Welcome to Wrexham (2022) s01e18 Episode Script

Do or Die

[choral music]
That looks lovely,
doesn't it?
Looks really lovely.
JORDAN: We had the chance
to win the title at Dagenham,
but Stockport won anyway,
so it didn't really matter.
It would have been nice
to have won it,
but that's where you've got
to dust yourself down
and get ready for the playoff.
SHAUN: Six teams
play in the playoffs.
The major benefit
of finishing second or third
is that you only have to play
one game
before getting to the final,
and you are at home
in that game, which is why
we will host Grimsby
here at the Racecourse.
The winner will go through
to the final.
There's a lot on the line.
PHIL: It's knockout football,
so it's a one-off game.
And you win, you're through.
You lose, you're out.
Yeah, obviously,
we lost Dagenham.
We lost cup final,
but, you know,
the idea is to snap out of it
as quickly as possible
and get ready to move on.
The motivation and the desire
has got to be there.
We've got to be ready
to outrun and outfight
for a minute in every battle.
We can't leave anything
on the pitch at all.
It's all or nothing today.
SINGER: [singing]
Come gather round, people,
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
around you have grown
And accept it that soon
you'll be drenched
to the bone.
If your time to you
is worth saving,
then you better
start swimming,
or you'll sink like a stone
for the times,
they are a-changing.
OK, so you're a new
you're a new chairman.
What are your goals
for Grimsby Town?
[dramatic music]
JASON: I'm from Grimsby.
I'm really proud
to be from Grimsby.
Working class town
that, you know,
has been down on its luck
for a few years,
quite frankly.
We used to be
the world's largest
fishing port,
and that's no longer
the truth.
The industries
of the past have gone away,
and it's trying
to reinvent itself.
This club has been
around 144 years.
It's the one constant
in people's lives
in a world
that's becoming more complex
and ever-changing.
And I heard someone say
a few weeks ago
that it's a, you know,
unlikely partner,
it's a marriage
that you can't get out of.
Your committed to
your football club for life.
And that's really
that's my life's work now,
is making sure, you know,
this town is successful.
When I first heard of Rob
and Ryan taking over Wrexham,
I waslike many people,
I didn't really believe it,
to be honest with you.
I thought that,
"What's the connection
"for two Hollywood A-listers
to, you know,
a town in North Wales?"
You know,
what we know about football,
it's about relationships.
It's about connections
to the community.
So the question about whether
money and fame and success
is going to be an advantage
for them
I mean, in life,
it clearly is, right?
So, you know, I've never seen
my wife more interested
in the idea
of coming to a game
when she knew
we'd be playing Wrexham,
and they might be there,
so that's probably more
of a comment
about my relationship
than about football,
but I think it does create
barriers, as well, right?
So, you know,
what we know about football,
it's about relationships,
it's about connections
to the community,
and the reality of it is
that them wealth and fame
and that sort of success
can be a barrier to building
genuine relationships,
so there's a question
of authenticity.
There's a question of,
you know,
when it gets really tough
and people turn against them,
you know,
are they gonna be getting on
those private jets
to come to Wrexham
when times are hard as well?
You know, you have to show up
in the good times and bad.
And you'll have both, as well.
ANNOUNCER: Grimsby Town
and Wrexham
split their season series
with Grimsby
absolutely dominating
the first meeting.
First ones of
next year's away shirts
have arrived.
RYAN: Yes, not green anymore.
No more green?
RYAN: I like it.
But the great thing
about going up a league
is that we can
it avails us to players
that aren't English.
We can go to Uruguay
and get, you know
SHAUN: The players
will be cheaper for us
to be able to buy in League Two
than the National League
the National League premium,
game play has to drop down
the head and the toes.
RYAN: Yeah, it's brutal, yeah.
- You don't have to do that.
You pay premium.
It's a simple
you know, it's just
a harsh fact of real life.
