Ninjago: Dragons Rising (2023) s01e18 Episode Script

Absolute Power

[indistinct chatter]
[suspenseful music]
[dragons screeching]
You are not permitted to enter.
I am Lord Ras
from the Realm of the Wyldness.
The Emperor is expecting me.
If you are the reason
for my tardiness,
I am quite sure
he will not be pleased.
Uh you may proceed.
[suspenseful music continues]
[Ras] Emperor Levo.
Thank you for gracing me
with an audience.
I always make time
for guests from other realms.
But I am still unsure why
you've sought my valuable time.
I have something
unique to offer Imperium.
Something your kingdom
is very much missing.
Imperium is the most advanced civilization
that has ever existed.
We are in need of nothing.
From anyone.
You and I both know
the dragon energy
that has kept
your kingdom running smoothly
will not last forever.
If that were true,
which it most certainly is not,
what could an Outlander
such as you do about it?
I know how to give Imperium
unlimited power.
With my help, you could contain
a Source Dragon.
[intriguing music]
Ha! Source Dragons are only
a bedtime story for children!
They do not exist.
I have seen one
with my own eyes.
With your advanced technology,
we could capture it
and drain its very life force
for your kingdom.
Imperium lives in peace
with dragons.
They share their energy with us,
we do not take it.
But with a Source Dragon's power
at your disposal,
all other realms
would fall before you!
We have no desire
to conquer other realms!
Imperium is
a peaceful civilization.
You are short-sighted, Emperor.
And you are insulting.
We have no need
for pathetic tricksters!
Leave us immediately. Zeatrix?
[power surging]
[suspenseful music]
Imperium has more than enough
dragon energy.
We have
my beloved daughter Zeatrix
and her Elemental Power.
And we have the most advanced
technology ever created.
We do not need you.
[Ras groans]
Ha! Excellent form, Zeatrix.
Simply elegant.
Thank you, Father.
[tense music]
Your hard work
and training has paid off.
You will be a wonderful
Empress of Imperium someday.
[Ras grunts]
[foreboding music]
[foreboding music intensifying]
Lost in the unknown,
So much to see ♪
Together we will rise! ♪
Yeah ♪
We fight ♪
Be a ninja for what's right ♪
[electricity crackling]
[Beatrix] Citizens of Imperium.
As the sun shines on our home,
so does it shine on you.
The Merge has made it
even more apparent
that we are
the greatest kingdom of all.
That is why entering Imperium
is so restricted.
I must protect you all
from the chaos and madness
of such places as
"The Crossroads".
We cannot allow
clashing cultures
of once separate realms
to invade Imperium.
We cannot allow their crime
inside our fair kingdom.
[citizens cheering, applauding]
And I have further
protected Imperium
by bringing in more dragons
to safely power our homeland.
With our unparalleled
technology and innovation,
dragon energy
will last us to infinity!
[imperial music]
[both] All hail
the good Empress!
Everything I do,
I do for you, little ones!
[citizens cheering, applauding]
[in unison]
All hail the good Empress!
Excellent performance, Empress!
You were simply wonderful!
That effect better work.
Like I'd ever allow grubby,
smelly children
to actually touch me.
It will, I promise!
Status report, LaRow.
Still only two
Dragon Energy Cores, Empress.
[frustrated yell]
Without the third,
it is impossible
for me to further
the MergeQuake weapon designs.
Two Dragon Cores will not do.
And of course it's Rapton who
Rapton who what?
Rapton who found
the last Dragon Core? Huh?
[dry chuckle]
I will admit, I feared
you had failed me once again.
And my patience for your failures
has grown thin.
Oh, don't I know that.
There was no way I was gonna
let you down this time, Empress.
But I got some other news,
kinda bad, maybe
What is it?
I'm pretty sure the Ninja
are on their way here
to get these Cores.
Then they will arrive
to their utter destruction.
Okay, so we need to find
a way into Imperium
and get back the Core
Dr. LaRow stole.
But how?
There's still that huge
energy barrier around the city.
Flying in on dragons
isn't an option.
[Riyu grunts]
Or maybe it is.
[Sora] If I can just
Maybe hmm
[Cole] Uh, Sora?
Hmm? Oh!
I might be able to use this stuff
to build some weaponized armor for Jiro.
Something that'll amplify
his natural energy
enough to blast through
the energy barrier.
Will that work?
Uh, if you have a better idea,
I'm all for it.
Build that armor, Sora.
