Firebuds (2022) s01e18 Episode Script

Cleft Hood/The Case Of The Disappearing Doghouses

(bell ringing)
-Let's roll!
If you need a helping hand ♪
Or in need a helping wheel ♪
The Firebuds are here for you ♪
Just listen to our sirens squeal ♪
On your block or on the town ♪
There's nothing we won't do ♪
To help our friends And neighbors out ♪
We're coming through Our rescue crew ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds! ♪
We're grabbing our gear
We're hitting the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds! ♪
We're saving the day
We'll crack the code ♪
If someone gets into a fix ♪
That's when we get into the mix ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds! ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
Bo with Flash Jayden and Piston ♪
Violet and Axl Yeah, that's our team! ♪
We're best Firebuds forever ♪
-Here we come ♪
-And here's our theme! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds! ♪
We're grabbing a gear
We're hitting the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds! ♪
We're saving the day
We're cracking the code! ♪
When trouble comes Around the bend ♪
On us, you know you can depend ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds! ♪
Firebuds, let's roll ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds! ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
AXL: "Cleft Hood."
BO: It's finally here.
The Gearbox Grove
First Responders Carnival.
-Look out.
-Zim zoom!
Coming through!
Oh, oh, let's try the Bumper Cars!
JAYDEN: No, let's do the Bungee Plunge.
VIOLET: Or how about the Ferris wheel?!
But first, we gotta help our parents
monitor the rides so everyone stays safe.
Is that our safety team
reporting for duty?
-We sure are!
-Aw, yeah!
"Keep your hands inside
your vehicle at all times."
I've been practicing.
Ms. Bayani, can I go with you?
I understand how doctors help people
with their bodies, but
how do therapists help folks?
Therapists help people
better understand their feelings.
I can tell you more about it
on the way to the Ferris wheel.
You wanna join us, Axl?
Sure, right after I get back.
There's something I gotta do first
that cannot wait.
What could be more important
than the carnival?
Hi, has Dr. Portia arrived
at the hospital yet?
CASTOR: Nope. Dr. Portia's always late.
-You know Dr. Portia?
She's done lots of operations on my cleft.
What's that?
That's this thingie right here.
And today's my very last operation.
When Dr. Portia's done repairing my cleft,
I'll look like this.
Same Castor, new smile.
That's my name. Castor.
So nice to meet you, Castor.
It must be so amazing
to be Dr. Portia's patient.
I'm her biggest fan.
That's why I'm here to meet her.
I'm Axl by the way.
You remind me of my mommy.
She loves Dr. Portia, too.
Where is your mommy?
Filling out paperwork.
It takes a while,
but Anya keeps me company.
My parents got her for me last year
'cause I was in the hospital
and couldn't go
to the carnival with my friends.
But this year, I'm gonna go
and win Anya a big sister.
That's a great plan,
but the carnival is today.
What? I thought it was next week.
Dr. Portia! I'm so excited to hero you.
I mean, meet Axl.
I mean, you're my hero and I'm Axl.
I'm a little excited.
I can't imagine
what a-lot-excited looks like.
You haven't seen my patient,
Castor, have you?
Yeah, he's right there.
Uh-oh. I think he left.
Well, that puts a dent in the day.
Don't worry, Dr. Portia.
I think I know where he went.
DR. PORTIA: Please hurry.
I'll let his parents know what happened.
Come one, come all
to the First Responders Carnival!
Hey, have either of you
seen a little purple
wee-hicle drive past?
Oh, yeah, he's over there
with Zip, Bang and Pow.
Oh, that's him!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, Axl.
Nobody goes into the Bumper Cars Tent
without safety padding.
But there's a wee-hicle in there
I have to get back
to the hospital immediately.
-CASTOR: Got ya!
They're animals in there.
Watch your back, watch your front,
watch your side, and no matter what
stay out of the corners.
You got that? Do not let them corner you.
Got it. No corners.
Whoa! Castor!
Oh, hi, Axl!
Nice to bump into you. Get it?
Yes, but you know what
would be even nicer?
Having your last operation!
Got it. Gotta have that operation!
Castor, come on!
We're gonna do the Bungee Plunge!
Oh, yeah! Bungee plunge!
What? No, Castor, wait!
No, not the corner!
I'm coming, Axl.
Stay strong!
ALL: Whee!
-Hi again!
So nice of you to drop by!
Get it?
Dr. Portia is waiting for you.
We need to go back.
I'll go back to the hospital really soon!
I promise!
