Uyanis: Buyuk Selcuklu (2020) s01e18 Episode Script

Episode 18
You've fallen into the
death circle, Sencer.
Who are you? Why are you
covering your face like a coward?
I'm the son of great Seyduna
who destroyed your city
and who will turn
your world into hell.
You and your father
will die, you Batini dog!
I think he is an angel.
The angel of death, who has come for you.
And he is my savior.
It's almost impossible for him to jump
from such a cliff and survive, my Sultan.
I won't be eased, if I
don't see his corpse.
Soldiers, go down there and search for his
corpse. Don't return without finding him.
My Sultan!
We've cleared all the
warriors in the field.
And Sabbah has jumped from the cliff.
Where is Sencer?
He went after Markus.
He hasn't returned yet.
Go after Sencer immediately.
Don't leave him alone.
Deal with it and return to the palace.
We are also going to the palace.
As you order, my Sultan!
You are not dead.
What have you planned by
acting as if you are dead?
There is no plan.
I did everything for Meliksah.
I got a son from him,
when he was in exile.
What are you saying?
Or, Sencer is Meliksah's son?
If it was known, the dynasty
was not going to accept
the child, who was borne in exile.
And both Meliksah and the
state would be in peril.
We had to do this
with Nizamulmulk.
Meliksah thought I died.
And he hasn't seen his
son since he was born.
So you did all these behind
great Meliksah, was that so?
Let's say he has already known that
he has a son somewhere far away.
Yet, how could you make
him believe that you died?
Didn't you ever think that
what Meliksah could do to
you, when it was revealed?
All of you
including you
kept quiet, when I was slandered!
You kept your silence
against the obvious slander!
So, you can't call me to account!
If you think, Sencer shows up
and hinders
Berkyaruk's future
don't worry at all.
We don't have any desire for it.
Do you think this only
interests Beryaruk?
The dynasty members from
all corners will be disturbed!
And can you guess
what will come next?
You think you did
this for Meliksah
however, you'll
destroy Meliksah's family
and his sultanate
with what you did.
I'll call Nizamulmulk
to account for this, too.
Let's see what making plans
behind the sultan will cause!
Are you going to tell
the secret to Meliksah?
You won't be able to fly again, Eagle.
It's time to cut off your wings.
Where did they come from?
If we fight, we cannot
make it out alive.
Let's go quickly.
Hasan Sabbah jumped off of a cliff.
Our Sultan send me after you,
thank Allah we made it on time.
The man that was with Marcus said that he
is Sabbah's son, we need to go after him.
Then let's go quickly.
This is a dangerous secret.
Now I know this secret as well.
But I
have never hid anything
from Meliksah until today.
And I have no intent to hide.
I have no fear for myself.
But because of this secret,
others Will get hurt too.
-Do not fear and
- Don't tell me what to do.
After I have asked
all the questions
I will think about the damage
and benefit this secret will cause.
But since you have
hidden a secret like this
then you should be prepared for
anything that may happen to you.
Great Imam, help me.
Let me find Seyuduna.
The traces are scarce and mixed.
Finding the man that claims to be Sabbah's
son and Marcus may take some time.
Even if they hide under the
ground, we will find them.
You came just in time,
the savior angel.
Let me see your face.
How did you realize and come
to that scene of fight?
My men informed me that you
came here with Meliksah's soldiers.
I guessed you came after my father
and I came here with my men.
I found you while
looking for Seyuduna.
Sencer had trapped you.
But my father is missing.
We need to find him.
Meliksah went after your father.
This is the last thing I saw.
What happened to you, Behram?
Come here, the soldiers are coming.
I fought with devils sword but I survived.
Great Imam let me
live to find Seyuduna.
Meliksah is after him.
We need to find his situation.
I have a bad wound. I think we
should run away before they see us.
First, we need to clear
our way from these soldiers.
They left.
Where is Seyuduna?
Tell me!
He's dead!
He fell off the cliff and died!
The soldiers are looking for him.
He cannot die!
He wouldn't!
He wouldn't!
Seyuduna cannot die!
He wouldn't!
He wouldn't die! He wouldn't!
It's enough!
We shouldn't lose our hope.
Even if my father is dead
we won't leave him to the Seljuks.
You can't come witl
us with that wound.
There are many soldiers there.
End Sencer is after us.
Wait for us at the exit of the forest.
I won't go with you.
Those paid-soldiers that I brought
Seljuk killed them all. I may need to
make an explanation to their leaders.
We can only get rid of
these troubles together.
If we act separately,
Seljuks would destroy us.
And toy wouldn't want to lose an ally from
the Seljuk state like Seyuduna, would you?
He is there!
We got you, Hasan Sabbah.
You will no longer be able to
escape the wrath of the Seljuk now.
You're lucky.
You fell into a pile of snow with your
horse. The soft show has kept you alive.
I survived tanks to Great Imam.
So, you're a Batini.
Since even Meliksah has left his
warm place and is coming after you
it is obvious that you
are not an ordinary Batini.
Who are you?
We'll have plenty of time to get
to know each other, old man.
But first we need to heal
your wounds and fractures.
Don't tire yourself by talking.
You will need this strength to heal.
Why would I trust you?
When you find out who I am, you will
understand that we are friends.
We need to get out of here
before the soldiers arrive.
If you want to live,
you have to trust me.
How will we escape from
these Seljuk soldiers?
Don't worry. My ghosts are everywhere.
Whoever follows us,
they block their way.
So my sword's blow wasn't
enough to kill you, dog.
Now I will send you after the
lowlife you pushed off of the cliff.
Where is Markus and Seyuduna's son?
I haven't seen or heard anything.
We'll make you hear and see then.
Haven't we killed these soldiers?
