All That Glitters (2023) s01e19 Episode Script

Episode 19

Weihao, Zhenting
Sis, Ming.
Calm down, Sis.
Zhenting has been resuscitated.
The doctor gave emergency treatment
and managed to revive her.
Sis, don't cry. Zhenting's okay now.
I don't want Zhenting to leave us.
But the thought of her
in a coma
breaks my heart.
I feel miserable.
I can't bear to see Zhenting leave.
But I also wish the doctor
wouldn't save her.
Do you think
I'm being cruel?
Of course not, Sis.
I understand how you feel.
I don't want Zhenting to leave us either.
But on the other hand,
if she does leave this world,
it'll be a release.
Zhenyu, Weihao.
There must be a reason
why heaven didn't let Zhenting leave.
There is hope so long as she's alive.
Let's believe that there are miracles
in this world.
I've looked through the case file.
Lin Jiahui's statement is very suspicious.
But she's dead.
There's no way to verify it with her.
But I won't give up.
I will uncover the truth
about your accident.
Hi. Police.
Identity card, please.
-We're only here to use the washroom.
-Show us your identity card.
Go! Hurry!
Get in the car!
According to the news,
Zhenting and Arthur Thng
fell off the building after an argument.
One died and the other got injured.
Does Lin Musen believe that?
Do you believe that?
I find that highly suspicious.
There's only one person
who can clear up your doubts.
She was at the scene.
Lin Jiahui?
Lin Jiahui was the only eyewitness.
But she's dead.
I have some thoughts about this case.
Tell me more.
Lin Musen and He Jianzhi
were once as close as brothers.
Why did they fall out with each other?
Lin Musen fired six shots at He Jianzhi.
That speaks of intense hatred.
If we find out the reason,
we'll have a better chance
of nabbing Lin Musen.
-Auntie Xin, Dad.
How's Xuemin doing in the US?
She called us every day in the beginning.
Now that she's settled down,
she says she's busy with her studies.
Now I'm the one who has to call her.
Without your daughter by your side,
you must be feeling lonely.
Bro Cong.
-I'll go back.
-Gen, take Madam home.
-Got it.
-Come back earlier for soup.
Auntie Xin, give Xuemin my regards.
Auntie Xin maintains her figure well
for someone her age.
Just like you, youthful and good-looking.
That's why you two
are a match made in heaven.
Still uttering nonsense
when you're in trouble?
Did you work with someone
to open a casino overseas?
Have you no regard for me anymore?
Why didn't you tell me
about something so serious?
I told you not to carry things
too far, remember?
Every action has an equal
and opposite reaction.
If it backfires on you,
you may never come back from it.
Not to carry things too far?
-I've only just begun.
Times have changed, Dad.
You must be fast and precise
when it comes to making investments.
There are billionaires everywhere.
Who doesn't want to open a casino
where billionaires spend their money?
I'm just jumping on the bandwagon.
You're too full of yourself.
You used the investors' money
to open a casino.
What if your venture fails?
That would never happen.
You know who the shareholders are?
high-ranking government officials,
as well as high-ranking generals.
Any idea how many royal families,
high-ranking government officials
and generals there are in the region?
By working with
this group of powerful people,
you might just offend others.
Then we'll see who has more power.
They have power.
What do you have? Nothing!
To them, bringing you down
is as easy as crushing an ant.
I've received news that
General Abisai is livid.
He intends to make an example of you.
General Abisai?
You mean former general?
That old fogey already
has one foot in the grave.
Only you would have any regard for him.
I'm not free.
So please, General,
you have to seek justice for me.
Can you also ensure my safety?
I'm counting on you.
Thank you, General.
Why were you there?
A client of mine forgot his phone,
so I went to the car park to return it.
Then I saw you
It's destiny.
I survived this ordeal.
Fortune will come to you.
So long as I, Richard Mo, am around,
you can be sure of a life of riches.
Thank you, Richard.
Get some rest.
I'm going back to the office.
If you need my assistance in any way,
just say the word.
About my hospitalization
Tell no one.
Got it?
Got it.
Sorry, a client asked to meet
at the last minute.
That's okay.
