Jake and the Fatman (1987) s01e19 Episode Script

Blues in the Night

I'll say this about the
Fatman: he's a sweet guy.
Listen, creep, I'm going to
take you apart like a clock.
JAKE: He can be
tough when he has to be.
J.L.: Jake Styles?
Don't ask me how
he can live the way he
does on a cop's salary.
Some people do seem
to like him, however.
But he's a damn good
investigator, and he's mine.
(theme playing)
He's a good guy.
Don't you forget it.
(bluesy jazz playing)

I hate being so indecisive.
(chuckles): I'm
truly embarrassed.
Miss Wilding, your
taste is exquisite.
It's always a
pleasure to serve you.
Well, thank you.
It just isn't fair
They're all so beautiful.
Do you think I
could possibly?
The diamond and emeralds. Yeah.
A lovely piece.
And quite old.
Mmm. It's gorgeous.
Is Mr. Horton here today?
Uh, yes, I believe
he's in his office.
Do you think he could join us?
He's so clever about
jewelry as an investment.
Yes, of course.
You know what I
really need to do?
See this in the daylight.
I'll be over by the
door. Certainly.
(closes, locks case)
Good to see you
again, Miss Wilding.
You, too.
(engine starts)
Thank you for waiting.
Where's Miss Wilding?
She left. What? When?
Just a few minutes ago.
But she couldn't
have just walked out.
She's got $300,000
of our bracelets.
Since Mr. McCabe
has a full schedule,
let's move this along
so we don't hold him up.
That's an excellent idea.
Thank you very much, ladies.
Now, the first item
for our charity fashion
show is the music.
Mr. McCabe, do you
have any suggestions?
Mr. McCabe?
Hm? Wha-What?
The music? Oh.
Music. Uh
(chuckles): Suggestions.
Lionel Hampton.
Lionel Hampton, eh? (chuckles)
(chuckles): Th-That's
a joke, ladies.
It's obvious that I'm a man
of my own generation.
Well, perhaps
we should focus
on lunch instead.
Well, for some stupid reason
my doctor is obsessed
with my cholesterol.
Not that it's getting
to me, of course.
Excuse me, Mr. McCabe,
phone call for you.
Well, thank you very
much. Oh, incidentally,
before you go, I
would like to have
a plate of, uh,
steamed vegetables,
no dressing, no
butter, no nothing,
and to drink, a glass of water.
And will you take this damned
dessert cart away from me.
Hide it, at least from me.
Thank you very much.
Ladies, will you excuse me?
Hey. I got something I think
you're gonna be interested in.
What's that?
a woman walks out of the most
expensive jewelry store in town
with $300,000
worth of bracelets.
Aw, come on, Jake, why
the hell are you bothering
with a robbery,
even one this rich?
Well, I got real interested
when the mayor's office phoned.
What? The mayor's in this?
Yeah. The store called him.
I guess they figured it was
too touchy for the police.
They, uh, they know the woman.
So do you.
Who is she?
It's your fashion show
pal, Jennifer Wilding.
Oh, really?
Well, when did they
say this happened?
Oh, about an hour ago.
Her and the jewels
walked right out.
Oh, how very interesting, yeah.
You don't sound well.
You still on your diet?
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.
No, I-I'm in the
middle of a meeting
with Miss Wilding
and her committee,
and it started just
about that time.
You were with her?
(chuckling): Exactly.
I'll talk to you
later. Good-bye.
Oh, dear.
My apologies,
ladies, I'm so sorry.
No, no,
we understand.
Now, let me tell you my
surprise for the fashion show.
It's really thrilling.
Oh, good, good.
I've gotten some major jewelry
collectors to lend us pieces
More than $40 million worth.
And the pièce de résistance
is a Catherine the Great
necklace it's priceless.
Congratulations. You've
done a wonderful job.
Hasn't she, ladies?
Miss Wilding!
Is something the matter?
I just didn't know
you'd gone out.
Nancy, you saw me leave
for my luncheon at the club.
But I just took your
lunch into the living room
on a tray, like you asked.
(quietly): Lisa.
