Ninjago: Dragons Rising (2023) s01e19 Episode Script

We are all Dragons

[intense suspenseful music]
All clear.
Come on. Our secret HQ is close.
Stick to the shadows.
Sticking to shadows is
one of the things Ninja do best.
[suspenseful music]
It's kind of weirding me out how we're
on the same side now, Percival.
I can imagine.
But just think of it
like when an Earth Dragon
builds a nest
with an Ice Dragon.
Nothing is stronger.
Since when do you know
stuff about dragons?
All you used to care about was joining
the Claws to hunt them.
A lot's happened since we last
saw each other, Lampshade.
Oh, uh
You can call me Arin.
[singing dramatically]
Bum-ba-bum-bum ♪
Bum-bum-bum, bum-ba-ba-bum ♪
Kai, can you please?
Of course.
Wyldfyre, this is
a stealth mission.
So the theme
would go more like
[singing in soft voice]
Da-da-da, da-da-da-da ♪
Oh, yeah! Got it.
[both singing in soft voice]
Da-da-da, da-da-da-da ♪
I forgot there's two of them now.
[singing continues]
When we were flying to Imperium,
we saw a massive explosion.
Did you see it too?
It looked like
Dragon Core Energy.
Who didn't see it?
It came from
the Advanced Systems Lab.
That's where you'll find your Core,
but first, we gotta get to our base
and out of sight of any guards.
The entrance to the tunnel
is right around
-[Percival gasps]
-[intimidating music]
Imperium citizens
siding with the Ninja?
Traitors! You will be executed
for your treason!
And you, Ninja?
You dare invade my kingdom?
How foolish can you be?
You have no idea
how foolish some of us can be.
No offense, Lloyd.
Your sad Ninja training,
your pathetic Elemental Powers,
they are nothing
compared to my power!
Lost in the unknown
So much to see ♪
Together we will rise! ♪
Yeah ♪
We fight ♪
Be a Ninja for what's right ♪
[lightning crackling]
[epic music]
For as rotten
as this kingdom is,
it does look perfect
from the outside.
The citizens still think
it is perfect.
Just ask my parents.
Maybe after this is over,
we can talk to them.
Convince them that
No. My parents believe
in Imperium more than anything.
More than they believe
in their own
There's no talking to them.
-[distant blasts]
Is that an Elemental fight?
Maybe we're not the only Ninja
to have our plans derailed by Imperium.
Let's hope the armor I built Jiro
is enough to break through.
[intense battle music]
Did that just happen?
My mech is impervious
to your Elemental Powers.
[Ninja grunting]
You think your powers
make you so superior!
Huh? We don't think we're better
than anyone 'cause of our powers.
I do.
You will learn that no one
is superior to Empress Beatrix!
-[dragon roaring]
Is that who I think it is?
Nya and Sora?
Tell me they didn't forget
about the electro-barrier.
[suspenseful music]
We are Imperium!
None can shatter what we build!
Nya, pull up!
It's not gonna
[suspenseful music continues]
Never mind!
"Good Empress"?
Looks like "Mediocre at Best Empress"
to me.
[furious scream]
Claws! Get them!
All of them!
[Beatrix grunts]
[Nya grunts]
[suspenseful battle music]
Fancy meeting you here!
Imperium steal
your Dragon Core too?
Not ours.
But they did get
Kai and Wyldfyre's Core.
It's not a competition!
[Beatrix groans]
[soft growl]
[intense battle music]
-What, Riyu?
We can't run away!
[intense battle music continues]
Lloyd! I think
Riyu's trying to tell me
the big dragons'll keep the Empress
occupied so we can get out!
But they'll need help!
You wanna argue with a dragon?
Point taken.
Percival, let's go!
[Claw 1] After them!
-[intense suspenseful music]
I've jumped into worse.
Secret Dumpster shute? Nice.
Come on, our HQ's close.
Test number seven, ready.
[dragon growls softly]
The adjustments we made
should do the trick.
Let's show Dr. LaRow
you can drain
a Source Dragon's power.
[ominous music building]
[energy crackling]
[alarm blaring]
[Beatrix yelps]
[Nya panting]
Hey, that's part of
the weird techno-cocoon
we found Zane in,
in that underground Monastery.
Yeah, the Empress
took all that stuff apart.
Most of it got sent
to the Land of Lost Things.
That's where we dump
all our old tech.
Yeah, we've become
pretty familiar with that place.
And this explains why part
of the Portal Gate was there.
And why I could not
connect to this Gate again.
This would have been
useful to know
before I expended so many days
with my failed attempts.
How does the Empress not know
you're all hiding out down here?
When we were the Imperium
Teen Protection Force,
we learned where
all the security cameras are,
so now, we can avoid them.
It's how we've been able
to build up the Resistance
without getting caught.
And how big is the Resistance?
