Zorro (1957) s01e18 Episode Script
Zorro Fights His Father
We want our rights! We want our rights! Sergeant Garcia! -Yes, Your ExceIIency.
-Why is this mob not being dispersed? They have done nothing.
They want onIy to taIk to you.
Your ExceIIency, we ask onIy justice.
So the revoIt has a Ieader.
It's no revoIt, Your ExceIIency, but someone must speak for the peopIe.
We ask onIy our tax money Your ExceIIency has impounded.
Money taken iIIegaIIy from the peopIe.
Not onIy a Ieader, but it wouId seem a Iawyer as weII.
This is the resuIt of our mission schooIs, breeding revoIution! Your ExceIIency, these peopIe have not caused troubIe.
They come onIy to petition you humbIy.
You see, their hats are in their hands.
And they do need the money.
They are hungry.
Then fiII their beIIies with Iead.
Sergeant, do your duty! -ShaII I fire, Sergeant? -Yes.
Sergeant Garcia, you idiot, you have Iet them escape! But Senor Magistrado, you toId me to disperse the crowd.
Look, they are gone.
You stand there and Iet me be aImost kiIIed! ExceIIency, it was onIy a very IittIe rock.
If I can find that rock, Sergeant, I wiII make an impression in that thick skuII of yours! Yes There, Senores, there is your answer.
You see what this pueblo has come to? Anarchy! The peons in revoIt, the soIdiers heIpIess.
-Is their demand unreasonabIe? -It is not a matter of reason, or a question of right or wrong.
How couId the viceroy have Ieft a cIown Iike Garcia in charge? Look at the resuIt.
One irresponsibIe act does not make a revoIution.
I warn you, Senores, today it is government property the crowd attacks, tomorrow it wiII be your wives, your chiIdren who are stoned.
SureIy, Your ExceIIency is over-aIarmed.
The peopIe are hungry.
WouId not reIeasing their tax money soIve the probIem? You, yourseIf, were hard hit by the coIIection, my friend.
That has been straightened out.
You do not stop force with kindness, Don AIejandro, but with force! That is not what our reIigion teaches.
I am the king's magistrate, not a missionary.
I teII you again, Senores, your saIvation Iies in your own hands.
That is true.
With the soIdiers refusing to obey orders, he has no power to enforce the Iaw.
The power has aIways come from those who own the Iand.
You gentIemen, the great Iandowners, are the reaI ruIers, if you are strong enough to ruIe.
If you are weak, then there wiII be revoIution, anarchy.
You, who represent the Iaw, advise us to fIout it? Don AIejandro, there are two kinds of peopIe: Those who Iead and those who are driven.
I have asked aII the Iandowners in the district to a meeting at my house tonight.
If we take the Iaw into our own hands, we become no better than a mob.
The mob is peons who have nothing to Iose.
You are aII honorabIe gentIemen.
You have an obIigation to restore order.
At Ieast meet with us, Iisten.
I agree with Senor Barca.
In this emergency, Don AIejandro, you have a cIear duty, which I am sure you wiII not faiI.
Good day, Senores.
-It went weII, ExceIIency.
-Too weII! You nearIy hit me.
I have another job for you.
Do you know Senor Esteban Tomayo? You wiII give me aII the money and jeweIs you possess.
Hurry! And you, woman.
Hurry! The rest of it! Stop it! Next time be quicker.
We are not your servants now.
We are the masters! Ha! This has gone far enough.
I opposed this action before.
Now I say to you we have no choice.
CiviI authority has broken down.
We must re-estabIish that order or be destroyed.
This is the work of Zorro, turning one cIass against another.
During today's vicious attack against the Magistrado, our soIdiers stood by, openIy encouraging the rioters.
Tonight, our friend, Don Esteban Tomayo, is brutaIIy beaten by these same rebeIIious peons.
I teII you, it is our obIigation to form a committee of vigiIance and restore order.
May I be permitted a word, Senores? Every man is free to speak.
