The Flash s01e18 Episode Script

Twin Streaks

Now kick it.
- He's a regular little jet engine, isn't he? - What about his vital functions? Oh, he's fine.
Now really open up.
Oh, my God.
Damn it! Right, right.
No problem.
Jason, listen I think we should seriously consider shutting down the project.
- Absolutely not.
- We're running short of money we're way behind and And? And I just can't get the other night out of my mind.
That poor man.
For the last time, Whitcomb, that was not a man.
Do you hear me? That was a replicant.
A clone that I grew from a genetic sample.
Like a hothouse flower.
I made him.
- But he was alive.
- Well, he's not anymore.
And you'd do well to remember that in your whining.
Now, what we are doing is illegal, highly illegal.
Look, Jason it was really a great idea.
I mean, create a line of superfast synthetic humans.
Workers, couriers, whatever they'd need, we'd have a superclone to fit the bill.
But the process doesn't work.
We have to face the facts.
It's over.
We can't quit now.
We're too close.
- We can make it work.
- How? Cloning is not the problem.
It's the adrenophines we use to increase the speed.
Normal tissue can't withstand the strain.
It breaks down.
So, what do we do? You find a human being whose tissue can withstand hyperspeed.
The Flash.
Really? Same as always.
On the shelves, alphabetically by author.
Well? Twenty percent slower than three months ago.
And your heart rate's faster.
You can get dressed.
Thank you.
Three books out of place.
Three mental errors, first you've ever made.
Three? Oh, no.
Come on, Tina.
I'm having a bad day, that's all.
Lighten up.
I feel great.
Feeling great is hardly firm, empirical evidence.
Here are your blood-chemistry results.
Blood sugar down, iron down.
And here's something that's up: Adrenaline levels.
Barry, you're exhausted, severely fatigued.
You're at 80 percent capacity and getting worse.
I keep telling you, I feel great.
Yes, you feel great.
But have you ever seen a light bulb before it burns out? For a moment or two it shines very brightly, and then it's gone.
I'm not burning out.
Maybe you're not, Barry.
But you're running on pure energy and willpower.
- It has to take its toll somehow.
- Listen, I am only doing what I have to do.
I mean, look at these newspaper clippings.
"Flash saves little girl from runaway bus.
" "Flash races heart-attack victim to hospital.
" "Flash saves family from burning building.
" - Fifteen sightings in the past five days.
- Ask them if they were glad I was there.
I'm sure they were, Barry.
But at what cost to you? I can handle it.
I'm not like other men.
You, of all people, should know that.
- I can do things others can't.
- Barry, listen to yourself.
Do you think you're God.
Or that you're immortal? You're showing signs of stress syndrome.
Decreased physical capacities, impaired decision-making.
I can't make it any clearer.
If you don't slow down, you're gonna collapse.
You may even die.
- What are you doing now? - I'm patched in to 911.
Some lunatic called the newspaper told them he'd planted a bomb in a locker at the train station.
I can beat the bomb squad.
False alarm.
I can't believe I'm seeing this.
And all from a drop of blood treated with adrenophines and hormones to accelerate growth.
It's time.
Let's meet our creation.
I found no trace of poison on the blade, and there was no explosive inside.
But it was a trap.
The bomb scare was a hoax.
The robot was radio-controlled, but why? It obviously wasn't meant to kill.
Whatever it was, it was meant to hurt you.
The cut was almost to the bone.
I thought so.
You're not healing as quickly as you usually do.
- The cut should be almost gone by now.
- I'll be fine.
This is another symptom, don't you see that? - It's all stress-related.
- Okay.
I understand.
Now can we move away from my being stressed and get back to what happened at the station? Okay.
Let's review this from the top.
Maybe this was just a test.
A dry run for a bigger attempt on you later.
Could be.
So, what do you think of our latest model here? Isn't he incredible? He's already learning at 100 times the speed of his predecessors.
An hour ago he was making gurgling noises now he's beginning to understand simple words and concepts.
What's causing it? The combination of his growth hormones and his speeded-up metabolism.
- It's amazing.
- Well, don't you think it's dangerous? - Why? - Well, look at him.
He's a child trapped in a man's body.
No morality, no sense of right or wrong.
And yet tremendously powerful.
- Doesn't that scare you? - No.
What we have here is something incredible.
This changes everything.
What are you talking about? Don't you see? The Intellagen project as we know it is obsolete.
