Friday Night Lights s01e19 Episode Script


Hey, Buddy! Oh, God! Lying son of a bitch! I think you need to worry about your family.
Pam will forgive me.
I was taking some medication for a while and now I'm off of it.
I feel better than I've ever felt.
Waverly? I'd like to talk to you about your academic future.
What am I? Your next project? Absolutely.
The athletic director over at TMU called this afternoon to talk about the future.
You have been invited to training camp in Austin.
No way! What is that? You have a tattoo? I'm Suzy.
I did the tattoo.
I'm his fiancée.
I'm Bo Miller.
I'm your new next-door neighbor.
He's a funny kid.
I'm sure you got your hands full.
Your rain gutter's falling off, huh? Yeah.
That's on my long list of things to do.
I love you.
I love you, too.
TMU made the offer.
Charming turn of the century.
Turn of what century? Ooh, original floors.
It needs a little work.
Sounds like a money pit.
I think that sounds like fun.
If we're doing this, we have to plan a trip to Austin soon.
We'll have to get a broker.
We're gonna have to put our house on the market.
I need to look for a job.
Hey, honey.
How you doing? Who's looking for a job? We're moving again, aren't we? Honey, your father was offered an amazing job at TMU in Austin.
Well, that's good.
That's good because guess what? I'm not going.
I'm really I'm not going.
Look, don't But have fun in Austin.
Listen to me.
It's really important.
You can't mention this to anyone, especially Matt Saracen.
Do you understand me? Sure.
I'll just tell him I'll be living by myself from now on.
Hey, you know what? Don't walk out the door.
Hey, I need you to try on your dress for the father-daughter dance.
The one that I will not be attending? Come back here right now, girl! What are you doing? Yeah! Good job, Street! Good job.
Hey, Street! Nice job, baby! All right, Jason! Somebody's gotta show me something! Break, Street! Nice pass! There you go, Herc! Yeah! Nice job, boys.
That's what I'm talking about, baby.
Somebody show me something, please! Come on, Herc! Nice job, Street! Nice job, "Golden Boy.
" Thanks, Coach.
What are you sitting around for? What do think we're gonna do? Make out? No, no, Coach.
No, Coach.
Get back out there! Come on! Does anybody want to go to Beijing? Anybody at all? Let's go, boys.
Let's go.
You looked great out there, son.
Thank you.
You seemed to have the whole package working for you today.
You were passing and catching and handling the chair like I've never seen you do it before.
Very impressive.
Thank you so much.
I You guys have You guys have really helped me over the past couple of weeks.
I don't know how to say thank you.
It's just been amazing.
I've really enjoyed it.
You don't have to thank us, son.
That's our job.
It's also our job to tell you that we're not gonna be taking you to Beijing this time.
Come see me in four years.
It's just the smile on your face And your bubblegum lips Make my eyes pop out like a five-year-old kid In a candy store Jason.
I heard.
I'm so sorry.
There he is! What's cracking, man? Hey, rub some dirt on it.
Walk it off.
Thanks for the sympathy.
Whoa, depressing guy! I'm trying to get my groove on here.
Look, you did great! Coach Gumbie loves you.
All right? What's the big deal? The big deal is I was the best athlete out there on that floor for those past couple of weeks.
You know it.
I know it.
Coach Gumbie knows it.
He don't love me that much.
I'm not one of his boys.
He's got relationships with you.
There's no way he's gonna He's gonna pass you guys up for me.
You have a truly spectacular ego.
You know that? Herc, shut up.
Listen to me here.
All right, stud? You're good.
You may have the best raw skills out there.
But hold off on the conspiracy theories.
You ain't on the team because you're not comfortable in a chair yet.
That's gonna take years.
I really needed this.
I know you did.
We all did.
But it's the Championship, QB, not therapy.
You know Herc's right.
I was a complete ass earlier.
So was he.
Yeah, but that's just Herc.
It's not me, though, and I'm sorry.
I'm just a little bit Yeah.
Disappointed? Yeah.
That's putting it lightly.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
I'll get over it.
