The Penthouse: War in Life (2020) s01e18 Episode Script

Episode 18

(Episode 18)
Where is Joo Hye In?
Where did you hide her?
Somewhere you'll never find.
You'll never be able
to kill her again.
Tell me. Where did you hide
that brat?
How dare you treat me like a fool?
You're not even a human being.
You're a piece of trash
and a murderer!
You little
That doesn't matter at all.
Since we know
more about each other now,
we can become a happier couple.
You're crazy.
You've been too sophisticated,
elegant, and classy all this time.
A woman like you must be punished.
Punished for deceiving
your husband and thinking of
backstabbing him.
After you're punished,
everything will return
to its normal state.
Where are you going?
We're not done talking.
You must get out of here now!
I can't leave my kids here.
Ma'am, Mr. Joo will kill you.
You must leave now!
I need to take my kids.
Shim Su Ryeon!
Where are you, Shim Su Ryeon!
Shim Su Ryeon!
Ms. Yang, I promise I'll come back
for my kids.
Please take care of Seok Hoon
and Seok Kyung until then.
Where is she?
Secretary Cho, bring me
Shim Su Ryeon now!
Seok Hoon? You brat!
Let go of me!
Leave Mom alone.
If you go after her,
I'll tell everyone.
The fact that Min Seol Ah
died here, in Hera Palace.
You little
Hit me if you want. Here.
Go ahead and hit me all you want!
I am not
afraid of you anymore.
Hye In just left.
She'll call you
when she arrives in the US.
Thank you.
I'm making up
for what I couldn't do for Seol Ah.
Mr. Hong will take her
to a hospital in the US.
Don't worry too much.
Are you all right? You didn't get
to say goodbye to her.
I don't think
I'd be able to let her go
if I saw her.
Both Seol Ah and Hye In,
and even Seok Hoon and Seok Kyung.
If they had a better person
as their mom,
then none of this
would have happened.
I'm a mess.
Because of me
I feel like I made
all of their lives miserable.
It's driving me crazy.
Once we're done here,
I'll take you to Hye In.
Let's go to the US together.
I'll help you
get away from Dan Tae
and live a new life.
Do you think
I deserve to live a new life?
I'm not a victim.
My Seol Ah
I'm also the mom of the kids
who tormented her to death.
My other kids
tortured my now-dead child.
I can't forgive myself.
I'll make you happy.
I must keep the last promise
I made with Seol Ah.
I'll see to it.
The number you dialed cannot
(Details of Joo Dan Tae Village)
I'll kill you, Shim Su Ryeon!
You dare raid my safe?
Mr. Joo. Sir.
Did you find her?
Joo Hye In just left for the US.
What? Do you think
that's something to brag about?
What about Shim Su Ryeon?
Where is she?
I don't know yet.
I have men looking for her.
You moron.
If you have the time to say that,
get out and look for her!
(Oh Yoon Hee)
Sorry for calling late at night.
It's Joo Dan Tae.
Let's meet up right now.
(Su Ryeon)
I don't have to feel guilty.
Su Ryeon also used me
to get revenge for her daughter.
Now, I just have to protect
my own daughter.
You look a bit different.
Do I?
Why did you want to see me?
We share a special secret.
Can't we share a drink too?
Still, we're not meant to meet
this late at night.
Have you forgotten
that Su Ryeon and I are close?
If that bothered you,
you wouldn't be here.
Am I wrong?
(Su Ryeon)
Take it. Unless you want
to start keeping secrets from her.
Why are you so hard to reach?
I called you many times today.
I'm sorry, Su Ryeon.
A lot happened today.
I left the penthouse.
What do you mean?
Dan Tae's involved
with my daughter's death.
Come with me to the police tomorrow
and testify about Seol Ah.
You're the only person
I trust right now.
I must catch her killer.
Please help me, Yoon Hee.
Yoon Hee. Are you listening?
Yoon Hee.
Do you know
where my wife is right now?
If I tell you,
what can you do for me?
I can do whatever it is you want.
(Su Ryeon)
What have I done?
I'll be in the lounge.
Let's have breakfast.
- I'll have a coffee first.
- Sure.
Ask me what you want to know.
There must be a reason
you waited for me.
It's more like you to be so direct.
I thought about it, and I wonder
what made you suddenly change
your attitude toward me.
I think it will be
a fantastic reason.
