Fireworks of My Heart (2023) s01e18 Episode Script


(Adapted from the web novel "Waiting for You in a City")
(Fireworks of My Heart)
(Episode 18)
Xu Qin.
Are you jealous?
That's how I am.
It's not the first day you met me.
Xu Qin.
You've already made your decision.
I respect your decision.
But after these few days,
has this ever occurred to you?
Maybe one day,
I'll let you go completely.
Fall in love with another woman,
get married,
and have kids.
Da Peng, you're here too.
Ms. Nan.
Da Peng.
Is this glove
They're mine.
You wash your gloves
quite casually.
My standard for washing gloves
is for them not to stink.
Guys at your age
are lazy.
Put some detergent
and rub them.
Isn't it already clean?
Ms. Nan.
As a doctor,
are you
a bit of a mysophobe?
This is called basic hygiene,
not being a mysophobe.
You make me speechless.
Da Peng.
You joined the firehouse
at a young age, didn't you?
I was in the army before.
When I was 18.
After I got discharged,
there was a reform here,
so I became a firefighter.
Does it feel any different?
It's almost the same.
I'm still serving the people.
It's done. Here you go.
It's really clean.
Thank you, Ms. Nan.
Okay, I'll get going.
(Kindness, Professionalism, Innovation)
(Inpatient Department)
Thank you for saving us.
This candy is for you.
Thank you too.
People are so complicated.
If only everyone could be
as simple as you.
You're mocking me again, aren't you?
It's a compliment.
I don't believe you.
Dr. Yang.
Submit the report for me.
I'm going back to the fire station.
Dr. Xu.
Did Chen Yu ever tell you
why he saved people back then?
I don't understand.
Why would a bad guy like him
give up his chance to live
again and again?
Are you
also his girlfriend?
This time,
I initially asked him out
with the intention
of accompanying the other victims
in slapping him
and sending him to the police.
Then this happened.
It has been two years.
I was so true to him.
Don't they say this online nowadays?
Scam everything,
except for money.
That's not true for me.
Scam everything,
except for love.
I hate him to the core now.
But I personally saw
that he helped
the people around him escape first
again and again,
including me.
It's as if
there are two personalities, inside his body at the same time.
One good and one bad.
I guess
heroism and nastiness
can coexist
in a person at the same time.
Thank you, Dr. Xu.
I'll get going.
I have to go to the police station to give my statement.
What happened to Chen Yu afterward?
I heard that
after he was arrested,
he confessed the truth
about his crimes.
The Public Safety Bureau
was lenient with him
for his heroic actions.
He must have changed
due to everyone's good comments.
He returned all the money he swindled.
Those girls
also wrote him a letter of understanding.
The netizens also said
that the benevolence of those girls
saved Chen Yu.
Everyone's kindness
is indeed powerful.
Thank you, Instructor,
for cooperating with us in the second Fire Scene Inspection.
It's part of my job.
Putting out fire and preventing it go together.
Let's go.
Let's go.
The scene has been checked
and disinfected.
There are more combustible materials in here.
The burn marks are serious.
The foam on top
was from when we extinguished the fire.
That's the point of origin of the fire, right?
Are there other possibilities?
Let's take a look.
Thank you for your hard work.
Thank you.
The The roof just went through a fire.
It's very dangerous.
Why Why don't I accompany you?
It's white and deformed.
The finish is peeling off.
The circuit deteriorated.
The circuit shorted.
When the fire broke out,
it went over there.
Mr. Zhao.
Be careful.
Let's not waste time here.
All right?
My warehouse is so big.
There's so much trash.
You're searching one by one.
How long will it take?
The smell of oil.
Spill fire.
You guys arrived at the scene
at 9:55pm.
By then,
the fire was already huge.
This is the other possibility.
Let's check somewhere else.
Multiple points of origin.
Can you issue
the accident certificate as soon as possible?
It's hard to run a business.
