The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse (2020) s01e18 Episode Script

Disappearing Act

(exciting music plays)
Thanks for getting the tickets
to the magic show, Minnie.
Of course! I know how much you love magic.
-It's starting!
Ladies and gentlemen, the great Howdini!
(chuckles) Yeah!
(piano playing)
(piano continues)
I can't believe my eyes.
We can't believe us, either.
Pick a card. Pick a card.
Pick a card.
Memorize your cards.
Return your card.
-Is this your card?
-(gasps) It is!
-Is this your card?
-It is!
-Is this your card?
-No, that's my wife.
And my card!
He got 'em all right!
Shucks! What a show!
I always dreamed one day
that I'd be a great magician
just like Howdini.
(giggles) Oh, Mickey,
you'd make a wonderful magician.
-Pick a card.
-Oh! Okay.
Return it to the deck. (giggles)
Oh! I shall now shuffle.
Well, still learning the shuffling part.
Is this your card?
Ooh! No.
Ah, who am I kidding?
I'll never be a magician.
-I just don't got no magic in me.
-Oh, don't worry, Mickey.
Everyone has magic inside.
You just have to believe in yourself.
-You really think so?
-I know so.
Now then, let's get some hot cocoa.
I'll catch up with you
in a minute, Minnie.
Howdini! Howdini! Howdini! Howdini!
Mr. Howdini! Do you have any advice
on how a fellow like me
-could be a great magician like you?
-I have just the thing.
Right this way.
Abra-ca-gift shop!
(car alarm beeps)
I have everything a beginner needs
to be a magician.
Books on magic, tuxedo t-shirts,
and official magic wands!
(gasps) Official magic wand? I'll take it!
That'll be 20 bucks.
-HOWDINI: Hmm-mm.
-MICKEY: Mmm-hmm.
Minnie! Minnie! Minnie! Minnie!
Minnie! Minnie!
Minnie, look! I got a magic wand.
Now my magic will work for sure!
Oh, Mickey, you don't need a wand.
You just need to believe.
-Picture a card in your head.
-Okay, okay.
I'm picturing a card in my head. (giggles)
Now, I will make all the cards disappear
except yours.
-(magical chime)
Oh, no!
Minnie? Minnie!
Wand, what did you do?
You made Minnie disappear.
You Wait. That means
you really are magic.
All right, wand. Bring Minnie back!
(magical chime)
Minnie? Don't worry, Minnie,
the wand will change you back.
Minnie, come back!
Minnie, hold still. Minnie. Hey, wait!
Oh, there you are.
Minnie, wait there. Oh!
Oh! Hmm?
Huh? Mmm.
Come on, wand. Bring her back.
Form of Minnie Mouse!
(shouts, groans)
Oh! Huh?
(shouts) Back-to-Min-to!
-(magical chime)
Reappearica mindavera!
Ah Huh?
Oh, no! Ouchie kadabera!
-(Minnie giggling)
-Oh, no.
Min-stro change-o!
-MINNIE: Mickey!
Minnie, come back!
Minnie! She's gone.
-(hat ringing)
I failed her.
(ringing continues)
I believed in you, wand.
What's wrong with you?
Now my Minnie's gone.
-(ringing continues)
MALE VOICE: Wow, ya made it disappear.
Did it or is it just behind your ear?
-(onlookers cheering)
-MICKEY: Howdini!
The wand, it made Minnie disappear.
Please, I need your magic
to bring her back.
Oh, ho Hold on, kid.
You know I'm not really magic, right?
I do magic tricks.
It's an illusion. See?
But the wand is magic.
It made Minnie gone.
Kid, the wand is just a buck-fifty's
worth of wood and paint, not magic at all.
Wait, buck-fifty? You sold it to me
for 20 dollars.
That is the power of illusion.
Sorry, I can't help you kid,
but good luck.
I hope you find your Minnie.
What am I gonna do? I lost Minnie
and there's nothing I can do
to bring her back!
(cries) I can't do magic!
Oh, come now, Mickey. Dry your tears.
Magic isn't found in a wand.
It's found in your heart.
If your heart is in your dream,
no request is too extreme.
(chuckles) Just look inside your heart.
It will guide you to the magic part.
Minnie told you everything
you need to know.
-Remember what she said.
-Just believe in yourself, Mickey.
If Minnie can believe in me,
I can believe in myself.
GOOD FAIRY: That's right, Mickey.
I believe!
(enchanting music playing)
(magical chime)
See Mickey, I told you
the magic was in your heart all along.
(onlookers cheering)
(magical chime)
(jaunty music playing)
Series brought to you by Sailor420
!!! Hope you enjoy the Show !!!
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