If you think about it,
I'm the husband
of your good friend
who is also having an affair
with the woman
you hate the most.
Didn't your marriage with Su Ryeon
fall apart a long time ago?
I believe your relationship
with Seo Jin is near the end too.
Why do you think so?
I got the impression at the villa.
The way you treated Cheon Seo Jin.
You had the look of a sickened man
who wanted her gone.
That's what I thought.
That means the seat next to you
is currently vacant.
And you started to fall for me.
Do we need another reason?
You become
more and more interesting.
I especially like the fact
that you betrayed my wife.
I never betrayed her.
She's the one who betrayed me first.
She pretended to help
and care for me,
but it was an act.
Now, I know all that was a lie.
She used me
just so she could bring
you down.
So, what will you do?
Will you try to get back at her?
Whatever it is.
If it's for my protection,
I'll do anything.
I like that about you.
You're honest and gutsy.
And beautiful.
Why don't you use me?
I might be able to tell you
what you want to know.
I'd like to know where Su Ryeon is.
I want to know who's helping her.
Also, on what she's planning to do.
It's me, Ms. Cheon.
How did it go?
Do you know who sent the video?
I can't trace the sender.
You said you dealt with everything
on that night.
Why did this happen?
Someone was there that night.
Someone saw me!
We destroyed
all the footage from that day.
So we can't identify
who was at school then.
Stop repeating there's nothing
you can do and figure it out.
Do whatever it takes
to find who it is.
Find out who took that video,
and who would dare
to blackmail me like this.
I will find out.
If I get my hands on you,
I will kill you.
Where were you so early
in the morning dressed like that?
Did you sleep out last night?
Why do you look like
you didn't sleep a wink?
Why? Is something bothering you?
Don't tell me
your lover is impossible to reach.
That's none of your business.
This is my last warning.
Quit leeching off Chairman Joo
and walk yourself out.
Don't you have any sense of pride?
The one who's leeching off him
without any sense of pride.
Don't you think that's you, not me?
I'm giving you some advice
because Chairman Joo seems to be
suffering up close.
- What?
- Don't trust men too much.
The most shallow
and useless thing in the world is
a man's love.
Watch what you say.
Now, that I'm the director
of Cheong Ah Arts High School,
your daughter won't graduate,
let alone get into a university.
I wonder. Shouldn't we wait
and see about that?
I doubt you'd be able
to keep that position though.
That video.
It can't be from Yoon Hee, right?
Why won't you pick up my calls?
You called?
Where are you coming from?
I just returned
from a business trip.
I must shower and get to work.
I'll call you later.
She's become such a hassle.
Joo Dan Tae.
You're becoming
more and more impolite.
- The kids?
- I sent them to school.
You still haven't found Su Ryeon?
Her phone's turned off
and she hasn't come to work.
You idiot.
You were helping Su Ryeon
behind my back?
I looked after you for over 10 years
and is this what I get in return?
This so sad, Ms. Yang.
I have nothing to say, sir.
My kids liked you a lot.
Since when?
When did you start working for her?
I never betrayed you.
How would I dare
Don't make excuses.
You dressed as Su Ryeon
and pretended to be her.
Did she secretly ask you
to shake me off her tail?
I'm sorry, sir.
Please forgive me this once.
I will make it up to you
if you let me live.
I will serve only you
until the day I die.
Take her away.
Sir. Chairman. Please, sir!
No. Forgive me just this once!
I can't leave this house.
I'd rather have you kill me!
The truth is, Gu Ho Dong had
something on me. I had no choice.
- Sir.
- Wait.
"Gu Ho Dong"?
What did he have on you?
You all did well,
surviving the midterm exams.
Don't waste time
just because the exams are over.
Starting today, take your time
and study for the finals.
- Oh, come on.
- No way.
My dad and your mom
are having an affair.
They're also committing adultery.
Now that you know,
stop causing a scene
before we both end up
humiliating ourselves.
No. No!
Eun Byeol, what's wrong?
Did the midterms take a toll on you?
Did you ruin today's exam too?
Why are you upbraiding her?
Eun Byeol, are you okay?
Is something wrong?
I have a headache.
I need to see the nurse.
(Wrong pattern)
Why are you in here?
What are you doing with my phone?
Are you
Are you
No, never mind.
What is it? What's going on?
Take your dirty hands off me!
How dare you say that to your mom?
I am so disappointed in you.