- Please help us. - Don't worry.
We'll take it back for examination first.
Who are you?
How did you break in?
Is it that hard
to issue an accident certificate?
If the Fire Department hadn't arrived late,
would the goods in my warehouse
burn down so quickly?
Are you trying to shirk responsibility?
Our fire station
has a report and dispatch record.
They're full of excuses.
I won't count on you
for the accident certificate.
I'll hire a third party.
It's more objective and fair.
You may go.
The people can leave,
but the stuff
This place has been sealed off by the Fire Department.
Please cooperate
with our work.
It's so hard
to ask you to do something.
That's right.
Just speak, don't get physical.
Don't go too far.
I'll get physical here.
What can you do to me?
Don't get physical.
Don't fight back, Da Peng!
We can't fight back.
Secure the evidence.
Article 277 of the Criminal Code states that
using violence and threats
in interfering with the job of a state staff
is punishable by imprisonment of not more than three years.
Protect Officer Li.
Go after him. Don't let him get away!
- Freeze. - Don't move!
- Get up. - Freeze.
Don't move. Get up.
- Let's go. - Come on.
Thank you.
Are you all right, Yang Chi?
I'm fine.
I'm okay.
It's just a scratch.
Are you hurt?
I'm fine.
Tell me.
There was a spill fire.
- Was there an accelerant? - Yes.
Gas or diesel?
And there are multiple points of origin.
It's arson.
Sirs, ma'am.
I'm sorry.
It's a misunderstanding.
Great people don't harbor grievances for past mistakes.
Don't hold grudges
against civilians like us.
We'll let the test results speak for itself.
What test?
It was an accident.
A test?
Save your explanation
for the police.
How many years is the sentence for arson?
Over three years, less than ten years.
You bought insurance, did you?
You want to commit insurance fraud?
Sirs, ma'am.
I know the Bureau's leaders
quite well.
Let's do this for their sake.
We don't want people
to be embarrassed.
Complain if you want.
Shilitai Fire and Rescue Station,
Song Yan.
Jiang Yu.
Don't move.
Stop right there.
Don't let me see you again.
Are you intentionally messing with me?
I'm disinfecting.
You can't even stand this much pain.
You're intentionally messing with me, right?
Stay still!
I want to file a complaint.
She mistreated me.
Tell me your name if you have the guts.
Come on.
Central Hospital Emergency Department,
Xu Qin.
Get up.
Just wait.
Song Yan.
Dr. Xu
is quite similar to you.
You're calling me?
Mr. Yang.
"Mr. Yang?"
Just call me Yang Chi.
No, your hand is injured.
It's just a scratch. It happens all the time.
I'm fine.
Take a seat.
I'll treat it for you.
Thank you then.
It's fine.
It doesn't hurt.
It doesn't hurt.
If the Instructor didn't stop me,
I would have beaten them up.
Okay, stop talking about it.
All right, raise your head.
Jiang Yi, I'm fine.
Why don't you leave?
I'm fine too. I'll stay with you.
I'm really fine.
Why don't you go check on the others?
Dr. Li.
Please take care of him.
It hurts a little here.
All right.
Didn't it hurt when you were fighting?
I didn't fight back.
I feel sorry for you.
Da Peng.
You took two punches for me.
You were aggrieved.
It's okay, Instructor.
I didn't let you guys fight back.
You don't blame me, right?
This is our principle.
We can't have any rifts and conflicts
with the public.
After she's done with your mouth,
- rinse your mouth. - Above.
You're so delicate.
Do you feel better?
Much better.
Rinse your mouth. Hurry.
I know.
Don't cry.
I'm fine.
It's normal for firefighters to get hurt.
There's really no need to cry.
I'm really fine.
This is
This is how I am.
Did I scare you just now?
Don't do that next time.
Don't provoke them.
Don't act tough.
Don't tell them who you are.
Dr. Xu.
We're going to pack up and go back.
Thank you, Chief.
