Ghost Force (2021) s01e19 Episode Script

Vochaos / Agia

Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow
Shadows crawl, in the street
up a wall and watch them creep
Dark alley, sewers deep
I can never go to sleep
Full of fear,
please make them disappear
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
feel the power
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
spooky hour
Like the night, glow forever
Ghost Force
Appearances in the air,
got to watch out everywhere
Creepy crawlies
in their lair
Out of sight,
waiting in the night
Ghost Force, Ghost Force! ♪
We are standing in front
of the Kasenti tower,
where Mr Kasenti is expected
to issue a statement.
The famous philanthropist,
known for his worldwide
Oh, no! Where did I put
my Dictaphone?
I can't cover the news
without it!
Well, this ancient thing
will have to do the trick.
Please welcome Mr Kasenti.
We're free!
Now, time for basketball.
- Ow!
- What's up, Baker?
- Catch you off guard?
- I'd rather give you a chance!
Hold on, kids!
I have an announcement!
Summer vacation starts tomorrow,
Uh No, it had something
to do with H20 Oh!
Oh, yes!
Due to the loss of my shorts,
tomorrow's basketball practice
is cancelled.
BOTH: What?
Oh, not to worry,
Asta found my speedos
so you'll have swimming lessons!
- S-swimming? Like in water?
- No, in the sky. Duh!
What's the matter,
you scared of water?
Who? Me? Pfft, as if.
I take to water like a fish.
I used to swim with dolphins
all the time!
One of my BFFs
actually is a dolphin.
Back in California,
they called me the Wave Tamer.
What're you playing at, Andy?
- One time, I out-swam a shark!
- Really?
- You never mentioned that!
- 'Cause he's joking, obvi.
Am not! I almost broke
the swimming record that day!
What are talking about?
You can't even swim the crawl.
(Mocking laughter)
You can't swim the crawl?
Where'd they call you
the Wave Tamer, the kiddy pool?
Mr Kasenti, what can you tell us
about your new security system?
What about your art collection?
Can you tell us more about that?
Those are personal matters.
Today, I'll be reading
a prepared statement
about Kascorp Tech's
latest tablet.
- (Evil laugh)
- (Screaming)
Run for
(Squeaky voice) Huh?
What's happening to my voice?
Hey, Andy!
Wait up, Andy!
- Hey, Andy!
- Happy, Liv? My rep is ruined!
You'd have ruined it
by paddling your way
through swim class
like a poodle.
- I was gonna call in sick!
- Come on. It'll blow over.
Yo, Baker! Wanna borrow
my little cousin's water wings?
- (Laughter)
- Ghost!
What's up with my vocal chords?
Greetings, kids!
I was just snoozing
when the Boomap popped with a
completely undocumented ghost!
Who knows what this one
is capable of?
I've got a pretty good idea!
Oh, I see! I mean hear.
Let's call this fella
Now Boo-cap its butt
before it boosts!
- (Laughter)
- Aaah!
(Deep voice) Aaah! What the ?
My voice is finally breaking!
Should I hide to transform?
'Cause if you're gonna
blab that secret,
- it's not worth the trouble.
- Stop it, Andy!
- Er, guys, not a good time!
- It's not my fault
you were showing off
like some surfer dude!
- Um
- You didn't need to wreck
- my reputation because of it!
- Guys!
BOTH: What? (Gasp)
(Evil laugh)
- Nice one.
- Nice one.
Uh Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow!
Ghost Force!
(Evil laugh)
I order you to hold your tongue,
in the name of the law!
(Voice disappears completely)
(Ghost chuckles)
A Boo energy spike?
Don't tell me Vochaos
has gone into booster mode!
Affirmative. Now it's making
everyone lose their voice.
Oh! What happened?
We had a bit of a hiccup.
Be careful, now.
We don't want you tongue-tied!
Ha, ha!
Anyway, you should try to find
its primary source of power
before Glowboo arrives!
- (Laughter)
- No need for backup!
The real MVP is on it!
- (Laughter)
- (Screaming)
- Whoa! We almost got hit!
- Thanks to you showing off!
I was just trying to protect
everyone! Have some faith, sis!
Have some faith? Seriously?
Quiet! I've got a plan
to neutralise it!
It's hard to have faith
in a big show off!
It's hard to have faith
in a sister
- who spills your secrets!
- Enough!
BOTH: Huh?
Flight-mode activated.
What is our attack strategy?
Escaping mode activated!
Way to keep your eye
on the ball!
- Krush got hit 'cause of you!
- You distracted me,
like you've done
since the start!
You know what? Sometimes
I wish I was an only child!
Oh, yeah? Well, me too!
Are you playing charades?
Uh is it a cat?
No, a dog!
- FURY: A shrimp!
- A frog.
A sandwich. You mean
you want a Kung fu sandwich!
A Kung fu dog?
Ugh, gross! Lemme go!
Wait. That's his plan!
We freeze Vochaos' tongue
- with Krush's fractal boo
- And there goes its power!
Nice one, Krush!
- Yeah.
- Anyway.
- Glowboo!
- Warning.
My ghost shield
is a major Boo energy drain.
It's on the other side!
Myst! Look out!
- Aaah!
- Fury!
Are you OK, bro?
Thanks for that. The ghost
would already be in a Boocap,
if we hadn't fought so much.