Jayden, what is up with Castor?
He keeps saying he wants the operation
but he won't leave.
Who's Castor?
Never mind, just unhook me.
Fried corn nuts for the kiddos
and fried corn oil for the cars!
-Thank you, Officer!
So, in therapy, I try to imagine
what my patients are feeling.
I call it,
"putting myself in their shoes."
Or "wheels" if they're a vehicle.
You try to feel what they're feeling?
So I understand
what they're going through.
So I can help them feel better.
WEE-HICLE: I'm lost.
I want my daddies.
Getting lost is no fun.
It must make you feel scared.
(sniffles) It does.
Well, I'm gonna help you
find your daddies.
And then you won't be lost anymore.
Or scared.
How does that sound?
(sniffles) Good.
I see what you mean, Ms. Bayani.
Putting yourself
in his wheels really helped.
I'll be right back.
I've never gone on a Ferris wheel before.
You're gonna love it.
Violet, that wee-hicle is supposed to be
getting an operation.
Can you stop the ride?
You got it, Vroomie.
Aw, is the ride over already?
But we just got on.
I don't wanna go back yet Oops!
What's that?
I don't know
but it broke the Ferris wheel.
I can't get it to stop.
I'm taking the Ferris wheel for a spin,
get it?
If we don't stop this ride
and get Castor back to the hospital,
he won't get his operation.
What do we do?
Calling all Firebuds.
We've got a rescue on our hands.
BO: Okay. Huddle up, Firebuds.
Now, how are we gonna put
the brakes on this Ferris wheel?
If Jayden launches his J-Hook up there,
we could all pull on the cable
to slow the wheel down.
But it's going so fast,
it would probably snap the cable.
Not if we used the stretchy bands
from the Bungee Plunge.
-Those won't break.
-Jayden's right.
And after we stop the wheel,
we can inflate the J-Catch
and all the folks on the ride
can jump safely down.
I'm not sure there's enough room
to set up the J-Catch.
There is if we hold the J-Catch
up over the railings.
Wham bam, perfect plan.
Let's get those bungee bands.
But even if we stop this thing,
Castor is just gonna race off again.
-I don't know.
He says he wants the operation,
but he won't go back.
-It doesn't make any sense.
You know something Bo's mom
told me might help you out.
If you want to help a friend ♪
Here's a place to start ♪
Try to feel what they might feel ♪
Deep inside their heart ♪
You gotta put yourself in their wheels ♪
Castor's really acting weird ♪
Why won't he just go? ♪
Maybe he is dealing with ♪
Something you don't know ♪
You gotta put yourself in his wheels ♪
I'm trying to put myself
in Castor's wheels,
but I still don't get why he would avoid
an operation he needs and wants.
All you need to understand ♪
Castor's point of view ♪
Will come when you imagine what ♪
He is going through ♪
You gotta put yourself in his wheels ♪
Try and put yourself ♪
In his wheels ♪
It's safe to jump, Castor!
No! More Ferris wheel!
I'll carkour up there
and talk him through it.
Okay. Just remember to put
yourself in his wheels.
Uh-huh, sure.
(upbeat music playing)
Come on, Castor.
We gotta get you back to the hospital
before Dr. Portia leaves.
I'm stuck!
BO: Don't worry, Axl!
We'll get you down as soon as we help
these other wee-hicles!
(sigh) What am I gonna do, Anya?
I can't convince Castor
to get an operation he needs.
And I can't help my friends
with the rescue.
I feel so
Hold on.
Let me put myself
in Castor's wheels for a minute.
He got you because he missed going
to the carnival last year
for an operation.
Oh, you're going for a ride, too, now?
Isn't it fun?
Actually, I was feeling
pretty alone stuck up here.
And then I thought about
what you might be feeling.
Is that why you left the hospital
and came here?
Because you felt alone?
That's totally it.
Whenever I get an operation,
I have to stay home to heal by myself
and I can't do fun stuff with my friends.
I get it.
But, Castor,
today you can get
your cleft repaired for good.
And then you won't miss out
on another carnival.
I know.
Castor, Anya has something to tell you.
She does?
She promises you won't feel
alone this time.
Trust her.
Trust me.
Okay. I'll go back.
Yes. All you gotta do is jump.
Just think of it as the tallest,
funnest carnival ride.
Now, let's get you and Castor
back to the hospital.
There he is, our star patient.
Everything went great, Castor.
Do you wanna take a look?
My smile looks different.
But I like it.
I think it looks pretty good.
AXL: It sure does.
Nice smile!
