Pact of Silence (2023) s01e18 Episode Script

Yo soy tu madre

[rain pattering]
[Itzel] Breathe, Brenda.
You have to be strong.
[Brenda] It hurts so much, Itzel.
- [moans]
- [tense music playing]
[woman] I'm going to have to cut
the baby out.
[Brenda groans]
[woman] This is gonna hurt a lot, Brenda.
Just breathe.
- [thunder rumbles]
- [blade slices]
[Brenda screams]
[tense music continues]
[Brenda moaning]
[breathing shakily]
What is it? What's wrong?
Why isn't it crying?
[woman] I'm so sorry, Brenda.
Your baby's stillborn.
Oh no, baby.
Please, baby. Please cry.
[woman hushes, echoing] Silence.
[suspenseful music playing]
[car door opens, closes]
Hey. What are you two doing here?
That car belongs to my son.
Where is Adriano?
[music intensifies]
[César and Adriano panting]
[Brenda] No! Adriano, stop! Please stop!
Don't hurt him!
Adriano, don't! No! Please stop!
Adriano, don't kill him.
Leave him alone!
[elevator whirring]
Where's your partner going?
Where are you taking me?
[Brenda] No!
- [men grunting]
- [Brenda] Adriano, please! Hey!
- [César panting]
- [Brenda] Stop it!
- [keys jangle]
- [Brenda panting]
[suspenseful music playing]
[César and Adriano groaning]
[keys jingling]
[César groans]
[César yells]
[chain and keys jingling]
[César and Adriano grunt]
[music fades]
[Adriano] Kill that bastard.
Your mother's here.
She might hear the shot.
- [screams] Irene!
- [Adriano] Shut up.
[Brenda screams, muffled]
You can't report her missing yet?
[officer] There's nothing I can do
until she's been missing for 72 hours.
Hey, no. Look. That's absurd.
A woman's missing. She could be in dang
[officer] I don't make the laws. Sorry.
[Alex] I've got the evidence.
- What more do you need to file the report?
- What evidence? I mean
Pictures of some objects
and some messages?
Certainly doesn't prove
Carvajal's involvement.
It's obvious. She disappeared
before reporting him on public networks.
He kidnapped her.
[door squeaks]
[suspenseful music playing]
I know you're here.
I'm not leaving until we talk.
What are you doing here?
[Irene] No.
You don't get to ask questions.
What are you doing here?
- Your father's still missing, you know.
- Exactly. I came to look for him here.
[Irene] Why do you think he'd be here?
Just please stop lying, Adriano.
You told me
that Brenda had fled the country,
but you're lying about that.
[sighs] It's not a lie.
Brenda left the country.
There's no record of her leaving.
So start telling the truth!
But I drove her to the airport myself.
What more can I say?
Brenda is Lucía.
You understand why it's important we talk.
[cell phone rings]
Commander? What do you know
about my husband?
I'm not gonna wait for you
to tell me in person. Where is he?
- [Adriano] Wait. Let me talk to him.
- But it's the [grunts]
Commander? Yes, it's Adriano.
What happened?
[somber music playing]
Are you sure that it's him?
What's going on?
What's wrong, Adriano?
Dad was in a really serious accident, Mom.
- [Irene whimpers]
- He's dead.
[voice breaking] No.
[crying] No, no, no.
It's not possible.
[suspenseful music playing]
[cell phone chimes]
[suspenseful music continues]
Get on your knees.
No, no, no. Please.
You and me, we can make a deal.
I told you, remember?
I've got plenty of money.
You get paid, and we leave.
Get on your knees, now.
No. Please don't. I'm begging you.
Please. Please just César.
- Don't do this. [panting]
- [César grunts]
- [groans]
- [intense music playing]
- Hey. You okay? You all right?
- [César moans]
- Fucking corrupt bastards.
- Hey. Calm down, man. Take it easy.
I can't.
This is why people don't trust the system.