Where did they come from?
The leader's ghosts
grow more as you kill them.
But you can't see that.
Get out of here Batini!
You can't take me.
Great Imam!
Take me with you
You are too late dog.
Tell me.
Who is the one you call leader?
You can't see them before
they show themselves.
You killed thir soldiers
that came before us.
But, they'll be back with more.
You will see.
That Batini dog who left with
Markus must have gotten away.
It's too hard to find them.
Thakfully, we have this dog.
We'll find out the secrets of Seyuduna
where Markus is
and who's the man who
claims he is Seyuduna's son.
His wounds are deep.
If we go to the palace to make
him talk, he might die on the way.
You are right.
So we have to make
him talk right here.
Put him aside.
You should find Aydogdu at once.
He is after the tracks.
He should go back to the
tribe and find Arslantas.
If we need back up we'll let you know.
Did Sencer getaway from them?
Who are you? Show yourself.
The angel who saves you.
The sun of Constantinople.
What are you doing here?
I came here with
my soldiers, Markus.
But they all died
because of your stupidity.
So they were your men?
You are the one they called leader?
Actually I should
leave you to die but
we need you, sadly.
Who is this?
A Batini you partnered with.
I am the spiritual son of Seyuduna.
So you are looking for your
father who fell of the cliff.
Did you see him?
Come with me.
So Zubeyde Hatun said,
I could only have one maid.
And she cut your fund in half.
This is an effort to
make you give up.
A great Sultan put his
Hatun in such conditions.
She damages the name of
our dynasty and Meliksah.
Yet, she doesn't
even realize this.
We'll break the pressure on us
with our own effort, Taculmulk.
What about telling the matter to my father?
Maybe this reduces the pressure.
Your father will think I complain
Because I'm jealous of Zubeyde Hatun.
He'll see me on the
side that complains.
Zubeyde Hatun will prevent
us from doing anything.
We need connections
which enable us to make alliances
to let us do what we want again.
We can only gather our
strength, which we have lost.
Do you think under which
condition you will win?
The one you capture
me or not, Taculmulk?
What do you mean?
Old wolf
When you want to take down
Nizamulmulk, Batinis can support you.
Zubeyde Hatun won't be enough.
We need to have strong connections,
which can take down even Nizamulmulk.
I'll attempt to have such connections.
I've spent my years for this palace.
I raised a child!
I buried my children.
I don’t deserve this.
I don’t deserve this, Mahmelek!
My head
I feel nauseous.
I'm not well, Mahmelek.
You upset yourself too much, mother. It was
obvious that you were going to get sick.
Come here, have some rest.
I'll go and call the doctors.
Tell me where Markus is.
I don't know. We were
communicating from afar.
Who was the one, who
said he was Seyuduna's son?
Every servant
is the son of Seyuduna.
What were you going to do with the
soldiers, whom Markus gathered?
Thera is so many crucial pieces of
information in our vault about your sate.
We were going to take
them with the crusaders!
Where is this vault?
No one knows its
place, but Seyuduna.
The information in the
vault is so important.
They might even lead
our state into destruction.
Where are you coming from?
We are coming from down
below the cliff, Melik Hadrath.
We were looking for Sabbah's corpse but we
found the corpses of two of our soldiers.
And we found these
arrows on them.
These are the arrows of the
crusaders, Melik Hadrath.
Obviously, Sabbah didn't die.
If he had died, the crusaders
wouldn't have taken him.
Great Imam, thank you.
You didn't leave Seyuduna
to the hands of the devil.
I said the same thing, when I
crushed your soldier's head with a rock.
Seyuduna never dies!
Before you capture him, he will
capture you and destroy your state.
We'll crush all of your heads!
Just as I crushed
your soldier's head.
I'll take our revenge from
you, for all the lives you took!
No head Wil be
saved from our swords!
If Sabbah was saved by the crusaders, it
means he will try to enter the vault again.
We need to hurry.
Their leader can bring so many soldiers.
I'm sure they will use all of
their power to enter the vault.
We need to tell what
happens to our Sultan. Let's go.
I swear to Great Imam that I will take your
revenge from the ones who did this to you.
He hasn't got so many
wounds and fractures.
Nevertheless, it will take
many days for him to be healed.
We know every secret there
is, my beautiful daughter.
What you call many days, will
pass in a blink of an eye for us.
Ma'am, our soldiers that
were waiting for an ambush,
have been killed by
Sencer and Melik Tapar.
And they thave captured
one of the Batinis.
Behram wouldn't reveal
any secret to them.
But still we need to be
prepared for anything?
Before Seljuks corner us
we need to play the most
important card on our hand.
That's why, no matter what
happens, we will enter the vault.
Why is this vault this important?
What's in there?
The most secret information about
Seljuk's armies, soldiers, weapons
and government positions.
If we attack and destrot them,
Seljuk Empire will be ruined.
And they won't be able to stand
against your Crusader armies.
And in the end, we would be
establishing our state
and you would take
Jerusalem back from them.
We will need more
soldiers for that.
But unfortunately,
Seljuk have taken our gold.
Livia, this is a great
chance to destroy Seljuk.
In order to make the best of it,
we have to do something.
I have already done something,
I have ordered my men to take
back the gold Seljuk has taken from us.
Then we will hire new
warriors with that gold.
Then we will enter the vault and
get the information to destroy Seljuk.
Your mind is as sharp
as your sword, my girl.
In order for the worriors to
arrive without any problems
we need to remove the
Seljuk spies on the roads.
As I was the head ambassador,
I know where the spies are positioned.
With the information we have
they will realize what
else we can destroy!
I will kill those spies with
my soldiers in the forest.
And we will send the
necessary message to the Seljuk.
