Fireworks of My Heart (2023) s01e19 Episode Script


(Fireworks of My Heart)
(Adapted from the web novel "Waiting for You in a City")
(Episode 19)
Come on, dinner time.
Come on.
Are they your cats?
They're stray cats.
They have a lot of guts. They always come to visit.
This isn't right.
- You're not eating? - Lai Fu can usually eat
half of this.
His name is Lai Fu?
- Jiang Yi named it. - Lai Fu.
Lai Fu.
- Lai Fu. - Eat up.
Instructor, let me take a look.
Lai Fu.
What's wrong with you today?
Why aren't you eating?
Lai Fu.
Dr. Xu.
Take a look for me.
Is Lai Fu sick? Here.
Let me see.
Jiang Yi.
Dr. Xu is not a veterinarian.
They're doctors. It's the same.
He's my cat. I'll check him out with her.
Is he in shock?
I don't see any external injuries.
Let me see if there's any weird odor.
Don't have an upset stomach.
Let me take a look.
His mouth.
His mouth is fine.
Let me see if his little paws have problems.
Smell it. Is there a problem?
They're fine.
I think he's just in shock.
You've been checking on him for so long.
Do you see anything wrong with him?
It's nothing serious.
I think he'll need to rest for a few days.
I think
you should adopt it.
Your place is big and spacious.
It's more suitable for you.
Do I need to keep a cat just because my place is spacious?
I think it's good for him to come
and go freely.
Aren't you lonely by yourself?
I don't want to get attached.
Cats have shorter lifespans than humans.
I just don't want the hassle.
If I work overtime for a few days,
what will happen to him?
You're too pessimistic.
Chief Song has a say in this.
He has Xiao Meng.
Listen to what he has to say about Xiao Meng.
He has the most say in this.
I'm going to send him away.
Why are you sending him away?
Don't you have any feelings
for the things around you?
You're right.
You shouldn't have said that.
You misunderstood him.
He's good to Xiao Meng.
He even trains him.
He told us
he's sending him to the dog search and rescue base
to join us on missions in the future.
- Yes. - We can keep each other company.
We won't be lonely.
Lai Fu.
Why aren't you eating today?
Ye Zi.
Don't be nervous, Ye Zi.
- Mr. Wu. - I just happened to pass by.
What's wrong? Are you tired?
I'm fine.
Are you hungry?
Let's have dinner together.
It's okay.
Thank you, Mr. Wu.
Look at you.
You're being so polite to me.
I'm having dinner with a friend.
All right then.
Go home early after work then.
Don't stay too late.
Come in.
Mr. Meng.
You can go home now.
Mr. Wu from Qinghe Art Museum called again.
He wants to have a meal with you.
Okay, I got it.
Take care.
Thank you for coming.
Has the boss not been here these days too?
He hasn't been here for a long time.
He's very busy with work.
he's just running the bar for fun.
If he can come a few times a month,
that's already a lot.
What's the matter?
Do you miss him?
What are you talking about?
The glass.
I'm just kidding.
I hope he comes more often and makes a fuss.
That's more interesting.
Is Dr. Xu still here?
Dr. Xu isn't at the hospital during this period of time.
She's stationed at the fire station
with the joint rescue and medical team.
(Forge ahead)
Get ready.
Song Yan.
Help me figure this out.
I really can't get this shift scheduled.
It's your problem.
You take care of it.
Help me.
I'm too confused.
I can't figure it out.
Xu Qin.
This is the emergency medical information.
I found it. Take a look.
Thank you.
It's okay.
What's wrong?
You're drinking from my cup.
I'm sorry.
I thought you poured it for me.
This is yours.
Why are you laughing?
I really can't stand it anymore.
What can't you stand?
I can't stand you
No, well
The team members
haven't had a break.
They must go home to see their parents,
kids, and family.
We have to give them reasonable time
to go home to see them.
