The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones (2002) s01e18 Episode Script

Treasure of the Peacock's Eye

Corporal Rajendra Sing,
where can I find him?
- He's in the 23rd.
- We got to find the C.O.
We became spies
to get away from all this
and here we are
back in the trenches again.
The reports of casualties
on the left flank are not good, sir.
- How many?
- One hundred and twenty, sir,
- confirmed dead.
- Dismissed.
- Well, speak up, for God's sake.
- Captain Henri Defense,
French intelligence, sir.
We have orders to find
a Corporal Rajendra Sing.
- Why?
- There is reason to believe
he's exchanging munitions information
with the Germans.
- I very much doubt it.
- Order is to bring him in, Captain.
Armistice goes into effect
at 1100 hours,
- the war will be over in an hour.
- We know that, sir.
Corporal Sing has a splendid view
of no man's land, out there.
Thank you, sir.
- Where's Rajendra Sing?
- He's down there.
That's odd. He's on the move.
- He was to stay put.
- He must have seen us.
I hate this.
No, we need him alive.
Dirty traitor. How can he sleep at night?
Search him. That German
was looking for something.
Hey, look!
It looks like a map.
It's ancient Greek.
This can't be what he's looking for.
The Eye of the Peacock.
You must stop him. Stop him!
The Eye of the Peacock.
Indy, the war is over!
I can't wait to see Miss Seymour.
You know, I think I miss her
more than anyone else.
I miss my wife.
Do you realise we've almost been
married for three years? Amazing.
We've seen only each other for 10 days.
- Remy.
- Suzette!
Didn't you tell Miss Seymour
you were coming in?
Maybe she didn't get my telegram.
You must come and stay with us
a few days.
We can enjoy being heroes.
Everyone will buy us drinks
and listen to our war stories.
Why not? War is over!
You must follow your heart, come on.
- Ruth, it's Henry Jones, Jr.
- Hello, Mr Jones.
I'm sorry, sir, you're too late.
Miss Seymour passed away last week.
- I didn't even know she was sick.
- The fever, sir.
Please come in. She left you a letter.
Dearest Henry,
news of peace is on everyone's lips.
I hope to live to see it.
Your father is anxious for news of you.
Please make your peace with him.
Then turn your clever, inquisitive mind
to your dreams.
Make something of yourself.
I know you will.
With all my highest regards,
Helen Seymour.
Miss Seymour.
I can't believe it.
When we were fighting,
I used to picture the faces
of the people that I was fighting for,
especially Miss Seymour.
But it was worth it. Now we're all safe.
Indy, my friend,
let me show you something.
Remember this?
It's the map we found on Corporal Sing.
You kept it? Why?
I talked to a Greek scholar
at the museum. He translated for me.
This says,
"Behold the Eye of the Peacock,
for you are the chosen one."
- Remy, it sounds like a dime novel.
- Indy, it's a treasure map.
The Eye of the Peacock,
that's what the soldier said.
This could be our ticket
to wealth beyond our dreams.
Stories concerning antiquities
dealing with this period are vague.
As I told your friend,
many believe this to be
a small replica of a statue once in
the possession of Alexander the Great.
It was made of pure gold.
- With diamond eyes.
- Yes.
Each 140 carats.
Here is a cut glass reproduction
of the peacock's eye.
The real thing must be truly impressive.
The statue was destroyed
shortly after Alexander's death
- But the diamond
- Tell him about the diamond eyes.
One eye was sold
to the Emperor of India,
and subsequently cut up
into smaller diamonds,
- and the other eye
- Was stolen.
To this day, no one know where it is.
Is that right?
There is a tale of a British colonel.
He was serving out in India
100 years ago,
and the story goes
that he found the diamond.
- You didn't tell me that.
- You didn't ask.
Well, if he found the diamond,
where is it now?
He discovered it in an ancient temple.
But before he could abscond with it,
he was discovered
by possessive monks
who held him prisoner, but he managed
to smuggle a map out to his son.
