Order! And the world was rocked not once but twice, as the most watched trial in history ended in a guilty verdict.
Chief Justice Hill has scheduled the formal sentencing of Rho'ha for tomorrow.
Not right now, not now.
Doors, are you satisfied with the verdict? Well, the people have spoken, and they said clearly that everyone is accountable under the law.
Did the jury need to return a death sentence to prove that point? Well, I think what's important is the sanctity of the jury system.
I respect their decision.
You shoot me, I'll let go of this, and we all blow! Get away Willie! There's nothing you can do! You put the Companions on trial, and this man is the arm of the devil! How could you let this happen?! Boone! You skrill the psycho and he takes Doors with him! The psycho isn't my target.
It's horrifying just horrifying! A suicide bomber has just succeeded in killing himself, and quite possibly his target, Rho'ha prosecutor Joshua Doors! Stand back! The death of Willie Collier, bodyguard to Joshua Doors, has been confirmed.
That is Cmdr.
William Boone with Joshua Doors.
I'm sorry.
- Do you believe the verdict is incorrect? - I do.
But Rho'ha has killed a human.
Should he not pay for that crime? Yes, but Rho'ha shouldn't be put to death if he wasn't in control of his actions.
I believe that your legal system allows for recourse to a higher authority.
Only if there is sufficient grounds for an appeal.
Right now I can't see that any reversible error was committed.
If it is only the punishment that you believe was unjust, then, perhaps, you should focus your attention in that area.
Order! I'm prepared to formally sentence the defendant.
First, however, the defense has requested to be heard.
Your Honor, the defense moves that the court set aside the death sentence.
On what basis? In this case, Your Honor, I would argue that the death penalty violates public policy.
That would render the sentence moot.
With all due respect, Your Honor, it would be unconscionable to frustrate the will of the jury that has so clearly spoken! I'm not inclined to quash a good-faith request by the defense to present arguments.
Especially in a death penalty case.
I'll hear counsel tomorrow on this issue.
How dare you embarrass me in open court?! Embarrass you? We're talking about a life here! That isn't the point.
Why would you attempt to overturn the jury verdict? I was under the impression that the Synod wanted me to defend Rho'ha.
It was the Synod's desire that we operate within the bounds of human custom in this instance.
How did your actions serve the interests of the Companions? I am following the desires of the Synod.
That's how I'm serving the Companions.
For purposes of this current motion, my burden is to demonstrate the fact that capital punishment does not violate public policy.
As a matter of fact, capital punishment is exercised in cultures throughout the world, including the United States, where this crime was committed! Why? Well, for several reasons.
Society's need for a sense of fairness.
The fact that capital punishment exists in jurisdictions throughout the world for reasons that are not illegal, nor immoral, more than meet this burden.
Thank you, Your Honor.
Your Honor, classic death penalty arguments are irrelevant in this case.
Because I can see that much of the world agrees that capital punishment is an appropriate punishment.
So I'm not here to argue for or against capital punishment.
However, it is the defense's position that in this case only, the death sentence is against public policy.
Why here? Because in this case only, we're talking about putting an alien being to death! Not a human being.
If we choose to put a member of our own species to death.
So be it! The majority has ruled.
But an alien being? One we've only known for three years? Are we so arrogant, as a species, as human beings, to presume that we know the impact of killing a member of an alien species? Even if that species has given us the right to do it? I hope not.
I really hope not.
Thank you, Your Honor.
Order! I will not use this forum to comment on public policy.
Whether capital punishment is appropriate is the domain of the lawmakers, not the courts.
However, defense counsel's arguments are compelling.
I will not be responsible for approving the death sentence of a being I do not yet understand.
At some future point, we may determine that the death sentence is appropriate for a Taelon.
Then the defendant's sentence can be revisited.
Until that time, I order Rho'ha to be incarcerated in a joint human-Taelon facility.
Your Honor, the defense requests that Rho'ha be remanded to the custody of the Taelons for a reasonable period, sufficient to arrange his affairs.
Your Honor, the defendant has been convicted of a capital offense Is counsel agreeable to negotiating a mutually acceptable procedure, that would allow the defendant the time he has requested? I am, Your Honor.
So ordered! Will.
Excuse me, just for a minute.
That's damn good lawyering.
And I'm satisfied.
We made our point.
And if the Taelons are bound by our laws, then I can rest comfortably.
We better make sure that the Taelons continue to be bound by our laws.
Listen, thanks.
Thanks for everything.
You're welcome.
- Mr.
Doors! Can we speak with you? - Go.
You've earned it.
I'll continue to search for grounds for an appeal.
We'll make new law if we have to.
You have my great admiration and respect.
Your death at the hands of the humans would have served the Taelons well, by further convincing humanity that we honor its ways.
Is that why you persuaded the other jurors to convict me? Of course.
But William Boone took that away from you.
He fought for me.
We cannot cleanse your system of the human DNA.
Such an impurity in the Taelon Commonality poses an unacceptable danger to the Taelons.
Your choice is clear.
Tell William Boone, that despite my ultimate fate, his defense of my life has made me proud to carry a piece of humanity within my being.

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