Shaun Harvey
is as essential and element
to Wrexham AFC's success
as Rob and I are,
as Phil Parkinson is,
as Paul Mullin is,
as Ollie Palmer is,
as Aaron Hayden.
ROB: Shaun is very serious,
as well a person
should be in that position.
And Shaun is
the adult in the room.
What's the next big check
that needs to be written
and when?
As soon as we know
which league we're in,
there's a 12-month cash flow
P&L forecast.
RYAN: I think words
are too clumsy to express
how much he means to me
and how much he means to Rob.
I also just love him, you know?
Rob and I both
just love the guy.
Three clubs
should get to go up.
SHAUN: Listen, Iyou know,
absolutely, they should.
It'd be over now.
SHAUN: The top two
the top two
should have been up.
We should be on holiday.
- Yeah.
Got to get out
of this fucking week.
- We got to get out.
- [groans]
[dramatic choral music]
FAN: Let's go!
ANNOUNCER: Wrexham finished
the regular season
11 points ahead of Grimsby,
2nd and 6th, respectively.
It's a big game today for us.
Biggest for a long, long time.
ANNOUNCER: Now, it's all about
who delivers on the day
Stakes could not be higher.
Feeling very nervous.
Excited, as well.
ANNOUNCER: Who handles
the pressure
of playoff football.
We must have a winner.
they weren't very good
in that trophy final.
They just looked
a little bit lethargic,
a little bit flat
on their feet.
ANNOUNCER: The problem
we've had
is linked
to being on the road.
This is familiar.
This is the Racecourse,
where we have
a massive crowd roaring us on.
So I feel confident
we'll be able
to do ourselves justice.
PHIL: Nice and calm.
We reset.
Today, right?
I tell you what today's about.
Taking the fucking
handbrake off, right?
And going full throttle
for the bastard throat
of this fucking team.
Nothing gets left on the pitch.
We fucking give everything to
put these to the bastard sword.
Let's fucking go.
PLAYERS: All right!
[cheers and applause]
The Wrexham fans, wow.
Well, Stockport was loud.
This is louder, I think.
The Wrex fans on its feet.
[cheers and applause]
[rock music]
Here we go,
and a pick up is taken.
And the ball
is popped backwards
and immediately launched.

Our ball!
That's our ball!
SINGER: [singing]
When I'm high,
When I'm loving,
When I'm starting
to say
ANNOUNCER: Backer to you
feeds it forwards.
Well read by Young, and he
comes out with the ball.
to ask questions early on.
You want to see
what Wrexham are made of.
You want to see if Wrexham
can handle the pressure
in these big games.
What we've seen
from the last game
and how important
set plays have been
in the playoffs so far.
Maxie, cut him in front!
ANNOUNCER: All hands,
the player towards
the edge of the box.
Certainly hectical concern,
the header by Taylor.
down the line for him.
Slings it towards
the corner box again.
Cleworth is there.
Smashed into the back of him.
PHIL: No, hey, hey!
By the way,
is he allowed go right
in the back
of his fucking head?
Is that Mullin?
ROB: Yeah.
We'll see some heat,
sent out
the Golden Boot winner
in the National League,
Mullin OK.
Back again on Clifton,
McAtee, Taylor.
Taylor served nicely.
McAtee gets it back.
Great goal!
With the flags up
at one count.
ROB: Offside?
SINGER: [singing]
From a devil
At a scene in the concert
Well, it feels
like something's
So Dibble takes the goal kick.
Reflects it, oh, wow,
Mullin's on the chase now.
Going to get there.
In the box he goes.
He's wide.
That looks like a penalty.
[soft eerie music]
I wanted to be
with my child,
and being able to come back
and spend every day
and every night
seeing his face
and watching him progressing
and just seeing him
smile every day
that's been something
I've really enjoyed this year,
and I've managed
to give me mum, dad,
and all me family,
me partner,
me little boy memories
that we won't forget often
this season, and that's
something that I'm proud of
and something I want
to try and keep more of.
