Jake and the Fatman (1987) s01e18 Episode Script


I'll say this about the
Fatman: he's a sweet guy.
Listen, creep, I'm going to
take you apart like a clock.
JAKE: He can be
tough when he has to be.
J.L.: Jake Styles?
Don't ask me how
he can live the way he
does on a cop's salary.
Some people do seem
to like him, however.
But he's a damn good
investigator, and he's mine.
(theme playing)
He's a good guy.
Don't you forget it.
I'm in here, Grandpa.
She's so beautiful.
Yes, she is.
I don't know why,
but out of all the
paintings in the house
and in the museum,
I like her the best.
It's like I know
what she's feeling.
What are you doing inside
on a nice day like this?
You should be out
with your friends.
I don't know, Grandpa.
I guess I'm just
too much like you.
I like to be around
your paintings.
She was always
your mother's favorite.
I miss them.
I do, too.
(doorbell chimes)
Hi. A delivery for a
Miss Marcy Banning.
Oh, I'll take it.
Oh, she's got to sign for it.
I'll sign it.
Hey, what do you want me to do?
They say she's got to
sign, she's got to sign.
Logan? Yes, uh
What is it?
He has a package for you
and he needs your signature.
Oh, wow.
Back off! (screams)
(gunshot) (shrieking)
I said back off! Stop!
Be smart, old man!
Keep the cops out of
this, I won't have to kill her.
Please, what do you want?
It's all in the box,
just do what it says.
Come on, get in the van!
Come on, turn
around, get in there!
Come on! (Marcy shrieking)
(tires screech)
I should get a
machine to do this.
Or a monkey.
Or a moron!
You called, Mr. McCabe?
Oh, yes. I guess I
did, unintentionally.
You're not working on anything
important, are you, Derek?
I'm not? Huh? No.
Listen, I know
you've been putting in
an awful lot of hours lately,
and I want you to know
that I do appreciate it.
I think about it all the time.
And you know something?
You should take
the rest of the day off.
Take the day off?
Are you sure
you're feeling okay?
Come fishing with me, huh?
Will you? Here, try that on.
I Go on.
I'd love to, I really would.
You know that I
love to fish, but
Forget about it. It's an order.
(phone buzzes)
Yes, Gertrude?
Who is it?
It's Amos Banning.
Some kind of an emergency.
Yeah, yes, Amos.
Oh, no.
All right, I'll be right there.
Damn it to hell.
Those fish are
gonna have to wait.
Damn it!
I know I'm taking a chance.
He warned me about police.
Amos, believe me,
he's not hanging around.
We'll keep a low profile.
Marcy's all I have left.
If anything happens to her
Nothing will, Amos.
We'll get her back
safe and sound.
You'll see.
You'd better notify
Captain Rollands about this.
Right away, sir.
Take a look at this.
"Two million in used bills
by 2:00 this afternoon."
Any way you can do this?
I've been on the phone
ever since I talked to you.
I pulled every string I
could to arrange some loans.
You had to borrow the money?
Everything I have is tied up
in the museum and the trust.
LOGAN: Excuse me, sir.
They're here, Mr. Banning.
(phone ringing)
Hello, this is Amos Banning.
You got the money?
Yes, it's all here.
Okay. You get into your car
and you come alone, Banning.
You hear me? Alone.
Very well.
Where do I go?
Corner of Commerce and 9th.
Okay. There's a hot
dog stand in a parking lot.
Behind the hot dog stand,
there are two Dumpsters
with some oil cans
covered with a green tarp.
You can't miss it.
Make sure nobody sees you.
Put the money
under the tarp, you understand?
Yes, under the green tarp.
But wait a minute.
How do I know that
Marcy is all right?
Before I deliver the
money, I want to talk to her.
Hello? Hello?
Are you still there?
Go on, talk!
Grandpa, I'm scared!
I don't know what he'll do
Just get the money there
in 30 minutes, Banning,
or your precious little
granddaughter will be history.
You'll get the money.
Just don't hurt her.
And, Banning, I even smell cop,
you'll never see her again.
All right, is everyone
clear on the location?
I'll get some men
over there right away.
For God sake, no!
Captain, we've got go
real slow on this; I
gave Amos my word.
I would like to have one man
as a precaution, however, Amos.
Will you trust me on this?
