The Assassins (2024) s01e18 Episode Script

Devil in the Castle

The siege has been lifted.
Write what I command you to.
With the intelligence and
cunning of Hassan Al-Sabbah
The correspondence among
brothers carried by pigeon
And the secrets between
the brothers in the messages
Will be our salvation.
And through creating
discord among brothers
Among themselves
He managed to lift
the siege of Berkyaruk.
To restore the fortress
to its former strength.
Berkyaruk was an impatient Sultan, He
didn't have a minister like Nizam Al-Mulk
He chose to make peace with
the devil, not understanding his danger.
He chose to make peace with
the devil, not understanding his danger.
So that war would be
an option for the youth.
Yahia, Suleiman, and Tayfour.
Yahia planned to infiltrate the fortress
As one of the followers of Al-Sabbah
Yahia chose Hassan
Al-Sabbah's method
To enter amongst them
And cut off the serpent's head
Hassan Al-Sabbah.
Isfahan again, Oh Sahban!
I wonder if my
place is still there?
Places are like people
They age, get weary,
die, and are replaced.
I lost dearest friends
Jihan and Nizam Al-Mulk.
Here, I was the burning
passion of Omar Khayyam
Here, I lost my spa
And my loofah and my customers
Ah, those days.
We want a new life, Oh Sahban
We want a life where we
can quench our heart's longing
Because life is like
clouds, it passes quickly
So, what should we do now?
Seek the moment.
Uncle, first let's look for a
morsel To eat, come on, come on.
Tell me
How were you able to
escape from your comrades?
We were waiting
for the right moment
And even if the Seljuq army
Didn't retreat and a battle occurred
We would have killed as many of them As
we could in the battle to aid our Master.
You know our master!
We came to the castle before When
we were among the army of oppressors
And you pardoned us
And that enlightened us
Every young man with a pure
heart dreams of joining him.
Words are easy
Could they be liars?
I wish we were liars.
They wouldn't have
discovered us or tried to kill us
How did they expose you?
We stabbed Commander Dawood.
Their army's leader.
We thought he was
dead, but he came out,
shouted at the
soldiers, and chased us.
shouted at the
soldiers, and chased us.
Heal and relax.
The ruling among you
must come from our leader.
Waiting for our leader.
Three believing young men.
Running away from the Seljuq army.
We hope to kill them, our leader.
I know one of them.
One of them is Yahia
Ibn Said the Muezzin.
I killed him and
his wife in Isfahan.
The Muezzin!
So, their killing
becomes necessary.
Who say that?!
We kill a young man
who believes in our cause!
The castle is a
cave for the oppressed.
- Of course, welcome them.
- Welcome who?
This is the Muezzin's son.
Meaning, he enters
the castle seeking revenge.
Let's see first.
Maybe the son is
different from his father.
And maybe he is a sincere believer.
Besides, they have already
entered the Castle of death.
So, they entered the house of
trials and are under our control.
So they become normal
among the believing youth?
Under our surveillance.
Especially Yahia.
He who was able to do what neither
the Nizam Al-Mulk nor the Sultan could do.
- What are you saying, our leader?
- Stop it.
- What are you saying, our leader?
- Stop it.
Stop it, son of Suhon.
Don't let Yahia catch
the eye of Suhon's son.
Listen carefully.
The girl who would be chosen for the
chosen young man in the dream of heaven.
The girl who would be chosen for the
chosen young man in the dream of heaven.
I don't want to hint at any moment
of sorrow in any corner of her eyes.
At all.
I want to see only happiness.
And the tender smile.
And her body
Must be in line with the
chosen one's fantasy.
Meaning, before he moves.
Or even speak
She must be to his taste.
You are the last memory
in the Chosen one's life.
The sweetest memory.
And the most delicate memory.
The memory that must
erase all his memories.
The memory that must
erase all his memories.
And make him ready
to die a thousand times.
Just to return to it again.
The account for the
sorrow in the eyes.
Will be very difficult.
Because you are a dream.
Not a reality.
Sadness, fear, hesitation
Confusion and perplexity.
They'll make the chosen
one think you're not dream.
That you're just an ordinary girl.
Not a goddess.
And if that happens,
And if that happens,
There will be no reprimand,
Or blame,
Or punishment,
For the girl who woke the chosen
one from his heavenly dream upset,
Except death.
And you all know I
don't make empty threats.
I want you to think about Kidiyar,
Who is scared for her life
and wants to remain a goddess
She knows exactly what to do.
For Alinar.
I will not repeat my
words or advice again.
Prepare well,
For dawn,
One of you will be chosen
for the heavenly dream.