With all the hopes
and expectations and the time
spent out of the league
and all the stuff
we've had to deal with
this year
singing my name
after we've been promoted
in front of all
the fans who've given us
the support all season,
and we've waited
so long for this time, like,
so to have the opportunity
to hopefully
be able to give them
what they've wanted
for years and success
and bring back
the good times at the club.
That gives me
some other motivation
to go and try and succeed,
and if we could do that,
then what a story it would be.
That looks like a penalty.
Oh, he's giving it.
He's giving the penalty.
But you can see
the reaction here
at the Grimsby place.
That is a huge call
from the referee,
Adam Herczeg.
Well, they're clearly
delighted with it.
[crowd singing]
We want Mullin!
Send out Mullin!
Just don't think
you ought to send
ANNOUNCER: So the man
who has won the penalty
will now take it.
[crowd singing]
We've got super Mullin!
As a kid,
when you're looking
to become a footballer,
you see full stadiums
and people singing
people's names.
You wish one day
it could be you.
So this year for me,
to walk out, to come there,
and the noise
and the excitement,
it does reflect into you
and in your life.
ANNOUNCER: Will he go
for power here?
that's what he tends to do.
Pressure penalty
in the playoffs.
It's Mullin!
For Wrexham!
It's a goal
against the other play.
The Wrexham work here.
There in front
of the Racecourse.
SINGER: [singing]
A real good feeling.
Yeah, I've got
a real good feeling.
ANNOUNCER: It's raucous
at the Racecourse.
It's first blood to Wrexham.
SINGER: [singing]
A real good feeling.
[crowd chanting]
Wrexham, Wrexham!
[crowd chanting]
Wrexham, Wrexham, Wrexham!
It's first blood to Wrexham.
It's raucous
at the Racecourse.
ANNOUNCER: Can Brimsby
hit back quickly here?
CHRISTIAN: Fine man,
I fucking caught my finger
on a ball on the crossbar.
How's your recovery
going there, mate?
You've been
in the walls, haven't you?
No, it's weird.
Even the minor one was bad.
ROB LAINTON: Dib's just
watched more of me
than I've watched of him.
But now it's his time
to go and shine
and make his way himself,
so Dibs has come in
and done fantastic.
Couldn't be happier for him.
Just want the team
to keep winning.
The end of the day,
the main aim
is getting promoted,
this football club.
[soft dramatic music]
CHRISTIAN: At the start
of the season, obviously,
it's hard knowing
that you're gonna be
a number two, you know,
You're gonna be
second choice.
It's never easy, but,
you know, with Rob going down,
I had a couple of bad games.
But you know, at the moment,
I feel really, really good
on myself.
I've just got
to take it game by game
and hopefully keep doing
what I'm doing
and help the team
go up the league.
ANNOUNCER: Wrexham, 18 matches
unbeaten at the Racecourse,
their longest run since 1978,
when they went 19 undefeated.
McAtee whose had
that only goal disallowed
foxing, made the run,
Great goal!
Oh, that's special.
What a way to respond.
Delirium among
the Grimsby fans.
ROB: Oh, my God.
[dramatic music]
What a response from Grimsby.
1 minute and 23 seconds
between the goals.
Hosannah now.
Wrexham went in again almost.
Great save by Crocombe.
And what a game
we've got on here.
Really busy in that box.
If he can get a good cross,
and he did,
and French was there.
[whistle blows]
It's all square
at the racecourse at halftime.
Love the playoffs.
Absolutely love the playoffs.
[tense music]
PHIL: Listen in, boys.
- Yeah.
Start again for me
exactly the fucking same.
Kick it on to Smith.
Fucking try and overpower them.
Balls down the side.
Quick free kicks.
Quick throws,
even though the fucking ref
blocked one of them.
Keep winning the battle
of both boxes, yeah?
And keep resetting,
keeping calm.
[phone ringing]
Let's go.
Listen, let's go give
fucking everything.
