The Longest Promise (2023) s01e18 Episode Script

Episode 18

♪Your silhouette in the twilight's glow♪
♪Awakens like snow, delicate and cold♪
♪Within your gaze,
countless destinies intertwine♪
♪A lifetime, a world of illusion
of just one person♪
♪As moonlight shimmers♪
♪Falling petals rest in my palm,
it's your sacred promise♪
♪Cultivating amidst the fleeting time
of this mortal world♪
♪To be as one, inseparable,
like a shadow in rhyme♪
♪Grant me a lifetime
of enchanting sights♪
♪I defy fate, turning it around♪
♪Fearless of heavenly decree♪
♪It is the courage
that blooms for you, profound♪
♪Unafraid of the destined trials♪
♪I only wish to make a vow with you♪
♪Like our initial encounter
etched deep within my heart♪
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
=Episode 18=
It turns out
Master looks down on his past identity.
But I keep bothering him.
I'm such a fool.
So you know my identity now.
I thought the Crown Prince
was no longer in this world.
I only wanted to revive him.
That's why I repeatedly bothering you.
was I annoying back then?
How could I find you annoying?
it was an act of kindness
giving the flower to you in Jialan.
But when the nation criticized
and insulted him,
you believed in him, cherished him,
and went through great suffering
to bring him back to life.
You even risked your own life.
And now, you repeatedly
put yourself in danger
and endure torment to protect me.
How could I blame you?
I kept my past identity hidden from you
because the past was too unbearable.
I didn't want to look back.
I don't want you to suffer
for my sake anymore.
I was too arrogant.
I thought
by severing your fixations,
everything would end.
But I didn't expect
it would push you
toward a deeper state of agony.
Yan'er, forgive me.
It's my fault.
No, it's not.
It was my fault.
I was obsessed with my own attachment
and never considered your feelings.
You never mentioned the past
and not leaving a single trace behind.
For a person
to go to such lengths,
they clearly have been deeply hurt.
Even if you've mastered
the most powerful techniques
in the world,
they can't heal past wounds.
Master, I'm sorry.
I don't know how to console you.
meeting you in this lifetime
is my greatest consolation.
Is this the technique you used
for the sacrificial rites back then?
What do you want to say to him?
He once gave me
a blooming Snowy Rosa that never wilts.
I've always wanted
to repay him for that kindness.
♪Time flows by for a single glance♪
♪Drained completely
rom foolish infatuation♪
♪Blaming the twists and turns of fate♪
Crown Prince,
I only want to tell you
it's wonderful
that you're still alive.
It truly is.
It's wonderful.
♪Carving vows upon♪
♪The vast expanse
of the boundless world♪
♪If destiny is hard to change♪
♪Vainly escaping beyond prophecies♪
♪Hiding deep feelings♪
♪Forbidden love in the eyes of the world♪
♪Keeping true hearts untouched♪
♪Waiting for the next life to unfold♪
♪Carving vows upon♪
♪The vast expanse of the boundless world♪
♪If destiny is hard to change♪
♪Vainly escaping beyond prophecies♪
♪Concealing deep feelings♪
Master, look at that.
There's a fire cloud there.
♪Keeping true hearts untouched♪
♪Waiting for the next life to unfold♪
(Fire cloud?)
(Why is there a fire cloud
out of a sudden?)
Why is there a fire cloud
out of a sudden?
Could it be
Bai Yan,
it won't be long before
Ying will descend from the mountain.
Chong Ming,
I'm happy with your gift.
Thank you for your efforts.
But I don't like
this embroidered handkerchief.
Burn it.
But this Mingyue Silk
is quite beautiful.
I'll take it and make a cloak out of it.
(It's wonderful)
(that you're still alive.)
Could it be
that I've fallen for Yan'er?
In the presence of the gods,
I, Shi Ying's mortal desires
have been awakened.
I acknowledge my mistakes
and willingly accept the punishment
for my impure thoughts.
