365: Repeat the Year (2020) s01e19 Episode Script

Hyeong Ju Walks Into a Trap

(Episode 19)
(New text message)
Darn it.
(Young Woong and Se Rin, our 1st day together)
This is
Don't they look familiar?
Detective Park.
Did you think I was Hyeong Ju?
You finally found out who it was.
But you won't have a chance to talk.
Darn it.
People say
souls get attached to things.
You won't be lonely.
Please spare my life,
Detective Park.
There's something I need you to do.
(Trustworthy police, safe country)
Hey, have you had lunch?
- Yes, sir. - Yes, sir.
This is a video recently uploaded on social media.
He said he'll disclose the history of Ko Jae Young,
the son of Ko Seok Gyu, Minister of Education nominee.
Ko Seok Gyu, the Minister of Education nominee
just resigned from the campaign.
I truly apologize once again to the people of our nation.
Justice prevails in the end.
- Hey, Sun Ho. - Negative reactions of the video
- led to the resignation of - When is Ko's questioning?
This Friday. Why?
- Ko held a press conference - Just because.
- at his house. - I'm not sure if Ko Seok Gyu
will cooperate in this situation.
We have to make them do it. That's why we're detectives.
Don't worry.
I'll take care of everything.
There was a total of four detectives
who visited Bae Jung Tae in prison including Hyeong Ju.
He has three previous charges,
and he was released with a warning a few times,
so a total of six detectives wrote an affidavit on him.
If we make it obvious that we're checking their alibis,
they'll only get hostile.
Make sure our information doesn't get leaked out.
Find out their alibis in the most discreet way possible.
- Yes, sir. - Yes, sir.
What about that burner phone Hyeong Ju found?
I found the call history,
and I requested the call history
of the people whom he talked to on the day of the incident.
Check if any of them are
connected to these detectives as soon as you have the result.
Soon Woo, find the pictures of the said detectives
before Ko Jae Young's questioning.
Yes, sir.
This is a list of detectives who contacted Bae Jung Tae.
Are you sure you can share this with me?
I shouldn't.
But I trust you.
Do any of them look familiar?
You may have passed them by on your way to his house.
I'm not sure.
(Police Officer Information)
Here's one thing that I just don't understand.
If all the people who reset their lives got murdered,
then how were they able to turn back time?
(Kim Se Rin)
she prevented them from dying and did the reset?
This isn't your webtoon's plot, is it?
I wish it were.
If he's the only one blabbering about this, I'd ignore him.
But you're saying the same thing.
But still,
I don't think this is serial killing.
Is there a reason you think that way?
These photos were found at Bae Jung Tae's place.
How did he have them?
- Was he a witness? - That's impossible.
He had a solid alibi during Cha Jeung Seok's death.
Then who took these?
I'm not sure.
It's either the murderer
or someone who already knew the murders would take place.
What does the latter mean?
It's Ms. Lee Shin.
She's the only one who knows
when and where we'll die.
If she took these,
that means she knows who the killer is.
She said that Kim Se Rin's case was unsolved.
Just like the Maseong Serial Murders,
Perhaps, only the victims were found.
But we can't trust her.
Why did you agree to reset your life?
- What? - Judging by this place,
I don't think it was for the money.
I thought it'd be fun. I'd be able to catch the culprits,
and I looked forward to teasing you.
But I had no idea I'd face such a heinous murderer.
How was I?
What do you think? You were the same.
Were we still partners?
Of course. Who else would put up with you?
I guess I was still a detective.
You're only good at being a detective.
Did I get a special promotion?
You? A special promotion?
Oh, please. Don't be ridiculous.
You could catch this killer with me and get that promotion if you want.
- Okay? - Deal.
Soon Woo, let's give them out today.
Shouldn't we solve this case first?
Everyone's stressed out about it.
Fine. If we fail to catch the killer and the case becomes unsolved,
we can leave our relationship unsolved as well.
That shouldn't happen.
You shouldn't leave your lives unsolved.
- Soon Woo, let's work hard. - Yes, ma'am.
- Give it to me. - Give what?
The wedding invitation.
How did you know?
Don't be shy, now.
January 12 at 12pm, right?
Give it to me.
Sa Kyung, I promise to be there this time.
What's with him?
He's so annoying.
Sa Kyung, were you married before?
What are you talking about?
I can understand!
Sa Kyung!
We expected that number for our first test.
That's not a bad result.
We'll do a checkup once again before the next clinical test.
I'd like her to finish her test here.
Would that be possible?
As long as the schedule fits, I don't see a problem with that.
I'll ask.
She'll be back as soon as her meeting ends.
Have you been well?
On the day of Bae Jung Tae's death,
he was on the burner phone four times.
One of them was his sister, Ms. Bae Jung Hee.
The other three were burner phones.
And they're all off.
We can track where they were turned off.
Do any of the locations overlap with the detectives on that list?
For now, no.
Since this is circumstantial evidence,
we can't be direct and track them.
Did you find any other leads?
Mr. Jang Jin Ho died on March 27.
Se Rin died on November 9.
For a killer who murdered 11 people in a year,
don't you think that's a long hiatus?
There must've been a reason
why he had to pause for seven months.
Seven months?
Seven months
You've been eyeing Bae Jung Tae. You finally got him.
What's your relationship with the victim?
She seems to be Ga Hyeon's friend.
How do you know Ji Hyeong Ju?
I guess he didn't tell you anything.
But then again,
you wouldn't believe it even if he told you.
We have a
You'd better tell me the truth.
We transcended time and space.
We went to the past together.
What a lunatic.
I know I sound like a lunatic,
but you must've come all the way here
because something was strange.