It's dry in autumn.
There's a high incidence
of fires, car accidents, and all sorts of incidents.
We have to be dispatched over a dozen times a day.
We don't have enough people at all.
If I can't go,
I'll invite them to come to me.
If nothing else works, let's bring
the families to the fire station
and have a get-together, right?
You're not using your brain when spending money.
How much
will the plane tickets and accommodation cost?
Is the family building big enough?
not all relatives can come.
Your family can come. Mine can't.
It's worse for those who don't get to see them.
You two have each other
and I don't even have anyone.
I know the station is on a budget.
If it really doesn't work,
I'll pay for it myself, okay?
Come to think of it,
you're becoming
like an instructor now.
Why do you sound so sarcastic?
Is that a compliment or an insult?
I have an idea.
- How much will it cost? - How much will it cost?
Riding our red chariot
Wherever disaster strikes, I'll be there
Our vow is to risk our lives
Our mission is to walk through fire
I charge to the rising flames
I'll hold up the landslide
Go forward
Great love composes heroic songs
Great love composes heroic songs
Deputy Chief.
The assembly is complete. Please give your command.
- Let's eat. - Yes.
Everyone gets one.
Turn right.
Squad One.
Turn left. Bring them in.
Squad Two, turn left.
What's the matter?
Why is the food different today?
The dishes are good.
- The dishes are good today. - What's over there?
Over there.
Stuffed bitter melon.
We have a feast today.
The dishes are
What a feast.
Life is so good today.
They remembered to add more dishes.
- It smells so good. - Have a seat.
Pi Pi.
Sweet and sour pork.
Let's eat.
This sweet and sour pork is amazing.
It tastes like my mom's cooking.
If I remember correctly,
I don't think our chef can make
this stuffed bitter gourd.
And this
This technique of putting soy sauce on top
of the stuffed bitter gourd
is so similar to my wife's.
It's true.
Try it.
- Instructor. - It's a specialty dish.
This dish is amazing.
It's exactly the same as the one
my grandpa made for me when I was little.
There's no sugar in the kung pao chicken.
And the peanuts are half-cooked,
just how I like them.
my dad knows this.
What exactly is going on?
Your dad made that.
My dad made this?
It's true. Your dad made it.
Look at this.
The ribs
are your mom's cooking.
This beef
was stir-fried by your dad.
Han Xiang.
The stuffed bitter melon
was made by your wife.
Your wife made it.
The fire station knows
that the firefighters
haven't been home for a long time.
We can't have home-cooked meals,
so they especially contacted your families.
They all know what you like to eat.
They cooked them for you in your hometowns
and they got them especially delivered.
Is it good?
- It's good. - Yes.
We don't just have these food.
They also recorded videos for you.
Let's watch the big screen together.
Da Peng.
Your chief and instructor
said your training is very hard.
They're afraid you'll miss home,
so they asked me to make you
some hometown dishes.
When you were at home,
you liked to eat ribs.
I told your dad to go to the market
to buy fresh ones.
I made them for you.
Training is hard,
so you need to eat more meat.
Train your body
to be stronger.
When you were at home,
you were too thin.
By the way,
you have to use the facial mask often.
When I saw your photo last time,
you were so tan.
You looked like a monkey.
If you go on like this,
it will be hard to find a wife.
Do you hear me?
I made stuffed bitter gourd for you.
That's my wife.
Look. That's my wife.
Guangxi is too far from Yancheng.
I put a lot of ice in it,
so it won't spoil when it arrives.
You're fighting fire every day.
You go through so many hardships and risk your life.
It's so tiring.
Have some bitter gourd to cool down.
Everything is fine at home.
Don't worry.
With me here,
we're good.
Mom and Dad are doing well too.
Let me tell you something.
Baby can say Dad now.
- Dad. - Listen.
Do you hear that?
Dad, I love you.
That's my son.
My son.
I love you.
I love you.