The Enlightenment and Wisdom Sword
can strip and separate flesh
from the body
to sever worldly attachment.
The Priest has yet
to recover from his injuries.
This kind of torture
has already exceeded the limit.
Just let it go.
Priest, just forget it.
Priest, go back and rest.
Keep going.
Keep going!
you should head back
to Cultivating Hall and rest.
No need.
I still need to reflect upon my actions.
Tomorrow at this time,
I'll wait for all of you here.
Deliver my order,
release the azure birds,
and spread the news to the world
that the Priest is Shi Ying,
the Crown Prince.
Why are you bringing the plan forward?
Ying failed in his ascension
just to save Zhu Yan.
I don't know
when there will be another chance
for him to reach the real state.
Nowadays, the world is full of crises
and the situation is getting more tense.
It's the perfect time for him to emerge.
I can't wait any longer.
But if the Priest leaves the priesthood
and returns to the mortal world,
he must go through
the Tribulations of Hell.
He hasn't reached the real state.
Even if he manages
to overcome the ordeal
of the Tribulations of Hell,
his own spiritual power
may not be preserved.
I would never make
such a risky decision.
Since the day Ying
entered Jiuyi Mountain,
I've already begun refining this pill.
The Tribulations of Hell
may be difficult.
But Ying's cultivation is the highest
among all the generations
of Immortal Officials.
When the time comes,
as long as his true essence is intact,
with my years of spiritual cultivation,
and by administering this pill to him,
the injuries to his body
and the damage to his spiritual power
can quickly recover.
there's one thing I don't understand.
Why didn't you punish Zhu Yan?
Ying's determination may be strong.
But he has a special affection
for Zhu Yan.
So I plan
to spare her life
and take the risk to use her,
to trigger Ying's desire
to leave the priesthood.
But Princess Zhu Yan
is destined to be the Priest's doom.
To ensure Ying's safety,
I've placed a deadly curse on Zhu Yan.
As long as she dares
to have any murderous intent
toward Ying,
the curse will bring her to her death.
In short,
the day when Ying returns
to Jialan is not far away.
However, in addition to this curse,
I still need one more person.
Someone who can always stay
by Ying's side to provide guidance.
So that Zhu Yan, this chess piece,
can be used to the fullest.
Do you know
the assassination attempt
didn't succeed?
Instead, it prompted
the High Priest of Grand Preceptor
to take action early.
I've already
started hearing rumors circulating
among the people
that the former Crown Prince
is still alive.
At this time,
he dares to spread the news.
Aren't they afraid
of being accused
of deceiving the Emperor?
How would you know
what the Emperor is thinking?
But if the news
of that person being alive
reaches the Emperor's ears,
that's when things will truly go bad.
It looks like
we shouldn't have trusted
the Ice Clan at all.
If the Ice Clan truly intended
to cooperate with us
and wanted the assassination
to succeed in one go,
they would have sent all ten Sorcerers
instead of just three.
Sure enough, we're not of one mind.
Now, we can only
gather and unite various forces quickly.
We can't delay the marriage alliance
with the White Clan any longer.
Even if we have to,
I absolutely won't choose
that weak and clumsy Bai Xueying.
Princess Xuelu has arrived.
Greetings, Your Highness.
You did a good job with the task
I assigned you last time.
I've always been fair
when it comes to rewards and punishment.
it's time for me to fulfill
my promise to you.
Thank you, Your Highness.
It's an honor for me
to serve you.
I don't need any reward.
Bai Xuelu,
do you think
I gained power in the imperial harem
all these years for nothing?
I know what's on your mind.
Don't pretend to be sick and confuse me
and don't have any other thoughts.
I wouldn't dare.
When you're engaged to Shi Yu.
I'll immediately request the Emperor
to appoint him as the Crown Prince.
By then, it will be a done deal.
No one else will be able
to create trouble.
Why are you still hesitating?
Could it be
that you have any other choice?
