Painkiller Jane s01e19 Episode Script

What Lies Beneath

My name is jane vasco.
I could use you on my team.
I work for a secret government agency that hunts neuros.
People who can do dangerous things with their minds.
On my first assignment Something a little weird happened, okay, something really weird.
Until I get some answers I'm getting on with my life, doing my job.
Stocking up on aspirin, because let me tell ya, pain's a bitch! Riley, what's happening? System is down, backed up and secure.
We going somewhere? Nice if there were a neuro or two in maul.
I don't think you'll be sipping a lot of mal-tais in hungary.
No cracks.
I didn't say anything? It's a pre-emptive strike.
I do have a life above ground.
What's the 911? We have an emergency situation at nico.
Morgan informs me there's been a break.
How many? Six that we're aware of.
When? We don't know.
There have been administrative problems at nico for months now.
Morgan's thinks they've been sweeping things under the carpet.
In any case, I can't tell you when because no official report was made.
Morgan picked this up from other sources.
Can't the locals handle it? There are no locals.
These neuros have been chipped, so there's minimal security.
The other staff are administrators, doctors, nurses.
The flight leaves at 0600.
That's four hours from now.
Pack light.
Seth, I'm going to need riley where we're going so there'll be no one here to run security.
I'm going to get joe to do a lock up here.
I'll be at the hospital if you need me.
Thank you.
Farber air force base at 0500.
Let's roll.
Nice to meet you, agent mcbride.
Make yourself comfortable.
I do understand why you're here and I assure you, you and your team will have my full cooperation.
That won't be necessary.
We're planning on performing a thorough house-cleaning.
Just how thorough are we talking about? From the top down.
Oh, yeah, all we need is some villagers and torches.
Roger armstrong.
Andre mcbride.
We've been expecting you.
And let me assure you, you and your team will have my full cooperation.
I would expect nothing less, mr.
I'll gather my team after they've had a chance to settle, and we'll reconvene in your office in one hour.
I used to dream of traveling as a kid Places like hawaii, the caribbean White sand beaches, toes digging in the sand, a cute guy to my side.
I thought this might be the year I'd make that happen.
Guess I was wrong Again.
We first became aware of the situation at evening bed check.
We have a very strict curfew.
Obviously, not strict enough.
We have a limited security staff, agent mcbride.
Most of our residents, having been chipped, are well-behaved.
Why didn't you report the situation? We had hoped we could bring them back without causing concern.
I take full responsibility for what happened.
Oh, it's already been assigned to you.
My orders are to locate and contain the escapees.
At the same time, the entire operation will be evaluated.
From security to management.
Expect changes.
It's 1125 hours.
My team will need to be briefed.
This is alex rawlings, head of security.
I've read the intel report you compiled.
Not much detail about how the escapes were accomplished.
You know everything that we know.
There's no evidence whatsoever that they breached the perimeter.
I find it highly unlikely that they walked through the walls.
Yes, sir.
I'll need blueprints, from the roof to the basement, and the surrounding property.
I have them digitized, if you'd like Riley, download it to your rig, I want to keep it portable.
It gives us an edge for security purposes plus we may have to roll with it.
I'm on it.
Go on.
I've arranged for dr.
Phillips, head of medicine, to show you the rest of the facility.
He's better qualified to answer your questions.
If there's nothing else Not for the moment.
We run quite a number of tests and experiments.
An inmate would be placed depending on what phase of testing he or she is in.
What kind of tests? Everything from mri's to cat scans.
We do perform some invasive surgeries.
The main focus of our research is to determine etymology.
We still have no idea where, how or why the phenomenon began to appear in the population.
You let them walk around like this? They're human beings, agent king.
And, having had the good fortune to have been chipped, quite harmless.
I don't like it.
Hell, they know who we are.
And probably aren't too happy about seeing us again.
This is yellow sector.
These are our longest term residents.
Most have been through the complete battery of tests.
This is our minimal security section, primarily for containment.
And still well-covered with security cameras.
Yes, every sector is covered and the cameras run 24/7.
What's blue, doctor? Our central core is at the end of that corridor.
Every section extends off the core like spokes on a wheel.
It's also our path lab and safe room.
Safe room? Yes, just in case.
What makes it safe? We've discovered during our research that an extremely amplified ultrasonic wave can interfere with the aberrant neurological activity Limiting its range and efficacy.
Like a chip.
Yes, very much like a chip but not localized to the individual.
If there ever were to be some sort of threat to the staff, if a chip were to fail we can surround that room with an ultrasonic barrier that would, in effect, prevent their "special talents" from getting through.
Have you ever had a chip fail? No, not to date.
Why not use the ultrasonic throughout the entire facility? A number of reasons.
The power involved to generate the frequency and amplify it.
