Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures (2023) s01e18 Episode Script

The Great Leaf Glide/The Harvest Feast

-[ship whirring]
-[lightsaber ignites, humming]
[tooka yelps]
[sniffs, grunts]
-[lightsabers hum]
-[blaster fire]
[Force rumbling]
[all cheering]
[Kai] Yeah!
[no audible dialogue]
[Nubs grunts]
-Yeah! All right!
-[Jedi younglings laugh, gasp]
-[Lys chuckles]
-[Kai] Look. The trees on this planet
are even bigger than on Tenoo.
[speaking Poobian]
Oh, they're called Broadleaf trees,
huh, Nubs?
-They're so huge!
Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Hey, y'all!
-Whoa! What's he doing?
-[gasps] Ooh!
It's called sky skimming.
It's a tradition on Kondoraan.
The people here
use giant leaves to get around.
Ooh! I wanna try.
-Me too!
-[speaking Poobian]
Part of becoming a Jedi
is learning about different cultures.
So today,
you'll all be learning to do that.
Whoo-hoo! [laughs]
-Really, Master Zia?
-Oh, I can't wait!
-[speaks Poobian, laughs]
-Whoa! Look at that!
-[Lys, Nubs exclaim]
I'd like you to meet Rix Tegano.
He'll be your guide.
Welcome to Kondoraan, little Jedi.
Why don't you all come over
and check out my sky skimming board?
-[Jedi younglings gasp, coo]
-Its powered repulsors
and the sails made from the leaves
of our giant trees
-help us to ride the winds of the planet.
-[Lys] Whoa!
-I wanna try!
-Let me see! Let me see!
-[chuckles] Okay.
-[Lys] Is that a repulsor?
You can all try soon, but first,
we gotta practice the basics.
[sky skimmers rustle]
Nice! Nice. Now, eagle position.
Good. Now, try cloud position.
[sighs] This is taking forever.
When are we actually
gonna start sky skimming?
Looking good, everyone!
Now that you've learned
some basic positions,
we're ready for the most important lesson.
The only way to move
through the sky with these
is to use the sails
and work with the wind.
-It requires patience, but after awhile
-[Jedi younglings gasp]
it'll become second nature to all of you.
-Psst! Kai, look.
-[creatures calling]
-[Kai gasps]
-[calling continues]
[Lys] The way they move looks kind of,
like, fish swimming.
-Swimming in the sky! Whoa!
-[Jedi younglings exclaim]
Oh, those are called chiffons.
-They fly past this platform every year.
-[calling continues]
Some people even ride 'em.
They also work with the wind
to get around.
Mr. Tegano,
when do we get to fly for real?
-[Jedi younglings chatter, giggle]
-[chuckles] Okay, okay, little Jedi.
I suppose
the best way to learn is by doing.
So let's give it a shot!
-Let's do it!
-Yes! [laughs]
All right, all right! Line up, everyone!
Time to fasten your harnesses,
and have fun out there!
Remember, work with the wind.
Lys, Nubs, you ready for this?
Oh, yeah!
-[groans, speaks Poobian]
-Aw, you'll do great, Nubs.
All right. Let's ride the sky!
-[Jedi younglings cheer]
-[Kai] Wow! Yahoo!
-[laughs] Wow!
Whoo-hoo! Yes! This is the best!
Whoa! [chuckles] Look at me!
[groans, gasps]
[exclaims, chuckles]
Wow! We're really far away.
-Yeah! Whoo-hoo!
Ooh! Over there!
More chiffons!
[chiffons calling]
Let's get a closer look!
[speaking Poobian]
Oh, come on, Nubs! It'll be fine.
-[chiffons call]
-[wind howling]
[both grunting]
Come on, wind. I wanna go this way.
-It won't budge!
-[grunts, groans]
-[groans] Whoa!
[both grunt]
[coughs] Is everyone okay?
[grunts] All in one piece.
[coughs] I think.
[Nubs grunts]
[grunts] Okay!
[gasps] Our leaves are all torn.
There's no way we can fly back now.
[sighs] We gotta find a way
back to the platform.
[speaking Poobian]
Ooh, good idea, Nubs.
Maybe we can
find new leaves to fix our sails.