Lisa, what the hell
are you doing here?
Isn't it obvious?
I've come home.
Home? You've never lived
in California Do you have
a bathing suit I might borrow?
I felt your pool, and it was
so nice and toasty, I thought
What about our agreement?
I'm broke. Busted.
We split the take
for the last job!
We each had the same, damn it!
You had $3 million!
Well, you always were the
one who could manage money.
Besides, do you have any
idea how fast $3 million goes?
Damn you, Lisa.
This is unbelievable.
If you needed money,
why didn't you just call?
I can lend you
something to tide you over.
Oh, no, I wouldn't dream of
taking advantage of you like that.
No, I'm here to work.
Look, Lisa, I've made a
whole new life for myself here.
If you think you can
just come in and
Do you mind not
smoking in my house?
Those are real.
I should hope so I stole
them from your favorite store.
They're so fond of you
there. You stole jewelry
and let the store
think that I took it?
(laughs): Don't worry,
I checked with your
housekeeper and made sure
you had an alibi at
the time I was there.
And what makes you think I
won't tell the police the truth?
It might be
a little awkward
calling the police.
Not just explaining to
your new society friends
about me, but
making the police understand
about all those little robberies
we pulled together,
brilliantly, in Europe?
(laughs): It is
delicious, isn't it?
As a sample of
what I can do to you
if you're reluctant to help me?
Oh, Jenny, don't look like that.
I was only teasing.
You know I'd never hurt you.
It's just so hard for
me alone I need you.
I really do.
What a surprise
to see you again.
Except this really
isn't a surprise.
Excuse me.
I came here today
because I saw your picture
in the paper about
this fashion show.
I'm sorry, have we met?
Lisa, have you forgotten me?
Along with your own name?
Apparently I have.
Thank you, I'm
through for the day.
Perhaps we could
just have a cigarette,
then see if I can jog
your memory, huh?
Sorry, I don't smoke.
Hey, you think this is amusing?
I take you to my
house in the country
for a romantic weekend.
I awaken in the middle of
the night, and you're gone.
And so are my wife's jewels.
Everyone knows
infidelity can be expensive.
And I'm sorry, but you
have the wrong woman.
No, you have robbed
the wrong man.
Because now, I don't
care if my wife knows.
When do you claim this happened?
You know when.
A year ago this spring.
I've lived here for
the last three years
and I haven't been
out of the country.
What a convincing liar you are.
All right, we'll see if the
police are persuaded, huh?
Perhaps we could
talk about this.
LISA: Of course he was upset.
He wanted to have an affair.
I said no.
What about his wife's jewelry?
Please, he's so
cheap, she's lucky
if she's got a single
strand of faux pearls.
You know, I didn't
steal anything from him.
Except apparently his heart.
Lisa, pay attention.
He said he was
going to the police.
He's just bluffing to get you,
or rather me, into bed with him.
Well, you saw how pushy he is.
But don't worry,
I'll take care of it.
I'll talk to him.
He can't intimidate me,
because I know the truth.
I'm afraid I do have
some bad news or you.
I fired your housekeeper.
Well, the woman's
not a complete idiot.
Sooner or later she was bound
to figure out there are two of us.
But you're not staying.
What do you suggest I wear
to take care of
this nasty baron?
MAN: I've heard of you, of
course, from my European sources.
But they claim you
never work in this country.
Oh, I never did before.
This is a rather
remarkable decision.
And quite a calling card.
I thought they might
get your attention.
And I hope this keeps yours.
Actually, it's not this
part of the payment
I'm most interested in.
Just what you asked for.
I'm surprised. Your reputation
is no violence.
Purely self-protection.
This was the hard part.
I know, they're illegal.
You know, if you've
got a problem,
well, I might be
able to help you.
In fact, it might be a pleasure.
(laughs softly)
Thanks, but I make it a rule.
I always solve personal
problems myself.
(knocking on door)
Come in.
I was agonizing, wondering
if you'd really come.
You don't seem to
have had much doubt.
What shall we drink to?
Let's wait.
JENNY: That's incredible.
