Thunderbirds (1965) s01e18 Episode Script

Cry Wolf

'Thunderbirds are go! ' (Humming) (Dance band on radio) Hi, there.
Are you going anywhere near Princeton Avenue? Sure! Hop in! Well, that's real nice of you.
Do you live down Princeton Avenue? No, my doctor does.
I've got to get him down to see my wife.
She's real sick.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Yeah! What a night for my battery to go flat.
I was lucky to find you.
Are you married, too? Sure am! In fact, today is our third wedding anniversary.
Is that so? Well, well! That, er explains the flowers in the back.
As soon as the baby-sitter arrives we're going out for a meal.
Why didn't you phone the doctor? OK, just here.
He lives over there.
Thank you! But before I let you go, there's something I've got for you.
What's this? Just because I gave you a lift - What is this? - Listen, Prescott How did you know my name? Listen to what I say.
I don't have time to repeat.
You work at the Hudson Building.
- Room 1972, right? - Right.
In the top drawer of your cabinet, you'll find a key to release you.
You're wasting time, Prescott! It's made of hydro-chromatised steel.
It won't break under 20,000 degrees.
It has an explosive charge that will go off soon.
Are we in business? All right.
What am I to do? Simple.
Go to your room in the Hudson Building.
Find the key, take off the bracelet and leave it there.
- What then? - The whole place goes up.
Pow! You're crazy! I don't have time to argue.
That bomb goes off in 21 minutes.
If you don't get that bracelet off, your wife will be a widow on her wedding anniversary.
Don't throw the bracelet out of the office window.
You'll want to get further away than that.
(Siren wails) Highway Control from Car 107.
Going in pursuit of a red convertible on highway six.
'Highway Control, check.
' You'd better get the barriers out.
- This guy's about to take off.
- 'Check, car 107.
' This guy's not gonna stop! Calling all cars.
Calling all cars.
(Woman) Who is it, honey? I don't know, it looks like Mr Prescott's car.
Seems to be in quite a hurry.
(Woman) I can't hear you over the TV.
Looks like something's up.
I guess he's got his own key with him.
(Siren) Looks like the cops are after him, too! - I can't hear you, honey.
- Gladys, what time is it? Come on! Come 0N! Yes, officer.
I figured you wanted him for something.
(Gladys) What did he say, honey? - It's his car.
- And look there! It's not here! The key's not here! - What's he up to? - We'll see.
The janitor has a key.
(Sirens wail) Sir? As soon as you've got the situation under control, I want a full rundown.
That Hudson Building is government property.
We can't afford any security slip-ups.
- 'Understood.
' - How's the fire situation? 'It's getting worse.
' The building's automatic extinguishers aren't working.
What about the guy who started it? He probably got hit by the explosion.
The elevator is out of action.
I wish I knew what the heck this was all about.
Base from Thunderbird Five.
Calling International Rescue.
Any news about the Hudson Building? The fire department are there now, but they're not having much success.
What does Brains make of it? He thinks only an incendiary device could cause so much fire so quickly.
H-hold it, John.
H-here's another newscast coming up.
(TV Reporter) 'The fire department are trying to cope 'with the Hudson Building fire, 'which followed an explosion which destroyed the top five floors.
'The janitor, Sam Saltzman, 'said the explosion was preceded by the arrival at the building 'of Hudson employee Thomas Prescott.
'The police will have several charges to make against Prescott, 'if they get him out alive.
'Efforts to rescue the man have failed, 'and the fire department are not optimistic about his chances.
'I return you to your programme.
' That's a definite call to action! - Alan, get Scott and Virgil here.
- Yes, Father.
- We can't delay.
Brains! - Y-Yes, Mr Tracy? Put Virgil straight about what parts will be required.
R-right, Mr Tracy.
We can try our new fire rescue equipment.
Tin Tin, monitor all broadcasts about the Hudson fire, and keep Scott and Virgil informed.
All right.
Thunderbirds are go! (Brains) 'Mr Tracy, l-I've instructed Virgil about the equipment needed.
' Judging by the latest reports from the Hudson Building, I've advised him to take extra dicetylene.
There's not much hope for the guy at the foot of the elevator shaft.
'It's getting flooded.
' What about the safety doors, Flanagan? 'The explosion caused them to shut automatically.
'But the fire's damaged their release mechanism and they're jammed shut.
' Base from Thunderbird 1.
Calling base from Thunderbird 1.
(Tin Tin) 'Receiving you, Scott.
' What's the latest, Tin Tin? The fire department can't fully control the fire while Prescott is stuck in the elevator shaft.
