Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (2019) s01e19 Episode Script


No way!
My sword!
He's on a different level! The force
of his stroke is in a different class!
He's head and shoulders above the rest!
He slashed that
tough-as-nails monster like tofu!
Amazing! Amazing! Amazing! Amazing!
Who is this guy?
I still have goosebumps, dammit!
Hold up a second!
Fight me, Mismatched Haori!
You beat that Twelve Kizuki!
And I'm gonna beat you!
That's how I've drawn it up!
If I can do that
that'll make me the most powerful of all!
Go back to training, idiot.
What the
That was no Twelve Kizuki
or anything close to one.
You can't even tell that much?
Sure I can tell!
I never thought that scrub could be
one of the Twelve Kizuki, either!
It was Tanjiro who said
it was one of the Twelve Kizuki!
All I did was repeat what he said, all right?
What's going on? Did he just tie me up?
So quick!
This guy's so quick!
Wait, you! Come back here!
Stay out of battle if you don't
even realize how hurt you are.
I can't hear you! Your voice
is too soft, and you walk too fast!
I said hold up a second!
Untie these ropes right now!
Hey! Hey!
Are you all right?
Who are you calling "Gramps"?
Just now, Gramps showed up,
and told me not to give up.
You saw your life flashing before your eyes.
According to one theory, the reason
one sees such images just before death
is because you're searching
for a way to avoid death
by going through all your
past experiences and memories.
Well, not that I can say for sure,
since I've never experienced it myself.
Right, you did a good job slowing down
the poison's path with your breathing.
If you hadn't been able to do that,
you would've turned into a spider long ago.
I'll inject you with the antidote now, okay?
Hurry! Over here, over here!
Can we get them down?
Be careful, okay?
It's all good! Everyone's still alive!
My sword got snapped!
I can't believe it!
The threads this boy is controlling
Does this mean they're even tougher
than the body of that demon I couldn't slash?
Forgive me, Mr. Urokodaki,
Mr. Haganezuka!
Thanks to my inexperience,
my sword is now broken!
No, this isn't the time for that!
Think! Think!
If I can't slash those threads,
then let me get right up in his face!
It's no good!
Those threads have a life of their own,
and I can't get through their attacks!
Even though he's holding back
enough not to kill me,
he's still overwhelming me
to this degree!
Do you still refuse to take back
what you just said?
In that case,
you'll get slashed to ribbons.
I can't dodge them all!
Nezuko! Nezuko!
You protected me! I'm sorry!
A girl emerged from that box
on his shoulders.
But she has the aura of a demon!
Hey, you
Is that
That girl
Is she your sibling?
So what if she is?
The wound's so deep!
Her left wrist is about to fall off!
Hurry up and heal! Hurry up and heal!
Hurry up and heal!
The sister's been turned into a demon.
Yet, she stays by his side.
The younger sister
protected the elder brother.
Risking her own life
That's a genuine bond!
I want it!
W-Wait a minute!
Wait a minute! Please!
I'm your elder sister!
Don't desert me!
Shut up!
None of you ever managed
to fulfill the roles you were given.
Never. Not once.
I was the elder sister you wanted, wasn't I?
Give me a chance to redeem myself!
In that case, go kill those people
wandering all over this mountain.
If you do that, I'll forgive you
for what just happened.
I'll go kill them.
Boy, let's talk.
Come on out.
The thing is, I was really moved.
Seeing the bond you two share
gave me the chills.
I doubt there are any words in this universe
that can describe how moved I was.
But now the only thing left
for you is death by my hand.
It would be sad
if it were to come to pass, right?
But there's just one thing.
Just one thing that will
let you escape that.
Your sister
Give your sister to me.
If you hand her over without a fight,
I'll at least spare your life.
I have no idea what you're talking about!
Your little sister will be my little sister.
Starting today.
You don't actually think
I'd ever agree to that!
Not to mention, Nezuko's not a thing!
She has her own feelings and will!
There's no way she'll ever be your sister!
It's all right.
No need to worry.
Because I'll create a bond between us.
I'm stronger than you.
I'm talking about the bond of terror.
I'll teach her what will happen
if she defies me.
I've had enough of this crazy talk!
Using terror to shackle someone
hand and foot is not the bond of a family!
Unless you fix that basic misunderstanding,
you'll never get what you desire!
So irritating.
Would you mind not shouting?
We don't see eye to eye, do we?
I'll never hand Nezuko over to you!
That's okay, I guess.
I'll just kill you and then take her.
I'll cut off your head first!
That's the spirit!
I'd like to see you try it.
That is, if you can actually defeat
a Twelve Kizuki like me!
