Dr. Romantic (2016) s01e19 Episode Script

Doctors and Righteous People

Subtitle translation /Fontby Ryan Oh
Vod2smi /Fontby Blue-Bird™
Can you tell me?
Why did you
push my father's operation back?
I'm asking you. Why did you push
my father's operation back?
I just heard
that the hospital would
take care of it. That's all I know.
Was there anything else?
I heard the amount of the damage was
around 200 million won.
Right. It was about that.
It was 14 years ago
and it was an obscene amount
of money back then.
Did they let it slide
without charging you any of it?
We were investigated
by the police, though.
In the meantime,
we were informed of their decision.
They said they'd drop the charges
and wouldn't seek compensation.
All of a sudden?
Did they say that
with no apparent reason or trigger?
maybe that was because my husband
died in the hospital
or my son was too young.
Things just worked out like that.
That's all I know and nothing more.
I see.
Thank you anyway.
-What is your son's name?
He's Kang Dong-ju, right?
He used to work at Geosan Medical Center,
and he is now working as a surgeon
at Doldam Hospital.
Do you know what the easiest thing
in this world is?
It's breaking a relationship.
It doesn't require
any money nor effort.
You can do it with a single word.
"You are being
fooled right now."
Did you know
the patient whose operation
was pushed back
was my father?
Did you know that?
Yes, I remember that operation.
I was on duty that night.
Two patients with dissection
and cardiac infarction
came in five minutes apart.
was that you
who pushed my father's operation back
for a VIP patient?
Was it you,
not President Do?
It was my decision.
The risk of death for a patient
with acute aortic dissection
rises by one percent every hour.
There was a patient
with cardiac infarction
whose probability of dying
within one hour was 99 percent
and a patient with dissection
whose probability rises gradually.
They both came to the hospital
five minutes apart.
If you were there,
which patient would you
operate on first, Dong-ju?
It was not because he was a VIP patient.
I made that decision
in the order of emergency.
That's the truth.
Did you call Dr. Yang at Jeongil Hospital?
He said he'd be here in ten minutes.
Ask Dr. Nam
to take care of the patient with colitis.
Dr. Yang will treat the patient
with aortic dissection.
Yes, Teacher Kim. I will go tell them.
Do you think
you can operate
with the state you're in right now?
If you can't,
ask Dr. Do to perform it.
I will do it.
I will perform the operation.
Are you sure? Can you do that?
Don't worry about me.
You should focus on treating
the patient with dissection.
Dr. Kang.
I will do so.
Ms. Oh.
Can you go with him?
Please do me a favor.
Are you all right, Dong-ju?
I'm nothing
without my romantic view of life.
-Great job.
are you really okay?
Let me finish the operation first.
I'll see if I'm okay or not
after I'm done with the operation.
I will decide
if we should a use stomy or not
after excising the intestine
with necrosis. Scalpel.
What are you doing not treating
an injured person?
We have other urgent patients.
There's glass stuck in my husband's tummy.
What's more urgent than this?
Your husband is urgent, too.
But as emergency room staff,
we have no say in the order of operations.
Transfer him to another hospital
if you're not going to operate on him.
Within an hour radius from here,
there aren't other hospitals
that can perform surgeries.
We've been here for over an hour!
Dr. Kang, Dr. Jeong is calling.
What is it, In-su?
Dr. Kang.
How much longer do you think
your operation will take?
-The patient with a penetrated abdomen.
His guardian is very upset.
She's saying we're neglecting him
when we said we'll operate on him.
Could you hurry up?
I told you to explain to her
that there's a more urgent situation.
I did, but she's still upset.
Even if I finish as quickly as I can,
it'll take another hour.
I suppose so. You just opened him up.
All right, then.
This is ridiculous.
Dr. Kang. Don't rush and take your time.
If Teacher Kim finishes early,
he will perform the operation.
No, I'll do it.
We'll have to dissect this much.
I have to hurry. Bovie.
Where is it coming from?
I think I touched
one of the mesenteric arteries.
Hemostatic forceps.
I'll hold it with the forceps.
Get ready to tie it.