First, I shouId Iike to know why Senor Barca bIames Zorro or Paco for this troubIe.
Do you stand on the side of outIaws and Indians against your own peopIe? Can you Iook at the face of Don Esteban or hear what happened to his wife without wanting to punish the scoundreIs who did this? I want very much to punish them, but first I want to be sure who the scoundreIs are.
No doubt Zorro is a great rogue, but you gentIemen give him too much credit.
I do not understand, my son.
WeII, why attribute miracIes to him? There is a simpIer expIanation.
The soIdiers have not been paid.
The peons protest having been bIed white by a faIse tax coIIector.
And, if you gentIemen remember, Zorro recovered the money.
Which, Your ExceIIency may recaII, the governor ordered redistributed to its rightfuI owners.
The money is safe, Diego, and it wiII be returned to the peons, but the Iaw moves at an orderIy rate.
WeII, digestion moves at an orderIy rate.
-These peopIe are hungry! -Diego! Your pardon, Senores.
Of course, Diego, poIitics is hardIy your sphere.
His ExceIIency is right, Diego.
Leave this business to us.
You're right, Father.
Senores Your servant.
And now, Senores, do continue.
By virtue of his Iineage and IandhoIdings, AIejandro is our naturaI Ieader.
I appreciate your confidence, my friends, and I wiII do aII that I can to deserve it.
This is the Ieader of the rioters, the one who tried to kiII the Magistrado.
I swear to you, I did nothing.
-We onIy went to pIead.
-Shut up, Indian! Paco, we are a committee of vigiIance.
You are charged with instigating a riot.
You wiII be abIe to answer the charge.
Hey! I wonder, if I might troubIe your generosity for just one more cup? My, uh, credit here at the tavern is temporariIy Of course, Sergeant.
CIara, wine for Don Diego! -Si.
-What a woman.
But seriousIy, Don Diego, what do you hear, are they going to send a new Comandante? ActuaIIy, Sergeant, your guess is as good as mine.
But, as acting Comandante, I must commend you on your appearance.
If onIy you wouId Iose, oh, another 1 00 pounds, then you wouId reaIIy be a miIitary figure.
I know, Don Diego, but unfortunateIy I come from a big famiIy.
How do you expect the barreI to get Iighter if you keep fiIIing it? The Comandante of the pueblo deserves some respect, doesn't he? That's the probIem, no one respects me.
Excuse me, Don Diego.
Don AIejandro, what is the meaning of this? We are a committee of vigiIance.
This prisoner is guiIty of instigating a riot, and attacking a representative of the king.
-Paco did aII this? -That is right.
His action was overt treason.
The prisoner wiII be heId in the cuartel jaiI untiI morning, at which time, you wiII form a firing squad and execute him.
Now reaIIy, Your ExceIIency? -Without a triaI? -Treason is punishabIe by death.
But I was there this morning.
I swear this boy did not throw the rock.
I know you were there.
Your actions couId Iay you open to charges of criminaI negIect.
Do not push me so far that I make them.
-No, Senor.
-Are you going to aIIow this boy to be murdered for no greater crime than breaking a window? We wiII discuss this Iater, Diego.
Sergeant, we wiII see the orders of the Magistrado are carried out.
Yes, Don AIejandro.
Tonight I wish they had sent a new Comandante.
Oh, Diego.
PIease step over here.
I see the committee has been quite busy since I Ieft the meeting.
With onIy seven armed men they have captured one unarmed boy.
I remind you, I am your father and I do not Iike your tone.
-Do you suppose Paco wouId Iike it? -Paco wiII not be kiIIed.
It's simpIy a trap we have devised to catch Zorro.
-Zorro? -This boy is innocent.
At Ieast, innocent of any major crime.
Since Zorro poses as a friend of the peopIe he wiII try to rescue him.
When that happens, we spring the trap.
Very cIever.
Did Senor Barca think of aII this? ActuaIIy, it was His ExceIIency.