What happened?
I bumped into something while exercising.
-You okay?
You must be famished.
You bet. I'm starving
after a whole day of classes.
Let's hurry up and order then.
I hear they serve great sashimi here.
Hi there.
I'd like to have this, that, this, that,
and this.
And a beer too.
You're in high spirits, huh?
You ordered a lot.
I'm dining with a pretty girl.
Of course I'm in high spirits.
So honeyed-tongue.
What would you like to eat?
That's all for now.
We'll order again when everyone's here.
Someone else's coming?
Here she is.
Over here!
I'm a little bird
I want to soar but I can't fly high
I'm just searching for a warm embrace
You're making such a din! Stop singing!
What did you do that for, Grandma?
Stop your awful singing,
or the police will come knocking
on our door.
My singing isn't awful.
I sing very well, okay?
You sing very well?
The granny downstairs says
you sound like a ghost howling.
All you do is lie here and do nothing.
Liu Mu is so capable
that he's moved to a condo.
Grandma, don't talk about him.
Why not? You quarreled with him?
I won't waste my breath quarreling
with such a disloyal person.
How is Liu Mu disloyal?
We agreed to stick together
through thick and thin.
But he moved into a condo on his own.
He's enjoying life
while I'm suffering here.
Doesn't that make him a disloyal friend?
Oh? You think you're suffering here?
Show me how capable you are then.
I'll drive you away
like I drove Liu Mu away.
I don't get it, Grandma.
Why did you drive Liu Mu out
for no reason?
You fool.
Liu Mu is so capable
and makes a lot of money now.
He should live well and eat well,
not sleep on a mattress
on the floor with you.
It broke my heart to see him like that.
What's wrong with sleeping
on a mattress on the floor with me?
If we hadn't taken him in,
he'd have been sleeping rough.
Didn't you teach me to never forget
other people's kindness?
Now that he's doing well,
he's forgotten our kindness.
A person like him
ought to be struck by lightning!
How many times have I told you
that when we are kind to others,
don't keep it in mind
or speak constantly of it.
I know. Likewise,
if others are unkind to us,
don't take it to heart
or criticize harshly.
I'm glad you know that.
I want to live in a condo.
Huh? How are you going to do that?
I'll stay at Liu Mu's condo.
Useless fellow.
Liu Mu bought the condo
because he's getting married.
He's already incredibly good to us.
He gives me money every month
and helps you find a job.
You're still not pleased?
Don't you cause him any trouble.
I want to get married too.
Great! I'll get Granny Mahjong
to recommend someone for you.
She said Hua seems to be keen on you.
Who is Hua?
The one who sells bread at the bakery.
She's a kind person
who cares a lot about the elderly.
I hear she's pretty loaded.
She wins on the lottery all the time.
Grandma, I've told you many times
I want to marry Xiaomei.
Xiaomei? You haven't given her up?
Why should I give her up?
I have gray hair and wrinkles.
I look older than my age.
On the other hand,
Xiaomei looks younger than her age.
We're perfect for each other.
It's all your fault for talking nonsense
in front of Xiaomei.
She's ignoring me now. Happy?
Yeah, I am happy.
She's already in her forties.
If you two get married,
can she still have kids with you?
The Huang family will have no one
to carry on the family name.
So be it!
The genes of the Huang family
aren't awesome anyway.
When I was in school,
I always came in last.
Even now, I can't tell right from left.
When I was in NS, I was known as
Sabo King and Bobo King.
You think my offspring
will be any better than me?
You want me to have kids?
Well, I don't want any!
You unfilial child! You deserve a beating!
Where are you going? Hey!
Where are you going?
-Dinner's almost ready.
-I'm not eating.
I haven't seen Jiahui in ages.
She only cares about
making money these days.
I hear she's made a lot, in fact.
If the company's giving out an award
for Most Hard-working Employee,
she'll win it for sure.
You're a rich lady now.
Miss, you can't hide your wealth.
Look, you're all decked out
in designer brands!
I work very hard.
Of course I should indulge myself.
Now that you mention it, it's true
we haven't seen each other in ages.
Bro Jianzhi, why are you so quiet?