But this goes way beyond that.
Wait, you said we were gonna create a high-speed drone here.
- Now, that's what we've got.
- We have more than that.
What we have is a whole new species.
A synthetic human who can move faster than bullets or bombs.
And we can create hundreds of them.
Thousands! Just imagine what a foreign country would pay for an army of these.
I'm talking soldiers, intelligence agents, assassins.
- A race of warriors.
- That is not what this project is about.
You said we were gonna create a force of good in the world.
I said it would make us rich.
And it will.
Any nation on the map would pay millions for just one of these.
He needs a name.
How about Pollux? Like Castor and Pollux, the Gemini twins in Roman mythology.
Now, as fast as you can, stack the blocks.
Try again.
Hey! Hey! You little fool, you could kill us.
Stop it! Try again, son.
Good boy.
Jason, about this warrior business, I don't know if our investors are gonna approve.
Then we won't tell them.
We'll close down the project say it's a failure and set up shop somewhere else secretly.
- But that wouldn't be honest.
- Be realistic.
We don't want them to know what we're doing, do we? Oh, no.
Feel his arm.
He's burning up.
From the exertion.
I should have thought of this.
We need to build him a protective suit.
Something in honor of his real father.
What was Allen thinking of? He's been working hard.
It's just a slip-up.
I got seven men sitting on their hands, and to you it's a slip-up? Allen, get over here.
- Mad? - Meltdown.
- Afternoon, lieutenant.
- Where are the Franklin murder case and the Roe Street hit-and-run files? - Franklin Well, that would be in the active box.
No, I'll tell you where these two active felony files are, Mr.
They're at the deactivation storage center, 20 miles away.
- Of all of the incompetent - Now, whoa, wait a minute.
- No, you wait a minute.
- What's this about? Looks like Barry got on a housecleaning kick and he overdid it.
Retired some active stuff by mistake.
If the investigative units weren't so slow and sloppy we wouldn't have 10,000 files cluttering up the place.
- Who you calling slow and sloppy? - Lf the shoe fits, sir.
Excuse me while I stop the suspension.
- Like I said, it was an honest mis - What I don't need is somebody making excuses for me.
- Oh, yeah.
- He can come up with his own alibis.
- One more crack, Garfield Lieutenant, I'm sure Julio could retrieve those files for you quickly.
- I'll get them myself if I have to.
- I'm sure they'll be in proper hands soon.
Barry, you and I need to take a walk.
I'll see you downstairs in a few minutes.
- What's eating him? - Please excuse him, lieutenant.
- He's under extreme stress.
- Aren't we all.
I'm treating him for it.
He'll be himself very soon.
I promise you.
I wish I had a pretty doctor to treat my stress.
Your blowup was a classic sign of stress.
You were almost irrational in there.
I was only one of two irrational people.
Okay, so I was a little out of line.
All right, way out of line, but he started it.
I love that in a man.
What do you think? I'd say it's perfect.
Tonight we take him outside and see what he can do.
I want to go now.
I said, tonight.
Now go back to your lessons.
I don't know about any of this.
We didn't start this project to create a weapon.
- Calm down.
- For God's sake you're talking about teaching him to kill.
Let's get something clear.
You handle the business end, but Pollux is my creation.
I decide what we do with him.
Now, don't you become a problem.
Pollux? Pollux? Pollux? Damn it.
You left the door open.
Can I play too? Hey! Hey! Hey! What in God's name? Stay here.
- Barry, are you okay? - I can't breathe.
- Who? What are you? - Let's play.
- Stop it.
- Tina! Let me go! It was only a game.
Pollux! Come here.
Right now.
I have to go.
Maybe we can play again sometime.
- Barry.
- Are you all right? - Yes, I'm fine.
We better get out of here.
- Yeah.
- Come on, Pollux.
- I don't want to go.
That's not up to you.
Eyewitness reports are so conflicting police say they need several more hours to sort them out.
Everything from a bizarre windstorm to an alien invasion claim to have been seen by those present.
And now in other news It's a miracle no one was killed.
The park was in chaos.
- Tina, it was me.
- Yes, but did you hear him speak? - The lilt, the emotions.
- Yeah, he sounded young.
Like an angry, petulant child.
- Who is he? Where does he come from? - I don't know.
But whoever he is, he not only looks like me, he has my powers.
And he's dangerous.