We have completed the investigation
on the gold we have taken from the mines,
Hace Hadrath.
The gold are high karat.
And also the components
of the gold is the same as
the gold Byzantine are
using for inter-state business.
So you telling me
the gold bars are on the same
scale as the ones we took from Kuvel!
According to the
information you have given,
the gold we have taken are the
gold we took from Kuvel before.
That much suspicion is enough.
Let's see where
the gold will take us.
Sahbender Nikolas is here, Hace
Hadrath, he wants to see you.
Let him in.
Please forgive us for bothering
you, in midst of your duty.
Sir, this is merchant Matheas,
he is an important merchant.
I think there was a
Your soldiers have seized
the gold belonging to Matheas.
The gold was yours?
Yes, the gold belongs to me.
Sir, these are the document
confirming that he is the owner.
And as the Sahbender of the Christian
merchants, I can testify it.
It's legalized document.
I have never see a merchant carrying
this much gold, with this high karat.
We make big trades, sir,
that's why.
May Allah make you
have more trade.
Give the gold to the merchant.
As you command, sir.
Thank you very much, sir.
We cleared the way
for warriors to come.
The pigeons are here,
commander Markus.
So, are the bird that carries
the news to Seljuks, huh?
Were you going to
carry news from us too?
Poor thing.
Cut off the heads of all the birds
and send them to the Seljuks?
As a threat from
Hasan Sabbah and us.
So, they would know what
will happen to them soon.
Are you feeling better, daughter? Has
taking a walk made you feel better?
Don't be so angry, my Turna.
I sacrificed everything for
you, so that you could live.
You won't be sad or sorrowful
from now on, daughter.
Why is he looking
at us like this?
I ment this while I said that you won't
be sad or sorrowful anymore, daughter.
I gave up marrying you to Faysal.
Obviously it's the
reason behind your anger.
I just want you to
be happy, daughter.
Your health is the most
valuable thing for me.
What about Sencer?
He waits to hear from me.
Waht's your decision
about that issue?
I let you marry Sencer, daughter.
Tell him to come here
as soon as possible.
My dear daughter.
What do you mean
Sabbah is alive?
How could he be with the Crusaders?
That shaitan who dared
to jump off the cliff
must have planned how
to stay alive, my Sultan.
You must take more precautions
so that they wouldn't seize
the government
information in his vault, Hace.
Send many soldiers around Karatepe.
They should be on watch all the time.
My Sultan.
They sent this chest to the palace.
What does that mean?
These are the messenger
pigeons, my Sultan.
Obviously, Sabbara told the
Crusaders about our spies.
It seems that they
martyred our spies
to threaten us.
Take this away from me.
That dog called Sabbah
dares to threaten
us even by our spies.
If he uses the government
information in his vault
we'll lose all our army power.
Probably, they will bring
in new warriors, my Sultan.
This is the only way for
them to get in to that vault.
They are obviously trying to
clear their way by killing our spies.
If we manage to stop
the paid-soldiers
we both eliminate their game
and reach Markus and Sabbah.
They need gold for the
new warriors, my Sultan.
Is the investigation of the gold that
we confiscated completed, Hace?
Isfizari completed
the invertigation.
The golds are of the same kind as
the gold from Kuvel, my Sulatn.
But Sahbender Nicolas and Matheas, the
merchant claiming to own the gold, came.
I gave the gold to Sahbender Nicolai
and the merchant Matheas
so they wouldn't understand
that we're suspicious of them.
But I've been following them.
One of our soldiers is waiting in
Sahbender Nicolas place in Salemzar.
They will definitely use those gold
for new paid-warriors, my Sultan.
We had noticed and
killed the warriors earlier.
They will be more
cautious this time.
They wouldn't want
to meet outside.
And there is only
on place they can go.
Go to Kuvel and make them
close all the doors Tapar.
No one will go in or go out.
They will have to meet
the soldiers outside.
You will send new spies where
the new soldiers may come Hace.
They will let us know
every movement.
You will go after
the gold Sencer.
If our spies can't find out
anything about the soldiers
we willl know about
the gold for certain.
Find a way to get to
Markus and his men.
Yes my Sultan.
The surival of the Muslim
Turks in this world
is tied to the
existence to this state.
That's your mission
not only about the Seljuk
its about all the Muslim Turks.
The infidels shouldn't
have the papers.
Or they will block our
way on our big mission.
We finally have our gold?
Was Nizam Al-mulk
suspicious of you?
I prepared a real documents
in the name of Matheas.
It's hardly suspicious.
Did you let the new
soldiers know?
I did.
They are all cruel,
brutal evil men.
They can even burn the
whole Isfahan to the ground.
Seljuks knew where the paid
soldiers I sent came from.
We won't make the
same mistake this time.
They will come to Kuvel Castle.
You will take the gold
to Kuvel tastle tomorrow.
Markus will be there. He'll give the
gold and get the soldiers and come back.
As you wish. Ma'am.
I raised you all those
years to serve our empire.
You are great enough
to be a soldier.
I am so proud of
the things you do.
I am here today because of
you and the Empire's effort.
My biggest goal is
to be worthy to you.
I will complete my biggest goal
by breaking down the Seljuks.
You will be proud then.
Until then
I will show myself
as a simple clerk.
And I will work on your
letters Sahbender Nikolas.
Zubeyde Hatun.
How are you?
Thank you Zubeyde Hatun.
We are working for
our state day and night.
You are raised by Hace.
It's clear why that
is all you think of.
He has been working for the
good of the state for 40 years.
He even risks his
own life at times.
Isn't that right Hace?
Our Sultan is amazed
by your bravery.
So much so, he calls you son.
The way you look
The way you stand
Even the blood that runs
through your veins.
It's obvious there's something
that draw you to our Sultan.