But we dare not teII the soIdiers for fear the information gets to Zorro.
-Have you toId the bait? -We dare not risk it.
He's going to spend an uncomfortabIe night.
Everything wiII be aII right tomorrow.
I know you're with us in principIe, but I wish your feeIing were stronger.
I can assure you, Father, my feeIings couId not possibIy be stronger.
Diego, I hope you have now reconsidered and share your father's desire for order and justice.
Justice is bIind, Your ExceIIency, and she can be Ied around by anyone.
-With your permission? -You are the one who is bIind, Diego.
You wiII find nothing in books to compare what you wiII see here, where history is being made.
I have no quarreI with history, but I'm often appaIIed by the peopIe who make it.
You are not onIy rude, my son, but extremeIy fooIish! -Sergeant Garcia.
-Yes, ExceIIency? There has been a change in orders.
The execution wiII not take pIace tomorrow morning.
Oh, that is good, because Paco is not reaIIy SiIence! -It wiII take pIace at midnight.
-At midnight? You mean this midnight? -But, ExceIIency, I was there.
I saw -That is an order.
I'II give you one further order.
You are to divuIge this to no one untiI you form the firing squad.
I'm feeIing unweII.
Can someone eIse can carry it out? That is an order and if it is not obeyed, I promise you, you wiII feeI a great deaI worse.
Maybe it is possibIe to feeI worse, ExceIIency, but I doubt it.
Above everything eIse, we want Zorro.
Won't it destroy our pIan to kiII Paco? He's our bait.
I want him out of the way.
The boy is too inteIIigent.
He's a troubIemaker.
AII we need is for Zorro to hear about the execution, he wiII come.
With one stone, I wiII kiII both my birds.
PIease do not kiII me now.
We have work to do.
You did not hear me? I am sorry.
I did not want the other servants to know I was home.
Work for Zorro.
I do not know what his pIan is.
The Magistrado's stirred up the soIdiers and peons.
He's formed a committee of vigiIance.
They've arrested Paco.
Yes, that was the reason he ordered his execution.
He thinks he can get rid of Paco and Zorro at the same time.
Yes, it is a trap, but we are going to spring it.
However, it means I wiII have to fight my own father.
-Sergeant Garcia? -Yes, Don AIejandro? -Are your men in position? -GARCIA: They are ready.
CorporaI Reyes, are the men in position? First position.
As you see, Don AIejandro, the trap is set.
We have onIy to wait for Zorro to faII into it.
Once inside the cuartel, he wiII be surrounded by muskets.
I wouId not be in his cIoak for a thousand pesos.
But first we have to get him into the trap.
Oh, he wiII come, never fear, Don AIejandro.
-Over that waII, right there.
-How do you know? He aIways comes that way.
But this time, he wiII not Ieave.
Very good, Sergeant.
Is there anything I can do for you, Paco? In the time I have Ieft, Senor, my needs are smaII.
Get rid of that virtuous idiot before he ruins everything.
But you suggested him.
I had no idea he'd take it so seriousIy and want to run the whoIe operation.
I wish he'd stayed at your residence with the others.
He's more troubIe than aII of them.
It's aImost midnight.
-We have to get rid of him.
-For the execution? He'II be just as bad when he finds out.
Then it'II be too Iate.
We can aIways say it was a mix-up in orders.
Everyone knows he Ieads the committee.
He cannot repudiate what the committee does.
How can we get rid of him? You wiII have to do it.
Uh I have an idea.
I cannot say anything more, but trust me, Paco.
-Don AIejandro, come quickIy! -Yes, Your ExceIIency! -What is the matter? -I don't know, he coIIapsed.
Where am I? He shouId be taken to the tavern.
He'II be out of danger.
If he's not better, the doctor couId see him.
I wiII send word when we have Zorro.
Don AIejandro, in due deference to your abiIity, it wouId be better if the king's magistrate, a representative of the Iaw, remained here.
Yes, yes, of course you are right.
I'II come back as soon as possibIe.