Like I said, we've had this
team by the fucking throat,
haven't we, Jordy?
We're fit enough to go again,
right to the fucking wire.
Take 'em by the throat.
Go and score
the next goal, and go
and score the one after that.
Come on, let's go.
Come on, lads.
Come on.
ANNOUNCER: This is a big 'un.
ANNOUNCER: Wrexham about
to kick off the second half.
Can we force this
over the line?
[whistle blows]
One of these sides will play
in next Sunday's
promotion final
at London Stadium.
ANNOUNCER: The start here,
think we're going to be in
for another classic.
ANNOUNCER: That's a good ball
to McAtee,
who's in behind already.
Good save by Dibble.
ANNOUNCER: You wonder
how important
that save's going to be
with that situation.
ANNOUNCER: McAtee again.
You can't give it to him
in these sort of areas.
It's the worked, the pass
as well to Clifton.
Just caught enough
on that, Dibble,
but it's an unsure start
to the second half.
PHIL: All right, he's
So, all right,
already he's dislocated
his fucking finger or something
like that, you know?
SHAUN: I don't like
the way that Dibbs
has just gone down there.
ANNOUNCER: Dibble back
to his feet and ready
to help defend this corner
that Amos will take.
Amos to swing it in and Dibble
on his line, punched it.
Now to Clifton and now Amos
will send it into a busy box.
Good delivery.
And they're in front!
It's the captain, Waterfall,
against his former club.
They turned it all around!
Grimsby leads
at the Racecourse!
PERSON: With our first speaker
tonight, freak here,
He's starred on the NBC comedy
Sean Saves the World,
and he appeared
in an episode of
never heard of this
It's Always Sunny
in Philadelphia.
It's true.
And from February
of last year,
he's been our chief executive.
[cheers and applause]
HUMPHREY: Thank you.
Thank you.
Were you genuinely surprised
by the fan base,
the support
we did get this season?
my first experience
of being at the Racecourse
with fans
was for the Chesterfield game,
which was
an amazing experience
because we were a bit crap.
And you know, it was tough.
But every time
we won a throw in,
every time we won
a corner, every time
someone put in a big challenge,
the whole stadium went up.
And ultimately,
we got our reward.
But that sense of, like, oh,
this is the thing
that we came here for,
was for the fans.
And that was the thing
that was so exciting.
And to see that in action
was very special.
That was
a really exciting thing.
Smart, capable, driven people
can figure out anything.
And I think Humphrey
is a great example of that,
where he came
into this experience
in the very beginning
with a lot of passion,
natural intelligence.
Humphrey is also, like,
one of those guys
who I relate to him
in a lot of ways
because his superpower
is immediately admitting
when he's, you know,
in over his head.
He's also very charming.
You know, his first day
meeting the club
was just amazing, when he
came and spoke to them,
and, like, you could just see
the nerves and the flop sweat
and all that kind of stuff,
but he
just made it so kind of weirdly
accessible and charming.
ROB: To move to Wrexham
and devote six months
of his life,
I think he's learned
how to become
a legit football executive.
Thank you all
for pitching up tonight.
Thank Humphrey.
[cheers and applause]
Here we go.
There's nothing better
than when you're doing a gig,
and you've got 200 people
singing your lyrics
back at you.
We didn't think
we'd get this exposure.
We never did.
We didn't do it for that,
but it's been brilliant.
I've got a letter
from hospital.
- And?
- OK.
"Dear Mr. Hett,
I am pleased to report
"that your one-year CT scan
has showed no evidence
"of recurrence of the disease.
I look forward to seeing you
in the clinic as planned."
That's good news.
I'm absolutely delighted.
I am.
But maybe a bit of guilt
because not everyone's
as fortunate as me
in my position.
Look at how far you've come.
You must have known that it
was gonna be a good result.
And we've got some really,
really good friends who really
supported us throughout it.
The lads
in the band that supported me
as well as Michael.
We've got friends who were
here at the drop of a hat,
and just have really helped us
along the way, really.