Your words have made me happy.
Zubeyde Hatun.
You are very kind.
If you'll excuse
us Zubeyde Hatun.
Our brave man have a mission.
May their swords be sharp
and their horses fast.
I have something important
to talk to you about.
I have an important
thing to take care of.
Is it urgent Zubeyde Hatun?
There is nothing in the world
more important than this.
Get your things in order and
come to the Head Hatun's place.
Where to, Tapar?
To Kuvel Castel for a mission.
What are you doing?
Our Head Hatun's order.
I am working on embroidery.
She says I'll learn
being patient by this.
Yet, I've been showing patience
for years in this palace anyway.
Don't start again, Gevher.
Just do your duty.
Or, you'll only upset yourself.
Protect yourself and our child.
Go and return safe and sound.
Can I come in, Zubeyde Hatun?
Come in.
Yes, Zubeyde Hatun.
What is the important matter?
I went to Kinik Tribe
to visit Sencer's mother
What is it, Hace?
Why have you been
drawn like a bow?
Or, is it because your
secret has been revealed?
You, Nizamulmulk!
You are not only our Hace
but also our
friend, our confidant.
You are assurance of Meliksah.
How could you do such a thing?
How could you hide
Meliksah's Hatun from him?
Do you think if it hadn't been
important for the state and our Sultan
I would have done this?
I started to walk on this
road by risking my life.
Do you think it was easy for me?
Do you think it is better now?
Basulu hides in the corners of her tribe.
Sencer is within the earshot of Meliksah.
Yet, his father doesn't know.
And Tapar grew up
without his mother.
Why do this many people
have to suffer this much?
Do you think I should have put Sencer
Basulu Hatun and even Meliksah into
danger by letting everything be known?
We know you
as Hac, who solves
hardest problems easily.
Yet, you chose the
most dangerous way
in this matter.
Wasn't there any other way?
Why did you choose
such a dangerous method?
You can be sure that if
there had been another way
I would have chosen that
road without thinking.
It's not right that you
keep such a secret
from the state and Meliksah.
What if this secret was
founded out by the enemy?
If the truth that Sencer
had been a hidden Melik
in which condition the
state would have been?
We took every precaution.
And thankfullt, it hasn't
been revealed until today.
We were going to reveal this secret,
if the dynasty was in peril anyways.
This was our agreement.
And there is that
matter too, of course.
What if your
calculations change
and reveal Sencer
in a different time?
What if he puts a claim
for the sultanate, too?
How are you going to gurantee
this will not happen?
We have never had such a desire.
And it can't be.
Whatever we did,
we did for the state.
Not for rank or position.
Zubeyde Hatun.
Do you have a worry about
the future of Melik Berkyaruk?
Of course I have.
I surely have!
My son, Beryaruk, has been
sweating for the sate for years.
He's been spilling blood!
He's been conquering lands!
When will the other sons can get
heirdom or reign, only Allah knows it.
However, as long as
Beyaruk is alive
no one can get
anything before he does!
Neither Sencer wants such a thing
nor I allow such a thing.
Let's say, we agree on it.
What about the other
members of the dynasty?
Meliksah's brother, Tutus,
Arslanargun, Borubars and many other
If it is revealed that
there is another heir
how are you going
to control them?
He was a young man, who
would take the throne years ago.
Yet, Meliksah is a
Sultan of the world now!
As long as he is our head
every problem, which is created by the
appearance of this secret, can be solved.
With each passing day, this secret
will become more dangerous for everyone.
It's not right to be on edge like this
in a matter that involves the state.
Let it happen.
Everything should be revealed.
It should be known what will
happen to everyone, including Sencer.
And if there are other things
behind this complicated matter
they sould be known
as soon as possible too.
Everything is as I have
told you, Zubeyde Hatun.
We have no gain from this matter,
if you reveal this secret today
it will be a great
danger for the state.
I will tell the same
thing I have told Basulu.
I have never hidden anything
from Meliksah until today
And I won't hide anything.
If I conclude that it's Okay to tell him,
I will reveal the secret to Meliksah.
This matter is the state's, the
dynasty and Meliksah's matter.
And it will hurt many
people, Nizamulmulk.
Hace Hadrath, Master Hayyam wanted
me to give this to you immediately.
Did Sahbender Nikolas and Merchant
Matheas take the gold out?
They didn't.
It looks like that they will
act through Sahbender Nikolas.
They will transport the gold from
here so it won't draw attention.
They won't keep gold here for long,
the delivery may take place any moment.
Tell us anything you see.
Learn who this merchant Matheas is.
It looks he is not a merchant, but
the person that will deliver the gold.
And I will go see Faysal.
The gold we have seized from
him is the same we took from Kuvel.
Let's see what he will say to this.
What is wrong with my mother, healer hatun?
InshAllah there is nothing wrong.
There is nothing to be
afraid of, thank Allah.
On the contrary, it's good news.
Terken Hatun is pregnant.
My Allah.
My Allah.
Thank Allah.
Thank Allah.
On my darkest day, He
bestowed light upon me.
From now on you need to
be careful for your health.
You won't get tired, or get sad.
Mahmelek, let's do some
charity for the good news.
For those hungry
the poor should be clothed
and give lokma (food) and
Sherbet (drink) to the folks.
Yes, mother.
You have give me such good news
may you receive good news all your life.
Thank you
I'm going to have a sibling! I'm so happy!
You've heard the healers, you
cannot tire yourself, or worry too much.
You need to take care of yourself from now.
My beautiful daughter.
My baby.
You will be a life to me
and you will help rise our fallen star.
If it's a boy
we will get everything we want.
In these hard days
this great news
will give strength to your father.
Markus killed the Seljuk
soldiers and cleared the road.