Eun Byeol! Ha Eun Byeol!
What's making her act like that?
- You're here.
- Yes.
I'm sorry for avoiding your calls.
My head was all jumbled up
after hearing what you said.
I needed time to sort things out.
And I've decided to believe
that our friendship
was real.
Thank you
for understanding.
You told me before
that a mom could do anything
for her child.
And at times,
she can even become evil.
I want to know who's helping her.
Also, on what she's planning to do.
Did my husband call you?
He's probably losing his mind
trying to find me.
Not yet.
Don't worry.
I won't tell him that I met you.
Of course, I believe you.
I'm just concerned you might be
in a bind because of me.
Don't worry about me.
Why did you suddenly leave
your home?
What about your kids?
I'm really going to end it with him.
It's about time.
Are you
trying to find Min Seol Ah's killer?
The people who killed my Seol Ah
must be punished.
Joo Dan Tae, Cheon Seo Jin,
and everyone else at Hera Club.
I'll crush them,
just like how they crushed Seol Ah.
What if you get hurt?
You know how powerful the people
at Hera Palace are.
Especially Joo Dan Tae
and Cheon Seo Jin.
They shouldn't be underestimated.
Do you think they'll let you
have your way?
They killed my daughter.
How could I do nothing
when I know that?
What about you?
If Ro Na died like that,
would you do nothing?
Seol Ah's death
really breaks my heart,
but I'm worried
you might get hurt too.
On top of that, you don't even have
any critical proof.
All you know is that you saw
Cheon Seo Jin's ruby ring.
Will the police believe you?
Please say you'll stop here.
Please don't do anything.
Then I'll stop too.
Please, Su Ryeon.
People shouldn't live on
as if nothing happened
after committing a sin.
I've bet my life on this.
I'm sure the truth
will be revealed somehow.
If you just
tell the police what happened
that night,
the truth will eventually
reveal itself.
I told you!
I have nothing to say.
That night, I was too drunk
and I fell asleep
as soon as I came home.
Are you sure
you didn't see anything?
You have nothing to tell me?
I should've seen something
for your sake,
but I really didn't see anything.
So even if I go to the police,
I won't be of any help.
I see.
Where are you staying then?
How could you do something alone
when no one is helping you?
Don't worry.
I'm staying somewhere safe.
Where is that?
I'll tell you once I get adjusted.
Hold on.
Yes, Ro Na.
I'm a bit busy right now.
The exams? You did really well?
Of course.
I aced two of the exams today
and got one wrong
for social studies.
I think Ha Eun Byeol messed up
big time again.
I told you no one can beat you
fair and square.
Ro Na, what do you want to eat?
I'll make anything you want
Okay, then. I'll see you at home.
I love you.
You made up with Ro Na.
I'm glad.
Yes. Thanks to you.
You look happy, Yoon Hee.
I'm sorry
when you're suffering so much now.
It's okay.
I feel better seeing you smile
like this.
You know how much I like you.
You're a really cool person.
Su Ryeon, let's be friends forever.
Let's never fight
or betray each other.
Whatever dreadful thing you do,
I won't ever hate you.
What will she do
if she finds out the truth?
She'll throw me into jail.
No, she might even kill Ro Na.
Get a grip, Oh Yoon Hee.
She thinks Cheon Seo Jin
is the killer.
You can't let her find out.
Just think of Ro Na.
You met her?
Where is she staying?
I don't think she has decided
where to stay yet.
Why didn't you tell me?
You should've called me first.
We're going to meet again soon.
What about the person who's
helping her? Did she say anything?
She was the same as usual.
She was elegant as always
and unfazed.
She didn't even take her stuff.
I'm sure someone is helping her.
She can't be doing this alone.
There is someone I suspect.
I'll tell you when I become
more certain.
It seems like I've finally met
a decent partner.
Good work.
If you need anything,
you can always tell me.
Can I ask you a favor now?
Of course. Anything.
Even something regarding
my daughter Ro Na?
How dare you come back here?
No one here will welcome you back.
Do you think
this is some orphanage or what?
What will you do
if I'm recording this?
Are you threatening me now?
I'm pleading you.
You annoy me so much,
so could you please just leave?
For the peace and prosperity
of our school. Please?
Did Ms. Cheon tell you to do this?
To torment me
and make me drop out?
Or are you the type
that just succumbs to power?
Gosh, how gutsy of you.