All right.
Derek, get me Jake Styles.

(jazz music playing)
(jazz music playing)
(jazz music growing louder)
(jazz music playing loudly)
(shrieking): Money!
(turns off music)
We did it! Money!
Money! I love this!
Just like you laid it out!
Oh, God, you're terrific, baby.
You're not so bad yourself.
Hold on, hold on.
Hey, hold on.
Let's get out of here,
then we'll have all
the time in the world.
Oh, no.
Is this what you're looking for?
Hey, babe. What are you doing?
I'm thanking you for helping me.
I wouldn't have been
able to do this without you.
No, no, don't!
(engine starting)
(indistinct radio transmission)
Please help me, please!
My name is Marcy Banning,
and I was kidnapped,
but I got away.
All right, you're gonna be okay.
MARCY: Yeah, I guess
I was pretty out of it
when they brought
me home last night.
Now it's like trying to
remember a bad dream.
J.L.: Well, just a few
more questions, Marcy.
Now, you say that there
were two kidnappers
and that they got into a fight.
What was it about?
The money.
I couldn't see 'cause
I was blindfolded,
but I heard them arguing,
and then there were gunshots.
You heard them both fire?
Um, um, no.
There there
was only one shot.
J.L., do we really
have to do this now?
I mean, Marcy's been
through a traumatic experience.
Yes, I understand that.
MARCY: It's okay, Grandpa.
We have to get your money back.
Yeah, I I remember the shot
because it was so
loud that it scared me.
When did the second
kidnapper leave?
A little while
after the first one
came back with the money.
That would make it around 3:00.
The police said they
found you around 7:30.
MARCY: It took me, uh
it took me a long
time to get loose.
I was I was stuck in
there with that dead guy.
Gentlemen, have a heart.
Well, I think we're
finished for the time being.
Uh, Amos, I would like to
get a statement from you.
Let's go to the study.
Very good.
(Marcy sighs)
Hey, did you win
these riding trophies?
Are these yours?
Yeah. Are they?
It's pretty impressive.
(sighs) Thank you.
You're welcome.
You like coffee with your
cream and sugar, huh?
(both laughing)
Yeah, I guess, yeah.
You know, I they
didn't give me anything
to eat the whole
time, so I'm starving.
I'd say you're a pretty
brave young lady.
You guys have been really nice.
Uh, Lieutenant Styles, isn't it?
Yeah. Jake.
I wanted to ask you a question.
Um the second
kidnapper, you didn't get
a very good look at
him at all, did you?
No, uh, the first guy,
when he grabbed me,
he blindfolded me
right after we left.
Do you remember them
calling each other by name?
Do you remember
anything like that?
No, I I don't remember.
I'm sorry, I No, it's okay.
Wish I was more
help. No, it's okay.
We'll catch him, it
won't be that long.
Yeah, you make
it sound so simple.
Well, we've got serial
numbers on most of the bills,
so I think this
guy will probably
leave a trail a mile wide.
Wow, well, that's neat.
I mean, I bet he probably
didn't even think of that.
You know, I bet you're right.
J.L.: Oh, Marcy!
Thanks to your directions,
the police found the
kidnapper's hideout.
Let's go, Jake.
All right, you take
care of yourself.
You get some rest, okay?
Yeah. All right.
Thanks. You're welcome.
What's this, more bills?
(phone rings)
Taylor? Hi, this is Marcy.
Marcy Banning.
Oh, yeah. How you doing, kiddo?
I'm doing great.
Um, are-are you
gonna be around later?
Same time, same station.
You dropping by?
Sure am, yeah, um
You see, Taylor, I
I've got the answer
to your problems.
(chuckles) I'll bet you do.
I do, I really do, so, um,
well, I'll catch you later.
I'll hold my breath.
(indistinct radio transmission)
You know, I just had
this damn thing washed.
That's why I never bother.
JAKE: Yeah, I noticed that.
Yeah? Victim's wallet.
Name's Carl Seward
We're running it through.
Anything else?
Not yet, but give the
boys some time, huh?
Looks a little
surprised, doesn't he?
How you doing, Mr. McCabe?
JAKE: How you doing, Mike?
Anything, Michael?
You want to know what I got?
Wrappers from a
couple cheeseburgers,
two drinks, a cola and a coffee.