Thank you for your reward,
Your Highness.
I shall wait for your good news.
Princess Zhu Yan
sent an urgent letter.
Please tell Prince Shi Yu
that I can't meet him tonight.
Come inside
if you have something to say.
Don't stand at the door.
Others will laugh if they hear you.
Was it you
who tampered with the letters
I wrote to Yan?
Don't deny it.
The servants have already told me.
Why did you lure Yan to Nvluo Creek?
Do you know you almost had her
and the Priest killed?
You think too highly of my ability.
I was just following orders.
Who gave you orders?
Whose command are you following?
Why should I tell you?
I have received the rewards for it.
stop meeting Prince Shi Yu
in private in the future
because he's my future husband.
It was Consort Qing.
She's going after the Priest.
But why?
Why are you doing this?
The Priest is our master
and Consort Qing bears
no grudges against him.
It's because you're
the legitimate daughter
that you're so naive.
It's because you don't need to care
about what's happening around you.
why can't you
let go of your background?
Actually, no one around
will look at you strangely.
You can't even tell a person's emotions
and changes in the world.
You can never understand
the mistreatment I've endured.
Your noble birth
has already taken care
of all the dark side for you.
So even if you've experienced
some grievances,
they are just minor issues
that simply go away with the wind.
How about me?
Since I was born,
I've seen through the fickleness
of the world
and the scheming hearts of human beings.
Everything I have now
is what I've fought for myself.
If I take one wrong step,
I won't be able to hold my head up
for the rest of my life.
my darling daughter.
I've always known
that you are exceptional.
Consort Qing has informed me
about your betrothal to Prince Shi Yu.
Very good, very good indeed.
you've always known
that Prince Shi Yu and I
have been
how can you be so insensible?
What you and Prince Shi Yu have
is just puppy love.
When it comes to marriage,
it should be decided by parents
and matchmakers.
Besides, Prince Shi Yu
is going to ascend the throne.
He needs a wise and capable empress
to assist him.
Look at your sister.
She's dignified and virtuous,
embodying the qualities of an empress
That's enough, Father. Please stop it.
All right.
I'll go to the kitchen right away
and prepare a bowl
of premium bird's nest for you.
I'm not fighting
over Prince Shi Yu with you.
I only desire the position
of the Empress.
You're the legitimate daughter.
You're still able
to feel Father's heartlessness.
If I were in your place today,
what would become of me?
So I can only fight for it.
Shi Yu,
are you really going
to marry someone else?
Who would have thought
that the sacred ring
of the Menghua Dynasty
isn't in the realm of Kongsang,
but in the ruins
of the fallen Sea Kingdom?
Bai Wei, even after your death,
you still
That's great.
You sure are ruthless.
Bai Wei,
one day,
I'll definitely obtain this ring.
You can't stop me.
You can never stop me!
Chong Ming.
Didn't you ask me
to come and play chess?
Since Ying arrived here,
this is the first time
he has suffered such a severe injury.
You'll be responsible
for his daily necessities
and meals from now on.
Of course.
He has lost more than half of his blood
and suffered a significant decline
in his abilities.
the curses
and dooms on him
have vanished as a result.
So the life doom has been lifted?
Life doom?
From the time Ying arrived here
until the age of eighteen,
he has never met any woman.
So why would he
be facing life dooms?
Even if there were any,
it has become void
because of this incident.
Your Supreme Majesty, keep playing.
I need to check
on the medicinal decoction.
the peach oolong tea you gave me
tastes really good.
Have some tea and rest.
You've been practicing
for four hours already.
I must not slack off.
Master's situation will only become
more and more dangerous.
I must practice diligently.
I can be of help the next time
the enemies come.
Or else I'll just be a hindrance
like I was in the Cangwu Abyss.
It's really delicious.
Won't you have a cup too?
By the way,
how did you manage to bring him out
from the Cangwu Abyss?
I tried holding
and carrying him on my back.