Teacher Kim, Dr. Jeong from ER
is asking about the progress
of the aortic dissection operation.
The guardian of
the abdomen penetration injury patient
is making complaints asking
why we're not operating on him.
Pump on.
Teacher Kim?
What should I do next?
Wait for the body temperature to fall
and commence circulatory arrest.
We wait until the temperature falls
to 24 degrees.
Yes, Teacher Kim.
Teacher Kim's operation
doesn't look like finishing soon.
He hates it when he gets interrupted
in the middle of an operation.
Does he?
Are you not listening?
How long are you going
to keep him like that? I'm going crazy.
-I'm about to go crazy.
-A doctor just went to ask.
What's taking you so long?
I found it.
Releasing the forceps.
There's no bleeding.
How are his vital sings?
His heart rate got faster,
but it's fine. We should continue.
Resuming to functional end to end. GIA.
Commencing arrest.
We won't be applying
selective perfusion today.
We have to finish in 30 minutes.
Pump on.
Give me GIA again.
-Babcock forceps.
-One more, please.
Get the Hemovac ready, please.
All right. Clamps.
Pump slowly.
I'll insert Hemovac and finish up.
Full flow.
Raise the body temperature please.
-It took 28 minutes, Doctor.
You failed to disappoint me
yet again, Dr. Kang.
I'll finish up in 10 minutes
and proceed with the abdomen
penetrating injury patient.
Please tell them to prepare
the next patient.
Dr. Yun.
The proximal is ready to be tied up.
Come here and do it.
You want me to do it?
We have a lot of time
until the body temperature rises.
Take your time and do it with precision.
I'll assist you. Come over here.
Prolene number four.
Now, release the air
and release the clamps.
Clamps off.
Good job.
-The operation went well.
-I see.
Blocked blood vessels resulted
in intestine necrosis.
We had to cut 30cm of it out.
That much?
We should wait and see how things go
while putting him under medication.
-Thank you.
-Well then.
-Excuse me.
The operation went well, right?
When I was signing the surgery consent,
they said it could take up
to two hours or more,
but you finished in less than
an hour and a half.
I was wondering--
The duration of the operation
doesn't matter that much.
We tried our best
and the operation was a success.
-Thank you.
-Excuse me.
He'll be all right.
You get
more patients than I thought.
You didn't know?
This hospital
is pretty famous
around here.
The doctors are skilled.
And sometimes
they let you put it on your tab.
You must have
had heart surgery.
How did you know that?
I have a bad heart, too.
I can tell.
CT scan shows
his bowel injury isn't severe.
-We'll suture him up and finish.
Let us begin. Scalpel.
It's all cold now.
Isn't this Kang Dong-ju's phone?
Yes, it's Dong-ju's phone.
Hello, it's me. Seo-jeong.
I see.
It's you, Seo-jeong.
Dong-ju is in an operation.
Is this urgent?
No, it's not like that. I just
Is Dong-ju doing okay?
Of course. He's fine.
That's all, then.
-It's been a while, so I called.
-I see.
What happened to the side dishes
I brought the last time?
The side dishes and kimchi, right?
We finished them a while ago.
Actually, I ate most of them
because they were so good.
I'm sorry, Mother.
I mean, ma'am.
No, Mother?
I'm sorry.
I'm not sure how I should address you.
You should call me Mother.
"Ma'am" sounds
-a bit too cold.
It's a bit cold, Mother. Right?
Should I send some more side dishes?
The burdock dish was delicious.
Really? What else?
I liked stir-fried anchovies
and stir-fried fish cakes.
Do you like beans cooked in soy sauce?
Really? I love them.
Oh, corns are very famous here
in Gangwon Province.
Should I send some over?
I feel bad
that I'm only taking food from you.
Really? Okay.
Okay, that sounds good.
Is that why you helped me that day?
When I turned the ER upside down.
Did you know I was the patient's son
who died because of your priorities?
Is that why you were kind enough
to treat me, too?
What do you want to hear from me?
Have you ever
regretted the decision
you made at that time?
In the end, someone died
because of your decision.
Have you ever
regretted the decision?
There's a patient dying
right in front of you.