That, and the intensity of the frequency could be harmful to the physical structure of the building.
That section has been reinforced.
This is red sector.
It's our highest security section.
The inmates here, albeit chipped, are considered dangerous and anti-social.
Have you found any connection between their behavior and their condition? Nothing consistent.
Apparently, the aberration itself does not cause anti-social behavior.
I believe these people would have been incarcerated in the outside world, even if they did not possess their "special talents".
Well, well, well This place is looking better already.
I told you I'd kill you if I ever got the chance, you sonuvabitch.
Ahhh! I remember you.
You're the pyro freak who likes to set fire to schools.
You bit me! And last time I checked I had rabies.
What's the green sector? Maintenance.
Generator, hospital supply rooms, nothing of any real interest.
) Dr.
Phillips, please, dr.
Excuse me.
Yes, I'll be right there.
What've you got? I've been over the security tapes and reports.
On the night of the escape, none of the entrances or exits were breached.
Still leaves us nowhere.
Not exactly.
There's a tunnel that runs below the facility.
Where does it lead? To an old convent about two miles from here.
A few centuries back, this place was a prison used to house religious prisoners.
The tunnel was built as a means for them to communicate with and escape to the outside world.
And you didn't think it was worth checking? No need.
It was sealed almost 200 years ago when it was discovered.
When we took possession, the closure was reinforced.
It's been filled with a few tons of concrete.
No exits breached, the tunnels are blocked.
How the hell did six neuros escape? You've been quiet.
Something on your mind? One guard I saw was carrying a chip gun.
Wouldn't you? Why? Everyone here is chipped.
Phillips said he'd never heard of a chip failing but they built a safe room just in case.
Even so, the guard I saw was coming from a maintenance area of no real interest.
You're thinking their full cooperation might not be so full.
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking.
rawlings said the tunnel was sealed.
What do guys expect we're going to find here? No dates for this weekend, that's for sure.
I wasn't expecting visitors today.
My name is andre mcbride.
I am mother superior.
My team and I are doing historical research in the area and we were wondering if we could check out the building and the grounds.
If it doesn't interfere with the sisters, I see no problem.
This place is amazing.
How old is it? It's been here for almost 400 years.
We understand there is a tunnel that runs under the property.
Do you have any idea where it leads? Someplace that used to be a prison.
Would you mind if we took a look at it? Of course.
The walls are completely sealed.
No way anyone came through that tunnel.
Hey boss.
Thank you.
No, I'm working.
What do you got? I've officially confirmed the names of the escapees.
Luckily, these people are chipped.
Because they'd make an all-star team of neuros if they weren't.
First there's jakob baumgartner, shape shifter, who I believe we all rember.
Then there's jerry williams.
Neuro ability; the man can move at extremely high speeds.
Marilyn smith, neuro ability, she can emit highly-focused lasebeams produced from a region behind the optic nerve.
Bill davis, can cause a magnetic force between objects.
Tom sampson, can create ultrasonic vibrations.
And last, but not least, roger hanley, a levitator.
We're on our way to you now.
No worries, boss.
Three other break-ins have occurred since the escape.
Oversized drill bits stolen from a machine factory, several boxes of c-4 explosive taken from a ming factory, nothing else.
But check this out; a cache of guns and ammo were stolen from a highly secure military munitions storage shed.
Given the details, those escaped neuros could've pulled this off.
How? they're all chipped.
Andre, you said they've been experimenting with de-chping here.
It's not a secret.
But it's not a known fact that they can do it.
Not known to us, anyway.
Might explain what we were talking about earlier.
Worth discussing with armstrong.
Doesn't track.
If you managed to get out of this place, would you stick around? Personally, I'd get my ass as far away from here as possible.
Unless escaping isn't the only thing on their mind.
You are correct, agent mcbride, we have experimented with de-chipping.
But those experiments were discontinued long before they garnered results.
I've got a list of burglaries that could have been committed by those neuros had they been de-chipped.
You have my answer, agent.
And you have mine.
We could be looking at an attempt for a full-scale breakout.
Until otherwise notified, I'm putting nico on 24/7 lockdown.
No one other than my team comes or goes without my permission, that includes you.
Don't you think you're overreacting? I'm just getting started.
Beautiful night.
What did I do to deserve this? I thought I might welcome you to some hungarian generosity.
Unless I'm interrupting.
Darlin', it's what you're starting that I don't want interrupted.
You tried monarchia? I can't even pronounce it.
If you like it, I have another bottle back at my place.
Must have been that trip to the convent.
Thank you.
To the second bottle.
The second bottle.
Hey, aren't you going to Huh? Good evening, father.
Welcome, father.
I hope all is going well.
We need to talk.
I don't have much time.
It'd take a team of munitions experts and bulldozers to pull these burglaries off.