Did you hear that?
Take care of yourself.
Listen to your instructor.
Train hard.
Gao Yu.
I sent you the cola chicken wings
I made for you.
I put in a lot of ice.
It won't go bad.
The peaches from our hometown this year are here.
They're so fresh.
I wanted to pick more
and send a few boxes for your team.
But your chief and instructor
just wouldn't allow it.
They said they couldn't accept gifts
from people.
Is my own child
eating food from his own home a gift from people?
I'm also a firefighter's family.
Next time,
I'll send you more peaches
and make them accept them.
Share it with your teammates.
Pi Pi.
Look at your unserious parents.
They don't care about you.
They're never home.
When they go on a business trip,
they don't come back for months.
Your parents aren't home,
so I'll cook for you.
Look at these sausages.
I made them fresh.
I'm afraid I wouldn't make them in time,
so I used a hair dryer yesterday to blow on them the whole day.
I don't know
if it's the same taste
you liked when you were little.
Lin Hao.
Your parents aren't home.
When your instructor called,
I happened to answer it.
He told me to cook something delicious for you.
Coincidentally, we have preserved vegetables at home.
Mr. Zhu's family at the east end of the village
happens to be slaughtering a pig.
Iberian pigs.
The meat is very fragrant.
You must train hard in the team.
Don't worry about us.
Everything is fine at home.
Look. Your grandpa is healthy, right?
I'm full of energy, aren't I?
Don't send money home anymore.
We have enough food and clothes.
When I was abroad,
every once in a while,
I really wanted to eat in Chinatown.
I only realized later on
that it was because I was feeling homesick.
In terms of feeling homesick,
our stomachs are more honest than our hearts.
Don't you think
that your idea stirs up too many emotions?
There must be emotions
to be stirred up in the first place.
It's not like you.
What's the matter?
You think I'm cold
and emotionless?
I think you have emotions.
It's just that some feelings
aren't that important to you.
I don't think you're cold either.
I still remember
Remember what?
Tell me. What do you remember?
I still remember how warm you were.
Our elders recorded videos
and cooked for us.
Shouldn't we record a video
to thank them too?
- Yes. - Yes.
Come on.
Pull it far away.
Three, two, one.
- Thank you for the food you made! - Thank you for the food you made!
(The Command Center is the base)
Hello, 119. What's your emergency?
Don't panic. Speak slowly.
You and what?
Grass mud
Why are you cursing me?
An alpaca.
What's the address?
Happy Home, Lantian Road,
Alley 50, Building 7, Unit 306.
Okay, got it.
Keep your phone available.
We're on our way.
Okay, don't move.
It's this house.
Hello, this is 119.
How are you doing?
I'm fine.
Can you move? Can you open the door for us?
I can't.
If you can't move, we'll have to break down the door.
We'll have to break down the door.
Do it.
Life is at stake.
Ge Zheng, try it first.
Jiang Yi, you do it.
Everyone, stop looking. Go back.
I knew
that Wu Xuan Yang would get into trouble sooner or later.
He has a lot of weird pets at home.
He has a horse or a goat
with a bad temper.
He'll bite if you touch him a bit.
He even has a lot
of lizards, spiders, and snakes at home.
It's in the study.
I saw them.
It's so scary.
Aren't people who have abnormal pets
mentally abnormal too?
In the end, either something happens to him
or to someone else.
You can't say that.
Everyone has different hobbies.
Keeping cats and dogs are hobbies.
Keeping cold-blooded animals
indicates a mental problem.
You're not aware.
He doesn't usually leave his house
and stays indoors all the time.
He doesn't go to work either.
He just hangs out
with that hot-tempered alpaca,
lizards, spiders, and snakes all the time.
It's scary to even think about.
It's causing our neighborhood's real estate prices to drop.
Let me tell you,
one time when he saw our dog,
he got scared and ran away.
Tell me.