And the map,
- never been found?
- Not that I've heard of.
Thank you.
- Thank you, sir.
- Not at all.
Yeah, but there's
thousands of temples in India.
Look at the water of the Indian coast.
Could that be a dragon?
Yeah, it could be.
What does that mean?
We have to figure it out, that's all.
Remy, there's something written.
Scratched into the parchment.
You can see it when it is wet.
It's written in English. It says,
"Above the tomb of Lycomedes,
the horses will show you the way"
"to Alexander's greatest triumph."
Tomb of Lycomedes?
Yeah, there's a tombstone
of Lycomedes in a museum
reconstructed in Alexandria.
I was there when I was a kid.
Alexandria. We will go to Alexandria.
The tombstone will show us the way
to the diamond.
Come on, Remy,
we have to be practical.
We don't have the money
to go treasure-hunting.
this was my grandmother's.
Sell it so that you two
can find our fortune.
Suzette has faith in us.
Aren't I a lucky man?
Remy, this could just be
a wild-goose chase.
- It might not amount to anything.
- I don't think so.
Indy, you're my best friend.
Let's do it together. One last adventure.
Goodbye, my love.
Remy, be careful!
We'll come home rich, my love!
Don't worry about anything.
Don't worry!
I will buy Suzette a fine house.
There will be room
for the children to play.
A garden.
We'll buy a car.
Imagine me, Indy, with my own car.
Well, don't forget, Remy,
this is a big gamble and we could lose.
I feel lucky tonight.
Remy, don't go and gamble away
all our travel money, all right.
Have faith, my friend.
Alexandria, here we are, back in Africa.
Let's just hope we have better luck
than we did last time.
Could you direct us
to the Musée gréco-romain?
You are archaeologists.
We are the very best hotel
for archaeologists.
Yeah, we are archaeologists.
Searching the past
for the secrets of the present.
You know Mr Howard Carter,
a very famous archaeologist?
- Howard Carter? Yeah.
- He's staying with us, too.
I met him on a dig about 10 years ago.
Is he here now?
Not at the moment.
Every day, he's looking
for the tomb of the last boy-king,
others say it doesn't exist.
But he doesn't give up.
Would you give this to him
for me, please?
Of course. I've circled the museum,
turn left as you go out the door.
Look at the frieze above the tombstone.
It's Alexander and his troops.
The mountains are
the same mountains.
They are the same mountains.
Indy, do you think that the missing half
Is the continuation of the frieze.
- That's a good possibility.
- What does the inscription say?
I don't know, I have to translate.
Mr Carter, our archaeology teacher,
will really be impressed
-if we can translate this.
Beautiful, isn't it?
Alexander was a magnificent man.
Warrior. Leader.
I wish I would've been alive then
to know him.
That's a nice sketch you've done
of the tomb.
I am an artist.
I like to learn very much
from studying other fine work.
You've copied it a lot.
Yes, I always see something new.
Excuse me, sir,
but could we ask you a favour?
Could we borrow two sheets of paper?
Of course.
- And two pencils.
- Of course.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Mr Carter asked me to bring you over,
so you could join him for a cup of tea.
Make an excuse. We have work to do.
He's through here.
Henry Jones, Jr., is that you?
Yes, sir, Mr Carter.
I say, it's been 10 years.
I wouldn't have recognised you.
- This is my friend, Remy Baudouin.
- Hello.
Please, sit down.
This dusty creature is E.M. Forster.
He's a writer, not an archaeologist,
as he has proven again today.
Some of us dig in the dirt,
some of us like to dig into men's souls.
When he was just a boy,
Henry helped me
When he was just a boy,
Henry helped me
with an excavation
at the Valley of the Kings.
- Yes, we discovered Ka's tomb.
- Yes, and you were quite helpful.
I could use some of that help now
looking for King Tutankhamen's tomb.
Really? Well, that would be great.
I'd love to work with you again.
