Stargate Universe s01e18 Episode Script


This is what Destiny intended from the moment it entered the star system.
We are going to survive.
We are going to make it home.
I'm telling you, the ship came here for a reason! Destiny is powered by the stars themselves.
He and Young are bumping heads, yes.
Not sure which camp is the better choice.
We just pretend nothing happened? We need to be ready for the next encounter.
For the sake of the crew.
What do we got, Colonel, Lucian Alliance? That would be my guess.
They haven't introduced themselves.
Any word on how they gained intel on our base? No.
What about casualties? Twelve.
Eighty-plus MIA.
I'm pregnant.
It's yours.
Look, I know that we've had our differences in the past.
It was my duty to express concern for how everyone else felt about you.
I've never even met your wife.
Telford, you connected with him.
This is a residual memory of his that somehow transferred to my subconscious? I would think you'd be doing everything possible to get these people home, to get yourself home, back to your wife.
And I know you're still sleeping with her.
Everett! You're up late.
I just had a very interesting dream.
Everyone thinks their dreams are interesting.
Nobody else cares.
Yeah, well, you're going to care about this one.
I'm outside a warehouse, on Earth.
And there's birds.
At least I can hear them.
Seagulls, I think.
I'm at some kind of meeting.
There's four or five people there.
Who? I don't know.
I don't know, but I'm giving them information.
Reports, files.
I'm talking about Icarus.
In detail.
Well, who were they? I don't know, I They had a Goa'uld cargo ship.
The Lucian Alliance on Earth? I can only guess.
You dreamt you were the spy who leaked everything about Icarus to the Lucian Alliance? No, no, no, not me.
It wasn't me.
Rush, what the hell are you talking about? On the way back to the car, I see my reflection.
It's Colonel Telford.
I was Colonel Telford.
Rush switched with him two days ago.
The only reason I am telling you is because you are the only person who's ever experienced this kind of bleed-through memory after using the stones.
It was just that once, sir.
Certainly nothing like that.
Thanks, Lieutenant.
All right.
Look, sir, I understand that you have your issues with Colonel Telford, but you cannot seriously Sit down, Lieutenant.
Before he was assigned to Icarus, Telford spent the better part of a year undercover, infiltrating the Alliance.
You really think he would turn? Eight months into his assignment, there was an attack on a planet that we had a large team working on, P2S 569.
Thirty-seven people were killed.
Now, we later found out that Telford knew about the attack and decided to do nothing.
In order to protect his cover.
That's what he said.
Stargate Command let him off the hook, and everything was swept under the carpet.
But now Sir, there's got to be more to it than that.
We know that the Goa'uld had brainwashing technology, could make a man turn against his mother and be proud of it.
It is possible that the Alliance now has that capability.
Well, if they do, sir, then we can't trust anyone.
Colonel, hey.
We were just going over some of the data we found Take a break, Eli.
Secrets, you two Now, please, go.
So I talked to Scott.
He doesn't remember anything like your dream.
Well, we have to do something.
Telford's still on active rotation with the stones, yeah? Mmm-hmm.
He's due to make a connection in a couple of days with Dr.
What if I take Morrison's place? And do what? Try to make contact with the Alliance.
It's risky.
It's a pretty good disguise, actually being inside someone else's body.
I'll go.
No, that would be a mistake.
Why's that? Because I had the dream.
Look, there's still elements I'm trying to piece together.
For example, there's a number, 3-1-4.
Now, I know that's significant, but I don't know why.
If I'm there, in Telford's environment, then You're not trained for this.
Well, who is? I'll just have to do my best.
If Stargate Command is this badly compromised, I can't tell anyone what you're up to, do you understand that? Yup.
Once you are on Earth, you are on your own.
I understand.
No back-up I get it, I get it.
But someone has to stop this guy.
He can't be allowed to continue.
The Alliance probably already know more about this ship than we do.
Which isn't much.
Well, I wouldn't underestimate them.
I'm not.
Colonel, I need a minute.
That's about all I got right now.
Did you bump Dr.
Morrison from his spot on the communication stones? Yes.
Without consulting me? Yes.
Any particular reason? Yes.
You care to enlighten me? No.