It kept me going
with what was going on
at Wrexham because Wrexham
is a big part of my life,
the football club.
You know, I've always supported
Wrexham since I'm a kid.
Before I leave this planet,
I'd like to see Wrexham
get back into
the Football League.
[dramatic music]
ANNOUNCER: Grimsby leads.
We are 10 minutes
into the second half here,
and the momentum
is totally on Grimsby's side.
Wrexham trail by a goal.
ANNOUNCER: Waterfall is there.
Now maybe they can counter.
McAtee or Sousa
wanted the pass.
Intercepted there
by McAtee.
Come on!
He's come all the way
through towards Palmer.
It's been a good reaction
from Wrexham.
SHAUN WINTER: I've barely
missed a game in 30 years.
You go because you love
the team so much,
you love the town so much,
you love the club so much.
So you go because
it's in your heart.
I just couldn't imagine a
life without watching Wrexham.
It's in me.
I hopefully instill it
into my sons.
When I'm gone, I want them
to be, you know,
have that passion I've got.
It's passed down to you.
It's passedthat passion's
passed down, I think.
That's the mother of my kids.
I'd love to get her back,
although it's not happening.
Broke my heart,
and it's still broken now.
You know, it's awful.
But then it's life.
You've just got to get
on with it, haven't you?
It's all you can do.
ANNOUNCER: He blasted
a defense maneuver!
Johnson McCall,
the left-hand side.
Young, right-footed.
Sweeps it under the bar.
Threat in that side,
and they're showing here!
And they've equalized!
the audience coming in,
and then he's got
the advantage
to get his arm on his shoulder
and head over it.
[crowd singing]
WAYNE: It's been a long road.
It's been a lot of
blood, sweat, and tears,
and we fought
our battles as a town,
and we fought our battles
as a football club.
And what's happening now,
for me, is reward.
All I've seen is people
smiling, people happy.
Just happy,
not just for the genuine fans,
happy for the town as a whole.
And this is what inextricably
links to the football club
and the community.
There's no better place
in the world to be.
It's absolutely bouncing.
The jukebox is blaring,
and people are singing,
and people are happy.
[tender music]
SPEAKER: Wrexham is
the football club,
and the football club
is Wrexham.
That's how sort of
interconnected they are.
ANNOUNCER: Here's Tozer
with another long throw there.
[dramatic music]
So the Wrexham fans
on their feet behind the goal.
Tozer slings it.
Got it up by Palmer!
[cheers and applause]
In the blink of an eye,
from 2-1 down to 3-2 up.
ANNOUNCER: It's there!
I think there's Mullin!
Mullin flicked it off!
And it's blasted in
by a goalie!
Mullin puts Wrexham ahead!
Come on! Come on!
We got celebrations
in the commentary box.
ANNOUNCER: What a play because
Grimsby has shown quality
in the second half.
They showed spirit
to fight back
from that first half,
you know, winning,
but we are in a fight here.
[crowd cheering and chanting]
we're gonna do it.
We are gonna do it.
ANNOUNCER: Well, Grimsby
were on top.
They were the side who looked
like getting the next goal.
RYAN: There you go!
There you go!
Come on!
Let's go!
The momentum has swung.
The advantage
has gone Wrexham's way.
But the way this has gone
now, and I tell you what,
I wouldn't be surprised
at all to see Grimsby
come back into it again.
And we've got what,
with added time,
probably about half an hour
to go of this.
Fuck me.
I can't handle this.
ROB: Yeah!
Let's go!
Get another one!
Get another one!
And Palmer will chase this,
and Crocombe got there
before him.
[dramatic music]
Taylor's on
the edge of the box.
McAtee looks
behind him!
They've done it again!
They just never know
when they're beaten!
McAtee provided this time.
It's Taylor
with a massive goal.
Football hurts.
ANNOUNCER: A National League
playoff classic unfolding
here at the Racecourse.
And the good news is,
we've still got about
20 minutes of this to go.