You know the sad thing is, is that he's my ride home.
So for the next week I just get to sit up here while he scrimmages and parties.
That sucks.
Just a little bit.
Listen, there's this refrigerator that I've been needing to drop off in Barton.
Near my sister's place.
Oh, Barton.
Yeah, it's right by Dillon.
So I could give you a ride.
Oh, I mean I don't have to if No.
No, I think If you want to stay No, I think it's a great idea.
I really do.
I can give you some gas money or something.
All right.
Yeah? Did you clean my rain gutters? Yeah, it was not a big deal.
In the future could you please not clean my rain gutters, please? Okay? Mmm-hmm.
Because if I want my rain gutters cleaned, then I'll do it or I'll call somebody to do it.
But I don't need you to do it.
So, great.
Now, I have a one-time, today-only favor that I have to ask, okay? My work just called and they need me to work the later shift, and I don't have anybody to pick up Bo.
And they shouldn't do that 'cause they know I'm a single mom, and I don't have anybody.
I can't afford to No problem.
say no.
Really? I'll pick him up.
Okay, listen.
I'll give you the key to my house.
And I'll pay you.
I'm not a babysitter.
I just explained to you that I don't wanna have that kind of issue.
All right.
He gets out of school at 3:00.
Please don't be late.
He has trust issues.
All right? All right.
T, you gotta be kidding me.
Oh, no, sweetheart.
I'm serious as a heart attack.
This is Tutoring, independent studies, extra class Where's my free periods? This is very aggressive.
That's the way we do.
I have a job.
I know, honey.
I know.
You've mentioned that several times, and as I've told you, I would be more than happy to help you manage your time in the afternoon.
You get a nice little kick out of the fact that you can bust my chops, don't you? The way I see it is this.
I see if you turn yourself around you could get into junior college, kick ass there, and then go transfer to a full four-year college.
I see all that for you.
And I want you to see that.
That's completely unrealistic, Mrs.
Do you understand? My mom didn't go to college.
My sister barely got her GED.
Okay? Nobody in my family has gone past high school, if that.
What? You think I could be any different? Really? I do.
And I think that you should, too.
So basically they diagnosed me with a bipolar disorder.
A bipolar disorder? Yeah.
So last year when you was in Africa, I mean No, I wasn't in Africa.
I was staying by my aunt's place in Dallas.
They put me in this, like, outreach program at St.
Vincent's Hospital.
And so that means What does that mean? It just means I get these mood swings.
But they're like, extreme.
You know, to, like, the 10th power.
It could be dangerous sometimes.
I mean, people get really depressed.
Even suicidal Wow.
If you could see your terrified face right now.
I just need time to digest.
That's all.
This is gonna be fantastic.
Where's that picture? All of us were burying each other in the sand.
Tami and little Buddy Junior and your mom and I Those were the good old days, weren't they? This is gonna be great.
Dad, are you sure that this is the right thing? I mean, a photo album? Oh, yeah.
I do.
Honey, I saw this on Dr.
And your mom, when she sees this, she is just gonna melt.
Especially when she sees that, you know, you and I did this together.
And put this thing together.
Yeah, I don't I don't know if I want to be taking sides.
You're not taking sides.
Don't you think maybe she deserves a little more time? Lyla, I can't.
I can't I can't stay here any longer by myself in this place.
I can't I can't live without my family.
Tell you the truth, Lyla, I I got no reason to live without my family.
Why'd you do it? Didn't you think about it, Dad? Lyla, your dad's a sinner.
I'm a weak man.
But it was one mistake.
I swear, Lyla.
I will never, ever do anything to hurt this family again, honey I swear.
Guys! Stop! I could kick your butt.
Yeah, whatever! Mickey Mouse! Pip squeak! You gonna cry or something 'cause she's not here? Hey! What do you think you're doing? We're just playing with him.
Yeah? You okay? Yeah, I think so.
You're just playing with him? Four on one, double his size, is that playing with him? Yeah.