With everything that we have been through, you really want to do this? Look, Camile, I've got good reason not to tell you, or I would.
You're going to have to trust me.
Morrison? Yes.
Welcome back.
I'm Staff Sergeant Graham.
I'll be your escort.
I want to talk to Colonel Young, now.
He is busy at the moment, sir, but he said he'd come and see you shortly.
Why was I connected with Dr.
Rush? That wasn't part of the schedule.
Yes, sorry about that, sir.
It was unavoidable.
Why? Dr.
Rush had to consult with some people back on Earth regarding some technical problems.
You're a terrible liar, Lieutenant.
I'd like some fatigues.
No problem.
This way, sir.
I need to speak to General O'Neill immediately.
And you are? Colonel Everett Young, authentication 1-6-1-9-4-1-4.
Tell him it's urgent.
Everett, I'll have you know I'm missing a national security briefing for this.
Sorry about that, sir.
Well, if you'd ever been to a national security briefing, you wouldn't say that.
What's up? It's Dr.
Rush, sir.
He's on Earth right now in the body of Colonel Telford.
Probably hasn't even left the building.
So? We need to put a tail on him.
Well, he's got an escort.
He'll ditch the escort first chance he gets.
I think we should let him do it, then follow him discreetly.
Why? He's about to try and make contact with the Lucian Alliance.
Oh, Chloe Oh, my God.
What is it? Chloe, I didn't know you could sew.
Oh, no, I can't.
Not really.
I hope it doesn't fall apart.
No, it's beautiful.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Here, open this one.
Hey, can we talk to you for a second? Oh, my gosh.
You made this yourself? If it's a girl, I can make something else.
No, it's perfect.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
What's going on? We're hoping you could tell us.
About Rush.
Going back to Earth on the stones unscheduled.
Well, I'm sure there's a good reason.
Right, yeah, that's what we're afraid of.
They didn't say anything to you? Young came in to talk to him the other day They did kick me out.
Yeah, we heard Young went, too.
He did? After Rush.
He's there right now.
Something's definitely going on here.
Congratulations, T.
Camile, if I could have a moment of your time, please? Mmm-hmm.
Were you aware of the change Yeah, we could check those control interface room probably has something Yeah, I could meet you guys at the That'd be great.
And the wrapping paper.
Where'd you get this? If I'm not mistaken, sir, I believe you've witnessed the effects of this brainwashing technology first hand.
Yeah, that's true.
I recommend we keep the number of people we bring in on this to a minimum.
Well, thank you, Colonel, for stating the obvious.
Truth is, you took a bit of a chance by telling me, didn't you? Well, I had to, sir.
Rush was asking for a free pass, an unscheduled, unauthorized visit to Earth, exactly the sort of thing he might do if he was the mole himself.
Well, if he's the mole, why would he be trying to frame Telford at this point? I can't answer that, sir.
And if he's telling the truth? Hopefully, he'll still be able to lead us to the Alliance.
And not lose his life.
Yes, sir.
I've quite a few personal things to attend to.
I'll be a few minutes.
Not to worry, sir.
I came prepared.
So, do you know what they're going to do to Rush? They didn't let me know until after the fact.
They're trying to keep me out of the loop.
It's not Where the hell have you been? It's nice to see you, too.
Come with me.
We have some things to discuss.
Do we? Privately.
We haven't seen you in a while, Colonel.
I hope everything is well.
I've been on assignment.
Of course.
I'll give you some privacy.
Yes? Yeah, this is Telford.
I have some new information.
We have to meet.
Stand by for instructions.
Get in.
You're allowing alcohol onboard now? I doubt I could stop it if I wanted to.
So I can report your command of this ship is solid as ever, then? I am doing my best to make it work.
Why did I connect with Rush? Oh, we'll get to that.
I think we need to clear the air a little bit.
Have another.
I'm on duty.
You're on duty.
Yes, and we're both a billion light years away from the nearest disciplinary hearing.
So, what, you're afraid of what you might say? I don't have anything to hide, from you or anyone else.
Is that so? I could've brought you up on charges for assaulting a fellow officer.
You should just thank me and let it go.
Well, I think we both know that you don't want the details of that little incident getting out any more than I do.