He's not even afraid
of cold-blooded animals.
Why would he be afraid of our little dog?
I think he just wants to extort from me.
Your dog isn't leashed.
Last time,
it wasn't on a leash either, right?
Look, it's so small and cute.
It won't bite.
You look so kind.
Don't you also put labels on people behind their backs?
Here's the thing.
A dog must be leashed.
It's the city's law and order regulation.
Yes, that's the regulation.
All right.
I'll leash him from now on.
I didn't expect
Chief Song to be someone
who tells people off without cursing.
That's his specialty.
All right.
What's this smell?
It stinks.
How are you doing?
Is there anywhere that you can't move?
Are you hurt?
I'm fine.
Save Lu Lu first.
Lu Lu. Where's Lu Lu?
This is Lu Lu.
She's a very gentle girl.
Pi Pi, Ge Zheng, Da Peng.
- You guys carry that side. - Yes.
Let's hold it here.
Get him out first.
- Come on, slowly. - Slowly.
- Slowly. - One, two, three, go.
Come on, up.
- Slowly. - Slowly.
Be careful.
- Slowly. - Slowly.
Get him out first.
- Get him out first. - He's fine.
This way.
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
- Come on, this way. - This way.
Where should we put
your alpaca?
Just help me take her to that room.
Lu Lu, right?
Be good. Let's go back to the room.
It stinks. Why did you spit?
I already have her under control.
- Lift her up. - Come on.
- One, two, three. - Are you all right?
- I'm fine. - Okay.
My goodness.
Yang Chi.
This man doesn't seem to be feeling well.
Sir, are you all right?
Da Peng.
Open the curtains and windows.
- Let him get some air. - Okay.
Dr. Xu.
Please come up here quickly.
Be quick.
Got it. Let's go.
Where do you feel unwell?
My chest hurts.
My throat hurts too.
Does your shoulder hurt?
- This area. Does it hurt? - It hurts.
Does it hurt here?
It hurts here too.
Is it a stabbing pain or dull pain?
A stabbing pain.
Come on, relax.
What's the blood pressure?
It's 147 over 85.
Measure this side.
Do you have any underlying health conditions?
Diabetes, hypertension, heart disease?
I have a bit of hypertension.
Have you been taking your meds on time?
Any allergies?
History of illness?
No, no allergies.
Relax your legs.
It's 75 over 43.
There's a big difference.
Li Nan, contact the center.
- Okay. - Let him get a CT scan.
- Wait. Hold on, Doctor. - Lie flat, relax.
What's wrong with me?
Why do I need a CT scan?
You might have a dissection.
What does dissection mean?
Aortic dissection.
It's very dangerous. Come on.
No, don't touch me.
I'm fine.
I'll be fine after getting some sleep.
It's just a checkup.
I'm still not going to the hospital.
I know my body.
I don't want to waste money.
Medicare can be reimbursed.
I still won't go to the hospital.
having so many of you in my house
makes me feel very uncomfortable.
- I think I'm sick because of this. - Don't get worked up first.
I'm not agitated.
Get out now.
- Go. - If there's really a dissection,
- it's very dangerous. Sir - Leave now.
Get out of my house now.
Hurry up and leave.
What kind of person is that?
Dr. Xu.
Are we just going to go downstairs?
No. We can't treat him like this.
That's right.
Mr. Wu.
Mr. Wu, open the door first.
Mr. Wu.
Yang Chi.
Yang Chi!
Break the door down for me.
Dr. Xu, are you sure?
If we don't get permission from the owner,
we'll get a complaint.
Chief will be reprimanded again.
Are you questioning my medical skills?
No, I
What's going on?
Dr. Xu wants to break down the door.
It's an emergency.
I need to break down the door.
Wu Xuan Yang.
Wu Xuan Yang.
Feng Bei, set up an intravenous channel.
Dong Dong, prepare the oxygen bag.
Prepare a stretcher.