They also know that the automatic extinguishers couldn't operate because the water supply had been cut.
- I see.
- Scott, what's your ETA? I should be reaching Spoke City in 9.
5 minutes, Father.
Well? They've contacted Prescott on the elevator radio.
He's in a bad way.
There's also been a message for you.
International Rescue are coming.
International Rescue?! Give me that radio! ETA rescue zone in 17 minutes.
How's Scott making out? He's practically there.
He's talking to the Chief of Police.
If the fire is under control, we can get the man out of the elevator shaft.
I can fix that.
The fire's spread to some of the basement floors.
(Scott) 'How many basement floors are there? ' - Ten.
- Any other access? None at all.
The safety doors are jammed.
My men are trying to cut a way through.
Clear them right away.
And we'll need part of the area cleared for landing.
All right.
You can land in the area behind the building.
I'll have the rear entrance cleared.
And I'll need your guarantee of secrecy for my organisation.
You've got it, buddy! You've got it.
Boy! Is that a sight for sore eyes.
(TV Reporter) 'The people of this city are watching the arrival 'of the second International Rescue craft.
'Now she has disappeared behind the facade of the Hudson Building.
'The International Rescue team wish to conduct the operation in secret.
' But what about the man down the shaft? What do you suppose these International Rescue guys are up to? They've been in there 30 minutes! Father, we've got the dicetylene cage fixed up.
Good luck.
' OK, fellas.
Down you go.
(Alan) Heat increasing.
(Virgil) Right.
Starting dicetylene sprinklers.
This dicetylene is great.
I hope it lasts.
Our tank might not be big enough.
- How's it going? - '0K, Scott.
' But our dicetylene supply won't last.
(Metallic thud) What was that? (Virgil) 'Prescott? This is International Rescue.
'Answer if you can hear me.
' Yeah! Yeah, I can hear you.
We've come to get you out of there.
What kind of shape is the elevator in? Pretty bad.
The water's rising all the time.
Is the frame of the elevator car still intact? Yeah, I reckon it is.
Why? Right.
0perating grabs.
(Virgil) All right, Scott.
I think we've got her.
Coming up now.
Hey, what goes on? - Dicetylene's finished.
- I was afraid that might happen.
Will we make it? We've got to.
We've just got to! (Scott) 0K, Prescott, you'll be all right.
Well, did you see Prescott? Yes.
He's still sticking to that cock-eyed story about the bracelet.
I never heard anything like it.
This guy goes out on his anniversary and commits enough offences to get him 20 years inside.
Yeah! A guy with a spotless record, too! You know what? I believe him.
Just think, one - that explosion destroys the files on some of the most vicious gangs, including the Eardman gang.
Two - the automatic extinguishers in the building had been sabotaged.
It adds up, you know.
- What's that? - We found it in the Hudson Building.
Why, that's it! That's the bracelet! Right, get me the FBI.
Yes, sir! We're gonna get to the bottom of this, even if it means employing a little deception.
But Alan, you said you saved the man in the Hudson Building? We did.
Why did they publish this story, Father? The authorities must be taking this line for a very special reason.
They must have a scheme.
That Prescott was a nice guy.
I wish we could help.
Hey, why not? No, Alan.
That's best left to the FBI and Interpol.
Maybe they want the man responsible to think he can try it again.
(Big Ben chimes) (Man) More tea, old chap? (2nd Man) Ah, no thanks.
(Man) Southern is the best man for the job.
(2nd Man) He needs to be tough to deal with the Eardman gang.
(Door opens) (Man) Ah, here's Southern now.
(Southern) Afternoon, sir.
(Man) All set, then? (Southern) Yes, sir.
(Man) Right.
You won't be needing those But you WILL need this.
(Man) Good luck, and be careful.
(Southern) What's the idea? (Foreign Man) The leader will give you complete instructions by radio when you reach Glengarry Castle in Scotland.
(Door creaks) Why are they keeping us in this dump? Boy, is it cold! Ahh, they know what they're doing.
Just relax.
You heard what our orders were.
Yes - instructions by radio.
But when? We've been here 36 hours.
This is the leader speaking.
'I will now outline the final details of the plan.
'Listen very carefully.
I will only go through it once.
' OK, go ahead.
'At 0900 hours, you will leave the castle.
' 'Yes.
The timing is vital.
'Drive to the nuclear plutonium store marked on your route maps.
'Isotopes for all Britain's nuclear power stations 'are stored inside the building.
'The authorities maintain that the store is impregnable.
'We are going to prove them wrong.
'Powerful robots guard every door.
' So, we won't run into any people? 'No.
The entire area is deserted.