There's nothing here.
How are we gonna get back to the platform?
Uh-oh. I think we're lost.
-[chiffons calling]
-[all gasp]
[Lys] Hey, look! More chiffons!
Rix said they pass by the platform
this time of year.
Maybe if we follow the chiffons
They'll lead us in the right direction.
Great thinking, Lys.
[cheers, speaks Poobian]
-[chiffons calling]
-[all grunting]
[panting, groaning]
[all panting]
My legs are [sighs] so tired.
[sighs] Feels like we've been
following these chiffons forever.
[speaking Poobian]
-[wind whistling]
Hey! I see the platform!
Yay! The chiffons
led us in the right direction!
[speaking Poobian]
Nubs is right.
How are we gonna get across this crater
and up to the landing platform?
Hmm. It's too steep for us to climb down,
and we'll never make it back
before sunset if we go around.
-[chiffons calling]
-Huh? [screams] Watch out!
-[wind whistling]
[calling continues]
[gasps] Rix said
some people ride chiffons.
Maybe we can too!
We could try riding them over the crater
and up to the platform.
We can jump on those ones
before they go in.
That should work.
Quick! Get ready to jump on.
[speaking Poobian]
Kai, Nubs, now!
-[both shout, grunt]
-[chiffons screech]
-[Kai] Hold on! Whoa!
-[Nubs yelping]
Just relax.
Shh. Nice chiffon.
There we go. It's okay.
Kai, Nubs, try to calm them down!
Easy there.
[speaking Poobian]
Now, let's get back to the platform.
[groans] What happened to the wind?
It's taking us in the wrong direction!
-[Nubs grunts]
-Come on. Turn around.
-[chiffons screech]
-[speaks Poobian, exclaims]
[grunts] Whoa! Hey, hey!
Hold up! Hold up! [yelps]
[yelping, grunting]
[grunts, coughs]
[wind whistling]
-We gotta find a way out of here. [coughs]
But the walls are too steep.
[sighs] We're trapped.
Unlike the chiffons.
[chiffons calling]
Yeah! They really know
how to work with the wind, don't they?
[gasps] Work with the wind.
That's what Rix was tryin' to tell us.
-[speaking Poobian]
-Oh, yeah!
We should've let the wind take us
wherever it blows,
working with the different currents
to help us get back.
Exactly. [sighs]
We've been doing it wrong the whole time.
It's okay, Kai.
What's important is that we're together.
Now, our sails are broken,
and we can't catch more chiffons.
What are we gonna do?
[wind whistling]
Wait a minute.
We can use our capes to fix the sails.
We'll zigzag back and forth with the wind.
We just need to get our boards back,
and there's only one way to do that.
-[Force rumbling]
[all straining]
Ooh. Aah.
[sheets rustling]
You really think this will work?
[chuckles] Well,
there's only one way to find out.
[sighs] Work with the wind.
-[speaking Poobian]
[chiffons calling]
I got it. [gasps] I got it!
-Wow. He is moving just like the
-Oh, no! Kai!
Don't fight it.
Work with the wind.
Let it take me wherever it goes.
-[chiffons calling]
Lys, Nubs, you gotta try this!
-[coos, chuckles]
This is amazing!
Ooh! [chuckles]
-[speaks Poobian, exclaims]
-[laughing] Yeah!
-Look, it's them!
-Whoa! [laughs] There they are!
Oh! I was just about
to send Rix out to find
What did you do to your capes?
-[chuckles] It's a long story, Master Zia.
[chuckles, speaks Poobian]
Mr. Tegano, we were so excited
about flying, we didn't listen very well.
But once we remembered what you said
about working with the wind,
getting back was easy.
Sounds like you got the lesson after all,
little Jedi.
Working with the wind
requires a lot of patience.
I think we've learned enough
about patience for one day.
Dinner's ready,
and I say it's time to eat!
Ooh! [speaking Poobian]
-I'll race you there! [laughs]
-[speaking Poobian]
[chiffons calling]
[Kai, Lys grunt]
[pants] I've never seen
such big vegetables.
It'd take me forever
to eat something this big.
-[grunts] Me too.
-[chuckles, speaks Poobian]
You really think
you can eat that whole thing, Nubs?