I get the feeling
it's going to be you.
Be careful.
What should I do?
Live, Nourhan,
Or at least try to live.
If it weren't for your faith
I would've killed you first.
And by my hand,
With a single blow.
Khayrat, the first
enemy of the Seljuks,
Khayrat, the first
enemy of the Seljuks,
And your revenge with them is big.
Here, there's no
revenge between us.
From now on, faith
is what unites us.
Welcome guys,
- Johar
- Johar
Welcome, Johar.
Now, focus on your
exercises and spiritual lessons.
Because one of you will
be chosen as the martyr.
They just arrived!
There are still many
tests to be taken.
What happens to this martyr,
He enters the heavenly
dream, and prepares.
Prepares for what exactly?
For martyrdom and
return to paradise.
For martyrdom and
return to paradise.
May God grant us and you this.
Amen, Lord.
What is this heavenly dream?
Our knowledge is not much,
But for sure,
It's the most beautiful thing that happens
to the young man who comes here.
Then we bid him farewell
and never see him again.
Where are the new guys?
Prepare for the skinning.
Tell us about your journey, Omar.
I'd love to hear from you.
You're our poet and great scholar.
It was a remarkable
journey, your majesty.
From city to city to the fortress
of death and the Sultan's army
We've reached your
palace and safety
Have you visited the castle of death?
Yes, my lord
How so?
Didn't you tell me not to tell?
You made me lie in front of the
army commander and act foolishly
You made me lie in front of the
army commander and act foolishly
So why are you
changing your words now?!
Who's your friend, Omar?
That's Sahban the spa attendant
And the explanation is long.
As long as you wish.
I have time.
The Sultan's army was in a battle
And any doubtful information
Could have cost our lives
And Sahban and I
are not war material
Come with us, Omar, you and Sahban
and show us where Al-Sabbah is
And the battle starts and
Sahban and I get lost
That's apart from Hassan
Al-Sabbah being my friend
And I don't deny it
But I deny my belief
in his corrupt doctrine
Because I'm against his actions
But my gallantness
Prevents me from giving the Sultan's army
information that could lead to his death
While I was still his guest
and sharing his bread and salt
My lord Sultan, I mean
Excuse my friend,
Omar, because Hasan Sabbah
Excuse my friend,
Omar, because Hasan Sabbah
Gave us a bottle
of wine, I don't drink
He drank it alone and since then
He's been speaking strangely,
but he's not his friend, no.
I appreciate your gallantry, Omar
I don't care to know what
happened in the Castle of death
I want to know your personal
opinion about Hassan Al-Sabbah
Hassan Al-Sabbah, my lord
Is a man lost in his dream
He fell in love with himself
until he fell into his pit
And the cord that connected
him to his salvation was cut off
He found an idea that made him greater
than his truth, because ego loves greatness
He found an idea that made him greater
than his truth, because ego loves greatness
But there is a great difference
between legitimate ego greatness
And the reprehensible ego greatness.
The legitimate ego greatness
Is the noble greatness that makes
a man refuse to commit religious acts
To gain worldly goals.
So what's the
reprehensible ego greatness?
It's the desire for
what it doesn't deserve
And Hassan is drowning in
reprehensible ego greatness.
He aspires to be above humans
The idea and the
approach which he reached.
He embodied the argument,
faith, and the immortal human.
From a castle high above a mountain,
he thought he could rule the entire world.
And every crazy idea
finds many followers.
Who can break Hassan
Al-Sabbah and defeat him?
Hassan Al-Sabbah is no longer a person.
He has become an idea.
As a person,
I don't think anyone can break him.
Except for himself.
But the idea of Hassan Al-Sabbah,
The one that can
break and defeat it,
Is the idea of a state,
a strong and fair state.
A state with mind, freedom,
and knowledge can do it.
The knowledge of Earth and heavens
can easily defeat Hassan Al-Sabbah's idea.
Because his idea that strengthens,
Is the corruption of big states.
And the lack of
justice within them.
You're right, Omar.
What do you want to
live happily among us?
A library and a big salary.
And beautiful maidens.
And a new spa for
my friend, the builder.
Your requests are granted, Omar.
Ready to be skinned?
No, we're not ready to be skinned.
What does skinning mean?
To be a believer of the
believers of The castle of Death.
This means being one of
the very few on Earth.
The best of the true believers.
Your first lesson
must be the skinning.
skinning off all old beliefs.
Certainly you come from
corrupt lands and beliefs.
The spirit must be skinned
from all the old inside it.
The spirit must be skinned
from all the old inside it.
And you must know
the new meanings of faith.