He's in Queli now.
He will meet the warriors there.
The gold will leave for
Queli tomorrow.
We will reach the vault.
We will get the information
that will destroy the Seljuks.
What's going on, Faysal?
Are you going to melt
down more gold?
Sahbender Nikolas and Merchant Faysal.
It's good I caught you both together.
The gold you melted down
in the mines was very pure.
What did you melt to get those ingots?
My men working in the
mines said they were jewellery.
That kind of gold jewellery
belongs to dynasty hatuns.
Are you working for the dynasty
and we're unaware of it, Faysal?
Matheas is a great merchant who
goes from China to Constantinople.
It's normal for him to carry good gold.
The way you speak, one would think we're
in the desert and not the Seljuk lands.
Even the denarius of the
Seljuk EMpire is quite pure.
Why are you so interested in this?
Stay out of this, little girl.
This is beyond you.
I'm the scribe of Sahbender.
I know this business well.
If it's beyond me, I assure
you, it’s beyond you.
Then, heed my warning.
The Sahbender before you lost his
life because of his shady dealings.
Suspicion takes one's
life as fast as a blade here.
So unfortunate to talk of such bad things.
Visit us sometime, try our sherbet.
You'll see we're good folks.
As long as you re here
we'll see each other
a lot more, don't worry.
He's suspicious.
He will follow the gold.
Once Sencer sets his mind
to something, he won't let it go.
I will do everything to keep
him from following the gold.
I will not let him leave Shalamzar today.
Do you see what we're up against now, Hace?
Zubeyde Hatun talked to me, too.
She hasn’t said anything to our Sultan yet.
But we are in a dangerous position.
She can speak at any moment.
How did you fail to stop him
from visiting the tribe, Hace?
If you had told me,
I would have left the tribe for a while.
We were preparing for
a battle with our Sultan.
I did not know of it until too late.
Zubeyde Hatun is a wise woman.
She may have spoke with anger
when she thinks on it, she will decide
it's better not to reveal the secret.
On the contrary
she says it's better for
the state to reveal the secret.
she says it's better for
the state to reveal the secret.
Let her do what she wants.
If the secret will be reveated,
let It be revealed at once.
I am out of patience.
All this pain.
All this sorrow.
It's enough.
I would not have wanted
things to go like this.
But we had to, back then.
Now, we must be calm.
There is chaos in the state.
You mustn't start too, Bashu Hatun.
There has always been
chaos in this state, Hace.
It will never end.
What will we do?
Will we hide forever?
Will we be blamed by everyone
who finds out about the secret?
It was necessary,
so I agreed to it, once.
But a lot of time has passed since.
Instead of dying a thousand times..
I will die once.
Let the secret be revealed.
What will happen. will happen.
Very well.
I will think about it today,
and come to a decision.
Let us pray that Zubeyde Hatun
doesn't tell the Sultan before us.
Else, we will face a fury ten times worse.
If our Sultan is available,
I would like to see him, Kamac.
I have important matters
to discuss with him.
Yes, Zubeyde Hatun.
My Sultan,
Zubeyde Hatun would like to see you.
Our Sultan expects you, Zubeyde Hatun.
Come, Zubeyde.
I heard you have something to talk about.
It's about Senter's
mother in the Kinik tribe.
As you ordered, I went and visited her.
I have shown interest in her
situation in the name of the state.
You have done well.
I see in your eyes that you
wished to say something else.
Tell me what you mean to say.
Is there something about Sencer's mother?
You haven't seen her before, I think.
I almost met her once,
but it was not our fate.
I am curious, though.
I wish to see her as soon as possible.
Why are you curious about her?
Is it because her name is Bashulu?
Is it because you remember her
or because you will feel as if
you will see your Bashulu again?
Why are you asking me this?
Did you feel as if you saw her?
I have seen
an ordinary woman, nothing else.
But when I heard her name
it did remind me of your Bashulu.
So I wanted to ask you.
I wanted to hear what
you thought of Sencer.
sees me as a father.
So, I act as a father to him.
I am certain that his
achievements will make him rise.
He will rise beyond his peers
and achieve a high office in the state.
he deserves it.
My Sultan,
Terken Hatun would like to see you.
She can come in.
You must have private
matters to talk about.
I'll be on my way.
Tend to other matters.
It's not a private matter,
Zubeyde Hatun.
On the contrary,
you should hear it too.
this is a good news that
will bring joy to our dynasty.
This good news, inshaAllah
will bring happiness to you
in these difficult days.
Our dynasty has received
a gift from Allah.
I am pregnant, my Sultan.
Your good news has already
brought light to our heart, Terken.
I am so happy.
May Allah
give us the chance to hold our
baby in our arms, in good health.
May it be auspicious for us all.
My Sultan
We have a boy
he will strengthen
the Sultanate.
- My Turna.
Thank Allah, we meet again.
I've been so said I've
heard what happened to you.
My heart is broken because I couldn't lend
a shoulder to you in your time of grief.
I could only pray for our martyrs.
Even if you weren't with me,
I felt your heart next to mine, Turna.
Do not worry.
When I avenge our martyrs
all our hearts will cool.
What is it?
You seem pale.
On the contrary
I am better than
I have ever been.
This is the happiest day of my life.
I have great news.
My father has agreed to our marriage.
this is great news!
You have brought lightness to my heart.
But your father didn't want me.
How did you talk him into it?
He understood that he couldn't
stand against our love. What else?
Sencer and his love, Turna.
From now on, I will only
think about our wedding.
We must postpone the wedding
preparations for a while, my Turna.
We cannot plan a wedding
with all the happenings.
There is a vengeance I must take.
After a time
..we will surely have
our wedding.
I'm glad we bumped
into each other again.