We won't get anywhere with that attitude.
We'll figure it out.
Alex. Listen to me.
Adriano kidnapped us.
He's got César and me.
[Alex] What? Are you okay? Where are you?
César's really hurt.
He needs to get to the hospital now.
[Alex] No. No, Brenda. You can't do that.
At the hospital,
they're gonna call the police.
They'll report you to Adriano.
I just tried to report him,
and they almost arrested me.
These people have power.
Alex, please just stay with Gustavo.
You can't be alone.
Where will you hide? Let me help you.
[Brenda] It's better if you don't know.
Adriano's men are watching you.
If you look for me, they'll find us.
[elevator bell dings]
- Irene? The commander's this way.
- [Irene sighs]
- [commander] Good afternoon.
- Commander.
- Afternoon.
- What have you found out?
Mr. Ricardo's bodyguard
lost control of his vehicle,
and they went off a cliff.
I wanna see my husband.
Ma'am, you don't have
to put yourself through that.
The car exploded.
The body is unrecognizable.
Then how the fuck
do you know it's Ricardo?
[commander] His remains
have already been examined and identified.
It's him, ma'am.
[crying] Well, I don't care
what you say. Just
- [sobs] Just let me see my husband.
- Ma'am, I have to advise against it.
Please, ma'am.
We can arrange another time.
[tense music playing]
[door closes]
[somber music playing]
[continues crying]
[somber music continues]
[somber music fades]
Thanks, Sofi.
- And how's Manuel?
- [Sofía] He's fine.
The bullet didn't hit them.
But Manuel thinks it's a message designed
to stop them from going to the police.
He wants me to stay away
from Irene and her family.
Hang on a second.
We don't think Irene's in on it.
Well, I spoke to her,
and she can't believe
that Adriano is a criminal.
He's her son.
Of course she's going to defend him.
But now we know that Brenda is Lucía.
We have to find her.
[tense music playing]
Somebody help me. He's been shot.
It just grazed him,
but he's lost a lot of blood.
Please. We have to clean his wound now.
- I need water.
- [man] Water, alcohol!
You're gonna be okay.
Just breathe. Deep breaths.
- [groans]
- [Brenda] Thanks. Thank you.
[gentle music playing]
You should've let me take you
to the hospital.
[weakly] No. No. No.
But it's me they want.
I could've dropped you off there and run.
No. Brenda, I'm not leaving.
- I'm staying with you.
- [Brenda] You're burning up.
- Brenda
- Thanks.
Sip slowly.
- [Brenda breathing shakily]
- [coughs]
I love you.
[gentle music swells]
You changed my life.
And you've changed mine.
I never imagined
I'd feel like this with anyone.
I love you, César.
- You're gonna be fine. It's okay.
- [moaning]
Well, what did Brenda say?
Any idea where she went?
No, she wouldn't say.
- She doesn't know who to trust.
- I just hope she comes around.
I've been texting her nonstop,
explaining that all we want is to help.
Brenda doesn't have her phone.
I'm reaching out on her social networks,
in case she happens to see them somehow.
[Martina] That's a good idea, Fer.
Come here.
It's best if you stay with us, Alex.
You'll be much safer here.
No, I don't think I can do that.
- [Manuel] Hey, Alex.
- No. It's dangerous for you to be alone.
Especially at your place.
Alex, you have every right
to be suspicious of us.
But I swear
we want Brenda to be all right.
Stay until things are safer.
[suspenseful music playing]
Irene, this will help relax you.
- [cell phone rings]
- [Irene] Thank you.
[bodyguard] They escaped, sir.
We've searched the entire area,
but there's no trace of them.
There must be some way
for you to locate them.
They didn't steal our phones.
They didn't take a car we can track.
[Adriano] She's out of options.
She'll go to her place.
- See you there.
- Of course, sir.
[suspenseful music continues]
[snaps fingers]
- Sir?
- See that she gets home.