[traditional oriental music]
[power surging]
Thanks, Riyu!
[Sora] A little elemental
power-up should do the trick.
[dramatic music]
I gotta say, you're getting
pretty good at this.
I appreciate the nice words
but I need to focus here.
[music intensifies]
Almost there
There! What do you think, Jiro?
[soft grunting]
Looks like Jiro likes it!
All right!
Nya, there's something
I have to tell you.
Can it wait
until we're in the air?
Time is running out here, Cole.
That's just it.
I think it's running out
What do you mean?
Remember how I told you I could
hear the ground "screaming?"
Like something
was terribly wrong?
-Yeah. Little unnerving.
-[Cole] Totally.
But last night,
when everyone was asleep,
I heard a voice.
Calling out to me
from the edge of the valley.
A voice I haven't heard
in a long time.
Master Wu.
How did you know?
I once followed his voice
in the Cloud Kingdom.
He led me to Kai,
and we ended up
saving Lloyd and the others.
He was calling me to follow him.
Then you should go.
Things have gotten
really strange and unpredictable
since the Merge,
but one thing I do know,
if you hear Master Wu's voice,
you follow.
I was hoping you'd say that.
Now go, stop the MergeQuakes.
It looks like my journey is going
to take me somewhere else.
[Cole grunts]
[soft emotional music]
[elder voice] Cole
[light whooshing]
[mysterious music]
[tense music]
Is this a dress rehearsal
of some sort?
I'm not sure, but we wouldn't
have been brought
to the Throne Room
if it wasn't important.
Ready to serve the Empress
any way I can.
And you, Dr. LaRow, of course.
[Beatrix] The time has come.
[floor whirring]
[throne hissing]
[dramatic tense music]
What a dramatic reveal!
Truly transcendent!
All three of
the Dragon Energy Cores
have finally been collected.
Rapton pulled through?
Wow, wonders never cease.
Really? You think Rapton
wouldn't hear that?
Dr. LaRow, you realize
what this now means?
Yes, I can finally scan
the Cores' energy signatures
to determine
the proper frequency
to begin beta-testing
the MergeQuake weapon.
[LaRow] We might be able
to test it within a few days.
The Ninja are on their way.
We will test the weapon now.
But Empress,
the chances of catastrophic
Do not question my orders!
The Ninja,
and everything they love,
will be wiped off the map today!
[suspenseful music]
Good Empress,
is the target to your liking?
Hmm. He could look
a little more weak,
but this will do for the test.
[suspenseful music continues]
[alarm beeping]
What are you waiting for?
Run the test!
But these readings
One of the Cores is giving off
a different energy than the others.
Obviously they have different energies,
they're different Cores!
Test the weapon, now!
[sighs] Fine.
Let us proceed.
[suspenseful music continues]
[weapon powering up]
Hm I'm going to tear through
the Ninja
with rifts in reality itself!
[weapon powering up]
[power crackling]
-[blast surging]
-[Ninja grunting]
[people in lab groaning]
-You said we could test it!
I warned you there was
You have failed me!
[dramatic ominous music]
That tech rehearsal
did not go well. Eh, Rapton?
That explosion means something serious
is going down in there.
Trust me.
I know about explosions.
It looked like
Dragon Core Energy.
We need to get in there fast.
But we can't just fly in.
Energy barrier.
[binoculars whirring]
-[bird squawking]
[Beatrix grunts] Unbelievable.
The incompetence.
I'm surrounded by fools.
[clears throat]
[Ras] Yes, Empress?
I know you came down here
because you need my help.
[tense music]
[frustrated growl]
They cannot comprehend
the kind of power I am offering.
[tense music continues]
Princess Beatrix.
Or are you Zeatrix?
I am not my hated twin sister!
Don't ever confuse
our names again.
Ah. My apologies.
I cannot be seen here,
so I will make this quick,
Lord Ras.
My father may not be interested
in your offer of unlimited power,
of conquering other realms,
but I am.
You would defy
your own father, the Emperor?
My twin sister was born
mere minutes before me.
As the firstborn, she inherited
our father's Elemental Power.
Just a few minutes
robbed me of true power
and my father's favor.
Ah, Elemental Power
is a bit of a cheat, isn't it?
Someone who may not deserve it,
gets it anyway.
Nothing in this world
angers me more
than my sister's
flagrant display of her powers.
She uses them just to spite me,
to humiliate me
to the delight of my father.
Ugh, and I imagine,
as firstborn,
Zeatrix is also
first in line to the throne?
