Firebuds (2022) s01e19 Episode Script

All That Jazzy/Iguana Hold Your Hand

[alarm ringing]
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
If you need a helping hand
Or need a helping wheel ♪
The Firebuds
Are here for you ♪
Just listen to our
Sirens squeal ♪
On your block or on the town
There's nothin' we won't do ♪
To help our friends
And neighbors out ♪
We're coming through,
Our rescue crew! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're grabbin' our gear
We're hittin' the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're savin' the day ♪
We're crackin' the code ♪
If someone gets into a fix ♪
That's when we get
Into the mix ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
Bo and Flash,
Jayden, Piston ♪
Violet, Axl
Yeah, that's our team! ♪
We're best
Firebuds forever ♪
Here we come
And here's our theme! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're grabbin' our gear
We're hittin' the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're savin' the day
We're crackin' the code ♪
When trouble
Comes around the bend ♪
On us, you know
You can depend ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
"All that Jazzy."
Bo, I've been lookin' forward
to this dance concert all week.
Oh, yeah, everyone is.
I'm hopin' to
pick up some moves.
-[Jazzy] 'Scuse me, coming through!
Jazzy! Piper!
We'll park it here.
-One J-Blanket comin' right up!
Thanks for saving us a spot,
Yeah, thanks, Piston's friends.
Sure thing. You're just in time.
The show's about to start.
[announcer] Ladies, gentlemen
and cars of all models,
the Motopolis Movers present
"An Evening of Dance."
[uptempo dance music]
-[all gasp]
Check out those moves, Jazzy.
Yeah, they're okay.
Well, wait'll you see
the stars of the show
Ayanna Folomi and Gliderbella.
[gasps] Here they come now.
She's in a wheelchair-car.
She has spina bifida.
[gasps] She was born with
a hole in her spine, too?
Uh-huh, just like you.
She's amazing!
Cool dance, huh?
"Cool"? Ayanna Folomi
and Gliderbella
are the best dancers ever.
World. Rocked.
Well, it looks like you can go
up and meet 'em if you want.
-Oh, we want!
This line is huge!
Hey! Ayanna!
Over here!
You there in the back!
Come on up!
You'll see better on the stage.
-Make way, everybody, here we come!
I'm Jazzy and this is Piper.
You seem like
the kind of person
who doesn't let anything
get in her way, Jazzy.
-No, Ma'am!
-She sure doesn't.
Just like you, Ayanna.
[laughs] You got that right,
So are you dancers?
-Not really.
-Well, do you wanna be?
-What do you mean?
We're teaching a dance class
here tomorrow
that ends in a performance
for your parents.
So what do you say?
Are you ready to
get your dazzle on?
-Oh, yeah!
-So ready.
How 'bout the rest of y'all?
Who else wants to
learn how to dance?
-Me me me!
-We are so in.
Piper, I never even thought
about being on-stage before.
Well, it's like
you always tell me,
"If you can see it,
you can be it."
Yeah, and now that
I've seen Ayanna,
I wanna be just like her
the star of the show.
Good morning, students!
Prepare yourselves, my darlings.
For today we shall turn you
into a troupe
a group who dances as one.
Moving together in harmony.
Ladies and gentlecars!
We have arrived.
Uh, yes, you have.
Welcome to class.
You can join the others.
Jazzy, is that one of
my sprockets?
If I'm gonna be
a star like Ayanna,
I need a pin like hers.
Okay, folks, let's get to work.
Everyone line up
next to your vroom-mates.
Uh, what are you doing?
-Getting in front.
-Ha ha!
Darling, we're teaching you
a synchronized group dance.
does the same moves
at the same time.
So please get in the line.
Looks like we're
gonna have to prove
we deserve to be
the stars of the show.
That's okay. I've been provin'
I can do things my whole life.
All right! Chins and grills up!
Shoulders and side mirrors back!
Let's start with some
basic arm moves.
One, two, three, four.
Now you try.
One, two, three, four
-One, two
Good, darling,
but less is more.