'At 0910 hours you will take up your positions.
' That's before the perimeter gates at 9:10.
The alarm systems have been rendered ineffectual.
'So you can move with ease.
'The ray machine you've been given 'is tuned to the robot frequencies 'and will render inactive the robot at the gate.
'You will then enter the building, 'unsealing each electronic door as you go.
'Again you will use the ray machine.
'There are three electronic doors with a robot guarding each.
'At 0930 you must be in the main storeroom 'where the vault is housed.
' Where the plutonium's stored? 'Yes.
You will set the fuses.
'Then clear the area and drive south.
'You will rendezvous with my helijet and prepare to leave the country.
' - That's when we get paid? - 'Yes.
' 'Lf your assignment has been successfully carried out.
' So we're going to meet you at last? 'Yes.
You will have earned that honour.
' And the rendezvous remains as arranged? Didn't you hear the first time? And leave that pen alone! Listen, Dempsey, if I want to mess around with this thing, I will.
I've gotta get this timing right.
'There is no time for bickering! 'Southern is right.
Exact timing is vital.
'Three hours after you have set the fuses, at precisely 1230 hours, 'the nuclear store will explode! ' I don't wanna be around then! No, sir.
The fuses must be a special type.
How do we get them? What time do we set them? 'Hmm! I was waiting for one of you to ask me that.
'The fuses are set at this moment, and are attached to your wrists! ' But that's crazy.
They're locked on! We can't get them off! 'This is a precaution I have taken, 'to make certain you carry out the mission successfully.
'You see, the key that will release the bracelets 'is the same one that unlocks the panel 'to the plutonium vault mechanism.
' You mean, it's inside the nuclear store? 'Yes.
In a box on the vault door.
'Now you know why you must get into the building and carry out the plan.
'Lf you fail, you will all be blown to Kingdom Come.
' Come on, Dempsey, it's time.
OK, 0K, don't rush me! It was a smart move to lock these to our wrists.
Yes, very smart! Let's get moving! OK, Southern, we're bang on schedule.
Fix that robot! Right! 0pen the perimeter gates.
Get ready, Southern.
When I work these frequencies, robot number two will try to grab us.
Check time! Bang on.
Stand back! OK! 0ne more door and then the vault.
We've got 10 minutes to find the key and get these fuses off our wrists.
The door's open.
Make with the ray, Southern.
Where's the fourth robot? Who cares.
Come on! Get the key, Southern.
This fuse worries me! If they blow too soon, we're dead! Stay there! There's been a change of plan.
What are you talking about? - Unlock these bracelets! - Soon.
First you must do something.
- You're wasting time! - Listen! You're gonna capture the leader and bring him here.
I never liked you.
You should've been double-checked.
A lesson in security - don't trust anyone.
Get moving! Bring the leader or you die! What do you want? A bigger cut? You wouldn't understand.
Now, do as I say! But it's miles to the rendezvous.
We won't get back before these charges blow! That's your problem! Sorry, Southern, no deal.
You're wasting time.
Remember your life's at stake.
Maybe it's your life, not ours.
Aah! Aahh Get the key.
Things worked out 0K for us after all.
Couldn't be better! OK, Kenyon, catch! What are you gonna do? We're gonna leave you, just like that.
But first, we'll take off your bracelet.
Fix it, Dempsey.
Then we'll place the charges and clear outta here.
In three hours this place is gonna go up.
And so will you.
Place those other fuses, Dempsey.
We're behind schedule.
But what if someone's working with him? They could get in and rescue him.
We'll jam the electronic doors shut.
No-one will be able to get in.
- 0K.
All set.
- Right, let's go! I may be finished, but so are you.
You won't escape! (Kenyon) Quit fooling yourself.
No one can stop us, least of all you! OK, take care of the controls.
Agent Tiger-4 to HQ.
Come in, HQ.
I must contact 2-1.
'This is 2-1.
You were to contact me only in an emergency.
' This is an emergency.
The fuses have been set.
And the nuclear store will explode at 1230 hours.
'Right, we'll come and release you.
' There's no time.
Dempsey and Kenyon have jammed the doors.
You must evacuate the entire area.
'In less than three hours? ' Thos fuses will cause the biggest explosion the world has ever known.
The area must be evacuated! 'There must be some way to save you.
' Forget me! Thousands of people can be saved if you work fast! Now we've got a long, fast drive south to meet the leader.
And the money.
Let's go! 'Someone here's come up with an idea.
We might be able to save you.
' Chief! There's no time.
No one can get into this place in time.
No-one, except perhaps International Rescue.
Of course! Perhaps they can stop the leader at the rendezvous.