It is, isn't it? If I ever so much as see you look at this kid the wrong way, I'm gonna find you, I'm gonna punch a hole in your chest and rip your heart out.
Are we clear? Are you sure? Yeah.
Now get out of here.
You okay? Yeah, think so.
Are you sure? Uh-huh.
I'm sorry I'm late, Bo.
Are you kidding? That rocked.
That happen all the time? Every day.
I can't believe Tim Riggins is picking me up from school.
Fact of the matter is we did think about you.
Austin's a It's an arty kind of town.
You're arty.
It's arty.
It's a good match.
And there's a lot of culture in Austin.
There's a lot of dance.
You love dance.
There's a hell of a lot of dance.
There's dancing all over Austin.
There's an Austin dance troupe.
Tell her.
Tell her about all of it.
There are lots of different kinds of dancing, honey.
And they've got a beautiful ballet.
No, they've got an excellent ballet there, is what they've got.
They got some top-notch ballet-ers.
Oh, the look.
That's a great look.
Fine, there is no problem.
You're done.
That's the way you wanna do it? That's great.
We have nothing to worry about here.
Trust me.
Landry's actually right.
No, he's not right.
I can't step up against the Brant line.
I'm not even gonna be able to see over them.
You know what, Matt? Worst case scenario, you just You lose.
All right.
And that's no big deal.
Yeah, it's a big deal because then this whole town is gonna murder me.
Then I'm gonna be sitting on the bench again.
I'm gonna start one year then be riding the bench the next year.
You will never be second string again.
Okay? Coach loves you.
All right? You are You are his little engine that could.
Okay? You're his Seabiscuit.
Julie, back me up on this.
Coach Taylor loves you so much that you will always be QB One, as long as he's here.
Right, Julie? Yeah.
So now, pretty much half the town hates me 'cause I'm suing the football team.
Doesn't that make you want to get out of there? Out of where? Out of Dillon.
Yeah, right.
Just leave.
Screw them.
Go where? "Go where?" I don't know.
I'm engaged.
Can't go anywhere.
It's hard for me to understand why anybody would want to be somewhere where they're not wanted.
It's home.
The only home I've ever known.
It's just, I can't imagine I'll be going anywhere else any time soon.
How about Stonehenge II? Stonehenge II? Have you ever heard of it? Uh-uh.
It's right over here.
Really? Yeah, we'll go.
It'll cheer you up.
TAMl: Tyra is such a lovely girl.
And she's a beautiful girl.
My concern is that she's kind of riding on her looks and not really using the brain, and I think she's got a great brain and, you know That looks thing isn't gonna last forever.
So I wanna help her with the other part of it.
Yeah, I'm not I'm not really clear why you got me down here.
Sorry, I'll tell you.
I I'm thinking that if we worked together If you and I kind of did sort of a tag team and went at her from both sides, we could really let her know that this is an important, critical moment in her academic life.
You know? I think that would get her working and really create some hope that she can turn this thing around.
Turn around? I think she's doing pretty well.
It's not like she's some kind of criminal or something.
No, no.
Of course not.
What I'm saying is that I see so much potential in her.
And I want to I want to help her reach that.
I was gonna I was asking you to help with that.
Tyra is at great risk of not graduating from high school.
Oh, my God! You know who I saw at the dry cleaner? You're not gonna believe this.
Who? Vicky.
She must be in love.
I'm telling you, she has put on a few.
I mean, I should talk, I know.
But Mama? I mean I'm Yeah.
You just keep at it, honey.
I'm really proud of you.
My little schoolgirl.
But, I mean, honestly, she's a good-looking girl, too.
I mean BUDD Y ON TV.
' Hi! I'm Buddy Garrity.
Most of y'all know me.
For those of you who don't, I'll tell you right now that you will not find a better deal on sales or service anywhere in all of West Central Texas.
We pride ourselves on three pillars of prosperity.
Honesty, loyalty and trust.
Also right now, I'm gonna throw away Just turn it off.
You already know he's a loser.
and two Panthers playoff tickets.
Just remember, deep in the heart of Texas, deep in my heart, I'm your Buddy.