You cheated on your wife, and she moved on.
End of story.
You took advantage to get back at me on a personal level.
You were sleeping with an officer under your command! I mean, look at you, Everett.
You're a disgrace.
But I'm here, right? And that's what's killing you, isn't it? Because this was supposed to be your prize.
Your reward for all that hard work.
An entire year living with those criminals, thieves, murderers, pretending to be one of them, I mean, that's got to take its toll.
I'm not doing this again.
The man I used to know would not let So, what changed? What happened to you, David? Thanks for the drink.
Scott What are we doing? We're waiting, what else? Daniel, come in.
Do you read? Jack, what is it? Carter says they're using some kind of jamming device.
We can't get a lock on anyone in the area.
What's your status? They've stopped.
Looks like we're waiting on someone.
Well, ground assault is standing by.
They'll move when you call it.
Hang on.
Who are you? I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean.
All right, who am I? Whoever you are, you must be using the Ancient communication stones.
I don't know what you're talking about.
You failed to use the proper code when you called in.
Colonel Telford would never make such a mistake.
His cover's blown.
Move in.
Move in now.
They have a ship.
Go! Go! Yeah.
We're too late.
You okay? Yeah, I'm fine.
What chance does this baby have of ever living a normal life? What's normal anyway? I don't know, but I don't think it's this.
Look, I know right now it seems impossible that we will ever make it back.
But I also know that since we've been here, it seems like we're averaging about five impossible things a week, right? So why assume the worst? Look, at the very least, there are a lot of people here who are going to care about that baby.
That's something.
We are all going to help you.
Thanks, Chloe.
Come here.
According to our intelligence, her name is Kiva.
She's the daughter of a Lucian Alliance warlord named Massin, one of the higher-ups.
Powerful and brutal.
That intel come from Telford? Yeah, well, at least we know who the mole is, eh? There's an easy way to end this.
We cut the connection on the stones.
They get Telford back, we're no closer to figuring out what they're up to.
Rush's life is in danger.
He volunteered.
He knew the risks.
That cargo ship slipped past all of our sensors.
We have no idea where it's going.
Telford might, and he may know more.
I'm just asking for the chance to get it out of him.
He still has rights, doesn't he? He didn't say how he was going to do it.
With all due respect, sir, you and I both know the people who made the rules were not prepared for anything like this.
I'm sorry.
I know that really hurts.
Well, I suppose it was worth it.
I had to make it look good.
Of course, I didn't give them the code on purpose.
I'm not a complete idiot.
On purpose? What are you talking about? They were getting suspicious.
Yes, I was beginning to have concerns about that myself.
Well, that's why I had to come in.
I wasn't sure whether I was being followed.
I figured if they thought I was being taken by force, it might help us salvage something from this operation.
Nice try.
You almost managed to make that sound convincing.
Well, it sounds convincing because it's true.
If you really are Colonel Telford, you'll know my name.
It's Kiva.
Next question.
What's yours? A spy? A Lucian Alliance spy? You are so desperate to get back at me that you would say or do anything, wouldn't you? We have proof.
Oh, come on, Everett, this is all about me and Emily.
Well, how do you think I found out about that? You switched bodies with Scott, do you remember that? Yeah.
He's the one who told me.
He saw it, in his mind, a vision.
Call it residual memory, whatever you want.
It seems that every time you use the stones, you leave a little something behind.
Maybe Maybe that's guilt.
Maybe, deep down inside, you want the truth to come out.
You're insane.
You've already confessed.
You just won't admit it.
We'll let him sweat a while.
Give me a shot, sir.
Won't take long.
Appreciate the enthusiasm, Sergeant.
Not yet.
I'd really prefer not to have to do this.
I wish I had time to convince you that I'm not what you think I am.
Oh, yeah, and what's that? I'm a reasonable person just trying to do what's right for my people.
You make a terrible first impression.
We have brainwashing technologies.
I could try those, but I'm not sure what they'd do to you under the circumstances, with your consciousness in somebody else's body.
Unfortunately, I've learned one thing about torture over the years.
It's effective.
Barbaric, I know, and I hate lowering myself to this level, but I need to know who you are, and beyond that, whether or not you're any use to me.