Then there is a patient
you are not sure about.
Which one am I to choose?
Even when I think about it now,
when much time has passed,
I believe the choice I made was
an inevitable one.
I see.
But why do I feel so awful?
I understand
what you are saying with my head.
But why do I feel like I've been fooled?
The doctor side of me
can understand why
you had to make that choice.
But as a son,
I can't help but feel more upset.
That's not for you to ask me.
I think you should be asking
that question to yourself.
You are no longer
a helpless kid who lost his father.
You're a doctor.
Why did you say that to Dong-ju?
-You did not know
that the dissection patient
had come in before.
You went into the VIP's surgery
without knowing that.
Even if I knew,
my choice would have been the same.
Telling him that I didn't know
won't comfort him a bit.
It would only sound like an excuse.
What if
he turns his back on you for good?
He finally became a doctor worth keeping.
Sometimes it's better to face
what you have to face
instead of finding out the truth
which sounds more like an excuse.
The marketing team put together
these articles.
Okay, release them.
Yes, sir.
President Do is really something.
He betrayed them just like this.
President Yeo.
Look at this article.
President Do is playing dirty.
Does this make any sense?
I'm sorry, we're not open yet.
It's been a while, Ms. Noh.
Do you remember me?
Who are you?
I'm reporter Oh Seong-jae,
who covered the case
of Jang Hyeon-ju 14 years ago.
You were reading that article.
That surgery was
actually done by Dr. Bu Yong-ju.
But it's odd, isn't it?
Dr. Bu Yong-ju did the surgery,
but his name is nowhere
to be found in that article.
14 years ago,
he covered up everything
as Dr. Bu's fault,
and now his name is nowhere to be found.
What do you think?
I have nothing to say.
I won't write any articles.
I have no voice recorders.
I won't write it in my note, either.
Can you
tell me what exactly happened on that day?
Tell me the truth.
Why is that so important?
The important thing is to stop the rumors.
Think about those ill-rumors
about Chairman Shin.
I can't overlook those.
I also can't bring out Doldam Hospital
for the sake of media exposure.
But still, how can you steal
Teacher Kim's work like this?
Don't be disappointed, President Yeo.
We have included the names
of other surgery staff members
in that article.
I am thinking about rewarding
those staff members
in a separate occasion.
If we can,
I am considering
bringing them to Geosan Medical Center.
Goodbye, then.
I'm a bit busy.
What does he mean?
How can he take them all?
What about Doldam Hospital?
Basically, we are doomed.
That's what I'm saying.
It's like Teacher Kim beats the bush
and Geosan Medical Center
catches the birds.
They are stealing
the young competent doctors
whom Teacher Kim has taught.
Something must be done here.
Don't you think so?
Like what?
We should tell Teacher Kim
all about it first.
He already knows.
Does he?
What did he say?
Just forget about it.
How can I forget about it?
It's like
one man sows and another man reaps.
Why should that worry you?
Our hospital is already full of patients.
We don't have
enough beds in the ICU anyway.
Teacher Kim!
Do you know
what the best thing
I've done in my life is?
The fact that I gave up
my real name, Bu Yong-ju.
It took a load off my shoulders.
I was set free after emptying my mind
and dream of success.
I'm much happier with the way
I'm living my life now.
Teacher Kim, still!
All of us?
Yes. President Do invited
all of you.
He'd like to praise all of you
for your hard work.
So I hope every single one
of you will come. Okay?
Is Teacher Kim coming, too?
Do you think Teacher Kim would
accept President Do's invitation?
Of course not.
Then I won't attend.
There's no reason to go there.
I didn't even participate
in the operation. I'm sorry.
The three of you are
the key figures anyway.
You are coming, right?
Dr. Song, what about me?
Right. I want you to be on duty
in the emergency room
while they are out of the hospital. Okay?
I'm afraid I can't be there.
I have patients to take care of.
We can't do this without you.
I should go treat Chairman Shin.
I can't leave the hospital.
Dr. Yun.
You can't do this.
What? Dr. Do, are you leaving, too?
I can't go there alone.
I don't think that is
what my dad really wants.
This is not the way it's supposed to be.