What heart? There's a cold stone in there.
There's a stone in his heart.
You know what? I've got a great idea.
Let's go pick up your sister at the club and go get our nails done at the salon.
I can't do that.
I got tons of homework, I got an exam in a couple weeks.
Well, I've got that severance money from that sleaze ball.
I think we should just go spend it all.
Don't you? Come on.
Think about your toes.
It's amazing, huh? Yeah.
There's There's no words to describe it.
Words are not enough.
So how'd you and Lyla get engaged? We called a meeting and You called a meeting.
We sat down and we came to a decision.
We thought it was a good idea.
You were fighting.
What was it about? She slept with my best friend.
I'd propose.
I guess I was just grasping at straws.
I'd lost everything else.
Thought if I did it, I wouldn't lose her, too.
I hear you.
Why are you so easy to talk to? I just start saying things I don't say to anybody else to you.
What do you mean? You're not like this all the time? Never.
Come on.
Honey, are you watching? 'Cause it's fun to dance with your father.
He's a good dancer.
And you know what? If you happen to find yourself with a dancer who's not so good, you just take the lead.
And I find basically, if you just lead with your hips, the rest will follow.
You don't need to lead too close with the hips.
Just get close to Well, you know what I mean.
That's just, as a girl, that's generally what Come on.
Get up here.
You try.
TAMl: It's fun.
Come on.
I'm not going to the dance.
All right.
You don't want to go to the dance, you don't have to go to the dance.
I've got things to do.
Well, good.
Then I'm excused.
Y'all are going to the father-daughter dance.
I'm gonna pull out my camera, I'm gonna take a picture of you both.
You're gonna look real happy, and I'm gonna cherish it for the rest of my life! So y'all stop being a pain in the ass and make me happy, for once! TAMl: Hey, Tyra.
How are you? Hi.
Here for the old tutoring session.
Oh, great.
Good, good.
Okay, now remember, you're in the schoolyard.
Anything goes.
That means groin-kicks, eye-gouges, spit in his eye I don't care.
You do whatever it takes.
Okay? Who's it gonna be? Me! Exactly.
All right.
You ready? Okay.
Remember, accurate.
Let's go.
Watch out! There it is.
So what's going on here? Tim Riggins is teaching me how to kick some serious ass.
All right.
How you doing, dumplin'? Will you run in and get Mama a soda with one of those delicious limes you put in it? Okay.
Thank you.
Bo, don't forget.
Who's it gonna be? Me! What the hell are you doing? What do you mean, what am I doing? Are you teaching him to fight? Maybe.
Why would you do that? I'm a pacifist.
Well, I'll tell you why.
Remember when I went to pick him up at school? Yeah.
Yeah, well, there was about four kids ready to kick his ass.
Four guys Are you kidding me? Where? At school.
At the school? Where was the school monitor? Well, that's the thing.
Maybe I was a bit late.
But You were late.
Didn't I emphasize to you the importance of not being late? Look, the point of the matter is you can't be there every second of his life to protect him.
Okay? He's gotta learn to protect himself.
I think if you teach him to ignore the bully, the bully will go away.
Know what, man? No offense, but if you ignore a bully, he's gonna kick your ass even more.
Well, how do you know? Were you bullied in the fourth grade? No.
I was the bully.
And why does that not surprise me? Look I like the kid.
Maybe a bit awkward and weird, but he's a good kid, you know? You being a pacifist is fine, but him in the fourth grade as a pacifist? All that means is a punching bag.
I just want him to be able to defend himself.
Here you go, Mom.
Hey! There he is.
Thank you.
That is perfect.
All right.
Well, finish up with your lesson.
Will do.
You ready for round two? Ready.
You know, we're gonna watch Back to the Future for the 1,000th time, if you wanna watch it with us tonight.
All right.
All right.
Yes! Yes! Tyra? Uh-huh.
I want you to know that you are about to experience award-winning chili.
Oh, yes.
It's "award-winning" chili.
It is award-winning.
Won an award at Dillon-Days.