This woman really
looked like me?
Yes, the store personnel
were all questioned
and they all were positive.
Now when did all this nonsense
at the jewelry store happen?
Around lunchtime.
And that's when we were together
at the committee meeting.
Well, the answer's
obvious, isn't it?
It is?
Of course.
Some woman, maybe
an actress or a model
with a superficial
resemblance to me,
makes herself up, does her hair,
passes herself off.
It's the only
possible explanation.
I suppose you're right.
Well, thank you for taking
the time to come in, my dear.
Oh, not at all.
Fabulous dog.
Ah, such beautiful eyes.
Oh, yes.
They're a wonderful blue.
What a strong face.
Yes, it is a strong
face, isn't it?
And yet so sensitive.
You know, there are
some people who say that
there's a marked resemblance
between Max and me.
Physically, that is.
Yes, I think I see it.
Your perspicacity
is amazing, my dear.
Well, thank you.
Bye now.
And I'm not
speaking of the wine.
I wanted it to be
memorable for you.
It was.
But somehow I
I thought you didn't smoke?
That's because I was a
different woman at the club.
You were with
my twin sister then.
You're joking.
I wish I were.
You see, I'm afraid
she was very upset
when you mentioned the police.
That's why I wanted
this afternoon
to be the best you ever had.
But why?
Because it was your last.
(shouting indistinctly)
Lisa, I can't believe it.
You killed him.
What? Jennifer, what
are you talking about?
Don't lie to me, not this
time, not about murder!
You're joking.
You don't really
believe that I
I know you did it!
You didn't even
try to talk to him
'cause you took a gun with you!
God, you made love to him
first, and then you killed him.
Didn't you?!
Didn't you?!
All right.
Yes, I did it for you!
Oh, Lisa, please.
I didn't have any choice.
He would have ruined everything.
You don't know
Jean Claude, I do.
He's mean and vindictive.
He would have
gone to the police.
And even if they
didn't believe him,
they've never let us
near the fashion show.
You killed a man so we
would rob a fashion show?
Well, I was scared.
You were so mad at me.
I couldn't make it in
Europe without you.
I was afraid you'd
send me back alone.
I didn't know what I'd do then.
Oh, Jennifer, please help me.
If I help you, if I do
one last job with you,
will you promise me,
I mean really promise,
that you'll leave and
never come back?
Do you mean never see you again?
All right.
And something else.
You don't do
anything, anything at all
without talking to me first.
Okay, I promise.
What the hell is
going on around here?!
Mr. McCabe, excuse me.
What? Who are you?
What's your name?
Uh, Mr. McCabe. Sir, I
What's your name?!
Speak up, girl!
I'm Lucille McMullen,
your temporary assistant.
Assistant? I've
got an assistant.
His name is Derek.
No. I mean, yes, but not that
kind of assistant. What?
You see, at secretarial
school, they're trying
to upgrade our image,
so now we're known as
Somebody get these
thugs out of here!
All right, what do you want now?
I have a secretary.
No, sir. She took
a leave of absence.
Family emergency.
Was it serious?
Her grandmother's 100th birthday
in Ohio.
Oh, in Ohio. Oh, great.
And when nobody from the steno
pool would take the assignment,
they called the
school, and I came.
You're still in
secretarial school?
No, I graduated today.
Oh, well, congratulations.
I was in the top 60
percentile of my class
Listen to me, all you people!
Get back to your
desks and get rid
of all of these drop
cloths and go back to work!
You know better than this!
Listen you, you find
out who's responsible
for this paint crew and
stop 'em, do you hear me?
You stop 'em!
My God, look at that desk.
Who told her to clean my desk?!
I'm gonna kill that girl.
Deliver me from secretaries,
especially that one.
Mr. McCabe we have
a major breakthrough
about the murder of
that French banker.
Will you get that
smirk off of your face?
Just listen to this.
I went over to the country club
that French banker was visiting
while he was in town,
and I talked to the
man at the caddy shack.
Derek, my tolerance
for you is eroding rapidly.
Get to the point.
Well, he was trying
to pick up this beautiful woman.
