Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures (2023) s01e19 Episode Script

Life Day/Raxlo Strikes Back

-[ship whirring]
-[lightsaber ignites, humming]
[tooka yelps]
[sniffs, grunts]
-[lightsabers hum]
-[blaster fire]
[Force rumbling]
[all cheering]
[Kai] Oh, yeah!
[no audible dialogue]
[Nubs grunts]
Wow, Kashyyyk is so beautiful.
I've always wanted to come
to the Wookiees' home planet.
I can't believe we get to be here
on Life Day.
It's one of my favorite holidays.
[speaking Poobian]
[Lys] That's right, Nubs! Everybody knows
Life Day dinners are the best.
[grunts] Sorry, Jo.
I mean [speaking Shyriiwook]
[speaking Shyriiwook]
Lys! We had no idea you knew
how to speak the Wookiees' language.
Just a little bit.
I was so excited when Master Zia
said we'd be coming here,
that I learned as much as I could.
[speaking Shyriiwook]
How could I forget?
Kai, Nubs, this is Johgeshakka.
You can call her Jo.
I met her earlier today.
-Hi, Jo.
-[speaking Poobian]
Thanks for letting us
spend Life Day with you.
[speaking Shyriiwook]
Chief Whitaggikk over there
is Jo's grandma.
Excuse me, everyone. [clears throat]
As guests for today's
Life Day celebration,
I would like to thank Chief Whitaggikk
for inviting us.
Honored we are, to share this holiday
with our Wookiee friends.
[speaking Shyriiwook]
She says, "This feast reminds us
that the most important part of Life Day
is being together
with family and friends."
[speaking Shyriiwook]
[chuckles] Yes, and the food.
Time to eat, it is.
-[sniffing, exclaims]
Dig in, everyone!
Okay, it's official.
Life Day is definitely the best holiday
in the whole galaxy!
[speaking Poobian, burps]
[speaking Poobian]
-[speaking Shyriiwook]
Jo says the feast
is just one part of Life Day.
Her favorite part is coming up.
The Lighting Ceremony.
-Lighting Ceremony?
-[speaks Poobian]
On Life Day, every Wookiee
gathers around a Tree of Life
and hangs special glowing orbs
called Life Day Orbs.
It's a chance for everyone to be together
and remember family and friends
that have come before them.
-I can't wait to see.
[speaking Shyriiwook]
Really? Congratulations, Jo.
Today is extra special
because Jo is finally old enough
to hang her family's Life Day Orb
during the Lighting Ceremony tonight.
Every Wookiee family has at least one orb
passed down throughout the generations.
They're very special.
-That's amazing, Jo!
Your attention, please.
It's almost time
for the Lighting Ceremony.
Let's make our way to the Tree of Life
on the other side of the village.
[speaking Shyriiwook]
Really? I'd love to see
your Life Day Orb up close.
Wow, it's so beautiful.
Kai! Nubs! Check this out! [grunts]
-[Kai grunts, exclaims]
-[Lys] Wow!
Oh, no!
[gasps] I Jo, I'm so sorry.
[speaking Shyriiwook]
Did anyone see where it went?
-[speaks Poobian]
It's my fault, Jo. I gotta find it.
But But, Lys
Kai, I don't want anyone to miss
the Lighting Ceremony because of me.
I'll go.
-Lys, wait!
-[Nubs gasps]
[Lys yelps, grunts]
Wow, she's fast.
Aw, Jo. I saw what happened to the orb.
Are you okay?
[speaking Shyriiwook]
Lys just ran off to find it by herself.
You three should go help her.
You'll have a better chance of finding it
faster if you search together.
The ceremony starts in a little bit.
I'm sure you'll find
Jo's Life Day Orb in time.
What are we waiting for?
-[Nubs speaks Poobian]
-Let's go help Lys!
[speaking Shyriiwook]
[Nubs grunts]
[Nubs screams, grunts]
-[speaking Shyriiwook]
-[Nubs speaking Poobian]
Hmm. Where did Lys go?
[Nubs speaking Poobian]
[speaking Poobian]
Oops! Oh, sorry! Excuse me!
Thank you! Sorry! Oh Ow!
Oh, okay. It's gotta be here somewhere.
Lys, wait for us!
[chuckles, groans] Whoa.
[speaking Poobian]
-[Kai] Pardon me. Excuse me. Sorry!