But Remy and I are
on a business trip, so
Business? I thought you were going
to become an archaeologist.
Yes, sir, I'd still like to,
but right now, our business
must require all our attention.
- What sort of business?
- Actually, it's sort of research.
We're trying to find out
what Alexander the Great's
most important triumph was.
We thought that
by looking at some of the sculpture,
we might figure something out.
Well, Forster might be able to help you.
He's writing a book on Alexandria.
A history and a guide.
I would consider it his vision
to conquer the entire Persian empire,
- and spread Hellenic thought.
- That's the romantic view.
- You calling me a romantic?
- Yes.
- Well, all right. I admit I'm a romantic.
- And I disagree with you.
I don't think
Alexander's greatest triumph
was his thirst for conquest.
- I'd like to think it was more noble.
- But if you had to pick an event,
one particular triumph,
that maybe this drawing
might make you think of.
Well, there's uniting Greece
or crossing the desert to Susa
or cutting the Gordian knot.
Did Alexander ever take a holiday?
Or there is discovering
the oasis of Siwa,
and being acknowledged
as the son of Amun-Ra.
looking at this drawing,
is there nothing that comes to mind?
- Alexander and his army trekking.
- But where?
To his greatest triumph,
conquering the new world.
- Cutting the Gordian knot.
- Uniting Greece.
Alexander was
the greatest general ever.
But how many acquired
the status of a god?
That's got to be his greatest triumph.
What does this drawing have to do
with Alexander becoming a god?
Look, I don't even know
if that's the right answer.
Face it, we don't know much.
When you finish translating,
we'll know more.
No, we won't.
This says, "The dragon is the key
to your dreams."
- What does that mean?
- Exactly.
What does the man thinking he's a god
have to do with my diamond?
What does a dragon
have to do with my diamond?
Key to my dreams, key to my ulcer.
That tells me as much as saying
this is the key to my dreams.
What are you doing?
The dragon is the key to your dreams.
When I lay this key
on the dragon's scales,
the eye of the key extends up here,
somewhere in India.
And we know that the temple is in India.
We go to Bombay.
The key doesn't fit.
The map-maker must have used
a specific key to pinpoint a location.
With that key, we could be thousands
I would like to repay you
with a kindness.
But it's not in my nature.
Throw them in the river.
- Are you all right?
- Yes, I'm all right.
It was that little guy from the museum.
- Hey, where's the map?
- He took it.
It's the same guy from the trenches.
Remember? He killed that Indian.
He must have a room at the hotel.
Let's find him before he gets away.
Just a newspaper.
There is a page torn out.
What page is it?
Page 8.
Steamship timetable.
He couldn't be more than an hour
in front of us.
The one-eyed man you describe
left on SS Von Diemen half an hour ago.
Heading east, final destination, Java.
Does it come into port
anywhere between here and Java?
Port Said, Suez, Bombay.
- When is the next boat?
- Seven days.
We can't wait that long.
Where's the train station?
He had better be on this ship.
Remy! Remy! Remy!
Come on.
Remy! Remy! Remy!
He's got the key
and the other half of the map.
It's not pointing to India,
it's pointing southeast.
- To where?
- I don't know. I can't see.
Why would he destroy it?
To make sure he's the only person
that knows where the diamond is.
We're going to have to follow him.
Let him take us to it. Come on.
- Remy.
- Hotel Batavia.
Follow that rickshaw.
Excuse me! Go! Go!
The Batavia.
- It's fancy.
- We will need to change our clothes.
- Look, there they are in the restaurant.
- Let's go get something to eat.
How much money do we have left?
I'm hungry.
Stop thinking about your stomach.
Do you suppose those are partners?
It could complicate things.
Money doesn't excuse bad manners!
Gin and tonic, Dezare.
Excuse me, sir,
would you ask the lady at the bar
- if she'd like to join us, please?
- Yes, sir.
She probably doesn't know anything.
She's just a local bar girl.
- She can't help us.
- She might.
