Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e18 Episode Script

Episode 18

Ruby's Ring Mr.
Why's there nothing on him? What are you up to? You didn't come out to greet me.
I'm sorry.
I have a headache.
A headache? You don't have a fever.
Gyeongmin, what am I going to do? Jinhui called.
She wants me to start work tomorrow.
I don't know if I can do it.
She wants me to meet with Mr.
O'Neill, but I think the accident did something to my head.
I could barely remember his name.
How can I meet with him? So that's what gave you a headache.
Don't worry.
You don't have to work.
We dealt with the problem.
How? Mr.
O'Neill was put in charge of Africa.
They got a new agent.
What a relief.
So you just do a lot of volunteer work with mom and grandma.
What can be better than that? Noblesse oblige.
I know, but actually I do want to work.
It's a shame to let my talent go to waste, don't you think? Just make sure that I don't have to do anything too difficult.
Since the accident, my memory seems bad.
You're really going to work? But isn't it too early to But I want to work.
How about concentrating on having a baby? Gyeongmin.
What are you doing in there? My goodness.
Why didn't you lock the door? You live with your elders.
I don't know what you were up to, but stop right now and come on down.
It's time for dinner, okay? She's really weird.
Who is it? Never mind.
You go ahead.
I have to use the bathroom.
It's our baby.
Lovable, right? Delete It's me.
Meet me right now.
We need to talk.
I don't feel like it, Ruby, unless Gyeongmin joins us.
Goodbye, Ruby.
If there's anything I can do for you, please do not hesitate to ask.
I mean anything.
Na Insu? Hold him up.
Hey, you're not dead, right? Don't make us come back, okay? This is why they say a guy has to meet the right girl.
Let's go.
My face looks bad, right? What happened? How did Let's go to the hospital.
It's not that bad.
It is.
You're badly hurt.
Come on.
I'm sorry.
I don't know what I should do, either.
I I don't know what I want.
Don't cry.
Look at me.
I'm still alive.
I lead a sorry existence.
I don't even know who I am, and yet I keep on living, like a fool.
If I'm the cause of your pain, you can leave me if you want.
I don't want you hurting because of me.
That's not it, you dummy.
You You You are Ruby.
You're Jeong Ruby, not Jeong Runa.
What's going on? Why are you two here? You must not have heard.
Runa and I will be working here at JM Homeshopping.
What? The vice president kindly gave us his enthusiastic recommendation.
I guess we'll see a lot of each other, Ruby.
You quit this instant.
What's the matter? How can you come without consulting me? She needs your permission to work? Mr.
Na, this is very awkward.
For who? Awkward for who? Me or you? You should go.
We're running a bit late.
Let's go.
Why were you so brusque with Ruby? She was trying to keep you from working.
Im, what's next on our agenda? Yes? Director Bae, here are the new staff recommended by the vice president.
Oh, okay.
You can go You.
You're the How can you give Runa a job here without consulting me first? She won't be working here.
She'll be at JM Homeshopping.
I don't want Runa causing problems here.
And I don't want to burden your sister.
Why would Runa cause problems? You know very well she's not all there yet.
She still has amnesia.
That may be, but she can learn fresh.
I thought you'd be happy that I gave your sister a job.
Maybe I was wrong.
You should've talked to me first.
Plus, I don't want rumors that she and Mr.
Na got hired through connections.
Cancel their appointments.
I recruited them.
Na's a talented producer.
Runa's here as his floor director, so it's not a problem.
I'm a businessman.
My decision wasn't solely based on the fact that she's my sister-in-law and Mr.
Na, her fiance.
Don't you trust me? Yes? Vice President Bae, are you nuts? Have you gone bonkers? Why can't you make rational decisions? Why? Why that nutjob, of all people? Na Insu is the jerk who hit my car.
He's a real piece of trash.
I can't work with someone who lacks basic manners.
Now you, too? I checked his credentials and asked around before recommending him to you.
You reviewed his resume and gave him the green light.
I wouldn't have said okay had I known it was this psycho.
I can't work with him.
This is a company.
What's wrong with you two? Don't you know you shouldn't let personal feelings cloud your judgment? Don't tell me what to do at work.
I make the decisions.
And Director Bae, shouldn't you judge someone based on his talent and merits? Please be level-headed.
If you can't deal with him, fire him.
Our company could use a talented person like him.
Don't tell me what to do at work.
I make the decisions.
Hyeryeon, what's up with her? Did something happen while I was out? No.
I don't know.
I thought she'd like being back at work, but she must not like working with us.
She's probably still getting her bearings.
This is Marketing Division 1 of JM Group.
Call Ms.
They never got the contract in the U.
What? Hey, why are you so late? I'm sorry.
There was such bad traffic.
Jeong Runa.
What's going on? Did you get a job here, too? Ruby must have a lot of influence.