-[Nubs yelps]
[Kai chuckles]
[Nubs shouts]
Oh, come on, come on, come on. Find it.
Come on, Lys.
It has to have rolled
somewhere around here.
[shouts, grunts] Nope.
-[speaking Shyriiwook]
No, thank you.
[speaking Shyriiwook]
Oops! Sorry!
What are you doing here?
You should be on your way
to the Lighting Ceremony.
Lys, we're here to help you.
No, no, no. It's my fault the orb is gone.
You should just go
and let me handle it on my own.
[speaking Shyriiwook]
It might be your fault but we're
not leaving you to look for the orb alone.
[speaking Poobian]
[speaking Shyriiwook]
Maybe if we make a plan, we can search
the whole marketplace faster together.
[sighs] Okay.
Lys, you can search over there.
Nubs, that way.
Jo, you check near those stalls.
And I'll go over to the shops.
-All right? Good luck, everyone.
-[Nubs speaking Poobian]
Where are you, Life Day Orb? [grunts]
[speaking Shyriiwook]
Sorry, sorry. Just, uh
Looking for a Life Day Orb. [chuckles]
[speaking Shyriiwook]
I'll just, uh, keep looking over there.
Hmm. [speaking Poobian]
[speaking Poobian]
[speaking Poobian]
[speaking Shyriiwook]
[speaking Poobian]
[speaking Shyriiwook]
[both speaking Shyriiwook]
[gasps] Is that the orb?
[shouts] Nope.
Hi there, little cutie.
[gasps] Is that
[Lys] Please, it's right there!
[speaking Shyriiwook]
[grunts] Lys? [yelps]
[Lys speaking Shyriiwook]
Lys, what's going on?
[Lys] Jo's Life Day Orb is in that basket!
-[Nubs screeches]
-Oh, no!
Someone must've accidentally put it there.
He won't stop the basket!
And if we don't get it now,
we'll definitely never make it
to the ceremony in time!
[speaking Shyriiwook]
[speaking Shyriiwook]
This is my only chance.
-[speaking Shyriiwook]
Lys? Lys!
I'll get the orb back! I can do it.
[speaking Shyriiwook]
[blows] Okay, Lys.
You lost the orb, you can get it back.
She's She's doing it!
[speaking Poobian]
[electricity crackling]
-[speaking Shyriiwook]
-Oh, no.
Oh, no!
[Kai, Nubs gasp]
Huh? [screams]
-[Force rumbling]
[Kai straining]
[both straining]
[Kai, Nubs sigh]
-Come on!
-[speaking Poobian, pants]
-Lys, you okay?
-[speaking Poobian]
I I'm fine.
But I I'm so sorry, Jo.
Your family's Life Day Orb. It's my fault.
[speaking Shyriiwook]
I felt so responsible for having lost it
that I thought I had to be the one
to find it.
And now, it's broken.
A-And the Lighting Ceremony
is about to begin.
And we're gonna miss it too.
And [sighs]
[speaking Shyriiwook]
[speaking Poobian]
[gasps] Good idea, Nubs.
Maybe Chief Whitaggikk
knows how to fix it.
Okay. I'll tell her what happened.
And I thought I could rescue it
all by myself,
but I just made things worse.
Can you fix it?
But [whimpers]
the Lighting Ceremony. [gasps]
[speaking Shyriiwook]
[sniffles] Really?
What is she saying?
While these orbs are special,
the point of Life Day they are not.
The orbs help remind us
of the love we have for each other.
Of all the memories
and adventures we've shared.
Jo, even though it's broken,
you still want to hang the orb?
[speaking Shyriiwook]
Yes, it is a reminder of our friendship.
I don't see any place to hang the orb.
[speaking Shyriiwook]
We can help Jo if we do it together.
-[Nubs strains]
[speaking Shyriiwook]
-[speaking Poobian]
-[Lys] Ooh.
[Kai gasps]
-[Lys] Yeah!
-[Lys] Whoa.
-[Kai] Wow.
-[Nubs speaking Poobian]
-[Lys] Yay!
How do you say, "Happy Life Day"
in the Wookiee language?
[speaking Shyriiwook]
[Kai speaking Shyriiwook]
-[Nubs speaking Shyriiwook]
-[speaking Shyriiwook]
[Kai, Lys] Happy Life Day!