This is why I hate you.
You don't know your place,
and you're fearless.
You're not the type
that students love either.
What do you know about love?
You will never graduate
from this school.
I can guarantee that on my name!
Do you know that? Do you?
That brat.
(Chairman Joo Dan Tae)
Yes, sir. This is Ma Doo Ki,
your loyal servant.
Yes, sir.
What brings you all the way here?
I'm sorry to come unannounced
when you're resting.
I know how rude I've been to you
all this time.
Can you be more specific?
Are you talking about the time
when you deceived us
while giving Ro Na lessons
for Cheong Ah's admissions?
Or when you shamelessly came back
as a teacher at Cheong Ah?
Or is it about
when you discriminated Ro Na
and gave her penalty points?
I'd like to know specifically
on what you're sorry for.
Come to think of it,
I was really a piece of trash.
I sincerely apologize.
I don't know why
you're suddenly doing this,
but it's uncomfortable
to see you apologizing like this.
I didn't know what kind of person
you were all this time.
Especially, if I had known
you were close with Chairman Joo,
I would never have made
this kind of mistake.
I knew you were swayed easily
by power,
but you're just too predictable.
I'm just naive.
I hope you understand.
Since we're on the subject,
let me be straight with you.
From now on,
Ro Na will be specially cared for.
No, she already is.
Chairman Joo ordered me to do so.
"Specially cared for"?
She'll be treated just like
Seok Hoon and Seok Kyung.
Your eyes are sparkling.
From now on, if you need anything
regarding Ro Na's school life,
don't hesitate to ask me.
I'll take care of everything
so you'll be perfectly at ease
as you are now.
To prove that Ro Na is being
specially taken care of,
I'm thinking of introducing
a private educational institute.
What kind of place is that?
They have the most references
on Cheong Ah's exams.
It's a secret even the parents
don't share with each other.
All the kids in Hera Palace
already go there.
I will show you myself.
Oh, gosh.
My goodness.
A dense fog keeps blocking
your sight.
It's full of dark energy.
It's full of someone's hatred.
"Hatred"? Whose hatred?
How would I know that?
You should know.
What ifshe means Min Seol Ah?
Why would you mention that name?
Please show us the last card.
There's going to be a bloodbath.
might die soon.
This feels so creepy.
I wanted to ask if Jenny was going
to make it to Seoul University.
But what? "Hatred"?
"Someone might die"?
She's just spewing nonsense.
I heard she was one of the best
fortune tellers and even paid extra.
"Specially cared for"?
Specially cared for
Ro Na has become special now.
If only I could provide more
for Ro Na
I have a favor to ask too.
Can you go to my place?
The penthouse?
Call my wife and tell her
you'll get her stuff.
She left urgently,
so she'll need this and that.
No one will be home
at seven o'clock.
How beautiful.
I'm sorry. I'll take it off.
I told you
that I'll let you have
anything you want.
Even if it's this penthouse.
Then get rid of
your wife Shim Su Ryeon first.
Send her somewhere
no one knows.
To a place she can never return.
Can you do that?
That's exactly what I want.
Hye In called me.
She's at a hospital in the US.
They ran some tests,
and fortunately, she's okay.
Don't worry about her.
She's being treated by the best team
at the most prestigious hospital.
Thank you.
How's the contract
with Joo Dan Tae going?
We'll seal the deal tomorrow.
It's time to begin.
I've decided when.
It's three days from now.
Three days from now?
Do you think they'll admit
to their sins?
We'll make that happen.
By making them take the bait.
(2020 Soprano Grace Jo's
Private Solo Recital for Children)
(April 25, 2020, 7 p.m.)
They need to suffer
the exact same way.
Then, they'll realize their sins.
You come to see me
every night in my dreams
And whisper in my ear
- Come here.
- What's going on?
He hasn't told me yet.
He wanted to wait for you.
I bet you were startled
to hear from me at such a late hour.
But this is very critical
for the both of you.
Take a look.
She sued me for damages
due to adultery?
She wants 10 million dollars?
Su Ryeon must be out of her mind.
(Petition for Divorce)
A petition for divorce?
I feel uneasy
caught in the middle of all this.
Why did she have to ask me?
You guys should've known
when to stop.
But I know. Love can be like that.
If you give her what she wants,
you can get a divorce by consent.
- She wants you to
- "Give up the penthouse"?
