ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e18 Episode Script

Jaga History

[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
[video game beeping]
Time to soup this baby up.
Food, food, food, yeah.
Well, let's see,
what to eat, what to eat?
Oh. Hello, mac and cheese
from last month.
How you been, ol' buddy?
Huh? What's that?
[bubbles popping]
Uh-huh, uh-huh.
You're right,
I probably
should make a fresh bowl.
But, uh, here we are.
[gags, coughs] You win this
round, mac and cheese.
[gagging, coughing]
Aw, come on, mac and cheese,
take a hint.
Get in the drain.
It's not me, it's you.
Just get outta here.
[eerie voice] Beware!
What? Who said that?
[eerie voice] Beware!
Mac and cheese?
- Beware!
- [yelps]
The path you choose now will
lead to certain destruction.
Ahh! What is happening?
Jaga, there you are.
I guess we can scratch "kitchen"
off of our Cats' Lair tour.
You already found it.
[chuckles] I love the pipes.
They go everywhere.
Oh, it's just Jaga. That old
guy that exploded on Thundera
and now visits us from the
Astral Plane as a ghost.
Concisely put, Cheetara.
Go ahead, tell my life story,
why don't you?
- [yelps]
- [thud]
Oh, no, Master Jaga,
let me help you.
[groans] I can't
seem to get a grip.
Ooh, that tickles. [giggles]
- [laughs]
- [laughing] Can't catch me.
Come back here,
you little rascal.
[both laughing]
Can't catch
what you can't touch.
- [laughing]
- We'll see about that.
So, uh, hey, Jaga.
What was that whole thing
about "certain destruction?"
What am I supposed
to look out for, exactly?
Eh, You know, like, you got to be
careful or bad stuff might happen.
Uh, yeah, I knew the mac and
cheese was "bad stuff",
that's why I threw it out.
Thanks for the hot tip, ghost.
No, come on.
I mean, bad stuff
like why Thundera exploded.
What? You know
why Thundera exploded?
I thought that was
a mystery for the ages.
Of course,
I know what happened.
I was there.
We were all there,
but I thought no one knew why
Quiet, Tygra,
he's trying to tell us why.
Right, Jaga?
You'll tell us the whole story?
Eh, sure, whatever.
All right.
Story time!
Attention, ThunderCats.
[over intercom] Please convene
for a Thunderian history lesson.
- Ugh, history.
- Boring.
No, thanks.
[Tygra over intercom]
It's gonna be really good.
No, it's not. Never is.
[Tygra over intercom] The ghost of Jaga
will tell us how Thundera exploded.
- Ooh, wha
- [all] Cool.
- We're coming!
- Don't start without us!
This is awesome.
We're finally gonna learn
what caused
our planet's dark fate.
Whoo-hoo! Dark fate!
I love history.
Yeah, history's awesome!
Hey, what's the deal?
None of you wanted to attend
my previous lecture series
on Thunderian history.
I'm sorry.
That's because you didn't
have some ghost talking.
Ghosts make learning fun.
This isn't just some ghost.
You're looking at
the progenitor
of the Code of Thundera.
Got to have some snacks
if some ghost is gonna
tell you a story.
He's not just some ghost.
Hey. Let me get one of those.
Aw, toots.
I keep forgetting
I'm just some ghost.
Now then, let us begin,
shall we?
[clears throat]
For millennia,
Thundera was a beacon
of peace and prosperity.
[all exclaiming]
[imitates woman]
We love being Thundarians.
We're so happy
and prosperous.
[Jaga] And its
technology was
- [telephones ringing]
- the most advanced in all the universe.
Oh, oh, I know what happened.
I bet all that technology
came to life
and there was a robot uprising
that destroyed the planet.
[in robot voice]
Destroy all Thundarians.
We are the computers.
[in robot voice]
Thundarians eliminated.
Beep, bop, boop, beep.
Hmm, I guess
that seems plausible.
All right, history lesson over.
- Beep, bop boop, beep.
- What? No Jaga, that's not it.
That's just something
Panthro made up.
- I'm sorry.
- Oh, yeah.
All the technology
on Thundera was super nice.
In fact, I dated a robot
for, like, six years.
Here, pass that around.
You guys, no more interrupting.
Just let Jaga talk.
So, you know our enemies?
The Mutants?
Do I ever.
Those guys are class-A jerks.
I know, right?
So, yeah, the Mutants.
They all got in their
dumb spaceship
and were flying around
until one fateful day
when they found Thundera.
[Cheetara] Oh, yeah,
I bet they sent
a thermonuclear
mutant missile
to the planet surface
and blew everything up.
[all cheering]
Aw, yeah, we're Mutants.
Ooh. Aah.
Come on, what did I say
about interrupting, Cheetara?
- [grumbles]
- No, that can't be right.
Oh, yes.
The Mutants came down
to the surface
and tried to enslave
our people.
However, the Mutants
were stopped in their tracks
by the greatest warrior
in all of Thundera,
who took them on
- [all exclaim]
- Awesome.
Jaga, who was that
timeless hero?
Oh [giggles] Well
It was me, okay?
Don't worry about it.
[Panthro] Jaga that's so cool.
[Jaga chuckles] Yeah,
I guess that is pretty cool.
Ooh, thanks
for believing in me.
[panting] Whee! Crash!
Wah-pow! Whoo!
Stomp. Stomp.