[wellagrins bellowing]
[wellagrin bellows]
[Nubs speaking Poobian]
-[Lys] All right.
-[Jam] Great riding, Nubs.
-[Gumar] Incredible.
That was some of the best wellagrin riding
I've seen you do, Nubs.
[coos, speaking Poobian]
Thanks for visiting us again, Jedi.
Jam and I are excited you're here.
Yeah, so excited.
Whoa! [grunts]
[Jam, Nubs chuckle]
We wouldn't miss it.
We can't wait to see
the annual wellagrin hatching later today.
Babies! [squeals]
[speaking Poobian]
[chuckles] This year I'm extra excited
because I was chosen
to take care of the eggs.
Gumar's been keeping 'em safe.
Wellagrin eggs need to be really cold
in order to hatch.
So they can't be moved
from their nesting spot in the snow.
It's why I check on 'em every day.
[wellagrin bellows]
-Do you wanna go check on them with me?
-You know I do.
-[speaking Poobian]
Jam, please keep an eye on the rest
of the wellagrins while we're gone.
You got it, Gumar.
[speaking Poobian]
-[Kai] Bye, Jam.
-[Lys] See you later.
[wellagrin bellows]
We're getting close
to the wellagrin hatching grounds.
It's just up ahead.
-[wellagrin bellows]
I think something's wrong
with the wellagrins.
Wellagrins move best
when the snow is frozen.
But this snow is
Oh, no!
[speaking Poobian]
-[wellagrin grunts]
The ground here is warm.
Something's wrong.
The snow's melting even more up ahead
toward the hatching grounds.
Didn't you say wellagrin eggs
need to be cold in order to hatch?
That's right.
If the snow has melted,
then we need to check on the eggs.
[wellagrins grumble]
The snow! It's all gone.
This is terrible.
These eggs need to be covered in snow
to stay cold.
[speaking Poobian]
How about we move them somewhere colder?
This is where the adult wellagrins
know they are.
We have to leave them right here.
They're supposed to hatch later today.
But if we can't keep them cold,
they might not hatch.
But why is the snow melting?
[gasps, speaking Poobian]
[laser equipment buzzing]
Yeah. I hear something strange too, Nubs.
[buzzing intensifies]
-Oh, no.
What is that thing?
It's Raxlo's harvester.
He's using some kind of laser
to melt the snow.
Why would he be doing that?
I don't know, but we need to stop him.
[Raxlo humming]
[slurping] Ah!
Nothing like the smell
of melting snow in the morning.
[Kai] Raxlo, we need to talk!
Ugh! Them again? Every single time.
-Hello, Kai, Lys and
-[Kai] Hey!
the furry one.
Oh, and you brought a friend?
Raxlo, you need to
I know.
Shut down the laser, right?
Uh Uh, yeah. [chuckles]
Wait. How'd you know?
Shut it down.
[powering down]
You Jedi are so predictable.
Every time I have a big,
new business idea,
you somehow show up and tell me to stop.
-That's because there are wellagrin eggs.
Nah. [clicks tongue]
Whatever it is,
it can't be as important as these.
-[rock chimes]
-Not just any old rocks.
I'm harvesting Tenga rocks.
They can be a powerful energy source.
And most importantly,
they can make me lots of money.
There's a lot of them
buried beneath the snow.
That's why I'm using this laser
to melt it all away.
-[Nubs growls]
-This area is a wellagrin hatching ground.
You can't melt snow here.
Raxlo, you should've asked permission
before you started harvesting the rocks.
Maybe. But this area has the most
-Tenga rocks I've found so far.
-[all exclaim]
So, I'm just gonna keep going.
And since you Jedi
are always ruining my plans,
-this time I came prepared. [scoffs]
-[button beeps]
Meet my new security droids.
-Impressive, aren't they?
-[droids beep]
-[Gumar gasps]
-[Nubs whimpers]
-Get rid of these pests.
-[button beeps]
-Stay back, Gumar. We got this.
-[Lys grunts]
[grunts, pants]
[grunting, groans]
-Watch out, Gumar.
[all grunting]
[droids beeping]
We're surrounded.
Oh, that was wonderful.
These droids are very impressive, no?
-Yes, Raxlo?
Take the Jedi and their friends away
until I'm finished.
It will be my pleasure.
You will stay here
until Raxlo has finished.
Then we will let you go.