We really miss Aaron Hayden.
Aaron: Watching
that Grimsby game
was the hardest football game
I've ever watched in my life.
[soft dramatic music]
- Ooh!
- Wow.
Ooh, who's that?
Look at him.
What's he eating, mates?
When we first come to Wrexham,
she could just barely walk.
Like, the day I signed
for Wrexham,
she took her first steps.
So these little
priceless moments.
That along with football,
for me,
is so important because as
much as my career is going on,
I've got a life
that's going on,
and it can pass you by
if you don't, like,
be present in the moment.
ANNOUNCER: The quality that's
been shown by both teams,
Adam, is absolutely exemplary.
It really is
at National League level.
But I've enjoyed Wrexham.
It's a great place.
It's a really special place.
I'm excited
for next year, for the fans.
I can't call this though.
I have no idea what way this
is ultimately going to go.
It's just brilliantly
breathless stuff.
I know I'm going to need
to lie down in a dark room
after it, though.
Oh, they've caught them
by surprise, Clifton!
And it might jump
for Waterfall!
Good block.
Can Waterfall
find a yard in the box
to get away from Tozer?
In it goes for McAtee!
He's done it again!
I can't believe this!
This is almost
beyond remarkable!
Can Wrexham rescue it again?
Just find yourself looking
around the pitch,
thinking who will be the hero?
JORDAN: Football's
a strange game
because you can be in teams
where you go 1-0 down,
and you just don't have
that belief
where you're gonna get back
into the game.
This team isn't like that.
We've produced moments
throughout the season
where we've got
more nailed down,
and you just see us
come alive, really.
We just kick into
that extra gear.
We have so much
determination and belief,
and we all know that.
we just bounce back,
straight on track,
and when we are on track,
we're a tough team to stop.
[acoustic music]
KELSEY: Jord has gone through
a really awful year.
He lost Arthur,
his baby boy, our baby boy.
And he lost his nanny
from cancer.
And only a few weeks later,
he also lost his grandad.
JORDAN: The last two months,
I've just been in autopilot.
Almost become immune
to life, in a way.
Just been waking up,
going to football,
coming back, not really
processing anything.
I probably didn't allow
myself to grieve
for Arthur, for Nanny,
for Granddad at all, really.
KELSEY: These things
that hit you in life,
they force you
to really grow up.
JORDAN: I'll be 24
when next season starts,
and I've grown a lot,
on and off the pitch.
I've probably found
what I want,
and I know what I want.
I've got a house
and a dog and a family now,
so we're ready for a child
whenever that may come.
You can't control
what happened in the past,
but you can control
the future.
ANNOUNCER: Eight times
this season, they've rescued
games from losing positions.
Can they do it again, Wrexham,
in their biggest game
of the season?
4-3 down at the Racecourse.
JORDAN: The aspirations I have
with Wrexham are sky high.
I want to stay with Wrexham,
and I want to get Wrexham
promoted because
it's my hometown club,
and I love Wrexham.
do it again, Wrexham,
in their biggest game
of the season?
4-3 down at the Racecourse.
And we're close again!
It's one of the local lads,
Does anybody
want to win this game?
[triumphant music]
Honestly, unbelievable.
Three minutes
of normal time remaining.
We are headed towards
extra time in North Wales.
It's been
a National League
playoff semi-final
for the ages.
Which way
will it ultimately swing?
Extra time looming.
May even require penalties.
SINGER: [singing]
This is the end.
that this is happening
in the biggest game
of the season.
Full time that Wrexham
fought Grimsby for.
Extra time to come.
This has been brilliant
chaos in the playoffs.
RYAN: Shaun.
RYAN: So there's
a 15-minute side for each?
SHAUN: Yeah, so
RYAN: They're trynathis sport
is trying to kill people.
Holy shit.
You can't write it.
You can't write it.
ANNOUNCER: And welcome back
to the Racecourse Ground
where, if you can believe it,
Wrexham and Grimsby
are tied 4-4 as we head
into extra time.