You got it. That's it, huh?
We'll do a hair and fiber,
but basically, uh,
you're looking at it.
All right.
Two burger
wrappers, two drinks
Didn't the second kidnapper eat?
Well, Marcy said they
didn't feed her anything.
What's the matter?
Heavy on the cream and sugar.
That's nothing.
Doesn't something else
bother you about this setup?
No, not offhand. Why,
what bothers you?
How about Marcy's being alive?
The second kidnapper
blows his partner away,
and then he waltzes out of
here and leaves a witness alive.
She's not really a witness.
She can't identify anybody.
She was blindfolded, right?
Yeah, maybe but
there's something else.
Come here.
You remember Marcy's shoes
being wet or muddy last night?
Well, this entrance
is the only way
in or out of this place.
If Marcy walked
out like she said,
why weren't her shoes covered
with this muddy, oily gunk, huh?
Something wrong with
your salad, J.L.? Yes!
It's got lettuce in it.
And carrots and bean sprouts
and all those dreadful things
that make a rabbit's
eyes turn pink.
Why did you order it?
Because I'm on a diet.
You you gonna eat
all those breadsticks?
Thank you, Amos.
You know, we've
been friends for too long
for me not to level with you.
J.L., what is it?
Why didn't you tell me
about Marcy's
writing bad checks?
That was years
ago, she was a child.
It was two years
ago, to be precise.
Marcy was 16.
Well, she was spending
too much money
on clothes, or
whatever kids buy,
so I took away her credit cards,
closed out her checking account,
end of problem.
What do they say?
It was a phase she
was going through.
Over $5,000 in bad checks
is a pretty expensive
phase, it seems to me.
Well, it's finished,
it's in the past.
How about the thefts around
your house since then?
I missed a few small items.
Small enough to hock
or sell without suspicion?
Damn it, J.L., I resent
your insinuations.
I'm just doing my job, Amos.
You can't suspect
Marcy of somehow
being involved in
her own kidnapping.
J.L., I refuse to believe it.
I know.
I do, too.
Is Marcy your only heir?
The bulk of my estate goes
to my wing at the museum.
Marcy will be left
with a modest income.
I believe that big
money inheritances
do more harm than good.
Does she know all that?
Yes, she does.
I'm looking for
Lieutenant Styles.
DEREK: You're Marcy
Banning, aren't you?
I've been working on your case.
I'm Derek Mitchell.
Hi. Hi.
I'm sure glad you got back okay.
Thank you.
Let me see if Jake's at home.
I no, I I wouldn't want
to bother his wife or anything.
Wife? Jake?
(giggles) I think it's
against his religion.
Gertrude, Mr. McCabe's
secretary, is out sick,
so I'm kind of filling in.
(phone ringing over line) Oh.
Your granddad's glad
you're back, I bet, huh?
Yeah. Yeah.
He doesn't seem to be there.
Well, is it okay if I wait?
Sure, have a seat.
Can I get you anything?
Um, yeah.
Coffee with a lot
of cream and sugar.
You got it.
Hi, Jake.
We were just looking for you.
Hi. What are you doing here?
I thought you'd be
home taking it easy.
Oh, I I just wanted to know
if there was
anything I could do.
You know, I want to help.
Okay, well, come on in.
DEREK: Miss Banning,
here's your coffee.
Thank you, Derek.
You're welcome.
What a great dog.
It's got to be
Mr. McCabe's, right?
Yeah, how'd you guess?
(both laughing)
Um, we've got an identity
for the dead kidnapper.
His name is Carl Seward.
I want you to
look at this picture.
Do you recognize
him, by any chance?
He's the one who
grabbed me at the house.
Oh, hello, Marcy.
How you doing?
Much better, thank you.
I had a doctor's appointment,
so I thought I'd stop by
and see if there was
anything more I could do.
Well, that's very nice of you.
She ID'd Seward as the
one who kidnapped her.
Still nothing on the
second man, huh?
No, not a thing.
Sit down, Marcy.
Now, Marcy, after
you got yourself untied
and took the blindfold
off, what did you do?
Um, I looked at
the body, felt sick
and got out as fast as I could.
Marcy, there's a large puddle
inside that warehouse entrance.
Now, how in the world
do you walk through that
without getting
your shoes covered
with that oily water?