It did not win an It won the booby prize! It didn't win the booby prize.
It did.
It wasn't the booby prize.
It was best first timer.
The sympathy prize! The booby prize Do you like your chili spicy, lady? I like spice.
You like it spicy? Sure.
I'm gonna get you some spicy chili or Hey! Hey, Ms.
I knocked, nobody heard, I guess.
How're you doing? Doorbell's been broken for years.
People just come in all the time.
How are you? I'm fine.
Would you like some chili? You know, Julie.
That's my husband.
I'm Eric.
Nice to meet you.
You know Julie.
Hi, Julie.
I'm about to serve out some award-winning chili.
Best chili you'll ever have.
That sounds nice.
I can't We can't.
Very mediocre chili.
We gotta go.
But thank you.
Of course we can stay, Mom.
We can't.
I've actually made dinner at home.
I cook three meals a day for my kids, just like regular people.
So we gotta go.
Come on.
Get your stuff.
Thank you.
What do you think? That they would feed us chili then hold us hostage? You know, what are you doing in there with those people? What? What are you doing? Learning something, maybe.
Oh! Well, let me tell you something.
All these ideas she has for you about going to college Do you have any idea What are you talking about? how expensive Texas Tech is per semester? You are not going to college, honey.
You're not going to Texas Tech because we can't afford it.
So all these ideas she has about you going to college, she's filling your head up with stuff that you cannot live out.
That is not nice, in my opinion, to fill your head like that.
Oh, no, I got it.
I just don't even know how to thank you for everything you've done.
No worries.
He's sound asleep.
You're so What are you doing? I'm sorry.
What are you doing? I misread the situation.
You're a kid.
You're right.
Go home.
Tim, you need to go home.
Yes, ma'am.
Oh, my God.
Come in.
Where have you been? I've been calling you for two days.
I came by to ask your parents what was going on.
I didn't make the team.
That's what's going on.
I'm sorry.
What are you doing with your trophies? I can't look at them anymore.
You can't look at them anymore? No.
Why haven't you called? Do you know how worried I was? I'm home.
I'm safe.
I'm here.
Nothing to worry about.
Okay? That's it? How did you get home? Isn't Herc still in Austin? I got a ride.
From who? Suzy, actually.
The tattoo artist.
I remember.
She had a refrigerator in the back of her truck, she had to drop off in Barton, so Sounds good.
Sounds like a win-win.
Nothing happened.
Happened? What could happen? Nothing.
It was just a ride.
A ride from a really cute girl who gave you a tattoo, and is obviously into you, and you must obviously be into her, or else you wouldn't feel so guilty as to tell me nothing happened.
Lyla, come on, all right.
Things have been tough on both of us lately.
All right? A little confusing.
What's that supposed to mean? I'm just saying that Just because I had an affair, that it's okay for you? Because it's not, Jason.
It's not.
Lyla, I didn't have an affair.
Let's just be really, really honest with each other right now, Jason.
Do you want to be engaged to me? Do you? I don't know.
I got it.
Hi, Pammy.
I want you to leave.
Right now.
Pam, please.
Please, please! Pam, be calm, okay? What do you want, Buddy? What do you want? Let's just be calm.
I have something really special that I'd like to present to you.
What's this? This is the Garrity family album.
All the good times.
Look at this.
Remember these? I wasn't so bad when I was young, was I? Lyla helped me put it together.
I need you to listen to me when I tell you I don't want you coming over here again.
Pam, please.
You have done enough.
I have been embarrassed in front of this entire town.
Okay? Pam No.
You have made a laughing stock out of this family to the point where I have considered leaving my home.
You take your damn memories, Buddy, and you get out.
Because right now, I am just trying to hold this family together Pam, I've always loved you! so please leave.
Lyla, I do not want you taking his side again.
I'm not taking sides.
Yes, you are, Lyla.
And it hurts.
I didn't, Mom! He made one mistake.
Doesn't he deserve a second chance? I mean, you can at least talk to him! No.
One mistake, remember? You don't know what he is.