The man at the
caddy shack thought
that they were
trying to make a date.
Ah, just possibly we're
getting someplace, huh?
Well, I got a picture of her
from the club social director.
I have it right Splendid.
JAKE: Here it is. I got it.
Don't get excited.
You're not gonna
like what you see.
What do you mean?
That's the first
real evidence
Take a look.
What is this?
What is this, some
kind of a practical joke?!
No, sir, I don't think so.
This is Jennifer Wilding!
I've been through
all this before!
J.L., I showed that picture
to the elevator operator
at the hotel where the
banker was murdered.
He says he saw her
going into the suite.
Jake, at the time of the
murder, she was sitting in a chair
right there explaining how
she couldn't have been
involved in the jewel robbery.
Sounds like a great alibi to me.
This is impossible.
You know what Sherlock
Holmes said, when
I know what Sherlock
Holmes said, damn it!
Jake! What?
Put surveillance
on Jennifer Wilding,
and I mean 24 hours a day.
You got it.
Oh, and find out
who this double is
and how they meet
to set these things
up, you know?
All right.
MAN: It's the only
answer you're getting.
JAKE: Hmm.
I don't know anything
about that jewelry store job.
I guess catching
you with the bracelets
was just a case
of bad luck, right?
I was completely surprised
when you found them in my car.
This is the woman
that did the job.
You recognize her?
What about that?
I don't even know what that is.
You don't?
Well, we think that (sighs)
this woman
used it to murder
the French banker.
I think it's funny how she
looks like this other woman
you've never seen before.
What are you talking about?
Receiving stolen goods,
aiding and abetting a murder.
Come on.
I'm not a violent guy.
I hate it.
Yeah, almost as much
as you love money.
Hell, I think you'd
broker anything,
including a silencer,
if the price was right.
Prove it.
I don't have to.
I'm gonna hold you
as a material witness.
Then I think I'm gonna
put a word out on the street
that you rolled over
on one of your sources.
You wouldn't do that.
I think the boys
you do business with
are gonna have you for lunch.
You're a hotshot gambler.
Find out how perfect
your reputation is.
Get him out of here.
You play dirty.
Yeah, well, it's part of my job.
About this
I might have made a silencer
part of the deal for a
payment to a major source.
Any hypothetical
source in particular?
Anything you want to assume.
You didn't hear that from me.
I'm sorry, I didn't
order anything.
Compliments of the gentleman.
May I?
Has anyone ever said no?
Oh, often but not lately.
At least not when you
send an emerald for dessert.
Well, I think it gets
a person's attention.
Actually, I prefer
chocolate mousse.
Of course you know it's a fake.
A real emerald has a flaw.
Very good.
Only a real pro can
tell that without a loop.
If you'll excuse me I think
I'll have my wine alone.
Sometimes even a
pro can make a mistake.
It's also real, by the way.
I can tell but, I'm sorry,
I don't accept even real
diamonds from strangers.
I didn't say it was a present.
It's my calling card.
I know what you do for a living.
I deal in special jewelry.
The stolen kind.
Your old contact's
out of the picture.
From now on, you'll
be dealing with me.
Jennifer Wilding came
here from Europe about
three years ago.
Before that, nothing.
Ah, come on! She's famous!
Only after she came here.
European police have
never heard of her.
Neither have the FBI or
police in any major U.S. city.
I used her fingerprint
of the driver's license.
No family? No old friends?
Zero seems the
first person to meet her
when she came
here was her banker.
Well, he describes her as
enchanting and discreetly rich.
Seems all her money
comes in wire transfers
from a Swiss bank.
Only somebody with an
incriminating past is that clean.
The woman's hiding something.
Find it.
What what the
hell are you doing?
Are you all right?
Please, Mr. McCabe,
don't go in there.
(groaning): Out of
my way, will you?
I said move!
H-H-How could this happen?
Well, no one knows.
I can't find out
who started the work
order or who authorized it,
and when I called the supervisor
they put me on hold,
and I can't Don't
worry about it.
Everything's going
to stop right now.
Right now!
All of you stop
everything and get out!