There's a recovery period.
It's nothing.
- Be careful. - Chief.
It hurts.
How are you
during this period of time?
What do you mean?
How's work?
Do you think I'm asking you
how you're doing?
To be honest,
I heard from Li Nan before
that you have
quite an attitude at work.
This is how you are.
You're quite confident.
To be honest,
this team won't last long.
After working together during this period of time,
I think
it's not a long-term solution
for the hospital's doctors
to directly participate in fire rescue.
We can do more
in the hospital.
the experimental team
is almost done.
I think we're doing quite well.
Quick reflexes.
Rescue and efficiency.
It's just that there's a problem
with this system's longevity.
But I think the problem can be solved.
Listen to me.
If you want to have doctors,
you can recruit people
and give assignments or contracts.
But you know that having hospital staff
with you long-term
isn't realistic.
You didn't see
how Da Peng looked at Dr. Li earlier.
Let me tell you
When a nurse
dresses your wound
and she actually had tears in her eyes,
is she concerned about you?
You're in trouble too.
Who is it?
Let me see.
- Who? - Don't.
All right.
You must be mistaken.
That's impossible.
I have great eyesight.
It's just a small injury.
What's there to be concerned about?
You must be mistaken.
How is that possible?
If she's not concerned about me,
she likes me.
The one who dressed
your wound,
Xu Xi.
Xu Xi.
- Don't. - Xu Xi.
You're so annoying.
All right, I'll tell you.
You two are great.
Why are you so diligently
cooperating with us?
It's an occupational habit, okay?
I'm dedicated to my job.
All right.
You're dedicated to your job.
I heard from my mom
that your mom
wants to introduce you
to the Dong family's son, right?
A blind date, right?
You know about that too?
But I don't think you two
are a good match.
Song Yan.
Have you noticed
that the Instructor seems to know
Dr. Xu quite well?
- I didn't notice. - If you do better,
my mom can be a matchmaker for us.
But to her,
you're just a jobless person now.
Don't say that.
I'll resign immediately
and do something big.
Will you come with me?
Thank you then
for saving me from misery.
Don't say that.
This is the first time it occurred to me that you
What are the Instructor and Dr. Xu talking about?
They're so into it.
- Right. - They're cheerful and lively.
Don't be fooled by
Got it.
Song Yan.
I'll take care of it for you.
You and
Let's go.
He's calling you.
I'll take the vehicle at the back.
Think about it.
What do you think, Song Yan?
If this happens in the future,
just look at me.
We'll get it.
Get lost.
I'd like to lodge a complaint.
He said
he's from the Shilitai Fire Department.
Who is it?
Sit down.
They have a very bad attitude.
They were brutal.
Come in.
(Branch Director Office)
I handled everything.
It has nothing to do with the Instructor.
I got there first.
He was there to back us up.
I beat him up.
Punish me.
I failed to protect everyone.
I'll take full responsibility.
This is so hard.
There's only one prize.
Who should I give it to?
Don't fight back.
Don't talk back.
That's the discipline in firefighting.
When you wear this uniform,
you're not representing yourself.
It represents the image
of all firefighters.
I'm also responsible for this.
They did it to protect me.
But thanks to their support,
we were able to find out
the real cause of the fire.
Do you think I'm stupid?
Someone complained to the headquarters today.
I got reprimanded.
But I feel good
about being reprimanded.
Because we found out
that someone set the fire on purpose.
He must be punished severely.
Even if he has great connections,
this matter is non-negotiable.
That's why you two
did a good job on this.
My son-in-law
gave me this can of tea
during Chinese New Year.
There's only one can left.
You two can share it.
You keep it, Mr. Gao.
Thank you, Mr. Gao.
You're quite fast.
You hit them, didn't you?
That's not right.
It's not right to hit people, okay?
when a bad guy commits a crime,
you must stick to your duty
and perform self-defense.
Write a report.
Explain the situation.
As usual,
three thousand words.