He made one mistake! He is a liar! He is my father! He has been unfaithful to me for our entire marriage! It isn't just Angela.
You don't think I know about Ruth, your last secretary, and why she left? What are you talking about? And I am sorry that you have to hear this.
I'm sorry your own daughter has to hear me say this! Whoa! Mom! You bastard! Look what you have done to us! It's not true, Lyla! I am sorry.
Pam, please Lyla? Let Daddy in, honey.
Leave! I know she's never really liked Dillon.
I mean she never has, but you'd think she'd like Austin.
I know she'd like Austin.
I know, sweetie.
I agree with you.
Which one of these should I wear? Oh, the blue.
Oh, you're gonna look like super-dapper Dad in that blue.
I bet.
Honey, oh Tighter than a drum, like always.
Oh, that feels good.
You know what? Hmm? I don't think it has anything to do with Dillon.
I think it has to do with me, babe.
It's me.
I don't think it's you.
I don't think it's you.
It is me.
I don't think it's Dillon, I don't think it's Austin.
What is it, then? I think our little girl's in love.
I know.
Wow You look really nice.
I'm only going for one song and then I'm going home.
All right.
Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
I'm taking your picture.
Can't sell that to you.
What, you're not gonna sell it to me 'cause I'm crippled? No, I'm not gonna sell it to you 'cause you're 17.
Come on, man.
If I was still playing Jason, I can't sell it to you.
Try down the street.
I already did.
Drinking alone, Six? Got an ID, sir? You bet.
Appreciate your business, Sergeant Riggins.
Don't have too much fun.
Have a great night, you know.
All you wear is Panthers.
Panthers T-shirts, you got Panthers sweatshirts.
I'm surprised Think you forgot something.
Didn't have to do that, man.
No, it's, like, quilted.
You know? All you are Oh, Street.
Hey, Street! Hey, Street! How you doing, Smash? What's going on, baby? What it do? Hey, you wanna come out with us? No.
I don't I don't Hey, come on.
You should come with us.
Yeah, man.
Oh, come on, man.
Look, we put the chair in the trunk.
So what do you mean she's bi-polar? It means she's crazy.
Look, Matt.
It just means she's got issues.
You know? Just like everybody else in this town.
Well, how you handling it? I'm taking it like a man, Matty.
You know, avoiding her calls.
Ducking in and out.
Hiding in the bushes.
' Ladies and gentlemen! I present to you, you, you, the great and noble men of Dillon Panther Football! Thank you! Come on, baby! Cheers, gentlemen.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Here he come, baby.
Oh, don't miss a step, now.
Come on down, baby! Ladies and gentlemen, Mr.
Timmy Riggins! No, no, Riggins.
Remember Spivey said if he catch anyone messing around out here they're gonna lose game time.
You see what I've been putting up with all season? Come on, Saracen.
What are they gonna do? Bench you? Start me? Look at Street, folks.
He's on a tear! He's on it! He's on the 50 I got a lot of crap going on right now.
Fifty-one, 52 I don't need another problem, okay? You got troubles, Matty? What you got, QB One? Saracen's got a little something on his mind, fellas.
Oh, you got troubles, Matty.
Come on.
Talk to the Smash.
I'll help you out.
I'm just saying, never mind.
Look, you wanna see troubles, look at me.
Me and crazy Waverly.
We comparing girl problems now? I just tried to make out with my next-door neighbor who's at least in her mid-30s.
Pretty much got put through the wall for that one.
So I think I win.
Chair says I win.
Every time.
He got that.
Six wins.
All right.
Maybe my problems aren't as big as y'all's, but Look, I'm just not gonna be able to take this team any further.
I mean, Brant's line is huge.
I mean, I helped get us to the semifinals.
That's it.
I'm gonna I'm gonna let this whole town down.
Their defensive end could probably beat me in the 40.
I don't understand how I can help.
I'd be doing better off on the bench.
Saracen, you wanna play big, you think big.
All right? I'm gonna show you how.
On the ball! Come on, Saracen.
You got some work to do.