She also wants me
to give up custody
and parental rights,
and a restraining order
to keep me away from the kids?
Plus, 90 percent of my wealth?
What kind of nonsense is this?
She pretty much did
everything she could
to get back at you guys.
Do you think this is funny?
You must be enjoying this.
How could you make me
get involved in this?
You should've made sure
nothing like this happened.
I already have enough on my mind.
Why did you have to get me
involved in this mess?
I don't want to hear you say
another word.
I'm not in the mood to deal
with your nasty temper.
(Unidentified Number)
Did you enjoy the video
I sent you, Ms. Cheon?
Who is this jerk?
Stop hiding and just show yourself!
The receiver cannot be reached
Why can't I reach her?
(Su Ryeon)
Su Ryeon.
I packed some of your clothes
and makeup from the penthouse.
If you tell me where you are,
I'll go see you.
Hey, Logan.
You wish to proceed
with the contract?
(Joint Investment Contract)
I didn't know you'd make
such a quick decision.
No, there was plenty of time
to think about it.
Besides, I was mainly convinced
by the fact that you, Mr. Joo
You yourself showed interest in
establishing an investment company.
Even with your Myeongdong land
as collateral.
That was all the commitment
I needed to see.
The problem is, we need to decide
on the president of the company.
It's right that you get the position
considering the investment you made.
But in order to convince
the other investors,
it might be better for me
to become the president.
Oh, yes. Ms. Oh did mention
something about that.
Not a problem.
Things like that shouldn't get in
the way of our contract, should it?
I have faith in you, Mr. Joo.
Then I'll fix a date next week
for the investment briefing.
All right.
I'm already looking forward to it.
Oh, and in celebration
of our successful contract,
I've prepared a special
little gift for you.
Here you go.
What's this?
Let's just say I have some
acquaintance with Soprano Grace Jo.
"Soprano Grace Jo"?
Isn't she scheduled to perform
a solo recital in Korea?
That's right. Your daughter
She's studying opera, right?
- Yes.
- So when Grace found out about it,
she wanted to hold
a concert for her.
So then I thought it'd be a good
idea to invite your daughter
and all of her friends as well.
The kids will love it.
It's all going to happen
this weekend.
Oh, and another thing.
The adults will be invited
to a separate dinner party.
We'll send you a limousine.
"A dinner party"?
This is such an amazing gift.
I don't know how to thank you.
Mr. Joo, now that we're
officially partners,
there's no need
for such formalities.
Your daughter.
She's also studying opera, right?
This one's for her.
Thank you, Logan.
Sure thing.
You guys!
Let's take a photo together!
Look at how beautiful Jenny looks.
Grace Jo might want you
to be her pupil.
1, 2, 3. Say "cheese".
They look so happy.
My goodness, look at them.
Grace Jo isn't someone
whom we can easily meet.
On top of that, she invited
no one else but our kids.
It's a private performance.
That ticket is worth hundreds
of thousands of dollars.
Logan Lee is very generous.
He even invited the adults
to a dinner party.
This is why I love Americans
who were born with silver spoons.
Honey, did you bring the gift?
Don't worry. It's right here.
What? You guys prepared a gift?
To win him over?
You should've told me about it too.
What is it? Tell me.
Gosh, tell me what you got.
By the way, where's Seo Jin
and Chairman Joo?
Are they just openly
seeing each other now?
You don't know
what you're talking about.
That's not how things are going
these days.
I don't think things are
going well between
Ms. Cheon and Chairman Joo.
What do you mean?
I heard some stuff
and even witnessed something.
"Why didn't you answer
any of my calls today?"
"You haven't given me
a proper explanation about why"
"you were with Yoon Hee
at the villa that night."
"I told you already
that I went there to get some rest."
"And she just happened to come
with me after the team dinner."
"She was wearing my clothes."
- "The outfit you got me as a gift."
- Cut! Cut!
What does Oh Yoon Hee
have anything to do with this?
Exactly. Why are you suddenly
mentioning her name?
Will you let me finish?
Apparently, she got changed
because her clothes got ruined.
Must I explain everything to you?
I heard you signed a deal
with Logan Lee.
So now, I want her fired.
Logan Lee wants her, and so do I.
Be careful. Many eyes are watching.
Don't change the subject.
I don't know what you're thinking,
but mark my words.
The promise we made
when we got back together.
I decide our relationship.
Whether we meet or break up.