We need to know
what we're up against.
I'm an embarrassment
to anyone that knows me.
So why would you want me
to sit with you?
We like people
that stand up for themselves.
One can only take so much.
Well, we all have our limits.
- Who are those men anyway?
- That's Mr Ku Wong.
A friend of mine once giggled
at the wrong moment with him,
she now resides at the hospital.
The one with the turban
doesn't look much kinder.
That's Jambi. A tobacco trader.
Very rich.
What about the big one,
licking his fingers?
He's a diamond trader,
from the Netherlands.
Why are you so interested?
We're in the garment business.
We're always looking for new outlets,
- new customers and
- My name's Lily.
And this is my associate, Remaldo.
The air in here is too stifling.
I would've loved
to have stayed and chat.
Perhaps we'll meet again.
The fat man is waiting in Singapore.
If we don't get the diamond to him
within a week, he's gone.
He'll pay us 10 times what we would
get on the black market.
Where are you going?
To get some sleep
so I'll be ready for tonight.
What time should we start
our expedition?
- As soon as it gets dark.
- 8-00.
Remember, Zyke,
we financed this whole thing.
Without us,
you'd still be a starving conniver.
Be in the lobby. 8:00. Don't be late.
Remy! Remy! Remy!
They weren't supposed to leave
until tonight.
- Where is he going?
- I don't know. Come on.
Hurry up, or we'll lose him.
Do you think he is going
for the treasure now?
Looks like he's going to double-cross
his partners. Come on.
This way.
What is that hammering sound?
It's coming from the one on the right.
Come on.
He's tapping every stone.
He hasn't found it yet.
Let's get him out of the way.
That's not going to be too easy.
He's got a gun.
Why would the frieze
be part of the map,
if it doesn't pinpoint
where the diamond is?
Look, Alexander is on his horse,
and he's right under
the tallest mountain.
- There are three mountains.
- And there's three temples.
He's looking in the wrong place.
It must be in the center temple.
Remy, what did it say
on the back of the map
when you spilled wine on it?
- Follow the horses to
- The horses!
The horses.
Follow the horses.
It's Alexander's greatest triumph,
becoming a god.
Oh, my God!
I don't see anything.
The diamond. We've got it! We've got it!
- Let's open the box.
- I think that's what the key is for.
And that's what I have.
Thank you very much.
I will take that off your hands.
- You two do not kill easily.
- No, we do not!
- Are you all right?
- Where is the box?
Here it is!
And now we are back where we started.
Give me the box.
It is each man to himself in this world.
You understand that?
I don't want you following me around
all my life.
So, goodbye.
So, goodbye.
- What a mess!
- I got the key.
Big deal.
- Indy, I'm slipping!
- Try to hold on.
Damn! He took our horses! Damn!
Come on.
Zyke's not here. Let's try his room.
Oh, no!
- The box is gone.
- Someone beat us to it.
He was going to Singapore tomorrow.
Zyke was probably going to make
a deal with the fat man, himself.
He's coming. Evacuate.
We're going on a boat ride.
There goes Ku Wong.
I knew it! I knew it was Ku Wong.
Look, there's the diamond dealer.
We'll have to keep our eyes
on both of them.
Maybe. But only one of them
has got the box.
Come on, let's get on board.
This is the last of our money.
We better be right.
Two for Singapore, please. Thank you.
And there is Jambi.
Maybe the three of them are in on it.
Well, that won't make it
any easier for us.
Don't touch me! Leave me alone!
Get your hands off me!
Get off! Good grief! Get off! Animals!
- Go away!
- Are you all right?
Do I look all right?
They took all my money
and bought me a ticket,
and told me never to come back.
Now what am I going to do?
You seem like a girl
who always seems to manage.
Maybe I don't want to manage any more.
That's what got me kicked out of town.
Here, here. Remy,
why don't you go check out our cabins?
All right. Don't be too long.
Come on.
I don't know what happened to me
in the last year.