You want to know what Detective Ji is hiding.
I'll explain them to you one by one,
so do me one favour.
"The Memories of a Murder".
The Maseong serial killer
will be caught in August.
You can find out if I'm lying or not by then.
It was true that they analysed the DNA once again
- to catch the killer. - He's the one
who committed the seventh murder.
The police suspected someone who was innocent.
This is my first time hearing that. Who told you that?
It feels like he did it.
It also happened in that area.
I want to feign ignorance too.
But I already know everything.
- What? - There's no way
you'd understand me if I said I came from Never mind.
Are you saying you and Hyeong Ju came from the future?
It's not just us two.
There are a few more.
- More? - If you want to know more,
do find someone for me.
His name is Choi Min Ho.
Jang Jin Ho is
Park Young Gil's replacement?
These are the people who died in my hands?
(Park Young Gil)
Let's see if things go according to
(Kim Se Rin, Park Young Gil, Hwang No Sub)
their fate.
Kim Se Rin.
Are you next?
This time, it's me.
I'm going to die.
Ga Hyeon, please help me.
I'm sorry.
Destined to die.
Destined to kill.
I've been way too passive.
It'll be fun to be a little bolder.
(Young Woong and Se Rin, our 1st day together)
Hello? Mr. Bae Jung Tae?
Are you sure everything is resolved?
You aren't deceiving me, are you?
The officers who were on stakeout will pull out as well.
You can go back home.
I saw the news.
I'm sure Se Rin will
thank you for taking courage.
My high school teacher called me yesterday.
She apologized
for ignoring me back then.
I see.
She said a detective came by
and asked her about me.
A detective?
He asked her what my relationship with Ko Jae Young was like
and for the school I transferred to.
Do you think that was Detective Ji Hyeong Ju?
It's not Hyeong Ju.
(Handong Logistics)
Even if Ms. Lee Shin sent these pictures,
she wouldn't have made a move herself.
We need to talk.
I'm investigating Mr. Bae Jung Tae's case.
We found unknown DNA
at the crime scene.
Will you provide
a sample of your DNA to find the suspect?
I refuse.
If you refuse right now, I might find you suspicious.
I never went to his house.
If you really need my DNA, bring me a warrant.
I never said the crime scene was his house.
I'll bring a warrant.
Why are we postponing Ko Jae Young's hypnotic questioning?
His attorney asked us to postpone the schedule.
- What's the reason? - He just said it's personal.
Things already seem pretty grim for him
because of his bullying incident,
so I'm sure he just doesn't want people to find out
that he's getting questioned for a murder case.
Unbelievable. I treat him like a testifier,
and he does everything as he likes.
I'll request a warrant for next time to make sure we stay on schedule.
(Daeil Industry)
Who are you?
(Call history: Bae Jung Tae)
(Choi Young Woong isn't the only one who needs to stay silent.)
(Call me if you don't want this to blow up.)
(5-63 Seongju-ro, come alone if you want to save Ko Jae Young.)
(5-63 Seongju-ro, come alone if you want to save Ko Jae Young.)
Drop the gun and raise your hands.
- It's a misunderstanding - Drop the gun!
Step back. Step back.
Turn around. Turn around.
His gun.
Arrest him.
You may plead the Fifth
Stop! Stop right there!
- Car number 40N5845. - We need backup.
(Shin Ga Hyeon)
- Yes? - Ga Hyeon.
- I was about to - Where are you? At home?
I'm on my way home.
You need to go home now.
Go home and stay there.
What's going on?
The culprit knows me.
I just fell into his trap.
- What? - I'll call you again.
Go home. And be careful.
Wait, Hyeong Ju. Hyeong
My gosh, what's going on?
You're here.
Officers in a patrol division found him during their rounds.
Detective Ji was
about to get arrested in action,
but he refused and ran away.
What did the forensics say?
They have to conduct a post mortem exam on him,
but it looks like he died well over two days ago.
I'm sure he had been looking for a good way to abandon his body.
Who are you?
Team Leader Jung Ju Hyeon of Regional Investigation Unit.
As of this hour, we're taking over this case.
Come in. Please move aside.
One second.
One second, let me take a look.
They found his vehicle.
The suspect got away.
I can't believe this.
The proof found on the scene is pretty evident,
so it'll take some time to investigate.
Do you also think Hyeong Ju is the culprit?
I trust him no matter what anyone says.
Hyeong Ju said
the culprit seems like someone who knows him.
And I think so too.
I'm sure he used Ko Jae Young to lure him there.
That means
it has to be someone who knows their relationship.
I have to go see Ms. Lee Shin.
I'll go.
It's more useful than you'd think.
I'm Detective Park Sun Ho of Makang Police Station.
We met before at the police station
when I went to see Detective Ji.
Back then, I didn't know you were this affluent.
What do you mean?
Your clinic looks amazing.
Thank you.
May I ask why you're here?
I came to ask you a few questions about the cases I'm investigating.
Kim Se Rin, Bae Jung Tae, and Ko Jae Young.
You know them, don't you?
You know that they've been murdered, right?
- Yes. - The only thing
those three had in common was this place, Zian Clinic.
You're right.
They all happen to be my acquaintance.
Do you know anything about their deaths?
The news said
the one who murdered Mr. Ko Jae Young is
Detective Ji Hyeong Ju.
What do you think?
Do you really think
Detective Ji is a murderer?
What's more important is the evidence, not what I think.
That's why I've been investigating.
Are you suspecting anyone?
If you let me know, it'll help with my investigation.
Am I suspecting anyone?
I can't cause any confusion
because of my pure suspicion.
That means there is someone you're suspicious of.
There isn't.
(Episode 20 will be aired shortly.)
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