Yang Chi, the stretcher!
Aortic dissection, prepare for a contrast CT scan.
- Yes. Prepare the OR. - Gently, slowly.
Keep it steady.
Let's go.
Do you trust Dr. Xu that much?
I'm used to getting complaints.
I'm not afraid.
You just wouldn't admit it.
Did you inform the cardiac surgeon?
I did.
How is he?
We've already done a contrast CT scan.
We called the Cardiac Surgery Department for a consultation.
Where's Dr. Xu?
He's still in the OR.
He'll be done in 10 minutes.
His heart rate and blood pressure are too high.
Prepare medicines to lower his heart rate and blood pressure.
This patient complained of severe,
continuous tearing pain in his chest.
His BP is asymmetrical in the lower extremities.
He's been breaking out in cold sweats.
After he fell into a coma,
his heart rate increased rapidly.
His BP is also high.
I suspect it's aortic dissection.
We've already done a contrast CT scan.
He's in the resuscitation room now
and we've notified the Cardiac Surgery Department for consultation.
Yes, it's that doctor.
Hello, Doctor.
Are you Dr. Xu?
I am.
What exactly is going on?
My brother just called 119 for help.
Why did he suddenly pass out
and was brought to the hospital by 120?
Don't be anxious.
The patient just had an examination.
We'll have to wait to see what his condition is.
We don't understand.
Was the doctor sent by 119
from your hospital?
Is she reliable?
The rescue team was cofounded
by our hospital and the Fire Department.
All right, I'm sorry.
Saving lives is more important.
Then you must have sent an inexperienced intern.
Is she reliable?
Dr. Xu, go in first.
I'll explain to them.
I'm sorry. Calm down, everyone.
I'm the team leader.
I made the preliminary diagnosis.
It was you?
You even made the firefighters
tear down the door.
I suspect that my brother
was misdiagnosed by her.
I'm a friend of the family.
I'm in self-media.
Please understand how the family feels.
They don't mean
to make things difficult for the hospital.
I heard the joint team is
I'm from Yanbei Fire Department.
We're looking into the details.
What happened was
the patient refused treatment
and even kicked them out.
But Dr. Xu wouldn't give up,
so she forced the door open.
If we were two minutes late,
he would've been dead.
But you don't know medicine.
How can you be sure that Dr. Xu
and the joint team's diagnosis and treatment
were right?
So you know medicine?
Were you a doctor before going into self-media?
If anything goes wrong,
can you take responsibility?
I can.
What about you guys?
You're delaying treatment here.
Can you take responsibility?
Everyone, that's the rest area.
Please wait there for a while.
We'll let you know once the result is out.
You're such a dedicated escort.
You're putting your reputation at stake.
I've always been lucky.
Are you still in the mood for jokes?
Do you know
that if something really happens, you're the one who'll be in trouble?
You know
that the branch has been observing you.
They want to promote you to a more important position.
I'm not interested.
I'm doing well at Shilitai.
I think
you can't keep yourself from helping her.
Stop talking nonsense.
I have to hand it to myself.
I actually think
what you said made sense.
I've always convinced people with reason.
Thank you.
Sir, the CT scan result is out.
There really is a dissection.
With colonic ischemia.
I've treated this patient before.
He has high blood pressure.
And he randomly takes medicine.
He also lacks exercise.
Inform them that he's critically ill.
Get his family to sign.
- Yes. - Yes.
Let's prepare for surgery.
Xu Qin.
Your diagnosis is very accurate.
The doctor is here.
- Wu Xuan Yang's family. - The doctor is here.
How is he?
Don't worry.
They're wrapping up the surgery.
He's saved.
Okay, thank you.
- That's great. Thank you. - Thank you.
Thank you.
I'm so sorry.
We were really too anxious just now.
That doctor is quite good.
I even doubted her earlier
and said she was unreliable.
Will she
Dr. Xu is very magnanimous.