All right, everyone.
Just set those gomgourds over here.
[all grunting]
Whew. Thanks, kids.
These delicious gomgourds
are an important part of Dunkutu Day.
"Dun-who-tu Day"?
[giggles] Dunkutu Day.
It's a special holiday
here on planet Omaka.
It's when we give thanks
for all of the food
we're able to grow and for our family.
I'm glad Master Zia asked us to help you
so we could learn all about it.
And we can't wait to share
some more of our favorite traditions,
like the big feast in town tonight.
Oh, speaking of which,
the faster we can load these gomgourds,
the faster we can start
setting up for the feast.
[straining, grunting]
You know, it'd really help
to have a droid to lift these.
Droids? I don't think so.
Omakans always load the gomgourds by hand.
It's part of our tradition.
The way it's always been done.
Traditions are what make the holiday
special, and we shouldn't change them.
All right then.
We'll do this according to tradition.
-[Nubs speaking Poobian]
-[all grunt]
[people chattering]
I can't wait to try all the different
kinds of Omakan food at the feast tonight.
-Ooh. [giggles]
[giggles] Just make sure you save room
for my family's special gomgourd pie.
It's the best!
I make it every Dunkutu Day.
-It's another tradition
-[Omakan 1 shrieks]
-[Omakan 2] Careful!
-[Omakan 3] Watch out!
-[townspeople yelp]
-[droids chirping, whirring]
Look out!
[Omakan 4] Whoa! Careful!
-[pants, grunts]
Good job, Nubs.
Those droids are out of control.
We gotta stop 'em.
[all panting]
-[gasps, shrieks] My produce!
[pants] Time to slow you down.
[groans, grunts]
[yelps] Whoa! Whoa!
Oh, no! These gomgourds are heading
right back toward the festival!
Aw, come on.
Whoa. A little help here.
We got you, Kai!
[Kai] Whoa! Whoa, whoa!
[all yelp]
[grunts, sighs]
[chuckles] Well, we saved one of 'em.
[sighs] Thanks, kids. Oh, those droids.
Looks like your grandpa
messed things up. Again.
Your grandpa?
Yeah. Those droids
belong to my grandpa Roog.
He's a farmer, and he makes machines
out of old farm equipment.
When he comes to the feast, we should
tell him his droids are acting weird.
Oh. Grandpa Roog won't be at the feast.
I thought you said
family was a big part of Dunkutu Day.
It is.
But my dad and my grandpa
had a big fight last Dunkutu Day.
Grandpa went to live by himself
with his droids.
Now he and my dad
won't even talk to each other.
I'll really miss him this year.
We're sorry about your grandpa, Fiorna.
We should return this gomgourd to him.
Why don't you go with us?
You could say hi and ask him to come.
[sighs] I can't. I have to help my dad
finish setting up for the feast.
Well, while we're there,
maybe we can try to convince him
to come to the feast tonight.
[gasps] Really? Oh, that would be amazing!
We wanna help you have
the best Dunkutu Day ever, Fiorna.
-No, AG-2.
-[AG-2 chirps, twitters]
Like this.
-That must be Grandpa Roog.
-[Roog] What are you kids doing here?
No one's allowed on my farm
except me and my droids.
We're Fiorna's friends.
My granddaughter?
Your droids made a mess,
and this is the only gourd we could save.
We brought it back to you.
[scoffs] Thanks.
I was wondering where they went.
-AG-1, AG-2.
-[AG-1, AG-2 beep, twitter]
Go into town and get more
gomgourds for my feast tonight.
Maybe you can help clean up
some of that mess you made there too.
[both beep]
Please unload that gomgourd.
I think something might be wrong
with your droids.
Yeah. They seem a bit
[speaking Poobian]
Ah, they look fine enough for me.
I built them, so I'm pretty sure
I'd know if something was wrong.
Now, if you don't mind, please leave.
Before we go, we wanted to invite you
to the Dunkutu Day feast in town.
Bah! No, thank you.
But your family
would really like you to be there.
My family?
My family doesn't care about me.
[groans, speaks Poobian]
[beeping, twittering]
-Oh, no!
I got you, AG-3.
I've got you, Kai!