We've gotta find him before somebody gets hurt.
You see what he's doing? Yeah.
Isn't it amazing? He's reading the equivalent of a book a minute.
He'll have a college education in a couple hours.
- We've gotta do something.
- What do you mean? You saw what happened.
He's dangerous.
People could have been killed.
Jason, he scares me.
You sound like an hysterical old woman.
Look, we almost lost control of him.
With all the knowledge he's absorbing, who knows what he's capable of? Jason, I - I think we should destroy him.
- Don't be absurd! - Keep your voice down.
- Look.
When Pollux is ready, I intend to sell him to the highest bidder.
I'm gonna use that money to make a factory to manufacture thousands more like him.
If you don't wanna be part of that, there's the door, but don't interfere with this.
- Dr.
- What? What is it? - Who am I? - I don't have the time to deal with this right now.
Go back to your books.
But I need I need to know.
Where am I from? Who are my parents? I've read about this.
But I I have no memory of growing up.
You're who and what you are right now.
- That's all you need to know.
- Yeah, but there's more.
I mean, there has to be.
Am I good? - Am I bad? - Aren't we getting philosophical in our old age? Look, just shut up and go back to your books.
Jason, don't speak to him like that.
I want to find out who I am.
You tell me.
All right, I will.
You're nothing.
Absolutely nothing.
A random accumulation of molecules grown in a lab.
An experiment, a lab animal.
Who, at the moment, is getting on my nerves.
Now let go of my arm.
I don't believe you.
Everyone is someone.
- Now, where do you think you're going? - To find out the truth! - To find out who I am.
- Ted, the tranquilizer gun.
Barry, I think I've got something.
- Is this it? - Yeah, it was on his chest.
- Intellagen Corp.
, 4919 Denny Avenue.
- I'm on my way.
Barry, I was just remembering the park.
- What if you can't stop this thing? - First, I have to find it.
Excuse me.
- Is something wrong? - What? What do you want? I'm Barry Allen, with the police department.
I've told the police everything I know.
Several times.
That was an accident.
I found Ted Whitcomb's body.
I don't know what else I can say.
Well, tell me, exactly what does Intellagen do? Genetic research.
- But we're out of business.
- Really? My partner's death leaves me without financing.
- I'm afraid I'm not a good businessman.
- I see.
That's too bad.
You'll have to excuse me.
What are you wearing? That's the most ridiculous Stop that.
Don't laugh at me.
I'm sorry.
I brought you flowers.
- Don't you like them? - Yes, they're very nice.
I went to three different shops.
I didn't know what kind you liked, so Thank you.
It was really great running in to you in the park the other day.
I'm sorry if I scared you.
- My name is Pollux.
- My name is Tina.
I know.
Pollux, there's someone I'd like you to meet.
- Who? - He's a friend of mine.
And I think you'd like him very much.
- Do you mind if I call him? - All right.
Oh, good.
Yes, this is Barry Allen.
Tina, I've got it.
I know who he is.
What? Yeah, yeah, I'll be right there.
Listen, Tina, be very careful.
You and me we're the same.
Barry, this is Pollux.
Is that your name? My name Barry.
Barry what? Show him, Barry.
Tell him who you are.
I'm Barry Allen.
I live on Edgemore Street.
I work for the police department.
- I'm a forensic - A policeman.
It's all here.
My whole life.
No, it's my life.
I'm Barry Allen.
- You and I are not the same person.
- I come from you.
I am you.
- No.
- Calm down.
It's all right, Pollux.
- Barry, whatever you do, don't spook him.
- He's not human, Tina.
- He's a clone.
- What? It's all right here in the Intellagen file.
He was created in a lab from elements in my blood, from my DNA.
- Oh, my God.
- There's no telling how dangerous he might be.
I am him! I am me! - Brossell was wrong! - Pollux, listen to me.
I'm not Pollux.
I'm Barry Allen.
Welcome back, Bar.
I got those files.
Garfield is on his way to pick them up.
- My office.
- Yeah, don't start on how it's dirty again.
Those are some nice threads, man.
Way to go, Bar.
Those files are on the desk.
Garfield should be here soon to pick them up.
I know how you'd like to give them to him, but please just hand them to him, all right? Files.
Yeah, the files I drove all that way to get back? Garfield.
Big, mean, outranks us? The files.
Files, yeah.
Interesting look, Allen.