Yes. She will become Empress.
Leaving me with nothing.
Such a waste
of your true potential.
Help me take the throne.
When I am Empress, I will provide
the resources you need.
You will capture
a Source Dragon for me,
and we will conquer
every other realm.
As you wish
"Empress" Beatrix.
[intense ominous music]
[dramatic ominous music]
[dramatic ominous music]
[dramatic ominous music]
[crowd applauding, cheering]
I am the one
who put you on the throne.
Free me and let's destroy
the Ninja once and for all.
Only then,
will you have absolute power.
[sneaky music]
[guards whirring]
Why are you smiling like that?
You know all that stuff I taught you about
centering yourself
and finding peace and everything?
-Well, for the next few minutes,
I need you to forget all that.
Okay, so what do I do instead?
Go wild!
[Wyldfyre grunting, growling]
Is that a dragon?
Loose near the city?
Come on!
[intense battle music]
-That's not a dragon!
Says you!
Yeah, that's what I did say.
-[Wyldfyre] Eat fire!
-[intense battle music]
[Ninja grunting]
[Kai] Wyldfyre! Pay attention!
-[intense music]
-[Arin] Thank you very much.
-You're welcome.
If it wasn't for me, your sister
would now be Empress.
And you would be nothing.
The invisible and insignificant
member of the family.
What are you waiting for?
You are running out
of dragon power.
The walls are collapsing
around you.
I heard that explosion,
I know things
are not going well.
You need me.
I don't need you.
I don't need anyone!
I came here to offer you
a chance to redeem yourself,
but all you've done is proven
exactly why I put you in here.
Why I put anyone
who defies me in here.
You are a fraud.
A failure.
If it wasn't for me,
you would have been
on the streets.
Never forget that, "Lord" Ras.
[angry growl]
Uh, Empress Beatrix?
A small group has infiltrated
through the gate.
The Ninja!
[grunts angrily]
[soft tense music]
Are we even going the right way?
We need to find out
where that explosion came from.
-Hurry, before they
-[guard 1] Found you!
[guard 1] Freeze!
There is no way
to sneak into Imperium
without alerting us
to your presence.
Now, surrender and make this
easier on yourselves.
[suspenseful music building]
Oh, come on!
The Imperium
Teen Protection Force, too?
[suspenseful music]
Get 'em!
What the?
[guard 2] What are you doing?
[intense suspenseful music]
-[guard 3] What is it you
Did that just happen?
I wanted to fight.
Those kids just saved us,
Yeah, but no fighting.
[guards groaning]
[Percival] We gotta get out of here!
Come on!
[intense mysterious music]
Why would the Imperium
Teen Protection Force help us?
Ha! We're the Imperium
Teen Resistance Force now!
Uh, I missed something here.
A lot has changed since
you Ninja freed the dragons.
Why are you back in Imperium?
To take down Empress Beatrix?
'Cause we can help,
we got our own plans.
We're actually looking for something
called a Dragon Energy Core.
Any idea where
the Empress keeps it?
Actually, I do.
The Advanced Systems Lab.
But you're not getting in there
without an access card.
And we need to get out of sight.
Guards are looking for you.
[tense music]
[LaRow] Empress!
The system is almost
back up and running.
I don't care about your system.
What about my weapon?
As I said, the readings were strange
before we began the test.
And now I know why.
It appears we only had
two of the Dragon Cores.
The Core that Rapton
brought was a counterfeit.
That's why the energy readings
were so off.
And that's why the blast
was so unexpected and damaging.
A fake core?
Where is that lying Rapton?
No one has seen his smug visage
since the blast.
The Ninja
have breached Imperium.
I need that weapon to work. Now!
Without the third Dragon Core,
it will be quite impossible.
Those Energy Cores are created
from Source Dragons!
We have a Source Dragon
imprisoned under my city.
Are you telling me we don't have the power
to finish this weapon?
You know we have not been successful at
draining energy from that Source Dragon.
[electricity crackling]
[lab rumbling]
And even if we could
drain his power,
replacing the third Core
with pure dragon energy
could be even worse
than the explosion we just had.
It could destroy
all of Imperium.
I I won't do it.
You dare defy my order?
It is not safe, Empress!
I can do it.
-[Beatrix] You can?
I've been studying
the Source Dragon
and found flaws
in Dr. LaRow's methods.
I can accomplish what you want.
[dramatic ominous music]
Do it.
[intense suspenseful music]
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