Not a word less.
As usual.
- Instructor - Wait.
Write it yourself.
Turn to the left.
Forward march.
Did I say
something wrong?
Then why are you laughing?
Who's laughing?
when I was educating them,
did you interrupt?
Who interrupted?
Chief Song.
Thank you.
You're thanking me?
What for?
If it weren't for you,
I'd be in the hospital now.
How dare you say that?
You're Shilitai's Instructor,
and your shoe fell off.
If you aren't embarrassed,
I'm embarrassed.
I can fight one-on-one.
Fighting five people is a problem.
my training has been paying off.
You have to trust me.
You want to thank me, right?
- The report - Three thousand words.
Leave it to me.
I'll make sure the words are meticulous.
I'll recreate the scene.
Not bad.
You're quite sensible.
I had a chat with Xu Qin.
You two get along well.
Anyone with half a brain
would see it that way.
She was against this before.
Look at her lately.
She's on duty with us every day
with no complaints.
Tell me.
Does she
like someone
in our fire station?
With your sharp eyes,
do you think
she likes me?
Didn't I tell you before?
Our families are very close.
We even had dinner together before.
She wasn't that friendly.
Look at her lately.
Is she captivated
with my serious attitude
at work?
Isn't this what they say online?
A hardworking man
is the most charming.
I want to throw up.
Don't throw up yet.
Aren't you two close?
Let me ask you something.
We're not close.
Why are you asking about her?
I'm a man.
She's a girl.
If she likes me,
I have to pursue her.
You're not aware
of the types of girls
my mom introduced me to.
I like the cold and quiet type.
The ones she introduced
are all cute,
proactive, and elegant.
If she really likes me,
I'll pursue her.
She doesn't like you.
She doesn't like me?
Did she tell you?
I don't need her to tell me.
how is she quiet and cold?
How is she not cute and coquettish?
Do you know her well?
Cut the crap.
Do you know her well?
How do you know if she's cute or not?
I know her better than you.
- Do you like her? - Leave her alone.
Do you like her?
You like her, right?
Do you like her?
- Tell me. - Yes.
I like her.
I like her more than what you can see, think,
or understand.
You like her?
For the first time
For the first time
I forced the truth out of you.
I finally got you once.
don't let me see you again.
don't go back to the dorm.
I'll go back.
Do you like her?
I won this time.
This time, I won.
I get angry just thinking about it.
We're wearing these clothes
to serve the people.
Why can't we fight back if we're being beaten up?
It's so pathetic.
The instructor protected us
and even got hit a few times.
Who can we reason with?
The Instructor is so nice.
Although he's usually a bit naggy,
but when there's trouble,
he's really something.
Stop it.
When I think that the Instructor got the short end of the stick,
I feel even worse.
Why does he deserve this?
That's right.
It's okay.
When I video-called my mom a few days ago,
I even said
that firefighters are so cool.
What a slap on the face.
We've been here for half a year,
and we haven't gone home yet.
Look at this.
How can we go home this way?
That's right.
Go home?
Everyone is here.
The Instructor is here.
- Hello, Instructor. - Sit down.
Here, Instructor.
Have a seat.
Take your medicines first.
Ge Zheng.
Thank you, Class Monitor.
Dr. Xu said
you didn't go to change your dressings.
We did it ourselves.
Yes, we did it ourselves.
If you don't treat your wound,
what if it gets infected?
These are minor injuries.
You're the one who suffered the most.
I'm fine.
Are you feeling down
due to yesterday's conflict?
- No. - No.
We're good.
You're good?
From your faces,
I can see two words.
You're unhappy.
Zhan Da Peng
quite emotional indeed.
And Yang Chi told me
that this afternoon,
Gao Yu almost got hurt
during training.
I went to their dormitory
to talk to them.
All of them
seem to be down in the dumps.
If it really doesn't work,
I'll talk to them one-on-one.
What do you think?