[speaking Poobian]
[all grunt, groan]
-Watch out!
-[grunts, groans]
-[beeping continues]
Oh. [sighs]
Thanks for saving AG-3.
Maybe something is wrong with my droids.
I suppose they've been a little glitchy
since I gave them a bunch of extra work.
Extra work?
Yeah. Doin' all their farming duties,
plus preparing for my Dunkutu Day feast.
I wanna prove to my son
that I can celebrate all on my own.
You could be with your family
at the big feast tonight.
Bah! You don't think
I tried that last year?
I'm gettin' too old to harvest
heavy gomgourds by hand.
That's why I made the droids,
so they could do it for me.
I thought everyone would be happy,
but when I showed up with the droids,
my son, Tey, got upset because
Harvesting by hand is a tradition.
Yep. Tey said I couldn't use the droids,
and we got into a fight.
Does he know why you used the droids?
I tried to explain, but we both
got so mad, and I just stormed off.
I don't think Tey knows the whole story.
Maybe if you went back to town,
we could help you explain everything.
And you could see Fiorna.
She really misses you.
I-I really miss her too, but
-[commlink beeps]
-[Fiorna] Kai? You there?
We're here! What's going on, Fiorna?
[Fiorna] Two of Grandpa's droids are back.
They're breaking more things
and ruining our feast.
We need your help right away.
We'll be right there. We gotta go.
I'm coming with you.
[townspeople screaming, chattering]
They're doing it again. Run! Run!
-[yelps, stammers] Again?
Look out!
Watch out! [grunts]
[shouting, yelping]
[Tey] Oh, Jedi!
Dad. What are you doing here?
-I'm here to help. These are my droids.
-And we need to shut them down.
-Let's stop that droid first.
Nubs, you and I get its attention.
Lys, can you sneak up on it
and power it down?
You got it!
-[singsongy] AG-1, over here. [grunts]
-[speaking Poobian]
Now, Lys!
[grunts, groans]
Sorry, AG-1. We just need
to turn you off for a little while.
[Fiorna] Help!
[beeping continues]
[Force rumbling]
-[Jedi younglings straining]
-Huh? [gasps]
[Force rumbling]
-Focus. Stay calm.
-[straining continues]
Hurry! We can't hold
this droid much longer.
-[grunts, groans]
Son, I know how to turn it off,
but I can't move as fast as I used to.
I need some help.
[Roog] Over here, AG-2!
Now, Tey! Flip the power circuit!
[Force rumbling]
[all straining, grunting]
Thank you, Grandpa!
Don't forget to thank your dad too.
I told you those droids were no good.
And I told you I built them
for Dunkutu Day.
I You [groans]
You know that's not part of the tradition.
It's like you don't even care.
You think I don't care? [stammers]
It's just [groans]
Never mind.
I'm just gonna take my droids and go.
[speaking Poobian]
Your dad does care! That's why
he built the droids in the first place.
Roog, tell him what you told us.
I-I'm too old to harvest by hand now, son.
But I still wanted
to be part of Dunkutu Day.
That's why I built the droids.
But the tradition.
I know. I should've explained myself.
Instead, I got angry because
I was embarrassed because [sighs]
I'm not as strong as I used to be.
So, I built the droids
hoping they might help out where I can't.
[sighs] Dad, I I didn't know.
I-I should've asked and let you explain
instead of getting upset myself.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry too.
I never wanted to spend
Dunkutu Day without you or Fiorna.
[coos, sniffles]
Does that mean
you'll join us at the feast?
If you'll have me, I'd love to.
Except I don't know
if we can still have the feast tonight.
Everything here's ruined.
I think I have an idea.
Moving the festival to Grandpa Roog's
farm was a great idea, Kai.
I know we're not doing things
by tradition today,
but I'm glad we're all together.
Now I love traditions,
but what good are they
if they can't include everybody?
Maybe once we fix the farm droids,
they can help us harvest next year.
It'll be our new tradition.
I'd like that.
Thanks, Jedi.
This is the best Dunkutu Day ever.
[slurping, speaks Poobian]
[Kai, Lys] Nubs!
[Roog] Yeah, save some
for Grandpa there, Nubs. [laughs]
[all laugh]
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