I've tried everything.
But he didn't transform?
I find that strange too.
Perhaps it's because he lost
too much spiritual power
causing the spell to lose effect.
(It seems what the High Priest said
is true.)
(All the dooms and curses)
(are really lifted.)
(a while ago my sister)
(impersonated my handwriting)
(to lure you to Nvluo Creek.)
(I hope you are safe.)
(My sister's intentions
are far beyond ours.)
(We must be cautious)
(in our future correspondence.)
Indeed, it was her.
I must go and tell Master now.
What's the matter?
I'll go with you.
(Star Gazing Hall)
Kindly announce
that disciple Zhu Yan requests
an audience.
The Priest said
no one is allowed to enter.
Then why are they allowed to enter?
The Priest said
only Zhu Yan is not allowed to enter.
You must have heard him wrong.
Why would Master refuse to see me?
Just a few days ago, we even
saw fire cloud together.
Perhaps he's at some barrier
and cannot meet you.
It's all right.
I can go and help you relay the message.
you don't have to worry anymore.
The High Priest has told me
that your life doom have been lifted,
just like the curse I placed on you.
When you were on the verge of death,
it has been lifted.
Shi Ying,
I've accompanied you
on this mountain for years
and often lamented your loneliness.
You possess great cultivation.
But you have a still heart
without any desires.
The only one
who brought a smile to your face
is your cursed lady.
But now, fate has smiled upon you.
Your life doom have been lifted.
Have you thought of anything else?
Since I have chosen this path,
I should cut off
all worldly attachments.
This is not your destiny.
You and the Princess of the Crimson Clan
may not confess it.
But you share the same affection.
Why won't you leave the priesthood
and return to the mortal world
to be with her?
Leave the priesthood and be together?
Even if I have accumulated
many karmic obstacles in my heart,
I can eliminate them
as long as I adhere to the rules.
The heart of Dao is always present,
but a sincere heart is rare.
Over the thousands of years,
I've seen many people like you
who end up with regrets.
I don't want you to have regrets.
If you utter
such blasphemous words again,
don't appear before me anymore.
What What did you say?
Open your eyes.
Look into my eyes and say that again.
The one who reaches the real state
can control heaven and earth,
and grasp the Yin and Yang.
Fine, you stubborn little priest.
You dare to threaten me
with breaking ties with me.
Do you think
I'll be the one to suffer in the end?
Those who can control heaven and earth,
grasp the Yin and Yang,
rearrange the stars and the moon.
You're beyond saving.
The one who reaches the real state
can control heaven and earth.
You're really beyond saving.
Do you hear me?
Rearrange the stars and the moon,
reshape heaven and earth.
The one who reaches the real state
can control heaven and earth,
grasp the Yin and Yang,
rearrange the stars and the moon,
reshape heaven and earth.
The one who reaches the real state
can control heaven and earth
why won't you see me
when everything is well?
Have I done something wrong?
if you refuse to see me,
(Star Gazing Hall)
I'll keep kneeling.
I request an audience.
♪Your silhouette in the twilight's glow♪
♪Awakens like snow, delicate and cold♪
(Star Gazing Hall)
♪Within your gaze,
countless destinies intertwine♪
♪A lifetime, a world of illusion
of just one person♪
♪As moonlight shimmers♪
♪It's your sacred promise♪
♪Cultivating amidst the fleeting time
of this mortal world♪
why won't you see me?
Zhu Yan,
come in.
Master, you're finally willing
to see me.
I've been worried about you.
I've recovered from my injuries.
So you don't need to worry.
About the incident at Nvluo Creek,
I fell for Bai Xuelu's trick
because she tampered
with Xueying's letter.
I understand now.
This isn't your fault.
why did you refuse to see me?
Chong Ming said
you were overcoming a hurdle.
that you're willing to see me.
Does that mean you've passed the hurdle?
(I've encountered a hurdle.)
(But that hurdle)
(is you.)
