Hunter Street (2017) s01e18 Episode Script


1 (distorted voice) So, you want to hear the true story about the Hunter fortune.
It's a tragic tale about love gone bad.
It's about a handsome and passionate young man who falls in love with a beautiful young woman who cannot love him back because she is married to his step-brother, Case Hunter.
Poor Jan Saganash's heart was broken by the wife of his best friend and brother by marriage.
Case Hunter and Jan Saganash were step-brothers? Mm-hmm.
And-and Case Hunter's wife was Josephine, right? Can we get back to the story, please? Josephine loved her husband, but she also couldn't deny that she loved Jan Saganash.
That's so sad.
Anika, you're a Hunter.
You're on our side, remember? Oh, right.
But it's still sad.
When Josephine chose Case and bore him two children, Jan Saganash couldn't bear to stay in Amsterdam any longer.
With a broken heart, he left Amsterdam on a ship named after his love.
The "Josephine!" (Tess) Keep going, Sophie.
(regular voice) That was the end of the story.
(groans) Wow! That voice distorter is so cool.
New state-of-the-art technology.
(distorted voice) Hello.
Wait, wait, wait, what does Brule have to do with this? My father hired him to do stuff for him.
They have something in common.
They both want this house.
But my father wants something bigger.
Whoever finds the deed to the Hunter house and signs it inherits the whole Hunter fortune.
Wait, not just the house? Everything.
Well, we have to find the deed before your father does.
Did he tell you where to look? The map he stole for you in the maze didn't make any sense.
That's why I broke in here, to look for clues.
And diamonds.
Do you have them? Any of them? Well Wait.
Don't say anything.
You don't trust me? Why should we? All my life, I thought that a Hunter was a really mean and bad person, full of hatred for the Saganash name.
And then Tess told me that you hadn't even heard of the name Saganash before all of this started.
And now I feel really bad about everything that's happened.
I let myself be a part of it because I thought I had no choice, because I am a Saganash.
We gotta talk this over.
Could you give us a second? (doorbell rings) What if it's my father? (stuttering) S-Saganash? Relax.
I doubt he would show up here.
But we should still hide you anyway.
And a very good morning to you.
What do you want, Brule? Oh, wait, it's gonna be a terrible morning.
What are you talking about? This.
It's a eviction notice.
You're ordered to leave this house immediately.
This doesn't make any sense.
Doesn't it? No, you obviously just typed that up yourself.
Did I now? Look, you can't just make us leave, okay? Erik and Kate would never Erik and Kate would never what? Where are Erik and Kate anyway? Haven't seen 'em for quite some time.
Have they abandoned such charming children? Perhaps I should call Child Services.
I think they'd be very disturbed to hear that five youngsters are living all by themselves.
Well Oh, you think that's the only copy? (laughs) Sweet.
We'll be back at 6:00.
Pack your bags.
Or don't.
I don't care.
Either way, you're out.
Tick-tock, tick-tock.
So this big one over here is for Brazilian jiu-jitsu.
You know jiu-jitsu? Mm-hmm.
I'm a red belt, ninth degree.
Is that better than the black belt? It's the highest rank.
(chuckles) You wanna see some moves? Here, come at me.
Attack me.
I promise I won't hurt you.
Just come at me.
Let's go.
Ready? Yep.
Sorry, sorry.
I don't know my own strength.
My turn.
Uh, Sophie, it takes years to master the techniques.
Come on, just let me have a go.
Come at me.
(grunts) (coughs) Okay, okay! You're breaking my arm! Tap out.
(taps) Where did you How did you do that? Oh, I learned that from a kung-fu movie.
Yeah, right! You're trained.
Wah dojo.
No, my father never actually let me do any sports.
And he never let me go to school either.
So I was tutored at home and In the meantime, I just watched every single kung-fu movie I could find.
You didn't go to school? How did you make friends? Oh.
Hey, hey.
Well, uh you're really good at martial arts.
(chuckles) Thank you, sensei.
What do you mean, we have to leave the house? Where are we supposed to go? Hey, nowhere, okay? We barricade the windows and doors and just sit tight until Erik and Kate come back.
How big were his two henchmen? Don't worry about that, okay? They didn't look like geniuses.
We can outsmart them.
Brule, too.