Or six unchipped neuros.
Armstrong and phillips, both claim that the experimental surgeries were discontinued before yielding any results.
You believe them? At this point, no.
If there are any plans in the works for an assault on the castle I'll know about it.
I've linked into what little there is of their system.
Hey, did you get anything off those tapes rawlings gave you? Nothing.
You with us, or what connor? Just barely.
Trust me, be careful if you sample the local wine.
What'd I miss? I thought you might have something to report besides the local wine.
Why would I have something to report? I passed out in my room last night.
Oh, really? This is time-coded just after 1900 hours.
Right off the cameras at the main entrance.
I swear, boss, I never left.
That is me, isn't it? I checked the odometer on the suv.
Between the time connor says he didn't drive out until the time he didn't get back Someone racked up just over six miles.
Just about enough for a round trip to the convent.
What about baumgartner? The man can shape shift into pretty much anyone.
He is on the list of escapees.
Why come back to the place you escaped from? Not that big a risk if you can impersonating anyone you want.
Come and go as you need.
We keep him high on the list.
At this point, we have to proceed assuming that armstrong and phillips are lying to us.
And if that's the case, that "maintenance area" which is supposed to be of no particular interest could turn out to be very interesting.
I'd like to run ultrasonics on the tunnel.
It's still our best bet.
Alright, we reconvene in two hours.
I want everyone to carry.
Armstrong?! access denied.
I was not in your room last night.
I was in the lab until my shift ended.
I clocked out at 1800 hours.
You can check with security to verify.
I never should've turned down that job at microsoft.
retinal imprint, failed.
Nice place.
I think I found something.
Check this out.
This is a density readout on the tunnel.
You can see that the ends are solid about three feet deep.
Probably concrete like they said.
But if you look here, you can see that except for this solid area in the center, once that's cleared, the tunnel would be passable.
You find your woman? We found the woman.
Well, I've got something.
I was just explaing to jane Hey! Move! over there! Go! Andre.
I assume that one of you is jakob baumgartner.
The only question is, which one? There's a way.
Shoot both of us.
It's a win-win situation.
She's right, boss.
Our girl'll just get up like nothing happened.
Last chance, mr.
You could've shot me in the leg.
Ah! Armstrong's dead.
When? I'm not an m.
But given the condition of his body, I'd say he was dead before we arrived.
Baumgartner's been busy.
And that maintenance area isn't a maintenance area.
I only got as far as the morgue but there seems to be another facility beyond that.
I couldn't get through.
Time we had a talk with dr.
If it ever was dr.
Riley, call security.
Have them get rid of this body.
It's time we find out what they don't want us to know.
I'm the computer tech.
It's you guys that are supposed to get hit on the head.
You might want one of the doctors to check that out.
I think it's baumgartner who's checked out.
I have a pretty good idea where "I'm" going.
As I started to explain to jane Well, baumgartner Whatever.
This concrete is only a few feet deep.
The same is true at the other end.
And except for a few feet that're still blocked in the middle, the ends are like corks.
Blow'em out, clear the middle boom, you have free access.
From the convent and the hospital.
It would explain the stolen c-4 and other equipment.
If the freaks are planning to break their friends out of here, then they have to be working it from the convent side.
You think the mother superior lied to us? I'd say if it's mother superior, she could be an escapee.
No, I don't think so.
Why not? She doesn't match any of the profiles.
They could be controlling her.
Baumgartner's not going to give up the game and he knows he's under pressure.
If they're going to move, they will move soon.
What would it take to force a cave-in and seal the tunnel? Same as they're planning to use to clear the concrete.
A small truckload of c-4 just placed differently.
Can you do it? I guess, given the supplies and chemicals around this place, mixed in the right proportions Maybe.
How long? Less time if I get started now.
Riley, you work this end with connor.
You and I better get to the convent.
If baumgartner's going to move, he may not want to leave any witnesses.
Great, down here again.
Still think she's an innocent? Tough play to call.
Best bet is to chip both of them.
She might actually be a mother superior.
If she's not a neuro, the chip won't hurt her.
It's your afterlife.
I'll take baumgartner.
Cuff him.
You have no right I have every right.
I don't think you realize who and what we're dealing with here.
You mean a man who's been given an extraordinary gift from god.
You're attempting to protect yourself from things you don't understand.
This man and the others like him are simply trying to protect themselves from imprisonment and butchery, ignorance and fear.
I think you have been sold a bill of goods, mother superior.
We only want to understand them.
Who they are, why they are.
No one wants to harm them.
You have to expect him to lie, cover-up the truth.
He's one of them.
What truth is that? Ha! Please, miss vasco.
The de-chipping, the experiments.
Cutting into us as if we were nothing more than laboratory rats.
Leaving some of us crippled and blind, and those are the lucky ones.