I'm glad you've overcome the hurdle.
Snowy Rosa is blooming again
at this time.
I can go and admire
the flowers together with you.
Didn't you used
to love Snowy Rosa the most?
I asked you to come in
to express my gratitude formally.
why are you suddenly so polite?
The skills you have learned
are within you
and they will accompany you for life.
You must always remember
that you are the disciple
of the Priest of Jiuyi Mountain.
When dealing with any situation,
you shouldn't be arrogant
with your skills
or excessively suppress your emotions.
You're straightforward
and you tend to act impulsively.
You must learn self-control
and not act recklessly.
Only then I can put my mind at ease.
Master, can you please clarify
what you want to say?
Now that you've completed your training,
you can leave the mountain
and never come back.
did I do
anything wrong?
You didn't do anything wrong.
It's just that the time has come.
Every encounter and farewell
has its own timing.
And our fate has come to an end.
Why would it end?
Our fate
will never end in this lifetime.
The Crown Prince
whom I admired the most
when I was a child
and my most respected Master turned out
to be the same person.
It shows there's a hidden fate
that has kept me by your side all along.
In the future, I still want to master
the Celestial Assault
and Sprawling Roots
to fight against those evil enemies
alongside you.
please stop speaking in riddles
with me anymore.
Are you worried
that I might be hurt
because there are people
who want to harm you?
But I'm not afraid.
Just like back then in Nvluo Creek,
we can
fight together.
It's all your imagination.
But why?
Could it be
because I've acted abruptly?
It's not because of you.
I've made up my mind.
You can leave now.
But will you not miss me
after I leave?
Just like how I will think of you.
I'm used to being alone.
But that was before.
Ever since I ascended the mountain,
we've been cultivating, meditating,
and dining
together all the time.
You were no longer alone.
In any case,
I'll never leave you.
It smells so good.
This fish soup smells so good.
It's for you.
I'll accept it then.
Your culinary skills are really good.
Lord Chong Ming.
my master has been urging me
to leave the mountain.
But if I really leave,
you won't be able
to taste this tasty fish soup anymore.
Your master is a stubborn person.
I've advised him.
But he won't listen.
Look at you.
You have both magical powers
and great cooking skills.
Where else can he
find a disciple like you?
That's right. You really know
what to say.
he deserves to suffer alone.
Maybe he'll come to his senses
in a couple of days.
Crimson King and Queen have arrived.
They're currently waiting for you.
Why did Father and Mother
suddenly come?
Could it be
(I'll return home now.)
(Your father and I will draft a letter
for you to take leave.)
(We'll bring you home
in less than half a month.)
They must have found out
about the incident at Nvluo Creek.
Oh, no.
Yan'er, is there any fish soup left?
To be honest,
I'm here to bring my daughter home.
About this matter, my wife
has mentioned this to you before.
I brought the official documents
this time.
Do we, at the Jiuyi Mountain,
are unable to reassure you?
With the Priest's careful guidance,
Yan'er is indeed fortunate.
But our daughter has grown up
and should get married.
As parents,
we shouldn't hold her back, right?
Your Supreme Majesty,
Princess Zhu Yan has completed
her cultivation in the mountain.
I informed her about the matter
of leaving the mountain before.
the Princess's parents
have come personally to take her back,
let them take her away this time.
Thank you, Priest
for your guidance to my daughter.
Even after she leaves the mountain,
the Crimson Residence will never forget
the kindness shown by Jiuyi Mountain.
Since that's the case,
we'll arrange for you to leave tomorrow.
Thank you, High Priest.
I shall take my leave.
is your mother's death anniversary.
Go and visit her.
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
♪How fragile,
like glass and snow's embrace♪
♪Love and hate entwined,
♪How prophetic, a single word spoken♪
♪How transient,
the rise and fall of destiny♪
♪How balanced,
each sip and bite, no debts owed♪
♪Tears well in eyes
with jade-like brows♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from you♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from your side♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
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