I forgod to tell you our place.
What do you mean?
You know, I invited
you over for sherbet.
You said you would stop
by as often as you could.
I will come by whenever I want.
You don't have to tell me anything.
I'll inform you just in case.
so that you don't call me
"little girl."
If you're done
Good day, dear eagle.
How can that girl
call you an eagle?
And you call her little girl?
When did you get so familiar?
Who is she?
She is Sahbender's scribe.
I met her a moment ago,
when I went to warn them.
And you two decided to call
each other names in a moment?
You agreed to go
over for sherbet?
You would stop by often?
My Turna, you misunderstand.
How can she find the courage
to speak like this to you?
And with me here?
I don't Know, my Turna.
It must be her upbringing.
Would l ever look at a
Hatun other than you?
Would I talk to them like this?
It must be her inexperience.
I won't let her talk to
me like that. Don't worry.
Go deal with your tasks, Sencer.
Come find me when you're done.
Tomorrow, we will engage in
such an attack, my venerable Prince
it will be enough to take revenge
for 50 years of Seljuk victories.
I cannot wait, Markus.
I want to see Melikshah to
suffer as soon as possible.
He must pay tenfold for
what he's done to me.
You have my full support in this.
He will pay, venerable Prince. He will.
All I ask for you is to
open your gates to us.
I cannot meet the warriors outside.
They shall come as soon as they can.
My castle welcomes everyone
thirsty for Turkish blood.
The path to great vengeance
will begin in this castle.
The Seljuks won't even
realize they're here.
Commander Isaakios,
Melik Tapar is on his way to the castle.
What is he doing here?
I don't know sir.
He sent messenger.
He's going to meet you.
Could he have suspected something?
We'll see when he arrives, Markus.
Go to the secret exit.
Tapar will kill you if he sees you.
I'll inform you later.
Welc'ome, Melik Tapar.
If you had sent word of your arrival
we would have prepared a feast for you.
I'm not here to carouse.
l bring the word of Sultan MelikShah.
Our Sultan demands that
the gates of Queli be closed.
All entrance will be shut down.
What is the meaning of this?
Sultan MelikShah does not have
the authority to do such a thing.
We've heard that our enemies
will be coming to your castle.
Also Sultan MelikShah's
Authority knows no bounds.
We are on equal terms right
now, Melik Tapar.
You cannot talk down to me.
How are we equal?
I am Tapar, son of MelikShah.
You are a Byzantine Prince who
already bent the knee to us.
I refuse your request.
What will you do?
I will blockade this castle..
and leave your
body outside of it
That's easier said than done.
If I take you hostage, we'll see
what your Sultan father will do.
You are going to take me
hostage with those swords?
Do you even have the
courage to do that?
Does any one of you have the courage to
shoot an arrow at the son of Sultan MelikShah?
I am here to shut your castle down.
Stop me if you dare.
Is there anyone who is not
afraid of Sultan MelikShah's fury?
How can you take me hostage
with this fear in your heart?
The mere name of Sultan
MelikShah makes you shiver
how can you even
think to disobey him?
will you close your gates
or not?
Lower the gates.
No one will enter or
exit the castle.
I will remain here until our
Sultan tells me to return.
DO not speak beyond
your means again.
Do not
so that I don't have the
head that our Sultan bent.
my most loyal rafi'q.
This dagger will remain
here until I avenge you.
I swear
I will take bitter vengeance
from Sencer and the Seljuks.
A bitter vengeance
This is such a dangerous
and fatal powder that
if Sencer breathes it in
it will be enough to kill him ten times.
If Faysal fails to kill Sencer
in Shalamzar tonight
Sencer will die by this poison tomorrow.
give this to my
beautiful daughter Livya.
give this to my beautiful
daughter Livya.
She'll give it to Markus' men.
If Sencer follows them, they should blow some
of this on his face, that should be enough.
It takes effect quickly when
thrown at someone face
and swiftly prove fatal.
As you wish, Hadhrat Sayyiduna.
I will be born again tonight.
And Sencer will die tomorrow at the latest.
Then, the Seljuks will be
shaken by an earthquake.
The time of vengeance is almost at hand.
Is it done, is Tapar gone?
No, he didn't.
He had all the gates shut.
He forbid entry and exit to the castle.
He'll be waiting at the castle.
He must know the soldiers
will be arriving here.
I must send word to Livia.
The warriors and the gold
must not come here.
You can go.
Batini on one side, Christian
warriors on the other.
We are walking through rings of fire.
We must ensure the safety of our people.
Measure an okka of meat,
from the tasty parts.
As you wish, my Bey.
There have been attacks,
I've heard from all sides.
The Batini and the Christian
warriors are terrorizing the land.
They say the state is not
taking enough precautions.
Who says that?
That's just the enemy spreading rumors.
May Allah keep MelikShah on the throne.
He has kept us safe, and he
will continue to do the same.
We pray for our Sultan every night, the enemy
can't do anything to us with him on the throne.
Thank you, my Bey.
When we have the trust of our
people and of children on our side
we can overcome anything.
With all these enemy attacks
l worry we will be struck an
unexpected blow, my Sultan.
Whatever comes,
we will deal with it.
Information about our state must not fall
into the lands of the Christian warriors.
If we are toppled, the
People of Islam will be toppled.
We are..
the hope of People of Islam
against the Christian warriors.
You remember the Pasinler
War in the time of Sultan Tugrul?
I do, my Sultan.
The Byzantine Army was
defeated in the Pasinlar Hills.
Prisoners of war were
sent to Sultan Tugrul.
Among the prisoners, there were many heathen
princes loyal to the Byzantine Empire.
When the Byzantine Emperor asked
for the prisoners to be released..A
my grandfather Tugrul
demanded some things in return.