-Hey, Castor!
-We missed you!
Since you had to leave the carnival,
we brought the carnival to you.
Oh, yeah!
And I got you a big sister for Anya.
Just like you wanted.
Anya, meet your big sister
(upbeat music playing)
FLASH: "The Case of the
Disappearing Doghouses"
(instrumental music playing)
(metal clanks)
Buds, we can't just chill
in the treehouse all day.
Our next rescue's not going to show up
-right on our doorstep.
-JUNE: Firebuds!
We need your help.
You were saying?
So tell us what happened.
Get this. Doghouses
all over the neighborhood
are being stolen.
-Who would steal a doghouse?
That's what we wanted to find out.
So we interviewed the families
whose doghouses were taken.
But when we got home
our dog's house was gone, too.
(gasps) We gotta help 'em.
Don't worry! We'll take the case
and find the thief.
Thanks, Firebuds.
Let us know if you get a lead.
We have to go.
Another exciting story?
Piano lesson. Bye!
Boy if I had a doghouse,
I'd be really worried right now.
(gasps) Popcorn!
Phew! It's house is still there.
I guess the thief
hasn't gotten around to us yet.
Actually, that gives me an idea.
Me, too!
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
-We stake-out Popcorn's doghouse!
-I dress up as a giant dog.
Oh, yup.
Yours makes more sense.
So we'll hide and wait
for the thieves to come
for Popcorn's doghouse?
And then catch 'em
with my Collapsible Trapsible.
Awesome sauce.
All right, we just need
to map out everyone's jobs.
Oh, I love a good diagram.
Jayden, can I borrow your tools?
Sure, but be careful,
my grandpa gave 'em to me.
He made the toolbox himself.
He likes building stuff, too.
So if the toolbox is the treehouse,
and this tape measure is the doghouse,
then, Flash, you'll be here
watching the doghouse.
Violet, you'll be here,
keeping Popcorn out of the way.
-Axl, you
-Oh, oh!
But what if I keep Popcorn
away from the doghouse?
I'm great with animals.
Can I have that job instead?
Okay, Flash, you'll take care of Popcorn.
Violet, you can help Axl
block the thief from escaping.
Oh, oh! Can I block
the thief from escaping?
I'd be great at it.
I'll be all like, "Not today, thief!"
Okay then.
You can block the thief.
Axl and Violet will watch Popcorn.
I'll call attention to the thieves here.
Jayden will hide there
with the Collapsible Trapsible.
And Piston will be the lookout
watching the screens up here
so we know when the thief is coming.
-Oh, oh!
-What now, Flash?
Can I be the lookout?
Are you sure this is the job
you really want?
Oh, yeah. Keeping an eye
on all the screens at once?
That's the job for me.
All right.
Flash will be the lookout.
Piston, you can help me.
Let's roll, Firebuds.
So many screens,
so many things to keep an eye on.
Yeah, lookout is the best job.
It sure is nice to be out here
fixing up our doghouse
that I definitely
don't want anyone to steal.
Because it's such a nice doghouse!
Aww, man, there was a pretending job?
I'm a super good pretender-er.
Let's take a break, Bo,
and leave this beautiful doghouse
out here all by itself.
What a great idea, Piston.
See you later, unprotected doghouse!
(building squeal)
That's the job for me.
Flash, what're you doing down here?
I wanna switch jobs.
But we had this all figured out.
Can't you stick to being lookout?
What's going on?
Yeah, but, Bo, pretending is my jam.
Watch how well I can do it.
"Oh, thief, please don't steal
my dear puppy's fantastic,
amazing doghouse
or you'll break my firetruck heart!"
See what I mean? So, can we switch jobs?
-Can we?
-(Popcorn whimpers)
Where'd the doghouse go?
The thief must have taken it
while we were talking.
Flash, if you had stayed in the treehouse
watching the screens,
we could have stopped the thief.
Maybe, I mean, who's to say?
-My toolbox is gone, too!
Aw, man, that was my grandfather's.
It's okay, Jayden, we're gonna get it back
-and catch that thief.
-(Popcorn barking)
Popcorn sniffed out
a trail of wood scraps.
Right on!
Popcorn will lead us to the thief.
And your toolbox, Jayden.
I hope so.
Let's roll, Firebuds.