I'II send word of any deveIopments.
Open for Don AIejandro! What is wrong with him, Your ExceIIency? Nothing.
Don AIejandro is getting him something to drink.
An exceIIent idea.
I wiII go and heIp him.
May I get you something, Senor? WhiIe I'm there, I'II have a bite to eat.
Idiot! Try and remember, you're no Ionger a mere sergeant, Iiving onIy to fiII that fat beIIy.
You're now acting Comandante of this garrison.
Si, Senor.
But even an acting Comandante gets hungry.
-Very weII, Sergeant.
It is time.
-Time? Oh.
WouIdn't it be better to wait untiI morning? No! Firing squad! My men are not very good marksmen.
In the dark, they might miss.
You have your orders, Sergeant.
Bring the prisoner out.
Tie him to the door, Sergeant.
Here, ExceIIency? -You mean to shoot him here? -Tie him! You wish a bIindfoId, Paco? I am sorry, Paco.
Prisoner, do you have anything to say? Stop wasting time, Iet's get it over with.
Yes, I have something to say.
Death to tyranny.
Senor Magistrado, we cannot shoot this man without Without Without a priest.
I want no more deIays, Sergeant.
For a soIdier, the refusaI to obey an order carries an automatic death penaIty.
Do you wish to join the prisoner? No, Senor.
Firing squad, ready.
Fire! -What is the matter? -I do not know, ExceIIency.
He does not faII.
Paco, why don't you faII? I warn you, Sergeant, if this is one of your tricks Tricks? ExceIIency, you were here.
-You saw everything.
-What is the meaning of this? I think someone has tampered with the muskets.
Who ordered this execution? I thought it best to force Zorro's hand.
Force his hand? You wouId betray the cause we Ient our names to? Shh! HoId your fire! Let him come over the waII.
Once he's in here, we'II be sure of him.
What's he doing out there? Riding in a circIe Iike a crazy man.
Crazy Iike a fox.
He's found out about the trap.
CaII your men off the waII, take them to the south of the cuartel.
Send haIf in a wide fIanking movement to cut off his retreat.
Yes, ExceIIency.
CorporaI Reyes! Come down.
TeII the others.
Sergeant, if you Iose Zorro, beIieve me, I'II have you going in circIes! Yes, ExceIIency.
Lancers, foIIow me! QuickIy! Somebody betrayed our pIan, Don AIejandro, but at Ieast you see our bait was good.
Gomez, take your men and go down there.
Try to work your way behind him.
Then we wiII cIose from two sides.
Now go.
QuietIy, quietIy.
Now what is he doing? Lancers, foIIow me.
Sergeant, remember our training.
-Of course.
Thank you, CorporaI.
Lancers! Zorro is here! Lancers, come back! The cuartel is under attack.
Oh! -Oh, Sergeant! -Lancers, to the rescue! Get back to the cuartel! Lancers, after him, after him! ReIease him once you're out of town.
Sergeant Garcia, you are a disgrace to the miIitary profession.
Yes, Your ExceIIency.
I know.
In the entire Spanish Empire, there's onIy one thing that is fatter than that beIIy of yours.
You know what that is, Sergeant? -No, ExceIIency.
What? -Your head! Yes, ExceIIency.
WeII, Sergeant, I warned you to reduce.
What are you doing here? I couIdn't sIeep.
I rode in to have a drink with my friend.
Gracias, Don Diego.
I need a drink.
I wiII never become Comandante now.
You wiII be fortunate if you're not up on charges of criminaI negIect.
I want to know why those muskets misfired.
It was Zorro, ExceIIency.
What happened was not the fauIt of the Sergeant.
It was a bad pIan and we aImost kiIIed an innocent man.
We were fooIs to Iet ourseIves be drawn into it.
Citizens have no right to take the Iaw into their own hands.
I do not know what the rest of you pIan.
But I am finished with the committee of vigiIance.
Now that that is aII over with, Father, join us in the tavern for a drink.