[Rafaela] All right.
[music intensifies]
[button beeps]
[music fades]
I promise I won't cause problems.
I just need a place to lay low
while I figure something out.
Don't you worry, hon.
You're still a part of our family.
- Isn't she?
- [woman] We're here for you. Always.
[woman 2] Don't you fret. Here.
- Are you sure this cell can't be traced?
- Absolutely, Brenda.
[gentle music playing]
- Are you okay?
- [César] Yeah.
I hope you know that after this
there's no going back.
I know.
I've made my decision.
And I'll stand by you no matter what.
- [suspenseful music playing]
- [lock rattles]
There's no one home, sir.
[suspenseful music continues]
Brenda hasn't been here.
[music fades]
- Okay. It's ready to go.
- [César] All right.
Got it.
[tense music playing]
Hi, everyone.
Tonight, I need you all
to help me spread the word.
This is the most important Live
I've ever done.
If I survive this,
it's thanks to someone very special
and a brave group of people.
I've been to hell and back tonight.
I'm lucky I escaped with my life
after Adriano Carvajal had me kidnapped.
- Adriano Carvajal is a murderer.
- [dramatic music playing]
He murdered Ramona Castro,
the former headmistress of La Victoria.
And he killed my best friend,
Itzel Chaparro.
You may be wondering
why I'm live streaming this
instead of going to the police.
Well, it's
because they won't listen to me.
Today, a friend tried to report Adriano
regarding my disappearance
and the police ignored him
because the new mayor is Adriano's mother.
Irene Bustamante,
you would do anything for your son.
I know you love him, but you need to know
that he's responsible
for your husband's death.
I don't know what he did with the body,
but Adriano pushed him,
and he died from the fall.
Why did Adriano kill these people?
There are many reasons.
But for now,
before they find me, let me say this.
Adriano Carvajal,
I hold you responsible
for any harm that might come to me,
to César Silva or Alex Peralta.
I want you to stay away from us.
Leave us alone.
[music intensifies, fades]
[birds singing]
- Why are you here?
- Hi.
I told you to leave me alone.
I just wanted to pay back
more of what I owe you.
I know it's not about the money.
- Thanks.
- But, still.
Hold on. I've got a question.
Why haven't you turned me in?
[gentle music playing]
Because I can't.
I've tried, and I'm not able to.
And why can't you do it?
Because my life is too chaotic
to deal with anything else.
- I don't have time for this. I have to go.
- Martina wait. What's going on?
How about we go for a coffee,
and I'll tell you?
I mean, you're such a trustworthy guy.
I am asking you to drop it.
Please, just don't contact me again.
- Martina, listen.
- No.
You're not going to believe me
when I say this.
But I can't stop thinking
about what I did.
[gentle music continues]
And about us.
That's enough.
- Martina.
- Please, Omar. I have to go. I have to go.
[birds singing]
[Gustavo exhales]
[sighs deeply]
You all right?
- [Alex] Yeah.
- No one followed you?
No, no. I'm fine, Gustavo.
But I'm not sure why you wanted to meet.
I thought you already made up your mind
about the two of us.
[Gustavo grunts]
I watched Brenda's Live.
And I thought
that if anything happened to you
- [tender music playing]
- Alex, I
- I love you.
- [Alex exhales]
["Seed of Doubt"
by Cavendish Music playing]
The fever burn ♪
Burn, burn ♪
I love you, Gus.
But I won't just abandon Brenda.
If my family were in danger,
I wouldn't abandon them either.
- What are you trying to say?
- [laughs]
If Brenda's like family to you,
it means that she's mine too.
[both chuckle]
And we're going to be there for her, okay?
[tender music playing]
You can meet me after for the notes.
Hey, is that the new student?
Hi. Welcome to your new school.
'Sup? The PE teacher's on his way.
You liking it here so far?
Yeah, I mean, it's fine.
[boy] Cool. What's your name?