"Everything's up"
"to me."
- My gosh.
- You see what I mean?
This means it's over, right?
They've broken up, right?
I thought Oh Yoon Hee was kind
and innocent.
But it looks like she gets
everything she wants
if she puts her mind to
Seo Jin must've had
a really hard time.
That's nonsense.
Yoon Hee and Su Ryeon
are really close.
She'd never have an affair
with Su Ryeon's husband.
She's right.
Yoon Hee hates Chairman Joo.
Right, Dr. Ha?
You know how they hate each other.
If so, why would they work together?
I could already tell that they have
something going on already.
Imagine how lonely she must've been
living all alone as a single mother.
Will you please
Will you please stop?
Gosh, you startled us.
What's the matter with you?
Here's what I think.
I don't think it's bad for you
to hear this as her ex-husband.
You know, some foreign cultures
are cool about these kinds of stuff.
Why don't you ask them yourself?
My goodness.
Hello, Director Cheon.
Seo Jin, you look
No, wait. Director Cheon,
you look like an actress today.
That color looks fabulous on you.
I agree. I've never seen
that dress before. Is it new?
You look beautiful,
Director Cheon.
You should let me
go shopping with you.
I need to learn how to have
a better taste like you.
I'm Logan Lee's secretary.
Your ride is here.
Are we going now?
I'll take you to the party.
Your kids will be enjoying the
performance at the community hall.
- See you later, Eun Byeol.
- Have fun, kids.
- Don't do anything bad.
- Okay.
By the way, I thought Logan Lee
and Yoon Hee were friends.
Why wasn't her daughter invited?
What are you doing here?
I wanted to thank you in person.
She's my daughter.
- My name is Bae Ro Na.
- Hi.
I really love Grace Jo.
Thank you for inviting my daughter
to the special performance.
No, it's my pleasure.
Besides, you played a big part
in establishing the contract.
Think of it as a compliment.
By the way, the performance
will be held in Crystal Hall, right?
The other kids seem to think
it's in the community hall.
I think there must've been
some kind of a mix-up.
I'll be sure to let them know.
Now, if you'd excuse me, I was
in the middle of doing something.
You guys have a great day now.
- Thank you.
- Bye.
Let's go.
Where did I see that bag?
Mom, I'm so excited
that I can't wait.
I feel like
my heart is going to burst.
Will I really get to meet Grace Jo?
You've already asked me that
dozens of times.
- Are you that excited?
- You're amazing, Mom.
You work with someone so impressive.
You're incredible.
Let's go.
You must've been startled.
I'm okay.
I'll be off now.
See you later.
Su Ryeon.
Be careful.
You too.
Okay, everyone.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
We haven't gathered together
in so long.
It's the first time after
the two of you got a divorce.
Dr. Ha, you have
an American mindset.
You guys still stay as friends
even after the divorce.
I really admire you guys.
Did you really have to come?
You're the uninvited guest.
I received an invitation
from Logan as one of the investors.
Logan's joint company will be built
on the land I invested in.
Didn't you know that?
My goodness, Chairman Joo
must keep a lot of secrets from you.
That rarely happens
in the honeymoon phase.
The kids were so excited.
I'm so grateful for what Logan
is doing for them.
By the way, why didn't you bring
Su Ryeon with you?
I haven't seen her in a while.
She went on a trip.
The kids finished their exams,
so she went to take a break.
What's with the mood?
Today's supposed to be a good day.
You know what? Let's all drink.
Bottoms up. Drink it all.
- Dr. Ha, you start.
- Cheers.
- This is beautiful.
- I know.
(Grace Jo Solo Recital)
Ta-da. I'm going to ask Grace Jo
to sign her autograph on this dress.
And I'll give it to my daughter
as an heirloom.
I can't believe we'll be meeting
the prima donna of New York.
She's going to perform for us
and even carry out an audition.
Isn't this an event good enough
to write in our CVs?
We auditioned in front of Grace Jo.
Why did Grace Jo invite us though?
My dad's business partner owns
a theater in the States.
So he knows a lot of musicians.
I guess he really is
a filthy rich guy from the States.
It's an important event,
so don't make any mistakes.
Why am I so sleepy?
Why isn't she here yet?
You're right. She's really late.
It's my mom.
Mom, did you arrive?
How is the party? Is it amazing?
Hello? Mom, why aren't you
saying anything?
Jenny, help!