You get those at the circus? Or did Mendez take you shopping? - The circus? - Lieutenant, we got those files for you.
Barry, can you give the lieutenant the files? Barry.
Barry Allen.
It's my name.
It's my name.
Yeah, well, now that we know who all the players are, Barry can you give him the files, please? - Files.
- What are you doing? - Files for Garfield.
- Damn it, Allen, this isn't funny.
- Barry, knock it off.
- Allen, you been drinking? - Drinking? No, I'm not thirsty.
I don't know what's going on here, but I've had it.
As of now, you are on report.
I suggest you get your act together before you find yourself in serious trouble.
I don't like that.
Let go of my hand.
- Allen! - Barry, cool it, man.
Let me take care of it, okay? Please, lieutenant.
Your pal is one inch away from a suspension.
He'll be okay, all right? I promise.
What are you trying to do, get yourself fired? I don't like it when people aren't nice to me.
Maybe you ought to go home and get some rest.
You look real tired.
Yeah, home.
I haven't been there before.
This really is the dark side of science.
Toying with nature with no thought of consequences.
Yes, Dr.
Brossell simply copied me from the DNA in my blood.
It's a real Frankenstein story.
Barry, if Brossell can make one of you, he could make dozens, hundreds.
Just think what they could do.
Crimes, murders, political assassinations.
In the hands of the wrong person, the possibilities are nightmarish.
- We have to stop him.
- First, we have to stop Pollux.
He's a destructive, deadly force, and he's out of control.
I feel sorry for him.
He's like an abused child, Barry who's grown up without any love or moral guidance.
- He's a victim of this experiment too.
- Tina, he's killed a man.
- He would've killed me.
- But there's part of you in him, Barry.
It's possible your morality and goodness have been genetically encoded in him.
- Lf only we could reach him.
- He has no concept of right or wrong.
If he wants something, he takes it.
If someone gets in his way, he removes them.
He's like a time bomb just waiting to go off.
I guess you're right.
So where do we start? Hi, are you my dog? Good dog.
Don't be afraid.
I'm Barry.
- Hi, this is Barry.
Wait for the beep.
- Hi, this is Barry.
Hi, this is Barry.
- You're right.
He's there.
- Lf he wants to be me it was either the lab or my apartment.
I hope we get there in time.
- Maybe we should call the police.
- We can't.
They'd never be able to stop him.
And I can't let them see his face.
Your performance level is down.
I'm not sure you can stop him either.
- I've got to try.
- Well, then take me with you.
All right.
Pollux? He's gone.
Hey, Earl, come here.
Come on.
Come here.
Hey, you all right? Now, the object is to think like him.
What other connection is there to his life so far? Intellagen.
Let's go.
You're leaving.
You startled me.
I'd lost track of you.
- Then you've been looking for me? - Yes.
I was worried about you.
Well, that's comforting.
Everything has just turned out so badly.
I told Whitcomb that we should've gone slower, you know taken our time.
But he's gone now, and the police don't seem to believe what I'm saying is true, that he died in an accident.
- You told the police about me? - No, of course.
But they keep probing and sooner or later - Everything will come out.
We can't have that.
Stay away from me.
Look, we don't want to hurt you.
We just want you to come with us.
No! I won't be locked up again.
I'm not an experiment.
I'm a human being! Pollux, I know what you're feeling.
I'm you.
I faced the same things when I got your powers.
- You want to destroy me.
- No.
I know you.
I know! You think I'm a freak! You feel threatened by me.
- You wish me dead.
- Pollux, you're wrong.
I just I want to be free.
To be someone.
- A person.
- I know.
But your powers are dangerous.
- You don't know how to control them.
- I will in time.
- I'm leaving.
- Then I have to stop you.
I understand.
Barry! Why? Mask.
- Mask.
- What? Wanted to see me last time.
What's happening? His metabolic level accelerated so fast he literally burned himself out.
I'm glad we destroyed those reconstructed files.
It was a monstrous experiment, full of tragedy.
Yeah, it was.
But I guess some good came from it.
Tina, I watched myself die.
It really brought home what you've always tried to make me understand.
That I am only a man.
And like all of us, I'm on a journey of a birth a life and a passing.
Does that make any sense? Nothing you've ever said has been clearer or more true.
And I know that you've only tried to make me be careful with the life that I have.
That's right, Barry.
Guard it well.
For with you and the powers you have oh, what a life you'll lead.

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