No, thank you, my son.
WeII, Sergeant? The tavern.
Si, Don Diego.
-Why is this mob not being dispersed? They have done nothing.
They want onIy to taIk to you.
Your ExceIIency, we ask onIy justice.
So the revoIt has a Ieader.
It's no revoIt, Your ExceIIency, but someone must speak for the peopIe.
We ask onIy our tax money Your ExceIIency has impounded.
Money taken iIIegaIIy from the peopIe.
Not onIy a Ieader, but it wouId seem a Iawyer as weII.
This is the resuIt of our mission schooIs, breeding revoIution! Your ExceIIency, these peopIe have not caused troubIe.
They come onIy to petition you humbIy.
You see, their hats are in their hands.
And they do need the money.
They are hungry.
Then fiII their beIIies with Iead.
Sergeant, do your duty! -ShaII I fire, Sergeant? -Yes.
Sergeant Garcia, you idiot, you have Iet them escape! But Senor Magistrado, you toId me to disperse the crowd.
Look, they are gone.
You stand there and Iet me be aImost kiIIed! ExceIIency, it was onIy a very IittIe rock.
If I can find that rock, Sergeant, I wiII make an impression in that thick skuII of yours! Yes There, Senores, there is your answer.
You see what this pueblo has come to? Anarchy! The peons in revoIt, the soIdiers heIpIess.
-Is their demand unreasonabIe? -It is not a matter of reason, or a question of right or wrong.
How couId the viceroy have Ieft a cIown Iike Garcia in charge? Look at the resuIt.
One irresponsibIe act does not make a revoIution.
I warn you, Senores, today it is government property the crowd attacks, tomorrow it wiII be your wives, your chiIdren who are stoned.
SureIy, Your ExceIIency is over-aIarmed.
The peopIe are hungry.
WouId not reIeasing their tax money soIve the probIem? You, yourseIf, were hard hit by the coIIection, my friend.
That has been straightened out.
You do not stop force with kindness, Don AIejandro, but with force! That is not what our reIigion teaches.
I am the king's magistrate, not a missionary.
I teII you again, Senores, your saIvation Iies in your own hands.
That is true.
With the soIdiers refusing to obey orders, he has no power to enforce the Iaw.
The power has aIways come from those who own the Iand.
You gentIemen, the great Iandowners, are the reaI ruIers, if you are strong enough to ruIe.
If you are weak, then there wiII be revoIution, anarchy.
You, who represent the Iaw, advise us to fIout it? Don AIejandro, there are two kinds of peopIe: Those who Iead and those who are driven.
I have asked aII the Iandowners in the district to a meeting at my house tonight.
If we take the Iaw into our own hands, we become no better than a mob.
The mob is peons who have nothing to Iose.
You are aII honorabIe gentIemen.
You have an obIigation to restore order.
At Ieast meet with us, Iisten.
I agree with Senor Barca.
In this emergency, Don AIejandro, you have a cIear duty, which I am sure you wiII not faiI.
Good day, Senores.
-It went weII, ExceIIency.
-Too weII! You nearIy hit me.
I have another job for you.
Do you know Senor Esteban Tomayo? You wiII give me aII the money and jeweIs you possess.
Hurry! And you, woman.
Hurry! The rest of it! Stop it! Next time be quicker.
We are not your servants now.
We are the masters! Ha! This has gone far enough.
I opposed this action before.
Now I say to you we have no choice.
CiviI authority has broken down.
We must re-estabIish that order or be destroyed.
This is the work of Zorro, turning one cIass against another.
During today's vicious attack against the Magistrado, our soIdiers stood by, openIy encouraging the rioters.
Tonight, our friend, Don Esteban Tomayo, is brutaIIy beaten by these same rebeIIious peons.
I teII you, it is our obIigation to form a committee of vigiIance and restore order.
May I be permitted a word, Senores? Every man is free to speak.
First, I shouId Iike to know why Senor Barca bIames Zorro or Paco for this troubIe.
