Rurouni Kenshin (1996) s01e18 Episode Script

Get Back the Reverse-Blade Sword Run! Yahiko, Bring the Sakabatou Back!

A brush against the freckles
that I hated oh so much
A small flicker, that's all,
and then I heave a little sigh.
The heavyweight love
that I once shared with you
Miraculously dissolved
with the sugar cube.
The little prick that I feel
on my bosom that has shrunken
from the little thorn
really hurts me now.
I guess I cannot trust those
silly horoscopes after all
I wonder what it would be like
if we could go further away right?
I'd be so happy
just because of that!
Memories I have are
always beautiful in my mind.
But they can't feed me:
they can't fill up my stomach.
In reality tonight was
supposed to be somber.
I really do wonder why
I just can't see how all of the tears were
streaming down his face that night.
I just can't see it anymore
Wandering Samurai
Rurouni Kenshin
A robber!
Hey, Missie!
I'm tellin' ya to just
give us all yer money!
It means nothing for me to
kill 2 or 3 guys just for kicks!
Can't you see this carving knife?
L-I'm not afraid of that thing!
Why don't you put that carving knife
away, and get the hell outta here?
Don't worry, Miss Tae.
This guy is nothing!
I, Yahiko Myojin, first apprentice
of the Kamiya Kasshin Style
will beat the crap outta him!
L-Little Yahiko
Stop calling me that!
Hey, kid!
You'll get hurt if you
don't know when to back off!
Thank you, Yahiko.
That was a piece of cake!
That kid, I'm sure he
was with the Battousai
Yahiko, you've become
one fine young swashbuckler.
Don't say that
call me a swordsman.
A swordsman!
Get back the Reverse-Blade Sword
Run! Yahiko
You forgot to put
away your wooden sword!
That's no good!
If you don't take good care of it,
the wooden sword will cry out for you!
What is with your attitude?
It really isn't cute at all!
I've already graduated
from using wooden swords!
By the way, did you hear
what happened at the Akabeko?
I heard the story.
You pummeled a robber who
was in the Akabeko, is that right?
The guy must have
been almost 6 feet tall.
He was flinging around a
dagger like this, and I nabbed him
Like that.
A dagger?
I heard that it was a carving knife.
And that the robber was
slightly shorter than Miss Kaoru
Well, in any case, I nabbed the guy.
I'll protect the honor of the
Kamiya Kasshin Style from now on.
I'm ready to take on
anything, even dojo challengers!
That sounds reassuring, that it does.
And so, I'm beyond the usual
Kamiya Kasshin Style lessons!
Hey you, you put away
that wooden sword for me.
Don't fool yourself!
You're still a beginner!
A beginner!
What was that, you ugly hag?
Call me Assistant Master!
Now, now
Anyway, I've had
enough of wooden swords.
I was thinking about training with
real swords, like a real swordsman.
There's no way you could handle that!
I'm sure that you would
tremble just holding a real sword!
I don't think that's true!
Now, now
Yahiko, I admit that you
have grown stronger, that I do.
But, you should not allow your ego
to interfere with your swordsmanship.
I don't have an ego!
Wooden swords
just aren't good enough!
That's what we mean by an ego!
Shut up!
Keep your mouth outta this one!
We have a problem, that we do
So I take it that those brothers
are as good as the rumors say?
The Onizaki brothers
of the Tsuchigumo Style
are said to be top-ranking
killers, even in the underworld.
It's said that they'll take on anyone
if you give them enough money
What's wrong?
Rin pyou tou sha kai jin retsu zai zen!
Rin pyou tou sha kai jin retsu zai zen!
M-My name is Gohei Hiruma!
I'm your client!
I'll pay as much as you request.
There is someone who must be
killed before I am again able to rest.
That's for starters.
Tell me how much more you want.
So, who is this man you want dead?
Kenshin Himura
Also known as Battousai the Manslayer.
Battousai the Manslayer
I used to be a fair
swordsman, but he crushed my fingers.
Now, my path as a
swordsman has been lost.
I took that opportunity
to start again as a merchant.
I was able to speculate on
property, and made loads of money.
Therefore, I wonder if I
should have always been doing this
In any case, I'm sure that you
two understand how frustrated I feel.
It doesn't matter to us what
grudge you hold against the target.
All we need is to be paid
Purging our prey from the shadows,
and sending them into the darkness
That is how we of the Tsuchigumo
Style have lived for generations.
I understand.
I have a plan.
A plan that will
definitely take Kenshin's head
Do as you like.
To contact us, leave an ema
board with "Demon" written on it
at the deserted
shrine outside of town.
That damn Battousai
This time, I'll be sure to
send him to the afterlife
Myojin Kasshin Style
Shippuu Jinrai Dotou Sword!
Don't worry, I struck
with the flat of the blade.
You know
The flat of the blade is all good
but you still have to clean the floor.
You also have to get the bath
ready before I finish giving lessons!
Why do I have to do such a thing?
You're still a freeloader!
Even this is part of your duty!
No way am I doing that!
I'm a swordsman!
I'll prepare the bath when I come
back from grocery shopping, that I will.
So, cheer up and clean
the floor, that you should.
In the first place, she
abuses people too much!
Mistreating someone who's the
heir to the Kamiya Kasshin Style
She just doesn't get it.
Of all people, why
should I have to wipe the floor?
If she thinks too lightly of my
swordsmanship, she'll be sorry!
Who is it?
Show yourself!
The heir to the Kamiya
Kasshin Style, doing chores?
How pitiful
Gohei Hiruma!
So you remembered!
Of course!
How can I forget such
an ugly villain's face?
So you claim, brat.
Although my fingers were crushed,
I still won't lose to likes of you.