[Nicky] Nicky.
[upbeat music playing]
- [teacher] All right. Over here.
- Oh.
- By the way, I have a question.
- Yeah. So, like, how do you identify?
[Sam] Hi.
[car alarm blares in distance]
[César] Did someone text?
Alex, Sam.
And too many messages to count
from my fans.
[César groans]
So many people love you, Brenda.
More than you can imagine.
Those women also messaged.
[César] Oh, yeah?
What did they say?
They want me to trust them.
They apologized. They wanna talk.
Your whole life has been about this.
Looking for your family.
[Brenda] But I'm tired of looking, César.
I don't wanna know
where I come from anymore.
[scoffs] We both know that's not true.
Today, tomorrow, maybe in 25 years,
you will want to know
which one of them is your mother.
And, when you have kids of your own,
and maybe they're my kids too, who knows?
You're going to look at them,
and you're gonna wonder
who they look like.
Their smiles, their eyes
It's natural.
Knowing where we come from
makes us understand who we are.
[gentle music continues]
It's something that no one can take away.
[crying] I just don't know
what I'm supposed to believe anymore.
Brenda said that Ricardo
wanted to kill her.
And Adriano's gone.
I don't know where he is. [sobbing]
Forgive me, Fernanda.
I didn't want to believe.
You tried to warn me.
You told me to be careful with Adriano,
and I wouldn't listen to you,
and now it's all gone so wrong.
- Don't blame yourself.
- We understand.
Forget about it. Please.
The only thing that matters now
is that you're okay.
Just try to breathe.
[somber music continues]
We have
We have to find Brenda.
We have to find her.
How will we do that?
I mean, you're the person
with the contacts
we'll need to move forward.
[cell phone chiming]
[cell phone chimes]
[Irene] Who is it?
Who's sending you texts?
[Martina] Brenda.
[suspenseful music playing]
- [bodyguard] We can drive you.
- No. I don't want any of you driving me.
Don't follow me either.
[Adriano] Follow them.
[engine starts]
[suspenseful music continues]
[guy] Hey. Nice ride.
César, are you all right?
- [César] Yeah.
- Are you sure?
- How are you, Martina?
- [Fer] Hi.
- Is she here?
- Yeah.
Follow me.
[suspenseful music intensifies]
- [woman laughs]
- [indistinct chatter]
[César] This way.
She'll be out soon.
[gentle music playing]
What is she doing here?
The four of us need to be here
if you want to hear the truth.
She's Adriano's mother.
Yes. I see now how much Adriano hurt you,
and I want to help you. That's all.
This is the place where I grew up,
the place where I spent
most of my childhood.
And we're so sorry, Brenda.
There's nothing
to be sorry about Fernanda.
Because although these people
don't have much,
I've always felt
like part of the family here.
I lived here with Itzel.
She was the sister I never had.
She's the woman Adriano murdered.
This is where I had a child
when I was 15 years old.
The baby was stillborn.
But I loved him so much.
And not once did I think
of abandoning him like you did.
That's why I held on to this idea
that maybe my mother had
a good reason for leaving me.
I mean, I was also young.
Not to mention broke.
I had millions of problems.
But all the same, I loved my baby,
and I wanted to protect him.
And I don't care
if you assumed I was dead.
Because when I was born,
you all walked away.
[Irene] Not everyone is the same, Brenda.
When you get pregnant so young,
not everybody has the same courage as you.
Sometimes you're frozen in fear.
Fear of what you don't understand.
Fear of facing a life
that you didn't plan on.
For the first time,
you don't know what to do.
[Irene] So you lean on
the people who love you.
- Breathe. We're all here with you.
- [young Irene moans]
You draw strength and courage
from them when you can't find your own.
And suddenly, everything changes.
- You become a mother.
- [young Irene moans]
[woman] Well done.
[young Irene panting]
[Irene] You look down
at that child in your arms
[gentle music continues]
and it gives you strength
that you didn't know you had.