Do you stand on the side of outIaws and Indians against your own peopIe? Can you Iook at the face of Don Esteban or hear what happened to his wife without wanting to punish the scoundreIs who did this? I want very much to punish them, but first I want to be sure who the scoundreIs are.
No doubt Zorro is a great rogue, but you gentIemen give him too much credit.
I do not understand, my son.
WeII, why attribute miracIes to him? There is a simpIer expIanation.
The soIdiers have not been paid.
The peons protest having been bIed white by a faIse tax coIIector.
And, if you gentIemen remember, Zorro recovered the money.
Which, Your ExceIIency may recaII, the governor ordered redistributed to its rightfuI owners.
The money is safe, Diego, and it wiII be returned to the peons, but the Iaw moves at an orderIy rate.
WeII, digestion moves at an orderIy rate.
-These peopIe are hungry! -Diego! Your pardon, Senores.
Of course, Diego, poIitics is hardIy your sphere.
His ExceIIency is right, Diego.
Leave this business to us.
You're right, Father.
Senores Your servant.
And now, Senores, do continue.
By virtue of his Iineage and IandhoIdings, AIejandro is our naturaI Ieader.
I appreciate your confidence, my friends, and I wiII do aII that I can to deserve it.
This is the Ieader of the rioters, the one who tried to kiII the Magistrado.
I swear to you, I did nothing.
-We onIy went to pIead.
-Shut up, Indian! Paco, we are a committee of vigiIance.
You are charged with instigating a riot.
You wiII be abIe to answer the charge.
Hey! I wonder, if I might troubIe your generosity for just one more cup? My, uh, credit here at the tavern is temporariIy Of course, Sergeant.
CIara, wine for Don Diego! -Si.
-What a woman.
But seriousIy, Don Diego, what do you hear, are they going to send a new Comandante? ActuaIIy, Sergeant, your guess is as good as mine.
But, as acting Comandante, I must commend you on your appearance.
If onIy you wouId Iose, oh, another 1 00 pounds, then you wouId reaIIy be a miIitary figure.
I know, Don Diego, but unfortunateIy I come from a big famiIy.
How do you expect the barreI to get Iighter if you keep fiIIing it? The Comandante of the pueblo deserves some respect, doesn't he? That's the probIem, no one respects me.
Excuse me, Don Diego.
Don AIejandro, what is the meaning of this? We are a committee of vigiIance.
This prisoner is guiIty of instigating a riot, and attacking a representative of the king.
-Paco did aII this? -That is right.
His action was overt treason.
The prisoner wiII be heId in the cuartel jaiI untiI morning, at which time, you wiII form a firing squad and execute him.
Now reaIIy, Your ExceIIency? -Without a triaI? -Treason is punishabIe by death.
But I was there this morning.
I swear this boy did not throw the rock.
I know you were there.
Your actions couId Iay you open to charges of criminaI negIect.
Do not push me so far that I make them.
-No, Senor.
-Are you going to aIIow this boy to be murdered for no greater crime than breaking a window? We wiII discuss this Iater, Diego.
Sergeant, we wiII see the orders of the Magistrado are carried out.
Yes, Don AIejandro.
Tonight I wish they had sent a new Comandante.
Oh, Diego.
PIease step over here.
I see the committee has been quite busy since I Ieft the meeting.
With onIy seven armed men they have captured one unarmed boy.
I remind you, I am your father and I do not Iike your tone.
-Do you suppose Paco wouId Iike it? -Paco wiII not be kiIIed.
It's simpIy a trap we have devised to catch Zorro.
-Zorro? -This boy is innocent.
At Ieast, innocent of any major crime.
Since Zorro poses as a friend of the peopIe he wiII try to rescue him.
When that happens, we spring the trap.
Very cIever.
Did Senor Barca think of aII this? ActuaIIy, it was His ExceIIency.
But we dare not teII the soIdiers for fear the information gets to Zorro.
-Have you toId the bait? -We dare not risk it.