-Dr. Song.
He's treating me like I'm not around.
Am I invisible or what?
When do I get to go home?
Why aren't you answering me?
Until when are you going to neglect
my husband just like that?
Ma'am, we are not neglecting your husband.
He's supposed to be
in the Intensive Care Unit
after the operation.
Why do you let him stay in there instead?
Like I said, we don't have
a bed available in the ICU yet.
That's enough.
Where's my husband's doctor?
I need to talk to the doctor.
Did you make up with Teacher Kim yet?
You don't want to talk about that, right?
I get it.
By the way, your mother just called.
She asked if you were doing okay.
Did you talk to my mother on the phone?
I heard your phone ringing.
I was going to tell her
you were in the operating room.
Was there anything else apart from that?
She talked about some side dishes
and corns?
Can you have a conversation
about those things?
Of course.
Dr. Kang. We have a problem.
A patient is having a fit.
What happened?
He started writhing all of a sudden.
It seems he's having a fit.
Administer 4mg of lorazepam
through IV line.
-He suffers from alcoholism, right?
I think it is delirium tremens.
Dr. Kang, his heart rate is 180.
Administer another ampule of lorazepam.
His heart rate is not dropping.
Administer another ampule of lorazepam
-and inject 200mg of phenobarbital.
Inject 100mg of scyamine, too.
Sir. Sir!
-Ma'am, may I speak--
-What's wrong with my husband?
Did something happen
to where you operated on yesterday?
No, ma'am.
There's nothing wrong with that.
he's showing
serious alcohol withdrawal symptoms.
It's called delirium tremens.
Delirium tremens?
We are trying to control it
with medication.
But it's not working well.
If the condition continues,
-he may have a cardiac arrest.
Please save my husband.
He's not a good husband,
but I can't live without him.
-There you are.
Look, until when are you going
to neglect my husband in the ER?
-I mean,
I'm already upset with the fact
that his operation was pushed back.
and now he can't be treated in the ICU?
didn't the head nurse explain about that?
We don't have any bed
available in the ICU now.
We have patients who had
an operation before your husband.
And they both are in a critical condition.
Then you shouldn't have accepted
a patient in the first place.
We had no choice as two emergency patients
came in at the same time.
We asked for your understanding already.
And your husband is making
good progress after the operation.
So we were going to move him
to a patient's room anyway.
Forget it.
Send my husband
to the Intensive Care Unit now.
-Right now.
-Excuse me.
-This is just too much.
-What did you say?
My husband didn't even get
a proper operation
because of your husband.
And now you want to take
his bed in the ICU?
What do you mean by that?
I heard what the doctors said yesterday.
I heard that
you'd give my husband's operation
a lick and a promise because of him.
Gosh, what are you talking about?
My husband's operation was pushed back
because of your husband.
You are the one who cut in line.
-What did you way?
-Don't be ridiculous.
-Excuse me.
-What's that?
Calm down.
Ma'am, there seems to be
some misunderstanding.
I never give an operation
a lick and a promise.
I told you that we did our best.
It's a doctor who determines
the order of emergency.
That's it. That's enough.
Just send my husband
to the Intensive Care Unit right now.
Otherwise, I will sue this hospital.
Move him immediately.
Dr. Kang. He's having a cardiac arrest.
My goodness.
It's VPB. Hurry and bring a defibrillator.
Oh, my goodness.
Let me.
Charge 200J.
Step away. Clear.
Give him 1mg of epinephrine
every 3 minutes.
Yes, Doctor.
I'll check his heart rhythm.
-Ventricular fibrillation.
-Charge 200J.
What's going on with him?
-I will switch with him.
It's been almost an hour.
We've been giving him epinephrine, right?
Dr. Kang.
Patient Lee Dong-su
has passed away.
Why did you say he needs operation
if you weren't even going to save him?
If you performed the operation well,
my husband wouldn't have died.
Bring him back.
Bring my husband back now.
It wasn't because of the operation.
It was because of alcohol.
He died of delirium tremens.
He walked in here just yesterday.
This can't just happen overnight.
Bring him back.
Bring my husband back.
Please bring him back, Doctor.