And for you two, more is more.
Loosen up.
It's dance, not a safety drill.
But I love safety drills.
Love this more.
Okay, I see someone's taken
a dance class before.
Okay, here's our chance to show
her what we can do.
Follow my lead.
Hold up, you gotta slow it down
so you match the others' moves.
Like this.
One, two, three, four.
But I love that energy, girl.
Well done, darlings.
You've learned the arm moves.
Now Gliderbella will teach you
the wheel moves.
Dancers, start your engines
and follow me.
Forward, back, side, side.
Forward, back, side, side.
Keep going! Yes and keep
Yes, yes and yes.
All right, time for us
to make a move.
But Ayanna said
dance like the others.
I know, but you don't get to be
the star of the show
by being just like
everyone else.
back. Side
Dazzle, dazzle, razzmatazzle!
-[engine revs]
All right, folks.
No one got hurt
so let's take
a small snack break
and then put the moves
we've learned together.
Darlings, I know you're excited
but you simply must match
the others' moves.
It's like our dance teacher
always said:
"If you don't dance together,
you're dancing
towards disaster."
Do you think they're ready
to learn the spin move?
Not quite yet.
I know what we gotta do.
Yeah. Stay in the line and
match everyone else's moves.
Nope. After the break,
we're gonna do Gliderbella's
one wheel spin move.
But they haven't even
taught us that move yet.
So? When we met Ayanna,
she said we were the same,
because I never let anything
get in my way.
And the only way we're gonna be
stars like Ayanna
is if we shine
as bright as she does.
When I meet someone
Who doubts me ♪
I just gotta go all out,
See? ♪
Jazzy Jones
Will never be denied ♪
'Cause I've got a sparkle
Here inside ♪
If you wanna be
The star you are ♪
You can't simply
Dance in line ♪
Fireflies have got to
Show their spark ♪
And light up bright to prove
that they're divine ♪
Be like them
And we'll go far ♪
Show the world
We gotta shine ♪
Gotta shine, gotta shine! ♪
Time to out-perform
The rest, girl ♪
Put that sparkle
To the test, girl ♪
While the others
Take their time to learn ♪
We will wow them
With Ayanna's turn ♪
If we want to be
The stars we are ♪
We can't simply
Dance in line ♪
Fireflies have got to show
Their spark ♪
And light up bright to prove
That they're divine ♪
Be like them
And we'll go far ♪
Show the world
We gotta shine ♪
Gotta shine, gotta shine ♪
Gotta shine, gotta shine ♪
Okay, darlings!
Now we're gonna put
the arm moves
and wheel moves together.
-We sure are.
Let's do this!
If we want to be
The stars we are ♪
We can't simply
Dance in line ♪
We're not just some girl
And wheelchair-car ♪
So we will spin to prove
That we're divine ♪
Me and you,
Yeah we'll go far ♪
Show the world
We gotta shine ♪
Gotta shine, gotta shine ♪
Gotta shine, gotta shine ♪
Gotta shine, gotta shine ♪
[both] Whoa!
Not again!
[all gasp]
-[electricity crackling]
[Jayden] Ahh!
The platform's out of control!
Somebody stop it!
I'm a dancer,
not an electrician!
Whoa! Oh!
It's okay, we stopped.
But how are we
going to get down?
Hang tight, guys!
We're gonna rescue you.
Okay. Huddle up, Buds.
We need a
plan to get them down now.
-I'm sorry, Jayden!
-Me too, Piston!
What were you thinking,
doing that spin-move?
We just wanted to be like you.
The stars of the show.
Of course, you're like me!
You're bold and full of life!
And you boogie like
it's nobody's business.
But you don't become
the star of the show
by jumpin' out of line
and doin' your own moves.
You don't?
For a long time,
we were part of the troupe,
learning and practicing the
same basic moves
-You were?
That's how you become great.
You learn the basic moves
in the group,
until you can do 'em better
than anyone else.
That's perfect!
It should be,
I've practiced enough.
Not the moves, the board.