Do you hear me?!
(low, indistinct chattering)
Too late. What?
Once the work order's
begun, they have to finish.
Union rules.
Union rules.
Maybe maybe you
could just take a long lunch.
(doorbell rings)
(doorbell rings)
(dog barking in
distance, birds twittering)
I rang the bell, but
no one answered.
You don't look like you're
selling encyclopedias.
Mind if I have a cup of coffee?
Ooh, things must be tough.
Time was when a diamond
bought a guy a cup of coffee.
Yours for a smile.
Thank you.
Now, what's this
about a diamond?
Yesterday, lunch,
the club, the
diamond Remember?
Oh, that diamond.
I was thinking of the future.
That's why I'm here.
Is this business or
something more personal?
I never mix business
with pleasure.
What a pity.
(coffee sloshing) Oh, damn!
Damn, it's silk.
Coffee stains it. Let
me help you with that.
I always like something
sweet before breakfast.
I'll be right back.
Lisa, what was
going on out there?
You tell me; I just looked
up and there he was.
Come on, get out of
that, we have to change.
Of course I had no
idea he was the man
from the club yesterday.
When you told me
the diamond story,
you didn't mention
how cute he was.
What did he say to you,
Lisa? What did you say to him?
Nothing I didn't
have a chance.
By the time I figured out
who he was, you walked in.
I had to distract him by
spilling coffee on the robe.
Here, let me help you.
I don't know what he's up
to, I just know he's trouble.
Let me know what you
think of his technique.
Business, of course.
Give me those earrings.
Sorry, I'm not
usually so clumsy.
Now, where were we?
Business and pleasure the
debate on which comes first.
And then I've got an
easy answer neither.
You don't leave me
much room to negotiate.
How much negotiating
can you do in 30 seconds
The time it will take
you to walk out of here,
leave, and never come back?
Got awfully cold in
here, all of a sudden.
Let me show you out.
When I said we were going
to be in business together,
I meant it.
Not half as much as I did
when I told you I don't know
what you're talking about.
One more thing.
Just make it good-bye.
Stay away from the fashion show.
The job's too big for you.
There's gonna be
cops everywhere.
Besides, the DA's got
his reputation on the line.
I'm glad you mentioned him
because if I ever see you again,
I'm going to ask
him personally to
I'm sorry.
I just wondered what happened
to the lady with the coffee.
"Lace is back and not
just in slips or teddies.
"The latest look for after dark
makes the most of this
fabulous, filmy fabric."
"The diamond butterfly
is a cunning collection
of one-karat stones."
(muttering): I could
have done this for a living.
"Now for something
really stunning.
"This off-the-shoulder number
cut on the bias,
and I do mean"
(chuckling): "the bias."
Well, what do you think, huh?
What are you doing? What, what?
Oh, oh, no, no, I was just
doing a little rehearsing
for, you know
See you got the place painted.
Looks nice.
Thank you.
Looks exactly the same.
Well, that's the
way I wanted it.
Incidentally, some
of the paint's still wet,
so be careful what you touch.
What's happening
with the investigation?
I went over to her house,
tried to get her to commit to,
uh, robbing the fashion show.
Yeah. And?
(wry laugh)
I don't know.
One minute, she's
warm, she's real nice,
she's all over me, and
the next minute she's ice.
I'll tell you, it's
Eh, it sounds like a victory
for good sense
on her part to me.
(chuckles) So I tried
a little psychology.
I told her not to even think
about robbing the fashion show.
She'd damn well better not.
I'd look like a fool standing
at the podium while she did it.
One thing I do not enjoy is
looking like an ass in public.
(grunts) Well, uh
speaking of looking like an ass,
I think I'd look at my
jacket, if I were you.
W-What What
do you mean, Jake?
Talk to you later. Jake?
(classical music playing)
(indistinct chatter)
Thank you.
MAN: This way. This way.
Okay, right there.
(chuckling): Pardon me.
Good evening, Mr. McCabe.
You look absolutely magnificent.
Thank you.
How's it's feel to be so near
a multimillion-dollar necklace?