- [baby Brenda crying]
- [Irene moans]
[baby's cries echoing]
I loved you so much, Brenda.
Is it you?
I'm your mother. I gave birth to you.
I have no excuse.
Not a single one.
I got pregnant
by my boyfriend who loved me.
He loved me so much.
And this guy even wanted to marry me,
but no.
I didn't want that. It wasn't enough.
I wanted to find good work.
I wanted to give you
everything you deserved.
And yet, you gave me nothing.
Even when I told you who I was,
you involved Sofía.
You made her lie to me.
Forgive me, Brenda.
It was my idea
to pretend to be your mother.
We needed to buy a little time.
We had to find out for sure that
That I was Lucía?
But you saw the grave.
- Brenda.
- [Brenda] I begged you.
What more did you need?
Brenda, I
- Brenda.
- [Martina] Irene, let her go.
- Give her some space.
- No. No, I need to talk to her.
- Brenda, wait.
- [César] Brenda.
[Brenda] I need a minute, please.
Let me talk to her.
- [gentle music continues]
- [Brenda sighs]
I am so, so sorry, sweetheart.
I'm not expecting you to hug me
or start thinking of me
as your mother all of a sudden. I
I know there were far too many years
where I wasn't there.
Too many years of you believing
I didn't love you.
But I swear to you.
I swear it wasn't like that.
When Carmen told us you had died
[voice breaking]everything changed
in an instant. And I wished I'd die too.
[crying] And I've lived
with guilt all of these years.
This shame that never leaves.
My whole life, I've tried to fill a void
that you left.
You filled it with Adriano.
[softly] Yes. Yes, that's true.
But from the moment I saw that boy,
I loved him, as if he were you.
[suspenseful music playing]
- Is that all I was? A replacement?
- [Brenda] César.
Adriano, you and I need to talk.
We're going to work everything out,
but no one else needs to get hurt.
Please. Turn yourself in.
- Everything we did was to protect you.
- I know.
- My father and I took care of you.
- You did.
- He's dead because of what I did.
- But we're going to get you a good lawyer.
- There's no other way.
- It'll be okay.
- [Brenda screams]
- [Irene] No! Don't!
- Let her go, asshole.
- Adriano, please don't. Just wait. Please.
Make your choice. Me or her.
[César grunts]
[Brenda panting]
- Don't move.
- [gun cocks]
[Irene panting]
[gun cocks]
Don't do it.
Adriano, you are both my children.
[suspenseful music intensifies]
[gun fires]
- [gun fires]
- [Irene moans]
[Adriano coughs]
- [sobs]
- [somber music playing]
[crying] Adriano!
What have I done?
No! Adriano!
[Irene sobs] Adriano!
[somber music intensifies]
[echoing] What have I done?
[speaking inaudibly]
That's the question most people ask.
How do I identify?
I like to check in with myself every day
'cause what I like today,
I may not like tomorrow.
Hope you don't wake up not liking Sam,
or that could get awkward.
- Tomás, your manners.
- [Sam laughs] Look, Tomás.
When you're dating a girl,
don't you change your mind
about things with her?
With us, it's basically like that too.
It sounds weird, I know.
But if you think about it,
we're really not hurting anyone.
We're just trying to be happy, that's it.
- [Fer] Mm.
- Probably time to take a photo. C'mon.
- No, Mom. What?
- Absolutely.
The first thing you do
in this house is take a photo.
- Wait for me.
- [Fer] Right.
Ugh. This thing's so slow.
- Here it is.
- Yup.
["Dancing in the Clouds" playing]
- What are you doing?
- Ah, no.
- That was bad. Let's do another.
- Let me.
- Okay.
- Hold it up.
This time, we're all gonna say,
"Nicky and Sam," okay?
Tomás, I think you're gonna want to shave
for this one.
- [group laughs]
- Come on.
- Let's do this.