I just seemed to lose hope.
I always thought
everyone deserved a little happiness,
but none ever seemed to come my way.
Why are you so kind to me?
You have beautiful eyes.
I'm not sure they are right now.
I should go and freshen up.
You really shouldn't be seen with me,
you know, if you want
to protect your reputation.
Don't worry about me.
I took a look at the passenger list.
I know what cabin they're in.
Good. As soon as dinner is over,
I'll get them to join me at cards.
Keep them busy while you search.
Cards? Remy, we've got $2 left.
What are you going to bet with?
My talent, my brain. I will win from them.
And as long as they are losing,
they'll stay.
Indy, you are not going to give that food
to that girl, are you?
Just make sure they keep playing cards.
- I thought you might be hungry.
- Oh, I am!
Maybe you could get me a blanket?
You're not planning
on sleeping out here, are you?
No, no, no. That's not right. Look, you
You can sleep in my bunk.
Thank you.
You're my knight in shining armour.
Five-card. Sounds good to everybody?
Some girl must be very lucky
to have you.
Yeah, well You won't even hear me
come back in. I'll be quiet.
Well, try to get some sleep.
You've had a tough day.
Thank you, Henry.
- Good night, my prince.
- Good night.
Bad hand, gentlemen.
You disappoint me.
You're making this much too easy.
I'm done.
Stay. Something tells me
this could be your lucky hand.
I don't like you.
I'm going to have a drink,
and then go to bed.
Deal the cards.
If you hadn't wasted your time with her,
you could have gotten
into Jon Grann's cabin,
and we wouldn't have lost
all our money.
You were supposed to
keep them all busy.
I couldn't tie him down.
- Go and search Jon Grann's cabin now!
- Me?
Tomorrow we dock in Singapore.
If he beats us to the fat man,
he'll sell the diamond,
and we'll have nothing.
- I think I should stay here.
- No, I think I should stay here.
- We both can't stay here!
- Well, someone's gotta go!
- You go!
- You go!
It's got to be done tonight.
We'll both go.
- Damn! We have looked everywhere!
- Hold it right there, you thieving worms.
Wait a minute, let me explain.
I hate not knowing what comes next.
Hold your fire! Lay down your weapons!
It's the singer!
We do not wish to make your life short.
We just want your money,
your jewels, your gold.
No, it's mine!
- No!
- Woman, give him the bag.
- No!
- Give him the bag!
She had the box!
Don't let them take the key, Indy.
Henry, you had the key.
You're the ones who attacked Zyke
at the temple.
You're the one who shot him
in his room?
He was going to kill me.
We were supposed to be partners.
Attention! I'd like to thank you all
for sharing your considerable wealth
with me and my crew.
Sorry, I won't be able to entertain you
any longer.
She had the box! She was in our room.
It was in our room! Within our grasp!
Don't worry about that now.
All we need is a boat.
Here's one.
So much for that one. Look, down there.
- Hey, Lily, wait up!
- Where is she going?
Don't try and stop me, Henry.
I'm not losing that diamond!
The diamond is ours!
- Easy, Remy.
- I haven't got time
to stand here arguing with you.
Get out of my boat!
- I'll throw you overboard!
- No, Remy, wait! Remy!
Now, look, why don't you
just climb back up the rope
and get back on that ship?
You can't capture all those pirates
by yourself.
We're losing the pirate ship!
Maybe we can make a deal.
We could share it. Split it three ways.
- There's plenty for all of us.
- We don't want to share!
- There's plenty for all of us.
- We don't want to share!
- Dump her out, Indy!
- Remy, I can't do that!
You better decide, boys.
Our diamond is getting away!
Remy, row! Row!
Mother of pearl!
I could live like a queen
for the rest of my life.
- Do you see the box?
- Here it is.
- Yes, baby, come to papa.
- That's mine!
Stop fighting over it.
We don't even have a key yet.
Well, old friends,
why is that box so precious to you?
What's in the box?