So, we're just supposed to hole up in here until who knows when? It could be weeks before they get back, maybe months.
I once heard about a guy who was stuck at school for a hundred years.
Now he's nothing more than a skeleton in the biology classroom.
All right.
Um Tess, Anika, why don't you guys go gather some information about Brule.
Maybe there's something we can use to blackmail him.
Anything to get him off our case.
What about me? Yeah, and what about Sophie? What do we do about her? She can stay here for now.
And, Daniel, you keep an eye on her.
I bet he'll keep more than an eye on her.
Huh? He'll keep his lips on her, too.
Come on.
Sal, we gotta work on the perfect defense mechanism.
Hey, you ever heard of McMacho? Mack who? Dude, I can't believe you've never watched McMacho.
It was such a good show.
You never saw the one where McMacho disarmed an atom bomb with nothing more than a mozzarella stick and some dental floss? Don't know it.
(sighs) It was epic.
See, McMacho would know how to create a trap for anyone who tried to come in here.
He was the best.
He is the best.
As is me.
Excuse me, you? Yeah.
Because I'm not fictional.
McMacho's just a old TV character with too-tight jeans and a mullet.
I thought you didn't know the show.
Everybody knows the show.
But it's totally fake.
He was on the Special Forces and the Navy SEALs, man.
He's not real! But Brule is.
And if you can distract him, his very real henchmen are gonna come bursting in here.
That's what I'm saying.
If we do this McMacho style, we'll take these clown down and deliver maximum pain.
Fear is way more powerful than pain.
If we scare them, they run away so fast, it'll make their head spin.
Nobody makes people run away like McMacho.
Science does.
Yeah? Prove it.
You prove it.
I'll take the front.
I'll take the back.
Oh! Wha-uh! (distorted, slow voice) Wha-uh! (Daniel) You mean, they're, like wow, 200 years old? It's pretty cool.
How bizarre is that? We've been living here forever, and we never even knew that this room was here.
(Sophie) It's amazing.
Daniel! What's up? What are you doing? Showing her the house.
You were showing her the secret room.
Secret? Oh.
(chuckles) Come on, you said you like her, too.
I-I do, but doesn't mean I trust her 100%.
"The armor is the best defense.
I will cry out, but my eyes are clear.
" What did you say? Uh, the armor is the best defense.
I will cry out, but my eyes are clear.
That's the same sentence on the piece of paper the relatives showed us, but it was written in Latin.
But what made you say that? Well, I was looking at that suit of armor, and it reminded me of the quote from an old letter from Chase Hunter to Jan Saganash.
My father thought it was some kind of clue, but he could never figure it out.
Then again, I don't think that he ever realized that there could really be a suit of armor in the house.
"My eyes are clear.
" Let's check the visor.
(beep) Let me take a look.
I got it, I got it.
That's John Saganash.
I recognize him from pictures in old books at home.
Do you think that's the deed? Turn it over.
"My dearest brother.
"Though I am deeply wounded by your actions towards me, "I swore to our parents to always take care of you.
"Therefore, our fortune we shall always share.
"In your hand I place the deed "that will grant us such for all eternity.
"Please, my brother, join me in signing it.
Your truly, Case Hunter.
" I don't understand.
Case says Jan deeply wounded him.
It sounds like he found out about Jan and Josephine's secret love.
But he didn't hold it against him.
He was still willing to share the family fortune.
All they had to do was sign the deed together.
But it was never signed, because Jan disappeared at sea.
(pounding) Someone's at the door.
(all) Brule! He's early! We still have 51 minutes and four seconds left! Doesn't matter to me! I'm ready! Are you? I was born ready! Come on! To the command post! (click) They don't look like too much to handle.
Why don't I just go and rearrange their faces.
There's no need for that.
I got everything under control.
Step one: Disorientation.
(beep) Step two: Horror sound effects.
Transition from disorientation to fear.
(eerie music playing) (groaning, shouting) (shouting) Step three: Let the blood bath ensue.
Really just tomato juice and ketchup.
(beeping) (slurping) (men shouting) (all laughing) (men yelling) (yelling continues) Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! What are you guys doing? That's ketchup, you dolts! (Brule yelling, indistinct) Yay! Brule: Go around the back! That was amazing, Sal.
Yo, you should get some tight jeans and a mullet 'cause you're the new McMacho.