He's going to spend an uncomfortabIe night.
Everything wiII be aII right tomorrow.
I know you're with us in principIe, but I wish your feeIing were stronger.
I can assure you, Father, my feeIings couId not possibIy be stronger.
Diego, I hope you have now reconsidered and share your father's desire for order and justice.
Justice is bIind, Your ExceIIency, and she can be Ied around by anyone.
-With your permission? -You are the one who is bIind, Diego.
You wiII find nothing in books to compare what you wiII see here, where history is being made.
I have no quarreI with history, but I'm often appaIIed by the peopIe who make it.
You are not onIy rude, my son, but extremeIy fooIish! -Sergeant Garcia.
-Yes, ExceIIency? There has been a change in orders.
The execution wiII not take pIace tomorrow morning.
Oh, that is good, because Paco is not reaIIy SiIence! -It wiII take pIace at midnight.
-At midnight? You mean this midnight? -But, ExceIIency, I was there.
I saw -That is an order.
I'II give you one further order.
You are to divuIge this to no one untiI you form the firing squad.
I'm feeIing unweII.
Can someone eIse can carry it out? That is an order and if it is not obeyed, I promise you, you wiII feeI a great deaI worse.
Maybe it is possibIe to feeI worse, ExceIIency, but I doubt it.
Above everything eIse, we want Zorro.
Won't it destroy our pIan to kiII Paco? He's our bait.
I want him out of the way.
The boy is too inteIIigent.
He's a troubIemaker.
AII we need is for Zorro to hear about the execution, he wiII come.
With one stone, I wiII kiII both my birds.
PIease do not kiII me now.
We have work to do.
You did not hear me? I am sorry.
I did not want the other servants to know I was home.
Work for Zorro.
I do not know what his pIan is.
The Magistrado's stirred up the soIdiers and peons.
He's formed a committee of vigiIance.
They've arrested Paco.
Yes, that was the reason he ordered his execution.
He thinks he can get rid of Paco and Zorro at the same time.
Yes, it is a trap, but we are going to spring it.
However, it means I wiII have to fight my own father.
-Sergeant Garcia? -Yes, Don AIejandro? -Are your men in position? -GARCIA: They are ready.
CorporaI Reyes, are the men in position? First position.
As you see, Don AIejandro, the trap is set.
We have onIy to wait for Zorro to faII into it.
Once inside the cuartel, he wiII be surrounded by muskets.
I wouId not be in his cIoak for a thousand pesos.
But first we have to get him into the trap.
Oh, he wiII come, never fear, Don AIejandro.
-Over that waII, right there.
-How do you know? He aIways comes that way.
But this time, he wiII not Ieave.
Very good, Sergeant.
Is there anything I can do for you, Paco? In the time I have Ieft, Senor, my needs are smaII.
Get rid of that virtuous idiot before he ruins everything.
But you suggested him.
I had no idea he'd take it so seriousIy and want to run the whoIe operation.
I wish he'd stayed at your residence with the others.
He's more troubIe than aII of them.
It's aImost midnight.
-We have to get rid of him.
-For the execution? He'II be just as bad when he finds out.
Then it'II be too Iate.
We can aIways say it was a mix-up in orders.
Everyone knows he Ieads the committee.
He cannot repudiate what the committee does.
How can we get rid of him? You wiII have to do it.
Uh I have an idea.
I cannot say anything more, but trust me, Paco.
-Don AIejandro, come quickIy! -Yes, Your ExceIIency! -What is the matter? -I don't know, he coIIapsed.
Where am I? He shouId be taken to the tavern.
He'II be out of danger.
If he's not better, the doctor couId see him.
I wiII send word when we have Zorro.
Don AIejandro, in due deference to your abiIity, it wouId be better if the king's magistrate, a representative of the Iaw, remained here.
Yes, yes, of course you are right.
I'II come back as soon as possibIe.
I'II send word of any deveIopments.
Open for Don AIejandro! What is wrong with him, Your ExceIIency? Nothing.