Can you give me some advice?
When there's trouble,
he sleeps faster than anyone.
I can't talk to them one-on-one.
If it doesn't go smoothly,
they'll be bent out of shape even more.
I have to think of a way.
You can do this,
Jiang Yu.
You're not sleeping?
I've never seen a man
who talks to himself before.
If you're not sleeping and I'm talking to you,
why didn't you respond?
You answered your own question.
Why should I join the conversation?
Hey, not only are you not helping,
it seems like you're even gloating over my misfortune.
Be more confident.
Remove "it seems like".
Right now,
if there's a knot in their hearts,
we should untie them.
If we don't,
what if something happens
when they're carrying out missions?
Your nagging
has really become more and more like an instructor.
You can do it,
Jiang Yu.
You're so gross!
These two pillows are so comfortable.
Shouldn't you throw them back to me?
Lying flat is good for the cervical vertebrae.
Go to sleep.
You can do it, Jiang Yu.
The current time
is 10:03pm.
It's 29.2 degrees Celsius.
(Serve Yancheng, Very Disciplined, China Fire and Rescue)
Class three is assembled.
Zhan Da Peng.
- Pi Pi. - Present.
- Ge Zheng. - Present.
- Tang Jie. - Present.
Come out.
Get in the car.
- Yes. - Yes.
The rest of you, continue with your training.
- Yes. - Yes.
Let's go.
(Serve Yancheng, Very Disciplined)
(China Fire and Rescue)
Stand properly.
Chief Song.
Please point out
who obstructed justice and assaulted the police that day.
This is a one-sided mirror, right?
It's a form of protection for the witness
to prevent the suspect from seeing the witness.
We firefighters aren't afraid.
We can see them clearly when we're face to face.
It's so cool to beat firefighters.
When we put on our uniforms
we save people.
We won't fight back.
We won't bully you either.
But when I take off my uniform,
I'll take you down in no time.
Come on.
Point them out.
- Yes. - Yes.
It's them.
You did this, remember?
Officer Wang.
They obstructed the firefighters
and even beat them up.
Is that against the law?
Of course.
Using violence
and threats
to obstruct the staff of state organs
in carrying out their duties in accordance with the law,
they'll be charged with obstruction of justice
and imprisoned to no more than three years,
detention, confinement, or fine.
Is that clear?
No way.
Is beating up firefighters that serious?
So behave yourselves, all of you.
- Boss. - Sir.
- I won't do it again. - Let go.
- How about - I can't spend three years inside.
Great people don't harbor grievances for past mistakes.
Or hit me twice.
I didn't hit you.
I promise it won't happen again.
- I promise. - Let go.
I was wrong.
If I hadn't held back,
I would've knocked you out.
You hit a firefighter.
Come on. I'll kneel in front of you, sir.
Nice, Pi Pi.
You were faster then Ge Zheng.
Didn't you say that you don't even have the energy to play games?
I'm full of energy now.
It's not just Ge Zheng.
I can
even challenge you.
Just bluff here.
Let me tell you.
If it weren't for my leg injury,
you can't even outrun me.
He's pretty awesome now.
I'm not awesome.
I think Chief
is the real awesome one.
When those ferocious and cruel dudes
saw our chief,
they were all like cowards.
They wanted to kneel down.
It was so satisfying.
Our chief
is so cool and domineering.
You all did well this time.
You've improved.
Let me tell you.
Don't compare those thugs to our chief.
He's not a fierce person.
You should see his other qualities.
He's resilient.
He cherishes his team members.
He's an exemplary model. He's good at everything.
Learn from him.
- Okay. - Yes.
Class Monitor.
When can I become like our chief?
I think you stand a chance.
I guess
you'll have to be reincarnated.
Are you not convinced?
You just ran 5,000 km.
Let's do another round.
I'm not afraid of you.
Class Monitor, more training.
Not bad.
Are you confident?
Get ready.
- You can do it! - Go!
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