Go around the back! Get around the back! Get around the back! Idiots.
They're coming in the back.
All right, I'm on it.
All right.
I'm bringin' the pain upside your brain.
"McMacho": Season 16, episode 13.
I may have sampled it.
They're in.
(buzzing) Oh! Uhh! (all) Oh! (groaning) Oh! All right, how about some flowers for our guests? Flowers? Oh, did I say flowers? I meant flour.
(beep) (all) Oh! Little ghost pepper extract on the doorknobs.
Works every time.
And here comes the pain.
(both yelling) (cheering) (both yelling) Highly effective, Mr.
That's Sergeant McMacho to you, son.
(Tess) We've bought some time, but what are we gonna do when Brule comes back? We need to solve this problem permanently.
How are we gonna do that? I bet that eviction notice is fake.
But what if it's not? Then we really have to move.
You guys didn't find any dirt on Brule online? For such a bad guy, he sure does a good job of keeping himself out of trouble.
Nobody has a bad word to say about him.
They must be afraid of him.
What if we could get him to say something bad about himself? Huh? You know, get him to confess the whole stupid plan and then secretly record him.
Good idea, but he wouldn't admit to anything.
Not to us, but maybe to Saganash.
Yeah, too bad Saganash isn't here.
(low, distorted voice) Or is he? You good with this? Okay.
Tell me what's different in here? I don't know.
Nothing? Exactly! There, there, and right there.
Three hidden cameras and about nine hidden microphones.
I knew you were brilliant, but I didn't know you were sneaky, too.
All right, now it's all up to Sophie.
(knocking) Sophie, are you ready? It's time.
(knocking) Sophie? Sophie? Sophie? Sophie! Okay, let's do this.
Wait, where's Daniel? Shh! This is Brule.
This is Tess Hunter.
We're willing to make a deal.
I'm listening.
You can have the house under one condition: You don't report us to Child Services.
When can you be out? We need an hour.
One hour.
Not a minute more.
(hangs up, beep) Now what? We hope he shows up in an hour.
He will.
He's desperate to get his hands on this place.
(footsteps on stairs) Sophie's gone! What do you mean, she's gone? She's left! Ah, two down, three to go.
(chuckles) Excellent.
(Anika) Where's Tess? (Max) She's coming.
(Anika) Tess! Hurry up! Let's go! Adios, Hunters.
May we never meet again.
(laughing) It's mine! It's finally mine! (low voice) You're wrong, Brule.
Saganash? Do I have to remind you that you work for me? I thought we were partners.
Equal partners.
No one equals me.
Especially you.
This house is mine now.
So get out.
I-I did so much for you.
Breaking and entering, forgery.
You-you promised me this house.
That was when I thought I could trust you.
Oh, but you can.
You can trust me.
Nothing's changed, I promise.
So you're still dedicated to destroy the Hunters? Oh, more than ever.
And when they're destroyed, I will build my masterpiece here.
The Brule Palace Hotel and Spa.
Then swear this to me.
I, Brule, will destroy the Hunter family and take their house, by any means necessary, legal or illegal.
I, Brule, will destroy the Hunter family Say it to the statue over there.
I, Brule, will destroy the Hunter family and take their house, by any means necessary, legal or illegal.
Thank you, Brule.
And now wave to the camera.
(regular voice) Say "Cheese.
" That's right.
We got it all on tape.
You can't do that, we had a deal.
Oh, come on, you can do better than that.
Okay, well, there might be something we can do to make sure no one sees or hears about any of this.
What? Just tell me, I'll do anything.
(all) Get out of our lives! (Tess) Forever.
We never wanna see of hear from you again.
Do you understand? Bye, Brule.
(all) Bye.
Close the door on your way out.
(door closes) Wow! You were amazing! Awesome! That was really good.
Guys, who was prettier, me or Tess? Who do you think? Me.
Of course not.
Dude, I'm Okay, okay, all right, all right.
We got to get back to looking for the deed.
At least we have a clue.
So, who's got the letter? Oh, no.
What's wrong? I I gave it to Sophie.
Last night.
She said she waned to see it and She took it and ran off? No, she wouldn't do that.
She didn't run off, she-she came back, remember? There's a reason she came back the first time.
So we trusted her.
(Anika) And we did.
Once a Saganash, always a Saganash!
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