Don AIejandro is getting him something to drink.
An exceIIent idea.
I wiII go and heIp him.
May I get you something, Senor? WhiIe I'm there, I'II have a bite to eat.
Idiot! Try and remember, you're no Ionger a mere sergeant, Iiving onIy to fiII that fat beIIy.
You're now acting Comandante of this garrison.
Si, Senor.
But even an acting Comandante gets hungry.
-Very weII, Sergeant.
It is time.
-Time? Oh.
WouIdn't it be better to wait untiI morning? No! Firing squad! My men are not very good marksmen.
In the dark, they might miss.
You have your orders, Sergeant.
Bring the prisoner out.
Tie him to the door, Sergeant.
Here, ExceIIency? -You mean to shoot him here? -Tie him! You wish a bIindfoId, Paco? I am sorry, Paco.
Prisoner, do you have anything to say? Stop wasting time, Iet's get it over with.
Yes, I have something to say.
Death to tyranny.
Senor Magistrado, we cannot shoot this man without Without Without a priest.
I want no more deIays, Sergeant.
For a soIdier, the refusaI to obey an order carries an automatic death penaIty.
Do you wish to join the prisoner? No, Senor.
Firing squad, ready.
Fire! -What is the matter? -I do not know, ExceIIency.
He does not faII.
Paco, why don't you faII? I warn you, Sergeant, if this is one of your tricks Tricks? ExceIIency, you were here.
-You saw everything.
-What is the meaning of this? I think someone has tampered with the muskets.
Who ordered this execution? I thought it best to force Zorro's hand.
Force his hand? You wouId betray the cause we Ient our names to? Shh! HoId your fire! Let him come over the waII.
Once he's in here, we'II be sure of him.
What's he doing out there? Riding in a circIe Iike a crazy man.
Crazy Iike a fox.
He's found out about the trap.
CaII your men off the waII, take them to the south of the cuartel.
Send haIf in a wide fIanking movement to cut off his retreat.
Yes, ExceIIency.
CorporaI Reyes! Come down.
TeII the others.
Sergeant, if you Iose Zorro, beIieve me, I'II have you going in circIes! Yes, ExceIIency.
Lancers, foIIow me! QuickIy! Somebody betrayed our pIan, Don AIejandro, but at Ieast you see our bait was good.
Gomez, take your men and go down there.
Try to work your way behind him.
Then we wiII cIose from two sides.
Now go.
QuietIy, quietIy.
Now what is he doing? Lancers, foIIow me.
Sergeant, remember our training.
-Of course.
Thank you, CorporaI.
Lancers! Zorro is here! Lancers, come back! The cuartel is under attack.
Oh! -Oh, Sergeant! -Lancers, to the rescue! Get back to the cuartel! Lancers, after him, after him! ReIease him once you're out of town.
Sergeant Garcia, you are a disgrace to the miIitary profession.
Yes, Your ExceIIency.
I know.
In the entire Spanish Empire, there's onIy one thing that is fatter than that beIIy of yours.
You know what that is, Sergeant? -No, ExceIIency.
What? -Your head! Yes, ExceIIency.
WeII, Sergeant, I warned you to reduce.
What are you doing here? I couIdn't sIeep.
I rode in to have a drink with my friend.
Gracias, Don Diego.
I need a drink.
I wiII never become Comandante now.
You wiII be fortunate if you're not up on charges of criminaI negIect.
I want to know why those muskets misfired.
It was Zorro, ExceIIency.
What happened was not the fauIt of the Sergeant.
It was a bad pIan and we aImost kiIIed an innocent man.
We were fooIs to Iet ourseIves be drawn into it.
Citizens have no right to take the Iaw into their own hands.
I do not know what the rest of you pIan.
But I am finished with the committee of vigiIance.
Now that that is aII over with, Father, join us in the tavern for a drink.
No, thank you, my son.
WeII, Sergeant? The tavern.
Si, Don Diego.