We have to fix it
Taste this, you drooly tongue!
Come on, Krush,
let's finish this!
What's up? Cat got your tongue?
We need backup on midtown!
Oh uh Forget that.
I've got the situation
under control.
I've always been a kind of
(High-pitched voice) a poet.
- Ha!
- (Groans)
Ah, my magnificent voice!
I've missed you so!
Have to admit
I missed your jokes.
BOTH: I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have blabbed
you can't swim.
Sure, but I shouldn't have
pretended to be someone I'm not.
Took you long enough
to admit that!
This ghost won't be able
to silence the city any more.
Ooh! I can't wait to tame it!
But first, I will finally
be able to finish my nap!
Oh, what are you kids gonna do?
Well, I think some of us have
swim practice back at my pool!
- Right, Wave Tamer?
- Yeah!
Jay, are you done?
I need your help with the cake!
I'm coming!
He's on the move!
- Surprise!
- Aaah!
- What's going on?
- Blow out the candles!
Happy birthday, Andy!
Cool! Whoa!
The latest Fury action figure?
- (Chuckles)
- (Laughter)
Bim! Bam! Boo-yah!
Gotcha, ghost!
- What?
- Nothing!
Come on, Liv. Spit it out.
It's just that, the box says
it's for ages five and up.
Huh? Yeah, "and up"!
Too bad old lady Liv
is too grown-up for fun.
Huh? Oh, yeah?
I know how to have fun
without acting like a toddler!
Piñata time!
Who's up to bat first?
- Oh, no!
- No!
- Ah!
- Huh?
- No!
- Ugh!
Hey, that's my toy!
Hey, that's mine!
Um, are your parents
acting like little kids?
Hey, I don't like you!
- Aaah!
- No!
I am ready for the Boo-fight.
Query. Where is the ghost?
Hey, that's mine!
- Happy birthday, Mike!
- Uh, thanks, Ms Jones,
but it's Andy's birthday,
not mine.
Oh, darn! I got it wrong!
Anyhoo, you're dealing
with Alastric, a level-7 ghost,
and it's not an easy one.
Tell me about it. It's already
merged with one of Andy's
- birthday-cake candles.
- I can see its Boo-signature
heading towards midtown.
You better get a move on!
Hey! That's mine! Quit it!
Hey, here's a mission for you.
Babysitting my parents!
- Affirmative.
- Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow!
Ghost Force!
- Uh-oh!
- (Evil laugh)
Freeze your wax, fella!
Sorry, but your next
birthday party will be in jail!
Vroom, vroom!
Looks like
we're on babysitting duty too.
We gotta get everybody
to a child-proof zone!
I'll deal with kidults,
you go after him.
Come on, this way!
Yoohoo! Why won't anyone listen?
Yo, kidults!
Catch me if you can!
Come on, Fury,
stop playing like a kid!
We have a ghost issue here!
Yoohoo! Ha, ha!
Please stop that!
- You were saying?
- Hate to interrupt,
but if you don't capture
the ghost soon,
all of New York
will be a playpen!
Let's go!
Waah! Waah!
Fractal power!
Fractal trap!
The flame's where he gets
his power from!
- If we can get to it
- It's my birthday!
I'll blow it out!
Easy win!
The flame keeps reigniting,
but there's gotta be
some way to snuff it out.
Would you just come up
with a plan?
Excuse me for trying something!
I know how to smother the flame!
I just gotta hit it
with fractal goo and
BOTH: Krush!
Krush, are you all right?
(Wails like a baby)
Krush, use your power!
You handle the ghost,
I'll take care of Baby Krush!
Ho, ho, ho!
The flame, it changes colour!
Hey, Krush! Look at me!
I'm a super-cool ninja hero!
- (Gurgles)
- Now, your turn!
Give it a try, little guy!
Did you just get Baby Krush
to use his powers?
Did I?
Watch out!
Spectral gate!
Fury, you OK?
just feeling a little rickety,
and I have a strange urge
to do a crossword puzzle.
OK, weird side-effect.
Don't ya wanna play
ninja-hero with Krush?
Pish-posh, young lady,
I'm too old for horseplay.
(Cracking sound)
Not to mention my poor old back.
- What just happened?
- (Ghost laughs)
(Cracking sound) Argh!
Its power's changed.
Glowboo, we need backup!
Very sorry, Myst, but
I'm a little tied up right now.
Can you please stop hitting me?
- Pew! Pew!
- Hey, Krush! Look at me!
(Groans) Kids these days
Now, your turn, use your power.
- Pew! Pew!
- Hello?
Would you please look at me
when I'm speaking to you!
Time out!
You listen to me, Krush!
(Throws tantrum)
Whoa! Slow down, whippersnapper.
You'll cause an accident.
Of course!
Boo-hoo! Catch me if you can!
Spectral gate!
And that is for your birthday!
BOTH: Yes!
emergency withdrawal protocol.
Here you go, buddy!
That was a close one,
but we saved the day once again.
I'm just relieved everyone's
finally acting their age,
especially you two!
Who knew I'd be
such a grumpy grandpa?
I'm sorry for
judging you before, Andy.
You were right.
You're never too old for fun.
Speaking of which
Myst is on a mission!
Spectral gate!
Flexy blast! Bam, bam, bam!
Krush to the rescue!
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