What's going on?
Why? Is there something wrong?
I don't know.
My mom suddenly cried for help.
What's wrong with my cell phone?
It's not working.
I'll try calling my dad.
Mom Gosh, what's going on?
- My phone won't work either.
- I can't get any signals.
What are you talking about?
This is Hera Palace.
I'm going to try
and call my mom outside.
Me too.
(Grace Jo Solo Recital)
(Grace Jo Solo Recital)
What's going on?
The doors won't open!
What are you talking about? Move.
What? It's locked. What is this?
(Grace Jo Solo Recital)
Why would the doors be locked?
- What's going on?
- Open the door!
Go back down and take your seats.
What? Who was that?
- Where is that voice coming from?
- Who are you?
Who's doing this to us?
Calm down, you guys.
The show is about to begin.
- Where is this guy?
- Cut it out and open the door!
(No Open Flames)
Chairman Chairman Joo.
Dr. Ha.
Attorney Lee!
- Gosh, my head.
- Ms. Cheon!
- Wake up.
- Gosh, I have a headache.
- Gosh, my head aches so much.
- Sang Ah.
Sang Ah, wake up.
Wake up!
- Where are we?
- What is this place?
- Where are we?
- Gosh, my head.
My goodness.
What is this place?
Come on.
What's going on?
- What's that?
- What?
- What is it?
- Where?
What is that?
My gosh, what was that?
- Open the door!
- Help!
What is that?
Mom! Dad!
- Mom
- What is that? Mom!
What's my mom doing there?
Mom, what are you doing there?
Gosh, what should we do?
- My gosh.
- Goodness.
Please let us out.
I have your parents.
They need to get punished.
What nonsense are you talking about?
Are you saying you kidnapped
our parents?
Do you even know who my dad is?
Show yourself right now!
- Where are you?
- Who are you?
Where are you?
- Mom, please pick up!
- Help!
My mom won't pick up!
My gosh!
Don't waste your energy.
No one will come to help.
This voice
Look. It's that place.
What place?
Min Seol Ah?
No way.
What are my parents doing there?
- Mom!
- Mom!
- Mom!
- Dad!
Mom! I'm sorry!
- No! Please!
- Please stop!
What is this?
What's going on?
My goodness!
- This is gasoline!
- My gosh!
What is this? It's gasoline!
It's gasoline?
What is it? What's wrong??
- Oh, my gosh!
- My goodness!
Is that a bomb?
- Stop!
- It'll blow up!
- Don't move!
- The door won't open!
- We need to get out of here!
- Open the door.
Open the door!
- Help!
- Open!
Help us! Help!
My phone won't work.
We can't even get a signal!
Do something!
It's a fire!
There's a person over there!
- What?
- Look.
- Where?
- Hey! Over here!
- Where?
- Please open the door.
- What are you doing?
- Come here!
- Hey!
- What
Please take us out of here!
- Mom!
- No!
What is going on?
Your parents will pay
for what you did in the past.
Is something wrong with that?
Your parents
will die instead of you.
- No, no. Mom
- No!
No! No! Mom!
No, Mom!
No, Mom
You idiot.
I think the car is on fire.
Hey, I broke the door earlier.
Please help me.
Open the door.
Please open the door.
- Hey, let's just go.
- What about her?
- Whatever, let's go.
- Don't go!
She'll find her way out.
Let's get out of here.
What if the car explodes?
- Darn, whatever.
- Don't go!
Why did I call out "Mom"
at that moment?
If I had a mom,
something like that wouldn't
have happened in the first place.
What are you doing?
Can't you see us in here?
Stop this madness now!
Hey! Why did you set this place
on fire? Are you crazy?
Why? Are you afraid you might die?
What the?
Was it okay when your kids
did the same thing?
Your kids also set a car on fire
and ran away.
What are you talking about?
We don't understand!
Min Seol Ah.
What do you mean, Min Seol Ah?
That night There was a fire
in the van.
What are you talking about?
Our kids lighted candles
on a cake
and Min Seol Ah almost burned
to death.
(The Penthouse)
You abducted, confined,
and threatened us!
Min Seol Ah is my daughter!
Go screw yourselves.
- Do you like him?
- I know how hard it has been.
Don't think it will end here.
The one who pushed Seol Ah
off the building.
I mistook you as a friend.
Just kill her!
I'll kill you in the end
as painfully as possible.
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