Has he been given any food or water? Open it.
Sir, maybe I should go in there with you No, no, that will not be necessary, Lieutenant.
This is on me, only me.
Open it.
You can't keep me in here forever.
No one's pulling the plug on the stones, so Why don't you just admit what you did, and we can move on? I want to talk to Scott.
I have a right to face my accuser.
Oh, this didn't come from Scott.
You switched with Rush, remember? Rush? This is coming from Rush? At first, I didn't believe him, either.
I figured I'd give him enough rope to hang himself, but guess what? That didn't happen.
What's that? Airman Dunning brought it along with his personal effects.
Do you recognize them? They were all stationed on Icarus.
The fire suppression team.
They got trapped during the attack when a corridor collapsed.
They all burned alive, every last one of them.
No, no, no, no.
No, no.
You take a good look.
Take a look.
I want you to look at their faces, because you killed them.
You killed them as if you'd doused them with gasoline and lit the match yourself, and they weren't the only ones.
So we know that you are a traitor and a murderer.
Now we know you're a coward, too.
All right, that's enough! Stand down, Sergeant! I said stand down! - Get out, both of you! - Sir Get out! Okay.
So, where were we? This will eventually kill you.
You'll be killing Telford, too.
That might just work out for the best given that he's been compromised.
I have a full rundown of the personnel aboard Destiny and I doubt very much that civilians or the scientists would have endured this, so the question is whether or not Colonel Young would have put himself in this situation, or sent his first lieutenant, Scott? How do you know I'm someone aboard Destiny? That's a fair question.
You can make this stop.
If I answer your question, you're going to kill me.
Either way I'm dead.
I won't.
You have my word.
You have nothing to lose.
Rush! I'm Dr.
Nicholas Rush.
I want this connection cut.
I want to go back to my own body.
No, you don't.
You're damaged goods.
You go back now, your friends at the Alliance aren't going to be too happy with you.
I don't have any friends in the Alliance.
Not anymore you don't.
Your only hope is with us.
You come clean now, I will do my best to help you.
I am not a spy, Everett! How many times do I have to tell you? Recognize it? Should I? It's your work.
To do with dialing the ninth chevron that leads to Destiny.
These readings Similar naquadria deposits.
We had some issues adapting the equations, but there should be enough power to get us there.
You've found another Icarus planet.
Let's talk about the outpost.
P2S 569.
We've been through this.
I was cleared of any wrongdoing.
Because they didn't have all the facts.
I couldn't blow my cover.
I didn't have a choice! Remember that little combat engineer, Sanchez? Remember her? She used to follow you around like a puppy.
She was hit in the first blast.
Right arm severed at the shoulder.
She's screaming, yelling, begging me to help her.
All I can do is watch her bleed to death in the dirt.
It wasn't my fault.
Now, we already know you did it, but it's possible you're not responsible.
What are you talking about? Think about it.
I want you to think about it.
Why is it that the memory transfer happens only with you and only you and no one else when they use the stones? They messed with your head, David.
They made you think that you were one of them, and you're not.
That's not you.
Now, we can help you, we can bring you back, but I need you to take the first step.
You tell us where they're taking Rush.
David? Tell me.
We've replicated it as best we could.
Olan! Meet Dr.
Olan is one of our lead scientists working on the project.
Your work is impressive.
It was nothing, really.
When I found out that you were on your way Yes, we're all very excited to have Dr.
Rush's full cooperation.
Maybe now we'll actually make a connection.
As you can see, we've procured some familiar technology.
It was necessary to implement your methods.
I trust it will suffice? I'll leave you to your work.
The figures for these naquadria deposits are correct, yes? Of course.
Because if they're out even by a fraction We spent months doing a detailed orbital survey.
We mapped every deposit down to the last vein.
All right, then, I'm done.
Really? It's not that difficult when you know what you're doing.
But I'm kidding.
This is probably going to take some time.
Of course.
Quite possibly the rest of my life.
Lieutenant, there's a lot of talk around the ship about what's going on in that room.
This is a military matter, ma'am.
It doesn't concern you.
That's exactly the kind of talk that forced us to try and take control of this ship once before, Sergeant.