You're having a good time chatting.
I'll just eat and not interrupt.
He always takes advantage of me.
Whenever I go out for lunch,
he asks me to buy him a teh-o kosong peng.
Don't listen to her.
It's Liu Mu who asks her to do that.
Bro Musen asks me to buy you a cup too.
You can't run away from it.
Okay, you win.
Bro Jianzhi,
I know I'm not as pretty
or intelligent as Zhenting.
I can't be a pretty lawyer.
But won't you be nicer to me?
Treat me to more meals at least.
That's right, Jianzhi. Be nicer to her.
Okay, I'll buy you a meal right now.
Excuse me.
Order whatever you like.
How are you getting on with Jianzhi?
Pretty good. Why the question?
Maybe I'm being paranoid,
but I feel he's uneasy when you're around.
Is that so?
Perhaps he feels bad towards you.
He feels bad towards me?
Oh, you mean that incident
between him and me?
Why should he feel bad?
It's not like he raped me.
Although you were a willing party,
you were drunk after all.
He probably felt it was wrong of him
to sleep with you
under the circumstances.
Zhenting, I'll be honest with you
since we're good friends.
I never thought you'd get together
with Bro Jianzhi.
I hope your relationship
won't be affected.
Come on, we're not together!
We're just friends who got closer.
I thought you'd slept with each other.
I did give him a chance.
But he respected me.
He said if we'd bedded each other,
we might not even remain friends.
Why didn't he think the same with me?
On the contrary, it's because of you
that he now thinks this way.
He feels you two can never
go back to how it was.
He's overthinking it.
But Bro Jianzhi has always been into you.
That much I can tell.
That's why he treasures you more.
He treats me well
and cares a lot about me.
But I somehow feel something is lacking.
What else but money?
He doesn't come from a wealthy family.
He doesn't have a rich dad.
He can't give you
designer handbags, jewelry, and
Oh, a million-dollar sports car.
Am I right?
Are you being sarcastic?
I was only stating facts.
You're right.
But your tone makes me feel
I know.
You despise me.
But that's okay. I don't blame you.
Serves me right.
I didn't mean that.
Never mind.
Even if you'd meant it,
I wouldn't blame you.
The old me was too naive and foolish.
I was obnoxious all right.
I paid the price, didn't I?
I'll start afresh.
As Jianzhi said,
I'm still young.
I have the chance to start over.
Jiahui, we're still good friends,
aren't we?
12, 13, 14,
15, 16, 1
I forgot the sofa here.
Two more steps to the balcony.
1, 2, 3, 4
Not yet.
Four more steps.
5, 6, 7, 8.
You've reached the kitchen.
I bought this show apartment
because it's been done up
by an interior designer.
The place is well furnished
and I don't have to worry about the reno.
But it didn't occur to me
that you wouldn't be used to it.
Why don't we refurnish the place?
What for?
We'll refurnish it like your current place
so you don't have to adapt again.
You think you're made of money?
No worries. I'll be okay once
I familiarize myself with the place.
Do you like this condo?
I'm fine with anything
as long as I'm with you.
I should've just bought a small HDB flat.
You should've done that.
But you bought this condo
without discussing it with me.
Had I discussed it with you,
would you have said yes?
Might as well buy it first.
I want you to live comfortably here.
It took me a while to find this condo
that meets my requirements.
First, it has to be near your mom's place
so we can look out for one another.
Second, there must be three rooms -
one for us
and the other two for our children.
Two kids per room.
Four kids in total, perfect.
Come again, Lin Musen?
Three rooms -
one for us,
and the other two for our children.
Two kids per room.
Two plus two equals four.
When night falls and all is silent
Such terrible singing.
I can never get to sleep
I have doubts whether my future
Would be better without Xiaomei
I'm a little bird
I want to soar but I can't fly high
That fool.
Trust him to drown his sorrows
like other people.
You'll regret it
if you fall and injure yourself.
I'm just searching
Who littered?
Singapore is a clean city.
Don't litter!
Keep the place clean!
-Not my problem if you fall to your death.
-That's right.
I'm not going to ask for trouble.
Keep the place clean Clean
Huang Jintiao!