You really don't know, do you? Then perhaps it's time you were introduced to the dangerous escapees you've been working so hard to apprehend.
Just how powerful is this stuff? It's enough to finish the job.
But not enough to take the whole place down, right? Let's go! Guess we're gonna find out? On my mark.
Your vicious band of criminals, agent mcbride.
Is dr.
Phillips responsible for all of this? Yes.
This is his handiwork.
The people we hope to set free are not as "fortunate" as these.
And you're their appointed savior.
Why? Because, agent mcbride, though it might come as a shock to you I do possess a conscience.
Months of work and only seconds to destroy it.
This tunnel, it saved countless lives in the past.
We'd hoped it could serve that purpose again.
can you really let this continue and allow these people to suffer? The ball as they say, is in your court, sir.
Any one of those people could have been me.
And, in less enlightened times You.
I don't think these people will give you any further trouble.
I'll see that they're taken to their rooms.
You may have pressed your luck this time, jakob.
Alright, let's go.
It seems as if it's your luck that has changed, doctor.
You didn't chip them?! You must to stop this! I thought you were going to chip them.
No, agent, I distinctly recall giving you that order.
Well, we seem to have a real problem on our hands, don't we? You would agree, wouldn't you, doctor? This is something of a problem.
What're you doing?! Maybe now, you'll be inclined to tell us the truth! Unless you'd like to wait there while we retrieve our chip guns.
You know, I can't seem to find mine.
Do you know what's happened to yours? I'll tell you whatever you want.
Just get them out of here.
No, doctor, I think it best that they stayed and listened, after all, who'd better to call you on your lies than them.
I should have let them kill you.
Are your hands so clean? This is your work, doctor, not mine.
If I had known If you had known, what? Single-handedly you would have put a stop to it? What did you people think was happening here? Not this.
How nice to be able to choose to be so blind.
You loathe me for doing your housekeeping.
It's always nice to have clean toilets, just don't inquire as to how the job was accomplished.
That's a bit simplistic, don't you think, doctor? Is it? Ever since the first aberration surfaced, we've been under orders and pressure to find the source, understand the nature of the mutation.
You, as well as anyone, should understand, agent mcbride, they want results, not excuses.
At any cost? Don't be naive! Had I come up with the answers, discovered a cure, I'd have been given a medal of honor and a parade to go along with it.
Are you even vaguely aware of what's gone into medical research over the years? Research, that in the end, has saved millions of lives.
And that makes it okay! It makes it necessary! As much as you don't want to know, miss vasco, you are part of this.
We work on the same team, toward the same end.
No, no, not anymore we don't! That team is about to change, doctor.
In fact, my team will stay here until this entire facility is either cleaned up or cleaned out.
You will give me full access to your records.
I want the name of every individual involved.
Are there any physicians on this staff that can be trusted? Dr.
I'll have him form a new team.
Hopefully, it's not too late to help some of these people.
Let's get out of here.
Agent mcbride.
I misjudged you.
Thank you.
Newman is attending to the crew.
Some of them may survive.
Phillips was right.
My hands aren't so clean.
We all live to learn, jane.
It's learning that we can wash our hands that matters.
Compassion? When we last met, I was rather ill-behaved.
But things have changed.
Have they? Haven't you always suspected that in the end we are more alike than different? I'm not too sure of that.
Clearly, you're not the only one of us who can survive a gunshot to the chest.
We're family.
You've known it for some time.
I suppose I have.
I've spoken with dr.
And I know you two finally had the chance to meet.
He and randall hyde, you and I, it appears we have a great deal in common.
You said that you weren't part of phillips' experiments.
You were never de-chipped? No.
Maureen chipped you when she apprehended you.
How are you able to continue to use your abilities? When dr.
Roberts told you that he'd perfected his process, he was telling the truth.
Chipping has no effect on us, any of us.
The people you sent to nico, are the result of earlier experiments.
But you still wanted to help them.
As did you.
Perhaps there's more to dr.
Robert's vision of an improved species than simply the ability to heal.
What happens now? You'll learn that soon enough.
There's an old phrase Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.
The people I work for have been desperate to understand the neuro phenomenon How it works, where it started.
In time, they may get that answer.
But at what price? And ever since I can remember, I've always wished to feel part of something.
Now it seems, after all these years, that I am.
The price for that, too, might be more than I'm willing to consider.
Beautiful night.
It might turn out to be.
I feel I owe you an apology.
I don't know why.
According to everyone the "you" that came to my room wasn't you.
Then perhaps you'd like to share some wine with the real me.
Not monarchia? Definitely not.
I'll guarantee you'll like what I have for you much more.
Y'know, if you are baumgartner, this could get strange.
You have nothing to worry about.
Do you really think you'll need that? I'm a firm believer in safe sex.

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