We can use the boards to make
the ramp from last night's dance
to get Piston and Jayden down.
That'll totally work
if they can teach us
how to do it.
Darlings, if it's dance
[both] we can teach it.
We wanna be
part of the rescue, too.
You'll need to match
the others' moves
-We will.
-In perfect harmony.
All right then.
Let's get to work.
One, two, three
and lift!
[suspenseful music]
And drive!
[deep breath]
[both] Whoa!
[both] Whoa! Whoa!
[both] Whew!
Quick thinkin', Jazzy!
You saved us!
We all did.
[uptempo dance music]
[cheering and applause]
Yes! Well done. [laughs]
So proud.
Jazzy! Piper!
I can't believe what I just saw!
You two were like
stars up there.
Thanks, Mama. But we're
just part of the troupe.
For now.
But if you keep
dancin' like that,
you are on your way.
Then let's keep dancing.
[uptempo dance music]
[both giggle]
"Iguana Hold Your Hand."
-Me, me!
-Over here!
-I'm wide open, P.
-Come on!
Well, I can't say no to Popcorn.
Nice catch, boy.
Now who wants belly rubs?
You're so great with him,
What can I say?
I have a way with animals.
They love me.
-Firebuds, Firebuds!
-Hi, Pow.
-What's up?
Guess who just got a new pet?
Is it me?! Is it me?
No, Flash, it's me.
And she's right in here.
Guess what kind she is.
Ooh, ooh, ooh.
I love animals.
Is she a puppy?
She's sweeter than a puppy.
Is she a kitten?
More cuddly than a kitten.
A bunny?!
Even easier to get along with.
Oh. I can't take it anymore.
Who is this adorable creature?
Here's Bessie!
[chitters, hisses]
I'm sorry, Piston.
I've never seen her
act like that before.
Aw, I know all about iguanas
they're my favorite reptile.
Bessie's just hissing
'cause she's scared.
-Can I hold her?
-Don't do it!
It's okay.
Bessie is super friendly.
I've got a ton of iguana
stuffies, but you're way cuter.
-Are you hungry?
Do you all know
what iguanas eat?
Don't say cars.
Please, don't say cars.
They eat plants, Piston.
Oh, yeah! She loves leaves.
[all] Aww!
See, Piston? She's not so bad.
Piston, you weren't scared of
those lizards
we rescued and
took to Mudflap Marsh.
Those were just babies.
She's ginormous.
I thought you
had a way with animals.
Not scary, hissing ones.
Come on, P,
try to feed her a leaf.
Okay I'll try
Where's Bessie?
I don't know.
She was right here a second ago.
She must have run off
when we weren't looking.
When they're scared,
they can run really fast.
Then she could be anywhere!
Do you see her?
Well, she's not in the yard.
But don't worry, Pow,
we'll find her.
Right, Firebuds?
Actually, maybe you should all
search the neighborhood
while I stay up
in the treehouse
to, uh look for Bessie
with the Rescue Cam.
Great thinking, Piston.
Let's roll, Firebuds.
This'll be the perfect place
to hide from that scary iguana.
Okay, where'd you
run off to, Bessie?
Come in, Buds, this is Piston.
Is everything okay out there?
Khalil and Carlos
were playing Moto-Polo
when their ball
rolled into a grate.
Carlos tried to grab it
and got his arm stuck,
so we're helping him
get unstuck.
-Have you spotted Bessie?
Piston? You there?
Uh, yes, I'm here.
I haven't seen Bessie.
Bo, Flash, how about you?
No, we're with Violet and Axl.
Iris ran over Khalil's
Moto-Polo stick
and popped her tire.
So we're putting on her spare.
You okay, Piston?
[chuckles] Everything's fine.
But we really gotta find Bessie.
Jayden, have you seen her?
Naw, man, I'm with the Buds.
When Iris got that flat,
Carly almost crashed into her.
But I saved her with
my Collapsible Trapsible.
What about you? You see
anything on the Rescue Cam?
She's here!