Shouldn't you answer that? It's been ringing for a while.
It's okay.
So what is it you wanted to say? It's about my sister.
Please get my sister to quit.
What are you talking about? Get your sister to quit her job? She's not fully recovered from the accident.
I don't want to burden you, either.
I think It's okay.
In fact, I asked around already, and the display team staffers like her.
They say she's clever and a quick learner.
I agree with them.
Don't worry, Ms.
That was weird.
How about I just call you Ruby? Sure.
Whatever's comfortable for you.
Oh, look.
It's your sister.
I'm pleasantly surprised.
She looks quite good on screen.
The camera loves her.
She has that special something that draws people in.
I don't know why she never made it big as a TV reporter.
I like what I see.
Later on, should we have her host some shows? No.
She shouldn't overexert herself just yet.
She may look fine on the outside, but she's still recovering.
Answer your phone.
Hello? It's me.
Didn't you send the contract to the States? You have other staffers.
Why do I have to do it? Hey, Jeong Ruby Oh, my.
Oh my goodness.
Can't you eat slowly and quietly? Ma'am, food is meant to be enjoyed.
People don't have to eat slowly or quietly.
She's right.
Enjoying the food is what matters.
Look here.
That's not true.
You have to mind your table manners.
There are other people at the table.
It's disgusting.
My goodness.
Looks are certainly deceiving.
You're so dainty.
You're disgusted over something like this? What? Looks are deceiving? Oh, I was just kidding.
Geumhui, stop it.
I'm sorry, mother.
Don't be.
You didn't do anything wrong.
Mom, try this fish.
It's very good.
Let's see.
- It's good? / - Yes.
- Watch it.
/ - Ow.
Just look at this.
That hand of yours.
What are chopsticks for? Why do you keep using your hand? You should be using your hand instead of the chopsticks you've stuck here and there.
Don't you think that's disgusting? If you think about it, it's more disgusting to stick chopsticks and spoons everywhere.
These fingers only go into my mouth, but the chopsticks and spoon go all over.
How dare you? How dare you talk back at me so rudely? Gyeongsuk, I can't live under the same roof as her.
Send her away this instant.
Oh, no.
Oh, no.
I knew something like this would happen.
What is the matter with you? Gyeongsuk, I was just I'm really trying.
I was just This is so upsetting.
Oh, no.
What am I going to do, Changgeun? Changgeun.
They seem really angry with me.
It's okay.
I'll put in a good word for you.
I beg you, Changgeun.
I'm such a ditz.
Thank you, Changgeun.
You're the only one in this house who's on my side.
I love you, Changgeun.
I'm sorry, mother.
Why should you be sorry? It's just the way she is.
She's a good person.
If you really don't want her here, I'll look for a new housekeeper.
I'm sure I can find someone.
Ma'am, I'm sorry.
Please forgive me, ma'am.
I did wrong by you.
I admit that I'm a ditz and talk too much.
But I don't know why.
I try not to be like that.
Everyone tells me I'm a ditz, but I don't know why.
So imagine how hard it must be for me.
I try so hard to be better, but I can't help it, so My ex-husband said I drove him mad when he asked for a divorce.
Ma'am, I'll do better, okay? If you kick me out, I have nowhere to go.
I love you, ma'am.
I love you, Gyeongsuk.
I love every member of this family.
So don't kick me out, ma'am.
Who said I was kicking you out? No, right? Of course not.
I knew you wouldn't.
Not someone as kind and gracious as you.
Ma'am I beg you, please shut up.
You're so loud.
Pardon? I will.
But the thing is, I used to be called Auto Trap.
What? Auto Trap.
I try so hard to keep this trap shut, but it opens automatically.
Thus, Auto Trap.
Isn't it funny, ma'am? Oh, Ruby.
Hop in.
Where are you taking her? Why? You want to follow us? Get in.
Why don't I come along? It'll be nice to have sister time.
You should go.
Go abroad and study.
I'll pay for it.
Stay a few years.
You can settle down there if you want.
Study abroad? You said I was an awful student.
What would be the point? You don't want to go? Because of Mr.
Na? Do you love him? Staying with him because you're thankful or sorry is not love.
If you're not sure you love him, break up.
He's stuck by me all this time.
I can't leave him.
Give me a break.
Don't flatter yourself.
Life isn't a romance novel.
Do you think Mr.
Na stayed with you because he really loves you? It's because of me.
Because of my connections.
He wants to get something from me now that I have a rich husband.
He follows you around like a dog, like a mutt that digs through trash.
Just do as I tell you.
It's for your own good.
I never asked for your help.
You have a duty to do as I say.
Do you know what a burden you've been? When you were hospitalized, who paid all your medical bills? My husband.
Who gave someone like you a job? My husband's family's company.
If not for me, you wouldn't even be here.
Why are you trying to chase me out of the country? Why are you trying to tear me and Insu apart? Tell me.