I asked you a question.
What's in the box?
My mother's ashes.
I promised to scatter them
across Belgium to her.
Bring me the box.
- No, the diamond is mine!
- Shut up!
Get down!
- You double-crosser!
- Get down!
Come on, Indy! Indy!
Okay, you're gonna be all right.
I'll get something to lower you
over the side.
I can't. Goodbye, my prince.
Jump, Indy! Indy!
Get us out of here. Go! Go!
- I've still got them in sight.
- We have to catch up.
That's the last of it.
We've got to get to land soon.
We have to get the diamond.
They can't have much left, either.
Come on.
The diamond.
Remy! Remy, land!
They're going for that island.
They went into the jungle.
Remy, sabotage their boat!
Headhunters! They're killer natives!
Forget about the diamond.
We're leaving.
Let's just get in the boat
and get out of here.
The diamond!
Boat! Remy!
Remy, get in the boat!
- Get in!
- I got it! I got it!
We've got it! We've got it!
It's ours now. We are rich.
- We are rich.
- Yeah, rich.
It's a bird. Remy. Remy, it's a bird!
And what if there are
more headhunters?
We have to find water.
We don't have any choice.
Well, let's hope it's uninhabited.
We are saved!
We are saved!
We are saved!
What we got to do is, we got to stock up
on as much food as we can find.
Load up on water.
And get back to civilization
where we can spend our money, no?
We don't even know where we are.
I'd guess somewhere between Australia
and the Hawaiian Islands.
Do not worry, Indy, the gods are with us.
Oh, Indy, I already feel rich.
Do I look rich?
- You look the same.
- But not the same.
I see the world through different eyes.
I feel higher, taller!
I think you've got sunstroke.
This was it. This was it.
It was right by these rocks.
Indy, do you think
one of the pirates followed us?
Even if one of them lived,
they didn't have a boat.
-Indy, my friend.
Suddenly it has occurred to me,
this island is not uninhabited.
How do you know?
We should make a break for it.
They have weapons, Remy. We don't.
Boots? The boots?
Take your boots off, Remy. Smile.
I'm not gonna smile at my murderers.
We don't know if they're murderers.
Even if they were, they could have killed
us by now. Why would they wait?
Maybe they will wrap us
in banana leaves and bake us.
They seem peaceful.
Maybe they'll help us out.
They don't seem unfriendly.
I would not smell those if I were you.
- Maybe we should give them a gift.
- This would be a good idea.
- You give them your hat.
- That's not good enough, Remy.
- Not the box.
- Calm down.
It's okay. It's okay.
I would rather be buried with it
than part with it.
Wait. Wait. Wait. Okay, okay, wait.
This is a telescope.
For you.
Hey, we just gave you a present.
Careful with that.
Looks like a worm.
It has a crunch.
Very tasty.
- This could be a good sign.
- Our boat back would be a better sign.
What is it?
Damn! What does this mean?
I hate not knowing what comes next.
We must make a break
when they are asleep.
Oh, right, Remy.
It'll be a whole tribe against two.
- What do you suggest?
- I suggest we get some sleep.
I don't think they mean us any harm.
Biok. Biok.
- Biok?
- Biok.
- Indy.
- Indy?
- Indy.
- Indy.
- Thunder man.
- Thunder man.
I can smell roast pork.
Don't get your hopes up.
I don't think it's for us.
- What's going on?
- You got me.
Must be some kind of initiation.
These are all the young boys
in the village.
Maybe today is the day
that they become men.
For me?
I do not think
this is a way to treat a guest.
Please, God,
I do not want to be target practice.
Why are they touching us?
I don't know. I guess
we're some kind of a good luck charm.
Indy, I do not care
if we are good luck charms.
It's dangerous here. We have to get out.
Indy, what are you doing?
Now, where are we going?
I don't suppose you're taking us
to London, are you? No.
You must put his death
out of your mind.
Is it just some kind of ritual?
What's the point?
