Vinland Saga (2019) s01e18 Episode Script

Out of the Cradle

I can see it.
I'm fine.
I can dodge it if I watch closely.
If I don't get hit,
it doesn't matter what weapon he uses.
Nice, kid!
You can do it!
That kid's pretty good!
He was able to hit the captain.
Quick guys like him are tough!
This could turn out to be a good fight!
Damn! I can't cut him.
He's wearing chain mail underneath.
Too bad, I liked these.
So, you're not afraid of my ax?
You have a lot of guts. You're just like Thors.
You big bastard. Who are you to my father?
He didn't tell you? That's so cold of him.
I heard he's descended from a jarl.
He was of noble origin.
Helga's the one from a family of jarls.
Thors rose through the ranks
because of his skill with the sword.
Do you want to know more?
Do you?
If you want me to tell you,
you'll have to entertain me some more.
All right, Thorfinn?
I can entertain you.
But it's going to be hard holding back enough
to make sure you can still talk.
Do you know what you're saying, kid?
My stomach hurts!
Holding back on the captain? You?
Go easy on us!
You're an idiot! You're an idiot!
Was that funny?
I consider Thorfinn to be a warrior.
Don't laugh!
Thors was stronger than me.
Prove to me that you really are Thors' child,
That stupid kid. He came back here to die.
What happened to the prince?
Hey! Over there! Go!
Hold down his leg!
Do the same over there!
I can hear the sound the of battle nearby.
Stop it already!
Don't you have anything better to do?
Be quiet!
I don't want to open my eyes.
I want to stay asleep
like this forever.
Your Highness Your Highness
Your Highness Canute.
Ragnar! You're still alive--
This is a dream, isn't it, Ragnar?
Yes. I came to say goodbye.
Are you going? You'll leave me behind?
Are you telling me to live alone in a world like this?
Do you think I can survive?
failed as the person tasked
with your education.
I was supposed to raise you as a jarl.
But I raised you as a normal child,
like a farmer would raise his own child.
Even though I knew that's not what the king wanted.
Please forgive me.
What's wrong with that? You understood my feelings
better than my father, the king!
I never wanted to be born into the royal family.
If I had been
If I had been born as your son,
everything would have been better.
Your Highness.
I'm so happy, Your Highness.
Don't go. I love you.
There are some things that you only realize
once you've experienced a loss.
You've noticed already.
I'm just a dream.
The time for you to awake has come.
No Ragnar!
Come back!
Come back!
I wish you well, Your Highness.
Don't be afraid! Attack together!
Are you hurt anywhere?
Those men are fighting over you.
The winner is going to take you.
You're a priest. Aren't you going
to stop them from fighting?
Is there a way to stop them? It's better
to let those who wish to die, die.
I had a dream.
It was a dream about Ragnar.
He said goodbye.
He was a faithful man, even in death.
In this world
there's no one who loves me anymore.
You've found enlightenment. But you're wrong.
Was the emotion that Ragnar felt towards you love?
In order to keep you safe,
he watched as 62 innocent villagers were killed.
Your Highness.
What is it?
But you know, these guys weren't that good.
It's not easy to find strong opponents.
We'll never get to Valhalla.
Is the captain's duel still going on?
No way. He should have killed him instantly.
Then what are they so excited about?
I'll go check.
Me too.
Hey! What's going on?
Kill him!
You kid!
Stop running away!
How could the captain?
He's getting beaten up by that kid!
Nice, Thorfinn!
I don't even have five men who'd be a match for you!
It's the same chain mail as before.
I should aim for tendons in his arms and legs.
I tried to go after his vitals in London,
and I paid the price.
I can deliver the final blow once I stop him from moving.
However, I know you're strong,
but your swordsmanship
is, well, only average.
There's still something missing
before you achieve perfection as a warrior.
If that's the case, then,
why are you having a hard time?
Good point.
I'm missing something, too.
I thought perhaps I could learn it from you,
since you're Thors' child.
Hey, Thorfinn.
What do you think?
What does it mean
to be a true warrior?
Are you asking what love is?
Are you saying that Ragnar didn't love me?
Then let me ask you.
If what Ragnar felt wasn't love,
then who can embody love correctly?
He's right there.
When he died, he became more beautiful
than anyone among the living.
He's love itself.
He'll never hate others or steal anymore.
He was abandoned there.
He's going to give his body with generosity
to the beasts and the insects.
He lies exposed to the wind and the rain,
but won't speak a single word in complaint.
perfects a person.
Do it! Come on!
So, you don't know?
Don't worry about it.
I wasn't expecting you to know anyway.
That was dirty!
Are you saying that death is the essence of love?
Then what is the feeling when parents
care for their children,
when a husband and wife care for each other,
and when Ragnar cares about me?
It's discrimination.
It's no different from fawning over a king
while hitting a slave with a whip.
To Ragnar, you were more important
than anyone else, Your Highness.
Probably even more important than his own life.
His tender feelings towards you were discrimination.
I see.
I'm beginning to understand.
I feel like
the fog has lifted.
Come on!
He's done with you!
Damn It's still too shallow.
I'm beginning to understand.
This snow
is love, right?
That's right.
The sky.
The sun.
The wind.
The fog.
The mountains.
But then
I can't believe it.
The world.
The creation of God is so beautiful.
But then why
is there no love
in the hearts of men?
They say that the reason we turned into
creatures like this
is because our ancestors disobeyed God
and committed a sin long ago.
We were
expelled from paradise.
Where did he go?
Hey. What's that?
He dampened the shock with his legs. Nice move.
Over there!
He must be dead now!
Impressive, captain!
I've lost all hope now.
It looks like the battle is over.
this is no good. That man has gone insane.
Your Highness. You had better run away.
Is anyone sane in this world?
Everyone's the same.
Everyone's the same.
No one knows how to love.
No one knows the meaning of life.
No one knows the meaning of death.
No one even knows the reason they're fighting.
Your Highness.
I've had enough. I'm sick of it.
What we lost in exchange for wisdom
The most important thing It's something
that we'll never get back as long as we live.
We'll never attain it.
Yet, even then
You still tell us to seek it?
Father in heaven!
Miserable warrior.
You're the farthest from love.
You, who have been expelled from paradise.
Isn't there any way to end the suffering
from your punishment other than death?
Are you saying that we only exist
so that we may be tested and endure?
Father in heaven!
This man's soul cannot be saved
through the trials you set for him!
I no longer seek your salvation.
If you will no longer give us salvation,
then, with our own hands,
on this earth,
we shall create our own paradise.
What? Prince?
Prince! Are you okay?
Stop, you fools.
Don't fight futile battles anymore.
Your wounds are deep. Are you okay?
Damn. I slipped up.
Don't move. Your stomach is cut. Willibald!
Treat his wounds.
I'm going to catch the horses.
You. Help him.
Your Highness, I've seen a miracle.
Be quiet and treat his wounds.
Hey! Prince! Where are you going?
We're going to give you to Thorkell!
Or else my buddies--
I was already planning to see Thorkell.
We won't be able to transport the wounded
unless we borrow their sleds.
What? You're talking nonsense!
Do you have any idea why I'm in
such a mess right now? You idiot!
If you get captured by Thorkell,
then there will be no meaning to any of this!
Did you say meaning?
The meaning of your battles?
There is no meaning to a battle like this.
So, don't die.
Warriors. Become my vassals.
I shall teach you about when you must fight,
and against whom.
I shall give meaning to your battles.
To your life and death.
That's what
the duty of a king is.
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