And the heart, and the call.
And martyrdom and redemption.
And heaven and hell.
The greatest hell is
the Hell of rebellion.
And the greatest heaven
Is the Heaven of obedience.
And the one whose heart isn't full with the
light and love and obedience of the Imam
His heart is impure.
And the first lesson
you must learn in peeling.
Here there are new concepts in everything.
After the false concepts
have destroyed the minds.
The forbidden and the permissible,
the law and the knowledge.
The forbidden and the permissible,
the law and the knowledge.
And the traditions, we all should
learn their meaning from our master.
Who knows them from our Lord, the Almighty.
Any knowledge is conditioned
by our master's knowledge.
I want each of you to
be silent and close his eyes.
He imagines himself shedding
from ignorance to knowledge
The father, the mother, the son,
the friend, the wife, and the teacher
Older meanings
Peel them off and replace
them with one meaning
The teachings of our master
The teachings of our master
The owner of the key to paradise.
A new martyr's fortune
That an order is issued by our
master Hassan Al-Sabbah is a privilege
Close your eyes and get ready to enter
The most beautiful dream in existence.
I missed you!
What's his purpose?
What's his purpose?
Our master?
He told you to prove
Knowing that he's my enemy
Knowing that he's my enemy
And knowing that he's a
man of revenge and blood
Yet he allows his presence here
Also choosing to enjoy?
What's the purpose?
To test him
And his choice does'nt mean consent.
Does it mean when you chose
to kill Mansour, he hated you?
He was confident in my survival.
So he loves you?
- Of course.
- So,he loves the young man Yahia?
You and I are different
We are friends
We have a bond
But this is a new young
man entering the castle
But this is a new young
man entering the castle
- Must know his intent and test him.
- Why?
Is he testing him or testing me?
He's still going to test you?
Our master tested us a
long time ago and chose us.
Why is he doing this then?
Why Barzak?
Maybe the young man is a real believer?
And his faith removes any old enmity?
And erase the effects
of revenge from himself?
Did you really become a chosen?
Where were you, Yahia?
And what did you see?
He will not respond or tell
Because he's not allowed
Don't you see the
amazing smile on his face?
Like you're born anew.
The chosen martyr
The chosen martyr
His place is not among the believers
Come with me.
You're crazy!
Yahia, O Naz
He is yahia, i know him more than myself.
You almost get us all in trouble
You almost get us all in trouble
And you say his name almost out loud?
And I'm watching you and getting
confused and everything is messed up.
Elenar noticed that he got up, distracted
and not as happy as the others.
What's your fate
now? What's your fate?
I don't care about anything now.
The most important thing is that I saw
Yahia next to me here in the castle.
If I die now, I'll die happy.
No one knows who will die, Nourhan.
A mermaid in a paradise's dream.
And looking around her.
Making the chosen young man wake
up from his dream while he's lost.
Committed and confused.
And I said I don't repeat my words twice.
You can't remain a mermaid.
Nor can I throw her out of the castle.
Or sell her.
Because she knows everything.
My apologies, Naz.
I did love you.
But my duty trumps all considerations.
- No, no, no!
- She did nothing, believe me!
- No, no, no!
- She did nothing, believe me!
I am the one who got lost
in the paradise's dream, kill me
Naz is innocent…

Will you forgive me?
Find a new friend to live
with the horror you just witnessed.
So you won't think to repeat your mistake
again which would cause her and your death.
Don't let your sorrow for her death
show in your eyes in the paradise's dream.
My friendship with Omar
Khayyam ruined everything.
Imagine, my lord.
After I returned my Bath,
And started to scrub the
customers' backs again,
And started to scrub the
customers' backs again,
And spoke to them about
Aristotle's philosophy,
And talked about poetry,
Customers started to
leave me and walk away,
Believing that I had gone mad.
And they say
Sahban, who used
to tell us enjoyable
stories about the Jinn
and the female slaves,
Now speaks nonsense.
And I learned simplicity from you, Sahban.
You have taught me more than
all I learned in my past life.
An incredible friendship.
I didn't expect it to continue
after your return to Isfahan, Omar.
- Why?
- Mean to say,
Perhaps your fear after
you killed the king's regime,
Perhaps your fear after
you killed the king's regime,
And the absence of your beloved Jihan,
And the scholars accusing you of apostasy,
Are what created this kind of friendship.
But after returning to Isfahan again
The conditions will be better
The Bathroom attendant
stay a Bathroom attendant
And the poet is also a scholar.
The poet and the scholar
Need the Bathroom attendant
Sahban made life lighter
It's not unbearable anymore.