I've walked off the ground.
Thing is when Wrexham means
so much to you,
I can't hack it,
and the people sitting
next to me,
I don't think they get it.
Like, I just cannot
I can't stand it.
It's just everything.
Ask him for a drink.
[soft dramatic music]
PHIL: Be strong on set plays.
Don't give cheap,
free kicks away.
Everybody, stay on it.
Come on.
We can fucking do this, boys.
STEVE: Hey, hey! Listen!
PHIL: We can fucking do this.
STEVE: Listen, only one point
for me here,
keep putting it
in the danger area,
keep going in
with fucking everything.
Just go for the set play.
A little bit less anxiety
because, you know,
you have 30 minutes, but still.
- We're on a little ride now.
Penalty kicks,
I don't want to do.
They got some nice gas
in the tank still, though.
ROB: Yeah.
RYAN: I see the boys
are springy, you know?
ANNOUNCER: Just feels like
the calm before the storm,
doesn't it?
The Racecourse
is about as quiet
as it's been all afternoon.
I think everyone's shattered.
The fact that this is
happening in the biggest game
of the season
for these two clubs,
it is a game
that really dictates
the futures of so many
individual players,
the clubs.
To happen in those
makes it
all the more remarkable.
ANNOUNCER: Credit to both
sets of players
for that 90 minutes
of football because it was
absolutely breathtaking.
Glorious chaos.
And hopefully, we've got
another 30 minutes more of it.
Let's go!
PHIL: Jordy, they've just got
three in the back, Jordy.
They've just got three
in the back,
so it's a match up. Touch.
PHIL: Good eye, spread legs!
Lovely player, Davies.
Here's for a penalty.
The challenge was sparked.
That's a fucking penalty! Hey!
Fucking hell!
I'm glad you're coming over.
Now, can you just tell me
how that's not a penalty?
- No, it
- How's that not a penalty?
How is that not a penalty?
ANNOUNCER: I can understand
Phil Parkinson's
frustration completely.
HUMPHREY: Can get it
for dissent, yeah,
but it usually
has to be pretty,
pretty hardcore dissent.
[whistle blows]
That wasn't great, was it?
From Tozer.
Come on, Wrexham!
ANNOUNCER: Which one
of these sides
will get to that final?
To be played a week tomorrow.
Grimsby looking to threaten.
Just over a minute
normal time remaining
at the end of this first
period of extra time.
Palmer went down
in the box,
and the Grimsby players
not happy about that.
Yellow cards for Palmer.
This is nuts.
Every fucking one
of you, fight a bit more.
We can fucking do it.
Come on. Come on.
ANNOUNCER: A little pressure
from McFadzean.
Back here, swing back!
Again, swing back!
ROB: Come on, Wrexham!
ANNOUNCER: What an afternoon
this has been.
Last 10 minutes of extra time.
[dramatic music]
Shoot it, come on!
ANNOUNCER: Five minutes to go.
What a game.
What a spectacle
they've given us.
There has to be
a winner, though.
Sheer delight
for one of these clubs.
Utter dejection for the other.
[crowd cheering]
Just getting great distance
on it, as expected!
[dramatic music]
I normally get
this season's shirt,
give them a wash,
put them away
in the drawer with all
my other seasons' shirts.
It's quite sad, really.
End of another one.
It's been an amazing season.
They played out of their skin.
Done far better than I thought
they were going to.
It would have been fantastic
if we'd have won.
The excitement for
if we were going up
would be absolutely fantastic.
You don't set out ever
thinking you're going to lose.
In the final game,
when they scored
the winning one,
my heart
just sank to the floor.
ANNOUNCER: They've done it!
Grimsby look to have won it.
[tense music]
[whistle blows]
[cheers and applause]
[upbeat acoustic music]
SINGER: [singing] Crazy how
it all feels tonight.
Crazy and out for love.