Line it up, boys! Hit! On your toes, Matty.
Stay on your toes.
All right, let it go! Tops of your toes.
Ball high! Ball high! Go! Stay tall.
Stay tall.
Go! Nice throw.
Nice! Eighteen-yard deep out, okay? I can't hit that.
He can't.
He can't.
Half the players in college can't even hit that route.
Well, you can, though.
It's just an automatic six for the other team Saracen, listen to me.
Coach doesn't even have it in his play book.
Look at me and listen to me.
When you're doing your drop, you look off the weak-side safety.
Means you keep your head left.
Okay? As soon as Riggins makes his break, you need to open your body up and you let the ball go.
On the break.
High and outside.
Any corner in this league's gonna break on that thinking he's got a sure interception.
But he doesn't, because you're putting the ball high and outside where only your man can get it.
You hit the slants, you hit the posts, they'll respect you.
You hit this pattern, they will fear you.
Let me see you run it.
Get on the line! Stay on the tops of your toes.
Set! Hit! That's right.
That's right.
Drop 'em.
Look 'em off.
Here comes the break.
High and outside! High and outside, high and outside! There it is.
I just hit it.
Yes, you did.
So aren't we gonna go in? Uh-uh.
I want to talk to you about something.
About you and Matt.
Dad, I don't think Just hold on a second.
Let me finish, please.
I know you two are very close.
And I know that it's not easy on you leaving this town.
And I apologize to you for being insensitive about that.
I am sorry.
Did Mom tell you to say that? No, this is all mine.
I also want to say that you are 15 years old.
And you are not going to dictate where this family is gonna live.
But you are also 15 years old.
And you also deserve the respect.
And you deserve to have your opinion heard by both your mother and myself.
Do you really want to know my opinion? I do.
My opinion is that when you told me we were gonna move to Dillon, I seriously wanted to vomit.
And my opinion when we got here was that every fear I had about moving came true.
And then it changed.
And I was actually happy.
I've been moving around my entire life and for the first time it just felt like I was at home.
And I know going to Austin and being some college football coach is your dream.
But I have dreams, too.
And they're coming true right here.
I hear you.
So let's just go in and get this over with.
All right.
I love you.
So, honey, just get anything you want, and like I said, it's on me, so just get anything.
I think I'm gonna get a big fat margarita, and some ribs, I think, if somebody would just come over here and What the hell is the matter with you? Then I won't get ribs.
Get whatever you want.
No, I'm talking about us.
I'm talking about me.
The way you acted at the Taylors', embarrassing me like that.
What you said to me in the car.
What is going on with you? I don't want to talk about this right now.
I just Well, I do.
I wanna get out of here.
I wanna get out of here.
I can't sit in here with these fathers and daughters with their little flower things.
I can't do it.
Honey, let's just go.
Let's go.
I'm serious.
I'm just saying I just don't want to feel like you feel like you need to be something that you're not.
Well, I don't! I don't feel that way.
Mom, listen! Listen to me.
I wanna try this, okay? I wanna break the mold.
The Collette mold.
I wanna go to college.
I want to have this life.
And I think I can.
But I I can't do any of it without you.
' And that one goes out to all the fathers and daughters at Dillon High School tonight.
How are you? Mom.
Excuse me, please.
Mom? I need your ticket.
Mom, what are we doing here? What do you think we're doing here? Well, I don't know.
All right? I just wanna tell you something, all right? I just want you to know something, which is that I love you more than anything in this whole world.
And I know I'm messy.
But you know, I'm gonna do my best to do everything that I can for you.
Everything that I can.
Okay? I promise.
It's unfair.
That is so Brokeback, man.
Friends? Yeah.
Texas forever.
Texas forever, man.
Where's Bo? He's at piano practice.
I I just want to apologize for the other night.
I'm sorry.
All right.
Bo can never know.
Okay? Yeah.
No, all right.
Thank you very much.
I appreciate that.
All right.
You, too.
What did you tell the people at TMU? I said that I needed some time to decide.
My family needed some time.

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