Camile Do you want the rumors to spread, or do you want to do something about it? It'll be over soon enough, that is all you need to know.
See, that's the wrong answer.
Come on, Lieutenant.
Something tells me that you do not want this on your conscience.
Better be careful.
Whatever it is, we all have to live with it.
I need to communicate with Stargate Command.
Do we let him out Nobody in or out.
That is an order.
I want to talk to him.
Colonel! Progress? None yet.
You must be joking.
You're stalling.
Well, if you want to blow yourselves up, you go right ahead.
You along with us.
This is going to take time, and I don't just mean a few hours.
But Olan said we've been close for months now.
I assumed that with your help, we'd be able to Look, with all due respect to Olan here, his work is shoddy at best.
I'm sorry, you're just going to have to trust me on this one.
The whole thing's a bloody mess.
I may have to start from scratch.
You call yourself reasonable? I am.
You said he was incompetent.
I was stalling.
You were right.
I shouldn't have to demonstrate how important this is to me, to all of us, Dr.
No more chances.
Now what's happening? We're not sure.
Young's been back and forth on the stones all day.
Looks like this time he brought someone back with him.
Who is it? Welcome to the Destiny, General.
Corporal? Sorry about that, sir.
This way.
Who's this? General O'Neill.
It's really him.
Let's say it's true.
General, I'm being held without charge.
I've been denied counsel, and one of his men attacked me.
David, he knows.
He authorized it.
Well, maybe not that last part there.
This is what I've been trying to tell you.
Time to come clean, son.
We need to know where they've taken Rush.
You checked out that gate address I gave you? Oh, yeah.
Dead end.
You didn't think I'd give you anything real, did you? You should see your face.
You look so surprised.
Actually, I'm disappointed.
You may not believe this, but I was actually holding out hope that it might not be true, that there was some other explanation.
It doesn't matter.
You can't stop it.
Stop what? Here you go.
I wouldn't say it was good.
What's it like? I mean, we've heard descriptions, but what's it like being there? On Destiny? You've flown around in spaceships before.
Not an Ancient ship.
Not that far out into the unknown universe.
Well, it's a rust bucket, what can I tell you? I can't wait to see it for myself.
What if I can't do it? What if we just fail to make a connection? Kiva promised she wouldn't kill you.
Her word is good.
I'll have to kill you myself.
You think I was brainwashed? I came to my senses.
We freed billions of people from thousands of years of slavery all over our galaxy, and then we patted ourselves on the back and left them with little or no means for survival.
What the hell did we think was going to happen? This isn't you, David.
Wake up, Everett! You think the Lucian Alliance are just a bunch of criminals? Who made us judge and jury? People will do what they have to do to survive.
You should know that by now.
We take whatever we want.
We do whatever is good for us regardless of the impact on other planets! What makes us so special? I know what makes me special.
This is not our ship.
It wasn't intended for us.
Where are they taking Rush? It was supposed to be for the benefit of all mankind.
He's more far gone than I thought, General.
Yeah, I've heard enough.
Should probably take it to the next level, sir.
Go ahead and do what you need to do.
Communications Room, this is Young.
Please cut the General's connection.
Yes, sir.
Dismissed, Corporal.
Okay, this has gone on long enough.
You have to cut the connection.
I can't do that.
Rush's life is in danger.
That's more important than getting any intel on the Lucian Alliance! I just thought maybe we'd be better off if she knew, sir.
Control Room, this is Young.
This is Brody.
Can you bring up the life support controls for this section? I got it.
Begin venting the atmosphere in Colonel Telford's quarters now.
- What? - Sir? Say again? Begin venting Colonel Telford's quarters now.
What the hell are you doing? Camile, stay out of this.
He can't do this! Lieutenant! I David! David, can you hear me? It's got to be a bluff.
To scare him.
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Look, you can't David, I'm venting the atmosphere in your room! You've got five minutes before you die of suffocation.
Your only hope is to tell me the location of the Alliance base.
You're bluffing! Kill me, and you kill Rush! I know, but right now, I'm thinking of the greater good.
So what's it going to be? Young! Open this damn door! We both know you're not going to kill me.

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