We're the leaders, but we have people
inside all kinds of places.
That's how we got
this access card.
This will get you into
the Advanced Systems Lab
to find your Dragon Cores.
[Sora] I don't get it.
Last time I saw you, you were dragging
poor Riyu to the Empress.
[angry growl]
We all saw you Ninja free those dragons
with our own eyes.
So when the Empress said
it didn't happen,
we got skeptical
and started digging,
and uncovered all kinds of lies.
We were told our old Emperor
died in an accident,
but it turns out the Empress and Ras
caused that accident.
Even I didn't know that.
We've all known people
who've mysteriously disappeared.
We believe anyone
who tries to express themselves
in a way
the Empress disagrees with
is imprisoned.
This footage
was never broadcast,
but in it,
the Empress admits to her lies.
One of her biggest?
That dragons are only
"mindless beasts".
Did you know dragons
have super advanced IQs?
And almost all dragon species
live in cooperative communities,
just like us.
Obviously. Everyone knows that.
Not in Imperium.
But I'm confident
when the rest of our people
learn the truth about
how we treat dragons,
they'll rise up.
But how will they learn
the truth?
The Empress controls
all the information in Imperium.
We have an insider
that can get us access
to the broadcast tower tonight.
If we can hack through
the encryption,
we can stream this
to every screen in Imperium.
That's why we think it's fate
you've shown up here, now.
How is it "fate?"
Because she's here.
You're who inspired us
to do this, Ana
I mean, Sora.
Me? I'm just a runaway
who's good at tech stuff.
Our whole lives,
the Empress told us what to do,
how to dress, how to think
and we just did it.
No questions.
But you defied
LaRow and the Empress.
You resisted.
You did
what no one had ever done.
When we learned the truth
about what happened to you,
why you left
We had to do our part
to try and save Imperium.
None of us can hack
the broadcast encryption.
But we believe you can.
[soft growl]
I'm in.
Not without me.
I've always got your back, Sora.
Great, you do that,
we'll get the Dragon Cores
from the lab.
One thing.
I saw that lab
after the explosion.
It's now on lockdown.
Guards on guards on guards.
Then they'll need a distraction.
You had me at "massive explosion".
I didn't say
"massive explosion".
You implied it.
Yes. Yes, I did.
All right then.
Time to save the world.
[suspenseful music]
[intense suspenseful music]
Filthy lizard!
No dragon is a match for me!
[sword whooshing]
[soft tense music]
[suspenseful music]
[guard] Hey! Ya almost done
out there, Melvin?
[Melvin] I think?
Went to the eye doctor today,
got my pupils dilated.
Ugh! Can't see a thing!
Should've taken the day off,
but you know how the Empress is.
-Oh, well!
-[water sloshing]
[tense music]
All right,
map says that's the Armory.
Doesn't look like anyone's home!
-Knock, knock.
-Who's there?
-Ka who?
[both] Ka-boom!
[both laughing]
[both singing dramatically]
Bum-bum-bum ♪
Bum-ba-bum-bum-bum ♪
Wait, where's
the massive explosion?
If this is where they keep
their rockets and weapons
and blowing-up stuff,
shouldn't there be
more loud booms?
You know, I was just
thinking the same thing.
This is the Armory, right?
Totally! See?
This map is upside down!
Oh, uh well, you let a kid
raised in the wildness
be in charge of a city map,
so your fault.
But I'm sure
this building is still something
very, very important,
so no doubt we pulled
a strategic move
to help the Resistance.
[shoulder pad guard]
Not the Shoulder Pad storage!
[shoulder pad guard
crying in despair]
[tense music]
[Sora] I can't believe
you managed to get an insider
into the broadcast tower.
That's like
Triple-A Level clearance.
And wait till you see who it is.
-[Riyu growls]
Hey! If you need an inside guy,
Rapton's your man!
-[Riyu growls]
Hey! Ow!
Boy, someone's really holding on
to an old grudge.
Come on, please!
We need him
if we want to save Imperium!
Hey, buddy.
I hate Rapton too,
but let's at least hear him out.
[Riyu growling]
How do we know you're not
a spy for the Empress?
'Cause I can't stand her!
Look, all I ever wanted
was to hunt dragons
Okay, okay, I'll admit,
I wasn't reading the room there.
[chuckles awkwardly]
Look, the Empress
has gone off the rails!
She's so obsessed
with destroying Ninja,
she doesn't think
about anything else!
She's built
this MergeQuake weapon,
and she's too far gone
to realize
she'll destroy the whole world
trying to get revenge!
What's that got to do with you?
When I didn't get the Dragon Core
she sent me for,
I had a real moment of clarity.
Why was I helping her
end the world?
Rapton needs the world.
Rapton likes living in it.
He heard about the Resistance
and came to me.
We made him a fake Dragon Core
to give to the Empress.