It is the moment I have
been waiting for all week.
(J.L. chuckling)
(chuckles) All
right, here we go.
Ladies and gentlemen, if
you're ready, we'll begin.
Time to make
history, Miss Wilding.
MAN: God!
J.L.: Turn the lights back on!
(Jennifer screams)
J.L.: Don't anybody move!
Somebody robbed me.
Oh, my God.
Miss Wilding! Somebody
stole my necklace!
Somebody stole my necklace!
(reporters clamoring)
J.L.: She did it.
I know she did it.
She stole that necklace
right out from under me.
But how?
I knew you'd be here.
I came right down to help
just as soon as I heard
about it on the 11:00 news.
I picked up the early paper.
You're on the
front page of both.
Let me see.
(clears throat)
"Jewel thieves
put DA's lights out."
And this one says
"DA with red face
and empty hands."
I like it; it's catchy.
I had no idea you
were so photogenic.
And there are more pictures
of you inside. (laughs)
J.L.: Do you think,
just possibly, that you
could stop being helpful
long enough to make some coffee?
Of course.
But first, I just want to say
that I, for one, am behind
you 100% all the way
Black and strong!
But please, take your time.
No cream.
No cream, that's right.
Look at these
pictures. Come here.
What is it?
Now watch.
Follow me now.
Look at the dress she's wearing.
DEREK: Yeah, a
strapless velvet ball gown.
The belt on the
dress See the belt?
I don't get it.
I see what you mean!
DEREK: Can somebody tell
me what's going on in here?
Lucille, get in here. But I'm
Forget the coffee, get
a judge on the phone.
Wake one up if you have to.
I need a search warrant.
And call the police.
I want them over at
Jennifer Wilding's house.
(doorbell rings)
What are you doing here?
That's not a very
friendly greeting.
If you don't leave this
instant, I'm calling the police.
Oh, well, I think
you'll be surprised
at their response
time We're here.
Matter of fact, we're
all here, Jennifer.
If that's your real name.
What's this about?
May I come in?
I have an invitation.
Actually, we'd like to see your
twin sister, too, if she's here.
I don't have a sister.
We know from the
pictures in the papers.
Search her bags.
You see, the belt buckles
are different in the
pictures that we have.
In one, it points to the left,
in the other, it
points to the right.
Are you crazy?
No, see a person's belt buckle
always points in the direction
of their predominant hand,
right if you're right-handed,
left if you're left-handed.
You and your twin are
mirror images aren't you?
I told you I don't have a
sister, twin or otherwise.
I found it.
It's too bad.
I just want to make sure
I'm arresting the right woman.
What for? I have no idea
how those got in my suitcase.
Don't worry about the necklace.
It's paste.
DEREK: Mr. McCabe
knew you'd try to steal it,
so he switched
them before the show.
Then what are you
arresting me for?
You're the woman that
shot Jean Claude Amond.
You have the right
to remain silent.
(handcuffs clicking)
Anything you say can and will be
used against you in a court of law.
You have the
right to an attorney.
If you can't afford one, one
will be appointed for you.
And how were you
employed by the hotel?
I'm an elevator operator
for the luxury suites only.
Now, on the day of the
murder, were you on duty?
Yes, I was You see,
I'm working my way
through college,
so I get to work right
after my last class.
And, that day, I
got there at 1:00.
And did you see anyone
come up to the suite
where the murder took place?
Yes, I did.
You see, first, I took
up the dead man
and then, about 20
minutes after that,
I took up the woman,
and then I'd say
an hour after that,
I took her back downstairs.
Did you actually see this
woman go into the suite
where the murder took place?
Yes, I did.
You see, the hotel only
has ten of these luxury suites,
so I'm never really too busy and
nobody was buzzing at the time,
so I didn't have
anywhere to go
and she's a beautiful woman.
I enjoyed watching
her walk away.
Could you identify
that woman, please?
Is she present in
this courtroom today?
She's sitting right there.
Point to her again.
Right there.
I see.
Uh, may the record reflect
that this witness has
identified the defendant.
The record will so reflect.
I have no further
questions, Your Honor.