(upbeat music playing)
BO: Hit the sirens
Turn on the lights ♪
Stick to the rule until
We got to make it right! ♪
We're gearing up, we're in the move! ♪
Our rescue crew is on the move! ♪
ALL: Our rescue crew is on the move ♪
Our crew is on the move! ♪
Our rescue crew is on the move ♪
Firebuds on the move! ♪
Our rescue crew is on the move ♪
Our crew is on the move ♪
Our rescue crew is on the move ♪
Firebuds on the move! ♪
(Popcorn barks)
This is where the trail ends?
I don't see a doghouse anywhere.
Are you sure this is the end
of the trail, Popcorn?
Look. Some of those wood scraps
are the same color as your doghouse.
But why would the thief
chop up the doghouse
and make a woodpile in the river?
It's not a woodpile, it's a beaver dam.
Beavers are my favorite animal.
-After lizards. And unicorns.
-(Popcorn barks)
And dogs, of course.
See, that's the beaver's lodge,
where they live.
The beavers must be using
the wood from the doghouses
to build their lodge and dam.
Then I guess we found the thieves.
I mean, I guess Popcorn found the thieves.
The adorable thieves.
Hey, little beaver buddies!
(beaver squeaks)
Don't get too close.
They're wild animals.
Well, what do we do now?
They didn't know they were stealing
someone else's house to make theirs.
And they're all just wood scraps now.
We could build everyone new doghouses
Wait, no we can't.
My toolbox is still missing.
No, it isn't. It's right there.
They must have stolen the toolbox
because it's made of wood.
Well, luckily,
the beavers aren't on the dam
so one of us can just go out and get it.
-I'll do it.
-Great job, Popcorn.
We'll take it from here.
Flash, can you hold the dam steady
while he goes out there?
You know it!
But the beavers may go over to the dam
if they see someone on it.
Okay, the rest of us
will lure the beavers away
while Jayden gets the toolbox.
What do beavers like to eat, Violet?
Twigs and branches.
Oh, they love willow trees.
Wait! I think I should lure the beavers.
Are you sure, Flash?
Because if you switch,
you gotta stick with the new job.
Remember what happened last time.
Okay, okay I'll stick
with holding the dam.
All right then.
Let's do this.
Here, beavers.
We've got some tasty twigs for you.
The dam is steady and ready.
Thanks, Flash.
It's empty. Aw, man.
They scattered my tools all over.
What are we gonna do?
Looks like a job for the J-Merang.
Oh, I wanna pick up the tools.
The dam looks wide enough for me.
And I have super-long arms.
I gotta do it.
Here ya go, Jayden.
Screwdriver secured.
Oh, thanks, Flash.
You're supposed to be on the shore!
(dam creaking)
What was that?
(tense music playing)
Drive, Flash, drive!
(both sigh)
Well, I'm sure the beavers
can fix that little hole.
No, the beavers' lodge is floatin' away.
FLASH: And the beavers' babies
are in there!
We gotta save them!
(baby beavers squeaking)
That wasn't part of the plan.
What happened?
Flash drove onto the dam and broke it.
But you were supposed to stay
on shore and hold it steady.
I know, I know.
But picking up the tools
looked like more fun.
ALL: Flash!
I'm sorry.
Can we finish talking about this
after we save those baby beavers?
I could use my Collapsible Trapsible
like a net to catch the lodge,
but I'd need to be out over the water.
Flash could extend his ladder
to get you out there.
Yes, I can absolutely do that!
But, Flash, we're in this situation
because you keep switching jobs.
You really gotta stick
to your job this time.
You're right, Bo.
I will, I promise.
(baby beaver squeaks)
(tense music playing)
We just need to catch the lodge.
Then Bo will pull it to shore.
AXL: Okay.
Come on over here, Mommy and Daddy.
So we can save your babies.
Beaver lodge incoming!
Got it!
Reel it in, Bo!
Piston, get ready to grab the lodge
and help the babies out.
Aw, I wanna help the babies.
Stick to your job, Flash,
stick to your job.
(baby beavers squeaking)
-We saved them!
-Awesome sauce!
Case closed.
Great job, Flash.
BOTH: Wee-oo.
VIOLET: Aw, they look so happy.
FLASH: All snug and cozy in the pieces
of Popcorn's doghouse.
Well, now that I've gotten my tools back,
we can get started on building
those new doghouses.
Hey, JuneTubers, this is June Ramirez
coming to you live
from Bo Bayani's backyard.
The Firebuds cracked the case
of the disappearing doghouses.
Busy building beavers were the bandits.
Now, the Firebuds are making new doghouses
for all the houseless hounds
in the neighborhood.
Are you liking your job, Flash?
Oh, yeah!
And I'm sticking to it.
(theme music playing)
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