She won't hold a grudge.
I'm really sorry.
- It's our fault. - That's great.
I'm sorry.
We're really sorry.
- Sorry. - From now on,
you can be more polite
and patient.
- Okay, we will. - Okay.
Dr. Xu.
Dr. Xu.
Come in.
Were you looking for me?
Continuing the joint task force
in the long term is impractical.
It'll also delay your development.
I know.
But Mr. Liu
I've already talked to him.
It's fine to collaborate with Shilitai.
But your duties in the hospital
should come first.
As soon as your training there is over,
come back immediately.
Is there anything else?
Thank you, sir.
I'm short-staffed.
Why are you thanking me?
Xu Qin.
This is for you.
What's this?
Something you don't need to worry about.
Can I open it?
It's nothing.
You don't have to feed it.
You don't have to raise it.
Just leave it.
It has its own little habitat.
It won't die even if you leave it alone.
Why are you giving this to me?
I think it really suits you.
It suits me?
Are you saying
that I'm cold-blooded and heartless,
so I should keep a fish?
Is that what you mean?
What else can it mean?
All right.
If that's the case,
I'll return the favor.
I'll give you a gift too.
There's no need.
I don't need anything.
Do I need these two fish?
Take care.
Meng Qin, right?
Don't be afraid.
I'm Song Yan.
I just want to be friends with you.
I'm not interested.
If you can defeat me in a staring contest,
from now on,
I'll be a good student like you.
See you next week.
See you next week.
See you next week,
Meng Qin.
Why didn't you call me a jerk?
(May Chief Song live a long life, Turtle)
She's cursing you.
You don't have to tell me.
Curse her back.
Go away.
Hang in there.
(Thank you for the dog food. I'll feed them to Xiao Meng.)
(What dog food?)
(Don't you dare!)
(Don't you dare!)
It's not for you.
Qin Qin.
Have you eaten?
I just ate.
How do you like working at the fire station?
It's okay.
It's not convenient, right?
If you need anything, take a day off.
I'll take you to the supermarket.
Okay, Yan Chen.
Thank you.
Are you working?
- Hello, Instructor. - Hi, Instructor.
Yang Chi.
Everyone, stop what you're doing.
Well, I have an announcement.
Who wants to go grocery shopping?
- Me! - Me!
- Me. - Okay.
Why do you all
want to slack off?
- No, Yang Chi. - No, Yang Chi.
It's rare for me to go out.
- I love you the most. - That's enough.
Yang Chi, I love you more than Da Peng.
All right.
Don't I love Yang Chi too?
That's enough. Stop.
Listen to me.
You're all precious to me, right?
It's hard for me to make a choice too.
So I've decided
Yang Chi.
I'll send Yang Chi and Chief Song
to complete this difficult mission.
All the best.
Is he going himself?
Yang Chi, you're so busy
- Get back to work. - Why are you going?
Isn't this
your favorite shrimp dumpling?
Forget it.
We eat in the canteen every day at the fire station.
I don't have time to make them.
I'll buy some when I get home.
This is Nurse Xu Xi's favorite.
I'll take a few more.
We're almost done.
Let's check the daily necessities.
Okay, over there.
They're out of cereal.
They're out?
There were always here before.
Maybe they haven't had time to stock up.
I'll buy some next time then.
By the way,
have you considered a career change
to do clinical work at a pharmaceutical company?
Which one? Yunji?
It doesn't matter.
Just tell me
and you can go anytime.
I'm just giving you a suggestion.
I hope your work
can be more relaxed.
I like to be busier.
Then I don't have to think about anything.
I want you to be more comfortable
and happy.
I'm an adult.
I don't have that many happy days.
I'm not a kid.
Zhan Da Peng is so delicate.
He only has very little hair
and even needs hair essence.
I'll take this one.
Dr. Xu.
What a coincidence.
Imagine meeting you here.
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