- Tomás.
[all] Nicky and Sam.
[gate opens]
- [suspenseful music playing]
- [Enrique] Hey.
Long time no see.
Sofía. Sofía. Please.
- We have to talk.
- What do you want?
[Enrique] To help.
I just wanna help somehow.
Maybe the biography of Brenda Rey.
You're still working on it, aren't you?
[Sofía] That was canceled.
[Enrique] Let me help you with something.
Sofía, you know that you
What? That I still need you?
That's what you said, right?
That my life would go to shit without you.
But it hasn't.
It looks like maybe your life did instead.
[suspenseful music fades]
[Camila] Mommy!
Baby. Hi.
Okay, I'm done.
You can have her
for two whole weeks, okay?
- I can't stand her.
- [Camila and Sofía laugh]
How are you, sweetie?
So are you happy that you get to spend
half the month living with Dad
and the other half at my house?
Yeah, 'cause now I've two houses.
[Sofía and Manuel laugh]
I heard that things were going
really well with your paintings.
Well, you know. As soon as Brenda
got me set up on social networks,
my work really started to sell.
We should celebrate your success.
I'm taking Cami for dinner.
Do you wanna join us?
Thank you, but no. I really can't.
[tender music playing]
Daddy's here with his new girlfriend.
[Manuel] Hey.
Oh. I'm sorry.
- [Manuel] No, no. No. It's okay.
- I shouldn't have
It was really nice to see you, Sofi.
It really was.
You have to be good to your mom, okay?
Come on. Hug time.
[Manuel] Mm. [chuckles]
[kisses] I'll miss you.
Oh right. Yeah.
I guess you need this. Here.
- Love you.
- [Sofía] Bye.
[Manuel chuckles]
[Camila laughs]
- [indistinct chatter]
- [jazz music playing]
Hi, how are you?
I'm here for a reservation
with Miss Martina Robles.
- [receptionist] Just a moment, sir.
- Thanks.
[Omar] Hi.
- Rodrigo.
- How are you?
- Good, and you?
- I'm doing well.
- Good.
- Uh, what are you doing here?
I've got a date, I guess. You?
- So do I.
- Ah.
[receptionist] Miss Robles
is already here.
Would you both follow me, please?
[tense music playing]
- Thank you.
- Thanks.
Martina, what exactly is going on?
I'm sorry I brought you two together.
But I thought maybe this way
I could explain to you both how I feel
and why I can't be in a relationship
with either of you.
You were my first true love.
We were just kids back then,
but that love's transformed
in so many different ways.
You're a good friend, Rodrigo.
And my friends mean the world to me.
I fell madly in love with you.
No other guy
has made me wanna get married.
But you broke my heart
into a million tiny little pieces too.
One day I'll forgive you for that.
But I doubt I'll ever forget it.
See you at the gym.
["Nonstop Lovers" by Nineoneone playing]
I know that you want me ♪
Be well.
I know I want you ♪
I know that you want me ♪
You know I want you ♪
I've got all of the time ♪
In the world, you're still here ♪
I want you ♪
- [song ends]
- [alarm blares]
[man on PA] Cell blocks A through C.
- [knocking on door]
- [door opens]
[guard] Go ahead.
[warden] Here he is, ma'am.
I'll leave you.
- Thank you.
- [warden] Excuse me.
[door closes]
[Irene] How are you?
Well, aside from the fact
that I'm sleeping next to criminals
and I have to piss in front of them, fine.
Adriano, they're meant to keep you safe.
Are they looking out for you?
- Yes.
- Yes?
As long you keep paying them to.
Although I could've sworn
you were anti-corruption.
I'll always be your mother first,
politician second.
No, don't give me that.
I'm not your first choice.
Remember, you chose Brenda over me.
Because she's your blood relative.
That has nothing to do with this.
You were going to kill her, Adriano.
You don't know how much I wish
I could turn back the clock.
Because I could've stopped this.