One of them was
that the Arabian
mosque in Constantinople
would deliver khutbah
to the Abbasid Caliph
not the Fatimid Caliph.
And the symbol of our state, the bow and arrow
was placed on the mimbar of the Camii (Mosque).
The bow and arrow in the
Arabian mosque in Constantinople
show us our target, my Atabey.
One day, we will take Constantinople.
I know, I see it in my dreams.
If I don't get to do it
my progeny will.
That is why, our state must survive.
Our sword must pave the way for conquest,
so that the great goal can be achieved.
This state will survive
thanks to our perseverance, our warriors'
hardwork, and the prayers of our people, InshaAllah.
Allah is The Greatest.
Allah is The Greatest.
Allah is The Greatest.
Allah is The Greatest.
Let us perform the salat
with the people in the Masjid.
I testify that none has the right
to be worshipped except Allah.
Sencer is at the inn.
He is the greatest enemy of our cause.
The Great Sayyiduna says
he who kills him
will be rewarded with the floor of
heaven on which Great Imam resides.
Surround him in the inn.
Take his life.
And receive the good news of heaven
from the Great Sayyiduna, my fida'i.
Sayyiduna has prepared
this with his own holy hands.
With a single breath,
it can kill Sencer ten times over.
Sencer is at the inn.
If he doesn't die there and
follows the gold tomorrow
he asked you to kill
him with that poison.
Don't worry.
Sencer won't last until tomorrow.
If he doesn't die in the inn, he will
die from this poison in my home tonight.
Matheas, Sahbender
didn't drop by today, but
I'm after him.
He will come by tomorrow.
He won't keep the gold here
for long, to not draw suspicion.
They will have the soldiers brought soon.
Go after him.
The two of us would draw attention.
You cannot go anywhere
until you pay, Sencer.
Pay for what?
Pay for the lives you took.
Add six more lives to my tab.
It seems it's up to me to kill you, Sencer.
You will die, Sencer!
You again?
I heard there was a fight inside.
Was I supposed to leave you alone?
I didn't expect such bravery from you.
Thank you.
I keep surprising you
more and more, right?
Especially by always showing up.
I won't show up again tonight.
Things may get messy.
I'll go home.
Things may get messy, indeed.
It's not right to send you
home alone at night.
As payment for your bravery,
I will take you to your home.
You are strong, but you have a kind soul.
Let's go, then.
I never saw a private
soldier like you, before.
It's like you are involved
in everything that goes on.
You're not called the eagle for nothing.
How do you know about that?
You said the same thing today.
What is it?
Do you kill people who know too much?
I'd suggest you try not to know too much.
Go inside.
You didn't leave me alone tonight,
helped me get home safe.
I'd like to have you as a guest In my home.
When will my cough go away, sister?
If you take the medicine I
gave you, it will go away soon.
Go in, it's cold tonight.
May Allah be content with you, Turna Hatun.
Good evening.
- Thank you.
I think you should go in, so that you
don't invite trouble into your house.
The Batini must be in my home.
I'm so afraid.
Don't be afraid, I'll check it out.
Why are you going inside that
girl‘s house so late at night?
How can you do this
to me, Sencer?
There's no one inside.
It must have been a mouse.
Good night.
Since you're here already
why don't you stay with me tonight?
I'd like to open your braids,
you must be so tense.
No need. This is very improper.
So, it was you who made noise.
Yes, it was me.
What are you doing here?
MelikShah has shut down the Queli Castle.
came here to tell you I'll be meeting
the warriors in Kara Orman, north.
That's not good.
On one side, MelikShah,
on the other, Sencer
we are surrounded.
But no matter what, we will meet
with the warriors and enter the vault.
I will bypass Sencer and send
the gold to Kara Orman.
And this Sencer
I mean, why was he here in your home?
I tried to poison him, but I failed.
We will Have to kill him
tomorrow while he follows us.
It looked like you were
going to do more than kill him.
I'll open your braids, and whatnot.
What I do is none of your business.
Mind your own.
Take this poison.
I'll do what I must about
Sencer following the gold.
Give this powder to your men
who will set up the ambush.
Blow this to their faces when
Sencer and his men are passing by.
This powder will kill them all.
A fitting death for Sencer.
Return to your men.
No, no
It's so cold outside, l'd be cold.
We could get warm here, together.
I didn't come all this way to become
the woman of a filthy man like you.
You're ready to become Sencer's woman.
I deserve you more, Livia.
You tried this before, I forgave you.
I won't forgive you this time.
let's see if you'll manage
to kill Sencer this time.
Or will you be defeated by him again?
I will kill him.
I will kill him, Livia.
I assure you.
I will kill him.
The pain I endured for you!
I almost died!
How can you lie to me?
How can you destroy my heart like this?
We cannot prepare for a wedding
in the middle of this business.
After some time passes,
we will have our wedding.
That's why you postponed our wedding.
You have destroyed my
hopes and dreams, Sencer.
My Turna
MelikShah is the Sultan of the realm.
As long as he is on the throne
any difficulty that may arise
from this secret can be overcome.
Else, with every day that passes
this secret will grow more
dangerous for everyone.
With the attacks from all side
..I'm afraid we will receive a
blow from an unexpected place.
No matter what happens,
we will deal with it.
I believe that he will rise
beyond his peers with
his achievements, quickly.
And he will be promoted
to a high office in the state.
he truly deserves it.
If we have a son
he will strengthen our Sultanate.
He took the chest from Sahbender's
place and tied them to his horse.
Those are the gold ingots.
We'll go after them.
Let the Sultan know, Merchant Matheas
is going south, we're going after him.
Ayaz, take some men with you,
and take the other path south.
We will follow him from both roads.