We checked your clothes,
and your shoes
had no mud on them.
oh, yeah, I-I remember.
There there was a board,
you know, like a wooden plank
that was across it,
and I walked on that.
We didn't find a board.
Maybe somebody stole it,
you know, for
firewood or something.
But I-I I remember
it, I I really do.
I'm sure you do, Marcy.
Well, I better get
to the doctor's now.
Look, I don't want you
wandering around
town by yourself, okay?
Oh, don't worry.
Logan drove me
here. He's downstairs.
Oh, good. Okay, all right.
Um, if there's
anything else you need,
just call me. Okay, thank you.
J.L.: Bye. Bye.
Bye. Excuse me.
Seems like a nice girl.
Did you come in
here for a reason?
Yes, sir. Here's
the file you wanted.
Oh, yes. Thank you very much.
Ballistics says the
bullet Carl Seward fired
into the wall at the Banning
house during the kidnapping
matches the bullet
that killed him.
He was killed with his own gun.
Now, that seems like it was
the only shot that was fired.
I pulled the rap
sheet on Seward.
Here, take a look at that.
It's all small-time stuff.
It's nothing as big
as a kidnapping.
Basically it says
he worked alone.
are you thinking
what I'm thinking?
She's a kid.
Yeah, I know.
One hell of a smart kid.
(knocking on door)
What is it?
LOGAN: A Lieutenant
Styles is here.
Okay, just a minute.
Hi. Hi.
I'm sorry it's late,
but I thought maybe you
could help me with something.
Do you mind if I come in?
No, sure, come on
in. Great, thanks.
Thank you. Thank you, Logan.
Come on and sit down. Okay.
Um you remember
when Seward
kidnapped you, right?
Uh-huh, yeah.
Well, you said that he
took a shot at Logan.
Uh, yeah, I was afraid
that he might kill somebody.
Yeah, well, we took that
bullet out of the wall, okay.
It matched the bullet that
we took out of Seward.
So you know what that means?
No, not exactly. No? Okay.
That means that the bullets
came from the same gun.
Seward's .38.
Which means he was
killed with his own gun.
How do you think that happened?
Well, um, I was
blindfolded so I couldn't see,
but I remember them
rolling around and fighting.
Mm-hmm. Because they almost
knocked me off the
couch a couple of times.
So maybe the other guy
grabbed Seward's gun
and shot him with it?
That makes sense.
That must be what happened.
I hope I helped you, I
Oh, you did, you did.
Look, I know
you're probably beat,
so I'm going to take off, okay?
I'm okay, you know.
I've got some beers
in the refrigerator
if you want some.
Uh, I tell you what.
Maybe some other
time, how about that?
Yeah? Yeah.
You really mean that
about some other time?
You think I'm too young.
I think I better go.
Good night.
Good night.
When are you going to quit
smoking those cheap cigars?
Cheap? Yeah.
I'd hate to tell you how
much I spend on these things.
But they're Max's favorite,
aren't they, Max, huh?
How'd you get in here,
crawl through the window?
What are you two doing here?
Our friend Carl Seward.
Derek tracked down
his probation officer.
Turns out Carl had
a job as fill-in waiter
at Taylor Fleming's
Downtown Club.
Hmm. Taylor Fleming?
Slime, Incorporated.
Yeah, one in the same.
Vice says the Downtown
Club is a hangout
of the young and
the overindulged.
You know what I
think I'm going to do?
What? I'm going to take a shower
and pay a visit to
the Downtown Club.
(loud dance music playing)

Hey, sugar.
How's my little girl?
Tonight, all grown up.
It's time you start taking
me seriously, Taylor.
Hmm, tonight grad
night or something?
Exactly. I know you
don't think I'm old enough
to run in your league,
but you are wrong.
Sure, kid.
I'm going to be your
new business partner,
among other things.
What have you been
doing tonight, honey?
I'm not a fluff head.
Fluff heads don't know that
you borrowed a ton of money
from some mob people to
get this place off the ground.
I also know that
they're asking you for it,
and that you don't have it.
Somebody talks too much.
No need to freak.
Little Marcy's here.
She's going to bail you out.
Who you been talking to?
I heard you need about
a half a million dollars.
What if I said I
could get it for you
if you did me
just a little favor.
Where you going to
get that kind of money?
Never mind where.