[gasps] Red alert,
code blue, green iguana!
Bessie is in the treehouse.
I repeat,
she is inside the treehouse!
- All right, you found her!
- You found Bessie?!
We'll be right there!
As soon as we're done here.
No, you don't understand!
You need to come back right now.
[Jayden] Just stay calm and
make sure she doesn't leave.
Are you suggesting
I catch Bessie myself?
It's okay if you're scared,
I'm not scared. I'm petrified!
Piston, you gotta
get her for me.
Just stay calm and do your best.
We'll be there
before you know it.
Okay, but hurry.
As long as you obey
the speed limits.
Okay gotta do this for Pow
Bessie? You in there?
Yup, you sure are.
Well, you just sit tight there
Bessie and don't move. Please.
Huh. That wasn't so hard.
Whoa! Ahh!
[engine revs]
Whoa! Ahh!
-[engine revs]
-Lizards everywhere!
That was close.
It's just Jayden's robot.
Nothing to be scared of.
-[Bo] Piston!
Carlos and Iris are okay.
We're on our way back.
-Did you catch Bessie?
But I'm safe now.
-[Bo] You're safe?
-Ahh! She's here!
[automated Jayden voice]
Fortress Mode activated, y'all.
The doors are closing.
We're gonna get locked out.
-Flash, gimme a boost!
-On it!
-[sirens wailing]
Bo, you'll need this
to catch Bessie!
Thanks, Jayden!
-Are you all right?
Ah! Thank hoodness you're here.
Save me.
Okay, Piston, don't worry.
We'll catch her with
the Collapsible Trapsible.
I know you're afraid.
But we just need to
approach her slowly
so she doesn't run away.
Can you do that?
I can try
Too tight, Piston, too tight.
Sorry, sorry.
There she is. Come on!
She sees us! Ahh!
No! Piston!
Okay. I need the remote
[grunts] to open it.
-I'll get it for you.
-Looks like it's up to you now.
-[Bessie hisses]
-Where'd she go?
She turned on the J-Swat!
She went inside!
At least she's safe in there.
[electricity crackling]
I'll have the doors open
in a sec.
[tires squeal]
[both gasp]
-[tires squeal]
-[Piston] Ahh!
-[tires squeal]
-She's making it go haywire.
Piston, you gotta get
Bessie out of there.
She could hurt herself.
I can't, Bo. She's too scary.
[tires squeal]
Piston, stop! Did you see that?
See what?
When you went in circles,
the J-Swat went in circles.
When you stopped,
the J-Swat stopped.
I think Bessie is just
acting scared
because you're scared.
What do you mean?
Have you ever
Come across a critter ♪
Who acts so strange,
You get the jitters? ♪
Its screeching, growling,
Howling, cackling ♪
Might be 'cause of how
You're acting ♪
Maybe it's just
Scared of you ♪
So staying calm
Is the thing to do ♪
'Cause when you're dealing
With a pet ♪
What you give
Is what you get ♪
I can see your point
But I'm still missing ♪
What I should do
When she starts hissing ♪
I do not think
I should go nearer ♪
I still cannot help
But fear her ♪
Maybe it's just
Scared of you ♪
So staying calm
Is the thing to do ♪
'Cause when you're dealing
With a pet ♪
What you give
Is what you get ♪
Try it out
And don't forget ♪
What you give
Is what you get ♪
Get ♪
What you give
Is what you get ♪
So you really think Bessie
is only acting this way
because of how I'm acting?
If you're not scared,
then she won't be either.
Don't be scared, Piston.
Don't be scared
don't be scared
It's off. [yelps]
Good job, Piston.
Now open the panel
and get Bessie.
[deep breath]
Bessie, it looks like you're
scared. So I won't be.
-Good girl.
Good news, Buds.
Piston caught Bessie.
But he also caught me,
so we could use a little help.
Aww, you're friends now.
Huh. I guess we are.
Here you go, Pow.
Wow, Bessie really likes you.
What can I say?
I have a way with animals.
[closing theme plays]
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