Huang Jintiao.
Watch out for the broken glass pieces.
Did you hurt your head?
Get up.
Let go of me.
Huang Jintiao.
I can't live without you, Xiaomei.
-Jintiao, let go!
-I won't let go.
I'm going to shout "molester."
-I can't lose you, Xiaomei.
-You're crossing the line.
I'm going to shout.
Let go!
-Huang Jintiao!
-Don't go, Xiaomei.
-My pouch!
-Don't touch my Xiaomei!
-My money's inside!
Xiaomei, don't leave me.
-Looks like I can't go soft on you.
-Don't leave me, Xiaomei.
Give me back my pouch, okay?
-Give it back.
-Hands off!
You're making my blood boil!
-Xiaomei, I'll protect you.
-Miss, you all right?
-You molested her?
Don't hit me!
That's enough! Stop beating him up.
Didn't he molest you?
Didn't he rob you?
No, he's just drunk.
I only wanted to scare him
to sober him up.
You two beat him up so badly.
Don't shout "molester" so casually.
Let's go.
Hey, You two! Don't go.
Huang Jintiao.
Huang Jintiao?
Who do you want so many kids with?
Miss Li Zhenyu, of course.
Why so many kids?
I can't see. Who's going to
take care of them?
I can help.
I can also hire two helpers.
Four kids? No problem at all.
-No. I only want one.
And I'd love to have a daughter.
We'll give her all our love.
All right, then.
Shall we spend the night here?
Lin Musen!
Did you have to yell?
I meant we'll sleep in separate rooms.
What were you thinking of, huh?
Who'd believe you?
Fine, we won't stay the night.
At least let me kiss you?
No breaking of rules.
Stay where you are and no touching, okay?
Yes, ma'am.
Not going to answer the call?
How did you know?
Your phone is vibrating.
You have such sharp ears.
I put my phone on silent mode
so nobody can interrupt us.
Future mother-in-law?
Why's my mom calling you?
To tell me to send
her daughter home, I bet.
Auntie, what's the matter? I'm about to
-He's not breathing.
He's not breathing any more.
It was my fault.
If I hadn't shouted
"molester" and "robbery,"
those two men wouldn't have
beaten him up so badly.
I killed Huang Jintiao.
What should I do?
What do I do?
Auntie, calm down
and tell me what happened.
Did you not check properly
because you were panicking?
Check again.
OK, You're-so-Pretty and I
will be right there.
Musen, Zhenyu.
-Mom, you okay?
-I'm okay.
Huang Jintiao gave me such a fright.
It was too dark just now
and I didn't notice
my waist pouch's strap blocking his nose.
I thought he wasn't breathing.
He didn't respond when I called him.
So I didn't dare touch him.
-He's fallen asleep.
You sure?
He's sleeping soundly.
I can tell from his snoring.
Don't worry. He's had Muay Thai training.
If he weren't drunk,
those two fellas might be
no match for him.
He should be fine.
Why don't I see you two home first?
It's okay. We can walk home by ourselves.
You'd better take him to the hospital
for a check-up.
Will do.
He's holding my waist pouch.
My keys and money are inside.
Don't touch my Xiaomei!
See? Told you he's all right.
That's what he did earlier on -
uttering nonsense.
Forget it. Get the waist pouch
from him when he's woken up.
Let's go home.
-Easy does it.
I know you're moved by Huang Jintiao.
If not for Granny Thunder,
you could've got together with him.
Don't be a smart Alec.
Don't take to heart
what Granny Thunder said.
The most important thing is,
do you like Jintiao?
What kind of daughter are you?
It's like you can't wait
for me to get a man.
Don't put it like that.
Zhenting and I are concerned about
your lifelong happiness.
Am I not happy now?
I have three filial and obedient children
I'm very blissful.
I'm getting married soon.
Zhenting won't be
by your side forever either.
And when Weihao grows up,
he won't cling to you.
Then I'll finally be able to rest.
When all of you have your own families,
I'll get to enjoy me time.
I see. Then I'll get Musen
to tell Jintiao to give you up.
You're a strange one.
Why are you so eager
when it comes to that chap?