I was hoping with a fake Core,
her weapon just wouldn't work
and she'd give up.
But that kind of
explosively backfired.
The lab explosion?
That was you?
Ugh, yeah, Rapton barely
got out of there alive.
But now I hear
the Empress has another plan
to get her weapon going,
so we gotta work fast.
Her real strength
is the loyalty of her people,
and we're betting
a pirate broadcast of the truth
will end that.
So you trust me or not?
Fine. Truce.
But it's only temporary.
Absolutely, I hate you all too.
Like, so much.
Now, one hand scan
and you're in.
Go to town.
Street's all clear, let's go!
[loud crash]
[tense intimidating music]
I gotta admit, she's good
with dramatic entrances.
I wonder where she learned that?
[tense music]
Yet another
dramatic Dorama entrance!
Please, hold all applause
until the end of the performance!
Ha-ha! I knew following that heel Rapton
would lead to a plot twist.
Now look at what I've upstaged!
[Riyu yelps]
The Empress
will be thrilled with me!
How can you work for her?
Her rule is nothing but lies!
Oh, naïve child.
The lies of the stage
are how we find our inner truths!
[power sizzling]
[Riyu screeches, growls]
Thanks, Riyu.
You stick some guns on a dragon
and think it can take me?
Where are our dragons?
Where all dragons should be.
Imprisoned, preparing
to be drained for their energy.
So they can't help you this time.
I know you've come
for my Dragon Cores.
But you will not get them!
[all shout]
[Beatrix grunts]
[intense battle music]
[Ninja grunting]
[energy crackling]
-[groans in frustration]
-[Dr. LaRow] I warned you.
Your pathetic desire
to compete with Ana
has caused you to bite off
more than you can chew.
[annoyed grunt] Don't ever
say that name to me, Dr. LaRow!
Ana doesn't even know
who you are!
You can't do this. Admit it.
Guards! Get her out of my sight!
It can't be done, Jordana!
Remove all safety protocols.
Increase yield 400 percent.
But that could destroy the system.
Blow us all up!
Just do it!
See, those are
power lines, not rivers!
And are you
even paying attention?
They did it.
[all groaning]
Your powers disgust me!
[Beatrix on TV] We must eliminate
repulsive and aberrant freaks
from our city,
like I did to my sister!
And my father!
Wait, what?
And I assure you all,
there has been no dragon escape.
Anyone suggesting that
is a traitor.
[Dorama on TV]
And we're clear, Empress.
Stunning performance.
I don't need a good performance.
The brainless people of Imperium
will believe anything I tell them.
With those dragons now gone,
tell LaRow to increase draining
the few we have left.
The last thing I need is
pathetic citizens complaining.
What is this? What's happening?
Just your own words, Empress.
Faster! More!
The Dragon can't take much more.
Who cares!
Drain it
until there's nothing left!
Imperium's power
must be infinite!
[growling on TV]
-Hey, she lied to us!
[Dorama groans]
It's working
Good. Now it's time
I do something.
People of Imperium!
You've heard the truth
from the Empress herself.
Imperium is not the perfect place
we've been told it is!
It tortures dragons!
It drains them
of their very life!
Every comfort you have,
every privilege,
comes at the expense
of other living beings.
This cannot
must not continue!
And she doesn't only
abuse dragons.
Our entire culture
is in service to her.
The Empress used me for my work,
then threw me away
when she couldn't control me.
Just like the dragons,
I was a "mindless beast."
That's how she sees all of us!
But we are all
stronger than she realizes!
We must rise up!
We must be free!
Because today
we are all dragons!
Her father was a leader,
she's just a liar!
-[crowd shouting angrily]
-[tense music]
She's using us!
We are like dragons to her!
-[man 1] Down with the Empress!
-[man 2] She's a liar!
[crowd clamoring, shouting]
[dramatic music]
[guard] There's an uprising!
Let's gear up!
-[guards groan]
-[dramatic music]
-[fireworks crackling]
[large explosion]
Now that's an Armory.
[crowd clamoring angrily]
Those videos were faked!
You know me. I am good!
-[clamoring continues]
-[guard yelps, groans]
-[man 1 exclaims]
[man 2] Down with the Empress!
[phone beeping]
This better be
good news, Jordana.
[crowd chanting]
We are all dragons!
You did this.
We did this.
We are all dragons.
[screeching roar]
[crowd chanting in distance]
We are all dragons!
[guard] She's been lying to us
this whole time!
I can't believe it!
[soft tense music]
The teens weren't kidding.
That is a lot of guards.
Let's go.
[guard] The Armory's on fire!
Come on!
Did my brother's dumb plan
seriously work?
It would appear so.
Looking for these?
How does she have three Cores?
Now even MergeQuakes
are mine to command!
Prepare for your complete
and utter destruction, Ninja!
[Beatrix laughing manically]
[closing theme music]
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