With all of my friends
and the booze making stuff
PHIL: Resilience is so key.
SINGER: [singing]
It's crazy how my life can go.
PHIL: The failures in life
make you stronger.
They do.
And you've got to keep
picking yourself up.
FAN: We didn't win,
but I do genuinely think
things are different.
Things are only
going to get better.
It's like a fairy tale,
having two Hollywood owners
who are willing
to dip into their pockets
to secure the fact
that we're going to go up.
They've now got Wrexham
under their skin
in the same way
as a lot of us fans.
RYAN: You guys are
the heartbeat
of this entire community.
You guys have
already done the thing.
I know the goal was promotion,
but that's not
that was not
our number one goal.
Our number one goal
of the season
was to bring belief back into
this town and into this club,
and you can hear it.
10,000 people out there
every single game.
RYAN: Standing ovation
as you guys walked off.
[upbeat music]
FAN: And I'm just hoping
that they stay with us.
If it doesn't happen
next season,
that they stick at it.
Well, this is
how we started,
walking on a field.
ROB: I thought you said
this was gonna work.
RYAN: Well, next year, I guess.
SHAUN WINTER: Welcome to
Wrexham and Lager Podcast.
Wayne, the famous publican
from the Turf
is with us today.
Welcome to the podcast, Wayne.
Thanks, guys.
Wayne, your year in the pub,
and watching Wrexham,
how would you sum it up?
And obviously, your film career
is taking off.
I mean, I think I walked
in the Turf once,
and you were
getting makeup done.
It's been strange,
I think, but exciting.
I woke up on Sunday
after the Grimsby game
with tears in my eyes.
I was physically emotional.
And on the Monday, I was
utterly, utterly depressed.
I, personally, for me, as we
all know, Wayne, you'll know,
and James,
you know more than anyone.
I mean, when I suffer lows,
I suffer lows.
But the football has
picked me up at times.
And I'm going to smile
about it now because
I'm telling you,
it's a good thing, isn't it?
Very much,
you can say the passion
you're up,
you're down,
but this down
hasn't knocked you down,
if you get what I mean.
You've still got optimism.
And next year, we go again.
And do you know what?
It's like you said before.
This isn't like a down
like any other season down.
This is a down
that we're going to be
right back up there next year.
JAMES: This is a short-term
down because we're coming back
with a vengeance.
- We're coming back, and
WAYNE: It's more of a delay.
This season continuing
That's a great word.
This is a delay.
Coming to win the league.
We're coming to win the league.
We're coming
to kick the bloody door
down on the Football League
because we're coming for you.
JAMES: Yeah.
The Red Army
are coming for you.
WAYNE: You look
what it will be like
when we do win the league.
Then you'll really see it
take off.
[tender music]
has been an important part
of my life,
on the stage of life,
still called to me
just like when I was a child.
I think it's hope.
Yeah, there's some fire
just ignited in my body,
and there's a lot
of passion there now.
You can see it
now in the team
and the fans and the town.
Wrexham's got ambitions.
Up the town.
Still up the town.
AARON: The fans
are so passionate,
and I've got that
from day one.
JORDAN: We've come so far,
and we can only build
on it next season.
FIACRE: I think you have
to fail to be successful.
You have to see that side.
Next season,
we will win the league.
I'm telling you.
ROB: The way that we've
approached this whole thing
is not just simply as,
oh, this would be
a fun toy to have.
It was always community first.
When I saw
the people of Wrexham,
I realized, wow, these are
I know
I just know these people.
And if we can do anything
to help this club,
I'd love to do it.
RYAN: Everything I saw,
everything I felt there
was just
nothing short of beautiful.
So I'm really protective
of Wrexham now, you know?
When somebody says,
"Why Wrexham?"
I feel the veins in my neck
pop out a little bit.
ROB: We're going to get
this team back here next year,
and we're going
to achieve promotion.
I promise.
This town deserves it.
Next season,
I might jolly well
just start watching football.
[upbeat music]
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