So why you coming to me?
'Cause you know
how I feel about you.
And because I need this favor.
You see, the money's marked.
Something tells
me you are trouble.
(phone rings)
All right, let him in.
Tell him I'll find
him at the bar.
I got business.
Taylor, don't turn me down.
Forget it, babe.

Come on, honey buns,
they're playing our song.
Taylor, long time no see.
Not long enough.
Is this business,
or are you here for
the dance contest?
No, I thought I'd come and
dance with your for awhile.
Want a drink? I'm buying.
You going to buy me a drink?
Good. Give me some of that
40-year-old Cognac over there.
I remember when
you were a cheap date.
What can I do for you?
What can you tell me about your
former employee, Carl Seward?
He's dead, you know.
We got him dead involving
one of our leading families.
They're very publicity shy,
so we've been trying to
keep it out of the media.
TAYLOR: You're sure we're
talking about the same Carl Seward?
Big was not his thing.
He was out of his weight class.
You didn't see him
hanging around in here
with anyone in
particular, did you?
Not that I noticed.
How about that one over there?
Never saw her before.
Looks like my type.
Thanks for the drink.
Time's up.
Hey. Hi.
Wow! Nice outfit.
Thanks, yeah. I almost
didn't recognize you.
You look great, too. Thanks.
I'm really glad you're here.
Small world. You
come here often?
Uh, no, not reall
I bet your grandfather
would love a place like this.
Look, kid I don't know how
you got through the front door,
but you're definitely not
old enough to be in here.
You know I could
lose my liquor license?
We don't want that, do we?
Come on, I'll take you. Come on.
Good night.
Jake, don't go. What?
I want to explain to
you about the club.
Okay, I was going
to save it till tomorrow,
but we can talk about it now.
With everything that happened,
Yeah. I was really
upset, you know.
I wanted to be with my friends.
Mm-hmm. You can understand that.
I can understand that.
I just don't understand why
you didn't recognize Carl Seward.
He worked at the club.
I told you I was blindfolded.
Not during the
kidnapping, you weren't.
Well, who was he anyway?
He was a part-time
waiter there, Marcy.
Oh, yeah, sure, I
always notice waiters.
Jake, he was wearing
sunglasses and a cap.
And, you know, I guess I was
a little scared to look at him.
And you want to know why?
Because I was afraid.
I mean, I was scared that
maybe he might kill me.
Okay, well
You can see how it looks.
Why won't you believe me?
Look, McCabe
has got this theory.
He thinks because your
grandfather cut you off,
you set up your own
kidnapping to get all the money.
What?! He thinks you
set it up with Seward,
and he thinks that you
killed him with his own gun.
And you believe this?
Marcy, I thought you
were asleep in your room.
Where have you been?
Uh, I went out for a
little while, Grandpa.
And I bumped into
Lieutenant Styles,
and he saw me home.
Well, go to your room
and we'll talk about
this in the morning.
Good night.
AMOS: Thank you, Lieutenant.
Now, good night.
(knocking on door)
(knocking on door)
Hang on.
Hi. Can I come in?
How'd you know where I live?
I stole your card
from a file in the office.
I couldn't sleep.
I had to be with you.
I'm so mixed up. Look
You don't believe me.
No one believes me.
Marcy, you shouldn't
be here now, okay?
It's late.
Don't push me away, Jake.
I'll go crazy if you do.
I need someone I can
trust, someone I can talk to.
What are you saying?
What's the matter?
I think I know who
the other man was.
Why didn't you tell us?
Why didn't you say something?
I wanted to protect him.
He's older.
And he said that I shouldn't
tell anyone about
our relationship.
But after tonight, I
I know that he was using me.
It's Taylor, right?
Taylor Fleming?
Jake, help me,
please help me. Okay.
Marcy, look, I'm gonna
take care of it, okay?
I promise.
But I want you to
go home right now.
You shouldn't be here.
(door opens)
I fell in love with you
the minute that I saw you.
What am I doing here?
This is ridiculous.
JAKE: Yeah, I know.
Let me, uh, make a suggestion.
Fatman's in a bad mood,
so I wouldn't get him riled up.
What's that supposed to mean?
Well, he knows the family
of the person who was kidnapped.
He's taking all of this
real personal, so
Just for curiosity's sake,
where were you at 2:30 in
the afternoon last Tuesday?