Sit down. I've something to ask you.
What is it?
Did Musen really buy that condo
under your name?
What about himself?
He said he bought the condo for me.
So it'll just be under my name.
-And you accepted it?
Girl, others will say
you're taking advantage of him.
You should tell him the condo
has to be under both of you.
That won't be necessary.
He said he'd give you double the gold bars
for the betrothal gift.
You said you'd accept them all.
Now he's giving you a condo
and you accepted it too.
Once others find out,
how would they think of you?
That I'm a mercenary
and money-grabbing woman.
Exactly. I'm glad you know that.
Is this why you don't want
to be with Jintiao?
You're worried about how others see you.
We should all be more laid-back.
So long as you have a clear conscience,
there's no need to care about
what others think or say.
Who's there?
Why did you come back?
Why can't I come back?
I can't hold my pee in
because of my prostate problems.
Whoa, instant noodles! Wonderful.
I haven't had instant noodles
cooked by my son in a long time.
I'm asking you, why did you come back?
Why can't I come back? This is my home.
Heard of the saying:
fallen leaves return to their roots?
It was dreadful hiding in the mountain.
I had no way of receiving news either.
If I'd known Loan Shark Hai had died,
I'd have come back long ago.
You skipped town
when he came after you for repayment.
You even sold the satay stall
before you ran away.
You also took away
all the valuables at home,
leaving not a single cent for me.
Did you even spare a thought for me?
You're able-bodied. You'll survive.
You're a young and capable man
who can make money.
You won't starve to death.
But it's different for me.
If I hadn't skipped town,
I'd have been hacked to death.
What about me? I could've been hacked too!
You're not the one who borrowed from them.
I was the one who borrowed from them.
They'd hack me, not you!
I don't care why you're back.
Leave after finishing the noodles!
Whoa, look at you.
Your aura is totally different now.
I'm sure you're not selling satay now.
You're doing much better now.
The whole place has taken on a new look!
My son owns a car!
No joke!
You've made a fortune?
You're rich now! This is great.
Take me out in your car for a spin later.
Let me offer your mom joss sticks first.
You're not fit to do that!
The cheek of you to offer her joss sticks.
Get out right now!
Take your things and scram!
Take your stuff and go!
What are you doing?
Ask yourself.
You call yourself a man?
Ever since I was little,
have you ever taken care of our family?
You caused the death of a woman
who loved you dearly.
You abandoned your own son.
All you did was gamble!
This family has no place for you.
Get out right now!
I want to be a responsible man too.
When I married your mom,
I vowed to take good care of her
and the family.
I slogged my guts out.
But I didn't do well.
I wasn't able to earn money,
so your mom wasn't happy.
I'm not grousing about your mom.
But when I won in gambling
and gave her a lot of money,
she was absolutely elated.
I wanted so much to see
her radiant smile again.
I vowed I'd make my wife smile brightly
for the rest of her life.
But I went down the wrong path.
I wanted to win more money for her.
But the more I gambled, the more I lost.
She even died because of me.
I feel really miserable.
I let her down.
I'm a monster!
Some man I am!
Hello. Richard?
Now? Sure, I'm available.
Okay, I'll be right over.
-Oh, Jianzhi, you're here?
Take a seat.
Relax. Make yourself comfortable.
Coco is a mixologist.
Hi, handsome. What drink would you like?
She's also an expert at flirting.
Beware of her.
Whisky, please.
This man is my lifesaver.
Richard, you asked me
to come here today because
Nothing much.
Just wanted to buy my lifesaver a drink.
And also to try your luck.
Here's to my lifesaver.
You're too kind.
You bring me luck, Jianzhi.
Bottoms up.
Jianzhi, play this for me.
There's still money in there.
Isn't this an online game?
It's an online casino.
You use money to play.
We were betting real money?
I don't have a lot of money.
There's S$200,000 in the account.
Take this babe as well.
They're all yours.
I don't know much about gambling.
What if I lose?
I'll bear the losses
and you'll take the winnings.
Coco is a pro.
She'll guide you - be it at the casino
or in bed.
Enjoy, my lifesaver.
Subtitle translation by: Youshi
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