He might never have broken you.
I wish I had known all the damage
your father was doing to you.
Because it didn't happen overnight.
It must've taken years.
[voice breaking] And I couldn't see it.
And I am sorry.
I hope you can forgive me.
[sniffles] I don't wanna talk about Dad.
[Adriano sighs]
I wanna know about Brenda.
- Oh, sweetheart.
- How is she?
Is she happy with him?
Are they in love?
- [Irene inhales sharply]
- [gentle music playing]
And I'm not angry anymore.
[laughs] And now life seems
normal? [chuckles]
It is normal, I suppose.
I'm like any other woman my age.
I enjoy the present
and look forward to the future.
And I've found a way to accept the past.
I miss you, and I wish you were here.
But, hey.
At least I got you some justice. Huh?
Adriano's in jail now,
and he can't hurt anybody anymore.
- And
- [César] Tell her.
- Come on.
- [Brenda laughs]
And I want you
to be the first to know. [chuckles]
[Alex] To know what?
Oh no. Don't tell me you're pregnant.
[Gustavo laughs]
- Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?
- [César] Wait, wait. Hold up.
No, hon. I'm not pregnant. We're engaged.
- Wow. Congratulations, Brenda.
- [César] Pretty good news, right?
- Congratulations.
- Thanks.
- We're planning already.
- I better to get to ride in on a horse.
- [César] Obviously.
- Congratulations.
- Thanks.
- You got a good one.
I'm aware of that.
["Leave Me in Your Dust"
by Julia Church playing]
I solemnly swear and promise to uphold
the political constitution
of the City of Mexico.
Wow. Look how serious you are.
[Sofía] Who would've thought?
All right. Enough. Turn that thing off.
- No one's allowed to talk politics.
- You looked beautiful.
Oh my God. Oh, here's the wine.
- Thanks, Lupita.
- Thanks.
I'll just stick with my juice, thanks.
- Thank you.
- [Martina] Brenda.
- In time for the toast.
- [Irene] There you are.
- Just in time.
- Hi. Thank you.
Well, let's drink
to the health of the mayor.
- [group] To the mayor.
- No.
We have something more important
to toast today.
Tell them what you told me
on the phone. Please.
- César and I are engaged.
- [all giggle]
- That's wonderful.
- Congratulations.
It's going to be the wedding of the year.
Actually, we want something intimate.
Aw. Your followers will be devastated.
Of course we'll do a Live,
but for the ceremony,
I just want my family.
- [Irene exhales]
- [gentle music playing]
I don't think I can thank you enough
for accepting me as your family.
I wanna give you everything.
Everything I've wanted to give you
as my daughter.
Would you, for me?
I don't need anything.
I don't need any recognition
or your money.
I have everything I want.
Cheers to that.
- Cheers, ladies.
- [Irene] To all of you.
- Cheers, whoo.
- We're gonna have a wedding.
[Martina] Did you invite anyone else?
- [door closes]
- Oh. I have one surprise.
If you promise to accept it.
[Brenda exhales]
[Irene gasps, chuckles]
[gentle music continues]
- Oh. Hi there, cuties.
- [man] Go on. Say hi.
[Brenda chuckles softly]
And who are all of you?
My dad told us that you're
What is it?
Their sister.
I'm sorry I never knew about you.
I left Mexico 20 years ago.
Brenda, I'd like you to meet Rubén.
Your father.
[music intensifies]
[Brenda chuckles]
Dad, wow. [laughs]
You're all grown up.
- How do you feel?
- I can't say.
And you said
that you're my sister, right? Okay.
I'm so happy to meet you.
- What's your name?
- Irene.
[indistinct chatter]
Thank you.
[Irene sighs]
[both laugh]
You just got four siblings.
I know. [laughs]
[tender music continues]
[gentle music playing]
[wind blowing softly]
[closing theme music playing]
Subtitle translation by: Mariela Rascioni
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