I don't know.
They're a rescue organisation, not a police force.
Maybe, but it's worth a try.
'Calling International Rescue.
'This is Sir William Fraser of the British Security Service.
'Code name 2-1.
'We need your help.
What's your problem, 2-1? 'There could be a nuclear explosion that will destroy half of England.
' Wow-ee! That's serious.
Give me the details.
Nothing like fishing to relax the mind.
And the body, if you're any example! Alan! I've got a bite! Play it, give it more line.
(Jeff on radio) 'Emergency call.
Return to base immediately.
' I'll start the engines.
- Bring in your catch, Tin Tin.
- Yes, Gordon.
It's a big one.
It's a big one this time.
You heard the details? You've got just two a-a-and one half hours.
- Boy, we're gonna be tight on time! - Let's go! I'll take Pod 5, with laser-beam equipment.
W-what about 2-1's other problem, M-Mr Tracey? The guys who started the trouble? It's not our job to catch crooks.
N-no, sir, but our agent in Britain c-could help.
Yeah! Lady Penelope.
This should be right up her street! (Bleeps) 'International Rescue HQ calling International Rescue England.
' International Rescue.
Lady Penelope speaking.
'This is a hot one, Penny.
'Foreign agents are fleeing Britain, they must be stopped.
'You've only got two hours.
' Right, what's the location, Jeff? 'IR - reference 19/54-0.
Can you handle it? ' I'll do my best, Jeff.
We must move swiftly.
I'll call you later.
You rang, m'lady? Yes, Parker.
Another assignment.
Get out the Rolls Royce, we're heading north.
And hurry! Will we be on time, m'lady? It'll be touch and go.
We can't afford hold-ups.
Thunderbird 2 from Thunderbird 1.
'What is your ETA at the danger zone? ' Flying at maximum speed now.
That's less than 20 minutes to get into the plutonium store.
What IS the delay, Parker? It's this truck, m'lady, I can't get past him.
But we're behind time, Parker.
Give him a toot.
Right, m'lady.
(Beeps horn) Thunderbird 2 from Thunderbird 1, approaching danger zone.
- FAB, Scott.
- 'Hurry, Virgil.
' I'll try to contact Southern.
Thunderbird 1 to Southern.
Can you hear me? 'Am I tuned to your frequency? ' Yes, I can hear you loud and clear.
'Great! You just sit tight.
' Thunderbird 2 is coming.
We'll soon have you out.
Get away while you can.
You'll never reach me in time.
Listen, Southern, we've come a long way to rescue you, and we're gonna do it! You must get clear! International Rescue doesn't give up that easy! 'Thunderbird 1 from Thunderbird 2, approaching danger zone.
' We'll have to work fast.
These doors are jammed.
Can we blast through? The charges may upset those fuses, not to mention the plutonium.
Stand back! and there are two more doors.
Setting auto timer to 14 minutes.
OK! Here we go! Come on, baby.
That's better.
Stand by for jet blast.
It's no good, l-I can't get free Seven minutes.
Try the jet now.
Time's running out.
I'll get those fuses.
Take care of that robot.
OK, Scott.
we'll soon have you free.
This is the last time they try the bracelet game! That's right.
I guess Prescott is fully vindicated.
Penelope just has to tidy things up.
The next field, Parker.
Listen I believe I can hear the helijet.
I'm glad things turned out this way.
We get a bigger share of the loot! Yeah, say, that's right! Quite so.
Now all we have to do is escape to safety, and that should be quite a simple matter.
He's in a bad way, Scott.
If only I could have released him quicker.
You did your best, Virgil.
Those robots aren't easy guys to handle.
I'll call an ambulance.
- Look who's here! - Wonder how she got on.
- Success? - Success.
This is Southern, the agent we just rescued he needs hospital attention.
I can see that.
Scott, get him in the car, I'll take him myself.
You've been very kind.
Are you fully recovered? Yes, as fit as ever.
But it's the end of my secret agent career.
I AM sorry.
But why's that? My cover's broken.
We secret agents are only able to operate by remaining incognito.
But then you wouldn't know about that.
I wouldn't? Oh, no, of course not I wouldn't.
But it does sound fascinating.
Do tell me about it.
Oh, I don't want to bore you You wouldn't! I've often wanted to do something exciting like being a secret agent.
Well, it's not all romance In fact, it's a tough existence.
Never being yourself Someone like you, so sheltered and gentle it just wouldn't be you.
With all due respect, you're just not the type.
We walk with danger as a shadow.
Death is a constant companion.
No, Penelope, you just be what you are - a very beautiful lady.

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