Insu is a good person.
He's not after your money or your connections.
I'll just pretend I didn't hear what you said today.
Do as I tell you.
Otherwise I'll get both of you fired.
Who do you think you are? Do as I say, you brat.
Ruby, are you hurt? What is the meaning of this? Do you want to die? I figured you'd have something to tell me.
I'm sorry.
Who was that? Your brother? He's cute.
Let's go.
Gyeongmin, is Ruby going to be late today? She's having dinner with her sister.
It was Runa and her fiance's first day at JM Homeshopping.
I see.
I heard that producer is very talented.
That's why I recommended him to Sera.
You did well.
It's good to help people, especially if they're talented.
I'm home.
- Hi.
/ - Come on in.
I heard you had dinner with your sister.
Yes, father.
Is she doing better now? Yes, mother.
She's much better.
And that guy earlier, was he your brother? A guy? No, I don't have a brother.
So who was he? Oh, Ms.
Jang I mean, Auntie Geumhui.
I was parking my car, and he suddenly popped up and got hit.
He got hit? Was he hurt? No.
It was his fault, so he apologized and left.
Oh, my.
You have to be careful.
I break out in a sweat when I hear about car accidents.
You should be careful.
What could be the reason? Why? Why does she hate me? Everyone says Ruby's a sweetheart Runa, come out here for a second.
Runa, have some rice cakes.
The store next door gave it to us.
I had dinner, Aunt Chorim.
We've all had dinner.
Eat anyway.
I brought this home especially for you.
Good girl.
So you had dinner with Ruby? Yes, mom.
How was work? Was it fun? I like it.
That's great.
It's so nice of Gyeongmin.
Thanks to him, you and Insu can work at the same office.
Well, Ruby's always taken good care of her twin sister, and she still does.
Don't take it the wrong way, but you should be thankful to Ruby.
Mom, should I go abroad to study? Study abroad? Where did that come from? You don't have any money.
Money is one thing, but given how your brain I mean No, no.
I mean your mental state What I mean is that I know, Aunt Chorim.
I have amnesia.
That's what I meant.
In any case, how can you study abroad? Ruby told me to go.
She said she'd pay.
Ruby? Why would Ruby tell you to study abroad? Ruby probably just meant she should get treated at a top-notch hospital abroad.
Could that be it? It's lunchtime.
Why's no one getting up? Are you all on diets? No.
I'm starving.
Why don't we head out? I'm really hungry.
What are we having today? I have an engagement.
You all go ahead.
Jeong, could I have a word with you? We're walking on eggshells.
Please, please do something.
What can I do? They'll figure it out.
Let's go eat.
Something happened between them, right? I think so.
I'll ask you as a senior colleague.
Jeong Ruby, what's going on with you? What did I do? You're in charge of the U.
You have to be more responsible so that Jinhui, don't you get it? I haven't fully recovered yet.
I was in a major accident.
How can you give me such an important account? What? So why come to work? Stay home to recuperate.
It was you who said you needed me to smooth things over with Mr.
But that Ms.
Seo, I already informed Vice President Bae that I wouldn't be working until I get my bearings.
And you keep talking about responsibility If I'm irresponsible, just have someone else do my work.
I'm busy.
I have to run.
Jeong, are you busy? Yes? Did you want to see me? Yes.
I have a present for you.
A present? What's this? Go ahead and look.
Try it.
It's cold brew coffee.
I've been steeping it since last night, one drop at a time, just for you.
Does it taste bad? Did I mess up on the temperature? It tastes fine.
This is the surprise present? You're not impressed? I thought you'd really like it.
Yes? Director Bae wanted me to get this sample to you.
I see.
Would you like some coffee? Coffee.
I did notice the lovely aroma.
Is this cold brew coffee? You know what this is? It's from the Netherlands.
Want to try it? May I? The aroma is so unique.
The taste is distinctive, too.
It's steeped in cold water and extracted one drop at a time, so it's low in caffeine and rich in taste.
This took me over 12 hours to make.
That's amazing.
If you ever feel like having coffee, drop by.
I'll serve as your personal barista.
Really? Of course.
Oh, and we should have dinner with you and Mr.
We'll all be family soon.
You can pick out something, too.
Really? You're buying me one? Wow.
Not only are you wealthy, but you're generous, too.
I knew you'd make it big.
Thank you, Ruby.
Oh, my.
At this time of day, why are you here instead of at work? I invited them to celebrate Runa and Mr.
Na joining JM Homeshopping.
Next time, kill me, Jeong Ruby.
Only then will your life be smooth sailing.
But before you do, I'll show the world the horrible truth behind your mask.
This is strictly confidential, okay? If you don't want me working here, I can look for another job.
Listen to me, or you'll regret it.
What's going on with you and Ruby? If you don't want to die, be quiet.
If you don't want to die, be quiet.
See you next time
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