This will lead us to the warriors,
to Sabbah, and to Markus.
Let's go.
Are there any other colours?
- Yes. There's red. And also this.
There’s also white.
But no black.
Good day.
Hello, Turna Hatun.
I've heard you're a skilled healer.
Why are you researching everyone?
l'm just trying to
get to know people.
We couldn't talk the other day
because Sencer was there.
It wouldn't be a great
tragedy if we hadn't met.
Go away.
Don't keep me busy.
By the way
Sencer left with his men in the morning.
He may not have said goodbye.
I thought you should know.
Listen to me
you came here two days ago,
and I keep running into you.
I don't want to see even a
shadow of you from now on.
Your hand has healed, thank Allah.
When your hand recovered,
the light of your eyes returned.
First, Allah, and then your help
has healed me.
What I have is all yours.
what I have hidden away may heal you
or hurt you, so I'm deliberating on it.
What do you mean?
Are you keeping a secret from me?
you know that what I hate most in
life is to keep secrets from you.
I have been reluctant
about telling you, but
my decision is that for the good of the
state and the dynasty, and also yours
I must tell you this.
My Sultan, Hadhrat Hace would like
to speak with you as soon as possible.
It's about the Christian warriors.
Let him in.
My Sultan, our spies have sent word.
Warriors are heading
toward Kara to the north.
Gather the soldiers, Hace.
We will go to Kara Orman
and capture the warriors.
Tapar is in Queli, I will lead the battle.
You will stay in the palace..
If any word arrives, make sure
it reaches the people it concerns.
As you wish, my Sultan.
What was it that you wanted to tell me?
This is more important now.
Go after the enemy
May your blade be sharp.
We will talk when you return.
Sencer is after Matheas.
It will be too late by the time
he finds out what's going on.
Sencer thinks Matheas has
the gold, so he's following him.
But you will have the gold.
Do not be seen by anyone,
get to Kara Orman in the north.
Find Markus and his men.
Give them the gold.
Sencer.. you will die today
and your beloved
state will fall to ruins.
You will kill the greatest
warrior of the Seljuks to day.
You will be the end of Sencer.
This honour will belong to you.
The poison I gave you will
be the last breath of
Sencer and his soldiers.
They will all die.
Commander Markus, we
have word from our sentries.
MelikShah is riding towards Kara Orman.
First, Queli Castle, then Kara Orman.
How does he find out
about our moves?
He knows where I'll
be meeting the warriors.
You have a new target now.
Sencer is going the wrong way anyway.
We will handle him with our swords.
We will use the poison on somone else.
We must stop MelikShah.
You will use the posion I
gave you to kill MelikShah.
I will go to Kara Orman
to meet my warriors.
I will go to Kara Orman
too meet my warriors.
We will meet again to destroy the Seljuks.
Revenge! Revenge! Revenge!
My Sultan, a messenger.
My Sultan, we have news from
Sencer. The gold is heading south.
They are following the gold.
If the warriors are coming from the north,
what is the gold doing in the south?
It seems they know Sencer
will be following them.
They are luring him south.
I sent him there.
They will kill him.
Send some of the soldiers to
Kara Orman, to fight the warriors.
We will go after Sencer,
we will protect him.
You have just recovered, father.
You should stay in the cave.
I will take care of your orders.
Today is the day of revenge, Faisal.
It's not the time to think of my life.
It's time to think of the
lives Sencer took from us.
If we won't fight today, we
may as well never fight again.
As you wish, father.
Are our men ready?
- They are, father.
As we take revenge,
I must see the terror in Sencer's face
and then I will watch him die.
We must get to Sencer! Move!
Die, Sencer! No one can save you now!
So, you lured us away arid
sent the gold somewhere else!
Tell me, where are the soldiers?
Kara Orman.
Kara Orman is to the north.
We must move swiftly.
Zubeyde Hatun
Yes, Hace?
Yes, Hace?
It seems you have made your calculations
and came to a decision.
That is right.
I have come to a
decision for the good of all.
And you?
In anger, you have accused
us of having ulterior motives.
I assure you that I have no hidden
intentions regarding this secret.
Even though we have decided
differently regarding this secret
I know that
We both have the interest
of the state at heart.
But I have decided that we must
agree with each other right now.
What is your decision?
Revealing this secret
would be right.
When our Sultan returns from battle
We must tell him that
Bashulu Hatun is alive,
arnd that Sencer is his son.
May our intentions be well,
and the results better.
This is the end for you, Sencer.
It's time for revenge.
You will not get away this time.
Take another step, and he'll die.
Fight me, you scum!
Let them go!
You took my best men from me.
You thought you would get away with what
you did to Behran, Rustem, and the rest?
I will end you all.
If you harm them, how will
you get away, Sabbah?
I escaped many deaths.
You should worry.
I have all your secrets
and I have the
warriors to acquire them
and the gold has reached them.
You couldn't stop anything, Sencer.
I will destroy your state, and you
will be crushed in its ruins.
Here is the gold you deserve.
We must move now.
I think so too, Markus.
I'm so impatient.
What is our target?
Our target is Jerusalem, of course.
And all the lands Turks took from us.
We are going to acquire
their secrets, to destroy them.
It's time to make Turks
bleed for holy Jerusalem!
For holy Jerusalem! For holy Jerusalem!
For holy Jerusalem! For holy Jerusalem!
Let them go!
Fight me if you dare!
Killing only you isn't enough!
I will kill you all!
This is the end for you, Hasan Sabbah.
My Sultan!
I had prepared this poison for
you, but it has killed the Sultan.
Sencer, the time for vengeance is now!
The vengence isn't over yet, Sencer!
Now, it's your turn!
My son
Call me father.
Kill them all!
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