Please calm down.
We will give you time
to say goodbye to him.
You should say your last farewell.
I guess, now,
your husband can be moved to the ICU.
What was with your attitude back there?
Why would you get angry
with the guardians?
She kept doubting
the operation I performed.
I tried my absolute best.
I tried my absolute best
to find the bowel infarction
and I tried my absolute best
to remove that piece of glass.
It's not my fault that the ICU is full.
It's not my fault that he drank a lot.
Why would she put the blame
on my operation? Why?
I know.
You want to yell at me like I did.
You want to say
you had no other option to make
that decision about my dad.
That you tried your absolute best
as a doctor.
And that I shouldn't blame you.
That's probably what you're
thinking right now.
I know that very well.
I know very well and the anger
is driving me insane.
I want to blame you so much,
but I can't anymore.
Because I'm a doctor.
Do you know
what surgeons hear the most often?
They ask us why we operated on them
if we weren't even going to save them.
Do you know what the second most one is?
That the patient was fine
before the operation,
but the operation worsened the condition.
What we do here
is to save lives.
But inevitably,
we have to take criticism and blame
at the same time.
After all,
we're cutting people with knives.
As soon as you get yourself together,
go back there and apologize to them.
Doing that concludes the treatment.
Do you understand?
I'm sorry.
I can't
accept that right now.
Dr. Kang.
May I have a word with you?
Dr. Bu Yong-ju didn't do anything wrong.
If he didn't do anything wrong,
why did he get kicked out of the hospital
in such fashion?
It was probably
because he felt responsible.
What do you mean,
you'll fight against the hospital?
If I back down like this
without saying anything,
you will never realize it.
What you did wrong
and why you should never
do something like that again.
if we fight,
do you think you'll win?
Do you think
I can't?
You'll get hurt.
I'm not scared.
Not you.
The seven staff members
who operated for you.
No matter how much noise you make,
you won't be able to touch me.
The person who will get hurt
and kicked out
will be those seven staff members.
Which hospital do you think will hire
medical staff with such scarlet letter?
Are you sure
you can be responsible
for all of their lives?
Among them, three are heads of their
households with family to feed.
So keep your mouth shut and leave.
If you just disappear,
those seven people can live in peace.
What do you say?
So because of
those seven people,
Dr. Bu Yong-ju took all the blame
and left the hospital?
As far as I know.
Why are you telling me
something like that?
What does Teacher Kim's past
have to do with me?
Other than those seven people,
Yong-ju covered for
one another person.
On the day of Jang Hyeon-ju's funeral,
some middle-schooler barged into the ER
and created a scene.
The hospital charged that kid's mother
with all kinds of claims
including property damage.
The kid's mother was charged
with 200 million won.
They even tried to
push criminal charges against that kid.
Because he was over 14 years of age,
it was definitely possible.
What are you
talking about right now?
Have you never found it curious?
How could nothing have happened
after causing such a scene?
Back then,
we weren't courageous.
Cowardly fits better.
We were relieved
that Dr. Bu Yong-ju took all the blame
and left the hospital.
Let me ask you one more thing.
If Bu Yong-ju wasn't the person
who made someone else to operate,
then who was it?
The person who was
vice president at that time.
If you find out the truth,
do you have the courage
to tell it to the world?
Why don't you take the opportunity
to realize justice?
What is this?
They're the patients who were operated
by ghost surgeons.
Some of them know
that their surgeries were performed
by a ghost surgery.
You can also see the amount of hush money
Geosan Medical Center gave them
right before the lawsuit.
Why did you give this to me?
The statute of limitations
on this case has expired,
so there's nothing you can do.
Still, it can be
a useful weapon against President Do.
Congratulations on your return.
Bye, then.
Even though I couldn't tell
the truth to the world,
I wanted to give this to the person
who should know the truth.
Honey, you'll be all right.
Don't worry, okay?
I'll be waiting here.
I am sorry.
I apologize
for what I said before.
I hope you know this one thing.
Every patient in Doldam Hospital
is treated equally.
The doctors here are more sincere
than anyone else
about saving our patients.
I never said that you weren't sincere.