Do not make yourself crazy.
- It's the warriors from the battle.
- Now I know they're going to kill us.
Do not touch!
Welcome to the Trobriand Islands.
The Kiriwinians are your hosts.
I'm Bronislaw Malinowski.
I'm studying these people.
Who are you?
Indiana Jones.
We're travelers from Europe.
- We came by way of Java.
- An American?
And a Belgian. Remy Baudouin.
They have brought you
to impress the Kiriwinians in friendship.
Well, that's what I don't understand.
They just got finished killing each other.
They don't fight
because they're enemies.
They fight because the ghosts
want them to,
the ghosts require the battle.
The ghost wants the battle, oh yes.
If he doesn't get it, he'll bring sickness,
blights to crops, droughts, floods.
Well, then it's all just a vicious circle.
And the battles never stop.
Take your clue from the people,
young man.
They bear no ill will to each other.
Listen, sir,
all we want is to get back to civilization.
- This is civilization.
- A civilized civilization.
Goodbye, Amata.
I've told them I'll take charge of you.
Come, it's this way to the village.
The question is, can you help us
get headed back to London?
A freighter comes by on occasion
on its trading route.
Indy, a boat. I can smell home! London!
London, shops, theaters, perfumes,
ladies in velvet. I miss it.
So you're from London?
Yes, I lived there, published there,
drink ginger beer there.
- Oh, ginger beer!
- Excuse me.
Do you have a hammer, a chisel
or some tools here with you?
We need to open this box
that has a difficult lock.
There may be something
in my quarters.
Interesting isn't it, that the nature
of the society determines
the nature of their tools?
Here, there are no locks.
The gardener needs a stick
to till a garden, a bone to dig,
a vine to secure posts, but you need
a more sophisticated kind of tool
to open a locked box built with what?
A sophisticated kind of greed.
Obviously, that strong box was made
to hold your most precious possession.
Their most precious possessions
are stored in these huts.
-What's inside?
You can't get a Kula canoe built
without yams to feed the workers,
you can't get married without yams,
you can't be buried without them.
Let's go to my castle.
You're welcome to stay here with me
till your ship arrives
and takes you away.
Sweeter words were never heard.
- Brewster's Millions?
- Escapism.
I try to keep my sanity.
I'd be more than happy
to cook us dinner tonight.
Yeah, that'd be great. Thanks.
- Good.
- Thanks a lot.
I'll gather what I need.
We must make a vow.
Wealth and the power it brings
will never threaten our friendship.
We must vow we will be friends forever.
Friends forever.
A stone.
- All this for a stone!
- Remy, calm down.
We almost lose our mind,
we almost die of thirst,
we travelled to hell for a stone!
Remy, relax.
-Are you going home soon?
“When I'm finished.
The only time that's important here
is that of energy.
How much effort and energy
does it take to make a garden?
There are no buses to catch,
no dinner parties to dress for,
only the time necessary
to complete the project.
What project
are you trying to complete?
I want to document this culture
so that it won't be lost
when it changes,
and everything changes, no?
Yeah, yeah, I guess it does.
Banana compote.
I make the best on the island.
Excuse me, I'm tired.
Hot chocolate.
I ration my supply,
and raid it when I'm homesick.
I'm afraid you two have reminded me
of home, of people I should like to see.
What brings you
to this part of the world?
- Treasure-hunting.
- Treasure-hunting. Why?
- To get rich.
- The iron box?
We thought there was
a very large diamond in it.
The Eye of the Peacock,
Alexander the Great's diamond. But
- So Remy is tossing and turning?
- Yeah, he's let down.
Now that you don't have your treasure,
what will you do?
Go back to America.
Go to the University of Chicago.
I have always wanted to
be an archaeologist, so
- More treasure-hunting?
- No, no, I
I know archaeology
is not treasure-hunting.
When I was 10 years old,
my father went on a world lecture tour,
and I got to go with him. So I went
on a dig with Howard Carter in Egypt,
and I worked on another dig
in Jerusalem,
and I learned a lot
about the way people live,
and things that they hold sacred.