Kick your head.
Squash, squash.
Ooh, flippy. Flippy.
Punch, punch, punch, punch, punch,
punch, punch, punch, punch.
And I picked one up even
and I threw him
at some other ones.
And then I did some,
uh, kickies
and then I did more punchies.
Punch, punch, punch,
punch, punch, punch.
Punch, punch, punch,
punch, punch, punch.
Punch, punch, boom!
Kick. Pow.
Ooh. [exclaims]
What's he doing?
I have no idea,
but it's probably really cool.
[Jaga] As I bravely
battled on,
the Mutants called down
their ruler Ratar-O.
[all chanting]
Ratar-O. Ratar-O. Ratar-O.
The space rat the size
of an entire planet?
[imitates Ratar-O]
Roar! Kaboom.
[Jaga] Hmm, not sure
where you heard that.
Ratar-O was just
a normal sized rat-man.
About my height, I guess.
And he was all, like, falling.
Pew, from the sky like, pew!
And the dumb Mutants
were super happy
to have their dumb leader.
So now it was time
for two champions
to duke it out.
It was just me vs. Ratar-O.
I just stood there
looking cool,
ready to do something
super awesome.
- [all exclaim]
- Oh, man.
What did you have to do?
Fair warning Lion-O,
you're about to lose it.
Because the next part
of my little yarn
is where I call upon the power
of the Sword of Omens.
You mean this Sword of Omens?
Yeah, man.
I know.
So I summoned
the Sword of Omens
[effort grunts]
and it was all like
[vocalizes] Ah.
[choir vocalizing]
[Jaga] And Ratar-O was all like,
"Meh, I'm gonna fight him
with my dumb weapons."
Pew, pew! Ah, epic battle lightning. Ah!
"I'm gonna get you."
"Oh, no, you're not." [grunts]
Ratar-O didn't stand a chance
against the power
of the Sword of Omens.
[Panthro] Yeah.
You showed Jaga.
[Lion-O] I love that sword.
[Jaga] So he had to call on
his own magic sword.
[imitates harmonica]
Bleh, the Sword of Plun-Darr.
Ooh, that sword
makes me so mad.
- [all gasp]
- This has got to be it.
Not quite.
First our blades danced.
Crash! Boom! Bang! Clang!
Crash! Boom! Bang!
You know, actually,
I think I was
taller than rat-man.
And I think maybe he was
wearing an embarrassing shirt.
[all] Jaga, what happened?
[Jaga] So I got
the upper hand
and got Ratar-O,
who was balding,
right where
I wanted him, a corner.
But in one last
desperate move,
the wretch plunged
the Sword of Plun-Darr
into the ground.
Rumble, rumble,
rumble, rumble!
Aah, everything's
breaking apart!
I bet it caused the Thundrillium
Power Plant to overheat and explode.
No way, it opened up
a big old black hole
and the whole planet
was sucked right up.
Ooh, ah, it summoned
a giant space rat.
- Panthro, that was my idea.
- I'm sorry.
[all clamoring]
Those are all pretty good.
[whistle blowing]
Everyone, just cool it.
Jaga is trying to tell you
what happened to your home.
Be respectful and stop trying
to throw in your nonsense.
[all] I'm sorry.
Hmm, I could've said,
"No onions."
Huh? Oh, right.
Still not done, I guess.
So then
I just punched the rat man
in the face
and took the sword
out of the ground.
Our home, Thunder World,
was saved.
Isn't that happy?
Oh, so that's how
Thundera was saved.
Wait, I'm sorry, Master Jaga.
Isn't this story
about how Thundera exploded?
Uh, what?
Oh. Oh, yeah.
In the wrong hands,
the Sword of Plun-Darr
could crack planets in half.
So I needed
to seal it away forever.
And I knew the only place
it would be safe
would be deep inside
the heart of a volcano.
So I journeyed up
the largest volcano
on Thundera
and cast
the Sword of Plun-Darr
deep into its molten maw.
And, I guess, eventually,
it sunk into the planet's core
and, like,
a bunch of years later,
it made the planet explode.
- Awesome.
- That was incredible.
Wait, uh, hold on.
Does that mean you caused
the destruction of Thundera?
Hmm, I guess so.
Whoopsies. [chuckles]
And that is why you should
never shove cutlery
into unknown chasms.
Because you may inadvertently
cause the destruction
of an entire planet.
Oh, cool. Got it.
Great. Jaga out.
So Thundera exploded
because Jaga made
a big "whoopsie?"
[gasps] There's
a second bathroom?
Just not what I expected,
is all.
Come on, Tygra.
That story was awesome.
I loved hearing about Jaga
kicking all that Mutant butt.
- Pow!
- [laughs] Kaboom.
Come on, Tygra, Jaga didn't
mean to blow up Thundera.
He just didn't know
how powerful
the Sword of Plun-Darr was.
Yeah, I guess you're right.
I wonder where
the Sword of Plun-Darr is now.
Eh, probably destroyed
in the explosion or something.
Sounds convincing enough to me.
I'm gonna rest easy tonight
knowing that
the Sword of Plun-darr
was safely destroyed
in the explosion of Thundera.
Yeah, Sounds good. -I feel
pretty good about that.
Nothing to worry about.
[Tygra whimpering]
At last!
I'm coming
for you, ThunderCats.
Ow. Shoot.
Come back here!
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