JUDGE: Does the defense
wish to cross-examine?
Not at this time, Your Honor.
You may step down.
Mr. McCabe, call
your next witness.
Oh, well, that concludes
the People's case in chief,
Your Honor, thank you.
JUDGE: Mr. Reed?
Your Honor, at this
time, the defense calls,
as its first witness,
the district attorney,
Mr. J.L. McCabe.
Well, the son of a
Mr. McCabe, if you
have an objection,
the court would like to hear it.
Well, I was merely
reflecting, Your Honor,
that I have no evidence
that can possibly be
helpful to the defense.
Well, on the
contrary, Your Honor,
Mr. McCabe's testimony
will, in fact, clear my client.
With that representation,
the court will hear
this testimony.
Mr. McCabe, please be
sworn and take the stand.
Do you swear to tell the
truth, and nothing but the truth?
I certainly do.
State your name for the record.
J.L. McCabe.
Sir, please state your
full name for the record.
Please take the witness stand.
Thank you.
Now, Mr. McCabe, please
tell us where you were
at the time of the murder
of Jean Claude Amond?
I was in my office.
And was anyone with you?
Yes, my assistant,
Derek Mitchell.
And who else?
A woman who claimed
to be Jennifer Wilding.
And didn't that woman look
exactly like the defendant?
J.L.: She did.
The People have
contended all along
the defendant has
an identical twin sister.
We have been unable
to produce her, however.
Your Honor, at this time,
the defense would like to
conduct a demonstration.
(gallery murmuring)
Now, Mr. McCabe,
is it your contention
that while one of these
women was in the office,
the other was
committing the murder?
It is.
Well, if that's the case,
would you please tell us
which one of these
women was not in the office?
Because it follows, therefore,
that the other is innocent.
Mr. McCabe, please
identify the innocent woman.
I cannot do that.
Your Honor,
since Mr. McCabe can't
convict both of these women,
and then flip a coin to decide
which one gets punished
the defense moves
that all charges
against my client be dropped.
Mr. McCabe, do
the people object?
Not only do we
object, Your Honor,
we have a rebuttal witness
to this trickery by the defense.
With the court's permission,
we would like to take
this witness out of order.
So ordered.
We call the defendant's sister.
J.L.: Now, Miss Wilding,
you and your sister
are very close, aren't you?
In fact, more than close.
As an identical twin,
isn't there a very special
bond between you?
Our parents were
killed in a car crash
when we were
less than a year old.
We've only had each other.
J.L.: And you'd
do anything for her,
including helping her
escape being punished
for first degree murder?
Objection. Argumentative,
Your Honor.
Assumes facts not in evidence.
J.L.: I'll rephrase the
question, Your Honor.
You don't want to see your
sister convicted, do you?
Of course not.
But we have an eyewitness
who positively identified one of you
as the woman he saw
entering and leaving the suite
at the time of the murder.
And one of us was in your
office at the time of the murder.
So it stands to reason
that whichever one of you
wasn't at my office was
the woman our witness saw.
The woman who murdered
Jean Claude Amond.
You were in your
office, Mr. McCabe.
Can you tell us apart?
I'm sorry to say I cannot.
But I was sure there
were two of you.
I was also sure
your sister's lawyer
would pull this stunt
of producing you
and challenging
us to tell you apart.
In fact, I was counting
on his producing you,
because one of you should
have left a fingerprint in my office.
Unfortunately, my crew went over
every inch of my office
and came up empty.
Until I remembered this.
My dog's collar.
I would like to have my
dog Max's collar marked
as People's next in order.
This evidence has just
come to our attention
from the lab, Your Honor.
Objection overruled.
Thank you.
You see, the twin who was in
my office gave Max a scratch
More than a scratch
Rubbed his neck.
Max was in heaven.
And that woman left a
fingerprint on Max's collar.
But when we fingerprinted
the defendant, it didn't match.
However, the print on the
collar did match the print
on your driver's
license, Jennifer.
It was your print on the collar.
And it's a perfect match.
You were in my office while
she was committing murder.
No further questions.
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