Do you want to try?
You bet I do!
Don't oppose strength with strength.
To turn your opponent's
strength to your advantage
is another secret of
the Kamiya Kasshin Style.
What Kaoru was saying
A draw
You handle yourself well
Your swordsmanship
is only fit for a dojo!
What do you mean?
If this was a real sword,
your life would have been over!
A sword to protect others?
Don't make me laugh!
That's just child's play,
swordsmanship only in name!
Don't make fun of it!
Are you going to face
someone with a real sword
using that cheap wooden one?
Such a thing would split
in two against a real sword!
Well, I'm sure it would be different if
you were to fighting with a real sword.
But since the Kasshin Style prohibits
swords that can kill, it's impossible.
Therefore, you lose!
Farewell, boy swordsman.
It's not impossible!
There's Kenshin's reverse-blade sword!
I'll take you on with
the reverse-blade sword!
Oh, what are you
going to fight with again?
I said, the reverse-blade sword!
All right!
Bring the reverse-blade sword and
come to the shrine just outside of town!
I'll be waiting for you, boy!
I didn't think it would go this well!
That brat!
It was too simple!
It sure is busy around here, that it is.
I must wash the rice
and prepare the bath before Miss
Kaoru gets back from giving lessons
What is it?
Um well
You can tell me anything, that you can.
This is heavy
So this is the weight of a real sword
Well, it should be all right
Where are you, Gohei?
I'll take you on!
W-Who are you?
A-Are you ready?
Everything has gone well.
Now, Kenshin's head is mine.
Boy, I'm tired.
First, I'll take a bath.
Then, dinner
W-What's this?
If you want Yahiko back, come
to Kikyougawara before sundown.
Oh no!
It's Gohei Hiruma!
It was a mistake on my part, that it was.
I knew that Yahiko had taken
the reverse-blade sword with him
Then, the reverse
blade sword is with Yahiko?
I let him go, thinking
that it might shrink his ego
when he found out how
scary a real sword can be, that I did.
But I didn't think there
would be a trap behind it
That idiot was led on by
Hiruma without a second thought
What are you going to do
without your reverse-blade sword?
Don't forget, you're facing Gohei!
You never know what dirty
trick he has up his sleeve!
I don't know if I can win.
I can't abandon him, that I can not.
Kenshin is no match
against the two Onizaki brothers
without this reverse-blade sword.
Are you frustrated, kid?
The sun will set soon.
Kikyougawara will be Kenshin's grave.
I'll take care of you after that.
Even Kenshin could be killed by
them without his reverse-blade sword!
The reverse-blade sword
If only I didn't take
the reverse-blade sword
If only I didn't let my ego get to me
And you patted me on the head!
I was just teasing you because
you had that sword on your belt!
You are still a child physically, but
your heart is fully matured, that it has.
You should cherish
that pride that you have.
Dammit, I want to be strong
So that I don't need your help again
You can learn swordsmanship
here starting tomorrow, that you can.
Become stronger, Yahiko.
Oh no, the sun is gonna set!
So, he really came
here without a weapon!
Where is Yahiko?
If you would like to know
that, you must first defeat us.
There is no other way.
Who are you guys?
Were you hired by Gohei?
Tekkan Onizaki of
the Tsuchigumo Style.
Gengo Onizaki from the same.
They aren't normal thugs
Miss Kaoru, you stay here
and watch, that you should.
From the beginning, the only
thing they were after was my life
Then, that's why they used
Yahiko to get the reverse-blade sword?
That is so.
Since you understand your
situation, you can die without regret.
I'm asking you, why
do you have that sword?
T-This is
Don't you know that
carrying a sword is now illegal?
G-Get out of my way
If I don't hurry
We won't let you go
just because you're a kid!
Hand over that sword!
Give it here!
Wait, dammit!
Kenshin, don't die!
They are missing on purpose
Are they trying to lure me somewhere?
Rin pyou tou sha kai jin retsu zai zen!
This is
Miss Kaoru, stay back, that you should!
We don't need our spells against
someone with no weapons, but
How are you going to
fight with just your left arm?
All right, just a little bit more
Shit, that kid was able to escape?
I've come this far, I
won't let you get in the way!
Earlier, I allowed a draw
on purpose to boost your ego.
This time, it won't be as easy!
C-Come on
Your stance is weak!
Whenever someone holds a
real sword for the first time
they can't handle it
like a wooden sword!
To turn your opponent's
strength to your advantage
Don't oppose strength with strength.
Was that it?
Your trick was to hold your
opponent with invisible wires
But once the trick is
revealed, it's simple to evade
Hiten Mitsurugi Style
Do ryu sen!
I'm sorry I took the
reverse-blade sword
I'm sorry I put you in danger, Kenshin.
I don't know what to say
It was just like you said, Kenshin.
I had a big ego, and
thought I could do so much
I was an idiot.
It takes a full-grown man to
admit such things, that it does.
You really had us worried!
Hopefully this taught you a little lesson!
But I created a new move
for the Kamiya Kasshin Style!
Invented by Instructor Yahiko Myojin
a shoulder dodge into a groin kick!
There you go again!
When your heart is
shaken about with tears
What should i be doing to help you out?
Even looking up at the sky
My heart hurts as much as yours.
Something that you don't
have to get hurt over
Everyone accidentally feels
Just like the times
when you're surprised
by how cold the water really is.
Now, just being here right next to you
It's all that i can do, and nothing else
All the smiles that i can
make just for you, anytime
I'll embrace and send to
you, whenever you need it.
You can believe it,
dreams will someday be reality
Just for you and only for you
It's okay to cry, because
deep inside that heart of yours
every piece of
sadness turns to wings
for you to fly.
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