I don't know why you're talking
about something I didn't say.
You did well.
Hi, Dr. Yun. Can I see you for a second?
I don't think this is the right way
to handle the situation.
President Do arranged
the celebratory event for you guys.
I don't know about the others,
but you shouldn't do that to President Do.
Even so, Teacher Kim is not going
to attend the event.
We can't go there by ourselves.
He wouldn't attend it
even if he was invited.
-Invited to what?
-Oh, gosh.
What would I not attend
even if I was invited?
President Do invited
all the staff members of
Chairman Shin's surgery
to Seoul today.
-Why did he do that?
-Why do you think?
It's out of his appreciation
for the hard work they've done.
Wasn't the media manipulation
enough for him?
Why would he make them go to Seoul?
They're busy!
Please don't be like that.
They can't say they will go
even though they want to
because they don't want to upset you.
-Are you not going because of me?
It's not like that.
See? She is obviously trying
not to upset you.
That's not true, Dr. Song.
Don't be like that and tell everyone
that you don't mind.
Let them go if they want.
In fact, Ms. Oh and Mr. Park
are invited as well.
But since they're on your side,
they wouldn't accept the invitation.
Then, why have I not been invited?
You said it's a celebration
for Chairman Shin's surgery.
I was the lead surgeon of that surgery.
Why did he leave me out?
Stop it. You wouldn't attend it
even if you were invited.
Invite me to see if I go or not.
I said, try inviting me.
Would you like to come?
Dr. Yun, you're going with me.
It would be good to go to Seoul
for a change.
You don't mind, do you?
No, I don't.
Hold on a second.
I wonder if Ms. Oh has free time.
Move aside.
What has gotten into him?
Why are you so surprised?
Geosan Medical Center invited us
to congratulate us.
We should all go to Seoul
and receive congratulations.
Ms. Oh, please go with me.
-Dr. Nam.
You, too.
Manager Jang, would you like to join us?
-Can I come, too?
-Dr. Do.
You're going, too.
What about the emergency room?
We have Dr. Jeong and Dr. Woo.
The GS on call
will be Dr. Song.
Me? I have to go to Seoul with you.
What are you talking about?
Did you perform Chairman Shin's surgery?
No, I didn't, but--
So you should stay at the hospital.
Only then, we can go.
Dr. Kang.
You will go with us, right?
Yes, I will.
I'm going with you.
If you go,
I will go, too.
This is good. We could use
a trip to Seoul for a change.
-Let's go, Ms. Oh.
What should I do?
What should I do?
What am I supposed to do?
Should I tell him or not? Wait.
I can't tell him.
He would tell me to stop Teacher Kim.
How can I stop Teacher Kim?
I can't do that. I can't.
What are you going to do?
It's obvious.
I couldn't do it 14 years ago.
I will do it this time.
Here you are.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
It's me. Where are you now?
They must be almost there.
They? Aren't you coming?
Oh, I'm
Actually, I have enteritis.
Oh, no.
My stomach hurts.
I'm sorry. I'm very sorry, President Do.
I need to go to the bathroom.
President Do, please smile.
Oh, right.
-Let's take a picture together.
-Yes, President Do.
When will they be here?
I was just told they're almost here.
They will arrive any minute.
Wait. Who is that?
-Isn't that Bu Yong-ju?
-That's Bu Yong-ju.
-I think he's Bu Yong-ju.
Bu Yong-ju?
"The first
successful artificial heart
replacement surgery in Korea."
Why are you here?
I thought it was a party
for the artificial heart implant.
Then I should be here.
We are the heroes
and heroines of this surgery.
Do you know what
the hardest thing in this world is?
It's to overcome yourself.
14 years ago, Bu Yong-ju
was a coward.
He just
didn't know how to win.
He stayed silent.
He didn't want to make excuses.
Then he ran away.
He thought
that was the way of becoming responsible.
What are you trying to say?
I think
it'll be hard for you this time,
President Do.
What's the meaning of this?
So what?
-Are you trying to fight me?
-What's wrong?
Are you scared?
Subtitle translation /Fontby Ryan Oh
Modify /Fontby Blue-Bird™
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