A father has his role as the father,
and the mother has
her role as the mother.
The parents protect the children,
and the elder brother and sister
protect their younger siblings.
No matter what.
At the risk of their own lives.
The way I see it,
if you don't understand your own role,
there's no reason for you to live.
What about you?
What is your role?
Your role is to relinquish
your younger sister to me and disappear.
If you can't do that,
your only option is to die.
Because you can't defeat me.
Lower Five
Just as I thought! That power
This kid is a true Twelve Kizuki!
It won't be easy to slash those threads.
What should I do?
With this broken sword
If that kid's neck turns out to be
tougher than the threads
I don't like that look in your eyes.
Glittering like that
What a fool you are.
Don't tell me
you think you're going to beat me?
All right, I've taken her now.
Now, do you recognize
what your own role is?
Let her go!
But I told you I'd spare your life,
at least, if you didn't defy me.
Nezuko's gone!
Stop that hollering.
I'm sure that's not enough to kill her.
After all, she's a demon.
But it looks like I'll have to teach her
a lesson after all.
I'm going to let her bleed for a while.
If she still doesn't learn to be docile,
I'll just leave her like that until daybreak
and let her roast a bit.
You let Nezuko
Let her go!
Look, you
I'm sure I'm mistaken, but
You don't think that if you get close enough
to me, you can chop off my head, do you?
Fine by me. Here. Give it a shot.
The blade
won't go through!
Didn't I tell you?
You have no chance against me.
My body is more durable
than any thread I manipulate.
If you can't even slash those threads,
you don't have a chance in hell
of slashing my neck.
S-So powerful.
His power is on a whole different level
than any other demon I've fought!
So, this is a Twelve Kizuki's
The power of a demon
closely related to Kibutsuji?
You're making too much noise.
Quiet down a bit.
Stop that!
I'm your elder brother now.
Enough of that infernal wailing.
Calm down! Don't get emotional!
If you keep this up,
you'll be playing right into his hands!
Did she pass out?
Is she asleep?
This demon has a unique aura.
There's something about her
that's not like the rest of us.
Control your breathing!
Unleash the most precise, final Form!
Total Concentration
You still don't realize how futile it is?
Water Breathing!
Tenth Form!
Constant Flux!
I slashed them!
I was able to slash the threads!
Gathering force with each rotation
This could be trouble.
I can do it!
If I can keep closing the distance
between us, I can defeat him!
You don't think these threads
are at maximum strength, do you?
Blood Demon Art
Cutting Thread Cage.
I have no more use for you.
No good!
I can't slash these threads!
I'm still not getting enough spin!
These are giving off a totally different
scent than the other threads!
But I can't afford to lose no matter what!
I'm gonna die!
I'm gonna lose!
Get your breathing under control
and become Hinokami.
It's your father's kagura dance.
Our family works with fire,
so to ward off injuries and disasters,
we offer this dance to Hinokami,
along with our prayers, on New Year's Day.
Hey, Mother
How can Father dance like that in the snow
for so long when he's so frail?
I bet my lungs would freeze.
There's a breathing technique.
A way to breathe so that you won't exhaust
yourself, no matter how much you move.
If you can master the correct way to breathe,
you'll be able to dance forever, too.
The cold won't bother you, either.
if nothing else, make sure
this kagura and these earrings
get passed down to you uninterrupted.
That's what I promised.
Hinokami Kagura
The threads
Don't stop!
Keep running!
If you stop now,
it'll bring on the repercussions
of forcibly switching
from Water Breathing
to Hinokami Dance Breathing!
When that happens,
I'll be immobile for a while!
That's why I gotta do it now!
You gotta protect Nezuko!
This guy
I see the Opening Thread!
You gotta take him down now!
Even if it means
getting slashed by him at the same time!
Wake up, Nezuko.
You have to save your brother.
I know you can do it now, Nezuko.
Do your best.
Please, Nezuko.
Or your brother will be killed, too!
Blood Demon Art
Exploding Blood!
No way!
The threads burned and snapped!
The bond between Nezuko and me
can't be
severed by anyone!
I wonder why I suddenly remembered
the Hinokami Kagura at that moment.
Thanks, Father.
Thanks to that, I was able to slice
through that demon's neck with my blade!
Thanks to you, too, Nezuko!
This week, I have a Taisho secret
about the Kamado Family!
After every festival, Father and Mother
would always toast rice crackers for us.
Those were good times, making
loud cracking noises while we ate them!
Thanks, Nezuko.
This is no time
to bask in memories, right?
Next, Episode 20, "Pretend Family"!
Did I actually defeat a Twelve Kizuki?
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