There are all kinds of ways of life
in this world.
One is not right, one is not wrong.
Understanding others,
we can accept them,
and through acceptance
comes a peaceful world.
Yeah, yeah.
Does your friend, Remy,
hold this diamond sacred?
- Yeah, I guess in some ways he does.
- Do you?
Well, I
Well, I'd like to be rich. Wouldn't you?
I am rich. Yeah. I don't need diamonds.
- Good night, Indy.
- Good night.
- Good morning.
- Morning.
What are they doing?
They're preparing a new canoe
for their next Kula trading.
Their chief uses these sprigs of mint
to help persuade the canoe
to be swift and steady.
Can I ask you a question? Have you
studied any ancient languages?
A bit.
I'd like to show you something if I could.
Does it make sense?
Well, it could.
The legend says
the monks hid the diamond.
They were the last people to know
about the diamond's whereabouts.
- They could have taken it.
- To the Temple of Piety.
In India.
No, maybe. Maybe it's just another
wild-goose chase.
- Maybe.
- What are you two doing?
Remy, the stone that was in the box
had some kind of writing on it.
- I think we've deciphered it.
- You two together?
Yeah, it may be a clue
as to where the diamond is.
Why didn't you tell me about the stone?
Well, I couldn't figure it out by myself,
and I didn't want to get your hopes up
in case it was nothing,
so I asked Mr Malinowski to help.
- And what do you want for your help?
- Remy!
Wait, please, Remy. Don't worry,
I have no interest in your treasure hunt.
You had no right to tell him
about the diamond.
Look, I trust him, Remy.
You said this wasn't going to
affect our friendship.
Our friendship, Remy. We made a vow.
So what did you figure out?
Do you know where to find it?
I knew, Indy. I knew. This diamond
has our name written on it.
- Where do we go now?
- I don't know.
Motivations are keys to understanding
different cultures.
Fear of ghosts is a motivator.
What will you do
when you find your diamond
and are richer than your dreams?
Go back home,
become an archaeologist.
That's what you were going to do
if you didn't find your treasure.
That's what I want to do.
So you don't need this diamond
to fulfill your dreams.
How long will you put off your dream
looking for this diamond
you don't need?
Time, Indy, is the most precious thing
we own.
From my fiancée, see,
I read them over and over.
Why am I here when she is there?
Because you need to
understand these people.
More than I need to understand home,
heart, family, the love of a woman?
I made a choice, Indy. For now.
Choices, why do we make them?
Because we can't do everything.
So why would you choose
to put off following your dream
to pursue something
you don't really need?
Tomorrow, we'll be on our way.
From Singapore,
we can try to get work on a ship
going to Bombay,
get some money in our pocket.
I'm not going to go
to Bombay with you, Remy.
What are you talking about?
I'm not going to search
for the diamond any more.
You are not going to quit.
I don't need a diamond, Remy,
or to be rich to do what I wanna do.
Don't say this. You do not mean it.
I do.
I'm sorry.
When we get to Singapore,
I'll find a ship that I can work on,
headed for London,
and then to America.
This is crazy.
Why quit the partnership now?
It was never about a partnership, Remy.
It was about us being friends.
A friend does not quit halfway through.
We are so close.
When I close my eyes,
I can feel it in my hands.
No, no, Remy,
you don't know if we're close.
We can go on searching for clues
for years.
It has to stop somewhere,
and for me it stops here.
I don't know when it will stop for you.
It does not stop! Not until
we find what we are looking for!
I think you have to do
what you have to do.
- What can I do to change your mind?
- Nothing, Remy. Don't try.
You're making a mistake.
I don't think so.
We really made a good team.
Good luck, Remy.
I hope you find your diamond.
break through your sea passage,
glide through peril,
leave your imprint in the sand.
- Perhaps we meet again.
- I hope so.
I'm coming home.
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