[droid beeping]
We don't have time to stay here.
We need to save the eggs.
Who said anything about staying?
We just need to figure out
how to get past those droids.
There's got to be something
in here we can use.
[speaking Poobian]
[Gumar] Hmm.
If we can somehow make all that snow
fall down on the droids and bury them,
they might power down.
Oh, we can make that happen.
Lys, Nubs.
[Force rumbling]
[breathes deeply] Stay calm.
[Nubs, Lys, Kai straining]
[droid beeps]
[Kai] Yes! It worked!
What's happening?
[Lys] Just helping the droids cool off.
[exclaims] I can't see.
You can stay here until we stop Raxlo.
Then we'll let you go.
Raxlo [powers down] will not like this.
Great thinking with the snow, Gumar.
Now, let's get back to the harvester.
We need to get inside
and shut down that laser.
-[Gumar] How are we gonna do that?
It's gonna be hard.
We're probably gonna have to
[exclaims, speaking Poobian]
Oh, the door's still open.
I bet Raxlo was expecting
his droids to return.
Well, we better hurry before he realizes
they're not coming back anytime soon.
[all panting]
Raxlo's distracted.
Let's turn off the laser
before he sees us.
[Raxlo humming]
[humming continues]
[Lys, Gumar gasp]
-[lively music playing on speakers]
What? [gasps]
How did you get in here?
-Hi, Raxlo.
-[speaking Poobian]
Never ever touch the buttons in here.
-You're lucky this one was only my music.
-[music ends]
Raxlo, the laser is endangering
wellagrin eggs.
You have to turn it off.
Or what?
[speaking Poobian]
I do not understand the furball.
He says,
"Or else we'll start pushing buttons."
And I'm pretty sure that wouldn't be good
for your harvester, now would it?
You wouldn't dare. If you mess with it
[coos, speaking Poobian]
-Stop that, you.
-Ooh, what do these do?
-[alarm blares]
-[screams] Stop!
And this one?
What the Hey! Stop that!
The harvester is a very delicate machine.
-[Gumar] And this big red one?
-Not that one! [grunts]
No one touches this button.
-You kids need to learn how dangerous
-Uh, Raxlo.
Don't interrupt me when I'm monologuing.
Where was I? Ah, yes. You kids
Raxlo, there's an avalanche.
Huh. So there is.
And it's headed right towards us!
[all scream]
No! No!
Hold on, everybody.
This is gonna get bumpy.
-[Nubs, Lys exclaim]
-[Kai grunts]
No! My precious laser. Whoa!
[Lys, Kai, Gumar] Whoa!
[all groaning]
-Whoa. We're covered in snow.
-[Raxlo gasps]
That means the snow
might've also covered
The eggs!
-[speaking Poobian]
-[sighs, groans]
-[Lys, Kai, Gumar gasp]
-[wellagrin chirping]
[speaking Poobian]
The wellagrin babies are hatching.
[chirps, croaks]
[speaking Poobian]
Thank you, Jedi.
You saved the baby wellagrins.
Why are you Jedi always ruining my plans?
I'm only trying to make money
so I can live, you know?
What am I gonna do now?
[sighs] Sorry, Raxlo, but you can't just
harvest anywhere you want.
If you had asked, I would've told you
that this area belongs to the wellagrins.
But I'd be happy to show you other places
where you can use your harvester.
R Really?
-[wellagrin chirping]
[chirping, blusters]
[laughs] You're pretty cute.
-I guess this is your spot, huh?
Well, if you could help me
find a new spot, that'd be nice.
-It's time for the egg hatching!
-[wellagrins bellowing]
Did we miss it?
You're just in time.
[Jam] Yay! Whoo-hoo!
Wow. Look at them. [chuckling]
[wellagrin chirping]
This new dig site is so much better.
Look at all these Tenga rocks.
[rock chimes]
Thank you, Gumar.
I'm sorry I didn't ask permission
in the first place.
I'm just glad we saved the wellagrins
and found a new place for you to harvest.
[wellagrins chirping]
[Raxlo] Check it out.
I made this new shovel for my harvester
so I could move the snow
instead of melting it.
The baby wellagrins love it.
-Whoa. [laughs]
-[Jam chuckles]
Sometimes this one
even pops over to say hello.
Come on.
Let me show you
what else this thing can do. [laughs]
[wellagrins chirping]
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