And Omar, I swear
Not because he's sitting
He make my life worse
Oh my lord, he always made me sad
Meaning, I can say, he ruined my life.
Meaning, I can say, he ruined my life.
And Sahban, even though
he appears ignorant and silly
But he is a pure soul
Like a rose that grows from the mud.
I have information that you
are precise in your imagination
And your calculations, Omar.
To some extent
But what does this have
to do with our situation?
I need a precise and
clear image of Castle of death
Its gates and their numbers,
the floors, the corridors
Its pathways
Every detail
As if I'm inside the castle and walking.
The young man, after waking
from his dream of paradise
And prepared him for the mission,
then suddenly he backed down
He said he doesn't want to die
and doesn't want to go to heaven
He wants to live in the
world, he wants to live in hell
But he doesn't want to die.
- Did he say that?
- Coward!
The fault is on who chose
him and admitted him.
The fault is on who chose
him and admitted him.
The selection is precise, Zaid
But there's always exceptions
No excuses or weak excuses
This young man, if he gets
out He will ruin the whole idea
- This is a disaster andcatastrophe.
- Watch your tongue, Zaid.
It's possible that this could happen
I know it's a deficiency and a mistake
But it happened.
The important thing is how
we deal with the problem.
Kill the young man
And throw him from the castle immediately.
Let that be the last solution, Zaid.
Did he say to live in hell?
Then let him meet our
master Hassan Al-Sabbah.
A devoted young man in Castle of death
Refuses to sacrifice and says that The
world is more precious to him than heaven?
My lord
I'm weak and my heart is trembling
It means I'm scared
- Scared of death.
- Be calm.
I don't like those who tremble.
I can do anything.
I can be a servant in the castle, clean
the kitchens or even the restrooms.
I can do the most menial jobs.
Then why not perform
the most noble tasks?
Because the most noble task is death.
Because the most noble task is death.
And I don't want that.
Martyrdom is not death.
I can't.
Are you refusing to enter heaven?
I refuse to die.
Then enter the hell.
The hell?
It's either heaven or hell.
Please, my lord, I beg of you.
You rejected heaven.
And now you refuse to enter hell.
What am I to do with you?
Let me live.
Let me live.
That's hard.
But you can throw yourself from
the top of the castle of death.
In front of all the
believers with your full will.
As atonement for the sin of disobedience.
My lord, I
I'm a poor young man,
an only child to my parents.
Spoiled and I came here because.
They said there's a different life here.
And I can see whatever
Anyone could wish to see while alive here.
That's true.
But you're afraid.
I was afraid of death.
I was afraid of death.
You will appear on the
roof of the castle of death.
On your right, Barzak Amide will
be waiting to take you to hell.
And on your left, Zaid bin
Sehoun, in case you escape from Barzak.
And possibly.
And possibly, after your body
hits the ground and you die.
I'll pray to God to forgive you.
Okay, I'll kill and enter heaven.
I have overcome my fear.
It's too late for heaven, boy.
Heaven does not welcome liars.
Then I'll jump.
You're free.
Hassan Al-Sabbah would'nt force a
young man like you to do anything.
I'll jump, my lord, I'll jump.
You're free.
But this requires someone who
has spent time in the castle.
And I haven't spent much time there.
Fine, take your time. You
have two days to remember.
God, I hope I remember.
Our Sultan is a friendly and kind person.
It's natural for him to
honor you and treat you kindly.
He knows your value well.
But the value of the
state is above all, Omar.
What do you need to
complete your role in Isfahan?
I'll return to you after two
days with the complete map.
It seems things are going downhill, Omar.
Escaping now is difficult.
I'm going.
I'm going home,
do you need anything?
Pray for me.
May God have mercy on you.
How's Zain bin Suhon?
He can't sleep.
Poor thing.
I want to see the young man named Yahia!
You're going to allow
him to meet you?
He's a different type of young man.
I need to see him with my own eyes.
All right.
Whoever comes to me, Barzak ,
needs respect and
fitting treatment.
You're in the presence of our master,
the holder of the key to paradise.
It's a big dream and it's coming true.
What's the name of
the faithful young man?
What's the name of
the faithful young man?
- Yahia.
- Beautiful.
Go. Let our beloved Zaid
bin Suhon come in now.
When they told me
about you, I was pleased.
And said, a brave
and courageous young man
Got into the fortress
and become one of us
You've managed to do what even
our greatest enemies couldn't, Yahia.
A beautiful name.
Suitable for a martyr.
I've never allowed any young
man to be a martyr or chosen one
as quickly
as I've allowed you.
And I'm very grateful for this honor.
Your command, my master.
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