How would I know?
You want to be
smart, you'll tell me.
You want to be dumb,
I squash you like
the miserable insect
that you just happen to be.
I was at my club.
Look, I haven't done anything.
I don't even know
what this is all about!
Kidnapping, murder,
extortion Is that enough?
(chuckles): You've
got to be kidding.
You think I'm kidding?!
Fact: Carl Seward was killed
in a kidnapping-related murder.
Fact: His partner
in crime is missing.
Fact: Seward worked for you.
Fact: You're the
missing partner.
Fact is you've got
it wrong, McCabe!
I didn't do anything.
Why would I get mixed
up in something like this?
Because you were in
deep hock to the sharks
and they were getting
hungry, real hungry.
I I was going to pay them.
I'm just picturing the trial.
I'll have no trouble convincing
a jury that a lamebrain
like Carl Seward couldn't
plan a $2 million kidnapping,
that he must have
been working for you,
because you needed
the money bad.
Look, this is just not true!
I-I don't even know
anything about a kidnapping!
You got to do better
than that, Fleming.
Or you're looking
at a life sentence.
Maybe even death row.
(door closes)
What am I supposed to do, huh?
I think I'd get myself
a good lawyer.
(door opens)
J.L., what's happened?
Well, I may have some good news.
Looks like I may be owing
you an apology, young lady.
You see, I wasn't convinced
that there was a second kidnapper.
But Jake Styles has been
doing a lot of work on the case,
and now he's got a
line on this second man.
Who is he?
Well, I'd rather not say.
We'd like you to
come down to my office
and see if you can identify him.
Oh, but I-I told you,
I was blindfolded.
I never got a look at him.
Yes, we know.
We want to see if you
can identify his voice.
J.L.: Why don't
you two sit down?
Marcy, are you ready?
I think so.
Just sit back.
I'm gonna put this
blindfold on you, okay?
And then we're gonna ask you
to listen to the
voices of five men
to see if you can identify
one of them, all right?
Okay, is that comfortable?
Yeah. Good.
Now, can you remember
anything that the second man said
that could help
you pick him out?
Um, yeah.
How about, um,
"Just take it easy,
and you won't get hurt."
Just relax, okay?
Gentlemen. Excuse me.
This way, please.
Officer, could you, uh,
get that door, please?
Close it behind you.
Thank you.
Uh, stand right there,
gentlemen, okay?
Okay, when I point
to each one of you,
I want you to say the words,
"Just take it easy,
and you won't get hurt."
All right, number one.
Just take it easy,
and you won't get hurt.
Number two.
Just take it easy,
and you won't get hurt.
JAKE: Number three.
Number three.
Just take it easy,
and you won't get hurt.
Would you have him
say it again, please?
Wait a minute.
Can't you see what's happening?!
She's lying, and she's
trying to set me up!
It's him. He's the one.
TAYLOR: Oh, that's it.
That's it! Hey!
You tell him!
All right, all right!
(whimpers) TAYLOR:
Styles Styles, you've gotta
(men shouting) Get
him the hell out of here!
TAYLOR: believe me, man!
I'm sorry to put you through
that, but we had to know.
You okay?
Yeah. Yeah?
I was afraid it was him.
Yeah, I know.
Thank God this is over.
Not quite.
I still haven't got enough
to make it stick yet.
But she identified
him. Isn't that enough?
I'm not sure a jury will
convict on just his voice.
I'll need hard evidence.
Or a confession.
Why don't you two go home now,
(door opens)

Oh! Who's there?!
(footfalls approaching)
It's me.
What-What is this?
A a trick?
You tricked me?
We needed evidence.
Not against Taylor,
but against you.
You said that you believed me.
Did I?
Yeah, maybe we both lied.
What do you got in the bag?
Got some money?
Some of the evidence you
were gonna plant on Taylor?
All right.
And this.
You just take out your
gun and throw it on the floor.
(bullet ricochets)
Don't come any closer!
You gonna shoot me now?
I will.
I don't want to
go to jail, so
I'll kill you first.
I thought you said you loved me.
I'm warning you.
I-I have $2 million.
Come with me.
We could No.
I mean it.
I'm gonna take that gun now.
(screams, sobs)
All right.
Come on.
Let's go.
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